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The paper explores some of the many facets of the problem of the generation of magnetic fields in convective zones of declining vigor and/or thickness. The ultimate goal of such work is the explanation of the magnetic fields observed in A-stars. The present inquiry is restricted to kinematical dynamos, to show some of the many possibilities, depending on the assumed conditions of decline of the convection. The examples serve to illustrate in what quantitative detail it will be necessary to describe the convection in order to extract any firm conclusions concerning specific stars.

The first illustrative example treats the basic problem of diffusion from a layer of declining thickness. The second adds a buoyant rise to the field in the layer. The third treats plane dynamo waves in a region with declining eddy diffusivity, dynamo coefficient, and large-scale shear. The dynamo number may increase or decrease with declining convection, with an increase expected if the large-scale shear does not decline as rapidly as the eddy diffusivity. It is shown that one of the components of the field may increase without bound even in the case that the dynamo number declines to zero.  相似文献   


Linear and nonlinear dynamo action is investigated for square patterns in nonrotating and weakly rotating Boussinesq Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a plane horizontal layer. The square-pattern solutions may or may not be symmetric to up-down reflections. Vertically symmetric solutions correspond to checkerboard patterns. They do not possess a net kinetic helicity and are found to be incapable of kinematic dynamo action at least up to magnetic Reynolds numbers of , 12 000. There also exist vertically asymmetric squares, characterized by rising (descending) motion in the centers and descending (rising) motion near the boundaries, among them such that possess full horizontal square symmetry and others lacking also this symmetry. The flows lacking both the vertical and horizontal symmetries possess kinetic helicity and show kinematic dynamo action even without rotation. The generated magnetic fields are concentrated in vertically oriented filamentary structures. Without rotation these dynamos are, however, always only kinematic, not nonlinear dynamos since the back-reaction of the magnetic field then forces the solution into the basin of attraction of a roll pattern incapable of dynamo action. But with rotation added parameter regions are found where stationary asymmetric squares are also nonlinear dynamos. These nonlinear dynamos are characterized by a subtle balance between the Coriolis and Lorentz forces. In some parameter regions also nonlinear dynamos with flows in the form of oscillating squares or stationary modulated rolls are found.  相似文献   


The Archontis dynamo is a rare example of an MHD dynamo within which forcing drives a dynamo where the flow and magnetic fields are almost perfectly aligned and the energies are approximately equal. In this paper, I expand upon our knowledge of the dynamo by showing that the intermediate steady states of the kinetic and magnetic energies observed by Cameron and Galloway are not a necessary feature of aligned dynamos. Furthermore, I show that the steady state into which the flow and magnetic fields eventually evolve is remarkably robust to the addition of time dependence and asymmetry to the forcing.  相似文献   


In order to obtain a better insight into the excitation conditions of magnetic fields in flat objects, such as galaxies, we have calculated critical dynamo numbers of different magnetic field modes for spherical dynamos with a flat α-effect distribution. A simple but realistic approximation formula for the rotation curve is employed. In most cases investigated a stationary quadrupole-type solution is preferred. This is a consequence of the flat distribution of the α-effect. Non-axisymmetric fields are in all cases harder to excite than axisymmetric ones. This seems to be the case particularly for flat objects in combination with a realistic rotation curve for galaxies. The question of whether non-axisymmetric (bisymmetric) fields, which are observed in some galaxies, can be explained as dynamos generated by an axisymmetric αω-effect is therefore still open.  相似文献   

The generation of magnetic fields in space plasmas and in astrophysics is usually described within the framework of magnetohydrodynamics. Turbulent helical flows produce magnetic fields very efficiently, with correlation length scales larger than those characterizing the flow. Within the context of the solar magnetic cycle, a turbulent dynamo is responsible for the so-called alpha effect, while the Omega effect is associated to the differential rotation of the Sun.We present direct numerical simulations of turbulent magnetohydrodynamic dynamos including two-fluid effects such as the Hall current. More specifically, we study the evolution of an initially weak and small-scale magnetic field in a system maintained in a stationary regime of hydrodynamic turbulence, and explore the conditions for exponential growth of the magnetic energy. In all the cases considered, we find that the dynamo saturates at the equipartition level between kinetic and magnetic energy, and the total energy reaches a Kolmogorov power spectrum.  相似文献   


A magnetohydrodynamic, dynamo driven by convection in a rotating spherical shell is supposed to have averages that are independent of time. Two cases are considered, one driven by a fixed temperature difference R and the other by a given internal heating rate Q. It is found that when q, the ratio of thermal conductivity to magnetic diffusivity, is small, R must be of order q ?4/3 and Q of order q ?2 for dynamo action to be possible; q is small in the Earth's core, so it is hoped that the criteria will prove useful in practical as well as theoretical studies of dynamic dynamos. The criteria can be further strengthened when the ohmic dissipation of the field is significant in the energy balance. The development includes the derivation of two necessary conditions for dynamo action, both based on the viscous dissipation rate of the velocity field that drives the dynamo.  相似文献   


