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An attractive explanation for the observed spatial growth of the Gulf Stream meanders is that the meanders are spatially growing unstable waves. The results of a calculation based on a simple two-layer model of baroclinically unstable flow presented here support this idea. The model is a familiar one with the energy for the growth of the meander perturbations coming from the potential energy available in the geostrophic tilt of the interface between the two layers due to their velocity shear. In order to distinguish between spatial and temporal growth, it IS necessary to assume that the meanders are generated in a localized region, or equivalently, that the meanders are upstream disturbances which are amplified as they enter a region of unstable flow. This assumption is implemented mathematically through the use of a Green's function which governs the propagation of the meanders. Analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the Green's function leads to a criterion which must he satisfied if the meanders arc to grow spatially. This criterion is that the mean flow velocity must be sufficiently greater than the velocity shear, Um > √2 Us, in order to have spatial growth. This simply means that the growing meanders must be washed downstream faster than they spread upstream, or equivalently the spatial growth is due to downstream advection of growing disturbances. The actual Gulf Stream flow is in fair agreement with this criterion.  相似文献   


An analysis is presented of the propagation of barotropic non-divergent oscillations along the western side of an ocean basin along which the persistent circulation in the basin is strongly intensified and laterally sheared. Because the Rossby number of a western boundary current is near unity, the properties of these waves are strongly affected by the steady circulation pattern. It is shown that for relatively long wavelengths, these waves can travel along the shelf in both directions; however, for a small range of short wavelengths they can only propagate northward and are unstable. Along the southeastern coast of North America, the unstable waves have wavelengths of order 150 km and periods of order 10 days. However, these waves can become stable oscillations in the deeper water northeast of Cape Hatteras. These oscillations are a possible explanation of the initiation of Gulf Stream meanders along the continental rise.  相似文献   


The time‐dependent meandering in a thin baroclinic jet over bottom topography is discussed in the quasi‐geostrophic approximation. The motion of the axis of the jet is taken to be vertically coherent and the axis itself is defined as inextensible. The motion is examined from a frame of reference moving with the axis but fixed at an arbitrary longitude in terms of an open ocean spatial initial value problem. The velocities of the axis and of the jet are quasi‐geostrophic, and vorticity conservation for the first non‐geostrophic components constrains the evolution of the axis and gives a path equation. The spatial linearized stability problem is studied and the jet is found to be baroclinically unstable to path disturbances of sufficiently high frequency which amplify downstream. An exact solution is obtained to the nonlinear path equation over a flat bottom with no ß‐effect. The evolution of the path of these unstable meanders is such that the path closes itself and forms rings (at which point the analysis breaks down). It is proposed that the baroclinic jet processes studied here are fundamental to the dynamics of Gulf Stream meandering and isolated eddy production.  相似文献   


One of the central unsolved theoretical problems of the large scale ocean circulation is concerned with explaining the very large transports measured in western boundary currents such as the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio. The only theory up to now that can explain the size of these transports is that of non-linear recirculation in which the advective terms in the momentum equations became important near the western boundary. In this paper an alternative explanation is suggested. When bottom topography and baroclinic effects are included in a wind-driven ocean model it is shown that the western boundary current can have a transport larger than that predicted from the wind stress distribution even when the nonlinear advective terms are ignored. The explanation lies in the presence of pressure torques associated with bottom topography which can contribute to the vorticity balance in the same sense as the wind stress curl.

Three numerical experiments have been carried out to explore the nature of this process using a three dimensional numerical model. The first calculation is done for a baroclinic ocean of constant depth, the second for a homogeneous ocean with an idealized continental slope topography, and the third for a baroclinic ocean with the same continental slope topography. The nature of the vorticity balance and of the circulation around closed paths is examined in each case, and it is shown that bottom pressure torques lead to enhanced transport in the western boundary current only for the baroclinic case with variable depth.  相似文献   


A general fluid dynamical theory of discrete unstable spiral modes in disk-shaped galaxies is described. This formulation of modes includes a radiation boundary condition and an exact numerical treatment of the Poisson equation. Thus, the modes are maintained by an outward transport of angular momentum, but they may be composed of both leading and trailing waves. A numerical scheme based on this formulation is described, and examples of modes obtained with this scheme are presented. These examples compare favorably with calculations based on the original asymptotic theory of Bertin, Lau, Lin and Mark. The implications of the present formulation of modes in galactic models support the hypothesis of a quasi-stationary spiral structure.  相似文献   


