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Estimating vertical velocity in the oceanic upper layers is a key issue for understanding ocean dynamics and the transport of biogeochemical elements. This paper aims to identify the physical sources of vertical velocity associated with sub-mesoscale dynamics (fronts, eddies) and mixed-layer depth (MLD) structures, using (a) an ocean adaptation of the generalized Q-vector form of the ω-equation deduced from a primitive equation system which takes into account the turbulent buoyancy and momentum fluxes and (b) an application of this diagnostic method for an ocean simulation of the Programme Océan Multidisciplinaire Méso Echelle (POMME) field experiment in the North-Eastern Atlantic. The approach indicates that w-sources can play a significant role in the ocean dynamics and strongly depend on the dynamical structure (anticyclonic eddy, front, MLD, etc.). Our results stress the important contribution of the ageostrophic forcing, even under quasi-geostrophic conditions. The turbulent w-forcing was split into two components associated with the spatial variability of (a) the buoyancy and momentum (Ekman pumping) surface fluxes and (b) the MLD. Process (b) represents the trapping of the buoyancy and momentum surface energy into the MLD structure and is identified as an atmosphere/oceanic mixed-layer coupling. The momentum-trapping process is 10 to 100 times stronger than the Ekman pumping and is at least 1,000 times stronger than the buoyancy w-sources. When this decomposition is applied to a filamentary mixed-layer structure simulated during the POMME experiment, we find that the associated vertical velocity is created by trapping the surface wind-stress energy into this structure and not by Ekman pumping.  相似文献   


Latitude behavior of the boundary α-effect based on reflection of hydromagnetic waves from the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB) studied earlier by Anufriev (1991), is discussed. Its form given in Figure 2 is in good agreement with that used in model-Z of Braginsky. We want to emphasize the following main features of our α-effect which resemble those of Braginsky: concentration near the boundary, sign-changing of α in the layer and geometrical behavior. The last includes the vanishing of α near the poles and the equator which is characteristic for Braginsky's α-effect. It is also shown that for Magnetic Reynolds Number of order 100 the amplitude of the α-effect and the thickness of the α-layer is of the order of those used in model-Z.  相似文献   

Data from the VLF Doppler experiment at Faraday, Antarctica (65○ S, 64○ W) are used to study the penetration of the high-latitude convection electric field to lower latitudes during severely disturbed conditions. Alterations of the electric field at L-values within the range 2.0 - 2.7 are studied for two cases at equinox (10 - 12 September 1986 and 1 - 3 May 1986). The recovery of the electric field is found to be approximately an exponential function of time. Values for the equatorial meridional E×B drift velocity, inferred from the data, are used as inputs to a model of the plasmasphere and ionosphere. The model and experimental results are used to investigate the post-storm alteration of ionospheric coupling processes. The magnitude of the effect of ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling fluxes on NmF2 values and the O+-H+ transition height is dependent on the local time of storm commencement, and on the orientation of the electric field. The coupling fluxes appear to have a maximum influence on ionospheric content during the main phase of geomagnetic activity that produces outward motion of plasmaspheric whistler ducts.  相似文献   


The seasonal variation of land–atmosphere coupling strength has been examined using an extended series of atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations. In the Western Sahel of Africa, strong coupling strength for precipitation is found in April and May, just prior to and at the beginning of the monsoon season. At this time, heat and water fluxes from the surface are strongly controlled by land conditions, and the unstable conditions in the lower level of the troposphere, as induced by local land state, allow the surface fluxes to influence the variability of convective precipitation—and thus the timing of monsoon onset.

Editor Z. W. Kundzewicz

Citation Yamada, T.J., Kanae, S., Oki, T., and Koster, R.D., 2013. Seasonal variation of land–atmosphere coupling strength over the West African monsoon region in an atmospheric general circulation model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1276–1286.  相似文献   


