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An investigation is made of steady thermal convection of a Boussinesq fluid confined in a vertically-mounted rotating cylinder. The top and bottom endwall disks are thermal conductors at temperatures Tt and Tb with δT = Tt ? Tb >0. The vertical sidewall has a finite thermal conductance. A Newtonian heat flux condition is adopted at the sidewall. The Rayleigh number of the fluid system is large to render a boundary layer-type flow. Finite-difference numerical solutions to the full Navier-Stokes equations are obtained. The vertical motions within the buoyancy layer along the sidewall induce weak meridional flows in the interior. Because of the Coriolis acceleration, the meridional flows give rise to azimuthal flows relative to the rotating container. Strong vertical gradients of azimuthal flows exist in the regions near the endwalls. As the stratification effect increases, concentration of flow gradients in thin endwall boundary layers becomes more pronounced. The azimuthal flow field exhibits considerable horizontal gradients. The temperature field develops horizontal variations superposed on the dominant vertical distribution. As either the sidewall thermal conductance or the stratification effect decreases, the temperature distribution tends to the profile varying linearly with height. Comparisons of the sizes of the dynamic effects demonstrate that, in the bulk of flow field, the vertical shear of azimuthal velocity is supported by the horizontal temperature gradient, resulting in a thermal-wind relation.  相似文献   


A new non-linear model of mixing and convection based on a modelling of two buoyant interacting fluids is applied to penetrative convection in the upper ocean due to surface cooling. In view of simple algebra, the model is one-dimensional. Dissipation is included, but no mean shear is present. A non-similar analytical solution is found in the case of a well-mixed layer bounded below by a sharp thermocline treated as a boundary layer. This solution is valid if the Richardson number, R i , defined as the ratio of the total mixed-layer buoyancy to a characteristic rms vertical velocity, is much greater than unity. The model predicts a deepening rate proportional to R i ?3/4. The thermocline remains of constant thickness, and the ratio thermocline thickness to mixed-layer depth decreases as R i ?3/4 as the mixed layer deepens. If the surface flux is constant, the mixed-layer depth increases with time as t ½. The vertical structure throughout the mixed layer and thermocline is given by the analytical solution, and vertical profiles of mean temperature and vertical fluxes are plotted. Computed profiles and available laboratory data agree remarkably well. Moreover, the accuracy of the simple analytical results presented here is comparable to that of sophisticated turbulence numerical models.  相似文献   


A study is made of the behavior of a thermally stratified fluid in a container when the non-horizontal boundaries have finite thermal conductance. The theory of Rahm and Walin is briefly recounted. Numerical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations for a Boussinesq fluid in a cylinder, adopting a Newtonian heat flux condition at the vertical sidewall, are presented. Results on the details of flow and temperature fields are given over ranges of the Rayleigh number Ra, the container aspect ratio H, and the sidewall conductance S. As S increases, the isotherms in the meridional plane are horizontal at small radii but they diverge at large radii. This creates temperature nonuniformilies in the horizontal direction, and convective motions result. The salient features of the interior temperature profiles are captured by the theoretical model. The velocity field is characterized by two oppositely-directed circulations. As Ra or S varies, the qualitative circulation patterns remain substantially unchanged, but the magnitudes of the convective flows differ by large amounts. The effects of the externally-imposed parameters on the flow and temperature structures are examined.  相似文献   


The flow properties of an homogeneous fluid which is bounded by two concentric spheres and two meridional planes which intersect along a diameter of the spheres are investigated. The spheres rotate about this diameter with slightly different angular velocities. As in the axisymmetric case studied by Proudman (1956) and Stewartson (1966) the viscous terms in the equations of motion are important only in boundary layers on the spheres and on the cylinder C which circumscribes the inner sphere and which has generators parallel to the axis of rotation, provided the Ekman number E is small. In the inviscid region the velocities are independent of the coordinate measuring distance along the axis of rotation and are much weaker, by a factor 0(E ½), than the velocities in the Ekman layer on the driving surface (outer sphere). (It is assumed that the reference frame is fixed in the slower rotating inner sphere.) If the separation of the spheres is small compared to their radii then the asymmetric circulation inside C is characterized by an intense jet along the western wall. Loss of fluid from this jet sustains the eastward and northward flow in the inviscid interior where motion is driven by the suction of the Ekman layer on the outer sphere. (Geophysical conventions have been adopted.) Outside C an intense current is present on the eastern, not western, wall while motion in the inviscid region is westward, and away from the axis of rotation. Though there is no transport across C in the inviscid region, the meridional transport of the Ekman layer on the outer sphere is continuous across C and increases, through suction, as the equator is approached until it drains into an eastward flowing equatorial current of width 0(E 1/7). The eastern boundary current outside C and shear layers on C carry this fluid to the intersection of C and the western wall where it feeds the western boundary current inside C.

