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Long-term stratification of the deep hypolimnetic waters of the northern basin of Lake Lugano (Lago di Lugano) has resulted in a lack of deep-water renewal which has persisted for decades. Tritium-helium age measurements reveal that deep water has not been in contact with the atmosphere since the 1960s. Higher primary production associated with the significant increase in phosphorus concentration which occurred at this time resulted in greater autochthonous gross sedimentation rates, increasing the rate of mineralization and, consequently, the rate of release of dissolved solids (mainly HCO 3 - and Ca2+) into the deep hypolimnion. This gave rise to an intensification of the stratification and to a consequent reduction in the vertical exchange of hypolimnetic water layers. Today, the density stabilizing effect of ion release due to mineralization in the deep water is four to five times greater than the destabilizing effect of the geothermal heat flux from the earth's interior. It is known from laboratory experiments that such small density gradient ratios are likely to give rise to double-diffusive instabilities. However, even rudimentary mass balance calculations of biogeochemical components indicate that shear-induced turbulence, most likely generated by bottom currents, mixes far more efficiently than double diffusion. In the future, the biogenic density stratification is likely to persist in the deep water, unless the upward ion flux, driven by primary production, decreases by a factor of four to five.  相似文献   

On the dynamics of extensional basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Geological and geophysical data from the North China-Bohai Basin and “Basin and Range” Province were examined and compared. They are similar to each other in many respects. Surficial geological structures are characterized by a series of half-grabens with their one flank constituted by normal fault. Those extensional structures usually extend to a depth of 6–8 km. Therefore, the stress condition in the upper 8 km can be written as $$\sigma _2 > \sigma _x > \sigma _y$$ wherex, y denote the directions of maximum compression and maximum tension on the horizontal plane, whilez signifies the vertical direction. Some people think that this kind of stress condition exists through the entire crust in the extensional basin. However, the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes in the extensional basins with focal depths usually at 12–20 km are dominated by strike-slip faults. The stress condition in the focal regions can be expressed by $$\sigma _x > \sigma _z > \sigma _y .$$ Geodetic measurements conducted before and after the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 and the Xingtai earthquake in 1966 showed that both horizontal and vertical surficial deformations with magnitudes of a similar order occurred during the earthquakes. The surficial deformations during the earthquakes can be explained by a summation of the motions produced by both stress fields in the upper crust and the middle crust. Dynamical processes other than the homogeneous horizontal regional tectonic field are required to explain the vertical variation of the stress condition in the upper and middle crusts. Evidence from the seismic refractions, reflections and the three-dimensional seismic tomography from both local earthquakes and teleseismic events provide convincing evidence that magmatic intrusions from the uppermost mantle to the middle crust occur near the hypocenters of both the Tangshan and Xingtai earthquakes. The variation from the extensional stress regime at the upper crust to the compressional stress regime in the middle and lower crusts is considered to be the common feature in extensional basins. And the magmatic intrusions from the upper mantle to the middle crust observed in the extensional basin is suggested to be its genetic cause. Numerical simulations of magmatic intrusion from the uppermost mantle to the middle crust were studied. Both the intruded compression and the thermal stress due to magmatic intrusion were considered, also the viscoelasticity of the middle and lower crusts were assumed. The results successfully explain the vertical variation of the stress condition in the crust and the process producing an extensional basin.  相似文献   

In most lakes eutrophication is linked to an excessive input of phosphorus. Lake restoration by reduction of P-input (external measure) has led to a considerable drop of the P-concentration in all major Swiss lakes as well as in many other lakes. Internal restoration measures such as artificial mixing, drainage of hypolimnetic water, flushing, aeration, biomanipulation and others serve to improve and accelerate the response of a lake to external measures. For the case of Lago di Lugano, a simple two-box model is employed to demonstrate that a reduction of the P-input to about 25% of the present values is necessary to reach the P-criterion (P-concentration below 30 µg/l). Internal measures could possibly accelerate the extremely slow response of the northern basin.  相似文献   

Shear wave splitting measurement of teleseismic data has been used to determine the fast polarization directions and delay times for 38 temporary stations and 15 permanent stations from a NW linear seismic array across the eastern Tarim basin(ETB) and the northern Tibetan Plateau(NTP), and 10 permanent stations on both sides of the array. We present an image of upper mantle anisotropy in the ETB and NTP using the 63 new measurements. The results show that the fast directions and delay times have...  相似文献   

