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We study the effect of stratification on large-scale dynamo action in convecting fluids in the presence of background rotation. The fluid is confined between two horizontal planes and both boundaries are impermeable, stress-free and perfectly conducting. An asymptotic analysis is performed in the limit of rapid rotation (τ???1 where τ is the Taylor number). We analyse asymptotic magnetic dynamo solutions in rapidly rotating systems generalising the results of Soward [A convection-driven dynamo I. The weak field case. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 1974, 275, 611–651] to include the effects of compressibility. We find that in general the presence of stratification delays the efficiency of large-scale dynamo action in this regime, leading to a reduction of the onset of dynamo action and in the nonlinear regime a diminution of the large-scale magnetic energy for flows with the same kinetic energy.  相似文献   

The onset of convection in a layer of an electrically conducting fluid heated from below is considered in the case when the layer is permeated by a horizontal magnetic field of strength B 0 the orientation of which varies sinusoidally with height. The critical value of the Rayleigh number for the onset of convection is derived as a function of the Chandrasekhar number Q. With increasing Q the height of the convection rolls decreases, while their horizontal wavelength slowly increases. Potential applications to the penumbral filaments of sunspots are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We study the effect of stratification and compressibility on the threshold of convection and the heat transfer by developed convection in the nonlinear regime in the presence of strong background rotation. We consider fluids both with constant thermal conductivity and constant thermal diffusivity. The fluid is confined between two horizontal planes with both boundaries being impermeable and stress-free. An asymptotic analysis is performed in the limits of weak compressibility of the medium and rapid rotation (τ?1/12???|θ|???1, where τ is the Taylor number and θ is the dimensionless temperature jump across the fluid layer). We find that the properties of compressible convection differ significantly in the two cases considered. Analytically, the correction to the characteristic Rayleigh number resulting from small compressibility of the medium is positive in the case of constant thermal conductivity of the fluid and negative for constant thermal diffusivity. These results are compared with numerical solutions for arbitrary stratification. Furthermore, by generalizing the nonlinear theory of Julien and Knobloch [Fully nonlinear three-dimensional convection in a rapidly rotating layer. Phys. Fluids 1999, 11, 1469–1483] to include the effects of compressibility, we study the Nusselt number in both cases. In the weakly nonlinear regime we report an increase of efficiency of the heat transfer with the compressibility for fluids with constant thermal diffusivity, whereas if the conductivity is constant, the heat transfer by a compressible medium is more efficient than in the Boussinesq case only if the specific heat ratio γ is larger than two.  相似文献   

The onset of Boussinesq convection in a horizontal layer of an electrically conducting incompressible fluid is considered. The layer rotating about a vertical axis is heated from below; a vertical magnetic field is imposed. Rigid electrically insulating boundaries are assumed. The loss of stability of the trivial steady state, which occurs as the Rayleigh numbers increase, can be accompanied by the development of a monotonic or an oscillatory instability, depending on the parameter values of the problem at hand (the Taylor number, the Chandrasekhar number, the kinematic and the magnetic Prandtl numbers). When the instability is monotonic, the emerging convective rolls themselves are also unstable if the Taylor number is sufficiently large (the so-called Küppers-Lortz instability takes place). In the present work it is studied how the critical value of the Rayleigh number, the type of the trivial steady state instability, and the critical value of the Taylor number for the Küppers-Lortz instability depend on the kinematic and the magnetic Prandtl numbers. We consider the values of the Prandtl number not exceeding 1, which is typical for the outer core of the Earth.  相似文献   


地震前岩石圈存在可观测的磁场前兆异常, 岩石破坏过程的磁场效应规律却鲜有研究.本文设计建立了岩石破坏磁场效应监测实验系统, 测试分析了岩石破坏过程磁场与载荷、声发射、电磁辐射之间的关系, 探讨了岩石破坏磁场产生机制与岩石破坏磁场效应对地震预报的意义.结果表明: 岩石在受载破坏过程能够产生磁场, 磁感应强度与载荷变化存在良好的对应关系.在受载前期, 磁感应强度波动增加, 受载中后期, 磁场强度显著增加; 主破坏发生时, 磁场强度快速增加并达到最大值.磁感应强度与累积声发射计数平均相关系数达到0.825, 呈高度相关, 表明磁场变化能够反映岩石的变形破坏阶段和状态.岩石破坏磁场的产生主要与电性变化有关, 运动电荷或电流的变化产生了磁场.岩石破坏磁场与电磁辐射同属于电磁信号, 磁场是一种极低频、连续、脉冲式的信号, 信号频率一般为0~20 Hz; 电磁辐射是一种瞬态、阵发性的电磁波, 信号频率一般为kHz~MHz.相对于电磁辐射, 磁场前兆异常先出现, 岩石破坏的磁场监测结果对于评估地震的临震预报具有显著的意义.