The weak-field Benard-type dynamo treated by Soward is considered here at higher levels of the induced magnetic field. Two sources of instability are found to occur in the intermediate field regime M ~ T 1/12, where M and T are the Hartmann and Taylor numbers. On the time scale of magnetic diffusion, solutions may blow up in finite time owing to destabilization of the convection by the magnetic field. On a faster time scale a dynamic instability related to MAC-wave instability can also occur. It is therefore concluded that the asymptotic structure of this dynamo is unstable to virtual increases in the magnetic field energy.

In an attempt to model stabilization of the dynamo in a strong-field regime we consider two approximations. In the first, a truncated expansion in three-dimensional plane waves is studied numerically. A second approach utilizes an ad hoc set of ordinary differential equations which contains many of the features of convection dynamos at all field energies. Both of these models exhibit temporal intermittency of the dynamo effect.  相似文献   

The turbulent cross helicity is directly related to the coupling coefficients for the mean vorticity in the electromotive force and for the mean magnetic-field strain in the Reynolds stress tensor. This suggests that the cross-helicity effects are important in the cases where global inhomogeneous flow and magnetic-field structures are present. Since such large-scale structures are ubiquitous in geo/astrophysical phenomena, the cross-helicity effect is expected to play an important role in geo/astrophysical flows. In the presence of turbulent cross helicity, the mean vortical motion contributes to the turbulent electromotive force. Magnetic-field generation due to this effect is called the cross-helicity dynamo. Several features of the cross-helicity dynamo are introduced. Alignment of the mean electric-current density J with the mean vorticity Ω , as well as the alignment between the mean magnetic field B and velocity U , is supposed to be one of the characteristic features of the dynamo. Unlike the case in the helicity or α effect, where J is aligned with B in the turbulent electromotive force, we in general have a finite mean-field Lorentz force J ?×? B in the cross-helicity dynamo. This gives a distinguished feature of the cross-helicity effect. By considering the effects of cross helicity in the momentum equation, we see several interesting consequences of the effect. Turbulent cross helicity coupled with the mean magnetic shear reduces the effect of turbulent or eddy viscosity. Flow induction is an important consequence of this effect. One key issue in the cross-helicity dynamo is to examine how and how much cross helicity can be present in turbulence. On the basis of the cross-helicity transport equation, its production mechanisms are discussed. Some recent developments in numerical validation of the basic notion of the cross-helicity dynamo are also presented.  相似文献   


We discuss recent developments in the theory of large-scale magnetic structures in spiral galaxies. In addition to a review of galactic dynamo models developed for axisymmetric disks of variable thickness, we consider the possibility of dominance of non-axisymmetric magnetic modes in disks with weak deviations from axial symmetry. Difficulties of straightforward numerical simulation of galactic dynamos are discussed and asymptotic solutions of the dynamo equations relevant for galactic conditions are considered. Theoretical results are compared with observational data.  相似文献   


We consider the turbulent dynamo action in a differentially rotating flow by making use of a kinematic approach when the effect of a generated magnetic field on turbulent motions is neglected. The mean electromotive force is calculated in a quasilinear approximation. Differential rotation can stretch turbulent magnetic field lines and break the symmetry of turbulence in such a way that turbulent motions become suitable for the generation of a large scale magnetic field. The presence of shear changes the type of an equation governing the mean magnetic field. Due to shear stresses the mean magnetic field can be generated by a turbulent dynamo action even in a uniform turbulence. The growth rate depends on the length scale of the mean field being faster for the field with a smaller length scale.  相似文献   


The kinematic dynamo problem is considered for certain steady velocity fields with symmetries that are plausible in a rapidly rotating convective system. By generalizing results proved for the mean field dynamo model by Proctor (1977a), it is shown that for a related “comparison problem” with modified boundary conditions, the eigenvalues are degenerate if there is no axisymmetric mean circulation, with modes of dipole and quadrupole parity excited with equal ease. The comparison problem can be shown to be closely similar to the dynamo problem when there is a region unfavourable to dynamo action surrounding the dynamo region. The near-symmetries found by Roberts (1972) for the mean field model are invoked to suggest that a close correspondence is likely even when this region is absent. It is therefore conjectured that such mean motions may be important in explaining the observed preference for solutions of dipole parity by planetary dynamos.  相似文献   