The roles of pre‐frontal, frontal and post‐frontal winds as the primary wind systems for dust entrainment and transport in Australia are well established. While the relevance of each system has been observed across different wind erosion events in central Australia, the entrainment of dust by all three winds during the passage of an individual front has not been demonstrated until now. Synoptic information, satellite aerosol and imagery, meteorological and dust concentration data are presented for a single case study erosion event in the lower Lake Eyre Basin. This event demonstrates variable dust transport in three different directions from one of the southern Hemisphere's most significant source regions, and the changing nature of the active dust pathways during the passage of a frontal system. While only a single dust event is considered, the findings show the complexity of mineral aerosol emission and transport patterns even within an individual dust outbreak. For the lower Lake Eyre Basin, this appreciation of pathway behaviour is significant for better understanding the role of aeolian inputs from the dominant Australian source to surrounding marine systems. In a wider context, the findings exhibit the detailed insights into major dust source dynamics that can be obtained from high resolution spatial and particularly temporal data, as used in combination. This work highlights the importance of adequately resolved data for the accurate determination of dust entrainment and transport patterns of major dust sources. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The bed of the North Sea is covered by sand waves and houses a great number of macrobenthic animals. These bio-engineers are known to have a significant influence on the stability of the bed and thereby on the geomorphology of the seabed. This paper proposes a parameterization of these bio-geomorphological interactions. Given the abundance of three dominant bio-engineers on the Dutch Continental Shelf, the predicted occurrence of sand waves, in which the parameterization is included, shows significantly better results, compared to the prediction for the default case without biology. Therefore, the inclusion of biological activity could be important to predict the occurrence of sand waves.  相似文献   

Two mathematical models of surface gravity wave refraction were applied to a coastal area of the northern Ligurian Sea. A series of refraction patterns was computed by means of wave data recorded at a moored platform operating 1.5 miles off the harbour of Genoa. The numerical calculations provided an effect of wave energy concentration near Chiavari and Lavagna where coastal structures and beaches are often damaged during storm surges.  相似文献   

1995年太湖流域东南地区的洪涝灾害   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
林泽新  杨祖良 《湖泊科学》1996,8(2):107-112
太湖流域继1991、1993年大水后,1995年东南地区再次遭受大水。太湖最高水位达4.32m,为建国以来的第6位。流域东南地区的浙西、杭嘉湖、淀泖及上海浦东、浦西等地普降大到暴雨,部分地区水位超过大水的1991、1993年,杭嘉湖地区水位超过有记载以来的最高水位。德清水位高达6.43m,超过记载最高水位6.40m;嘉兴水位达4.40m,超记载最高水位的4.38m;王江泾水位高达4.38m,超记载  相似文献   

The geochemical backgrounds and origins of soil gases in the Yanhuai basin are discussed based on the regional seismogeological data and concentrations of Rn, Hg, CO<sub<2</sub<, H<sub<2</sub<, He and CH<sub<4</sub< in soil gas measured at 422 investigating sites in field during September to October 2007. The geochemical background values of Rn, Hg, CO<sub<2</sub<, H<sub<2</sub<, He and CH<sub<4</sub< are (8105.8?±5937.4) Bq/m<sup<3</sup<, (9.7?±5.8) ng/m<sup<3</sup<, (395.9?±35.3)?×10<sup<?6</sup<, (4.0?±2.3)?×10<sup<?6</sup<, (15.9?±10.4)×?10<sup<?6</sup< and (12.7?±8.1)?×10<sup<?6</sup<, respectively. The geochemical backgrounds of the soil gases are higher in the eastern part of the Yanhuai basin. The main factors affecting the gasgeochemical backgrounds are gaseous origins, structure of the crust, faults, stratum and microbe activity. The higher values of gasgeochemical backgrounds in the eastern part are attributed to the existence of low-velocity zones in the upper crust, stronger tectonic activity and more contributions of Hg and He derived from the deep-earth and Rn originated from granite, corresponding to stronger seismic activity. The results can be applied to identifying seismic precursor from monitoring data of gases in the studied area.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture has expanded greatly in the water-rich U.S. northern lake states during the past half century. Source water there is usually obtained from glacial aquifers strongly connected to surface waters, so irrigation has a potential to locally decrease base flows in streams and water levels in aquifers, lakes, and wetlands. During the nascent phase of the irrigation expansion, water availability was explored in works of some fame in the Wisconsin central sands by Weeks et al. (1965) on the Little Plover River and Weeks and Stangland (1971) on "headwater area" streams and lakes. Four decades later, and after irrigation has grown to a dominant landscape presence, we revisited irrigation effects on central sands hydrology. Irrigation effects have been substantial, on average decreasing base flows by a third or more in many stream headwaters and diminishing water levels by more than a meter in places. This explains why some surface waters have become flow and stage impaired, sometimes to the point of drying, with attendant losses of aquatic ecosystems. Irrigation exerts its effects by increasing evapotranspiration by an estimated 45 to 142 mm/year compared with pre-irrigated land cover. We conclude that irrigation water availability in the northern lake states and other regions with strong groundwater-surface water connections is tied to concerns for surface water health, requiring a focus on managing the upper few meters of aquifers on which surface waters depend rather than the depletability of an aquifer.  相似文献   

