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An important question regarding the study of mean field dynamo models is how to make precise the nature of their underlying dynamics. This is difficult both because relatively little is known about the dynamical behaviour of infinite dimensional systems and also due to the numerical cost of studying the related partial differential equations. As a first step towards their understanding, it is useful to consider the corresponding truncated models. Here we summarise some recent results of the study of a class of truncated axisymmetric mean field dynamo models. We find conclusive evidence in these models for various types of intermittency as well as multiple attractors and final state sensitivity. We also find that the understanding of the underlying dynamics of such dynamo models requires the study of a new class of dynamical systems, referred to as the non-normal systems. Current work demonstrates that these types of systems are capable of a novel type of intermittency and also of relevance for the understanding of the full axisymmetric PDE dynamo models.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the study of axisymmetric wave propagation in various acoustic/porous stratified media coupling configurations. It presents the theoretical developments of a semi-analytical method, its validation for a limit test-case half-space ground, and an extension to a realistic multilayered seabed, when spherical waves are emitted from a transient point source in water.  相似文献   


This paper explores magnetic equilibria which could result from the kink instability in a cylindrical magnetic flux tube. We examine a variety of cylindrical magnetic equilibria which are susceptible to the kink, and simulate its evolution in a frictional fluid. We assume that the evolution takes place under conditions of helical symmetry, so the problem becomes effectively two-dimensional. The initial cylindrical equilibrium field is specified in terms of its twist function k(r) = B θ/(rBz ) and for a variety of k(r) functions we calculate linear growth rates for the kink instability, assuming that it develops under helical symmetry with pitch τ. We find that the growth rate is sensitive to the value of τ.

We simulate nonlinear evolution of the kink using a Lagrangian frictional code which constrains the field to have helical symmetry of a given pitch τ. Ideal MHD is assumed and the plasma pressure is taken to be small in order to mimic conditions in the solar corona. In some cases the flux tube evolves to a new smooth helically symmetric equilibrium which involves a relatively small change in the maximum electric current. In other cases there is evidence of current-sheet formation.  相似文献   

Based on the analytical layer-element method, an analytical solution is proposed to determine the dynamic interaction between the elastic circular plate and transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. The dynamic response of the elastic circular plate is governed by the classical thin-plate theory with the assumption that the contact surface between the plate and soil is frictionless. The total stiffness matrix of the transversely isotropic multilayered half-space is acquired by assembling the analytical layer-element of each soil layer with the aid of the continuity conditions between adjacent layers. According to the displacement condition of coordination between the plate and soil, the dynamic interaction problem is reduced to that of multilayered transversely isotropic half-space subjected to axisymmetric harmonic vertical loading. Some numerical examples are given to study the vertical vibration of the plate, and the results indicate that the dynamic response of elastic circular plate depends strongly on the material properties of the soils, the rigidity of the plate, the frequency of excitation and the external load form.  相似文献   

We present an improved formalism for translationally invariant magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with anisotropic pressure and currents with a field aligned component. The derivation of a Grad-Shafranov type equation is given along with a constraint which links the shear field to the parallel pressure. The difficulties of the formalism are discussed and various methods of circumventing these difficulties are given. A simple example is then used to highlight the methods and difficulties involved.  相似文献   

Based on the developed Anderson and Moore's theory about cross-equatorial inertial jets and a nonlinear equivalence shallow water model, new universal functions are determined by the characters of the vortical large-scale air flow (atmosphere) or ocean current (ocean) related to the jet, then the potential vorticity and energy conservation equations along the streamline in the cross-equatorial in-ertial jets can be obtained. Because the governing equations are nonlinear, some limited multiple equi-libria of cross-equatorial inertial jets may exist. According to the character of large-scale air flow or ocean current outside the jets, the existent criterion for multiple eqnilibria in cross-equatorial inertial jets is discussed, and two examples for multiple equilibia of nonlinear governing equations are given.  相似文献   

