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In this unsteady barotropic model of the circulation over an oceanic continental shelf and shelf break, account is taken of variations in the surface wind stress along the coast. It is found that the position of maximum onshore flow is very sensitive to the alongshore variation of the wind stress, and that the longshore current becomes more influenced by the shelf break as the wind stress decreases.

The relation between the shelf break secondary upwelling and the surface wind stress is investigated. The secondary upwelling is greatest when the wind is increasing most rapidly.  相似文献   

Observations of surface velocity data from August 2002 to February 2004 were collected by a series of four long-range high-frequency (HF) radars along the coast of New Jersey. The shelf observations of the central Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) were compared to historical observations of surface flow characteristics in the area. The time-averaged spatial mean velocity of 4 cm/s in the down-shelf along-shelf direction and 3 cm/s in the offshore across-shelf direction compared very well to historical surface measurements in the study region. However, as the spatial resolution of the data set revealed, this simple measure masked significant spatial variations in the overall and seasonal mean flow structures. Three regions – the south bank of the Hudson Shelf Valley, the southern New Jersey inner shelf (LEO-15) region, and the region offshore of the Delaware Bay mouth (southwest corner) – had mean flows that favor offshore transport of surface water. In terms of temporal variability, maps of the principle axes showed that the across-shelf (minor) axis contribution was not insignificant in the surface layer ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 of along-shelf (major) axis and that there were seasonal differences in orientation and ellipticity. Analysis of the spatial changes in the temporal and spatial correlation scales over the shelf showed that shelf position, in addition to site separation, contributed to the differences in these properties. Furthermore, observations over the Hudson Shelf Valley region suggested that this was a region of transition in which the orientation of along- and across-shelf components begin to change.  相似文献   

The extensive shallow tropical seas off northern Australia, encompassing the Arafura and Timor Seas, have been identified as one of the most pristine marine environments on the planet. However, the remoteness and the absence of major industrial development that has contributed to this status have the additional consequence that relatively little is known about these systems. This study is the first to model oceanographic conditions across the tidally dominated Arafura and Timor Seas, and their seasonal variability. The results are based on a high-resolution (0.05°) ocean circulation model forced by realistic winds, waves and tides. The main focus of the study is on physical processes that influence the distributions of sediments and primary productivity across the system. Regions of high bottom stress and tidal mixing have been identified, including a large offshore area around Van Diemen Rise (Timor Sea). Lagrangian particle tracks have revealed a seasonal overturning cell that stretches across the Gulf of Carpentaria (Arafura Sea) with upwelling and downwelling on either side of the Gulf. The presence of coastal upwelling and downwelling is shown to provide a dynamically consistent explanation for the persistent turbid boundary layer observed around the shallow coastal waters of the Gulf.  相似文献   

An 8-year database of sea surface temperature (SST), 7 years of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) ocean color images, wind fields, and numerical model results are analyzed to identify regions and periods of coastal upwelling on the western and southern shelves of the Gulf of Mexico. On the seasonal scale, it is found that on the Tamaulipas, Veracruz, and southwestern Texas–Louisiana shelves there are upwelling favorable winds from April to August, when southeasterly winds are dominant and cold SST anomalies associated with upwelling are observed along their coasts. However, during summer, values of chlorophyll-a concentration are lower than those in autumn and winter, which are high due to advection of old bloom biological material from upstream. During winter, there is a cold front on the Tamaulipas shelf produced by advection of cold water from the Texas–Louisiana shelf and not due to upwelling. On the eastern Campeche Bank, persistent upwelling is observed due to favorable winds throughout the year with cold SST and large chlorophyll-a content along the inner shelf from May to September. On the Tamaulipas shelf, the summer upwelling delays the annual SST peak until September, while in most of the Gulf SST peaks in August. This difference is due to the end of the upwelling favorable wind conditions and the September seasonal current reversal.  相似文献   