Oceanic mesoscale eddies which are analogs of well known synoptic eddies (cyclones and anticyclones), are studied on the basis of the turbulence model originated by Dubovikov (Dubovikov, M.S., "Dynamical model of turbulent eddies", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B7, 4631-4645 (1993).) and further developed by Canuto and Dubovikov (Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., "A dynamical model for turbulence: I. General formalism", Phys. Fluids 8, 571-586 (1996a) (CD96a); Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., "A dynamical model for turbulence: II. Sheardriven flows", Phys. Fluids 8, 587-598 (1996b) (CD96b); Canuto, V.M., Dubovikov, M.S., Cheng, Y. and Dienstfrey, A., "A dynamical model for turbulence: III. Numerical results", Phys. Fluids 8, 599-613 (1996c)(CD96c); Canuto, V.M., Dubovikov, M.S. and Dienstfrey, A., "A dynamical model for turbulence: IV. Buoyancy-driven flows", Phys. Fluids 9, 2118-2131 (1997a) (CD97a); Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., "A dynamical model for turbulence: V. The effect of rotation", Phys. Fluids 9, 2132-2140 (1997b) (CD97b); Canuto, V.M., Dubovikov, M.S. and Wielaard, D.J., "A dynamical model for turbulence: VI. Two dimensional turbulence", Phys. Fluids 9, 2141-2147 (1997c) (CD97c); Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., "Physical regimes and dimensional structure of rotating turbulence", Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 666-669 (1997d) (CD97d); Canuto, V.M., Dubovikov, M.S. and Dienstfrey, A., "Turbulent convection in a spectral model", Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 662-665 (1997e) (CD97e); Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., "A new approach to turbulence", Int. J. Mod. Phys. 12, 3121-3152 (1997f) (CD97f); Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., "Two scaling regimes for rotating Raleigh-Benard convection", Phys. Rev. Letters 78, 281-284, (1998) (CD98); Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., "A dynamical model for turbulence: VII. The five invariants for shear driven flows", Phys. Fluids 11, 659-664 (1999a) (CD99a); Canuto, V.M., Dubovikov, M.S. and Yu, G., "A dynamical model for turbulence: VIII. IR and UV Reynolds stress spectra for shear driven flows", Phys. Fluids 11, 656-677 (1999b) (CD99b); Canuto, V.M., Dubovikov, M.S. and Yu, G., "A dynamical model for turbulence: IX. The Reynolds stress for shear driven flows", Phys. Fluids 11, 678-694 (1999c) (CD99c).). The CD model derives from general principles and does not resort to any free parameters. Yet, it successfully describes a wide variety of quite different turbulent flows. In the present work we apply CD model to the compressible ocean. The model yields mesoscale eddies generated by the baroclinic instability. The latter, in turn, arises from the nonhorizontal orientation of the surfaces of the constant potential density (isopycnals). The obtained dynamic equations for eddy fields reduce to a vertical eigen value problem, an eigen value real part yielding an eddy radius, while an imaginary part - an eddy drift velocity. The size of the eddy is about 3rd (where rd is the Rossby deformation radius). The eddy dynamics has the following distinctive features: (1) the large scale potential energy feeds the eddy potential energy (EPE) at scales ~ rd , (2) from rd EPE cascades to the smaller scales down to ~ l 1 determined from the condition that the spectral Rossby number Ro(q) ≡ qU'(q)f?1 becomes ~ 1 (q is two-dimensional wave number within an isopycnal surface), (3) at scales ~ l 1 EPE transforms into eddy kinetic energy (EKE) which cascades backwards to the larger scales up to ~ rd , where it transforms back into EPE, thereby closing the energy flux circulation in a wavenumber space, (4) dissipation of the eddy energy (EE) occurs at scales ~ l 1 since at those scales the fluctuating component of the vertical shear is maximal and equals to the Brunt-Vaisala frequency. The latter equality is the well known condition for generating the vertical turbulence which dissipates EE. The model enables to determine all turbulence characteristics, including the horizontal (isopycnal) diffusivity κ h in terms of the large scale mean fields. From the typical values of the latter follow estimates for the parameters of an eddy which agree well with the observational and simulational data: kh ~ 103m2s?1, EKE K ~ 103m2s?1, rd ~ 3 × 104m, lI ~ 10. In what concerns the bolus velocity, it contains additional terms (as compared to the model of Gent and McWilliams (Gent, P.R. and McWilliams, J.C., "Isopycnal mixing in ocean circulation models", J. Phys. Oceanogr. 20, 150-155 (1990)) which result from the eddy fields advection by a mean velocity ū. Since the latter varies with depth, it is inevitable to differ from the eddy drift velocity that produces a shearing force eroding the eddy coherent structures and, therefore, contributing negatively to EE production. This is in contrast with the positive contribution from the GM term (which is due to the baroclinic instability). In those regions where the disruptive action is stronger, there is no eddy generation.  相似文献   


The accuracy to which the vertical structure of tidal currents can be predicted is examined. Theoretical models for current structure are developed employing (a) a constant eddy viscosity E = ε and (b) an eddy viscosity varying linearly with height above the sea bed z; E(z)=βz. By requiring these models to satisfy the commonly accepted quadratic friction law, the condition ε>½k is deduced where k is the bed friction coefficient, W a representative velocity and D the depth.

