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The radial temperature differences at which the transition from lower symmetry to the wave regime and the transition from the wave regime to lower symmetry occur have been measured for rotation rates ≦2rad/sec. It was found that the temperature differences at which the transitions occur differ for a fixed rotation rate, depending on whether the radial temperature difference is either increased or decreased with time. There is hysteresis in the transition at lower symmetry.  相似文献   


An investigation is made of steady thermal convection of a Boussinesq fluid confined in a vertically-mounted rotating cylinder. The top and bottom endwall disks are thermal conductors at temperatures Tt and Tb with δT = Tt ? Tb >0. The vertical sidewall has a finite thermal conductance. A Newtonian heat flux condition is adopted at the sidewall. The Rayleigh number of the fluid system is large to render a boundary layer-type flow. Finite-difference numerical solutions to the full Navier-Stokes equations are obtained. The vertical motions within the buoyancy layer along the sidewall induce weak meridional flows in the interior. Because of the Coriolis acceleration, the meridional flows give rise to azimuthal flows relative to the rotating container. Strong vertical gradients of azimuthal flows exist in the regions near the endwalls. As the stratification effect increases, concentration of flow gradients in thin endwall boundary layers becomes more pronounced. The azimuthal flow field exhibits considerable horizontal gradients. The temperature field develops horizontal variations superposed on the dominant vertical distribution. As either the sidewall thermal conductance or the stratification effect decreases, the temperature distribution tends to the profile varying linearly with height. Comparisons of the sizes of the dynamic effects demonstrate that, in the bulk of flow field, the vertical shear of azimuthal velocity is supported by the horizontal temperature gradient, resulting in a thermal-wind relation.  相似文献   


An exceptional case to the model-independent theory of Knobloch (1995) is presented, by investigating a rotating cylindrical annulus of height H and side wall radii r o and r i, with non-slip, perfectly thermally conducting side walls and thermally insulating stress-free ends. Radial heating permits the possibility of either two- or three-dimensional convective solutions being the preferred mode. An analytical solution is obtained for the two-dimensional case and a numerical solution for the three-dimensional solution, which is also applied to the two-dimensional solution. It is shown that both two- and three-dimensional solutions can be realized depending on the aspect ratio, γ = H/d, where d = r o-r i is the thickness of the annulus, the radii ratio λ = r i/r o and the rotation rate of the model. For γ = O(1) and λ = 0.4, the preferred convective solution is three-dimensional when the Taylor number, T < 102 and two-dimensional for T > 102. For small aspect ratios, γ ? 1, the preferred mode is two-dimensional for all rotation rates.  相似文献   


We study a semi-analytical model of convection in a rapidly-rotating, differentially-heated annulus with sloping top and bottom lids. Rapid rotation leads to a preservation of relatively simple, two-dimensional (2-D) structure in the experimentally-observed flow, while temporal complexity increases with the Rayleigh number. The model is, therefore, two-dimensional; it exhibits a sequence of bifurcations from steadily-drifting, azimuthally-periodic convection columns, also called thermal Rossby waves, through vacillation and a period-doubling cascade, to aperiodic, weakly-turbulent solutions.

Our semi-analytical results match to within a few percent previous numerical results with a limited-resolution 2-D model, and extend these results, due to the greater flexibility of the model presented here. Two types of vacillation are obtained, which we call, by analogy with classical nomenclature of the baroclinic annulus with moderate rotation rates, amplitude vacillation and tilted-trough vacillation. Their properties and dependence on the problem's nondimensional parameters are investigated. The period-doubling cascade for each type of vacillation is studied in some detail.  相似文献   


A series of experiments has been undertaken to investigate the onset of convection in a rapidly rotating fluid filled sphere. The boundary is subjected to a time varying temperature allowing the simulation of radial temperature profiles associated with internal heating. The system is similar to that treated theoretically by Roberts (1968), Busse (1970) and Soward (1977). It is found that Busse's modification of Roberts' linear analysis, taking into account velocity perturbations which are antisymmetric about the equatorial plane, provides a good estimate of the temperature gradient required to initiate convection. As observed in the experiments of Carrigan and Busse (1983) and predicted by linear theory, convection appears in the form of rolls or columns, aligned parallel to the rotation axis. As in earlier experiments, observed azimuthal wavenumbers are consistently smaller than predicted which we postulate to be a consequence of nonlinear effects. Owing to the presence of a centrifugally driven thermal wind, the predicted azimuthal drift of the rolls has not been observed.  相似文献   


