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We study a class of vortex dipoles consisting of two patches of uniform potential vorticity in an otherwise quiescent flow on a β-plane. Steadily propagating solutions that are desingularised analogues of point vortex dipoles are found and compared with the point vortex solutions. Like the point vortex dipoles, both rapidly and slowly propagating solutions exist. Numerical simulations show that the slow solutions are unstable and break up under the influence of weak external perturbations. The fast solutions are more robust. The minimum dipole strength necessary for the existence of a steadily propagating solution is less than that found for point vortex dipoles.  相似文献   


spin-up and spin-down in a circular tank with a uniformly sloping bottom are studied experimentally and numerically for small values of the relative change in the angular velocity of the tank. Generally, the initial single-cell flow evolves into a number of smaller vortices. The evolution is compared with an analytical model based on an expansion of the flow field in linear Rossby waves (Pedlosky and Greenspan, 1967). Although it is possible to tune the experimental parameters in such a way that agreement with the theory is found, in most cases the experiments show shedding of vortices in the initial stage of the spin-up or spin-down, a phenomenon not described by the analytical model. Nonetheless, in such cases the analytical model still accounts for other observations: the alternating generation of cyclonic and anticyclonic vortices in the eastern part of the tank and their subsequent westward motion.  相似文献   

Rossby wave patterns in zonal and meridional winds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The propagation properties of Rossby waves in zonal and meridional winds are analyzed using the local dispersion relation in its wave number form, the geometry of which plays a crucial role in illuminating radiation patterns and ray trajectories. In the presence of a wind/current, the classical Rossby wave number curve, an offset circle, is distorted by the Doppler shift in frequency and a new branch, consisting of a blocking line with an eastward facing indentation, arises from waves convected with or against the flow. The radiation patterns generated by a time harmonic compact source in the laboratory frame are calculated using the method of stationary phase and are illustrated through a series of figures given by the reciprocal polars to the various types of wave number curves. We believe these results are new. Some of these wave patterns are reminiscent of a “reversed” ship wave pattern in which cusps (caustics) arise from the points of inflection of the wave number curves; whilst others bear a resemblance to the parabolic like curves characteristic of the capillary wave pattern formed around an obstacle in a stream. The Rossby stationary wave in a westerly is similar to the gravity wave pattern in a wind, whereas its counterpart in a meridional wind exhibits caustics, again arising from points of inflection in the wavenumber curve.  相似文献   


An investigation is made of the evolution of small-scale, axisymmetric vortices in a stratified fluid with spatially variable Coriolis parameter. The criteria for smadness are a horizontal scale less than or equal to the first internal radius of deformation and a vertical scale less than or equal to that of the ambient stratification. These circumstances match those of Sub-mesoscale, Coherent Vortices frequently observed in the oceans. The dynamical model is the balance equations, which include various effects of finite Rossby number. The principal topics are the regime of nearly uniform propagation, the development of an equilibrium ratio of vertical and horizontal scales (i.e., Burger number selection), and the occurrence of various types of instability for vortices with extremes in amplitude or shape.  相似文献   


The linear stability of a non-divergent barotropic parallel shear flow in a zonal and a non-zonal channel on the β plane was examined numerically. When the channel is non-zonal, the governing equation is slightly modified from the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. Numerical solutions were obtained by solving the discretized linear perturbation equation as an eigenvalue problem of a matrix. When the channel is zonal and lateral viscosity is neglected the problem is reduced to the ordinary barotropic instability problem described by Kuo's (1949) equation. The discrepancy between the stability properties of westward and eastward flows, which have been indicated by earlier studies, was reconfirmed. It has also been suggested that the unstable modes are closely related to the continuous modes discretized by a finite differential approximation. When the channel is non-zonal, the properties of unstable modes were quite different from those of the zonal problem in that: (1) The phase speed of the unstable modes can exceed the maximum value of the basic flow speed; (2) The unstable modes are not accompanied by their conjugate mode; and (3) The basic flow without an inflection point can be unstable. The dispersion relation and the spatial structure of the unstable modes suggested that, irrespective of the orientation of the channel, they have close relation to the neutral modes (Rossby channel modes) which are the solutions in the absence of a basic shear flow. The features mentioned above are not dependent on whether or not the flow velocity at the boundary is zero.  相似文献   


The normal mode instability of steady Wu-Verkley (1993) wave and modons by Verkley (1984, 1987, 1990) and Neven (1992) is considered. All these flows are solutions to the vorticity equation governing the motion of an ideal incompressible fluid on a rotating sphere. A conservation law for infinitesimal perturbations to each solution is derived and used to obtain a necessary condition for its exponential instability. By these conditions, Fjörtoft's (1953) average spectral number of the amplitude of an unstable mode must be equal to a specific number that depends on the degree of the solution in its inner and outer regions as well as on spectral distribution of the mode energy in these regions. Some properties of the conditions for different types of modons are discussed. The maximum growth (and decay) rate of the modes is estimated, and the orthogonality of the amplitude of each unstable, decaying, or non-stationary mode to the basic solution is shown in the energy inner product.