Nearshore currents of the southern Namaqua shelf were investigated using data from a mooring situated three and a half kilometres offshore of Lambert's Bay, downstream of the Cape Columbine upwelling cell, on the west coast of South Africa. This area is susceptible to harmful algal blooms (HABs) and wind-forced variations in currents and water column structure are critical in determining the development, transport and dissipation of blooms. Time series of local wind data, and current and temperature profile data are described for three periods, considered to be representative of the latter part of the upwelling season (27 January–22 February), winter conditions (5–29 May) and the early part of the upwelling season (10 November–12 December) in 2005. Differences observed in mean wind strength and direction between data sets are indicative of seasonal changes in synoptic meteorological conditions. These quasi-seasonal variations in wind forcing affect nearshore current flow, leading to mean northward flow in surface waters early in the upwelling season when equatorward, upwelling-favourable winds are persistent. Mean near-surface currents are southward during the latter part of the upwelling season, consistent with more prolonged periods of relaxation from equatorward winds, and under winter conditions when winds were predominantly poleward. Within these seasonal variations in mean near-surface current direction, two scales of current variability were evident within all data sets: strong inertial oscillations were driven by diurnal winds and introduced vertical shear into the water column enhancing mixing across the thermocline, while sub-inertial current variability was driven by north–south wind reversals at periods of 2–5 days. Sub-inertial currents were found to lag wind reversals by approximately 12 h, with a tendency for near-surface currents to flow poleward in the absence of wind forcing. Consistent with similar sites along the Californian and Iberian coasts, the headland at Cape Columbine is considered to influence currents and circulation patterns during periods of relaxation from upwelling-favourable winds, favouring the development of a nearshore poleward current, leading to poleward advection of warm water, the development of stratification, and the creation of potentially favourable conditions for HAB development.  相似文献   

Previous work in the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean Sea) has suggested that significant amounts of sediment escape through the western part of this tectonically passive margin, despite it being far removed from the primary sediment source (the Rhone River, ∼160 km to the NE). The primary mechanism behind this export is hypothesized to be the interaction of a regional, southwestward sediment-transport path with a canyon deeply incising the southwestern part of the shelf, Cap de Creus Canyon.  相似文献   

The evolution of an internal bore at the Malin shelf break   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observations of internal waves were made at the Malin shelf edge during SESAME (Shelf Edge Studies Acoustic Measurement Experiment), a part of the NERC LOIS-SES experiment, in August-September 1996. These measurements provide a high resolution dataset demonstrating internal wave generation and propagation. This note presents observations of the evolution of an internal bore. The process is shown clearly in a sequence of thermistor chain tows across the shelf break covering a complete tidal cycle, as the double-sided bore transforms into a group of undulations and eventually into more distinct solitary waveforms. Current structures associated with the bore and waves were also observed by ship-mounted ADCP. Analysis of the waveforms in terms of the linear modes and empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) indicate the dominance of the first mode, which is typical of a shallow water seasonal thermocline environment. Determination of the phase speed of the waves from the consecutive ship surveys enabled the Doppler shift in the towed data to be removed, allowing analysis of the real length scales of the waves. The bore evolution has been modelled using a first order non-linear KdV model for the first mode, initialised with the waveform in the first survey. Comparison of the model and the observations show close agreement in the amplitudes, length scales, phase speeds and separations of the leading internal waves as they evolve. Finally, analysis of the observed internal wave shapes indicates that, within the uncertainties of measurement, the wave-lengths lie between those predicted by first and second order soliton theory.  相似文献   