Finite amplitude solutions for convection in a rotating spherical fluid shell with a radius ratio of η=0.4 are obtained numerically by the Galerkin method. The case of the azimuthal wavenumber m=2 is emphasized, but solutions with m=4 are also considered. The pronounced distinction between different modes at low Prandtl numbers found in a preceding linear analysis (Zhang and Busse, 1987) is also found with respect to nonlinear properties. Only the positive-ω-mode exhibits subcritical finite amplitude convection. The stability of the stationary drifting solutions with respect to hydrodynamic disturbances is analyzed and regions of stability are presented. A major part of the paper is concerned with the growth of magnetic disturbances. The critical magnetic Prandtl number for the onset of dynamo action has been determined as function of the Rayleigh and Taylor numbers for the Prandtl numbers P=0.1 and P=1.0. Stationary and oscillatory dynamos with both, dipolar and quadrupolar, symmetries are close competitors in the parameter space of the problem.  相似文献   


A system is considered in which electrically conducting fluid is contained between two rigid horizontal planes and bounded laterally by a circular cylinder. The fluid is permeated by a strong azimuthal magnetic field. The strength of the field increases linearly with distance from the vertical axis of the cylinder, about which the entire system rotates rapidly. An unstable temperature gradient is maintained by heating the fluid from below and cooling from above. When viscosity and inertia are neglected, an arbitrary geostrophic velocity, which is aligned with the applied azimuthal magnetic field and independent of the axial coordinate, can be superimposed on the basic axisymmetric state. In this inviscid limit, the geostrophic velocity which occurs at the onset of convection is such that the net torque on geostrophic cylinders vanishes (Taylor's condition). The mathematical problem which describes the ensuing marginal convection is nonlinear, and was discussed previously for the planar case by Soward (1986). Here new features are isolated which result from the cylindrical geometry. New asymptotic solutions are derived valid when Taylor's condition is relaxed to include viscous effects.  相似文献   

We present a series of experimental investigations in which a differentially-heated annulus was used to investigate the effects of topography on rotating, stratified flows with similarities to the Earth’s atmospheric or oceanic circulation. In particular, we compare and investigate blocking effects via partial mechanical barriers to previous experiments by the authors utilising azimuthally-periodic topography. The mechanical obstacle used was an isolated ridge, forming a partial barrier, employed to study the difference between partially blocked and fully unblocked flow. The topography was found to lead to the formation of bottom-trapped waves, as well as impacting the circulation at a level much higher than the top of the ridge. This produced a unique flow structure when the drifting flow and the topography interacted in the form of an “interference” regime at low Taylor number, but forming an erratic “irregular” regime at higher Taylor number. The results also showed evidence of resonant wave-triads, similar to those noted with periodic wavenumber-3 topography by Marshall and Read (Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 2015, 109), though the component wavenumbers of the wave-triads and their impact on the flow were found to depend on the topography in question. With periodic topography, wave-triads were found to occur between both the baroclinic and barotropic components of the zonal wavenumber-3 mode and the wavenumber-6 baroclinic component, whereas with the partial barrier two nonlinear resonant wave-triads were noted, each sharing a common wavenumber-1 mode.  相似文献   

We have used a numerical scheme based on higher-order finite differences to investigate effects of adiabatic heating and viscous dissipation on 3-D rapidly rotating thermal convection in a Cartesian box with an aspect-ratio of 221. Although we omitted coupling with the magnetic field, which can play a key role in the dynamics of the Earth's core, the understanding of non-linear rotating convection including realistic thermodynamic effects is a necessary prerequisite for understanding the full complexity of the Earth's core dynamics. The system of coupled partial differential equations has been solved in terms of the principal variables vorticity , vector potential A and temperature T. The use of the vector potential A allows the velocity field to be calculated with one spatial differentiation in contrast to the spheroidal and toroidal function approach. The temporal evolution is governed by a coupled time-dependent system consisting of and T. The equations are discretized in all directions by using an eighth-order, variable spaced scheme. Rayleigh number Ra of 106, Taylor number Ta of 108 and a Prandtl number Pr of 1 have been employed. The dissipation number of the outer core was taken to be 0.2. A stretched grid has been employed in the vertical direction for resolving the thin shear boundary layers at the top and bottom. This vertical resolution corresponds to around 240 regularly spaced points with an eighth-order accuracy. For the regime appropriate to the Earth's outer core, the dimensionless surface temperature T 0 takes a large value, around 4. This large value in the adiabatic heating/cooling term is found to cause stabilization of both the temperature and velocity fields.  相似文献   


Small amplitude two-dimensional Boussinesq convection in a plane layer with stress-free boundaries rotating uniformly about the vertical is studied. A horizontally unbounded layer is modelled by periodic boundary conditions. When the centrifugal force is balanced by an appropriate pressure gradient the resulting equations are translation invariant, and overstable convection can take the form of travelling waves. In the Prandtl number regime 0.53 < [sgrave] < 0.68 such solutions are preferred over the more usual standing waves. For [sgrave] < 0.53, travelling waves are stable provided the Taylor number is sufficiently large.  相似文献   