The sense of rotation of a current ellipse is shown to be related to the configuration of co-tidal charts. The vertical structure of the current ellipse is illustrated from the theoretical models and the sensitivity of this structure is examined for the following variables: (a) eddy viscosity ε or βz, (b) the bed friction parameter kW, (c) rotation of the prescribed pressure gradients and (d) tidal period. While reasonable agreement between observed and calculated current profiles may often be reported, precise agreement is shown to depend upon accurate specification of both eddy viscosity and the bed stress condition.  相似文献   


Seasonality is an important hydrological signature for catchment comparison. Here, the relevance of monthly precipitation–runoff polygons (defined as scatter points of 12 monthly average precipitation–runoff value pairs connected in the chronological monthly sequence) for characterizing seasonality patterns was investigated to describe the hydrological behaviour of 10 catchments spanning a climatic gradient across the northern temperate region. Specifically, the research objectives were to: (a) discuss the extent to which monthly precipitation–runoff polygons can be used to infer active hydrological processes in contrasting catchments; (b) test the ability of quantitative metrics describing the shape, orientation and surface area of monthly precipitation–runoff polygons to discriminate between different seasonality patterns; and (c) examine the value of precipitation–runoff polygons as a basis for catchment grouping and comparison. This study showed that some polygon metrics were as effective as monthly average runoff coefficients for illustrating differences between the 10 catchments. The use of precipitation–runoff polygons was especially helpful to look at the dynamics prevailing in specific months and better assess the coupling between precipitation and runoff and their relative degree of seasonality. This polygon methodology, linked with a range of quantitative metrics, could therefore provide a new simple tool for understanding and comparing seasonality among catchments.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor K. Heal

Citation Ali, G., Tetzlaff, D., Kruitbos, L., Soulsby, C., Carey, S., McDonnell, J., Buttle, J., Laudon, H., Seibert, J., McGuire, K., and Shanley, J., 2013. Analysis of hydrological seasonality across northern catchments using monthly precipitation–runoff polygon metrics. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 56–72.  相似文献   

The turbulent cross helicity is directly related to the coupling coefficients for the mean vorticity in the electromotive force and for the mean magnetic-field strain in the Reynolds stress tensor. This suggests that the cross-helicity effects are important in the cases where global inhomogeneous flow and magnetic-field structures are present. Since such large-scale structures are ubiquitous in geo/astrophysical phenomena, the cross-helicity effect is expected to play an important role in geo/astrophysical flows. In the presence of turbulent cross helicity, the mean vortical motion contributes to the turbulent electromotive force. Magnetic-field generation due to this effect is called the cross-helicity dynamo. Several features of the cross-helicity dynamo are introduced. Alignment of the mean electric-current density J with the mean vorticity Ω , as well as the alignment between the mean magnetic field B and velocity U , is supposed to be one of the characteristic features of the dynamo. Unlike the case in the helicity or α effect, where J is aligned with B in the turbulent electromotive force, we in general have a finite mean-field Lorentz force J ?×? B in the cross-helicity dynamo. This gives a distinguished feature of the cross-helicity effect. By considering the effects of cross helicity in the momentum equation, we see several interesting consequences of the effect. Turbulent cross helicity coupled with the mean magnetic shear reduces the effect of turbulent or eddy viscosity. Flow induction is an important consequence of this effect. One key issue in the cross-helicity dynamo is to examine how and how much cross helicity can be present in turbulence. On the basis of the cross-helicity transport equation, its production mechanisms are discussed. Some recent developments in numerical validation of the basic notion of the cross-helicity dynamo are also presented.  相似文献   

