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A recent dynamo model for Mercury assumes that the upper part of the planet's fluid core is thermally stably stratified because the temperature gradient at the core–mantle boundary is subadiabatic. Vigorous convection driven by a superadiabatic temperature gradient at the boundary of a growing solid inner core and by the associated release of light constituents takes place in a deep sub-layer and powers a dynamo. These models have been successful at explaining the observed weak global magnetic field at Mercury's surface. They have been based on the concept of codensity, which combines thermal and compositional sources of buoyancy into a single variable by assuming the same diffusivity for both components. Actual diffusivities in planetary cores differ by a large factor. To overcome the limitation of the codensity model, we solve two separate transport equations with different diffusivities in a double diffusive dynamo model for Mercury. When temperature and composition contribute comparable amounts to the buoyancy force, we find significant differences to the codensity model. In the double diffusive case convection penetrates the upper layer with a net stable density stratification in the form of finger convection. Compared to the codensity model, this enhances the poloidal magnetic field in the nominally stable layer and outside the core, where it becomes too strong compared to observation. Intense azimuthal flow in the stable layer generates a strong axisymmetric toroidal field. We find in double diffusive models a surface magnetic field of the observed strength when compositional buoyancy plays an inferior role for driving the dynamo, which is the case when the sulphur concentration in Mercury's core is only a fraction of a percent.  相似文献   


A system is considered in which electrically conducting fluid is contained between two rigid horizontal planes and bounded laterally by a circular cylinder. The fluid is permeated by a strong azimuthal magnetic field. The strength of the field increases linearly with distance from the vertical axis of the cylinder, about which the entire system rotates rapidly. An unstable temperature gradient is maintained by heating the fluid from below and cooling from above. When viscosity and inertia are neglected, an arbitrary geostrophic velocity, which is aligned with the applied azimuthal magnetic field and independent of the axial coordinate, can be superimposed on the basic axisymmetric state. In this inviscid limit, the geostrophic velocity which occurs at the onset of convection is such that the net torque on geostrophic cylinders vanishes (Taylor's condition). The mathematical problem which describes the ensuing marginal convection is nonlinear, and was discussed previously for the planar case by Soward (1986). Here new features are isolated which result from the cylindrical geometry. New asymptotic solutions are derived valid when Taylor's condition is relaxed to include viscous effects.  相似文献   


The linear hydromagnetic stability of a non-constantly stratified horizontal fluid layer permeated by an azimuthal non-homogeneous magnetic field is investigated for various widths of the stably stratified part of the layer in the geophysical limit q→0 (q is the ratio of thermal and magnetic diffusivities). The choice of the strength of the magnetic field Bo is as in Soward (1979) (see also Soward and Skinner, 1988) and the equations for the disturbances are treated as in Fearn and Proctor (1983). It was found that convection is developed in the whole layer regardless of the width of its stably stratified part. The thermal instability penetrates essentially from the unstably stratified part of the layer into the stably stratified part for A ~ 1 (A characterises the ratio of the Lorentz and Coriolis forces). When the magnetic field is strong (A>1) the thermal convection is suppressed in the stably stratified part of the layer. However, in this case, it is replaced by the magnetically driven instability; which is fully developed in the whole layer. The thermal instabilities always propagate westward and exist for all the modes m. The magnetically driven instabilities propagate either westward or eastward according to the width of the stably and unstably stratified parts and exist only for the mode m=1.  相似文献   

A series of numerical studies on the behaviour of magnetic fields and motions in a spherical body of an electrically conducting incompressible fluid have been carried out. The magnetic field was assumed to be maintained by a given electromotive force inside the body and to continue as a potential field in outer space. In view of the motion an external forcing was taken into account, and boundary conditions were considered which correspond to a stress-free surface. The stability of several steady states has been studied as well as the evolutions starting from unstable states. In this paper a configuration with a poloidal magnetic field and a differential rotation, both symmetric about the same axis, is considered. This configuration is stable only for sufficiently small Hartmann numbers but evolves, if disturbed, in the case of larger Hartmann numbers toward a non-axisymmetric state. In this case the well-known symmetrization effect of differential rotation in magnetic fields is destroyed.  相似文献   


In order to gain a better understanding of the processes that may give rise to non-axisymmetric magnetic fields in galaxies, we have calculated field decay rates for models with a realistic galactic rotation curve and including the effects of a locally enhanced turbulent magnetic diffusivity within the disc. In all cases we have studied, the differential rotation increases the decay rate of non-axisymmetric modes, whereas axisymmetric ones are unaffected. A stronger magnetic diffusivity inside the disc does not lead to a significant preference for non-axisymmetric modes. Although Elsasser's antidynamo theorem has not yet been proved for the present case of a non-spherical distribution of the magnetic diffusivity, we do not find any evidence for the theorem not to be valid in general.  相似文献   


