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The magnetic influence on a turbulent plasma also produces a complicated structure of the eddy diffusivity tensor rather than a simple and traditional quenching of the eddy diffusivity. Dynamo models in plane (galaxy) and spherical (star) geometries with differential relation are developed here to answer the question whether the dynamo mechanism is still yielding stable configurations. Magnetic saturation of the dynamos is always found—at magnetic energies exceeding the energy-equipartition value.

We find that the effect of magnetic back-reaction on the turbulent diffusivity depends highly on whether the dynamo is oscillatory or not. The steady modes are extremely influenced. They saturate at field strengths strongly exceeding its turbulence-equipartition value. Subcritical excitation is even found for strong seed fields. The oscillating dynamos, however, only provide a small effect. Hence, the strong over-equipartition of the internal solar magnetic fields revealed by studies of flux-tube dynamics cannot be explained with the theory presented. Also the run of the cycle frequency with the dynamo number is too smooth in order to explain observations of stellar chromospheric activity.  相似文献   


The paper consists of two parts. The first introduces the dynamo equation into a rotating gaseous disk of finite thickness and then searches for its solution for the generation and maintenance of large-scale bisymmetric spiral (BSS) magnetic fields. We determine numerically the dynamo strength and vertical thickness of the gaseous disk which are necessary for the BSS magnetic fields to rotate as a wave over large area of the disk.

Next we present linearized equations of motion for the self-gravitating disk gas under the Lorentz force due to the BSS magnetic fields. Since the angular velocity of the BSS field is very close to that of the spiral density wave, a nearly-resonant interaction is caused between these two waves to produce large-amplitude condensation of gas in a double-spiral way. The BSS magnetic field is considered as a promising agency to trigger and maintain the spiral density wave.  相似文献   


In this paper a method for solving the equation for the mean magnetic energy <BB> of a solar type dynamo with an axisymmetric convection zone geometry is developed and the main features of the method are described. This method is referred to as the finite magnetic energy method since it is based on the idea that the real magnetic field B of the dynamo remains finite only if <BB> remains finite. Ensemble averaging is used, which implies that fields of all spatial scales are included, small-scale as well as large-scale fields. The method yields an energy balance for the mean energy density ε ≡ B 2/8π of the dynamo, from which the relative energy production rates by the different dynamo processes can be inferred. An estimate for the r.m.s. field strength at the surface and at the base of the convection zone can be found by comparing the magnetic energy density and the outgoing flux at the surface with the observed values. We neglect resistive effects and present arguments indicating that this is a fair assumption for the solar convection zone. The model considerations and examples presented indicate that (1) the energy loss at the solar surface is almost instantaneous; (2) the convection in the convection zone takes place in the form of giant cells; (3) the r.m.s. field strength at the base of the solar convection zone is no more than a few hundred gauss; (4) the turbulent diffusion coefficient within the bulk of the convection zone is about 1014cm2s?1, which is an order of magnitude larger than usually adopted in solar mean field models.  相似文献   

We study generation of magnetic fields, involving large spatial scales, by convective plan-forms in a horizontal layer. Magnetic modes and their growth rates are expanded in power series in the scale ratio, and the magnetic eddy diffusivity (MED) tensor is derived for flows, symmetric about the vertical axis in a layer. For convective rolls we demonstrate that MED is never below molecular magnetic diffusivity. For cell patterns possessing the symmetries of a rectangle, critical values of molecular magnetic diffusivity for the onset of small- and large-scale magnetic field generation are the same. No instances of negative MED in hexagonal cells have been detected. A family of plan-forms has been found numerically, where MED is negative for molecular magnetic diffusivity over the threshold for the onset of small-scale magnetic field generation. However, the region in the parameter space, where large-scale dynamo action is observed, is small.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress-Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of unit order. In Part I of this series, it was also supposed that the ratio thermal diffusivity diffusivity/magnetic diffusivity is O(1), but here we suppose that this ratio is large. The character of the solution is changed in this limit. In the case of main interest, when the layer is confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, the solution is significantly different from the solution when the mathematically simpler, illustrative boundary conditions also considered in Part I are employed. As in Part I, attention is focussed on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress—Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of order unity, as is the ratio of thermal to magnetic diffusivity. Attention is focused on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection. The case of main interest is the layer confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, but the analysis is guided by a parallel study based on illustrative boundary conditions that are mathematically simpler.  相似文献   


Magnetic fields of planets, stars and galaxies are generated by self-excitation in moving electrically conducting fluids. Once produced, magnetic fields can play an active role in cosmic structure formation by destabilising rotational flows that would be otherwise hydrodynamically stable. For a long time, both hydromagnetic dynamo action as well as magnetically triggered flow instabilities had been the subject of purely theoretical research. Meanwhile, however, the dynamo effect has been observed in large-scale liquid sodium experiments in Riga, Karlsruhe and Cadarache. In this paper, we summarise the results of liquid metal experiments devoted to the dynamo effect and various magnetic instabilities such as the helical and the azimuthal magnetorotational instability and the Tayler instability. We discuss in detail our plans for a precession-driven dynamo experiment and a large-scale Tayler–Couette experiment using liquid sodium, and on the prospects to observe magnetically triggered instabilities of flows with positive shear.  相似文献   


This paper treats the dynamical conditions that obtain when long straight parallel twisted flux tubes in a highly conducting fluid are packed together in a broad array. It is shown that there is generally no hydrostatic equilibrium. In place of equilibrium there is a dynamical nonequilibrium, leading to neutral point reconnection and progressive coalescence of neighboring tubes (with the same sense of twisting), forming tubes of larger diameter and reduced twist. The magnetic energy in the twisting of each tube declines toward zero, dissipated into small-scale motions of the fluid and thence into heat.

