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In homogeneous rotating fluid, when there is an oscillating forcing in the interior fluid with a period long enough for an Ekman layer to develop, there is an interaction between the oscillatory Ekman layer and the vertical wall, since the latter imposes an alternating adjustment flow confined near the wall. As a result, this coastal rectification process leads to a Lagrangian transport along the coast. The Ekman number, the Rossby number and the temporal Rossby number of the forcing flow are the governing parameters of that mechanism which can be described by a simplified analytical model taking into account both the vertical time-dependent structure of the current and the presence of the wall. The model shows that the residual (rectified) current flowing with the coast to its right results from the strong nonlinear interaction between along- and cross-shore tidal currents leading to asymmetrical momentum exchanges between the Ekman bottom layer and the coastal boundary layer. The model provides simple scaling laws for the maximum intensity and width of the residual current. The latter is significantly larger than the friction (Stokes) lateral boundary layer of the forcing flow. A comprehensive set of experiments is performed in the 13 m diameter rotating tank by oscillating an 8 m×2 m horizontal plate and vertical wall in a homogeneous fluid at rest in solid-body rotation and measuring the two horizontal components of the current at several locations and depths above the central part of the plate. The predicted and experimentally measured maximum intensity and width of the residual current are in very good agreement, within the range of validity of the model, i.e. when the Ekman number is sufficiently small. However experiments also show that the residual current still occurs when the Ekman layer thickness is of the same order as the fluid depth, but it is then confined to a narrower band along the vertical wall. The flow structure found experimentally is also correctly described by a numerical model developed by Zhang et al. (1994). Current measurements in the Eastern part of the English Channel near the French coast reveal a significant coastal residual current flowing Northward and the coastal rectification process described here may account for part of it.  相似文献   

In this article we address two questions: Why do freely evolving vortices weaken on average, even when the viscosity is very small? Why, in the fluid's interior, away from vertical boundaries and under the influence of Earth's rotation and stable density stratification, do anticyclonic vortices become dominant over cyclonic ones when the Rossby number and deformation radius are finite? The context for answering these questions is a rotating, conservative, Shallow-water model with Asymmetric and Gradient-wind Balance approximations. The controlling mechanisms are vortex weakening under straining deformation (with a weakening that is substantially greater for strong cyclones than strong anticyclones) followed by a partially compensating vortex strengthening during a relaxation phase dominated by Vortex Rossby Waves (VRWs) and their eddy–mean interaction with the vortex. The outcome is a net, strain-induced vortex weakening that is greater for cyclones than anticyclones when the deformation radius is not large compared to the vortex radius and the Rossby number is not small. Furthermore, when the exterior strain flow is sustained, the vortex changes also are sustained: for small Rossby number (i.e., the quasigeostrophic limit, QG), vortices continue to weaken at a relatively modest rate, but for larger Rossby number, cyclones weaken strongly and anticyclones actually strengthen systematically when the deformation radius is comparable to the vortex radius. The sustained vortex changes are associated with strain-induced VRWs on the periphery of the mean vortex. It therefore seems likely that, in a complex flow with many vortices, anticyclonic dominance develops over a sequence of transient mutual straining events due to the greater robustness of anticyclones (and occasionally their net strengthening).  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (in the vertical plane) wind-induced flows in no-flow-through reservoirs are considered. A numerical algorithm in the flow function–vortex variables is proposed based on the equations of slow stratified flows in the Boussinesq and boundary layer approximations with variable coefficient of vertical turbulent exchange. An analytical solution is given for a simplified problem.  相似文献   

The paper adopts an f-plane quasi-geostrophic inertial model without linearization to investigate the perturbation temperature, boundary jet and upwelling (downwelling) in an idealized rectangular basin, under the consideration of west side friction layer and heat conservation. There is net heat input on the upper surface and equal quality heat dissipation on the west boundary, and without heat exchange on other boundaries, then the heat is conservation in the whole basin. Results show that there is thermal front due to denseness of the perturbation temperature in the west side boundary, the perturbation pressure and flow field are reversal on the upper layer and bottom layer. On the bottom layer, the west coastal current is northward, and the maximum perturbation pressure center is on the west, however, on the upper layer, the east coastal current is southward, and the maximum perturbation pressure center is on the east. There is strong vertical flow in narrow western boundary layer, and also in the central zone. The effect of different upper thermal forcings is also studied, and it can be concluded that there is always temperature denseness and boundary jet near the west boundary, and the appearance of flow field reversal, but the distribution of vertical flow is rather different.  相似文献   