The relation between this study and the experiments of Baker and Robinson (1970) is discussed.  相似文献   


The heat transfer by a rotating, differentially-heated annulus of fluid is measured throughout the high amplitude wave regime. Only Δrw T was varied (although v(T15 ).K(T15 ) varied by 46%), and it is found that Nu = C1(λ)Ra? away from the symmetry and low amplitude to wave transition curves and this is independent of ω. (λ is the wavelength.) On the wave side of these transition curves a region exists in which Nu (symmetry) λ Nu λ C1(λ)Ra?. The local heat transfer rate also varies strongly with wave phase.

Using a selection of measured internal thermal fields in the steady, high amplitude wave regime, the side-wall thermal boundary layer structure is examined. It is found that Nu, = C2·Gr2 A2; both C 2 and A 2 are independent of ω and λ to first order. For the time mean profiles, A 2 ≈ 0.25; in the high heat transfer portion of the wave A 2 < ¼ and in the low heat transfer portion of the wave A 2 > ?. These relations hold over most of the vertical extent of the side walls. The deviations of the boundary layers from the above behavior which occur on the remainder of the walls is illustrated. The average thicknesses of the wall boundary layers ∞ Ra except in that phase of the wave in which the wall to mid-gap temperature difference is the largest.  相似文献   

Summary The equations of conservations of momentum and energy scaled with the characteristic values of the mantle indicate the presence of the upper boundary layer to produce the estimated rate of the ocean floor spreading by convection and the importance of the frictional heating. The depth of the upper boundary layer can be estimated from the balance of the viscous force with the horizontal pressure gradient at the sea floor. It is of the orders of 100 km and becomes deeper for the Pacific than for the Atlantic Ocean and also with frictional heating than without it. The frictional heating increases the surface heat flow of the heat conduction by ten to twenty percent for the Pacific Ocean but only by a few percent for the Atlantic Ocean. The similarity solutions are determined for the temperature and horizontal velocity in the upper boundary layer. These solutions are expressed in power series of the variabley x n , wherex, y, andn are horizontal and vertical coordinates and numerical constant, respectively. Both temperature and horizontal velocity within the boundary layer are higher for the Pacific than for the Atlantic Ocean. When a larger viscosity is applied, it causes the increase of horizontal velocity below the surface because of the surface boundary conditions of the finite velocity and of vanishment of the velocity shear. The higher horizontal velocity generates higher temperature because it advects hotter material from the mid-ocean ridge site. The direct effect of frictional heating on the temperature distribution of the similarity solution is almost negligible, since the shear zone is deep and near the lower boundary of the upper boundary layer. In the similarity solution, the surface heat flow which is increased by the frictional heating is given as the boundary value. The effect of the frictional heating is important below the mid-ocean ridge.  相似文献   

Bottom-mounted ADV and ADCP instruments in combination with CTD profiling measurements taken along the Chinese coast of the East China Sea were used to study the vertical structure of temperature, salinity, and velocity in reversing tidal currents on a shallow inner shelf and in rotating tidal flows over a deeper sloping bottom of the outer shelf. These two regimes of barotropic tide affect small-scale dynamics in the lower part of the water column differently. The reversing flow was superimposed by seiches of ∼2.3 h period generated in semienclosed Jiaozhou Bay located nearby. As the tidal vector rotates over the sloping bottom, the height of the near-bottom logarithmic layer is subjected to tidal-induced variations. A maximum of horizontal velocity Umax appears at the upper boundary of the log layer during the first half of the current vector rotation from the minor to the major axis of tidal ellipse. In rotating tidal flow, vertical shear generated at the seafloor, propagated slowly to the water interior up to the height of Umax, with a phase speed of ∼5 m/h. The time-shifted shear inside the water column, relative to the shear at the bottom, was associated with periodically changing increases and decreases of the tidal velocity above the log layer toward the sea surface. In reversing flows, the shear generated near the bottom and the shear at the upper levels were almost in phase.  相似文献   