Using an asymptotic expansion of Green's function for the problem of magnetic field generation by 3D steady flow of highly conducting fluid a general antidynamo theorem is proved in the case of no exponential stretching of liquid particles. Explicit formulae connecting the spectrum of the magnetic modes with the geometry of the Lagrangian trajectories are obtained. The existence of the fast dynamo action for special flows with exponential stretching is proved under the condition of smoothness of the fields of stretching and non-stretching directions.  相似文献   

We investigate instability of convective flows of simple structure (rolls, standing and travelling waves) in a rotating layer with stress-free horizontal boundaries near the onset of convection. We show that the flows are always unstable to perturbations, which are linear combinations of large-scale modes and short-scale modes, whose wave numbers are close to those of the perturbed flows. Depending on asymptotic relations of small parameters α (the difference between the wave number of perturbed flows and the critical wave number for the onset of convection) and ε (ε2 being the overcriticality and the perturbed flow amplitude being O(ε)), either small-angle or Eckhaus instability is prevailing. In the case of small-angle instability for rolls the largest growth rate scales as ε8/5, in agreement with results of Cox and Matthews (Cox, S.M. and Matthews, P.C., Instability of rotating convection. J. Fluid. Mech., 2000, 403, 153–172) obtained for rolls with k = k c . For waves, the largest growth rate is of the order ε4/3. In the case of Eckhaus instability the growth rate is of the order of α2.  相似文献   

利用近期公布的第六代国际地磁参考场(IGRF)计算,分析了1945年以来东亚地磁非偶极场的时空变化特征,并用中国地磁场模型对结果进行了检验,得到的主要结果是:1945-1990年,东亚地磁非偶极场X、Y分量缓慢向北和向西方向移动,东亚磁异常中心位置基本稳定,中心附近Z分量的强度变化具有明显的大约15年左右的增强和减弱期。中心附近X、Y的零值点的移动方向与地磁北极的移动方向一致。  相似文献   

根据钻孔加衬模型和应变理论,得出分量式钻孔应变仪观测值不等于实际的线应变,但相互垂直的应变元件观测值之和与面应变成正比例.利用四分量钻孔应变仪的“自检”功能,对观测数据进行校正.以漳州地震台分量式钻孔应变仪资料为例,计算校正系数.校正前后的残差分析结果表明,校正效果明显.  相似文献   

The inclination (I), declination (D) and total intensity (F) of the geomagnetic field were measured on Mount Etna in 1989-1991 at a dozen sites previously sampled for archeomagnetic studies. The purpose of the work was to determine the variations of these parameters at 30 cm above ground level, and how the distortion from the main field can affect the archeomagnetic record of volcanic rocks. Ten measurements were usually performed at each site with a three-component flux-gate magnetometer, whose estimated precision is ±0.2° on direction and ±50 nT on intensity. This was considered sufficient on volcanic areas with highly magnetized rocks and where the geomagnetic gradient may be in excess of 1000 nT/m. Results averaged for each site generally show small variations in intensity (±3% of the total field) and direction (±1.5°). The averaged values of the 12 sites (I=52.6°, D=0.3°, F=44010 nT) are very close to those measured in sedimentary terrain away from the volcano (I=52.9°, D=0.35°, F=44110 nT), themselves consistent with the interpolated IGRF in eastern Sicily. The largest deviations of the geomagnetic direction have been observed on four sites, three of them located on the South flank between 1900 and 700 m elevation. It is suggested that these anomalies are mainly related to dyke swarms which are common within the South Rift Zone of Mount Etna. Our findings show that reliable archeomagnetic results can be obtained from volcanic rocks, provided that lavas of the same eruption are sampled on several sites distributed over the largest possible area.  相似文献   