Laboratory experiments and analysis of shallow water equations in a rotating fluid show that channel flow is governed by the ratio of the width of the channel to the Rossby radius of deformation R= √[g&Delta;ρHf 2]. Flows through narrow ocean openings exhibit blocking and clear evidence of hydraulic control. These imply that formulae can be derived for width, volume flux, and velocity scales of the currents. A new version of the constant potential vorticity problem is solved, and it is shown to predict volume flux within 22% of the zero potential vorticity results. Next a systematic method of predicting volume flux through ocean passages is described. Some examples are given from the Denmark Straits overflow and the flow of Antarctic Bottom Water into the western Atlantic Ocean. Two-layer flows and counter-flows with rotation in a narrow passage, the so-called lock exchange flow problem, duplicate flows at a number of important straits and openings to bays. A potential vorticity formulation is reviewed. The flows in the mouths of various bays such as Funka Bay in Hokkaido, Japan, Spencer Gulf in South Australia, and Chesapeake Bay in the United States has R < width of the mouth, and the two currents are separated by a front. The width of the front and the density difference can be predicted with good results.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, Caillol [Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 2014, 108] investigated the steady nonlinear vortical structure of a singular vortex Rossby mode that has survived to a strong critical-layer-like interaction with a linearly stable, columnar, axisymmetric and dry vortex. We presented a general theory for this wave/mean flow interaction through the nonlinear critical layer theory and calculated the mean azimuthal and axial winds induced at the critical radius at the end of this interaction in the final stage. We here apply that theory to rapidly rotating geophysical vortices: tropical cyclones, cold-air mesocyclones and tornadoes. We find that the numerous assumptions invoked in that paper agree well with the reality of those intense vortices. We also find that in spite of a lack of moist-convection modelling, this dry vortex is fairly well accelerated at the critical radius by such a shear wave with a magnitude of order the square root of the damped-wave amplitude. The intensification level strongly depends on the aspect ratio, height of the system: rapid vortex and parent vortex, over core radius. The thinner the vortex is, the sharper the intensification is. This result is in sharp contrast to the numerous numerical simulations on VR wave/vortex interactions that yield a much smaller intensification of order the square of the wave amplitude. This weakly nonlinear approach nevertheless fails to model small vertical wavelength VR wave/vortex interactions for their related asymptotic expansions are divergent and for they yield strongly nonlinear VR waves coupled with evolving critical layers whose extent can no longer be considered as thin.  相似文献   

Submerged vanes are hydrofoils utilized to manage the sediment transport through the river by generating the turbulence in the flow in the form of helical currents.The vanes are placed in the flow with respect to its direction at angle of 10°to 40°.In the current study,an attempt has been made to study the effect of the introduction of vanes in form of rows on parameters like turbulence intensities,Reynolds stresses,turbulent kinetic energy,anisotropy index,and the velocity profile of the flow.It is observed that the profile of variation of turbulence intensities,turbulent kinetic energy,vertical Reynolds stress and velocity over three different marked verticals on a transect are nearly identical whereas a large scatter is observed in the variation of transverse Reynolds stress over the vertical of the aforementioned vertical locations.This observation suggests that flow turbulence is homogeneous over the vertical while scattering in the variation of the transverse Reynolds stress component may be attributed to the presence of secondary currents in the flow.After introducing rows of submerged vanes,the bed turbulence is reduced,hence,helping reduce many scour related phenomenon.It is also observed that a vortex occurred at 0.85 times the height of the vane and the variation of turbulence quantities in the presence of vanes shows the existence of a peak in these quantities.It is observed that as flow moves away from the vane rows,due to the interaction of vortices and the action of vorticity,vortices dampens down and the flow regains homogeneity.After the introduction of submerged vane rows,bed shear stress reduces as fluid from the surface replaces the slow-moving fluid near the bed due to the secondary currents generated by the vanes leading to reduction in the magnitude of turbulence intensities,Reynolds stresses,and turbulent kinetic energy near the bed.The anisotropy index is observed to increase near the bed as induced secondary currents enhanced the turbulence production in the near bed region.All the profiles of parameters obtained in the current study show the existence of a peak or inflexions at a height of 0.85 H from bed(Where,H is the height of the submerged vane).Profiles of parameters obtained in the current study suggest that as the vorticity dampens the vane-generated secondary currents,the scattering in the profiles along the vertical reduces and profiles are observed to regain the variation which they had before the introduction of vane rows,suggesting that flow turbulence has regained its homogeneity.  相似文献   

