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An investigation is made of the evolution of small-scale, axisymmetric vortices in a stratified fluid with spatially variable Coriolis parameter. The criteria for smadness are a horizontal scale less than or equal to the first internal radius of deformation and a vertical scale less than or equal to that of the ambient stratification. These circumstances match those of Sub-mesoscale, Coherent Vortices frequently observed in the oceans. The dynamical model is the balance equations, which include various effects of finite Rossby number. The principal topics are the regime of nearly uniform propagation, the development of an equilibrium ratio of vertical and horizontal scales (i.e., Burger number selection), and the occurrence of various types of instability for vortices with extremes in amplitude or shape.  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore for the first time the interactions of the net downward, time-dependent, γ-pumping overlying an imposed layer of magnetic fluid, in a polytropic atmosphere. Our calculations show that an equipartition of energy, between the magnetic and kinetic components, must be reached for buoyancy-driven magnetic structures to rise into the pumping region. However, structures do not rise unhindered, as in a previous investigation. We show that the evolution and other features of the emerging magnetic flux structures are significantly affected by the temporal variation of the γ-pumping. The rate of emerging structures, the strength of magnetic concentrations and the extent to how far magnetic field can travel were all found to depend on the timescale of the γ-pumping.  相似文献   

The methods were discussed to calculate the gravity variation due to crustal deformation based on a model of dis-location on a finite rectangular plane.Taking the Lijiang Ms=7.0 earthquake as an example the calculating princi-ple of fault parameters were determined,and the results were given.Of particular interests were the characteristics of the gravity variations in different dislocation types.With comparison between the calculated results and the practical measurements,it was found that the model could to some extent account for the observations.But it failed to give explanations to the more far spatial gravity variation.  相似文献   

In this paper results of experimental study on scour and flow field around a T-shape spur dike in a 90 degree channel bend are presented. Experiments were conducted in a laboratory channel to measure the variations of bed topography under a clear water condition. The three dimensional flow field was measured by an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter in a scour hole due to a T-shape spur dike. It was found that by increasing the Froude number and length of spur dike the amount of scour increases. Increasing the wing length of spur dike decreases the scour. The amount of scour at the upstream of spur dike is much more as compare to that at the downstream of spur dike. By increasing the wing length of spur dike the zone of flow separation expands. As a result the sizes of vortex increase. Details of flow field are also addressed in the paper.  相似文献   

A major slip and thrust belt within the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula is located at the eastern terminal of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt between the Sino-Korea Block and Yangtze Block. Although a lot of isotope chronologic data have been obtained regionally, little structural chronological research has been conducted in this region and this paper corrects that. Syn-deformational minerals were system-atically selected from samples of the NE-ENE trending transpressional shear zones and transpres-sional nappes and carefully analysed using 40Ar/39Ar methods. Two tectonic events were defined with the first event resulting from early movement of transpressional nappes around 190 Ma ago. This ac-cords with the period of syn-orogenic sinistral slip of the Tan-Lu faults and clockwise shear in the Eastern Qinling-Tongbaishan part of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. The second event involved strikeslip thrust movement of deep shear zones between 130Ma and 120Ma. This resulted from the onset of Mesozoic tectonic conversion in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula. The sinistral strikeslip-thrusting in Jiaodong Peninsula and the extensional tectonism (toward ESE) in Liaodong Peninsula probably resulted in the clockwise rotation of Korea Peninsula in late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

In this paper,the evolutions of flow pattern and sediment transportation at a 90° open-channel confluence with different discharge ratios (q*) of the tributary flow to the total flow were studied.The e...  相似文献   

AmodelofseismicitywithfractalstructuresandapreliminarydiscussionontherelatiobetweenDandbvalueHat-KunJIANG(蒋海昆)andShou-ZhongDI...  相似文献   