Thermal instabilities in the form of oscillatory magnetoconvection representing diffusively modified Alfvén waves in an electrically-conducting Bénard fluid layer of rigid walls in the presence of a vertical magnetic field are investigated. Emphasis of the article is on the transition from a nearly undamped Alfvén wave to diffusively modified Alfvén waves, and on the effect of physically realisable magnetic field boundary conditions on magnetoconvection. It is found that the extra magnetic dissipation in the magnetic Hartmann boundary layers can enhance oscillatory magnetoconvection in the form of strongly modified Alfvén waves. Oscillatory magnetoconvection produced solely by the Alfvén wave mechanism can be the most unstable mode even in the presence of a strong viscous effect. This article also represents the first study on the effect of an electrically conducting wall on magnetoconvection which is associated with a nonlinear eigenvalue problem. We find that the electrically perfectly conducting condition does not yield a good approximation for magnetoconvection with an electrically highly conducting wall. The size of oscillation frequency with an electrically highly conducting wall can be more than a factor of 2 larger than that obtained using the perfectly conducting condition.  相似文献   

Summary The theoretical part of the paper deals with the stability characteristics of the observed mean zonal current over India and neighbourhood in winter. The analysis shows that the mean zonal current is unstable with respect to a small perturbation superimposed on it.The synoptic part deals with a case study of a western disturbance which developed into a depression. The development of the western disturbance is similar to the development of a baroclinically unstable disturbance. Power spectral analysis of the meridional component of wind shows a periodicity of 810 days for western disturbances. The estimated wavelength of the western disturbance is in good agreement with the theoretically determined most unstable wavelength.  相似文献   


We study the nonlinear stability of MHD waves propagating in a two-dimensional, compressible, highly magnetized, viscous plasma. These waves are driven by a weak, shear body force which could be imposed by large scale internal fluctuations present in the solar atmosphere.

The effects of anisotropic viscosity (leading to a cubic damping) and of the nonlinear coupling of the Alfven and the magnetoacoustic waves are analysed using Galerkin and multiple-scale analysis: the MHD equations are reduced to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which is then suitably truncated to give a model dynamical system, representing the interaction of two complex Galerkin modes.

For propagation oblique to the background magnetic field, analytical integration shows that the low-wavenumber mode is physically unstable. For propagation parallel to the background magnetic field the high-wavenumber wave can undergo saddlenode bifurcations, in way that is similar to the van der Pol oscillator; these bifurcations lead to the appearance of a hysteresis cycle.

A numerical integration of the dynamical system shows that a sequence of Hopf bifurcations takes place as the Reynolds number is increased, up to the onset of nonperiodic behaviour. It also shows that energy can be transferred from the low- wavenumber to the high-wavenumber mode.  相似文献   


Inertial waves are excited in a fluid contained in a slightly tilted rotating cylindrical cavity while the fluid is spinning up from rest. The surface of the fluid is free. Since the perturbation frequency is equal to the rotation speed resonance occurs at a critical height to radius aspect ratio of the fluid. Detailed study of a particular inertial wave shows that in solid body rotation this “eigenratio” agrees with predictions from linear inviscid theory to within 0.5%. Measured time dependence of the eigenratio during spin-up from rest is a function of the tilt amplitude and agrees favorably with predictions from a numerical study. Mean flow associated with the inertial wave becomes unstable during spin-up and in the steady state. A boundary for the unstable region is found experimentally.  相似文献   


The simplest model for geophysical flows is one layer of a constant density fluid with a free surface, where the fluid motions occur on a scale in which the Coriolis force is significant. In the linear shallow water limit, there are non-dispersive Kelvin waves, localized near a boundary or near the equator, and a large family of dispersive waves. We study weakly nonlinear and finite depth corrections to these waves, and derive a reduced system of equations governing the flow. For this system we find approximate solitary Kelvin waves, both for waves traveling along a boundary and along the equator. These waves induce jets perpendicular to their direction of propagation, which may have a role in mixing. We also derive an equivalent reduced system for the evolution of perturbations to a mean geostrophic flow.  相似文献   