The geochemical backgrounds and origins of soil gases in the Yanhuai basin are discussed based on the regional seismogeological data and concentrations of Rn,Hg,CO2,H2,He and CH4 in soil gas measured at 422 investigating sites in field during September to October 2007.The geochemical background values of Rn,Hg,CO2,H2,He and CH4 are(8105.8±5937.4) Bq/m3,(9.7±5.8) ng/m3,(395.9±35.3)×10-6,(4.0±2.3)×10-6,(15.9±10.4)×10-6 and(12.7±8.1)×10-6,respectively.The geochemical backgrounds of the soil gases are higher in...  相似文献   

Summary Internal waves are considered on the hypotheses of small disturbances and the Boussinesq approximation. Consideration is given to the lowest internal mode propagating along athin thermocline, and an approximate calculation is made of the dispersion relation, including an explicit representation of the dominant correction for thermocline thickness. Then, the Stokes drift velocity is calculated (a) approximately for this mode in the thin-thermocline model, and (b) numerically for the first two internal modes associated with a single thick thermocline. Finally, a calculation is made of the mass transport velocity field induced by the interaction between pairs of waves (surface or internal), having thesame frequency but arbitrary directions of propagation.  相似文献   

Theory of internal gravity wave saturation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gravity wave saturation is an important process affecting the transport and deposition of momentum, heat, and constituents in the earth's atmosphere. This paper informally discusses several saturation mechanisms and their effects, including convection, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, vortical mode instability, parametric subharmonic instability, and mean flow interaction. Convective saturation is emphasized. The parameterization of convective adjustment is discussed and a few remarks are made concerning the effects of turbulence localization on the convective saturation process. Several outstanding problems in saturation theory are identified that could be addressed with observational, numerical, and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地北部基底结构与属性问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
准噶尔盆地的基底结构与属性一直是地学界关注的焦点问题之一.横跨准噶尔盆地北部,走向近东西的克拉玛依—喀姆斯特地震剖面提供了该盆地北部详细的地壳与上地幔顶部的速度结构与构造,特别是基底顶界面的速度.沿剖面发现了数条走向近南北的“H”型超壳断裂,它们没有明显的断差,断裂处反射系数明显降低,介质的Q值减小,推测具“开裂”性质;利用盆地内1:20万重磁数据完成了重磁联合反演,获得了沿剖面的地壳与上地幔顶部的二维密度结构与二维磁性结构.根据在一定深度范围内介质的速度-密度-岩性之间的关系,确定了盆地北部基底岩性分布.结果表明,准噶尔盆地北部的基底多处为基性和超基性物质,推测为深部(上地幔)物质沿超壳断裂进入地壳内部并对地壳物质进行改造的结果.这一推断得到盆地内部高磁性、高重力异常的支持,也与盆地具有较高的地壳平均速度相一致.综合其他地球物理与地质资料综合分析,给出了综合地质解释剖面,建立了准噶尔盆地北部基底结构与属性的动力学模型.  相似文献   

K. J. Sene 《水文研究》1998,12(4):559-573
Starting from a simplified version of the water balance equation, it is shown how the levels and outflows from a open lake can be related to the magnitude and statistical characteristics of the annual net basin supply series, which is defined as the net inflow arising from tributary inflows, rainfall on the lake surface and the lake evaporation. Using the models, estimates are derived for the response time for several large open lakes in Africa and Asia. Also, the observed net basin supply series for three major lakes (Victoria, Malawi and Toba) are investigated in detail. It is suggested that, on an annual basis, the assumption of a random normally distributed series of net basin supply can provide a reasonable first guess for the equilibrium response of a lake and for the likely range of variation of levels. These estimates are likely to be useful in water resources assessments and for investigations of the effects of land use and climate change on lake levels. The effects of departures from this simplified approach are discussed and are illustrated with some practical examples. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Understanding of the effect of basin water resources utilization on lake nutrients is helpful to prevent lake eutrophication and facilitate sustainable water resources management. In this study, a lake basin dualistic water cycle system is established to identify the environmental effect of lake water. Four water utilization indicators were chosen to build a driving relationship with the lake nutrients. Three different trophic lakes in Yunnan Province, China – Dianchi, Erhai and Fuxian – were selected to demonstrate the changes in basin water utilization, runoff, nutrient loads and water-use indicators for the period 2000–2015. In addition, the driving forces of water-use indicators to nutrients (total nitrogen and total phosphorus) were analysed by a general additive model. Finally, an optimized water utilization system for each lake basin is proposed. The research provides a practical tool for water resources and environmental management in lake basins.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of internal gravity waves-turbulence are carried out for the inviscid, viscous and forced-dissipative two-dimensional primitive equations using the spectral method. Some of the results are compared with the predictions of the eddy damped quasi-normal Markovian (EDQNM) closure for internal waves of Carnevale and Frederiksen, generalized for periodic boundary conditions and possible random forcing and dissipation. The EDQNM reduces to the Boltzman equation of resonant interaction theory in the continuum space limit and as the forcing and dissipation vanish. However, the limit is singular in the sense that as well as conserving total energy, E, and total cross-correlation between the vorticity and buoyancy fields, C, an additional conservation law, viz. z-momentum, Pz , occurs in the limit. This means that the resonant interaction equilibrium (RIE) solution of the Boltzmann equation differs from the statistical mechanical equilibrium (SME) solution of the EDQNM closure.