A cylindrical annulus containing a conducting fluid and rapidly rotating about its axis is a useful model for the Earth's core. With a shear flow U 0(s)∮, magnetic field B 0(s)∮, and temperature distribution T o(s) (where (s, ∮, z) are cylindrical polar coordinates), many important properties of the core can be modelled while a certain degree of mathematical simplicity is maintained. In the limit of rapid rotation and at geophysically interesting field strengths, the effects of viscous diffusion and fluid inertia are neglected. In this paper, the linear stability of the above basic state to instabilities driven by gradients of B 0 and U 0 is investigated. The global numerical results show both instabilities predicted by a local analysis due to Acheson (1972, 1973, 1984) as well as a new resistive magnetic instability. For the non-diffusive field gradient instability we looked at both monotonic fields [for which the local stability parameter Δ, defined in (1.4), is a constant] and non-monotonic fields (for which Δ is a function of s). For both cases we found excellent qualitative agreement between the numerical and local results but found the local criterion (1.6) for instability to be slightly too stringent. For the non-monotonic fields, instability is confined approximately to the region which is locally unstable. We also investigated the diffusive buoyancy catalysed instability for monotonic fields and found good quantitative agreement between the numerical results and the local condition (1.9). The new resistive instability was found for fields vanishing (or small) at the outer boundary and it is concentrated in the region of that boundary. The resistive boundary layer plays an important part in this instability so it is not of a type which could be predicted using a local stability analysis (which takes no account of the presence of boundaries).  相似文献   


The first three papers in this series (Fearn, 1983b, 1984, 1985) have investigated the stability of a strong toroidal magnetic field Bo =Bo(s?)Φ [where (s?. Φ, z?) are cylindrical polars] in a rapidly rotating system. The application is to the cores of the Earth and the planets but a simpler cylindrical geometry was chosen to permit a detailed study of the instabilities present. A further simplification was the use of electrically perfectly conducting boundary conditions. Here, we replace these with the boundary conditions appropriate to an insulating container. As expected, we find the same instabilities as for a perfectly conducting container, with quantitative changes in the critical parameters but no qualitative differences except for some interesting mixing between the ideal (“field gradient”) and resistive modes for azimuthal wavenumber m=1. In addition to these modes, we have also found the “exceptional” slow mode of Roberts and Loper (1979) and we investigate the conditions required for its instability for a variety of fields Bo(s?) Roberts and Loper's analysis was restricted to the case Bo∝s? and they found instability only for m=1 and ?1 <ω<0 [where ω is the frequency non-dimensionalised on the slow timescale τx, see (1.5)]. For other fields we found the necessary conditions to be less “exceptional”. One surprising feature of this instability is the importance of inertia for its existence. We show that viscosity is an alternative destabilising agent. The standard (magnetostrophic) approximation of neglecting inertial (and viscous) terms in the equation of motion has the effect of filtering out this instability. The field strength required for this “exceptional” mode to become unstable is found to be very much larger than that thought to be present in the Earth's core, so we conclude that this mode is unlikely to play an important role in the dynamics of the core.  相似文献   


Magnetic instabilities play an important role in the understanding of the dynamics of the Earth's fluid core. In this paper we continue our study of the linear stability of an electrically conducting fluid in a rapidly rotating, rigid, electrically insulating spherical geometry in the presence of a toroidal basic state, comprising magnetic field BMB O(r, θ)1ø and flow UMU O(r, θ)1ø The magnetostrophic approximation is employed to numerically analyse the two classes of instability which are likely to be relevant to the Earth. These are the field gradient (or ideal) instability, which requires strong field gradients and strong fields, and the resistive instability, dependent on finite resistivity and the presence of a zero in the basic state B O(r,θ). Based on a local analysis and numerical results in a cylindrical geometry we have established the existence of the field gradient instability in a spherical geometry for very simple basic states in the first paper of this series. Here, we extend the calculations to more realistic basic states in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the field gradient mode. Having achieved this we turn our attention to the resistive instability. Its presence in a spherical model is confirmed by the numerical calculations for a variety of basic states. The purpose of these investigations is not just to find out which basic states can become unstable but also to provide a quantitative measure as to how strong the field must become before instability occurs. The strength of the magnetic field is measured by the Elsasser number; its critical value c describing the state of marginal stability. For the basic states which we have studied we find c 200–1000 for the field gradient mode, whereas for the resistive modes c 50–160. For the field gradient instability, c increases rapidly with the azimuthal wavenumber m whereas in the resistive case there is no such pronounced difference for modes corresponding to different values of m. The above values of c indicate that both types of instability, ideal and resistive, are of relevance to the parameter regime found inside the Earth. For the resistive mode, as is increased from c, we find a shortening lengthscale in the direction along the contour BO = 0. Such an effect was not observable in simpler (for example, cylindrical) models.  相似文献   