The radial temperature differences at which the transitions from one wave number to the next occur have been measured with either increasing or decreasing positive radial temperature gradients, at five different rotation rates, with the fluid being always in thermal equilibrium and being in contact with an upper rigid lid. Hysteresis has been observed in all wave number transitions, and also in the transition to upper symmetry. There are, nevertheless, regions in the stability diagram where the wave number is unique. There is an excluded region where the wave number four cannot be obtained through quasi-steady procedure. There is a reversal of the sense of the hysteresis of the transitions. At low ΔT, a wave number transition with increasing radial temperature difference occurs at a higher ΔT, than the same transition with decreasing temperature difference. On the other hand, at large values of ΔT, a wave number transition with increasing radial temperature difference occurs at a lower ΔT, than the same transition with decreasing temperature difference. Wave number transitions with increasing ΔT, occur spontaneously out of amplitude oscillations. Wave number transitions with decreasing ΔT, occur via slow wave splitting in association with phase modulations of the waves. The uniqueness of the wave number in the unique areas of the stability diagram has been confirmed by sudden start experiments.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of numerical simulations of a model for lithospheremantle coupling in a terrestrial type planet. To first order, a geologically active terrestrial type planet may consist of a metallic core, silicate mantle and lithosphere, with the lithosphere being rheologically different from the mantle. Therefore we have developed a numerical model consisting of a thin non-Newtonian fluid hoop that is dynamically coupled to a thick Newtonian fluid cylindrical annulus. Thus the rheological dichotomy between mantle and lithosphere is built into the model. Time-dependent calculations show the existence of at least two regimes of behaviors. In one regime, the behavior of the hoop switches between periods characterized by low or high speeds, in response to changes in convective vigor and planform. This regime may apply to the planet Venus where the available evidence indicates that prior to 500 myr ago, the planet was resurfaced on a time scale of <100 myr. Since that time, large-scale tectonic activity on Venus has been sharply curtailed. In the other regime, which is more like plate tectonics on Earth, the hoop speeds rise and fall on short time scales.  相似文献   


Results are presented of a numerical study of marginal convection of electrically conducting fluid, permeated by a strong azimuthal magnetic field, contained in a circular cylinder rotating rapidly about its vertical axis of symmetry. To this basic state is added a geostrophic flow UG (s), constant on geostrophic cylinders radius s. Its magnitude is fixed by requiring that the Lorentz forces induced by the convecting mode satisfy Taylor's condition. The nonlinear mathematical problem describing the system was developed in an earlier paper (Skinner and Soward, 1988) and the predictions made there are confirmed here. In particular, for small values of the Roberts number q which measures the ratio of the thermal to magnetic diffusivities, two distinct regions can be recognised within the fluid with the outer region moving rapidly compared to the inner. Otherwise, conditions for the onset of instability via the Taylor state (UG 0) do not differ significantly from those appropriate to the static (UG = 0) basic state. The possible disruption of the Taylor states by shear flow instabilities is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Numerical models are systematically presented for time-dependent thermal convection of Newtonian fluid with strongly temperature-dependent viscosity in a two-dimensional rectangular box of aspect ratio 3 at various values of the Rayleigh number Rab defined with viscosity at the bottom boundary up to 1.6×108 and the viscosity contrast across the box rη up to 108. We found that there are two different series of bifurcations that take place as rη increases. One series of bifurcations causes changes in the behavior of the thermal boundary layer along the surface boundary from small-viscosity-contrast (SVC) mode, through transitional (TR) mode, to stagnant-lid (ST) mode, or from SVC mode directly to ST mode, depending on Rab. Another series of bifurcations causes changes in the aspect ratio of convection cells; convection with an elongated cell can take place at moderate rη (103–105.5 at Rab=6×106), while only convection of aspect ratio close to 1 takes place at small rη and large rη. The parameter range of rη and Rab for elongated-cell convection overlaps the parameter range for SVC and ST modes and include the entire parameter range for TR mode. In the elongated-ST regime, the lid of highly viscous fluid along the top boundary is not literally ‘stagnant’ but can horizontally move at a velocity high enough to induce a convection cell with aspect ratio much larger than 1.  相似文献   


Some new measurements are presented of the axisymmetric heat transport in a differentially heated rotating fluid annulus. Both rigid and free upper surface cases are studied, for Prandtl numbers of 7 and 45, from low to high rotation rates. The rigid lid case is extended to high rotation rates by suppressing the baroclinic waves, that would normally develop at some intermediate rotation rate, with the use of sloping endwalls.