Supercritically unstable density fronts near a vertical wall in a rotating, two-layer fluid were created on a laboratory turntable by withdrawing the outer wall of an annulus with a narrow gap, and allowing buoyant fluid from within the annulus to collapse toward a state of quasi-geostrophic balance. The resulting “coastal” current has a nearly uniform potential vorticity and is bounded by a front on which ageostrophic, wave-like disturbances grow. If the current width is comparable to the Rossby radius of deformation, the dominant length scale of disturbances is proportional to the width of the current. On the other hand, if the upper layer is much wider than the Rossby radius, then the observed length scale is a constant multiple of the Rossby radius. If the vertical boundary is omitted in the experiments, so that we are left with a circular anticyclonic vortex, the observed length scales and large-amplitude behaviour of disturbances are identical to those for the boundary currents, indicating that the wall has no significant influence on the flow.

At very large amplitude the growing waves lead to the formation of cyclone-anticyclone vortex pairs. For very wide currents, both the mean flow and the disturbances are first confined to a region within a few Rossby radii of the front. However, both the mean flow and the turbulent eddy motions slowly propagate into the previously stationary upper layer until, eventually, the whole of the upper layer is turbulent.  相似文献   


The adjustment of sea surface height (SSH) around the coasts of the Japan/East Sea (JES) and the South China Sea (SCS) basins subjected to extratropical Pacific Oceanic low frequency variability is studied using a Kelvin-planetary wave model and a high resolution numerical model. It is found that the modulation of SSH around the coast of Japan is mainly determined by slow adjustment of planetary waves, which radiate from the west coast of Honshu and Hokkaido due to the coastal Kelvin wave. In contrast, the SSH modulation around the cost of the South China Sea basin is mainly determined by the coastal Kelvin wave, which transfers the anomalous SSH into the SCS via the Luzon Strait and out via the Mindoro Strait. The planetary waves radiating from the west coast of Palawan establish a nearly uniform SSH anomaly in the southern part of the SCS, bounded by an eastward jet at the latitude of the Mindoro Strait. Along the western boundary, SSH anomaly decreases almost linearly toward the south, in accordance with the changing local deformation radius. In these two marginal seas, the mean subtropical Pacific gyre circulation enhances SSH modulation induced by extratropical Pacific low frequency variability. Overall, the SSH adjustment in the JES and the SCS predicted by the analytical model agrees well with the numerical model simulation. Application of this model to interaction between these marginal seas and the open ocean is discussed.  相似文献   


The instability of a current with a geostrophic surface density front is investigated by means of a reduced gravity model having a velocity profile with nearly uniform potential vorticity. It is shown that currents are unstable when the mean potential vorticity decreases toward the surface front at the critical point of the frontal trapped waves investigated by Paldor (1983). This instability is identical with that demonstrated by Killworth (1983) in the longwave limit.

The cross-stream component of mass flux and the rates of energy conversions among the five energy forms defined by Orlanski (1968) are also calculated. The main results are as follows, (a) The mass flux toward the surface front is positive near the front and negative around the critical point. The positive mass flux near the front does not vanish at the position of the undisturbed surface front, so that the mean position of the front moves outward and the region of the strong current spreads. (b) The potential energy of the mean flow integrated over the fluid is released through the work done by the force of the pressure gradient of the mean flow on the fluid, and is converted into the kinetic energy of the mean flow. (c) In the critical layer, the mean flow is rapidly accelerated with the growth of the unstable wave. This acceleration is caused by the rapid phase shift of the unstable wave in the critical layer.  相似文献   