The generation and further linear and nonlinear dynamics of planetary ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves are investigated in the rotating dissipative ionosphere in the presence of inhomogeneous zonal wind (shear flow). Planetary ULF magnetized Rossby type waves appear as a result of interaction of the medium with the spatially inhomogeneous geomagnetic field. An effective linear mechanism responsible for the intensification and mutual transformation of large scale magnetized Rossby type and small scale inertial waves is found. For shear flows, the operators of the linear problem are not self-conjugate, and therefore the eigenfunctions of the problem may not be orthogonal and can hardly be studied by the canonical modal approach. Hence, it becomes necessary to use the so-called nonmodal mathematical analysis. The nonmodal analysis shows that the transformation of wave disturbances in shear flows is due to the non-orthogonality of eigenfunctions of the problem in the conditions of linear dynamics. Using numerical modeling, the peculiar features of the interaction of waves with the background flow as well as the mutual transformation of wave disturbances are illustrated in the ionosphere. It has been shown that the shear flow driven wave perturbations effectively extract an energy of the shear flow increasing the own energy and amplitude. These perturbations undergo self-organization in the form of the nonlinear solitary vortex structures due to nonlinear twisting of the perturbation’s front. Depending on the features of the velocity profiles of the shear flows the nonlinear vortex structures can be either monopole vortices or vortex streets and vortex chains.  相似文献   

Profiles of velocity turbulence in Monterey Canyon, made with a recently developed expendable probe, show the existence of a very turbulent bottom boundary layer. The turbulent flow is up to 170 m thick and has peak microscale shears of 1 m s−1 per meter. The rate of dissipation of kinetic energy, based on the observed shear variance, averaged over the depth of the turbulent boundary layer ranged from 70 to 500 × 10−6W m−3. Temperature measurements indicate that the flow was up canyon at a time of low tide. The upper bound for the vertical eddy viscosity is estimated to be17 × 10−4m2s−1 and for the vertical eddy diffusivity is estimated to be 15 × 10−4m2s−1. The large vertical scale and the intensity of the observed boundary layer suggest that the flow in Monterey Canyon may be important for the renewal and circulation of water over the continental shelf in the bay area.  相似文献   

A theory which describes the constant f-plane flow of a steady inviscid baroclinic boundary current over a continental margin with a bathymetry that varies slowly in the alongshore but rapidly in the offshore directions is developed in the parameter regime (LD/L)2 ≤ Ro 1, where LD is the internal deformation radius, L the horizontal length scale, and Ro the Rossby number. To lowest order in the Rossby number the flow is along isobaths with speed qo = Vu(h,z)|Vh|/α, where Vu(h,z) is the upstream speed, α the upstream bottom slope at depth h, and Vh the bottom slope downstream at depth h. The lowest order flow produces a variation in the vertical component of relative vorticity along the isobath as the magnitude and direction of Vh vary in the downstream direction. The variation of vorticity requires a vertical as well as a cross-isobath flow at first order in the Rossby number. The first order vertical velocity is computed from the vorticity equation in terms of upstream conditions and downstream variations of the bathymetry. The density, pressure, and cross-isobath flow at first order in the Rossby number are then calculated. It is shown that in the cyclonic region of current (d/dh(Vu/α) > 0), if the isobaths diverge in the downstream direction ((∂/∂s)|Vh| < 0), then upwelling and onshore flow occur. The theory is applied to the northeastern Florida shelf to explain bottom temperature observations.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the transverse and layered structure of estuarine circulation in Ariake Bay, Japan was investigated by box model analysis using monthly salinity data from 1990 to 2000. Two-layered gravitational estuarine circulation was intensified from autumn to spring (vertically well mixed season) accompanied by a small river discharge. Two-layered circulation was weakened accompanying the transversely segregated cyclonic circulation in the upper layer during summer (stratified season) with a large river discharge. Such seasonal variation in the transverse and layered structure of estuarine circulation is because the bay width of Ariake Bay (20 km) is narrower than the external Rossby deformation radius (235 km) but wider than the internal Rossby deformation radius (3–5 km).  相似文献   