The physical implications are numerous. For instance, it has been suggested that the subsurface magnetic field of the sun is composed of close-packed twisted flux tubes. Any such structures are short lived, at best.

The footpoints of the filamentary magnetic fields above bipolar magnetic regions on the sun are continually shuffled and rotated by the convection, so that the fields are composed of twisted rubes. The twisting and mutual wrapping is converted directly into fluid motion and heat by the dynamical nonequilibrium, so that the work done by the convection of the footpoints goes directly into heating the corona above. This theoretical result is the final step, then, in understanding the assertion by Rosner, Tucker, and Valana, and others, that the observed structure of the visible corona implies that it is heated principally by direct dissipation of the supporting magnetic field. It is the dynamical nonequilibrium that causes the dissipation, in spite of the high electrical conductivity. It would appear that any bipolar magnetic field extending upward from a dense convective layer into a tenuous atmosphere automatically produces heating, and a corona of some sort, in the sun or any other convective star.  相似文献   


We discuss recent developments in the theory of large-scale magnetic structures in spiral galaxies. In addition to a review of galactic dynamo models developed for axisymmetric disks of variable thickness, we consider the possibility of dominance of non-axisymmetric magnetic modes in disks with weak deviations from axial symmetry. Difficulties of straightforward numerical simulation of galactic dynamos are discussed and asymptotic solutions of the dynamo equations relevant for galactic conditions are considered. Theoretical results are compared with observational data.  相似文献   


Dynamo action in a highly conducting fluid with small magnetic diffusivity η is particularly sensitive to the topology of the flow. The sites of rapid magnetic field regeneration, when they occur, appear to be located at the stagnation points or in regions where the particle paths are chaotic. Elsewhere only slow dynamo action is to be expected. Two such examples are the nearly axially symmetric dynamo of Braginsky and the generalisation to smooth velocity fields of the Ponomarenko dynamo. Here a method of solution is developed, which applies to both these examples and is applicable to other situations, where magnetic field lines are close to either closed or spatially periodic contours. Particular attention is given to field generation in the neighbourhood of resonant surfaces where growth rates may be intermediate between the slow diffusive and fast convective time scales. The method is applied to the case of the two-dimensional ABC-flows, where it is shown that such intermediate dynamo action can occur on resonant surfaces.  相似文献   


An analysis of small-scale magnetic fields shows that the Ponomarenko dynamo is a fast dynamo; the maximum growth rate remains of order unity in the limit of large magnetic Reynolds number. Magnetic fields are regenerated by a “stretch-diffuse” mechanism. General smooth axisymmetric velocity fields are also analysed; these give slow dynamo action by the same mechanism.  相似文献   


Linear and nonlinear dynamo action is investigated for square patterns in nonrotating and weakly rotating Boussinesq Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a plane horizontal layer. The square-pattern solutions may or may not be symmetric to up-down reflections. Vertically symmetric solutions correspond to checkerboard patterns. They do not possess a net kinetic helicity and are found to be incapable of kinematic dynamo action at least up to magnetic Reynolds numbers of , 12 000. There also exist vertically asymmetric squares, characterized by rising (descending) motion in the centers and descending (rising) motion near the boundaries, among them such that possess full horizontal square symmetry and others lacking also this symmetry. The flows lacking both the vertical and horizontal symmetries possess kinetic helicity and show kinematic dynamo action even without rotation. The generated magnetic fields are concentrated in vertically oriented filamentary structures. Without rotation these dynamos are, however, always only kinematic, not nonlinear dynamos since the back-reaction of the magnetic field then forces the solution into the basin of attraction of a roll pattern incapable of dynamo action. But with rotation added parameter regions are found where stationary asymmetric squares are also nonlinear dynamos. These nonlinear dynamos are characterized by a subtle balance between the Coriolis and Lorentz forces. In some parameter regions also nonlinear dynamos with flows in the form of oscillating squares or stationary modulated rolls are found.  相似文献   


The weak-field Benard-type dynamo treated by Soward is considered here at higher levels of the induced magnetic field. Two sources of instability are found to occur in the intermediate field regime M ~ T 1/12, where M and T are the Hartmann and Taylor numbers. On the time scale of magnetic diffusion, solutions may blow up in finite time owing to destabilization of the convection by the magnetic field. On a faster time scale a dynamic instability related to MAC-wave instability can also occur. It is therefore concluded that the asymptotic structure of this dynamo is unstable to virtual increases in the magnetic field energy.