Finite-difference numerical solutions were obtained to present the flow and temperature field details within the transient Ekman layer during spin-up of a thermally stratified fluid in a cylinder. This complements the earlier studies on stratified spin-up which examined the flows in the interior core region. As the stratification increases, the following changes in the flow field are noticeable. The radial velocity in the Ekman layer decreases in magnitude. The azimuthal flows adjust smoothly from the interior region to the endwall boundary, and the Ekman layer in the azimuthal flow field fades. Vertical motions are inhibited, resulting in a weakened Ekman pumping. The axial vorticity field behaves similarly to the azimuthal flows. The temperature deviation from the equilibrium profile decreases, and the heat transfer flux from the endwall to the fluid decreases. The thickness of the thermal layer is larger than the velocity layer thickness. Illustrative comparisons of the relative sizes of the terms in the governing equations are conducted in order to assess the stratification effect in the adjustment process of the fluid.  相似文献   


The present study aims to link the dynamics of geophysical fluid flows with their vortical structures in physical space and to study the transition of these structures due to the control parameters. The simulations are carried in a rectangular box filled with liquid gallium for three different cases, namely, Rayleigh–Bénard convection (RBC), magnetoconvection (MC) and rotating magnetoconvection (RMC). The physical setup and material properties are similar to those considered by Aurnou and Olson in their experimental work. The simulated results are validated with theoretical results of Chandrasekhar and experimental results of Aurnou and Olson. The results are also topologically verified with the help of Euler number given by Ma and Wang. For RBC, the onset is obtained at Ra greater than 1708 and at this Ra, the symmetric rolls are orientated in/along a horizontal axis. As the value of Ra increases further, the width of the horizontal rolls starts to amplify. It is observed that these two-dimensional rolls are nothing but the cross-sections of three-dimensional (3D) cylindrical rolls with wave structures. When the vertically imposed magnetic field is added to RBC, the onset of convection is delayed due to the effect of Lorentz force on the thermal buoyancy force. The presence of 3D rectangular structures is highlighted and analysed. When the magnetically influenced rectangular box rotates about vertical axis at low rotation rates in magnetoconvection model, the onset of convection gets further delayed by magnetic field, which is in general agreement with the theoretical predictions. The critical Ra increases linearly with magnetic field intensity. Coherent thermal oscillations are detected near the onset of convection, at moderate rotation rates.  相似文献   

Non‐uniform flows encompassing both accelerating and decelerating flows over a cobble‐bed flume have been experimentally investigated in a flume at a scale of intermediate relative submergence. Measurements of mean longitudinal flow velocity u, and determinations of turbulence intensities u′, v′, w′, and Reynolds shear stress ?ufwf have been made. The longitudinal velocity distribution was divided into the inner zone close to the bed and the outer zone far from the bed. In the inner zone of the boundary layer (near the bed) the velocity profile closely followed the ‘Log Law’; however, in the outer zone the velocity distribution deviated from the Log Law consistently for both accelerating and decelerating flows and the changes in bed slopes ranging from ?2% to + 2% had no considerable effect on the outer zone. For a constant bed slope (S = ±0·015), the larger the flow rate, the smaller the turbulence intensities. However, no detectable pattern has been observed for u′, v′ and w′ distributions near the bed. Likewise, for a constant flow rate (Q = 0·040 m3/s), with variation in bed slope the longitudinal turbulent intensity profile in the longitudinal direction remained concave for both accelerating and decelerating flows; whereas vertical turbulent intensity (w′) profile presented no specific form. The results reveal that the positions of maximum values of turbulence intensities and the Reynolds shear stress depend not only on the flow structure (accelerating or decelerating) but also on the intermediate relative submergence scale. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By processing the data of vertical ionospheric sounding in Almaty for 2000–2009, we obtained the distributions of the heights of the maximum (h m F) and bottom (h bot F) of the F2-layer, incremental changes in its semi-thickness (δh), the characteristic time of losses (τ), and the vertical displacement velocity of the node of the thermospheric wind (V) during the transitional time of the day during nighttime increases in the electron concentration at the layer maximum. The comparison of the measured V and modeled V m velocities showed a certain discrepancy. The influence of the altitude gradient of the meridional thermospheric wind velocity on the behaviors of h m F, h bot F, δh, and τ during nighttime increases in the electron concentration is studied.  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the linear stability of a rapidly-rotating, stratified sheet pinch in a gravitational field, g, perpendicular to the sheet. The sheet pinch is a layer (O ? z ? d) of inviscid, Boussinesq fluid of electrical conductivity σ, magnetic permeability μ, and almost uniform density ρ o; z is height. The prevailing magnetic field. B o(z), is horizontal at each z level, but varies in direction with z. The angular velocity, Ω, is vertical and large (Ω ? VA/d, where VA = B0√(μρ0) is the Alfvén velocity). The Elsasser number, Λ = σB2 0/2Ωρ0, measures σ. A (modified) Rayleigh number, R = gβd20V2 A, measures the buoyancy force, where β is the imposed density gradient, antiparallel to g. A Prandtl number, PK = μσK, measures the diffusivity, k, of density differences.  相似文献   