M. Gedalin  E. Griv 《Annales Geophysicae》1999,17(10):1251-1259
It is widely believed that electron dynamics in the shock front is essentially collisionless and determined by the quasistationary magnetic and electric fields in the shock. In thick shocks the electron motion is adiabatic: the magnetic moment is conserved throughout the shock and v21B. In very thin shocks with large cross-shock potential (the last feature is typical for shocks with strong electron heating), electrons may become demagnetized (the magnetic moment is no longer conserved) and their motion may become nonadiabatic. We consider the case of substantial demagnetization in the shock profile with the small-scale internal structure. The dependence of electron dynamics and downstream distributions on the angle between the shock normal and upstream magnetic field and on the upstream electron temperature is analyzed. We show that demagnetization becomes significantly stronger with the increase of obliquity (decrease of the angle) which is related to the more substantial influence of the inhomogeneous parallel electric field. We also show that the demagnetization is stronger for lower upstream electron temperatures and becomes less noticeable for higher temperatures, in agreement with observations. We also show that demagnetization results, in general, in non-gyrotropic down-stream distributions.  相似文献   

The origin of large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lowermost mantle beneath the central Pacific and Africa is not well constrained. We explore numerical convection calculations for two proposed hypotheses for these anomalies, namely, thermal upwellings (e.g., plume clusters) and large intrinsically dense piles of mantle material (e.g., thermochemical piles), each of which uniquely affects the topography on Earth's core–mantle boundary (CMB). The thermochemical pile models predict a relatively flat but elevated CMB beneath piles (presumed LLSVPs), with strong upwarping along LLSVP margins. The plume cluster models predict CMB upwarping beneath upwellings that are less geographically organized. Both models display CMB depressions beneath subduction related downwelling. While each of the two models produces a unique, characteristic style of CMB topography, we find that seismic models will require shorter length scales than are currently being employed in order to distinguish between the end-member dynamic models presented here.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we demonstrate that the asymmetry between El Niño and La Niña events recorded in sea level variation occurs only during extreme episodes of El Niño/Southern Oscillation. Second, we explain that the asymmetry is controlled by certain regular cycles which have time-variable amplitudes. Gridded maps of sea level anomaly that form a spatial-temporal time series (spatial resolution: 1° × 1°, sampling interval: 1 week) spanning the time interval from 14/10/1993 to 18/04/2012 were used. We examined those time series and found that certain regular harmonic signals (periods: 365, 182, 120, 90 and 62 days) are dominant terms of their temporal variability. By subtracting those oscillations from sea level anomaly data, residuals were determined. Using skewness and kurtosis as measures of asymmetry and nonlinearity — after adopting 10-year moving window — we found that the extreme El Niño 1997/1998 has been a dominant driving force of the asymmetry and nonlinearity of El Niño/Southern Oscillation since the end of 1993. In order to detect residual signals that are responsible for the asymmetry, we applied the Fourier Transform Band Pass Filter and found that there are two important oscillations remaining in the residual sea level anomaly data, i.e. the annual and semiannual ones with time-varying amplitudes. We hypothesize that temporarily uneven amplitudes have meaningful impact on the aforementioned asymmetry.  相似文献   


The response of monthly 7-day low flow, monthly instantaneous peak flow, and monthly frequency of flood events to El Niño and La Niña episodes is investigated for 18 rivers that represent a diverse range of climatic types throughout New Zealand. A significant positive or negative deviation from the long-term average was observed in over half the possible combinations of river, streamflow index, and type of ENSO episode; significant deviations were most frequent in the case of low flow, especially during La Niña episodes. Patterns of streamflow response differ widely between rivers, and the response of a given river to individual ENSO episodes is very variable. The patterns of streamflow response to ENSO are consistent to some extent with the climatic effects of ENSO already identified by meteorologists. Two core regions can be defined in which streamflow tends to respond in the same way. These are in the northeast of the North Island, and in the axial ranges of the South Island, where there are significant effects of ENSO on the frequency and duration of rain-bearing northeasterly and westerly winds respectively. The patterns of response strongly reflect topography, and the exposure of catchments to predominant air masses.  相似文献   