The generation of stationary Rossby waves by sources of potential vorticity in a westerly flow is examined here in the context of a two-layer, quasi-geostrophic, β-plane model. The response in each layer consists of a combination of a barotropic Rossby wave disturbance that extends far downstream of the source, and a baroclinic disturbance which is evanescent or wave-like in character, depending on the shear and degree of stratification. Contributions from each of these modes in each layer are strongly dependent on the basic flows in each layer; the degree of stratification; and the depths of the two layers. The lower layer response is dominated by an evanescent baroclinic mode when the upper layer westerlies are much larger than those in the lower layer. In this case, weak stationary Rossby waves of large wavelengths are confined to the upper layer and the disturbance in the lower layer is confined to the source region.

Increasing the upper layer flow (with the lower layer flow fixed) increases the Rossby wavelength and decreases the amplitude. Decreasing the lower layer flow (with the upper layer flow fixed) decreases the wavelength and increases the amplitude. Stratification increases the contribution from the barotropic wave-like mode and causes the response to be confined to the lower layer.

The finite amplitude response to westerly flow over two sources of potential vorticity is also considered. In this case stationary Rossby waves induced by both sources interact to reinforce or diminish the downstream wave pattern depending on the separation distance of the sources relative to the Rossby wavelength. For fixed separation distance, enhancement of the downstreatm Rossby waves will only occur for a narrow range of flow variables and stratification.  相似文献   

Generation of cyclonic vortices in the middle layer of flow around a large mountain like Tibet and Rocky was investigated by means of a 3-D nonhydrostatic meteorological prognostic model. Special attention was paid to the effects of the earth’s rotation and stratification on the vortices detached successively from the slope of a high and large horizontal scale mountain. It was found the successive formation and detachment of such ‘von Karman-like vortices’ occurred in the flow regime at high Rossby numbers Ro and low Froude numbers Fr. It was successfully divided by the criterion of baroclinic instability. This means that if the condition is unstable baroclinically, a lee vortex is destabilized into a three-dimensional one, while under baroclinically stable conditions the lee vortex with vertical axis retains its standing structure and remains long lasting in the middle layer.  相似文献   