Experiments have been performed in a cylindrical annulus with horizontal temperature gradients imposed upon the horizontal boundaries and in which the vertical depth was smaller than the width of the annulus. Qualitative observations were made by the use of small, suspended, reflective flakes in the liquid (water).

Four basic regimes of flow were observed: (1) axisymmetric flow, (2) deep cellular convection, (3) boundary layer convective rolls, and (4) baroclinic waves. In some cases there was a mix of baroclinic and convective instabilities present. As a “mean” interior Richardson number was decreased from a value greater than unity to one less than zero, axisymmetric baroclinic instability of the Solberg type was never observed. Rather, the transition was from non-axisymmetric baroclinic waves, to a mix of baroclinic and convective instability, to irregular cellular convection.  相似文献   


The transition between axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric régimes of flow in a rotating annulus of liquid subject to horizontal temperature gradient is known from previous experimental studies to depend largely on two dimensionless parameters. These are Θ, which is proportional to the impressed density contrast Δρ and inversely proportional to the square of the angular speed of rotation ω, and  (Taylor number), which is proportional to ω2 /v2 where v is the coefficient of kinematic viscosity. At moderate values of , around 107, the critical value of Θ above which axisymmetric flow is found to OCCUT and below which non-axisymmetric fully-developed baroclinic waves (sloping convection) occur, is fairly insensitive to . Though sharp, the transition exhibits marked hysteresis when the upper surface of the liquid is free (but not when the upper surface is in contact with a rigid lid), and it is argued on the basis of the experimental evidence supported by various results of baroclinic instability theory that both the sharpness of the transition and the hysteresis phenomenon are consequences of the combined effects of potential vorticity gradients and viscosity on the process of sloping convection.

We also present some new experiments on fully-developed baroclinic waves, conducted in a large rotating annulus using liquids of very low viscosity (di-ethyl ether), thus attaining values of  as high as 109 to 1010. The transition from axisymmetric to non-axisymmetric flow is found to lose its sharpness at such high values of , and it is argued that this occurs because viscosity is no longer able to inhibit instabilities at wavelengths less than the so-called ‘Eady short-wave cut-off’, which owe their existence to potential vorticity gradients in the main body of the fluid.  相似文献   


We investigate the influence of differential rotation on magnetic instabilities for an electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a toroidal basic state of magnetic field B 0 = BMB0(r, θ)1 φ and flow U0 = UMU0 (r, θ)1φ, [(r, θ, φ) are spherical polar coordinates]. The fluid is confined in a rapidly rotating, electrically insulating, rigid spherical container. In the first instance the influence of differential rotation on established magnetic instabilities is studied. These can belong to either the ideal or the resistive class, both of which have been the subject of extensive research in parts I and II of this series. It was found there, that in the absence of differential rotation, ideal modes (driven by gradients of B 0) become unstable for Ac ? 200 whereas resistive instabilities (generated by magnetic reconnection processes near critical levels, i.e. zeros of B0) require Ac ? 50. Here, Λ is the Elsasser number, a measure of the magnetic field strength and Λc is its critical value at marginal stability. Both types of instability can be stabilised by adding differential rotation into the system. For the resistive modes the exact form of the differential rotation is not important whereas for the ideal modes only a rotation rate which increases outward from the rotation axis has a stabilising effect. We found that in all cases which we investigated Λc increased rapidly and the modes disappeared when Rm ≈ O(ΛC), where the magnetic Reynolds number Rm is a measure of the strength of differential rotation. The main emphasis, however, is on instabilities which are driven by unstable gradients of the differential rotation itself, i.e. an otherwise stable fluid system is destabilised by a suitable differential rotation once the magnetic Reynolds number exceeds a certain critical value (Rm )c. Earlier work in the cylindrical geometry has shown that the differential rotation can generate an instability if Rm ) ?O(Λ). Those results, obtained for a fixed value of Λ = 100 are extended in two ways: to a spherical geometry and to an analysis of the effect of the magnetic field strength Λ on these modes of instability. Calculations confirm that modes driven by unstable gradients of the differential rotation can exist in a sphere and they are in good agreement with the local analysis and the predictions inferred from the cylindrical geometry. For Λ = O(100), the critical value of the magnetic Reynolds number (Rm )c Λ 100, depending on the choice of flow U0 . Modes corresponding to azimuthal wavenumber m = 1 are the most unstable ones. Although the magnetic field B 0 is itself a stable one, the field strength plays an important role for this instability. For all modes investigated, both for cylindrical and spherical geometries, (Rm )c reaches a minimum value for 50 ≈ Λ ≈ 100. If Λ is increased, (Rm )c ∝ Λ, whereas a decrease of Λ leads to a rapid increase of (Rm )c, i.e. a stabilisation of the system. No instability was found for Λ ≈ 10 — 30. Optimum conditions for instability driven by unstable gradients of the differential rotation are therefore achieved for ≈ Λ 50 — 100, Rm ? 100. These values lead to the conclusion that the instabilities can play an important role in the dynamics of the Earth's core.  相似文献   