The mathematical formulation of an iterative procedure for the numerical implementation of an ionosphere-magnetosphere (IM) anisotropic Ohm’s law boundary condition is presented. The procedure may be used in global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the magnetosphere. The basic form of the boundary condition is well known, but a well-defined, simple, explicit method for implementing it in an MHD code has not been presented previously. The boundary condition relates the ionospheric electric field to the magnetic field-aligned current density driven through the ionosphere by the magnetospheric convection electric field, which is orthogonal to the magnetic field B, and maps down into the ionosphere along equipotential magnetic field lines. The source of this electric field is the flow of the solar wind orthogonal to B. The electric field and current density in the ionosphere are connected through an anisotropic conductivity tensor which involves the Hall, Pedersen, and parallel conductivities. Only the height-integrated Hall and Pedersen conductivities (conductances) appear in the final form of the boundary condition, and are assumed to be known functions of position on the spherical surface R=R1 representing the boundary between the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The implementation presented consists of an iterative mapping of the electrostatic potential , the gradient of which gives the electric field, and the field-aligned current density between the IM boundary at R=R1 and the inner boundary of an MHD code which is taken to be at R2>R1. Given the field-aligned current density on R=R2, as computed by the MHD simulation, it is mapped down to R=R1 where it is used to compute by solving the equation that is the IM Ohm’s law boundary condition. Then is mapped out to R=R2, where it is used to update the electric field and the component of velocity perpendicular to B. The updated electric field and perpendicular velocity serve as new boundary conditions for the MHD simulation which is then used to compute a new field-aligned current density. This process is iterated at each time step. The required Hall and Pedersen conductances may be determined by any method of choice, and may be specified anew at each time step. In this sense the coupling between the ionosphere and magnetosphere may be taken into account in a self-consistent manner.  相似文献   


The efficient planning and design of water networks, as well as the management and strategies of existing water supply systems, require accurate short-term water demand forecasts. In this study, a statistical model for the estimation of daily urban water consumption was developed. The model was applied to analyse and forecast the daily water consumption in the main district of Beijing, China, from 2006 to 2010. The model exhibited good performance with a coefficient of determination, R2, greater than 0.9 in both the calibration and validation periods. The results indicate that: (a) the 7-day moving average temperature is an efficient variable that can be used to depict water-use variation in a year; (b) a daily maximum temperature of 31.1°C and the occurrence of precipitation are two thresholds of water-use behaviour; and (c) the current day’s water consumption has a strong correlation with the consumption of one, two and seven days ago.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Yang

Citation Zhang, D.W., et al., 2013. Statistical interpretation of the daily variation of urban water consumption in Beijing, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 181–192.  相似文献   


The collocation technique has become a popular tool in oceanography and hydrology for estimating the error variances of different data sources such as in situ sensors, models and remote sensing products. It is also possible to determine calibration constants, for example to account for an off-set between the data sources. So far, the temporal autocorrelation structure of the errors has not been studied, although it is known that it has detrimental effects on the results of the collocation technique, in particular when calibration constants are also determined. This paper shows how the (triple) collocation estimators can be adapted to retrieve the autocovariance functions; the statistical properties as well as the structural deficencies are described. The coupling between the autocorrelation of the error and the estimation of calibration constants is studied in detail, due to its importance for analysing temporal changes. In soil moisture applications, such time variations can be induced, for example, by seasonal changes in the vegetation cover, which affect both models and remote sensing products. The limitations of the proposed technique associated with these considerations are analysed using remote sensing and in situ soil moisture data. The variability of the inter-sensor calibration and the autocovariance are shown to be closely related to temporal patterns of the data.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Zwieback, S., Dorigo, W., and Wagner, W., 2013. Estimation of the temporal autocorrelation structure by the collocation technique with an emphasis on soil moisture studies. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1729–1747.  相似文献   


Reference hydrologic networks (RHNs) can play an important role in monitoring for changes in the hydrological regime related to climate variation and change. Currently, the literature concerning hydrological response to climate variations is complex and confounded by the combinations of many methods of analysis, wide variations in hydrology, and the inclusion of data series that include changes in land use, storage regulation and water use in addition to those of climate. Three case studies that illustrate a variety of approaches to the analysis of data from RHNs are presented and used, together with a summary of studies from the literature, to develop approaches for the investigation of changes in the hydrological regime at a continental or global scale, particularly for international comparison. We present recommendations for an analysis framework and the next steps to advance such an initiative. There is a particular focus on the desirability of establishing standardized procedures and methodologies for both the creation of new national RHNs and the systematic analysis of data derived from a collection of RHNs.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor K. Hamed

Citation Burn, D. H., et al., 2012 Whitfield, P.H. 2012. Reference hydrologic networks, I. The status of national reference hydrologic networks for detecting trends and future directions. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(8) this issue[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. Reference hydrologic networks II. Using reference hydrologic networks to assess climate-driven changes in streamflow. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8), 1580–1593.  相似文献   