本文利用Cluster卫星2004年11月8日的观测数据,分析了磁尾等离子体片中与地向周期性高速离子流相伴随的ULF波.结果显示周期性高速流的速度波动与磁场和温度中的ULF波同时出现、同时增强、同时消失,而且波动的频率都集中在60~70 mHz.这说明磁场和温度ULF波与周期性高速流密切相关,周期性高速流是ULF波产生的来源.高速流波动的相位与磁场波动的相位大致反相关,与热离子温度波动的相位正相关,同时磁场波动与热离子温度波动呈相位反相关的特性.最小方差法分析的结果显示虽然波传播方向有地向分量,但其主要传播方向是向等离子体片中心传播,并与周期性高速流速度方向垂直.以上观测说明是高速流的周期性变化产生了磁场在Pi1频率范围内的ULF波.  相似文献   

The mechanism of energy balance in an open-channel flow with submerged vegetation was investigated. The energy borrowed from the local flow, energy spending caused by vegetation drag and flow resistance, and energy transition along the water depth were calculated on the basis of the computational results of velocity and Reynolds stress. Further analysis showed that the energy spending in a cross-section was a maximum around the top of the vegetation, and its value decreased progressively until reaching zero at the flume bed or water surface. The energy borrowed from the local flow in the vegetated region could not provide for spending; therefore, surplus borrowed energy in the non-vegetated region was transmitted to the vegetated region. In addition, the total energy transition in the cross-section was zero; therefore, the total energy borrowed from the flow balanced the energy loss in the whole cross-section. At the same time, we found that there were three effects of vegetation on the flow: turbulence restriction due to vegetation, turbulence source due to vegetation and energy transference due to vegetation, where the second effect was the strongest one.  相似文献   

The interaction between fluid and sediment particles is widely involved in hydraulic engineering problems. In the current study, an explicit incompressible mesh-free method in the framework of the Moving Particle Semi-implicit(MPS) method is proposed to simulate the interaction between the two phases in submerged conditions. The proposed method solves two sets of the continuity and momentum equations, respectively, for the fluid phase and the sediment phase according to the mixture theory. In th...  相似文献   


A class of exact solutions to the steady, two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic equations ina cylindrical geometry is presented. These may model both closed and open magnetic structures found in the solar atmosphere. For closed structures, it is found that increasing the flow speed causes the summit of the arcade of closed magnetic fieldlines to rise. Parameter ranges also exist where the solution has regions of open and closed field, and so the solutions may be relevant for modelling flows in solar magnetic structures such as coronal streamers, X-ray bright points coronal plumes and coronal holes.  相似文献   

The structure of monochromatic MHD-waves with large azimuthal wave number m 1 in a two-dimensional model of the magnetosphere has been investigated. A joint action of the field line curvature, finite plasma pressure, and transversal equilibrium current leads to the phenomenon that waves, standing along the field lines, are travelling across the magnetic shells. The wave propagation region, the transparency region, is bounded by the poloidal magnetic surface on one side and by the resonance surface on the other. In their meaning these surfaces correspond to the usual and singular turning points in the WKB-approximation, respectively. The wave is excited near the poloidal surface and propagates toward the resonance surface where it is totally absorbed due to the ionospheric dissipation. There are two transparency regions in a finite-beta magnetosphere, one of them corresponds to the Alfvén mode and the other to the slow magneto-sound mode.  相似文献   


Using a contour dynamical algorithm, we have found rotating tripolar V-state solutions for the inviscid Euler equations in two-dimensions. We have studied their geometry as a function of their physical parameters. Their stability was investigated with the aid of contour surgery, and most of the states were found to be stable. Under finite-amplitude perturbations, tripoles are shown to either fission into two asymmetric dipoles or to evolve into a shielded axisymmetric vortex, demonstrating the existence of two new ‘‘reversible transitions'’ between topologically distinct coherent vortex structures. These dynamical results are confirmed by pseudo-spectral simulations, with which we also show how continuous tripolar long-lived coherent vortex structures can be generated in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