It is shown that the linear equatorial dynamics of a shallow ocean is characterized by two boundary layers of width γ? L and γL (γ is the Ekman number of the flow, assumed small, and L is a horizontal dimension of the basin). In the γ? layer stress in the bottom Ekman layer is comparable to that in the surface Ekman layer. In the γ layer vertical friction is important throughout the depth of the ocean. Should the Rossby number ? be so large as to invalidate a linear theory (? > γ5/3), then inertial effects become important at a distance ?2/5 L from the equator. The role played in the circulation of the basin by the non-linear equatorial current first studied by Charney (1960) is shown to be similar to that of the γ layer of the linear theory. Though lateral friction is unimportant in a linear model of the flow, shear layers at the equator are found to be a necessary feature of non-linear flow.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of electric fields and currents in the Earth’s atmosphere are calculated. Electric potential distributions typical of substorms and quiet geomagnetic conditions are specified in the ionosphere. The Earth is treated as a perfect conductor. The atmosphere is considered as a spherical layer with a given height dependence of electrical conductivity. With the chosen conductivity model and an ionospheric potential of 300 kV with respect to the Earth, the electric field near the ground is vertical and reaches 110 Vm−1. With the 60-kV potential difference in the polar cap of the ionosphere, the electric field disturbances with a vertical component of up to 13 V m−1 can occur in the atmosphere. These disturbances are maximal near the ground. If the horizontal scales of field nonuniformity are over 100 km, the vertical component of the electric field near the ground can be calculated with the one-dimensional model. The field and current distributions in the upper atmosphere can be obtained only from the three-dimensional model. The numerical method for solving electrical conductivity problems makes it possible to take into account conductivity inhomogeneities and the ground relief.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model is used to investigate intra-tidal and spring–neap variations of turbulent mixing, stratification and residual circulation in the Chesapeake Bay estuary. Vertical profiles of salinity, velocity and eddy diffusivity show a marked asymmetry between the flood and ebb tides. Tidal mixing in the bottom boundary layer is stronger and penetrates higher on flood than on ebb. This flood–ebb asymmetry results in a north–south asymmetry in turbulent mixing because tidal currents vary out of phase between the lower and upper regions of Chesapeake Bay. The asymmetric tidal mixing causes significant variation of salinity distribution over the flood–ebb tidal cycle but insignificant changes in the residual circulation. Due to the modulation of tidal currents over the spring–neap cycle, turbulent mixing and vertical stratification show large fortnightly and monthly fluctuations. The stratification is not a linear function of the tidal-current amplitude. Strong stratification is only established during those neap tides when low turbulence intensity persists for several days. Residual circulation also shows large variations over the spring–neap cycle. The tidally averaged residual currents are about 50% stronger during the neap tides than during the spring tides.  相似文献   

A simple analytical theory which describes the motion in a turbulent planetary boundary layer near a rough sea bed by using a two-layer eddy viscosity model is presented. The vertical structure of the current in the boundary layer is presented, and comparisons are made with data fromMcPhee and Smith (1976, Journal of Physical Oceanography,6, 696–711) obtained from measurements of the turbulent boundary layer under drifting Arctic ice.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a single vortex on a beta-plane is discussed in this paper. A barotropic, an equivalent barotropic, one-and-a half and two-layer models are considered. The momentum and energy balances are used to describe the evolution of a vortex. A quasi-stationary balance of the Rossby, Zhukovsky-Kutta forces and the force induced by Rossby-wave radiation, describes the dynamics of the barotropic vortex. A net Coriolis force occurs if the fluid is stratified. The difference between the dynamics of cyclones and anticyclones results directly from the Coriolis force acting on a single vortex in a stratified fluid.All vortices radiate Rossby waves in the quasigeostrophic approximation but intense anticyclones propagate steadily in a one-and-a half layer model. A critical amplitude that bounds radiating and steadily propagating anticyclones is found. Steady propagation of anticyclones in general is impossible in a two-layer fluid due to the radiation of a barotropic Rossby-wave. Some solutions of solitary wave type which are known for a two-layer model, survive owing to wave interference.A single vortex can extract energy from a Rossby wave if synchronism conditions are satisfied. The wave interference again plays a crucial role in this case. The wave interference also determines the energy exchange of vortices located at larger distances. If the distance between the vortices is shorter than the length of the radiated waves, modon may be formed due to a small energy loss.The unbounded monotonic variation of the planetary vorticity is a characteristic feature of a beta-plane approximation. As a result, a single vortex propagates up to a 'rest latitude' where it disappears. The evolution of a single barotropic vortex over bottom topography provides another example of a background vorticity distribution with a local extremum above hills (valleys) or ridges (troughs). Physics of its movement differs from a beta-plane case, but if a vortex lies over broad topography, equations are similar and the evolution of a vortex manifests the same typical features. Particularly, a cyclonic vortex tends to drift to the top of a hill or a ridge. An anticyclonic vortex, on the contrary, slides to the bottom of a valley or a trough.An interaction of a barotropic vortex with a broad mean flow is tractable qualitatively on the basis of previous results. Numerical examples illustrating absorption of a small vortex by a larger one and a vortex movement across the flow, are direct analogies of the vortex evolution over a hill and a ridge, respectively. At the same time, strong influence of strain drastically changes the vortex structure.  相似文献   