Marine sediment may contain both settled phytoplankton and benthic microalgae (BMA). In river-dominated, shallow continental shelf systems, spatial, and temporal heterogeneity in sediment type and water-column characteristics (e.g., turbidity and primary productivity) may promote spatial variation in the relative contribution of these two sources to the sediment organic matter pool available to benthic consumers. Here we use photosynthetic pigment analysis and microscopic examination of sediment microalgae to investigate how the biomass, composition, and degradation state of sediment-associated microalgae vary along the Louisiana (USA) inner shelf, a region strongly influenced by the Mississippi River. Three sandy shoals and surrounding muddy sediments with depths ranging from 4 to 20 m were sampled in April, August, and October 2007. Pigment composition suggested that sediment microalgae were primarily diatoms at all locations. We found no significant differences in sediment chlorophyll a concentrations (8–77 mg m−2) at the shoal and off-shoal stations. Epipelic pennate diatoms (considered indicative of BMA) made up a significantly greater proportion of sediment diatoms at sandy (50–98%) compared to more silty off-shoal stations (16–56%). The percentage of centric diatoms (indicators of settled phytoplankton) in the sediment was highest in August. Sediment total pheopigment concentrations on sandy stations (<20 mg m−2) were significantly lower than concentrations at nearby muddy stations (>40 mg m−2), suggesting differences in sediment microalgal degradation state. These observations suggest that BMA predominate in shallow sandy sediments and that phytodetritus predominates at muddy stations. Our results also suggest that the relative proportion of phytodetritus in the benthos was highest where phytoplankton biomass in the overlying water was greatest, independent of sediment type. The high biomass of BMA found on shoals suggests that benthic primary production on sandy sediments represents a potentially significant local source of sediment microalgal carbon that may be utilized by benthic consumers in continental shelf food webs.  相似文献   

Sub-inertial across-shelf flows over the central mid-Atlantic Bight were examined using long-range CODAR SeaSonde type HF-radar surface velocities for the period August 2002 through February 2004. Across-shelf flow in this region was found to be episodic, with offshore flow occurring six times more often than onshore flow. Several recurring spatial patterns in offshore flow are identified, and two of these patterns emerge as statistically significant using empirical orthogonal functions. The most common type of offshore flow was a shelf-wide flow with events occurring throughout the year. The most energetic and well-defined shelf-wide flow events occurred during October through April, when the water column was less stratified. Other offshore flow patterns were more localized, with a flow at the bend or ‘point’ in the New Jersey coast being most common and most energetic. The offshore flow events identified here are capable of driving significant offshore transport, with more than one-third of offshore flow episodes having potential transport distances of greater than 14 km. In addition, clusters of multiple offshore flow events are shown to be capable of transporting near-surface material across much of the continental shelf.  相似文献   

The consequences of a coastal upwelling event on physical and chemical patterns were studied in the central Gulf of Finland. Weekly mapping of hydrographical and -chemical fields were carried out across the Gulf between Tallinn and Helsinki in July–August 2006. In each survey, vertical profiles of temperature and salinity were recorded at 27 stations and water samples for chemical analyses (PO43−, NO2+NO3) were collected at 14 stations along the transect. An ordinary distribution of hydrophysical and -chemical variables with the seasonal thermocline at the depths of 10–20 m was observed in the beginning of the measurements in July. Nutrient concentrations in the upper mixed layer were below the detection limit and nutriclines were located just below or in the lower part of the thermocline. In the first half of August, a very intense upwelling event occurred near the southern coast of the Gulf when waters with low temperature and high salinity from the intermediate layer surfaced. High nutrient concentrations were measured in the upwelled water – 0.4 μmol l−1 of phosphates and 0.6 μmol l−1 of nitrates+nitrites. We estimated the amount of nutrients transported into the surface layer as 238–290 tons of phosphorus (P)-PO43− and 175–255 tons of N-NOx for a 12 m thick, 20 km wide and 100 km long coastal stretch. Taking into account a characteristic along-shore extension of the upwelling of 200 km, the phosphate-phosphorus amount is approximately equal to the average total monthly riverine load of phosphorus to the Gulf of Finland. It is shown that TS-characteristics of water masses and vertical distribution of nutrients along the study transect experienced drastic changes caused by the upwelling event in the entire studied water column. TS-analysis of profiles obtained before and during the upwelling event suggests that while welled up, the cold intermediate layer water was mixed with the water from the upper mixed layer with a share of 85% and 15%. We suggest that the coastal upwelling events contribute remarkably to the vertical mixing of waters in the Gulf of Finland. Intrusions of nutrient-rich waters along the inclined isopycnal surfaces in the vicinity of upwelling front were revealed. The upwelling event widened the separation of phosphocline and nitracline which in turn prevented surfacing of nitrate+nitrite-nitrogen during the next upwelling event observed a week after the upwelling relaxation. A suggestion is made that such widening of nutricline separation caused by similar upwelling events in early summer could create favourable conditions for late summer cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   