Numerical solutions of the axisymmetric flows during the relatively early phase of spin-up from rest of a stratified fluid in a cylinder are presented. Detailed results are given for a cylinder of aspect ratio of O(l) and for a minute Ekman number, showing axisymmetric spin-up for three values of the stratification parameter. As the stratification increases, the meridional circulation is confined to a region closer to the Ekman layers. An axisymmetric shear wave propagates radially inward from the sidewall, but, unlike the strictly vertical front for a homogeneous fluid, the interface which separates rotating from nonrotating fluid is bow-shaped. For a stratified fluid, the axial vorticity distribution is nonuniform both in the vertical and in the radial directions. With increasing stratification, diffusive vorticity production near the sidewall is more pronounced. Axisymmetric flows in the early phase of spin-up of a stratified fluid are controlled by both the inviscid dynamic effect and the viscous diffusion effect. At a location close to the Ekman layers, the inviscid effect outweighs the viscous effect, in much the same way as in a homogeneous fluid. However, at a location close to mid-depth, the viscous diffusion effect, enhanced by substantial flow gradients in that region, is dominant. This points to the necessity of including the direct effect of viscous diffusion in the interior in formulating an analytical model of stratified spin-up problems.  相似文献   


A system is considered in which electrically conducting fluid is contained between two rigid horizontal planes and bounded laterally by a circular cylinder. The fluid is permeated by a strong azimuthal magnetic field. The strength of the field increases linearly with distance from the vertical axis of the cylinder, about which the entire system rotates rapidly. An unstable temperature gradient is maintained by heating the fluid from below and cooling from above. When viscosity and inertia are neglected, an arbitrary geostrophic velocity, which is aligned with the applied azimuthal magnetic field and independent of the axial coordinate, can be superimposed on the basic axisymmetric state. In this inviscid limit, the geostrophic velocity which occurs at the onset of convection is such that the net torque on geostrophic cylinders vanishes (Taylor's condition). The mathematical problem which describes the ensuing marginal convection is nonlinear, and was discussed previously for the planar case by Soward (1986). Here new features are isolated which result from the cylindrical geometry. New asymptotic solutions are derived valid when Taylor's condition is relaxed to include viscous effects.  相似文献   

Summary This paper considers an incompressible fluid flowing through a straight, circular tube whose walls are uniformly porous. The flow is steady and one dimensional. The loss of fluid through the wall is proportional to the mean static pressure in the tube. Several formulations of the wall shear stress are considered; these formulations were motivated by the results from Hamel's radial flow problem, boundary layer flows/and boundary layer suction profiles. For each of these formulations exact solutions for the mean axial velocity and the mean static pressure of the fluid are obtained. Sample results are plotted on graphs. For the constant wall shear stress problem, the theoretical solutions compare favorably with some experimental results.Notations A, B, D, E constant parameters - a, b constant parameters - Ai(z), Bi(z) Airy functions - Ai, Bi derivatives of Airy functions - k constant of proportionality betweenV andp - L length of pores - p,p mean static pressure - p 0 static pressure outside the tube - p 0 value ofp atx=0 - Q constant exponent - R inside radius of the tube - T wall shear stress - T 0 shear parameter - t wall thickness - U free stream velocity - ,u mean axial velocity - u 0 value ofu atx=0 - V,V mean seepage velocity through the wall - v 0 mean seepage velocity - x,x axial distance along the tube - z transformed axial distance - z 0 value ofz atx=0 - mean outflow angle through the wall - cos - density of the fluid - wall shear stress - dynamic viscosity of the fluid - over-bar dimensional terms - no bar nondimensional terms The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