A parameter P is defined as the square of the ratio of the (non-rotating) thermal sidewall layer thickness to the Ekman layer thickness. For small P the heat transport remains unaffected by the rotation, but as P increases to order unity the Ekman layer becomes thin enough to inhibit the radial mass transport, and hence the heat flux. No explicit Prandtl number dependence is observed. Also this scaling allows the identification of the region in which the azimuthal velocity reaches its maximum. Direct comparisons are drawn with previous experimental and numerical results, which show what can be interpreted as an inhibiting effect of increasing curvature on the heat transport.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell heated from below and within have been carried out with a nonlinear, three-dimensional, time-dependent pseudospectral code. The investigated phenomena include the sequence of transitions to chaos and the differential mean zonal rotation. At the fixed Taylor number T a =106 and Prandtl number Pr=1 and with increasing Rayleigh number R, convection undergoes a series of bifurcations from onset of steadily propagating motions SP at R=R c = 13050, to a periodic state P, and thence to a quasi-periodic state QP and a non-periodic or chaotic state NP. Examples of SP, P, QP, and NP solutions are obtained at R = 1.3R c , R = 1.7 R c , R = 2R c , and R = 5 R c , respectively. In the SP state, convection rolls propagate at a constant longitudinal phase velocity that is slower than that obtained from the linear calculation at the onset of instability. The P state, characterized by a single frequency and its harmonics, has a two-layer cellular structure in radius. Convection rolls near the upper and lower surfaces of the spherical shell both propagate in a prograde sense with respect to the rotation of the reference frame. The outer convection rolls propagate faster than those near the inner shell. The physical mechanism responsible for the time-periodic oscillations is the differential shear of the convection cells due to the mean zonal flow. Meridional transport of zonal momentum by the convection cells in turn supports the mean zonal differential rotation. In the QP state, the longitudinal wave number m of the convection pattern oscillates among m = 3,4,5, and 6; the convection pattern near the outer shell has larger m than that near the inner shell. Radial motions are very weak in the polar regions. The convection pattern also shifts in m for the NP state at R = 5R c , whose power spectrum is characterized by broadened peaks and broadband background noise. The convection pattern near the outer shell propagates prograde, while the pattern near the inner shell propagates retrograde with respect to the basic rotation. Convection cells exist in polar regions. There is a large variation in the vigor of individual convection cells. An example of a more vigorously convecting chaotic state is obtained at R = 50R c . At this Rayleigh number some of the convection rolls have axes perpendicular to the axis of the basic rotation, indicating a partial relaxation of the rotational constraint. There are strong convective motions in the polar regions. The longitudinally averaged mean zonal flow has an equatorial superrotation and a high latitude subrotation for all cases except R = 50R c , at this highest Rayleigh number, the mean zonal flow pattern is completely reversed, opposite to the solar differential rotation pattern.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell with and without inhomogeneous temperature anomalies on the top boundary have been carried out using a three-dimensional, time-dependent, spectral-transform code. The spherical shell of Boussinesq fluid has inner and outer radii the same as those of the Earth's liquid outer core. The Taylor number is 107, the Prandtl number is 1, and the Rayleigh number R is 5Rc (Rc is the critical value of R for the onset of convection when the top boundary is isothermal and R is based on the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell). The shell is heated from below and cooled from above; there is no internal heating. The lower boundary of the shell is isothermal and both boundaries are rigid and impermeable. Three cases are considered. In one, the upper boundary is isothermal while in the others, temperature anomalies with (l,m) = (3,2) and (6,4) are imposed on the top boundary. The spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell is the same in all three cases. The amplitudes of the imposed temperature anomalies are equal to one-half of the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell. Convective structures are strongly controlled by both rotation and the imposed temperature anomalies suggesting that thermal inhomogeneities imposed by the mantle on the core have a significant influence on the motions inside the core. The imposed temperature anomaly locks the thermal perturbation structure in the outer part of the spherical shell onto the upper boundary and significantly modifies the velocity structure in the same region. However, the radial velocity structure in the outer part of the shell is different from the temperature perturbation structure. The influence of the imposed temperature anomaly decreases with depth in the shell. Thermal structure and velocity structure are similar and convective rolls are more columnar in the inner part of the shell where the effects of rotation are most dominant.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress-Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of unit order. In Part I of this series, it was also supposed that the ratio thermal diffusivity diffusivity/magnetic diffusivity is O(1), but here we suppose that this ratio is large. The character of the solution is changed in this limit. In the case of main interest, when the layer is confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, the solution is significantly different from the solution when the mathematically simpler, illustrative boundary conditions also considered in Part I are employed. As in Part I, attention is focussed on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection.  相似文献   

The effect of anisotropy on the onset of convection in a saturated porous medium is discussed. In particular, the case of time-dependent density-driven convection is examined. The applicability of the value of an equivalent Rayleigh number as the criterion for the onset of convection is discussed.  相似文献   

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