Previous works focused on optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz extracted from Romanian and Serbian loess reported significant discrepancies between ages obtained on fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 μm) quartz. The present study is directed at expanding these investigations. The SAR-OSL and double SAR-OSL protocols are applied on quartz of different grain sizes belonging to 9 samples extracted from a newly identified archaeological site at Bistricioara-Lutărie III on the Bistrița Valley (NE Romania). Radiocarbon ages are also obtained for the 3 uppermost cultural layers hosted in the loess-like deposit.Discrepant ages are obtained between fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 and 90–200 μm, respectively) quartz for equivalent doses higher than ∼80–100 Gy. However, a very good agreement is achieved for the youngest sample, with an age of ∼8 ka (with a De of 38 Gy for fine and 35 Gy for coarse grains, respectively). The comparison with independent control provided by radiocarbon dating suggests better agreement of ages calculated for coarse quartz. Our results are once again proof that concerns should be raised regarding the reliability of the equivalent doses obtained on quartz samples for which the laboratory dose response cannot be fitted by a single saturating exponential function. Further systematic investigations are required regarding the very different saturation characteristics of fine and coarse grained quartz.  相似文献   

Erosion processes on active volcanoes in humid climates result in some of the highest sediment yields on Earth. Episodic sediment yields after large eruptions have been evaluated, but not the long-term and continuous patterns on persistently active volcanoes. We have used high-spatial resolution satellite imagery and DEMs/DSMs along with field-based geologic mapping to assess accurately sediment budgets for the active Semeru Volcano in Java, Indonesia. Patterns of aggradation and degradation on Semeru differ from that of other active volcanoes because (1) both episodic pyroclastic density currents (PDC) and continuous supplies of tephra generate pulses of sediment, (2) sediment is transferred via cycles of aggradation and degradation that continue for >15 years in river channels after each PDC-producing eruption, and (3) rain-triggered lahars remove much greater material than fluvial transport during long, intense rainfall events. The geomorphic response of two of Semeru’s rivers to volcanic sediment migration indicates that (1) each river experiences alternating aggradation and degradation cycles following PDC-producing eruptions and (2) spatial patterns of sediment transfer are governed by geomorphic characteristics of the river reaches. Usually high degradation in the steep source reach is followed by a long bypassing middle reach. Aggradation predominates in the depositional reaches further down valley on the ring plain. Average sediment yields (103–105 t/km2/year) at persistently active volcanoes are two to three orders of magnitude lower than sediment yields after large and infrequent eruptions, but the continuous and steady sediment transfer in rivers removes more sediment on a mid-term (10 years) to long-term (30 years) basis. In contrast to the trend observed on composite cones after large and infrequent eruptions, decay of sediment yields is not exponential and river channels do not fully recover at steadily active volcanoes as episodic inputs from BAF eruptions, superimposed on the background remobilization of daily tephra, have a greater cumulative effect.  相似文献   

In the paper, we have discovered the abnormal area distribution features of maximum variation values of ground motion parameter uncertainty with different probabilities of exceedance in 50 years within the range of 100°~120°E,29°~42°N for the purpose to solve the problem that abnormal areas of maximum variation values of ground motion parameter uncertainties emerge in a certain cities and towns caused by seismicity parameter uncertainty in a seismic statistical region in an inhomogeneous distribution model that considers tempo-spatial nonuniformity of seismic activity. And we have also approached the interrelation between the risk estimation uncertainty of a site caused by seismicity parameter uncertainty in a seismic statistical region and the delimitation of potential sources, as well as the reasons for forming abnormal areas. The results from the research indicate that the seismicity parameter uncertainty has unequal influence on the uncertainty of risk estimation at each site in a statistical region in the inhomogeneous distribution model, which relates to the scheme for delimiting potential sources. Abnormal areas of maximum variation values of ground motion parameter uncertainty often emerge in the potential sources of Mu≥8 (Mu is upper limit of a potential source) and their vicinity. However, this kind of influence is equal in the homogeneous distribution model. The uncertainty of risk estimation of each site depends on its seat. Generally speaking, the sites located in the middle part of a statistical region are only related to the seismicity parameter uncertainty of the region, while the sites situated in or near the juncture of two or three statistical regions might be subject to the synthetic influences of seismicity parameter uncertainties of several statistical regions.  相似文献   

