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Adiabatic, two-dimensional, steady-state finite-amplitude, hydrostatic gravity waves produced by flow over a ridge are considered. Nonlinear self advection steepens the wave until the streamlines attain a vertical slope at a critical height zc. The height zc , where this occurs, depends on the ridge crest height and adiabatic expansion of the atmosphere. Dissipation is introduced in order to balance nonlinear self advection, and to maintain a marginal state above zc. The approach is to assume that the wave is inviscid except in a thin layer, small compared to a vertical wavelength, where dissipation cannot be neglected. The solutions in each region are matched to obtain a continuous solution for the streamline displacement δ. Solutions are presented for different values of the nondimensional dissipation parameter β. Eddy viscosity coefficients and the thickness of the dissipative layer are expressed as functions of β, and their magnitudes are compared to other theoretical evaluations and to values inferred from radar measurements of the stratosphere.

The Fourier spectrum of the solution for z ≫ zc is shown to decay exponentially at large vertical wave numbers n. In comparison, a spectral decay law n ?-8/3 characterizes the marginal state of the wave at z = zc .  相似文献   

平面波在粘滞性界面上的反射特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
当介质中存在按照一定方向排列的裂隙时,会在该区域形成接触程度不好的界面.当有地震波传播时,界面两侧的质点不再满足位移连续的条件,位移差与该点的应力有关.从而引起质点间的滑动,形成粘滞性界面.界面的这种特性可以用切向柔量和法向柔量来表示,柔量值越大,界面的接触程度和质点位移的连续性都越差.文中详细推导了平面波在粘滞性界面上的反射和透射系数公式,通过数值算例证明了粘滞性界面上的反射系数与入射波频率有关的性质.并说明了界面的粘滞性会在一定程度上影响到反射波的AVO特性.且当平面P波入射时,法向柔量对反射P波和转换波的影响均大于切向柔量的影响.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the question of energy leakage from turbulence to internal waves (IWs) in the oceanic mixed layer (OML). If this leakage is substantial, then not only does this have profound implications as far as the dynamics of the OML is concerned, but it also means that the equation for the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) used in OML models must include an appropriate sink term, and traditional models must be modified accordingly. Through comparison with the experimental data on grid-generated turbulence in a stably stratified fluid, we show that a conventional two-equation turbulence model without any IW sink term can explain these observations quite well, provided that the fluctuating motions that persist long after the decay of grid-generated turbulence are interpreted as being due to IW motions generated by the initial passage of the grid through the stably stratified fluid and not during turbulence decay. We conclude that there is no need to postulate an IW sink term in the TKE equation, and conventional models suffice to model mixing in the OML.  相似文献   

Evolution equations for long nonlinear internal waves in a compressible fluid are derived, with the aim of comparing these equations with their counterparts in an incompressible fluid. Both the Korteweg-de Vries equation, and the deep fluid equation are discussed, for both dry and moist atmospheres. It is shown that the effects of compressibility, or non-Boussinesq terms, are generally small, but measurable, and are manifested mainly in the nonlinear term of the evolution equation. For the case of a moist atmosphere the effect of a gain in energy by latent heat release is compared with the energy lost by radiation damping.  相似文献   


A spherical mean-field dynamo model is considered in which both the mean motion and the mean electro-motive force due to fluctuating motions show some spherical symmetry. It is shown that under some reasonable assumptions the magnetic field is bound to decay to zero.  相似文献   

In this paper the smooth perturbation technique is employed to investigate the problem of reflection of waves incident on the plane boundary of a semi-infinite elastic medium with randomly varying inhomogeneities. Amplitude ratios have been obtained for various types of incident and reflected waves. It has been shown that an incidentSH orSV type of wave gives rise to reflectedSH, P andSV waves, the main components beingSH andP, SV in the respective cases. The reflected amplitudes have been calculated depending upon the randomness of the medium to the square of the small quantity , where measures the deviation of the medium from homogeneity. An incidentP-type wave produces mainly aP component and also a weakSH component to the order of 2. The reflected amplitudes obtainable for elastic media are also altered by terms of the same order. The direction of the reflected wave is influenced by randomness in some cases.  相似文献   


Investigations of an earlier paper (Friedlander 1987a) are extended to include the effect of an azimuthal shear flow on the small amplitude oscillations of a rotating, density stratified, electrically conducting, non-dissipative fluid in the geometry of a spherical shell. The basic state mean fields are taken to be arbitrary toroidal axisymmetric functions of space that are consistent with the constraint of the ‘‘magnetic thermal wind equation''. The problem is formulated to emphasize the similarities between the magnetic and the non-magnetic internal wave problem. Energy integrals are constructed and the stabilizing/destabilizing roles of the shears in the basic state functions are examined. Effects of curvature and sphericity are studied for the eigenvalue problem. This is given by a partial differential equation (P.D.E.) of mixed type with, in general, a complex pattern of turning surfaces delineating the hyperbolic and elliptic regimes. Further mathematical complexities arise from a distribution of the magnetic analogue of critical latitudes. The magnetic extension of Laplace's tidal equations are discussed. It is observed that the magnetic analogue of planetary waves may propagate to the east and to the west.  相似文献   