The equations for a relativistic perfect fluid result from the requirement that the total mass-energy be stationary with respect to variations δxα(a, b, c, s) in the space-time location of the fluid particle identified by Lagrangian labels (a, b, c) at the point s on its world-line. By considering variations of the Lagrangian labels that leave the specific volume and entropy unchanged, we obtain a general covariant statement of vorticity conservation. The conservation laws for circulation, potential vorticity, and helicity are simple corollaries. This Noether-theorem derivation shows that the vorticity laws have no analogues in particle mechanics, where the corresponding particle labels cannot be continuously vaned.  相似文献   

We have used a numerical scheme based on higher-order finite differences to investigate effects of adiabatic heating and viscous dissipation on 3-D rapidly rotating thermal convection in a Cartesian box with an aspect-ratio of 221. Although we omitted coupling with the magnetic field, which can play a key role in the dynamics of the Earth's core, the understanding of non-linear rotating convection including realistic thermodynamic effects is a necessary prerequisite for understanding the full complexity of the Earth's core dynamics. The system of coupled partial differential equations has been solved in terms of the principal variables vorticity , vector potential A and temperature T. The use of the vector potential A allows the velocity field to be calculated with one spatial differentiation in contrast to the spheroidal and toroidal function approach. The temporal evolution is governed by a coupled time-dependent system consisting of and T. The equations are discretized in all directions by using an eighth-order, variable spaced scheme. Rayleigh number Ra of 106, Taylor number Ta of 108 and a Prandtl number Pr of 1 have been employed. The dissipation number of the outer core was taken to be 0.2. A stretched grid has been employed in the vertical direction for resolving the thin shear boundary layers at the top and bottom. This vertical resolution corresponds to around 240 regularly spaced points with an eighth-order accuracy. For the regime appropriate to the Earth's outer core, the dimensionless surface temperature T 0 takes a large value, around 4. This large value in the adiabatic heating/cooling term is found to cause stabilization of both the temperature and velocity fields.  相似文献   


We consider the stability of a toroidal magnetic field B = B(s*) (where (s*,φ,z*) are cylindrical polar coordinates) in a cylindrical annulus of conducting fluid with inner and outer radii si and s o rotating rapidly about its axis. The outer boundary is taken to be either insulating or perfectly conducting, and the effect of a finite magnetic diffusivity in the inner core is investigated. The ratio of magnetic diffusivity in the inner core to that of the outer core is denoted by ηη→0 corresponding to a perfectly conducting inner core and η→∞ to an insulating one. Comparisons with the results of Fearn (1983b, 1988) were made and a good match found in the limits η→0 and η→∞ with his perfectly conducting and insulating results, respectively. In addition a new mode of instability was found in the eta;→0 regime. Features of this new mode are low frequency (both the frequency and growth rate →0 as η→0) and penetration deep into the inner core. Typically it is unstable at lower magnetic field strengths than the previously known instabilities.  相似文献   

The reflection/transmission laws (R/T laws) of plane waves at a plane interface between two homogeneous anisotropic viscoelastic (dissipative) halfspaces are discussed. Algorithms for determining the slowness vectors of reflected/transmitted plane waves from the known slowness vector of the incident wave are proposed. In viscoelastic media, the slowness vectors of plane waves are complex-valued, p = P + iA, where P is the propagation vector, and A the attenuation vector. The proposed algorithms may be applied to bulk plane waves (A = 0), homogeneous plane waves (A0, P and A parallel), and inhomogeneous plane waves (A0, P and A non-parallel). The manner, in which the slowness vector is specified, plays an important role in the algorithms. For unrestricted anisotropy and viscoelasticity, the algorithms require an algebraic equation of the sixth degree to be solved in each halfspace. The degree of the algebraic equation decreases to four or two for simpler cases (isotropic media, plane waves in symmetry planes of anisotropic media). The physical consequences of the proposed algorithms are discussed in detail. vcerveny@seis.karlov.mff.cuni.cz  相似文献   

