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The model equations describing two-dimensional thermohaline convection of a Boussinesq fluid in a rotating horizontal layer are known to support multiple instabilities, depending on the values of certain control parameters (Arneodo et al., 1985). Most of these multiple instabilities have already been studied for double or triple diffusive convection, where behaviours ranging from simple steady to irregular motions have been found. Here we consider the one remaining bifurcation mentioned by Arneodo et al. (1985): the interaction between a steady and an oscillatory convection roll when the linear spectrum for a single wavenumber comprises one zero and one pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues. The method of centre manifolds and normal forms is used to derive evolution equations for the amplitudes of the convection rolls close to bifurcation and the behaviours associated with the equations is discussed.  相似文献   


The hydrodynamic equations for thermal convection in a plane layer of viscous, heat conducting fluid are scaled using the normalization of Ostrach (1965) in which the magnitude of the non-dimensional group τ = gαd/cp determines the importance of compression work and viscous dissipation in the energy balance of the flow. A linear asymptotic theory valid in the limit τ → ∞ is constructed for the Bénard problem and this is shown to be analogous to Couette flow between contra-rotating cylinders. For sufficiently large τ the flow becomes penetrative. This fact is illustrated for homogeneous fluids by the numerical integration of a set of coupled 1st order differential equations, both for the Bénard and internally heated configurations. The effect of viscosity and thermal conductivity in-homogeneity on the depth of penetration of the main cell in the circulation pattern are assessed and it is concluded that such interactions may be sufficient to effectively limit the depth extent of mantle convection. Finally a discussion of the effect of phase transitions is given following the technique of Busse and Schubert (1971).  相似文献   


The stratification profile of the Earth's magnetofluid outer core is unknown, but there have been suggestions that its upper part may be stably stratified. Braginsky (1984) suggested that the magnetic analog of Rossby (planetary) waves in this stable layer (the ‘H’ layer) may be responsible for a portion of the short-period secular variation. In this study, we adopt a thin shell model to examine the dynamics of the H layer. The stable stratification justifies the thin-layer approximations, which greatly simplify the analysis. The governing equations are then the Laplace's tidal equations modified by the Lorentz force terms, and the magnetic induction equation. We linearize the Lorentz force in the Laplace's tidal equations and the advection term in the magnetic induction equation, assuming a zeroth order dipole field as representative of the magnetic field near the insulating core-mantle boundary. An analytical β-plane solution shows that a magnetic field can release the equatorial trapping that non-magnetic Rossby waves exhibit. A numerical solution to the full spherical equations confirms that a sufficiently strong magnetic field can break the equatorial waveguide. Both solutions are highly dissipative, which is a consequence of our necessary neglect of the induction term in comparison with the advection and diffusion terms in the magnetic induction equation in the thin-layer limit. However, were one to relax the thin-layer approximations and allow a radial dependence of the solutions, one would find magnetic Rossby waves less damped (through the inclusion of the induction term). For the magnetic field strength appropriate for the H layer, the real parts of the eigenfrequencies do not change appreciably from their non-magnetic values. We estimate a phase velocity of the lowest modes that is rather rapid compared with the core fluid speed typically presumed from the secular variation.  相似文献   


As an extension of a model by Busse (1983a), a two-layer model of thermal convection in the self-gravitating rotating spherical fluid is considered. The upper layer with arbitrary vertical distributions of density and potential temperature representing the atmospheric layer of major planets is imposed on the spherical Boussinesq fluid. The Prandtl number P and the ratio of the mass of the upper layer to that of the lower layer are used as small expansion parameters. The modification of the critical Rayleigh number by imposing the upper layer are clearly separated into two parts, proportional to (1) the mass of the upper layer and to (2) an integral representing a measure of convective instability of the upper layer. Some implications for atmospheric dynamics of the major planets are also presented.  相似文献   


A nonlinear energy stability analysis is presented for the penetrative convection model of Veronis (1963). For top temperatures between 4°C and 8°C the nonlinear stability boundary obtained is very close to the linear one of Veronis and enables a region of possible sub-critical instabilities to be determined.  相似文献   