The flow properties of an homogeneous fluid which is bounded by two concentric spheres and two meridional planes which intersect along a diameter of the spheres are investigated. The spheres rotate about this diameter with slightly different angular velocities. As in the axisymmetric case studied by Proudman (1956) and Stewartson (1966) the viscous terms in the equations of motion are important only in boundary layers on the spheres and on the cylinder C which circumscribes the inner sphere and which has generators parallel to the axis of rotation, provided the Ekman number E is small. In the inviscid region the velocities are independent of the coordinate measuring distance along the axis of rotation and are much weaker, by a factor 0(E ½), than the velocities in the Ekman layer on the driving surface (outer sphere). (It is assumed that the reference frame is fixed in the slower rotating inner sphere.) If the separation of the spheres is small compared to their radii then the asymmetric circulation inside C is characterized by an intense jet along the western wall. Loss of fluid from this jet sustains the eastward and northward flow in the inviscid interior where motion is driven by the suction of the Ekman layer on the outer sphere. (Geophysical conventions have been adopted.) Outside C an intense current is present on the eastern, not western, wall while motion in the inviscid region is westward, and away from the axis of rotation. Though there is no transport across C in the inviscid region, the meridional transport of the Ekman layer on the outer sphere is continuous across C and increases, through suction, as the equator is approached until it drains into an eastward flowing equatorial current of width 0(E 1/7). The eastern boundary current outside C and shear layers on C carry this fluid to the intersection of C and the western wall where it feeds the western boundary current inside C.

The relation between this study and the experiments of Baker and Robinson (1970) is discussed.  相似文献   


The flow of a two-layer flow in a rotating channel on an f-plane over topography with sinusoidal variation of height in a direction parallel to the flow is investigated. When the two layers flow in opposite directions a resonance is found when the topographic scale matches the free mode of the system. We examine the stability of the forced mode in the vicinity of this resonance by means of a perturbation expansion of the topographic height. Both subresonant and super-resonant instabilities are found and their equilibration is examined. For small values of the dissipation multiple equilibria are found. The topographic drag releases potential energy even when the flow is baroclinically stable.  相似文献   


We consider the linearized stability of a barotropic coastal current flowing parallel to a straight coastline over a continental shelf and slope whose depth varies monotonically with distance from the coast. Some necessary conditions for stability and various semi-circle theorems are reviewed for general current profiles and bottom topography. A criterion for topography to be a destabilizing influence is derived. Some general results for stable waves are also described. Analytic solutions are obtained for a piece-wise linear current profile and the exponential depth profile (Buchwald and Adams, 1968). Dispersion diagrams are obtained for a monotonic current profile, where it is shown that the effect of topography is destabilizing, and for a triangular current profile. The dispersion diagrams generally contain a finite number (usually one or two) of unstable waves, and a set of stable waves, which may be infinite in number. The results are applied to some specific coastal regimes.  相似文献   


It is suggested that reverse currents seen in recent numerical reconnection experiments (Biskamp, 1986; Forbes and Priest, 1983) are caused by the choice of outflow boundary conditions. The specification of the normal velocity at the outflow boundary may result in a mismatch in velocity at the diffusion region which is manifested as a spike of reverse current.  相似文献   


We study the propagation of nonlinear MHD waves in a highly magnetized plasma cavity. The cavity's moving boundaries generate Alfvén waves, which in turn drive and interact with slow magnetosonic waves. The interacting wave system is analyzed by a Galerkin and multiple-scale analyses leading to simple dynamical equations. When the frequency of the forcing provided by the moving boundaries and that of the fundamental Alfvén eigenmode are close, the cavity behaves like a Duffing oscillator. Application of the Melnikov function theory shows that the Alfvén wave's amplitude undergoes both flip and saddle-node bifurcations as the amplitude and the phase of the boundary forcing vary. Direct numerical integration confirms these results and provides an estimate of the amount of energy dissipated in the bifurcations.  相似文献   


Barotropic instability of weakly non-parallel zonal flows with localized intense shear regions is investigated numerically. The numerical integrations of the linear stability problem reveal the existence of unstable localized wave packets whose spatial structure and eigenfrequencies depend on two parameters which measure the degree of supercriticality and the zonal length-scale of the shear region. The results indicate that the structure of the instability is determined by conditions that ensure the decay of the wave packet at infinity and the transition from long to short waves across a turning point (critical layer) region which is controlled by non-parallel effects. The controlling influence exerted by the weak non-parallel effects on the evolution of the instability underlines the weakness of the parallel flow assumption which can be used locally, away from critical layers, as a diagnostic tool only.  相似文献   

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