The new instability conditions confine the unstable disturbances of the WV wave and modon to a hypersurface in the perturbation space and allow interpretation of their energy structure. They are also useful both in estimating the maximum growth rate of unstable modes and in testing the numerical algorithms designed for the linear stability study.  相似文献   

The magnetoconvection problem under the magnetostrophic approximation is investigated as the nonlinear regime is entered. The model consists of a fluid filled sphere, internally heated, and rapidly rotating in the presence of a prescribed, axisymmetric, toroidal magnetic field. For simplicity only a dipole parity and a single azimuthal wavenumber (m = 2) is considered here. The leading order nonlinearity at small amplitude is the geostrophic flow U g which is introduced to the previously linear model (Walker and Barenghi, 1997a, b). Walker and Barenghi (1997c) considered parameter space above critical and found that U g acts as an equilibration mechanism for moderately supercritical solutions. However, for solutions well above critical a Taylor state is approached and the system can no longer equilibrate. More importantly though, in the context of this paper, is that subcritical solutions were found. Here subcritical solutions are considered in more detail. It was found that, at is strongly dependent on . ( is the critical value of the modified Rayleigh number is a measure of the maximum amplitude of the generated geostrophic flow while , the Elsasser number, defines the strength of the prescribed toroidal field.) Rm at proves to be the key measure in determining how far into the subcritical regime the system can advance.  相似文献   


A spectral low-order model is proposed in order to investigate some effects of bottom corrugation on the dynamics of forced and free Rossby waves. The analysis of the interaction between the waves and the topographic modes in the linear version of the model shows that the natural frequencies lie between the corresponding Rossby wave frequencies for a flat bottom and those applying in the “topographic limit” when the beta-effect is zero. There is a possibility of standing or eastward-travelling free waves when the integrated topograhic effect exceeds the planetary beta-effect.

The nonlinear interactions between forced waves in the presence of topography and the beta-effect give rise to a steady dynamical mode correlated to the topographic mode. The periodic solution that includes this steady wave is stable when the forcing field moves to the West with relatively large phase speed. The energy of this solution may be transferred to the steady zonal shear flow if the spatial scale of this zonal mode exceeds the scale of the directly forced large-scale dynamical mode.  相似文献   

Nonlocal fluxes and Stokes drift effects in the K-profile parameterization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 The K-profile parameterization of upper-ocean mixing is tested and extended using observations and large eddy simulations of upper-ocean response to a westerly windburst. A nonlocal momentum flux term is added, and the amplitude of the nonlocal scalar flux is recalibrated. Parameterizations of Stokes drift effects are added following recent work by McWilliams and Sullivan (2001). These changes allow the parameterization to produce both realistic gradients of momentum and scalars in the nocturnal boundary layer and enhanced mixing during stable conditions. The revised parameterization is expected to produce improved representations of lateral advection and sea-surface temperature in large-scale models. Received: 31 August 2001 / Accepted: 15 December 2001  相似文献   

为了改善低剂量CT重建图像质量,在传统非局部先验的基础上,提出了一种基于投影对称性的改进非局部先验模型。基于该先验模型构造了一种贝叶斯(Bayesian)重建算法,并将其应用到低剂量CT投影数据降噪中,通过滤波反投影算法重建出图像。仿真实验结果表明,本文所提出的算法较基于传统先验模型的重建算法,能在去除噪声与保持边缘之间取得较好的平衡。  相似文献   


Unbounded stratified plane Couette flow is shown to be stable against small amplitude disturbances. The Brunt-Väisälä frequency is assumed to be constant. Both viscosity and thermal diffusion are included, and shown to be stabilizing.  相似文献   


We use results from a primitive-equation ocean numerical model (SCRUM) to test a theoretical 'string function' formulation put forward by Tyler and Käse in another article in this issue. The string function acts as a stream function for the large-scale potential energy flow under the combined beta and topographic effects. The model results verify that large-scale anomalies propagate along the string function contours with a speed correctly given by the cross-string gradient. For anomalies having a scale similar to the Rossby radius, material rates of change in the layer mass following the string velocity are balanced by material rates of change in relative vorticity following the flow velocity. It is shown that large-amplitude anomalies can be generated when wind stress is resonant with the string function configuration.  相似文献   