Starting from Euler's equations of motion a nonlinear model for internal waves in fluids is developed by an appropriate scaling and a vertical integration over two layers of different but constant density. The model allows the barotropic and the first baroclinic mode to be calculated. In addition to the nonlinear advective terms dispersion and Coriolis force due to the Earth's rotation are taken into account. The model equations are solved numerically by an implicit finite difference scheme. In this paper we discuss the results for ideal basins: the effects of nonlinear terms, dispersion and Coriolis force, the mechanism of wind forcing, the evolution of Kelvin waves and the corresponding transport of particles and, finally, wave propagation over variable topography. First applications to Lake Constance are shown, but a detailed analysis is deferred to a second paper [Bauer et al. (1994)].  相似文献   


This paper explores the properties of a two-dimensional, Boussinesq convection model with an ad hoc term in the buoyancy tendency equation that represents a positive external feedback process acting on the buoyancy fluctuations. Linear stability analyses and nonlinear integrations are presented for the case of constant heat flux boundary conditions. Although the large wavenumber modes grow the fastest from a state of rest, the nonlinear solutions progressively evolve to cells of small wavenumber. Applications to mesoscale cellular convection in the atmosphere are discussed.  相似文献   


The asymptotic formulation of the Boussinesq approximation relates the pressure of the fluid to a thermodynamical quantity involving the heat capacity cPo . In this paper we examine the implications of such a scaling, in particular: (i) the singular degeneracy of the equation of state ρ = ρ* (1 ?α* (T?;T*)) of a liquid: this equation of state is valid only for small values of the coefficient α T*; (ii) in which manner the scaling introduces the Mach number of the flow as a small parameter e for a compressible fluid. The equations at order zero with respect to ? are the same equations for gases and for liquids only if the thermodynamics of the medium is described by using the Brunt-Väisälä frequency instead of the temperature.  相似文献   

An understanding of strain wave propagation in fluid containing porous rocks is important in reservoir geophysics and in the monitoring in underground water in the vicinity of nuclear and toxic waste sites, earthquake prediction, etc. Both experimental and theoretical research are far from providing a complete explanation of dissipation mechanisms, especially the observation of an unexpectedly strong dependence of attenuationQ –1 on the chemistry of the solid and liquid phase involved. Traditional theories of proelasticity do not take these effects into account. In this paper the bulk of existing experimental data and theoretical models is reviewed briefly in order to elecidate the effect of environmental factors on the attenuation of seismic waves. Low fluid concentrations are emphasized. Thermodynamical analysis shows that changes in surface energy caused by weak mechanical disturbances can explain observed values of attenuation in real rocks. Experimental dissipation isotherms are interpreted in terms of monolayered surface adsorption of liquid films as described by Langmuir's equation.In order to describe surface dissipation in consolidated rocks, a surface tension term is added to the pore pressure term in the O'Connell-Budiansky proelastic equation for effective moduli of porous and fractured rocks. Theoretical calculations by this modified model, using reasonable values for elastic parameters, surface energy, crack density and their geometry, lead to results which qualitatively agree with experimental data obtained at low fluid contents.  相似文献   


The flow of a two-layer flow in a rotating channel on an f-plane over topography with sinusoidal variation of height in a direction parallel to the flow is investigated. When the two layers flow in opposite directions a resonance is found when the topographic scale matches the free mode of the system. We examine the stability of the forced mode in the vicinity of this resonance by means of a perturbation expansion of the topographic height. Both subresonant and super-resonant instabilities are found and their equilibration is examined. For small values of the dissipation multiple equilibria are found. The topographic drag releases potential energy even when the flow is baroclinically stable.  相似文献   

