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An analytical model is constructed for the generation of baroclinic Rossby waves by a vorticity source in the presence of a semi-circular boundary. The vorticity source is used to represent the effect of the Agulhas retroflection to the south of Southern Africa. The displacement of the interface between the two layers of the model ocean consists of quantized waves near the coast and a train of Rossby waves drifting westward further offshore.  相似文献   


Investigations of an earlier paper (Friedlander 1987a) are extended to include the effect of an azimuthal shear flow on the small amplitude oscillations of a rotating, density stratified, electrically conducting, non-dissipative fluid in the geometry of a spherical shell. The basic state mean fields are taken to be arbitrary toroidal axisymmetric functions of space that are consistent with the constraint of the ‘‘magnetic thermal wind equation''. The problem is formulated to emphasize the similarities between the magnetic and the non-magnetic internal wave problem. Energy integrals are constructed and the stabilizing/destabilizing roles of the shears in the basic state functions are examined. Effects of curvature and sphericity are studied for the eigenvalue problem. This is given by a partial differential equation (P.D.E.) of mixed type with, in general, a complex pattern of turning surfaces delineating the hyperbolic and elliptic regimes. Further mathematical complexities arise from a distribution of the magnetic analogue of critical latitudes. The magnetic extension of Laplace's tidal equations are discussed. It is observed that the magnetic analogue of planetary waves may propagate to the east and to the west.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell heated from below and within have been carried out with a nonlinear, three-dimensional, time-dependent pseudospectral code. The investigated phenomena include the sequence of transitions to chaos and the differential mean zonal rotation. At the fixed Taylor number T a =106 and Prandtl number Pr=1 and with increasing Rayleigh number R, convection undergoes a series of bifurcations from onset of steadily propagating motions SP at R=R c = 13050, to a periodic state P, and thence to a quasi-periodic state QP and a non-periodic or chaotic state NP. Examples of SP, P, QP, and NP solutions are obtained at R = 1.3R c , R = 1.7 R c , R = 2R c , and R = 5 R c , respectively. In the SP state, convection rolls propagate at a constant longitudinal phase velocity that is slower than that obtained from the linear calculation at the onset of instability. The P state, characterized by a single frequency and its harmonics, has a two-layer cellular structure in radius. Convection rolls near the upper and lower surfaces of the spherical shell both propagate in a prograde sense with respect to the rotation of the reference frame. The outer convection rolls propagate faster than those near the inner shell. The physical mechanism responsible for the time-periodic oscillations is the differential shear of the convection cells due to the mean zonal flow. Meridional transport of zonal momentum by the convection cells in turn supports the mean zonal differential rotation. In the QP state, the longitudinal wave number m of the convection pattern oscillates among m = 3,4,5, and 6; the convection pattern near the outer shell has larger m than that near the inner shell. Radial motions are very weak in the polar regions. The convection pattern also shifts in m for the NP state at R = 5R c , whose power spectrum is characterized by broadened peaks and broadband background noise. The convection pattern near the outer shell propagates prograde, while the pattern near the inner shell propagates retrograde with respect to the basic rotation. Convection cells exist in polar regions. There is a large variation in the vigor of individual convection cells. An example of a more vigorously convecting chaotic state is obtained at R = 50R c . At this Rayleigh number some of the convection rolls have axes perpendicular to the axis of the basic rotation, indicating a partial relaxation of the rotational constraint. There are strong convective motions in the polar regions. The longitudinally averaged mean zonal flow has an equatorial superrotation and a high latitude subrotation for all cases except R = 50R c , at this highest Rayleigh number, the mean zonal flow pattern is completely reversed, opposite to the solar differential rotation pattern.  相似文献   