The statistical stability of the SME and RIE spectra for the primitive equations is tested by integrating the inviscid equations using initial realizations of these spectra with random phases. It is found that E and C are accurately conserved while Pz undergoes large amplitude variations. The approach to equilibrium of initial disequilibrium spectra is monitored by examining the evolution of the entropy. The increase and asymptotic approach to a constant value corresponding to complete chaos is consistent with the behaviour predicted by the EDQNM closure.

For the viscous decay and forced-dissipative experiments, the behaviour of the entropy is also consistent with that predicted by the EDQNM closure. There is approximate equipartition of potential and total kinetic energies throughout the integrations from initial conditions having equal potential and total kinetic energies and as well equal vertical and horizontal energies, but as expected, the ratio of horizontal to vertical kinetic energy increases with time to a value greater than unity.

With Laplacian viscous dissipation and thermal diffusivity, the statistical steady states produced in the forced-dissipative experiments have k?3 power laws for k≧7. A comparison with the power laws for kinetic energy and passive scalar variance produced in a numerical simulation of the two-dimensional passive scalar problem is also presented.  相似文献   

Noble gas concentrations and isotopic compositions have been measured in eight samples of pillow basalt glasses collected from seven different localities along 250 km of the Mariana Trough spreading and rifting axis. The samples have uniform and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like 3He/4He values of 9–12 × 10–6 (6.4–8.6 times atmospheric) despite large variations in 4He. Concentrations of the noble gases Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe show much smaller variations between samples, but larger variations in isotopic compositions of Ne, Ar, and Xe. Excess radiogenic 21Ne is observed in some samples. 40Ar/36Ar varies widely (atmospheric to 1880). Kr is atmospheric in composition for all samples. Some samples show a clear excess 129Xe, which is a well-known MORB signature. Isotopic compositions of the heavier noble gases (Ar, Kr, and Xe) in some samples, however, show more atmospheric components. These data reflect the interaction of a MORB-like magma with an atmospheric component such as seawater or of a depleted mantle source with a water-rich component that was probably derived from the subducting slab.  相似文献   

Lake level fluctuations of closed lakes in monsoonal regions are direct indicators of regional moisture variability related to the intensity of monsoon activities. In the current study, quartz OSL dating was applied to construct the chronology of two sedimentary sequences from the east and west shores of Huangqihai Lake in the East Asian monsoon area, and the history of lake level fluctuations during the late Quaternary was established. In the current study, we present field investigation findings of highstands of >87 m above the modern lake in enclosed Huangqihai Lake in northern China, and also use luminescence dating to establish the timing for the highstands. We conclude that: (1) Lake highstands occurred during both MIS 5 (>87 m above the modern lake) and early Holocene (∼9–8 ka, >54 m above the modern lake), (2) No highstands were observed for MIS 3 and MIS 2 during which loess has accumulated indicative of much drier climate; (3) The evolution of lakes in East Asian monsoon marginal area (e.g. Huangqihai Lake) is linked with the monsoon variation.  相似文献   

Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, suffered from destructive earthquakes four times during the 20th century (M L = 7.3 on April 15, 1909; M L = 6.8 on November 15, 1986; the Chi–Chi M L = 7.3 earthquake on September 21, 1999; and M L = 6.8 on March 31, 2002). Analysis of recorded data shows a strong dependence of spectral amplification in the Taipei Basin on earthquake depth and azimuth. At low frequencies (f < 3 Hz) significant larger amplifications are observed for shallow earthquakes as compared to intermediate depth events. The former ones also display strong azimuthal dependence. As structures with large response periods such as bridges and tall buildings are sensitive to these low frequencies the understanding of the associated wave effects within the basin and their role for site effect amplification is critical. The tool we employ is 3D finite-difference modeling of wave propagation of incident wave fronts. The available detailed model of the basin allows studying the wave effects. Modeling clearly reveals that basin edge effects as observed in data are related to surface wave generation at the basin edges with a high degree of azimuthal dependency. The reproduced site amplification effects are in qualitative agreement with the observations from strong motion data.  相似文献   

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