In our previous works, based on numerical models, it was shown that under certain conditions a hot material can rise in portions in the tails of thermal mantle plumes. The spectrum of these pulsations can correspond to the observed spectra of catastrophic hotspot eruptions. Since most of the existing numerical models of thermal convection for the mantle of the present Earth do not reveal these pulsations, in this work, we analyze the physical cause and initiation conditions of pulsations of thermal plumes. The results of a numerical solution of the thermal convection equations for a material with varying parameters in the extended Boussinesq approximation are presented. It is shown how the structure of the convection is transformed with the increase of convection intensity. At the Rayleigh numbers Ra > 106, convection becomes unsteady, and the configuration of the ascending and descending flows changes. The new flow emerging at the mantle bottom acquires a mushroom shape with a head and a tail. After the rise of the plume’s head to the surface, the tail remains in the mantle in the form of a quasi-stationary hot steam. It turns out that at Ra ~ 5 × 107, the thermal mantle plume becomes pulsating and its tail is in fact a heated channel through which the hot material rises in successive portions. At the Rayleigh numbers Ra > 5 × 108, the tail of the thermal plume breaks and the plume becomes a regular conveyor of separate ascending portions of the hot material, which are referred to as thermals. Thus, thermal convection with pulsating plumes takes place at the transitional stage from the regime of quasi-stationary plumes to the regime of thermals.  相似文献   


Two upper bounding problems for thermal convection in a layer of fluid contained between perfectly conducting stress-free boundaries are treated numerically. Since the Euler equations resulting from this variational approach are simpler than the Navier-Stokes equations, they allow numerical calculations to be carried out economically to fairly large values of the Rayleigh number. The upper bounding problem formulated by Howard (1963), which yields a Nusselt number independent of Prandtl number, diverges from the correct behavior as the Rayleigh number increases. In hopes of coming closer to results of previous investigations of the Boussinesq equations of motion, a more restrictive upper bounding problem is formulated. For large Prandtl numbers the momentum equation is linearized and is used as an explicit side constraint on the variational problem, thereby forcing the solutions to more closely resemble the solutions of the Boussinesq equations. Numerical calculations at values of the Rayleigh number up to 1.5 × 105 indicate that the additional constraint decreases the upper bound on the Nusselt number; it appears that this upper bound differs by only a multiplicative factor from that calculated from solutions of the full equations of motion and may be a reasonable approximation for large Rayleigh numbers.  相似文献   


To investigate the mechanism of mixing in oscillatory doubly diffusive (ODD) convection, we truncate the horizontal modal expansion of the Boussinesq equations to obtain a simplified model of the process. In the astrophysically interesting case with low Prandtl number (traditionally called semiconvection), large-scale shears are generated as in ordinary thermal convection. The interplay between the shear and the oscillatory convection produces intermittent overturning of the fluid with significant mixing. By contrast, in the parameter regime appropriate to sea water, large-scale flows are not generated by the convection. However, if such flows are imposed externally, intermittent overturning with enhanced mixing is observed.  相似文献   


Nonlinear two-dimensional magnetoconvection, with a Boussinesq fluid driven across the field-lines, is taken as a model for giant-cell convection in the sun and late-type stars. A series of numerical experiments shows the sensitivity of the horizontal scale of convection to the applied field and to the Rayleigh number R. Overstable oscillations occur in cells as broad as they are deep, but increasing R leads to steady motions of much greater wavelength. Purely geometrical effects can cause oscillation: this work implies that strong horizontal field will in general lead to time-dependent convection.  相似文献   


The simplest model for geophysical flows is one layer of a constant density fluid with a free surface, where the fluid motions occur on a scale in which the Coriolis force is significant. In the linear shallow water limit, there are non-dispersive Kelvin waves, localized near a boundary or near the equator, and a large family of dispersive waves. We study weakly nonlinear and finite depth corrections to these waves, and derive a reduced system of equations governing the flow. For this system we find approximate solitary Kelvin waves, both for waves traveling along a boundary and along the equator. These waves induce jets perpendicular to their direction of propagation, which may have a role in mixing. We also derive an equivalent reduced system for the evolution of perturbations to a mean geostrophic flow.  相似文献   

