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An investigation is made of steady thermal convection of a Boussinesq fluid confined in a vertically-mounted rotating cylinder. The top and bottom endwall disks are thermal conductors at temperatures Tt and Tb with δT = Tt ? Tb >0. The vertical sidewall has a finite thermal conductance. A Newtonian heat flux condition is adopted at the sidewall. The Rayleigh number of the fluid system is large to render a boundary layer-type flow. Finite-difference numerical solutions to the full Navier-Stokes equations are obtained. The vertical motions within the buoyancy layer along the sidewall induce weak meridional flows in the interior. Because of the Coriolis acceleration, the meridional flows give rise to azimuthal flows relative to the rotating container. Strong vertical gradients of azimuthal flows exist in the regions near the endwalls. As the stratification effect increases, concentration of flow gradients in thin endwall boundary layers becomes more pronounced. The azimuthal flow field exhibits considerable horizontal gradients. The temperature field develops horizontal variations superposed on the dominant vertical distribution. As either the sidewall thermal conductance or the stratification effect decreases, the temperature distribution tends to the profile varying linearly with height. Comparisons of the sizes of the dynamic effects demonstrate that, in the bulk of flow field, the vertical shear of azimuthal velocity is supported by the horizontal temperature gradient, resulting in a thermal-wind relation.  相似文献   


Flow details inside the buoyant boundary layer in the heat-up process of a contained, stably stratified, fluid are presented. Numerical solutions were obtained for the heatup problem in a cylinder considered by Sakurai and Matsuda (1972). By plotting the scaled vertical velocity W versus the scaled temperature θ as functions of the normal distance from the sidewall, the precise shape of the buoyant layer spiral is constructed. The analogy between this spiral and the Ekman spiral in rotating fluids is apparent. As the Rayleigh number Ra increases, the magnitude of the scaled vertical velocity increases substantially, but the scaled temperature does not vary appreciably. The buoyant layer thickness is determined by measuring the zero-crossing normal distance for the vertical velocity. The buoyant layer suction increases significantly as Ra increases. The effects of vertical level and of time on the qualitative behavior of buoyant layer flows are found to be small. The buoyant layer flows decay over the heat-up time scale t n ; t h characterizes the time span over which the overall adjustment process in the inviscid interior region is accomplished. This work clarifies that the analogy between heat-up and spin-up, which has been known to exist in the main body of inviscid fluid, applies equally well to the boundary layer regions.  相似文献   


The present study aims to link the dynamics of geophysical fluid flows with their vortical structures in physical space and to study the transition of these structures due to the control parameters. The simulations are carried in a rectangular box filled with liquid gallium for three different cases, namely, Rayleigh–Bénard convection (RBC), magnetoconvection (MC) and rotating magnetoconvection (RMC). The physical setup and material properties are similar to those considered by Aurnou and Olson in their experimental work. The simulated results are validated with theoretical results of Chandrasekhar and experimental results of Aurnou and Olson. The results are also topologically verified with the help of Euler number given by Ma and Wang. For RBC, the onset is obtained at Ra greater than 1708 and at this Ra, the symmetric rolls are orientated in/along a horizontal axis. As the value of Ra increases further, the width of the horizontal rolls starts to amplify. It is observed that these two-dimensional rolls are nothing but the cross-sections of three-dimensional (3D) cylindrical rolls with wave structures. When the vertically imposed magnetic field is added to RBC, the onset of convection is delayed due to the effect of Lorentz force on the thermal buoyancy force. The presence of 3D rectangular structures is highlighted and analysed. When the magnetically influenced rectangular box rotates about vertical axis at low rotation rates in magnetoconvection model, the onset of convection gets further delayed by magnetic field, which is in general agreement with the theoretical predictions. The critical Ra increases linearly with magnetic field intensity. Coherent thermal oscillations are detected near the onset of convection, at moderate rotation rates.  相似文献   


Thermal convection in a vertically-mounted, rotating annulus of a particular design proposed by Davies and Walin (1977) is investigated. The annulus used in the present study differs from the conventional type in some important aspects: the sidewalls are finitely conducting, and the thermal conductance of the sidewalls is height-dependent. The theoretical model due to Davies and Walin is briefly recounted. The present study aims to verify the theoretical model; we have acquired numerical solutions to the governing Navier-Stokes equations. The numerical results are supportive of the theoretical contentions. The near-linear dependence of the isothermal slope on the parameter D, which is a function of Ω and ΔT, is corroborated within reasonable limits. New data on the vertical and radial structures of the meridional and azimuthal flows are presented. The numerical results also confirm that the shape of the sidewall thickness has a substantial influence on the meridional flow patterns. In the bulk of the interior flow field, the dominant azimuthal flow field and the temperature field are linked by the thermal wind relation.  相似文献   


In this paper we study analytically the simplest fluid mechanical model which can mimic the convective behavior which is thought to occur in the solid mantles of the terrestrial planets. The convecting materials are polycrystalline rocks, whose creep behavior depends very strongly on temperature and probably also on pressure. As a simple model of this situation, we consider the flow of a Newtonian viscous fluid, whose viscosity depends strongly on temperature (only), and in fact has an infinite viscosity below a certain temperature, and a constant viscosity above this temperature. This model would also be directly relevant to the convection of a melt beneath its own solid phase (e.g. water below ice, though in that case there are other physical complications).