In this work we propose upscaling method for nonlinear Forchheimer flow in heterogeneous porous media. The generalized Forchheimer law is considered for incompressible and slightly-compressible single-phase flows. We use recently developed analytical results (Aulisa et al., 2009) [1] and formulate the resulting system in terms of a degenerate nonlinear flow equation for the pressure with the nonlinearity depending on the pressure gradient. The coarse scale parameters for the steady state problem are determined so that the volumetric average of velocity of the flow in the domain on fine scale and on coarse scale are close. A flow-based coarsening approach is used, where the equivalent permeability tensor is first evaluated following streamline methods for linear cases, and modified in order to take into account the nonlinear effects. Compared to previous works (Garibotti and Peszynska, 2009) [2], (Durlofsky and Karimi-Fard) [3], this approach can be combined with rigorous mathematical upscaling theory for monotone operators, (Efendiev et al., 2004) [4], using our recent theoretical results (Aulisa et al., 2009) [1]. The developed upscaling algorithm for nonlinear steady state problems is effectively used for variety of heterogeneities in the domain of computation. Direct numerical computations for average velocity and productivity index justify the usage of the coarse scale parameters obtained for the special steady state case in the fully transient problem. For nonlinear case analytical upscaling formulas in stratified domain are obtained. Numerical results were compared to these analytical formulas and proved to be highly accurate.  相似文献   

The effects of variable viscosity on flow dynamics within spherical shells are investigated using a finite-element thermal convection model, and preliminary result for cases with relatively low Rayleigh numbers and small viscosity contrasts are reported. These results demonstrate some general effects of viscosity variation on mantle dynamics, and, in particular, the generation of toroidal energy. Since lateral viscosity variations are necessary in the generation of toroidal motion in a thermally driven convective system, it is not surprising our results show that flows with greater viscosity contrasts produce greater amounts of toroidal energy. Our preliminary study further shows that solutions become more time-dependent as viscosity contrasts increase. Increasing the Rayleigh number is also found to increase the magnitude of toroidal energy. Internal heating, on the other hand, appears to lead to less toroidal energy compared wth bottom heating because it tends to produce a thermally more uniform interior and thus smaller viscosity variations.  相似文献   

Secondary motions are commonly present in open channel flows. This study aims to investigate, both experimentally and analytically, time-mean characteristics of cellular secondary flows generated by longitudinal bedforms. Experiments were conducted in a tilting, rectangular flume with six different longitudinal bedforms, including alternate bed strips with different roughness heights and bed ridges of wavy and rectangular shapes. Various flows were sampled using a two-dimensional laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) and a one-dimensional ultrasonic Doppler velocimeter (UDV). Experimental results demonstrate secondary flows appearing basically in cellular fashion over the modeled longitudinal bedforms. It is also shown that the cellular structures can be described analytically with kinematic considerations. The discrepancies between theoretical and measurement results are discussed. An empirical relationship between maximum vertical velocity and bed configuration is finally proposed based on the experimental data.  相似文献   