In an attempt to model stabilization of the dynamo in a strong-field regime we consider two approximations. In the first, a truncated expansion in three-dimensional plane waves is studied numerically. A second approach utilizes an ad hoc set of ordinary differential equations which contains many of the features of convection dynamos at all field energies. Both of these models exhibit temporal intermittency of the dynamo effect.  相似文献   


A magnetohydrodynamic, dynamo driven by convection in a rotating spherical shell is supposed to have averages that are independent of time. Two cases are considered, one driven by a fixed temperature difference R and the other by a given internal heating rate Q. It is found that when q, the ratio of thermal conductivity to magnetic diffusivity, is small, R must be of order q ?4/3 and Q of order q ?2 for dynamo action to be possible; q is small in the Earth's core, so it is hoped that the criteria will prove useful in practical as well as theoretical studies of dynamic dynamos. The criteria can be further strengthened when the ohmic dissipation of the field is significant in the energy balance. The development includes the derivation of two necessary conditions for dynamo action, both based on the viscous dissipation rate of the velocity field that drives the dynamo.  相似文献   


The Archontis dynamo is a rare example of an MHD dynamo within which forcing drives a dynamo where the flow and magnetic fields are almost perfectly aligned and the energies are approximately equal. In this paper, I expand upon our knowledge of the dynamo by showing that the intermediate steady states of the kinetic and magnetic energies observed by Cameron and Galloway are not a necessary feature of aligned dynamos. Furthermore, I show that the steady state into which the flow and magnetic fields eventually evolve is remarkably robust to the addition of time dependence and asymmetry to the forcing.  相似文献   


Calculations are presented for the evolution of a magnetic field which is subject to the effect of three-dimensional motions in a convecting layer of highly conducting fluid with hexagonal symmetry. The back reaction of the field on the motions via the Lorentz force is neglected. We consider cases where the imposed field is either vertical or horizontal. In the former case, flux accumulates at cell centres, with subsidiary concentrations at the vertices of the pattern. In the latter, topological asymmetries between up- and down-moving fluid regions generate positive flux at the base of the layer and negative flux at the top, though the system is actually an amplifier rather than a self-excited dynamo. Spiral field lines form in the interiors of the cells, and the phenomenon of “flux expulsion” found in two-dimensional solutions is somewhat altered when the imposed field is horizontal. Applications for stellar magnetic fields include a possible mechanism for burying flux at the base of a convection zone.  相似文献   

The turbulent cross helicity is directly related to the coupling coefficients for the mean vorticity in the electromotive force and for the mean magnetic-field strain in the Reynolds stress tensor. This suggests that the cross-helicity effects are important in the cases where global inhomogeneous flow and magnetic-field structures are present. Since such large-scale structures are ubiquitous in geo/astrophysical phenomena, the cross-helicity effect is expected to play an important role in geo/astrophysical flows. In the presence of turbulent cross helicity, the mean vortical motion contributes to the turbulent electromotive force. Magnetic-field generation due to this effect is called the cross-helicity dynamo. Several features of the cross-helicity dynamo are introduced. Alignment of the mean electric-current density J with the mean vorticity Ω , as well as the alignment between the mean magnetic field B and velocity U , is supposed to be one of the characteristic features of the dynamo. Unlike the case in the helicity or α effect, where J is aligned with B in the turbulent electromotive force, we in general have a finite mean-field Lorentz force J ?×? B in the cross-helicity dynamo. This gives a distinguished feature of the cross-helicity effect. By considering the effects of cross helicity in the momentum equation, we see several interesting consequences of the effect. Turbulent cross helicity coupled with the mean magnetic shear reduces the effect of turbulent or eddy viscosity. Flow induction is an important consequence of this effect. One key issue in the cross-helicity dynamo is to examine how and how much cross helicity can be present in turbulence. On the basis of the cross-helicity transport equation, its production mechanisms are discussed. Some recent developments in numerical validation of the basic notion of the cross-helicity dynamo are also presented.  相似文献   


This paper discusses dynamo action in generalisations of the Ponomarenko dynamo at large magnetic Reynolds number. The original Ponomarenko dynamo consists of a spiralling flow in which the stream surfaces are concentric cylinders of circular cross section, and the flow depends only on distance from the axis in cylindrical polar coordinates.

In this study, the stream surfaces are allowed to be cylinders of arbitrary cross section, and the flow is only required to be independent of the coordinate along the cylinder axes. For smooth flows alpha and eddy diffusion effects are identified, in terms of the geometry of the stream surfaces, and asymptotic formulae for growth rates in the limit of large magnetic Reynolds number are obtained. Numerical support for these results is presented using direct simulation of dynamo action in selected flows at high conductivity. Finally the case is considered when in spherical polar coordinates the flow is independent of the azimuthal coordinate and the stream surfaces, which are tori, have arbitrary cross sections.  相似文献   

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