With deep sea petroleum explorations become more and more popular,some geological phenomena have emerged:extension of lower crust and upper crust is inhomogeneous;shelf break has been moved rapidly after crustal stretching.These geological phenomena are important to the continental margin evolution.To investigate the thinning of the whole crust and the contribution of the upper crust versus the lower crust to the crustal stretching since the Cenozoic,we calculated the stretching factors of the upper and the lower crust based on the 13 seismic lines in the Baiyun Sag from CNOOC.The results indicated that the whole crustal thickness decreases seaward while the whole crustal stretching factor increases from shelf to slope.Our calculations showed that the lower crustal stretching factor is higher than that of the upper crust in the Baiyun Sag.In the Cenozoic,deformation of the Baiyun Sag is controlled mainly by ductile shearing rather than brittle shearing.Based on the numerical modeling,we can conclude the initial crust in the Baiyun Sag is thermally attenuated.The stretching factor(β)of the lower crust increases from the north to the south of the continental margin,indicating two stretching centers:the Baiyun Sag and the Liwan Sag.The geometry of the shelf break and theβisoline trap have the similar trend in 23.8 and 13.8 Ma,both located in the intense deforming zone of the lower crust,and therefore we conclude the stretching and flowing of the lower crust cause the displacement of the shelf break before and after 23.8 Ma.  相似文献   

To clarify the generation and dissipation mechanisms of diurnal coastal-trapped waves (CTWs) over the Sakhalin shelf, a series of numerical experiments were conducted using a three-dimensional tidal model of the Okhotsk Sea with density stratification. The tidal model used has good reproduction owing to the careful fitting to the recent observations. The numerical experiments suggested that diurnal CTWs are primarily (~60%) generated by the conversion of tidal energy at the northern corner of the Sakhalin shelf, and further amplified by vorticity generation due to the water column oscillation from Sakhalin Bay and the influence of Kashevarov Bank. From the observations, it was found that diurnal CTWs are effectively dissipated by the strong spin-down due to bottom friction. The conventional turbulent closure model cannot reproduce the observed damping of diurnal CTWs, which raises a caution in modeling the tidal fields in high-latitude regions where diurnal CTWs exist. To resolve this underestimation of the damping, the vertical eddy viscosity was parameterized using its dependence on the observed major axis length of the diurnal tidal current ellipses, which improves the model reproduction on the damping of diurnal CTWs. The model also suggests that the spin-down effects due to friction associated with the sea-ice cover play an important role in the tidal current reduction in the region where diurnal CTWs exist, as the observations suggested.  相似文献   

Backhaus  Jan O. 《Ocean Dynamics》1985,38(4):165-187
Ocean Dynamics - A three-dimensional baroclinic primitive equation model based upon a semi-implicit numerical scheme is developed. The scheme is essentially independent of the stringent stability...  相似文献   