In China, 9·5% of the landmass is karst terrain and of that 47,000 km2 is located in semiarid regions. In these regions the karst aquifers feed many large karst springs within basins of thousands of square kilometres. Spring discharges reflect the fluctuation of ground water level and variability of ground water storage in the basins. However, karst aquifers are highly heterogeneous and monitoring data are sparse in these regions. Therefore, for sustainable utilization and conservation of karst ground water it is necessary to simulate the spring flows to acquire better understanding of karst hydrological processes. The purpose of this study is to develop a parsimonious model that accurately simulates spring discharges using an artificial neural network (ANN) model. The karst spring aquifer was treated as a non‐linear input/output system to simulate the response of karst spring flow to precipitation and applied the model to the Niangziguan Springs, located in the east of Shanxi Province, China and a representative of karst springs in a semiarid area. Moreover, the ANN model was compared with a previous time‐lag linear model and it was found that the ANN model performed better. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debris flows are flows of water and sediment driven by gravity that initiate in the upper part of a stream, where the slope is very steep, allowing high values of solid concentration (hyperconcentrated flows), and that stop in the lower part of the basin, which is characterized by much lower slopes and reduced speeds and concentrations. Modelling these flows requires mathematical and numerical tools capable of simulating the behavior of a fluid in a wide range of concentrations of the solid phase, spanning from hyperconcentrated flows to flows in the fluvial regime. According to a two-phase approach, the depth integrated equations of mass and momentum conservation for water and sediments, under the shallow water hypothesis, are employed to solve field problems related to debris flows. These equations require suitable closure relations that in this case should be valid in a very wide range of slopes. In the hypothesis of absence of cohesive material, we derived these closure relations properly combining the relative relations valid separately in the fluvial and in the hyperconcentrated regimes. In the intermediate regime, the shear stress is due to the combined effect of the deformation of the liquid phase (grain roughness turbulence) and of inter-particle collisions. Therefore, an approach based on the sum of the effects of the two causes has been proposed, combining the Darcy–Weisbach equation and the Bagnoldian grain-inertia theory.A similar treatment has been made for the transport capacity relations, combing the Bagnold expression of the collisional regime with a transport capacity monomial formula valid in the fluvial regime.The closure relations are expressed in non-dimensional form as a function of the Froude number, of the solid concentration, of the relative submergence, and of the slope.In order to test the closure relation, a set of experiments with mixtures of non-cohesive sediments and water have been carried out in a laboratory flume under steady uniform flow conditions, with different solid and liquid discharges and different grain size distributions. The closure equations are satisfactorily tested against experimental investigation.  相似文献   

 We introduce a 3D model for near-vent channelized lava flows. We assume the lava to be an isothermal Newtonian liquid flowing in a rectangular channel down a constant slope. The flow velocity is calculated with an analytical steady-state solution of the Navier-Stokes equation. The surface velocity and the flow rate are calculated as functions of the flow thickness for different flow widths, and the results are compared with those of a 2D model. For typical Etna lava flow parameters, the influence of levees on the flow dynamics is significant when the flow width is less than 25 m. The model predicts the volume flow rate corresponding to the surface velocity, taking into account that both depend on flow thickness. The effusion rate is a critical parameter to evaluate lava flow hazard. We propose a model to calculate the effusion rate given the lava flow width, the topograhic slope, the lava density, the surface flow velocity, and either the lava viscosity or the flow thickness. Received: 20 January 1998 / Accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

Scaling properties of Canadian low flows, namely annual minimum mean 1-, 5- and 7-day flows, are evaluated across Canada and in its sub-climatic regions. Across the entire country, the log relationship between the kth product moments (PMs, E[Qik]) of low flows and drainage area (Ai) can be represented by: ln(E[Qik])=ak+bkln(Ai)and bk=k, with = 0.86, 0.94 and 0.93 for annual minimum mean 1-, 5- and 7-day flows, respectively. The log linear relationships between the kth probability weighted moments (PWMs, ) and Ai are ln()=ck+Hln(Ai), in which H is constant and is independent of k. The values of H are 0.87, 0.97, and 0.96 for annual minimum mean 1-, 5- and 7-day flows, respectively, which are almost the same as the values. The coefficients of variation (Cv) are almost independent of drainage area. These results demonstrate that Canadian low flows generally exhibit simple scaling and drainage area alone describes most of the variability in the moments of the low flows. Low flows in each of the sub-climatic regions also obey a simple scaling law. The values of , H and Cv are different in each region, which may stem from physiographical and climatological differences among these regions. The finding lays a basis for applying the index flood method to conduct regional low flow frequency analysis as simple scaling is equivalent to the index flood method.Acknowledgements The authors thank Prof. Thian Yew Gan of University of Alberta, Canada for providing additional pristine data sites for regions 4 and 10. A constructive comments provided by an anonymous reviewer improved the quality of the paper.  相似文献   

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