A fuzzy dynamic flood routing model (FDFRM) for natural channels is presented, wherein the flood wave can be approximated to a monoclinal wave. This study is based on modification of an earlier published work by the same authors, where the nature of the wave was of gravity type. Momentum equation of the dynamic wave model is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. Hence, the FDFRM gets rid of the assumptions associated with the momentum equation. Also, it overcomes the necessity of calculating friction slope (Sf) in flood routing and hence the associated uncertainties are eliminated. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on an equation for wave velocity, which is obtained in terms of discontinuities in the gradient of flow parameters. The channel reach is divided into a number of approximately uniform sub‐reaches. Training set required for development of the fuzzy rule based model for each sub‐reach is obtained from discharge‐area relationship at its mean section. For highly heterogeneous sub‐reaches, optimized fuzzy rule based models are obtained by means of a neuro‐fuzzy algorithm. For demonstration, the FDFRM is applied to flood routing problems in a fictitious channel with single uniform reach, in a fictitious channel with two uniform sub‐reaches and also in a natural channel with a number of approximately uniform sub‐reaches. It is observed that in cases of the fictitious channels, the FDFRM outputs match well with those of an implicit numerical model (INM), which solves the dynamic wave equations using an implicit numerical scheme. For the natural channel, the FDFRM outputs are comparable to those of the HEC‐RAS model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Navier–Stokes-α equation is a regularised form of the Euler equation that has been employed in representing the sub-grid scales in large-eddy simulations. Determined efforts have been made to place it on a secure deductive foundation. This requires two steps to be completed. The first is fundamental and consists of establishing from the equations governing the fluid flow, a relationship between two velocities called by Holm (Chaos, 2002a, 12, 518) the “filtered” and “unfiltered” velocities. The second consists of the relation between these two velocities. Until now, the preferred route to the first objective has been variational, by varying the action using Hamilton's principle. Soward and Roberts (J. Fluid Mech., 2008, 604, 297) followed that variational route and established the existence of an important but unwelcome term omitted by Holm in his derivation. It is shown here that the Soward and Roberts result may be derived from Euler's equation by a direct approach with considerably greater efficiency. Holm achieved the second objective by making a “Taylor hypothesis”, which we use here to evaluate the unwelcome term missing from his analysis of the first step. The resulting model equations differ from those of Holm's α model, and the attractive mean Kelvin's circulation theorem that follows from his α equations is no longer valid. For that reason, we call the term omitted by Holm unwelcome.  相似文献   


A simple mean-field model of a nonlinear stellar dynamo is considered, in which dynamo action is supposed to occur in a spherical shell, and where the only nonlinearity retained is the influence of the Lorentz forces on the zonal flow field. The equations are simplified by truncating in the radial direction, while full latitudinal dependence is retained. The resulting nonlinear p.d.e.'s in latitude and time are solved numerically, and it is found that while regular dynamo wave type solutions are stable when the dynamo number D is sufficiently close to its critical value, there is a wide variety of stable solutions at larger values of D. Furthermore, two different types of dynamo can coexist at the same parameter values. Implications for fields in late-type stars are discussed.  相似文献   


The singular differential equations for finite temperature relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) winds integrate to two algebraic equations when the source magnetic field is a monopole. This simplification enables an extensive characterization of the asymptotic wind solutions in terms of source parameters. We will consider only the critical solutions-those that pass smoothly through both an intermediate (Alfvenic) and a fast MHD critical point and expand to zero pressure at infinite radial distance from the source. Because the constants of motion must be specified to extremely high accuracy, the critical solutions cannot be found analytically. Synopsis of many numerical solutions reveals a uniform parametric characterization of the asymptotic wind in terms of one combination of source parameters, Z, the mean source particle energy divided by mc2[sgrave]½, where [sgrave] is a generalization of Michel's (1969) cold relativistic wind strength parameter. Cool winds, with Z<1, behave asymptotically much as Michel's cold wind minimum torque solution; Z1 hot winds have quite different, but simply characterized, asymptotic solutions. Thus, the strength of magnetized relativistic outflows can depend critically upon the temperature of the source.  相似文献   

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