The depositional processes and gas pore pressure in pyroclastic flows are investigated through scaled experiments on transient, initially fluidized granular flows. The flow structure consists of a sliding head whose basal velocity decreases backwards from the front velocity (U f) until onset of deposition occurs, which marks transition to the flow body where the basal deposit grows continuously. The flows propagate in a fluid-inertial regime despite formation of the deposit. Their head generates underpressure proportional to U f 2 whereas their body generates overpressure whose values suggest that pore pressure diffuses during emplacement. Complementary experiments on defluidizing static columns prove that the concept of pore pressure diffusion is relevant for gas-particle mixtures and allow characterization of the diffusion timescale (t d) as a function of the material properties. Initial material expansion increases the diffusion time compared with the nonexpanded state, suggesting that pore pressure is self-generated during compaction. Application to pyroclastic flows gives minimum diffusion timescales of seconds to tens of minutes, depending principally on the flow height and permeability. This study also helps to reconcile the concepts of en masse and progressive deposition of pyroclastic flow units or discrete pulses. Onset of deposition, whose causes deserve further investigation, is the most critical parameter for determining the structure of the deposits. Even if sedimentation is fundamentally continuous, it is proposed that late onset of deposition and rapid aggradation in relatively thin flows can generate deposits that are almost snapshots of the flow structure. In this context, deposition can be considered as occurring en masse, though not strictly instantaneously.  相似文献   

Arenal Volcano has effused basaltic andesite lava flows nearly continuously since September, 1968. The two different kinds of material in flows, lava and lava debris, have different rheologic properties and dynamic behavior. Flow morphology depends on the relationship between the amount and distribution of the lava and the debris, and to a lesser extent the ground morphology.Two main units characterize the flows: the channel zone and the frontal zone. The channel zone consists of two different units, the levées and the channel proper. A velocity profile in the channel shows a maximum value at the plug where the rate of shear is zero, and a velocity gradient increasing outward until, at the levées, the velocity becomes zero. Cooling produces a marked temperature gradient in the flow, leading to the formation of debris by brittle fracture when a critical value of shear rate to viscosity is reached. When the lava supply ceases, much of this debris and part of the lava is left behind after the flow nucleus drains out, forming a collapsed channel.Processes at the frontal zone include levée formation, debris formation, the change in shape of the front, and the choice of the flow path. These processes are controlled primarily by the rheological properties of the lava.Frontal zone dynamics can be understood by fixing the flow front as the point of reference. The lava flows through the channel into the front where it flows out into the levées, thereby increasing the length of the channel and permitting the front to advance. The front shows a relationship of critical height to the yield strength (τ0) surface tension, and slope; its continued movement is activated by the pressure of the advancing lava in the channel behind. For an ideal flow (isothermal, homogeneous, and isotropic) the ratio of the section of channel proper to the section of levées is calculated and the distance the front will have moved at any time tx can be determined once the amount of lava available to the front is known. Assuming that the velocity function of the front {G(t)} during the collapsing stage is proportional to the entrance pressure of the lava at the channel-front boundary, an exponential decrease of velocity through time is predicted, which shows good agreement with actual frontal velocity measurements taken on two flows. Local variations in slope have a secondary effect on frontal velocities.Under conditions of constant volume the frontal zone can be considered as a machine that consumes energy brought in by the lava to perform work (front advancement). While the front will use its potential energy to run the process, the velocity at which it occurs is controlled by the activation energy that enters the system as the kinetic energy of the lava flowing into the front. A relation for the energy contribution due to frontal acceleration is also derived. Finally the entrance pressure, that permits the front to deform, is calculated. Its small value confirms that the lava behaves very much like a Bingham plastic.  相似文献   