A simple method is described, based on standard VHF wind-profiler data, where imbalances of echo power between four off-vertical radar beams, caused by mountain waves, can be used to calculate the orientation of the wave pattern. It is shown that the mountain wave azimuth (direction of the horizontal component of the wavevector), is given by the vector are radar echo powers, measured in dB, in beams pointed away from vertical by the same angle towards north, south, east and west respectively, and W is the vertical wind velocity. The method is applied to Aberystwyth MST radar data, and the calculated wave vector usually, but not always, points into the low-level wind direction. The mean vertical wind at Aberystwyth, which may also be affected by tilted aspect-sensitive layers, is investigated briefly using the entire radar output 1990–1997. The mean vertical-wind profile is inconsistent with existing theories, but a new mountain-wave interpretation is proposed.  相似文献   

In the eigenvalue eigenvector decomposition used in inversion techniques, we can sometimes obtain eigenvalues close to zero. Related to these eigenvalues close to zero, a set of stratified earth models is generated. These are compatible with the theoretical observations according to a given model. The method is applied to ellipticities and phase velocities of Rayleigh waves, and supply proof of the advantage of working with both sets of data together.  相似文献   


We deduce the dissipative Alfvén wave equation in a medium stratified in one direction, with a transverse magnetic field, in the presence of dissipation by fluid viscosity and electrical resistance; the dissipative Alfvén wave equation generalizes earlier results for homogeneous (Cowling, 1960) and inhomogeneous (Campos, 1983a) media, and corrects an error in the literature (Heyvaerts and Priest, 1983). The wave equation is solved exactly in two cases: a uniform magnetic field, and a magnetic field decreasing with height. In both cases the mean state is assumed to be isothermal, with a constant rate of ionization, so that the magnetic diffusivity is constant, but the dynamic viscosity increases with height. There are therefore two regions, a low- (high-) altitude region where electrical resistance dominates fluid viscosity (or vice versa), and an asymptotic regime relevant to the uppermost (lowermost) layers. The two regions are separated by a transition layer, across which the wave field is continuous and whose structure is expressible by hypergeometric functions, with different arguments in the low- and high-altitude regions, and over the whole altitude range. These exact solutions allow the amplitude and phase of the wave field to be plotted as a function of height for a variety of magnetoatmospheric mean states. They show that wave dissipation is more localized and intense when the magnetic field decreases with height than when it is uniform.  相似文献   

The differentially heated rotating annulus is a laboratory experiment historically designed for modelling large-scale features of the mid-latitude atmosphere. In the present study, we investigate a modified version of the classic baroclinic experiment in which a juxtaposition of convective and motionless stratified layers is created by introducing a vertical salt stratification. The thermal convective motions are suppressed in a central region at mid-depth of the rotating tank, therefore double-diffusive convection rolls can develop only in thin layers located at top and bottom, where the salt stratification is weakest. For high enough rotation rates, the baroclinic instability destabilises the flow in the top and the bottom shallow convective layers, generating cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies separated by the stable stratified layer. Thanks to this alternation of layers resembling the convective and radiative layers of stars, the planetary’s atmospheric troposphere and stratosphere or turbulent layers at the sea surface above stratified waters, this new laboratory setup is of interest for both astrophysics and geophysical sciences. More specifically, it allows to study the exchange of momentum and energy between the layers, primarily by the propagation of internal gravity waves (IGW). PIV velocity maps are used to describe the wavy flow pattern at different heights. Using a co-rotating laser and camera, the wave field is well resolved and different wave types can be found: baroclinic waves, Kelvin and Poincaré type waves. The signature of small-scale IGW can also be observed attached to the baroclinic jet. The baroclinic waves occur at the thin convectively active layer at the surface and the bottom of the tank, though decoupled they show different manifestation of nonlinear interactions. The inertial Kelvin and Poincaré waves seem to be mechanically forced. The small-scale wave trains attached to the meandering jet point to an imbalance of the large-scale flow. For the first time, the simultaneous occurrence of different wave types is reported in detail for a differentially heated rotating annulus experiment.  相似文献   