Analysis of the influence of condensation and related latent heat release upon developing barotropic and baroclinic instabilities of large-scale low Rossby-number shielded vortices on the f-plane is performed within the moist-convective rotating shallow water model, in its barotropic (one-layer) and baroclinic (two-layer) versions. Numerical simulations with a high-resolution well-balanced finite-volume code, using a relaxation parameterisation for condensation, are made. Evolution of the instability in four different environments, with humidity (i) behaving as passive scalar, (ii) subject to condensation beyond a saturation threshold, (iii) subject to condensation and evaporation, with three different parameterisations of the latter, are inter-compared. The simulations are initialised with unstable modes determined from the detailed linear stability analysis in the “dry” version of the model. In a configuration corresponding to low-level mid-latitude atmospheric vortices, it is shown that the known scenario of evolution of barotropically unstable vortices, consisting in formation of a pair of dipoles (dipolar breakdown) is substantially modified by condensation and related moist convection, especially in the presence of surface evaporation. No enhancement of the instability due to precipitation was detected in this case. Cyclone-anticyclone asymmetry with respect to sensitivity to the moist effects is evidenced. It is shown that inertia-gravity wave emission during the vortex evolution is enhanced by the moist effects. In the baroclinic configuration corresponding to idealised cut-off lows in the atmosphere, it is shown that the azimuthal structure of the leading unstable mode is sensitive to the details of stratification. Scenarios of evolution are completely different for different azimuthal structures, one leading to dipolar breaking, and another to tripole formation. The effects of moisture considerably enhance the perturbations in the lower layer, especially in the tripole formation scenario.  相似文献   

The NCEP/NCAR R1 reanalysis data are employed to investigate the impact of forced and inertial instability in the lower troposphere over the Arabian Sea on the onset process of Indian summer monsoon(ISM),and to reveal the important role of zonal advection of zonal geostrophic momentum played in the forced unstable convection.Results show that during the ISM onset the zero absolute vorticity contour(??=0)shifts northward due to the strong cross-equatorial pressure gradient in the lower troposphere over southern Arabian Sea.Thus a region with negative absolute vorticity is generated near the equator in the northern hemisphere,manifesting the evident free inertial instability.When a southerly passes through this region,under the influence of friction a lower convergence that facilitates the convection flourishing at the lower latitudes appears to the north of zero absolute vorticity contour.However,owing to such a traditional inertial instability,the convection is confined near the equator which does not have direct influence on the ISM onset.On the contrary in the region to the north of the zero absolute vorticity contour and to the south of the low pressure center near the surface,although the atmosphere there is inertially stable,the lower westerly jet can develop and bring on the apparent zonal advection of zonal geostrophic momentum.Both theoretical study and diagnosing analysis present that such a zonal advection of geostrophic momentum is closely associated with the zonal asymmetric distribution of meridional land-sea thermal contrast,which induces a convergence center near and further north of the westerly jet in the lower troposphere over the southwestern coast of the Indian Peninsula,providing a favorable lower circulation for the ISM onset.It illustrates that the development of convection over the Arabian Sea in late spring and early summer is not only due to the frictional inertial instability but also strongly affected by the zonal asymmetric distribution of land-sea thermal contrast.Moreover,before the ISM onset due to the eastward development of the South Asian High(SAH)in the upper troposphere,high potential vorticity is transported to the region over the Arabian Sea.Then a local trumpet-shaped stream field is generated to cause the evident upper divergence-pumping effect which favors the ISM onset.When the upper divergence is vertically coupled with the lower convergence resulted from the aforementioned forced unstable convection development near the southwestern coast of Indian Peninsula,the atmospheric baroclinic unstable development is stimulated and the ISM onset is triggered.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the frequency property analysis of near-fault ground motions with and without distinct pulses, separately from the Chi-Chi and Northridge earthquakes. Ten scalar period parameters of ground motions, especially several nonlocal period parameters, are considered. Two new nonlocal parameters, namely the mean period of Hilbert marginal spectrum (Tmh) and the improved characteristic period (Tgi), are suggested. Moreover, comprehensive comparison and analysis indicate that Tmh, Tgi and Tavg (average spectral period) can distinguish the low-frequency components of near-fault ground motions; Tm (mean period of Fourier amplitude spectrum) and To (smoothed spectral predominant period) represent the moderate- and high-frequency components, respectively. The variance coefficient of predominant instantaneous frequency of Hilbert spectrum (Hcov) can be regarded as an alternative index to measure the non-stationary degree of near-fault ground motions. Finally, the velocity pulses and earthquake magnitude remarkably affect the frequency parameters of near-fault ground motions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A steady nonlinear planetary–geostrophic model in spherical coordinates is presented describing the hemispheric-scale meridional flow of grounded abyssal currents on a zonally-sloping bottom. The model, which corresponds mathematically to a quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equation, can be solved explicitly for a cross-slope isopycnal field that is grounded (i.e. intersects the bottom on the up slope and down slope sides). As a consequence of the conservation of potential vorticity, the abyssal currents possess decreasing thickness in the equatorward direction while maintaining constant meridional volume transport. There is a small westward zonal transport in the interior of these currents that results in westward intensification as they flow toward the equator. Conditions for the possible formation of a shock to develop on the up slope flank of the current are derived.  相似文献   

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