Recent calculations suggest that the bulk of the solar toroidal field may be stored in a thin, convectively stable region situated between the convection zone proper and the radiative zone. Determining the stability properties of such a field is therefore important with implications for both the generation and escape of magnetic flux. The plane layer, linear stability analysis of Hughes (1985) is extended to incorporate the effects of uniform rotation. Detailed studies are made of interchange, or “axisymmetric” modes and of undular, or wavelike, motions, considering modes of both low and high frequency. The force due to rotation acts to constrain the fluid motions, a feature which is strongly stabilizing for direct modes, but can, in certain circumstances, be destabilizing for oscillatory motions.

For the interchange modes we show that the instability discussed at length by Hughes (1985), driven by fields increasing with height, is still present and indeed may be enhanced by rotational effects. We also study the more conventional instabilities, discussing the transformation between direct and oscillatory modes and considering in detail some peculiar properties of the oscillatory instabilities.

The more relevant instabilities in an astrophysical context are likely to be undular modes. Previous studies of low frequency modes driven by top heavy field gradients are extended to consider modes of various frequencies for a wide range of parameter values. Of particular interest is the occurrence of two distinct modes of instability for bottom heavy field gradients. We also exhibit some of the peculiar stability boundaries which can result when none of the competing influences in the problem is dominant.  相似文献   


Perturbation theory methods are developed for the kinematic geodynamo equations. The vector Green's function is constructed for the unperturbed equation, which includes the axisymmetric differential rotation. While investigating the perturbation series, we consider a special case in which the decay rates of the axisymmetric toroidal and poloidal dipoles are degenerate. For a number of models within the framework of the theory developed, estimates are given for generation conditions and for observed characteristics of the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   


Magnetic fields of planets, stars and galaxies are generated by self-excitation in moving electrically conducting fluids. Once produced, magnetic fields can play an active role in cosmic structure formation by destabilising rotational flows that would be otherwise hydrodynamically stable. For a long time, both hydromagnetic dynamo action as well as magnetically triggered flow instabilities had been the subject of purely theoretical research. Meanwhile, however, the dynamo effect has been observed in large-scale liquid sodium experiments in Riga, Karlsruhe and Cadarache. In this paper, we summarise the results of liquid metal experiments devoted to the dynamo effect and various magnetic instabilities such as the helical and the azimuthal magnetorotational instability and the Tayler instability. We discuss in detail our plans for a precession-driven dynamo experiment and a large-scale Tayler–Couette experiment using liquid sodium, and on the prospects to observe magnetically triggered instabilities of flows with positive shear.  相似文献   


A linear analysis is used to study the stability of a rapidly rotating, electrically-conducting, self-gravitating fluid sphere of radius r 0, containing a uniform distribution of heat sources and under the influence of an azimuthal magnetic field whose strength is proportional to the distance from the rotation axis. The Lorentz force is of a magnitude comparable with that of the Coriolis force and so convective motions are fully three-dimensional, filling the entire sphere. We are primarily interested in the limit where the ratio q of the thermal diffusivity κ to the magnetic diffusivity η is much smaller than unity since this is possibly of the greatest geophysical relevance.

Thermal convection sets in when the temperature gradient exceeds some critical value as measured by the modified Rayleigh number Rc. The critical temperature gradient is smallest (Rc reaches a minimum) when the magnetic field strength parameter Λ ? 1. [Rc and Λ are defined in (2.3).] The instability takes the form of a very slow wave with frequency of order κ/r 2 0 and its direction of propagation changes from eastward to westward as Λ increases through Λ c ? 4.