本文利用中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心的瑞利激光雷达首次观测到了平流层地形重力波活动的现象,并结合美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)的全球预报系统(GFS)的风场数据分析了该地形重力波的基本参数.与惯性重力波相比较,地形重力波的密度扰动没有下传的相位,在同一高度上,其扰动相位保持不变.北京空间科学与应用研究中心瑞利激光雷达自2012年开始观测实验以来,已经观测到多起地形重力波活动事件.本文以2013年11月11日的观测数据为例,研究北京上空的地形重力波活动,并结合GFS风场数据分析了北京上平流层地形重力波的波长、传播方向、传播速度等参量.通过分析得到在2013年11月11日北京上空存在一列传播方向为北偏西52.4°,水平波长为5.5 km,平均垂直波长约为6.0 km的地形重力波.  相似文献   

ReflectionandtransmisionofseismicwavesataninterfacebetwentwosaturatedsoilsJUNYANG(杨峻)SHIMINGWU(吴世明)ZhejiangUniversity,Hangz...  相似文献   

Reflection and transmission of elastic wave motion by a layer of compact inhomogeneities has been analyzed. For identical inhomogeneities whose geometrical centers are periodically spaced, the problem has been formulated and solved rigorously. The reflected and transmitted longitudinal and transverse wave motions have been expressed as superpositions of wavemodes, where each wavemode has its own cut-off frequency. At its cut-off frequency a mode converts from a standing into a propagating wavemode. The standing wavemodes decay exponentially with distance to the plane of the centers of the inhomogeneities. At small frequencies only the lowest order modes of longitudinal and transverse wave motion are propagating. Reflection and transmission coefficients have been defined in terms of the coefficients of the zeroth-order scattered wavemodes. These coefficients have been computed by a novel application of the Betti-Rayleigh reciprocal theorem. They are expressed as integrals over the surface of a single inhomogeneity, in terms of the displacements and tractions on the surface of the inhomogeneity. The system of singular integral equations for the surface fields has been solved numerically by the boundary integral equation method. Curves show the reflection and transmission coefficients for the reflected and transmitted longitudinal and transverse waves as functions of the frequency. Some results are also presented for planar distributions of cracks whose spacing and size are random variables. Finally, dispersion relations are discussed for solids which are completely filled with periodically spaced inhomogeneities.  相似文献   


To investigate the mechanism of mixing in oscillatory doubly diffusive (ODD) convection, we truncate the horizontal modal expansion of the Boussinesq equations to obtain a simplified model of the process. In the astrophysically interesting case with low Prandtl number (traditionally called semiconvection), large-scale shears are generated as in ordinary thermal convection. The interplay between the shear and the oscillatory convection produces intermittent overturning of the fluid with significant mixing. By contrast, in the parameter regime appropriate to sea water, large-scale flows are not generated by the convection. However, if such flows are imposed externally, intermittent overturning with enhanced mixing is observed.  相似文献   


In this paper, the general Mach number equation is derived, and the influence of typical energy forms in the solar wind is analysed in detail. It shows that the accelerating process of the solar wind is influenced critically by the form of heating in the corona, and that the transonic mechanism is mainly the result of the adjustment of the variation of the crosssection of flowing tubes and the heat source term.

The accelerating mechanism for both the high-speed stream from the coronal hole and the normal solar wind is similar. But, the temperature is low in the lower level of the coronal hole and more heat energy supply in the outside is required, hence the high speed of the solar wind; while the case with the ordinary coronal region is just the opposite, and the velocity of the solar wind is therefore lower. The accelerating process for various typical parameters is calculated, and it is found that the high-speed stream may reach 800 km/sec.  相似文献   

Using standard two-scaling techniques we calculate the Eulerian- and Lagrangianmean flows induced at second order in amplitude by small-amplitude, transient, non-dissipative, vertically-propagating inertio-gravity waves on anf-plane. The example is an idealized one, but illustrates a number of important features that are typical of wave, mean-flow interaction in a rotating, stratified fluid. Physical discussion of the solution is given in Section 4 of the review byMcIntyre (1980), which appears elsewhere in this issue.  相似文献   

When a forcing moves in a shallow channel at a velocity near the phase velocity for linear long waves, energy cannot escape from the forcing at the linear group velocity and nonlinear effects become important in describing the resulting flow. This flow is termed resonant or transcritical. It has been found both experimentally and numerically that large amplitude upstream propagating waves are generated by the forcing. These waves are straight crested, even though the forcing is two-dimensional. It is shown that these upstream waves become straight crested due to geometrical effects aided by the presence of side walls. Using energy conservation, approximate values of the amplitude of the upstream waves are obtained which are compared with recent experimental and numerical results.  相似文献   

Introduction The study on deep crustal faults has been one of the most vigorous subjects in seismology. In the past, 3-D deep seismic sounding and 3-D seismic tomography were usually used for this pur-pose. But it is difficult to obtain the fine structures of the faults in deep crust by these methods. Recently, seismologists in the world pay more attention to the fault zone trapped waves. Since the fault-zone trapped waves arise from coherent multiple reflections at two boundaries of the fau…  相似文献   

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