We demonstrate how multiples, generated at the interfaces of plane parallel beds, modify the propagation characteristics of an originally coherent seismic wave. For waves propagating at an angle to the bedding plane we find that theSV andP-waves couple so that neither is a pure mode. TheSH-wave, while modified in its propagation characteristics by multiples, remains a pure mode. The coupling ofSV-multiples into the quasi-P-mode appears weaker than the coupling ofP-wave multiples into the quasi-SV mode; at least this is so for the two simple cases of (a) density fluctuations only and (b) correlatedV p andV s fluctuations which conserve Poisson's ratio.We also find that the coupling is sensitive to both the angle of propagation and frequency. In addition there is a cut-off angle forP-wave multiples influencing the quasi-SV mode. Propagation angles larger than the cut-off permit theP-multiples to modify the phase of the quasi-SV mode, but not its effective attenuation. No such cut-off effect is found for SV-multiples influencing the quasi-P mode, whose angle-dependent and frequency-dependent phase distortion and effective attenuation are influenced both byP-wave multiples andSV-multiples.In view of the mathematical complexity of the expressions describing the phase, and effective attenuation of modes when allowance is made forP-andS-wave multiples, we strongly advocate numerical coding of the major mathematical formulae. By so doing a systematic study can be undertaken of the frequency and offset dependence of seismic waves as a function of seismic source input and power spectral behavior of the fluctuations in density and elastic constants of beds. It is our opinion that the full mathematical expressions are too involved to permit an analytic, systematic investigation to be given of the phase and attenuation of seismic waves with any degree of sophistication or generality.  相似文献   


Abstract After the destructive flood in 1998, the Chinese government planned to build national weather radar networks and to use radar data for real-time flood forecasting. Hence, coupling of weather radar rainfall data and a hydrological (Xinanjiang) model became an important issue. The present study reports on experience in such coupling at the Shiguanhe watershed. After having corrected the radar reflectivity and the attenuation data, the weather radar rainfall was estimated and then corrected in real time using a Kalman filter. In general, the precipitation estimated from weather radar is reasonably accurate in most of the catchment investigated, after corrections as above. Compared to the results simulated by raingauge data, the simulations based on the weather radar data are of similar accuracy. Present research results show that rainfall estimated from the weather radar, the radar data correction method, the method of coupling, and the Xinanjiang model lend themselves well to application in operational real-time flood forecasting.  相似文献   


Laboratory flume experiments were undertaken to measure the vertical profiles of mean flow velocity for three different flow discharges and four different stem densities of Hydrilla verticillata. The data were used to calculate three parameters, namely Manning's roughness coefficient, the Reynolds number and the Froude number. In addition, empirical equations were obtained for the vertical distribution of measured flow velocity within the transitional zone and above the plant canopy. The results show that: (a) the vertical distribution of measured flow velocity exhibits three zone profiles; (b) Manning's roughness coefficient decreases with increasing depth-averaged flow velocity; (c) the relationship between Manning's roughness coefficient and the depth-averaged flow velocity is within the smooth left inverse curve; (d) Manning's roughness coefficient significantly changes with increasing density of Hydrilla; (e) the Froude number is independent of the density of Hydrilla; and (f) both the Reynolds number and the Froude number increase with increasing depth-averaged flow velocity.

Citation Shi, J.Z., Li, Y.-H., Hughes, J.M.R., and Zhao, M., 2013. Hydrological characteristics of vegetated river flows: a laboratory flume study. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1047–1058.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   


Stable isotopes are powerful research tools in environmental sciences and their use in ecosystem research is increasing. Stable isotope measurements allow the study of evapotranspiration fluxes, soil evaporation and leaf transpiration phenomena. Soil water and leaf water are the sources of the evapotranspiration that transfers large quantities of water from land to the atmosphere; as a result the isotopic composition of water left in the leaves is modified towards enrichment. Evaporation also changes the isotopic composition of water bodies creating a natural isotopic signal. The isotopic identity of soil water affects the oxygen isotopic signature of leaf and stem water. In this paper we present the isotopic data of bulk leaf water, showing the enrichment in isotopic value of oxygen due to evapotranspiration from leaves in conjunction with the isotopic signal of rainwater and other environmental factors such as humidity and temperature. Results suggest that the variation in the values of δ18O of Eucalyptus citriodora, Dalbergia sissoo, Melia azedarach and Pinus roxburghii is due to the seasonal changes in the δ18O of the source water for plants, i. e. rain. It is further observed that leaf water δ18O values are depleted during the months of July, August and September. This occurs due to the following reasons: (a) the sampling areas receive about 50% of the average annual rain during these months, and (b) rainfalls during these months are isotopically depleted compared with winter rains.

Citation Butt, S., Ali, M., Fazil, M. & Latif, Z. (2010) Seasonal variations in the isotopic composition of leaf and stem water from an arid region of Southeast Asia. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5), 844–848.  相似文献   

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