During an explosive volcanic eruption, tephra fall out from the umbrella region of the eruption cloud to the ground surface. We investigated the effect of the intensity of turbulence in the umbrella cloud on dispersion and sedimentation of tephra by performing a series of laboratory experiments and three dimensional (3-D) numerical simulations. In the laboratory experiments, spherical glass-bead particles are mixed in stirred water with various intensities of turbulence, and the spatial distribution and the temporal evolution of the particle concentration are measured. The experimental results show that, when the root-mean-square of velocity fluctuation in the fluid (Wrms) is much greater than the particle terminal velocity (vt), the particles are homogeneously distributed in the fluid, and settle at their terminal velocities at the base of the fluid where turbulence diminishes. On the other hand, when Wrms is as small as or smaller than vt, the particle concentration increases toward the base of the fluid during settling, which substantially increases the rate of particle settling. The results of the 3-D simulations of eruption cloud indicate that Wrms is up to 40 m/s in most of the umbrella cloud even during a large scale plinian eruption with a magma discharge rate of 109 kg/s. These results suggest that relatively coarse pyroclasts (more than a few mm in diameter) tend to concentrate around the base of the umbrella cloud, whereas fine pyroclasts (less than 1/8 mm in diameter) may be distributed homogeneously throughout the umbrella cloud during tephra dispersion. The effect of the gradient of particle concentration in the umbrella cloud explains the granulometric data of the Pinatubo 1991 plinian deposits.  相似文献   

Single bed load particle impacts were experimentally investigated in supercritical open channel flow over a fixed planar bed of low relative roughness height simulating high‐gradient non‐alluvial mountain streams as well as hydraulic structures. Particle impact characteristics (impact velocity, impact angle, Stokes number, restitution and dynamic friction coefficients) were determined for a wide range of hydraulic parameters and particle properties. Particle impact velocity scaled with the particle velocity, and the vertical particle impact velocity increased with excess transport stage. Particle impact and rebound angles were low and decreased with transport stage. Analysis of the particle impacts with the bed revealed almost no viscous damping effects with high normal restitution coefficients exceeding unity. The normal and resultant Stokes numbers were high and above critical thresholds for viscous damping. These results are attributed to the coherent turbulent structures near the wall region, i.e. bursting motion with ejection and sweep events responsible for turbulence generation and particle transport. The tangential restitution coefficients were slightly below unity and the dynamic friction coefficients were lower than for alluvial bed data, revealing that only a small amount of horizontal energy was transferred to the bed. The abrasion prediction model formed by Sklar and Dietrich in 2004 was revised based on the new equations on vertical impact velocity and hop length covering various bed configurations. The abrasion coefficient kv was found to be vary around kv ~ 105 for hard materials (tensile strength ft > 1 MPa), one order of magnitude lower than the value assumed so far for Sklar and Dietrich's model. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The results of laboratory experiments and numerical model simulations are described in which the motion of a round, negatively-buoyant, turbulent jet discharged horizontally above a slope into a rotating homogeneous fluid has been investigated. For the laboratory study, flow visualisation data are presented to show the complex three-dimensional flow fields generated by the discharge. Analysis of the experimental data indicates that the spatial and temporal developments of the flow field are controlled primarily by the lateral and vertical discharge position of the jet (with respect to the bounding surfaces of the container of width W) and the specific momentum (M 0) and buoyancy (B 0) fluxes driving the jet. The flow is seen to be characterised by the formation of (i) a primary anticyclonic eddy (PCC) close to the source, (ii) an associated secondary cyclonic eddy (SCE) and (iii) a buoyancy-driven bottom boundary current along the right side boundary wall. For the parameter ranges studied, the size L p, s and spatial location x p, s of the PCC and SCE (and the nose velocity u N of the boundary current) are shown to be only weakly-dependent upon the value of the mixed parameter M 0Ω/B 0, where Ω is the background rotation rate. Both L p and x p are shown to scale with the separation distance y?/W of the right side wall (y = 0) from the source (y = y?), both L s and x s scale satisfactorily with the length scale l M (= M 0 3/4/B 0 ½) and u N is determined by the appropriate gravity current speed [(g']0 H]½ and the separation distance y?/W.

Numerical model results show good qualitative agreement with the laboratory data with regard to the generation of the PCC, SCE and boundary current as characteristic features of the flow in question. In addition, extension of the numerical model to

diagnose potential vorticity and plume thickness distributions for the laboratory cases allow the differences in momentum-and buoyancy-dominated flows to be clearly delineated. Specifically, the characteristic features of the SCE are shown to be strongly dependent upon the value of M 0Ω/B 0 for the buoyant jet flow; not least, the numerical model data are able to confirm the controlling role played by the boundary walls in the laboratory experiments. Quantitative agreement between the numerical and laboratory model data is fair; most significantly, the success of the former model in simulating the dominant flow features from the latter enables the reliable extension of the numerical model to be made to cases of direct oceanic interest.  相似文献   

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