The distribution and photoreactivity of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the northern Gulf of Mexico along the Louisiana coastal shelf were examined during three cruises in summer 2007, fall 2007, and summer 2008. The influence of the Mississippi River plume was clearly evident as CDOM levels (defined as a305) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were well-correlated with salinity during all cruises. Elevated CDOM and CDOM:DOC ratios of surface samples collected offshore of Atchafalaya Bay and the Breton-Chandeleur Sound complex indicated emanations of organic-rich waters from coastal wetlands are also an important source to nearshore shelf waters. Generally, CDOM and DOC levels were highest in surface waters and decreased with depth, but during summer 2007 and summer 2008, CDOM levels in near-bottom samples were occasionally higher than at mid-depths without concomitant increases in DOC. CDOM photobleaching was measured during 24 irradiations using a SunTest XLS+ solar simulator with photobleaching rate coefficients (k305) ranging from 0.011 to 0.32 h−1. For fall 2007 and summer 2008, higher k305 values were generally observed in samples with higher initial CDOM levels. However, samples collected during summer 2007 did not exhibit a similar pattern nor were there differences in photobleaching rates between surface and bottom samples. Spectral slope coefficients (S275-295 or S350-400) and DOC levels were largely unchanged after 24 h irradiations. Modeled CDOM photobleaching for northern Gulf of Mexico mid-shelf waters predicts that during the summer when solar irradiance is high and the water column becomes stratified, nearly 90% of the CDOM in the upper 1 m may be lost to photobleaching, with losses up to 20% possible even at 10 m depth.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional baroclinic nonlinear numerical model is employed to investigate the summer upwelling in the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea (NCSCS) and the mechanisms of the local winds inducing the coastal upwelling, associated with the QuikSCAT wind data. First, the persistent signals of the summer upwelling are illustrated by the climatological the Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) image over 1985–2006 and field observations in 2006 summer. Then, after the successful simulation of the summer upwelling in the NCSCS, four numerical experiments are conducted to explore the different effects of local winds, including the wind stress and wind stress curl, on the coastal upwelling in two typical strong summer upwelling regions of the NCSCS. The modeled results indicate that the summer upwelling is a seasonal common phenomenon during June–September in the NCSCS with the spatial extent of a basin-scale. Typical continental shelf upwelling characteristics are clearly shown in the coastal surface and subsurface water, such as low temperature, high salinity and high potential density in the east of the Hainan Island, the east of the Leizhou Peninsula and the southeast of the Zhanjiang Bay (noted as the Qiongdong-QD), and the inshore areas from the Shantou Coast to the Nanri Islands of the Fujian Coast (noted as the Yuedong-YD). The analysis of the QuikSCAT wind data and modeled upwelling index suggests that the local winds play significant roles in causing the coastal upwelling, but the alongshore wind stress and wind stress curl have different contributions to the upwelling in the Qiongdong (QDU) and the coastal upwelling in the Yuedong (YDU), respectively. Furthermore, model results from the numerical experiments show that in the YD the stable alongshore wind stress is a very important dynamic factor to induce the coastal upwelling but the wind stress curl has little contribution and even unfavorable to the YDU. However, in the QD the coastal upwelling is strongly linked to the local wind stress curl. It is also found that not only the offshore Ekman transport driven by the alongshore wind stress, the wind stress curl-induced Ekman pumping also plays a crucial effect on the QDU. Generally, the wind stress curl even has more contributions to the QDU than the alongshore wind stress.  相似文献   

Understanding the interaction of tides and waves is essential in many studies, including marine renewable energy, sediment transport, long-term seabed morphodynamics, storm surges and the impacts of climate change. In the present research, a COAWST model of the NW European shelf seas has been developed and applied to a number of physical processes. Although many aspects of wave–current interaction can be investigated by this model, our focus is on the interaction of barotropic tides and waves at shelf scale. While the COWAST model was about five times more computationally expensive than running decoupled ROMS (ocean model) and SWAN (wave model), it provided an integrated modelling system which could incorporate many wave–tide interaction processes, and produce the tide and wave parameters in a unified file system with a convenient post-processing capacity. Some applications of the model such as the effect of tides on quantifying the wave energy resource, which exceeded 10% in parts of the region, and the effect of waves on the calculation of the bottom stress, which was dominant in parts of the North Sea and Scotland, during an energetic wave period are presented, and some challenges are discussed. It was also shown that the model performance in the prediction of the wave parameters can improve by 25% in some places where the wave-tide interaction is significant.  相似文献   