An inverse dynamo problem is presented in which we search for either kinematic dynamos which produce the same external magnetic fields or an invisible dynamo. The existence of flows which produce the same external magnetic fields is proved. However, we have not found general conditions necessary for such kind of dynamos. An “invisible dynamo” operates in an electrically conducting region surrounded by vacuum and generates a magnetic field trapped in the electrically conducting region so that no magnetic field exists in the vacuum. Invisible magnetic decay modes exist in cylinders, but no invisible growing field supported by the dynamo mechanism has been found.  相似文献   

The meridional circulation plays an essential role in determining the basic mechanism of the dynamo action in the case of a low eddy diffusivity. Flux-transport dynamos with strong return flow and a deep stagnation point are discussed in the case of a positive α-effect located in the overshoot layer and a rotation law consistent with helioseismology. By means of a linear dynamo model, it will be shown that the migration of the toroidal belts at lower latitudes and the periods of the activity cycles are consistent with the observations. Moreover, at variance with previous investigations, the typical critical dynamo numbers of dipolar solutions are significantly smaller than those of quadrupolar solutions even in the regime of strong flow.  相似文献   


Dynamo action in a highly conducting fluid with small magnetic diffusivity η is particularly sensitive to the topology of the flow. The sites of rapid magnetic field regeneration, when they occur, appear to be located at the stagnation points or in regions where the particle paths are chaotic. Elsewhere only slow dynamo action is to be expected. Two such examples are the nearly axially symmetric dynamo of Braginsky and the generalisation to smooth velocity fields of the Ponomarenko dynamo. Here a method of solution is developed, which applies to both these examples and is applicable to other situations, where magnetic field lines are close to either closed or spatially periodic contours. Particular attention is given to field generation in the neighbourhood of resonant surfaces where growth rates may be intermediate between the slow diffusive and fast convective time scales. The method is applied to the case of the two-dimensional ABC-flows, where it is shown that such intermediate dynamo action can occur on resonant surfaces.  相似文献   


We study the nonlinear asymptotic thin disc approximation to the mean field dynamo equations, as applicable to spiral galaxies. The circumstances in which sharp magnetic field structures (fronts) can propagate radially are investigated, and an expression for the speed of propagation derived. We find that the speed of an interior front is proportional to η//R ? (where η is the diffusivity and Rt the galactic radius), whereas an exterior front moves with speed of order , where γ is the local growth rate of the dynamo. Numerical simulations are presented, that agree well with our asymptotic results. Further, we perform numerical experiments using the 'no-z' approximation for thin disc dynamos, and show that the propagation of magnetic fronts in this approximation can also be understood in terms of our asymptotic results.  相似文献   


An analysis of small-scale magnetic fields shows that the Ponomarenko dynamo is a fast dynamo; the maximum growth rate remains of order unity in the limit of large magnetic Reynolds number. Magnetic fields are regenerated by a “stretch-diffuse” mechanism. General smooth axisymmetric velocity fields are also analysed; these give slow dynamo action by the same mechanism.  相似文献   

This article addresses the interesting and important problem of large-scale magnetic field generation in turbulent flows, using a self-consistent dynamo model recently developed. The main idea of this model is to consider the induction equation for the large-scale magnetic field, integrated consistently with the turbulent dynamics at smaller scales described by a magnetohydrodynamic shell model. The questions of dynamo action threshold, magnetic field saturation, magnetic field reversals, nature of the dynamo transition and the changes of small-scale turbulence as a consequence of the dynamo onset are discussed. In particular, the stability curve obtained by the model integration is shown in a very wide range of values of the magnetic Prandtl number not yet accessible by direct numerical simulation but more realistic for natural dynamos. Moreover, from our analysis it is shown that the large-scale dynamo transition displays a hysteretic behaviour and therefore a subcritical nature. The model successfully reproduces magnetic polarity reversals, showing the capability to generate persistence times which are increasing for decreasing magnetic diffusivity. Moreover, when the system reaches a statistically stationary dynamo state, where the large-scale magnetic field can abruptly reverse its polarity (magnetic reversal state) or not, keeping the same polarity (steady state), it shows an unmistakable tendency towards the energy equipartition for the turbulence at small scale.  相似文献   


In order to show that aperiodic magnetic cycles, with Maunder minima, can occur naturally in nonlinear hydromagnetic dynamos, we have investigated a simple nonlinear model of an oscillatory stellar dynamo. The parametrized mean field equations in plane geometry have a Hopf bifurcation when the dynamo number D=1, leading to Parker's dynamo waves. Including the nonlinear interaction between the magnetic field and the velocity shear results in a system of seven coupled nonlinear differential equations. For D>1 there is an exact nonlinear solution, corresponding to periodic dynamo waves. In the regime described by a fifth order system of equations this solution remains stable for all D and the velocity shear is progressively reduced by the Lorentz force. In a regime described by a sixth order system, the solution becomes unstable and successive transitions lead to chaotic behaviour. Oscillations are aperiodic and modulated to give episodes of reduced activity.  相似文献   

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