As a consequence of this assumption, there is a vigorous convection zone overlain by a stagnant lid, as also observed in analogous laboratory experiments (Nataf and Richter, 1982). The analysis is then very similar to that of Roberts (1979), but the extension to variable viscosity introduces important differences, most notably that the boundary between the lid and the convecting zone is unknown, and not horizontal. The resulting buoyancy induced stresses near this boundary are much larger than the stresses produced by buoyancy in the side-wall plumes, and mean that the dynamics of this region, and hence also the heat flux, are independent of the rest of the cell. We give a first order approximation for the Nusselt number-Rayleigh number relationship.  相似文献   


Experiments have been performed in a cylindrical annulus with horizontal temperature gradients imposed upon the horizontal boundaries and in which the vertical depth was smaller than the width of the annulus. Qualitative observations were made by the use of small, suspended, reflective flakes in the liquid (water).

Four basic regimes of flow were observed: (1) axisymmetric flow, (2) deep cellular convection, (3) boundary layer convective rolls, and (4) baroclinic waves. In some cases there was a mix of baroclinic and convective instabilities present. As a “mean” interior Richardson number was decreased from a value greater than unity to one less than zero, axisymmetric baroclinic instability of the Solberg type was never observed. Rather, the transition was from non-axisymmetric baroclinic waves, to a mix of baroclinic and convective instability, to irregular cellular convection.  相似文献   


A theoretical analysis of pseudo two-dimensional, finite-amplitude, thermal convection is made for an infinite Prandtl number fluid which is subjected to a constant heat flux out of the top boundary and insulated at the bottom. For large Rayleigh numbers the convective flow becomes intermittent and the system is characterized by the following cyclic process: the formation of a thermal boundary layer by diffusion, the instability of this layer when it becomes sufficiently thick, the destruction of the layer by the convective flow, the dying down of the convection, and the reforming of the thermal boundary layer by diffusion. The periodicity and the horizontal wave number of the intermittent convective flow are found to be independent of the depth of the fluid layer but depend on the rate of cooling and the properties of the fluid.  相似文献   


A study has been made of a basic state of axisymmetric flow, at large rotational Reynolds numbers, in a double-diffusive stratified fluid contained in a vertically-mounted, differentially-rotating cylindrical cavity. The aim is to describe the qualitative characteristics of the flow of a fluid, the density of which is stratified by two diffusive effects, i.e., temperature and salinity gradients. Attention is confined to situations in which the temperature and salinity gradients make opposing contributions to the overall density profile, the undisturbed stratification being gravitationally stable. Finite difference numerical solutions of the governing Navier-Stokes equations have been obtained using the Boussinesq approximation. The results are presented in a way that illustrates the explicit effects of double-diffusivity when the cavity aspect ratio, height/radius, is O(1). The principal non-dimensional parameters characterizing the flow field are identified. In the interior core, the primary dynamic balance is between the horizontal density gradient and the vertical shear of the prevailing azimuthal velocity. The effective stratification is seen to decrease as the double-diffusivity increases, even if the overall stratification parameter, St, is held constant. The solute field contains a very thin boundary layer structure at large Lewis numbers. The effective stratification increases with the Prandtl number. Results have been derived for extreme values of the cavity aspect ratio. For small cavity aspect ratios, the dominant dynamic ingredients are viscous diffusion and rotation. For large aspect ratios, the bulk of the flow field is determined by the rotating sidewall. In this case, the direct influence of the double-diffusivity is minor.  相似文献   


The separation of sidewall boundary layers in a rotating annulus of homogeneous fluid is studied experimentally. The flow is driven by a differentially rotating lid, and a very small uniform slope of the bottom causes a weak mountain vortex pair to form in the interior, away from the sidewalls. A necessary condition for aerodynamic separation of the sidewall boundary layers is derived and compared with the experimental results. The laboratory flow separates for parameters that are just slightly more inviscid than those required by the necessary condition for the existence of adverse pressure gradients at the wall. As the bottom friction is decreased further, the flow becomes unsteady and chaotic. The most interesting aspect of this problem is that chaotic interior behavior, associated with the separated boundary layer, is observed for parameter values for which the interior topographically forced flow is, by itself, essentially linear.  相似文献   