The paper overviews recent and past studies of preconditioning, generation and spreading of North Adriatic Dense Water (NAdDW), by analysing both transient episodes and climatological data. The importance of wind stress, heat and water fluxes, and particularly river discharges during the preconditioning and generative period is emphasized, as well as the advection of saline levantine intermediate water from the southeast. After the generation, NAdDW affects deep and bottom layers of the middle and south Adriatic Sea, flowing as a dense current and mixing with the adjacent waters; it can be traced even in the Otranto Strait, contributing to the formation of deep water in the Eastern Mediterranean. Objective shortcomings and the projections in NAdDW investigations are also discussed, due to their high importance in the circulation of the Adriatic Sea, which may relate other similar basins around the world.  相似文献   

四川盆地西南缘紧邻龙门山褶皱冲断带(青藏高原东边界)南段.该地区的新生代早期红层沉积记录了青藏高原东缘的隆升历史及构造演变.本研究选取四川盆地西南缘芦山地区古新统一下渐新统名山组-芦山组地层剖面为研究对象,利用磁组构方法,结合前人对研究区古地磁及构造变形的研究,恢复了该地区新生代早期的古应力方向.本研究获取了548块样...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the mechanisms of runoff generation and routing and their controlling factors at the hillslope scale, on artificial slopes derived from surface coal mining reclamation in a Mediterranean–continental area. Rainfall and runoff at interrill and microcatchment scales were recorded for a year on two slopes with different substrata: topsoil cover and overburden cover. Runoff coefficient and runoff routing from interrill areas to microcatchment outlets were higher in the overburden substratum than in topsoil, and greater in the most developed rill network. Rainfall volume is the major parameter responsible for runoff response on overburden, suggesting that this substratum is very impermeable—at least during the main rainfall periods of the year (late spring and autumn) when the soil surface is sealed. In such conditions, most rainfall input is converted into runoff, regardless of its intensity. Results from artificial rainfall experiments, conducted 3 and 7 years after seeding, confirm the low infiltration capacity of overburden when sealed. The hydrological response shows great seasonal variability on the overburden slope in accordance with soil surface changes over the year. Rainfall volume and intensities (I30, I60) explain runoff at the interrill scale on the topsoil slope, where rainfall experiments demonstrated a typical Hortonian infiltration curve. However, no correlation was found at the microcatchment level, probably because of the loss of functionality of the only rill as ecological succession proceeded. The runoff generation mechanism on the topsoil slope is more homogeneous throughout the year. Runoff connectivity, defined as the ratio between runoff rates recorded at the rill network scale and those recorded at the interrill area scale in every rainfall event, was also greater on the rilled overburden slope, and in the most developed rill network. The dense rill networks of the overburden slope guarantee very effective runoff drainage, regardless of rainfall magnitude. Rills drain overland flow from interrill‐sealed areas, reducing the opportunity of reinfiltration in areas not affected by siltation. Runoff generation and routing on topsoil slopes are controlled by grass cover and soil moisture content, whereas on overburden slopes rill network density and soil moisture content are the main controlling factors. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variationofstressfieldinthesourceregionaroundastrongshock:anexampleGut-LingDIAO(刁桂苓),Li-MinYU(于利民)andQin-ZuLI(李钦祖)(Seismologi...  相似文献   

基于流体饱和孔隙介质中声波-电磁场耦合效应的测井方法具有潜在的应用价值.本文从Pride动电耦合波方程组入手,推导了伴随斯通利波的井孔电场与声压比值(电声比)的频率域表达式.结果表明,在较低频率条件下,电声比幅角的正切值与渗透率呈反比.在此基础上,提出了利用低频的声电效应测井全波反演地层渗透率的方法.针对砂岩地层,从计...  相似文献   