We consider an electrically conducting fluid confined to a thin rotating spherical shell in which the Elsasser and magnetic Reynolds numbers are assumed to be large while the Rossby number is assumed to vanish in an appropriate limit. This may be taken as a simple model for a possible stable layer at the top of the Earth's outer core. It may also be a model for the thin shells which are thought to be a source of the magnetic fields of some planets such as Mercury or Uranus. Linear hydromagnetic waves are studied using a multiple scale asymptotic scheme in which boundary layers and the associated boundary conditions determine the structure of the waves. These waves are assumed to be of the form of an asymptotic series expanded about an ambient magnetic field which vanishes on the equatorial plane and velocity and pressure fields which do not. They take the form of short wave, slowly varying wave trains. The results are compared to the author's previous work on such waves in cylindrical geometry in which the boundary conditions play no role. The approximation obtained is significantly different from that obtained in the previous work in that an essential singularity appears at the equator and nonequatorial wave regions appear.  相似文献   


A simple mean-field model of a nonlinear stellar dynamo is considered, in which dynamo action is supposed to occur in a spherical shell, and where the only nonlinearity retained is the influence of the Lorentz forces on the zonal flow field. The equations are simplified by truncating in the radial direction, while full latitudinal dependence is retained. The resulting nonlinear p.d.e.'s in latitude and time are solved numerically, and it is found that while regular dynamo wave type solutions are stable when the dynamo number D is sufficiently close to its critical value, there is a wide variety of stable solutions at larger values of D. Furthermore, two different types of dynamo can coexist at the same parameter values. Implications for fields in late-type stars are discussed.  相似文献   

Observational studies on the semiannual oscillation in the tropical stratosphere and mesosphere are reviewed. Results of many statistics based on rocket and satellite observations reveal that the long-term behavior of the mean zonal wind exhibits two semiannual cycles which have their maximum amplitudes centered at the stratopause level and the mesopause level, each one being associated with the semiannual temperature variations predominating at levels about 10 km lower.Observational evidence obtained from recent studies of the dynamical properties of upper stratospheric waves strongly supports the theoretical consideration that the stratospheric semiannual oscillation is the manifestation of the wave-zonal flow interaction with alternating accelerations of the westerly flow by Kelvin waves and the easterly flow by planetary Rossby waves.Regarding the semiannual variation in the upper mesosphere, however, very little is known about the possible momentum source. Therefore, emphasis is placed on the need for further observations of the structure and behavior of the tropical middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

本文在常黏度的基础上,加上横向黏度变化,纯粹研究了横向黏度变化对球层中热对流的影响.结果表明,横向黏度变化可以加速或阻碍球层中的热对流,并对球层中热传输方式有调节作用,但是横向黏度变化对球层中热对流的影响会限制在一定的强度范围内,并且难以改变球层中热对流的格局.横向黏度变化所产生的环型场速度占总速度场的比例最多为十几个百分点,难以解释观测到的地表板块运动中的环型场能量大小.  相似文献   


Isallobaric effect of a slowly varying quasi-geostrophic flow represented by propagating waves may give rise to a mean steady topographic drag component which turns out to be the principal one when viscous effects are negligibly small. This drag component decreases, in contrast to the quasi-geostrophic component, when statistical properties of the topography become isotropic. When the phase velocity of the incident wave is much larger (smaller) than the phase speed of Rossby waves, the isallobaric drag becomes independent (dependent) on the sign of that velocity.  相似文献   

Introduction The velocity field of surface plate motion can be split into a poloidal and a toroidal parts.At the Earth′s surface,the toroidal component is manifested by the existence of transform faults,and the poloidal component by the presence of convergence and divergence,i.e.spreading and subduc-tion zones.They have coupled each other and completely depicted the characteristics of plate tec-tonic motions.The mechanism of poloidal field has been studied fairly clearly which is related to …  相似文献   