The resonances of tides in the coupled open ocean and shelf are modeled by a mechanical analogue consisting of a damped driven larger mass and spring (the open-ocean) connected to a damped smaller mass and spring (the shelf). When both masses are near resonance, the addition of even a very small mass can significantly affect the oscillations of the larger mass. The influence of the shelf is largest if the shelf is resonant with weak friction. In particular, an increase of friction on a near-resonant shelf can, perhaps surprisingly, lead to an increase in ocean tides. On the other hand, a shelf with large friction has little effect on ocean tides. Comparison of the model predictions with results from numerical models of tides during the ice ages, when lower sea levels led to a much reduced areal extent of shelves, suggests that the predicted larger tidal dissipation then is related to the ocean basins being close to resonance. New numerical simulations with a forward global tide model are used to test expectations from the mechanical analogue. Setting friction to unrealistically large values in Hudson Strait yields larger North Atlantic M2M2 amplitudes, very similar to those seen in a simulation with the Hudson Strait blocked off. Thus, as anticipated, a shelf with very large friction is nearly equivalent in its effect on the open ocean to the removal of the shelf altogether. Setting friction in shallow waters throughout the globe to unrealistically large values yields even larger open ocean tidal amplitudes, similar to those found in simulations of ice-age tides. It thus appears that larger modeled tides during the ice ages can be a consequence of enhanced friction in shallower water on the shelf in glacial times as well as a reduced shelf area then. Single oscillator and coupled oscillator models for global tides show that the maximum extractable power for human use is a fraction of the present dissipation rate, which is itself a fraction of global human power consumption.  相似文献   

A set of four indices that quantify Lagrangian properties of the Gulf of California seasonal circulation were implemented from outputs of a three-dimensional numerical model. From trajectories of particles seeded over the entire Gulf, we calculated for 12 one-month periods the following indices: net and total distance traveled by the particles, the number of particles that are found within an area centered on the release positions after one month, and time taken by particles to escape from a 50-km-radius circle. These indices can be used for studies on transport of inert properties and passive planktonic organisms such as eggs and early-stage larvae; their use is illustrated for typical summer and winter conditions in the Gulf of California. These indices show the potential for connecting areas separated by a few hundreds of km along the eastern side of the Gulf, due to the strong seasonal up-gulf and down-gulf current. In the Northern Gulf, large displacements occur at the borders of the basin-wide seasonally reversing eddy that dominates the large-scale circulation (cyclonic in summer, anticyclonic in winter). On the other hand, the potential for self-recruitment areas is found as particles can be trapped for longer than one month within these eddies, as well as in smaller ones in the Northern Gulf, and near the coast of the peninsular side of the Southern Gulf, where current speeds are slow and many small capes and islands are present.  相似文献   

A depth-averaged two-phase model is proposed for debris flows over fixed beds, explicitly incorporating interphase and particle-particle interactions, fluid and solid fluctuations and multi grain sizes. A first-order model based on the kinetic theory of granular flows is employed to determine the stresses due to solid fluctuations, while the turbulent kinetic energy - dissipation rate model is used to determine the stresses from fluid fluctuations. A well-balanced numerical algorithm is applied to solve the governing equations. The present model is benchmarked against USGS experimental debris flows over fixed beds. Incorporating the stresses due to fluid and solid fluctuations and properly estimating the bed shear stresses are shown to be crucial for reproducing the debris flows. Longitudinal particle segregation is resolved, demonstrating coarser sediments around the fronts and finer grains trailing the head. Based on extended modeling exercises, debris flow efficiency is shown to increase with initial volume, which is underpinned by observed datasets.  相似文献   

A mesh-free particle model for simulation of mobile-bed dam break   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mesh-free particle (Lagrangian) methods such as Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS) and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) are the latest generation of methods in the field of computational fluid dynamics that attracts lots of attention in modeling applications where large interfacial deformations and fragmentations exist. Due to their mesh-free nature, these methods are capable of simulating any kind of boundary/interface deformation and fragmentations. This study aims to develop a new mesh-free particle model based on the weakly compressible MPS (WC-MPS) formulation for modeling of a dam break over a mobile bed, which is a highly erosive and transient flow problem. A multiphase model, capable of handling the density and viscosity discontinuity and in which the solid (sediment) phase is treated as a non-Newtonian fluid, is introduced. The resulting model is first validated using a two-phase dam break problem and is then applied to the mobile-bed dam break problem with different conditions, comparing the results to those obtained from some experimental works.  相似文献   

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