High-resolution observations by the FAST and Freja satellites indicate that multiscale transverse structures in magnetic-field-aligned flows are common features in the auroral ionosphere. A number of multiscale processes, such as broadband low-frequency oscillations, coherent structures, and various cross-field transport effects are well correlated with these inhomogeneities. Previously, these effects were studied using the three-dimensional multifluid model with a uniform magnetic field. In the present study a more realistic model with a dipole magnetic field has been used. Self-consistent generation of the low-frequency modes driven by local transverse gradients in the field-aligned ion flow and associated transport processes have been simulated. In spite of the large variations of the magnetic field with altitude (by several orders of magnitude), the most important features, observed in the previous simulations with a uniform magnetic field, have been reproduced with a new model. For typical polar wind conditions, it has been found that inhomogeneous parallel flow can excite low-frequency oscillations with comparable amplitudes over a wide range of altitudes (several RE). This leads to a significant cross-field transport over the same range of altitudes. It has also been shown that even small-amplitude short-scale modulations of the original large-scale flow profile significantly increases low-frequency mode generation and associated cross-field transport at various altitudes. The relevance of the obtained results to recent observations is discussed.  相似文献   

The use of a hand-held thermal camera during the 2002–2003 Stromboli effusive eruption proved essential in tracking the development of flow field structures and in measuring related eruption parameters, such as the number of active vents and flow lengths. The steep underlying slope on which the flow field was emplaced resulted in a characteristic flow field morphology. This comprised a proximal shield, where flow stacking and inflation caused piling up of lava on the relatively flat ground of the vent zone, that fed a medial–distal lava flow field. This zone was characterized by the formation of lava tubes and tumuli forming a complex network of tumuli and flows linked by tubes. Most of the flow field was emplaced on extremely steep slopes and this had two effects. It caused flows to slide, as well as flow, and flow fronts to fail frequently, persistent flow front crumbling resulted in the production of an extensive debris field. Channel-fed flows were also characterized by development of excavated debris levees in this zone (Calvari et al. 2005). Collapse of lava flow fronts and inflation of the upper proximal lava shield made volume calculation very difficult. Comparison of the final field volume with that expecta by integrating the lava effusion rates through time suggests a loss of ~70% erupted lava by flow front crumbling and accumulation as debris flows below sea level. Derived relationships between effusion rate, flow length, and number of active vents showed systematic and correlated variations with time where spreading of volume between numerous flows caused an otherwise good correlation between effusion rate, flow length to break down. Observations collected during this eruption are useful in helping to understand lava flow processes on steep slopes, as well as in interpreting old lava–debris sequences found in other steep-sided volcanoes subject to effusive activity.  相似文献   

If the systematic spatial variability of soils in a chronosequence is identified and accounted for, the accuracy of quantitative data derived from soil chronosequence studies will be increased. A sample design using landscape positions with minimal variability could result in more accurate chronofunctions from these studies. Four basalt flows in the Potrillo volcanic field, southern New Mexico, with ages ranging between 20 ka and 260 ka (40Ar/39Ar and/or cosmogenic 3He methods) provide a sound basis for a soil chronosequence study. Basalt flow surface relief in the Potrillos reduces with time as depressions fill with basalt rubble and aeolian dust. Soil variability is primarily a function of landscape position with respect to ridges and swales in the original basalt flow topography. Soils developing over original topographic lows (swale soils) form primarily in aeolian dust, have larger amounts of total carbonate and soluble salts, and display greater variability than soils developing over original topographic highs (ridge soils). It is thus concluded that ridge soils, which have minimal variability, should be employed for a soil chronosequence study of basalt surfaces in the Potrillo volcanic field. The spatial variability of swale soils results in part from the significant hydrologic variability of low-lying landscape positions. Depth profiles of chloride concentrations suggest that hydrologic variability systematically correlates with the size and shape of depressions in which soils are forming. The infilling of depressions with aeolian material results in increasingly arid hydrologic conditions both by increasing the volume of aeolian material that is being drained and by reducing the catchment area for runoff into the depression. Depressions fill at different rates, however, depending on their size, shape and catchment area. Small, narrow depressions fill quickly, and their associated soils form under more arid conditions and have stronger development than soils in large depressions. Therefore, a number of geomorphic surfaces of varying age may develop on a single isochronous basalt flow. Each of these surfaces will have unique hydrologic characteristics and consequently different degrees of soil development. The pre-burial high water flux evident in depressions suggests that basalt flows may play an important role in aquifer recharge in this area of New Mexico. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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