When the fluid is sufficiently stably stratified and when Λ > Λm ? 22 a new mode of instability sets in. It is magnetically driven but requires some stratification before the energy stored in the magnetic field can be released. The instability takes the form of an eastward propagating wave with azimuthal wavenumber m = 1.  相似文献   


Results are presented of a numerical study of marginal convection of electrically conducting fluid, permeated by a strong azimuthal magnetic field, contained in a circular cylinder rotating rapidly about its vertical axis of symmetry. To this basic state is added a geostrophic flow UG (s), constant on geostrophic cylinders radius s. Its magnitude is fixed by requiring that the Lorentz forces induced by the convecting mode satisfy Taylor's condition. The nonlinear mathematical problem describing the system was developed in an earlier paper (Skinner and Soward, 1988) and the predictions made there are confirmed here. In particular, for small values of the Roberts number q which measures the ratio of the thermal to magnetic diffusivities, two distinct regions can be recognised within the fluid with the outer region moving rapidly compared to the inner. Otherwise, conditions for the onset of instability via the Taylor state (UG 0) do not differ significantly from those appropriate to the static (UG = 0) basic state. The possible disruption of the Taylor states by shear flow instabilities is discussed briefly.  相似文献   


Investigations of an earlier paper (Friedlander 1987a) are extended to include the effect of an azimuthal shear flow on the small amplitude oscillations of a rotating, density stratified, electrically conducting, non-dissipative fluid in the geometry of a spherical shell. The basic state mean fields are taken to be arbitrary toroidal axisymmetric functions of space that are consistent with the constraint of the ‘‘magnetic thermal wind equation''. The problem is formulated to emphasize the similarities between the magnetic and the non-magnetic internal wave problem. Energy integrals are constructed and the stabilizing/destabilizing roles of the shears in the basic state functions are examined. Effects of curvature and sphericity are studied for the eigenvalue problem. This is given by a partial differential equation (P.D.E.) of mixed type with, in general, a complex pattern of turning surfaces delineating the hyperbolic and elliptic regimes. Further mathematical complexities arise from a distribution of the magnetic analogue of critical latitudes. The magnetic extension of Laplace's tidal equations are discussed. It is observed that the magnetic analogue of planetary waves may propagate to the east and to the west.  相似文献   


Dynamic interaction between magnetic field and fluid motion is studied through a numerical experiment of nonlinear three-dimensional magnetoconvection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell to which a uniform magnetic field parallel to its spin axis is applied. The fluid shell is heated by internal heat sources to maintain thermal convection. The mean value of the magnetic Reynolds number in the fluid shell is 22.4 and 10 pairs of axially aligned vortex rolls are stably developed. We found that confinement of magnetic flux into anti-cyclonic vortex rolls was crucial on an abrupt change of the mode of magnetoconvection which occurred at Δ = 1 ~ 2, where A is the Elsasser number. After the mode change, the fluid shell can store a large amount of magnetic flux in itself by changing its convection style, and the magnetostrophic balance among the Coriolis, Lorentz and pressure forces is established. Furthermore, the toroidal/poloidal ratio of the induced magnetic energy becomes less than unity, and the magnetized anti-cyclones are enlarged due to the effect of the magnetic force. Using these key ideas, we investigated the causes of the mode change of magnetoconvection. Considering relatively large magnetic Reynolds number and a rapid rotation rate of this model, we believe that these basic ideas used to interpret the present numerical experiment can be applied to the dynamics in the Earth's and other planetary cores.  相似文献   

Linear magnetoconvection in a model of a non-uniformly stratified horizontal rotating fluid layer with a toroidal magnetic field is investigated for no-slip and finitely electrically conductive boundaries and with very thin stably stratified upper sublayer. The basic parabolic temperature profile is determined by the temperature difference between the boundaries and by the homogeneous heat source distribution in the layer. This results in a density pattern, in which a stably stratified upper sublayer is present. The developed diffusive perturbations (modes) are strongly affected by the complicated coupling of viscous, thermal and magnetic diffusive processes. The calculations were performed for various values of Roberts number (q ≪ 1 and q = O(1)). The mean electromotive force produced by the developed hydromagnetic instabilities is investigated to find the modes, which can be appropriate for creating the α-effect. It was found that the azimuthal part of the EMF is dominant for westward modes when the Elsasser number Λ ≲ O(1).  相似文献   

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