High resolution topography measurements of the Vuache–Sillingy fault (Alps, France) reveal a characteristic roughness of the fault zone. We investigate the effect of roughness on the rheology of a planar shear configuration by using a model system consisting of a visco-elastic layer embedded into a rigid solid. The model is discussed in the context of several geological cases: a damage fault zone, a fault smeared with a clay layer, and a shear zone with strain weakening. Using both analytical approaches and finite element simulations, we calculate to linear order the relation between wall roughness and the viscous dissipation in the fault zone as well as the average shear rate.  相似文献   

In view of increasing environmental awareness and biodiversity conservation, understanding the main forcing mechanism driving biogeochemical cycles in coral reefs and lagoon coastal areas is a priority. La Ni?a events cause unbalanced situations in the Equatorial Pacific and result in enhanced precipitation in South West Pacific coastal areas. We investigated the impact of heavy rainfalls during the 2008 La Ni?a event on the New Caledonia lagoon using a 3D coupled on-line hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model. Simulations and data showed that the whole lagoon was impacted by river inputs and stronger hydrodynamics, enhancing chlorophyll-a concentration by a factor between 1.7 and 1.9. The coupled model provided new insights into plume transport, highlighting that eastern plumes can be advected northwards or can reach the South West Lagoon, depending on the balance between regional, tide-induced, and wind-induced surface currents. It also provided a synoptic view of lagoon biogeochemical-hydrodynamic response, when remote sensing data are not available due to cloud coverage.  相似文献   

A new ocean reanalysis, covering the period from 1990 to 2009, is evaluated against observational sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH) data in reproducing the temporal characteristics of El Ni?o and El Ni?o Modoki. The new reanalysis assimilates the available SST, temperature–salinity profile, and satellite altimetry data sets into a global ocean model forced with surface boundary conditions from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction atmospheric reanalysis 2. Using the Ni?o 3 index and the improved El Ni?o Modoki index, to distinguish between El Ni?o and El Ni?o Modoki signals, our results show that the two time series in the new reanalysis are in agreement with those obtained from observations during the study period. A composite analysis method is used to demonstrate the temporal evolution of these two types of El Ni?o. The new reanalysis has the advantage of representing the strength and location of El Ni?o events better than the control run, with an increase in the spatial correlation, but El Ni?o variability in the reanalysis is weak in the eastern Pacific, particularly off the coast of South America. As for the El Ni?o Modoki events, the initiation, development, and termination of the warm SST anomalies all occur in the central Pacific. All main features associated with the warm SST anomaly pattern of El Ni?o Modoki are well represented in the reanalysis. Furthermore, using this new ocean reanalysis, we select two strong cases to investigate possible mechanisms that may lead to the different warm SST anomaly patterns.  相似文献   

Many studies on global climate have forecast major changes in the amounts and spatial patterns of precipitation that may significantly affect temperate grasslands in arid and semi-arid regions. As a part of ChinaFLUX, eddy covariance flux measurements were made at a semi-arid Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China during 2003-2004 to quantify the response of carbon exchange to environmental changes. Results showed that gross ecosystem production (FGEP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) of the steppe were significantly depressed by water stress due to lack of precipitation during the growing season. Temperature was the dominant factor affecting FGEP and Reco in 2003, whereas soil moisture imposed a significant influence on both Reco and FGEP in 2004. Under wet conditions, Reco showed an exponentially increasing trend with temperature (Q10 = 2.0), but an apparent reduction in the value of Reco and its temperature sensitivity were observed during the periods of water stress (Q10=1.6). Both heat and water stress can cause decrease in FGEP. The sea-sonality of ecosystem carbon exchange was strongly correlated with the variation of precipitation. With less precipitation in 2003, the steppe sequestrated carbon in June and July, and went into a senescence in early August due to water stress. As compared to 2003, the severe drought during the spring of 2004 delayed the growth of the steppe until late June, and the steppe became a CO2 sink from early July until mid-September, with ample precipitation in August. The semi-arid steppe released a total of 9.7 g C·m-2 from May 16 to the end of September 2003, whereas the net carbon budget during the same period in 2004 was close to zero. Long-term measurements over various grasslands are needed to quantify carbon balance in temperate grasslands.  相似文献   

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