We study the bifurcation to steady two-dimensional convection with the heat flux prescribed on the fluid boundaries. The fluid is weakly non-Boussinesq on account of a slight temperature dependence of its material properties. Using expansions in the spirit of shallow water theory based on the preference for large horizontal scales in fixed flux convection, we derive an evolution equation for the horizontal structure of convective cells. In the steady state, this reduces to a simple nonlinear ordinary differential equation. When the horizontal scales of the cells exceed a certain critical size, the bifurcation to steady convection is subcritical and the degree of subcriticality increases with increasing cell size.  相似文献   


As an extension of a model by Busse (1983a), a two-layer model of thermal convection in the self-gravitating rotating spherical fluid is considered. The upper layer with arbitrary vertical distributions of density and potential temperature representing the atmospheric layer of major planets is imposed on the spherical Boussinesq fluid. The Prandtl number P and the ratio of the mass of the upper layer to that of the lower layer are used as small expansion parameters. The modification of the critical Rayleigh number by imposing the upper layer are clearly separated into two parts, proportional to (1) the mass of the upper layer and to (2) an integral representing a measure of convective instability of the upper layer. Some implications for atmospheric dynamics of the major planets are also presented.  相似文献   


The stability of a zonal shear flow to symmetric baroclinic perturbations is examined when the Ekman number, E, is asymptotically small. It is assumed, following Antar and Fowlis (1982), that the zonal Row is generated by imposing a constant horizontal temperature gradient γ* at the horizontal boundaries, and by maintaining a constant temperature difference δT* between them. The boundaries are at rest relative to a rotating frame.

Features of the neutral stability curve are determined for several ranges of values of δT/E 1/3, where δT = δT*/Hγ* and H is the depth of the fluid layer, and all values of the Prandtl number, [sgrave]. In some cases it is possible to determine the whole curve analytically. The most important feature of the results is that the neutral stability curve is closed.

The results are compared to the numerical integrations of Antar and Fowlis (1982). The qualitative features of the solutions are in accord and the quantitative results are, in most cases, as good as can be expected for E only as small as ~ 10?4. The implications of the results for experimental observations of symmetric baroclinic instability are explored.  相似文献   


In a rapidly rotating, electrically conducting fluid we investigate the thermal stability of the fluid in the presence of an imposed toroidal magnetic field and an imposed toroidal differential rotation. We choose a magnetic field profile that is stable. The familiar role of differential rotation is a stabilising one. We wish to examine the less well known destabilising effect that it can have. In a plane layer model (for which we are restricted to Roberts number q = 0) with differential rotation, U = sΩ(z)1 ?, no choice of Ω(z) led to a destabilising effect. However, in a cylindrical geometry (for which our model permits all values of q) we found that differential rotations U = sΩ(s)1 ? which include a substantial proportion of negative gradient (dΩ/ds ≤ 0) give a destabilising effect which is largest when the magnetic Reynolds number R m = O(10); the critical Rayleigh number, Ra c, is about 7% smaller at minimum than at Rm = 0 for q = 106. We also find that as q is reduced, the destabilising effect is diminished and at q = 10?6, which may be more appropriate to the Earth's core, the effect causes a dip in the critical Rayleigh number of only about 0.001%. This suggests that we see no dip in the plane layer results because of the q = 0 condition. In the above results, the Elsasser number A = 1 but the effect of differential rotation is also dependent on A. Earlier work has shown a smooth transition from thermal to differential rotation driven instability at high A [A = O(100)]. We find, at intermediate A [A = O(10)], a dip in the Rac vs. Rm curve similar to the A = 1 case. However, it has Rac ≤ 0 at its minimum and unlike the results for high A, larger values of Rm result in a restabilisation.  相似文献   