Dynamic interaction between magnetic field and fluid motion is studied through a numerical experiment of nonlinear three-dimensional magnetoconvection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell to which a uniform magnetic field parallel to its spin axis is applied. The fluid shell is heated by internal heat sources to maintain thermal convection. The mean value of the magnetic Reynolds number in the fluid shell is 22.4 and 10 pairs of axially aligned vortex rolls are stably developed. We found that confinement of magnetic flux into anti-cyclonic vortex rolls was crucial on an abrupt change of the mode of magnetoconvection which occurred at Δ = 1 ~ 2, where A is the Elsasser number. After the mode change, the fluid shell can store a large amount of magnetic flux in itself by changing its convection style, and the magnetostrophic balance among the Coriolis, Lorentz and pressure forces is established. Furthermore, the toroidal/poloidal ratio of the induced magnetic energy becomes less than unity, and the magnetized anti-cyclones are enlarged due to the effect of the magnetic force. Using these key ideas, we investigated the causes of the mode change of magnetoconvection. Considering relatively large magnetic Reynolds number and a rapid rotation rate of this model, we believe that these basic ideas used to interpret the present numerical experiment can be applied to the dynamics in the Earth's and other planetary cores.  相似文献   


A spectral low-order model is proposed in order to investigate some effects of bottom corrugation on the dynamics of forced and free Rossby waves. The analysis of the interaction between the waves and the topographic modes in the linear version of the model shows that the natural frequencies lie between the corresponding Rossby wave frequencies for a flat bottom and those applying in the “topographic limit” when the beta-effect is zero. There is a possibility of standing or eastward-travelling free waves when the integrated topograhic effect exceeds the planetary beta-effect.

The nonlinear interactions between forced waves in the presence of topography and the beta-effect give rise to a steady dynamical mode correlated to the topographic mode. The periodic solution that includes this steady wave is stable when the forcing field moves to the West with relatively large phase speed. The energy of this solution may be transferred to the steady zonal shear flow if the spatial scale of this zonal mode exceeds the scale of the directly forced large-scale dynamical mode.  相似文献   

Introduction Mantle convection is thought to be the most effective way of heat transportation in the earth and the source of driving lithospheric plates (Elasser, 1971). The velocity field of plate motion can be split into poloidal and toroidal parts, which are corresponding to the vertical (i.e. radial) and horizontal motions, respectively, in global model. The toroidal component is manifested in the existences of transform faults and the poloidal one in the presences of convergence and diver…  相似文献   

We consider the second-order differential equations ofP-SV motion in an isotropic elastic medium with spherical coordinates. We assume that in the medium Lamé's parameters , r p and compressional and shear-wave velocities , r, wherer is radial distance. With this regular heterogeneity both the radial functions appearing in displacement components satisfy a fourth-order differential equation which provides solutions in terms of exponential functions. We then consider a layered spherical earth in which each layer has heterogeneity as specified above. The dispersion equation of the Rayleigh wave is obtained using the Thomson-Haskel method. Due to exponential function solutions in each layer, the dispersion equation has similar simplicity, as in a flat-layered earth. The dispersion equation is further simplified, whenp=–2. We obtain numerical results which agree with results obtained by other methods.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell with and without inhomogeneous temperature anomalies on the top boundary have been carried out using a three-dimensional, time-dependent, spectral-transform code. The spherical shell of Boussinesq fluid has inner and outer radii the same as those of the Earth's liquid outer core. The Taylor number is 107, the Prandtl number is 1, and the Rayleigh number R is 5Rc (Rc is the critical value of R for the onset of convection when the top boundary is isothermal and R is based on the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell). The shell is heated from below and cooled from above; there is no internal heating. The lower boundary of the shell is isothermal and both boundaries are rigid and impermeable. Three cases are considered. In one, the upper boundary is isothermal while in the others, temperature anomalies with (l,m) = (3,2) and (6,4) are imposed on the top boundary. The spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell is the same in all three cases. The amplitudes of the imposed temperature anomalies are equal to one-half of the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell. Convective structures are strongly controlled by both rotation and the imposed temperature anomalies suggesting that thermal inhomogeneities imposed by the mantle on the core have a significant influence on the motions inside the core. The imposed temperature anomaly locks the thermal perturbation structure in the outer part of the spherical shell onto the upper boundary and significantly modifies the velocity structure in the same region. However, the radial velocity structure in the outer part of the shell is different from the temperature perturbation structure. The influence of the imposed temperature anomaly decreases with depth in the shell. Thermal structure and velocity structure are similar and convective rolls are more columnar in the inner part of the shell where the effects of rotation are most dominant.  相似文献   