Vertical mixing by the tides plays a key role in controlling water column structure over the seasonal cycle in shelf seas. The influence of tidal stirring is generally well represented as a competition between surface buoyancy input and the production of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) by frictional stresses, a competition which is encapsulated in the Qh/u3 criterion. An alternative control mechanism arises from the limitation of the thickness of the bottom boundary layer due to the effects of rotation and the oscillation of the flow. Model studies indicate that, for conditions typical of the European shelf seas, the energy constraint exerts the dominant control but that for tidal streams with large positive polarisation (i.e. anti-clockwise rotation of velocity vector), some influence of rotation in limiting mixing should be detectable. We report here measurements of flow structure (with ADCPs) and turbulent dissipation (FLY Profiler) made at two similar locations in the Celtic Sea which differ principally in that the tidal currents rotate in opposite senses with approximately equal magnitude (polarity P=±0.6). A clear contrast was observed between the two sites in the vertical structure of the currents, the density profile and the rate of dissipation of TKE. At the positive polarity (PP) site (P≈+0.6), the bottom boundary layer in the tidal flow was limited to ∼20 mab (metre above the bed) and significant dissipation from bottom boundary friction was constrained within this layer. At the negative polarity (NP) site (P≈−0.6), the dominant clockwise rotary current component exhibited a velocity defect (i.e. reduction relative to the free stream) extending into the upper half of the water column while significant dissipation was observed to penetrate much further up the water column with dissipation levels ∼10−4.5 W m−3 reaching to the base of the pycnocline at 70–80 mab. These contrasting features of the vertical distribution of dissipation are well reproduced by a 1-D model when run with windstress and tidal forcing and using the observed density profile. Model runs with reversed polarity at the two sites, support the conclusion that the observed contrast in the structure of tidal velocity, dissipation and stratification is due to the influence of tidal stream polarity. Increased positive polarity reduces the upward penetration of mixing which allows the development of stronger seasonal stratification, which, in turn, further inhibits vertical mixing.  相似文献   

We study the relative importance of sea-land and mountain-valley thermal contrasts in determining the development of thermally forced mesoscale circulations (TFMCs) over a mountainous peninsula. We first analyse the energetics of the problem, and using this theory, we interprete the numerical simulations over Calabria, a mountainous peninsula in southern Italy. The CSU 3-D nonlinear numerical model is utilised to simulate the dynamics and the thermodynamics of the atmospheric fields over Calabria. Results show the importance of orography in determining the pattern of the flow and the local climate in a region as complex as Calabria. Analysis of the results shows that the energetics due to the sea-land interactions are more efficient when the peninsula is flat. The importance of the energy due to the sea-land decreases as the mountain height of the peninsula increases. The energy stored over the mountain gains in importance, untill it is released by the readjustment of the warm mountain air as it prevails over the energy released by the inland penetration of the sea breeze front. For instance, our results show that over a peninsula 100 km wide the energy over the mountain and the energy in the sea-land contrast are of the same order when the height of the mountain is about 700 m, for a 1500 m convective boundary layer (CBL) depth. Over the Calabrian peninsula, the energy released by the hot air in the CBL of the mountain prevails over the energy released by the inland penetration of the sea air. Calabria is about 1500 m high and about 50 km wide, and the CBL is of the order of 1500 m. The energy over the mountain is about four time larger than the energy contained in the sea-land contrast. Furthermore, the energetics increase with the patch width of the peninsula, and when its half width is much less than the Rossby radius, the MAPE of the sea breeze is negligible. When its half width is much larger than the Rossby radius, the breezes from the two opposing coastlines do not interact. Over Calabria peninsula, numerical simulations show that the flow is highly ageostrophic, and that the flow intensity increases from sunrise to reach its maximum in the afternoon but before sunset, which suggests that, in the late part of the day, the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy is balanced by the dissipation.  相似文献   

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