Geothermal fields and hydrothermal mineral deposits are manifestations of the interaction between heat transfer and fluid flow in the Earth’s crust. Understanding the factors that drive fluid flow is essential for managing geothermal energy production and for understanding the genesis of hydrothermal mineral systems. We provide an overview of fluid flow drivers with a focus on flow driven by heat and hydraulic head. We show how numerical simulations can be used to compare the effect of different flow drivers on hydrothermal mineralisation. We explore the concepts of laminar flow in porous media (Darcy’s law) and the non-dimensional Rayleigh number (Ra) for free thermal convection in the context of fluid flow in hydrothermal systems in three dimensions. We compare models of free thermal convection to hydraulic head driven flow in relation to hydrothermal copper mineralisation at Mount Isa, Australia. Free thermal convection occurs if the permeability of the fault system results in Ra above the critical threshold, whereas a vertical head gradient results in an upward flow field.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell with and without inhomogeneous temperature anomalies on the top boundary have been carried out using a three-dimensional, time-dependent, spectral-transform code. The spherical shell of Boussinesq fluid has inner and outer radii the same as those of the Earth's liquid outer core. The Taylor number is 107, the Prandtl number is 1, and the Rayleigh number R is 5Rc (Rc is the critical value of R for the onset of convection when the top boundary is isothermal and R is based on the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell). The shell is heated from below and cooled from above; there is no internal heating. The lower boundary of the shell is isothermal and both boundaries are rigid and impermeable. Three cases are considered. In one, the upper boundary is isothermal while in the others, temperature anomalies with (l,m) = (3,2) and (6,4) are imposed on the top boundary. The spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell is the same in all three cases. The amplitudes of the imposed temperature anomalies are equal to one-half of the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell. Convective structures are strongly controlled by both rotation and the imposed temperature anomalies suggesting that thermal inhomogeneities imposed by the mantle on the core have a significant influence on the motions inside the core. The imposed temperature anomaly locks the thermal perturbation structure in the outer part of the spherical shell onto the upper boundary and significantly modifies the velocity structure in the same region. However, the radial velocity structure in the outer part of the shell is different from the temperature perturbation structure. The influence of the imposed temperature anomaly decreases with depth in the shell. Thermal structure and velocity structure are similar and convective rolls are more columnar in the inner part of the shell where the effects of rotation are most dominant.  相似文献   

Direct atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions can be greatly reduced by CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers. One of the most secure and important mechanisms of CO2 trapping over large time scales is solubility trapping. In addition, the CO2 dissolution rate is greatly enhanced if density-driven convective mixing occurs. We present a systematic analysis of the prerequisites for density-driven instability and convective mixing over the broad temperature, pressure, salinity and permeability conditions that are found in geological CO2 storage. The onset of instability (Rayleigh–Darcy number, Ra), the onset time of instability and the steady convective flux are comprehensively calculated using a newly developed analysis tool that accounts for the thermodynamic and salinity dependence on solutally and thermally induced density change, viscosity, molecular and thermal diffusivity. Additionally, the relative influences of field characteristics are analysed through local and global sensitivity analyses. The results help to elucidate the trends of the Ra, onset time of instability and steady convective flux under field conditions. The impacts of storage depth and basin type (geothermal gradient) are also explored and the conditions that favour or hinder enhanced solubility trapping are identified. Contrary to previous studies, we conclude that the geothermal gradient has a non-negligible effect on density-driven instability and convective mixing when considering both direct and indirect thermal effects because cold basin conditions, for instance, render higher Ra compared to warm basin conditions. We also show that the largest Ra is obtained for conditions that correspond to relatively shallow depths, measuring approximately 800 m, indicating that CO2 storage at such depths favours the onset of density-driven instability and reduces onset times. However, shallow depths do not necessarily provide conditions that generate the largest steady convective fluxes; the salinity determines the storage depth at which the largest steady convective fluxes occur. Furthermore, we present a straight-forward and efficient procedure to estimate site-specific solutal Ra that accounts for thermodynamic and salinity dependence.  相似文献   


It is found that in a rotating stratified fluid bounded by a single rigid wall, edge waves may occur at all frequencies less than or equal to N sin a (a is the angle of the wall from the horizontal and N the Brunt‐Vaisala frequency). These decay exponentially away from the boundary, in a distance of O(S) wavelengths, for α = O(1), or O(S ‐1) wavelengths, for αS ≤ O(1), where S is the ratio of N to the Coriolis parameter f, taken for illustration to be large. The phase and energy both move with a component to the left, facing shallow water. The waves could, for example, appear as an internal tide at the continental rise or as baroclinic meandering of currents over a slope.

The low‐frequency limit, αS ? 1, is studied in detail. To allow for large scales of motion other rigid boundaries and variations in f are included. The edge (actually “bottom") waves then merge with topographic‐planetary waves as the wavelengths increase; the familiar depth‐independent mode is found to be possible in the sea for wavelengths exceeding about 450 km. The ß‐effect introduces modes complementary to that trapped at the bottom, which instead are isolated from it.  相似文献   


Bayly (1993) introduced and investigated the equation (? t + ▽-η ▽2)S = RS as a scalar analogue of the magnetic induction equation. Here, S(r, t) is a scalar function and the flow field v(r, t) and “stretching” function R(r, t) are given independently. This equation is much easier to handle than the corresponding vector equation and, although not of much relevance to the (vector) kinematic dynamo problem, it helps to study some features of the fast dynamo problem. In this note the scalar equation is considered for linear flow and a harmonic potential as stretching function. The steady equation separates into one-dimensional equations, which can be completely solved and therefore allow one to monitor the behaviour of the spectrum in the limit of vanishing diffusivity. For more general homogeneous flows a scaling argument is given which ensures fast dynamo action for certain powers of the harmonic potential. Our results stress the singular behaviour of eigenfunctions in the limit of vanishing diffusivity and the importance of stagnation points in the flow for fast dynamo action.  相似文献   

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