We present a derivation of the formula for filtering a transmitted SH wavelet by shortperiod multiples in a spherically layered Earth. We use a continuous, rather than a discrete formulation and regard the impedance and the velocity as random variables. The mean shear displacement represents the propagating wavelet as modified by short-period multiples. Standard procedures and approximations Lead to the dispersion relation of the mean displacement. To describe the stratigraphic filtering we introduce a complex quantityF such that a wavelet which has travelled a time T is modified by the filter exp {iFT}. The impact of the higher angular harmonic modes is shown to produce a relative enhancement of those modes over the low angular harmonic modes due to fluctuations in the shear-wave propagation velocity. Numerical estimates indicate that the sizes of the apparent attenuation of the mean field and the time delay introduced by the short-period multiples sit squarely in the regime where they produce a nonnegligible distortion of the SH modes of propagation in both phase and amplitude.  相似文献   

Rossby wave propagation in the presence of a nonseparable Brunt-Väisälä frequency,N(y,z), and the associated geostrophic zonal flow,U(y,z), is examined in this paper. The usual quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation only includes vertical variations in Brunt-Väisälä frequency (i.e.N(z)). We derive a linearised quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation which explicitly includesN(y, z), where variations inN may occur on the internal Rossby radius length scale. A mixed layer distribution that monotonically deepens in the poleward direction leads to a nonseparableN(y,z). The resulting meridional pressure gradient is balanced by an eastward zonal geostrophic flow.By assuming mixed layer depth changes occur slowly, relative to a typical horizontal wavelength of a Rossby wave, a local analysis is presented. The Rossby wave is found to have a strongly modulated meridional wavenumber,l, with amplitude proportional to |l|–1/2. To elucidate whether the modulations of the Rossby wave are caused by the horizontal variations inN orU we also consider the cases where eitherN orU vary horizontally. Mixed layer depth changes lead to largestl where the mixed layer is deepest, whereasl is reduced in magnitude whereU is nonzero. When bothU(y,z) andN(y,z) are present, the two effects compete with one another, the outcome determined by the size of |c|/U max, wherec is the Rossby wave phase speed. Finally, the slowly varying assumption required for the analytical approach is removed by employing a numerical model. The numerical model is suitable for studying Rossby wave propagation in a rectangular zonal channel with generalN(y, z) andU(y, z).  相似文献   


This paper investigates the generation of linear, baroclinic Rossby waves by an imposed current distribution, in a reduced gravity ocean, both with and without an eastern coast. A zonal current is impulsively applied and maintained along the northern edge of the domain of solution. Using Green's function techniques, analytical solutions are found, and these are evaluated for small times. Numerical solutions are obtained for larger times. The upper layer depth field consists of a transient response, due to the sudden application of the current. Maintenance of the current causes a response which is singular along the line of imposed non-zero h y. The interior field decays with time (this is shown asymptotically). The parameters used are appropriate for the mid-latitude North Pacific, and the results are relevant to sudden transport changes in the North Pacific Current.  相似文献   


An analytical spectral model of the barotropic divergent equations on a sphere is developed using the potential-stream function formulation and the normal modes as basic functions. Explicit expressions of the coefficients of nonlinear interaction are obtained in the asymptotic case of a slowly rotating sphere, i.e. when the normal modes can be expressed as single spherical harmonics.  相似文献   

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