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The linear magnetoconvection in the rotating uniformly as well as non-uniformly stratified horizontal layer with azimuthal magnetic field is investigated for the various mechanical and electrical boundary conditions and especially, for various values of Roberts number. The developed diffusive perturbations (modes) are strongly influenced not only by the mentioned properties of boundaries but also by complicated coupling of viscous, thermal and magnetic diffusive processes. The mean electromotive force produced by developed hydromagnetic instabilities is also investigated to determine the hydromagnetic processes which are appropriate for -effect. The presented paper is an unification of hitherto published results of the authors and gives a short survey of many developments of corresponding model by Soward (1979).  相似文献   

A strong Coriolis force in a rapidly rotating planet and star not only enforces two-dimensionality of fluid motion driven by thermal instabilities but also generates strong differential rotation even in the vicinity of the onset of instabilities. We derive an asymptotic solution describing convection-driven differential rotation in rotating, self-gravitating Boussinesq fluid spheres with the no-slip boundary condition, taking into account full spherical curvature and being valid for asymptotically small Ekman numbers. For the purpose of validating the asymptotic solution, the corresponding numerical analysis valid for large or small Ekman numbers is also carried out, showing a satisfactory agreement between the asymptotic and numerical solutions.  相似文献   


Thermal convection in a fluid-filled gap between the two corotating, concentric cylindrical sidewalls with sloping curved ends driven by radial buoyancy was first studied by Busse (Busse, F.H., "Thermal instabilities in rapidly rotating systems", J. Fluid Mech . 44 , 441-460 (1970)). The annulus model captures the key features of rotating convection in full spherical geometry and has been widely employed to study convection, magnetoconvection and dynamos in planetary systems, usually in connection with the small-gap approximation neglecting the effect of azimuthal curvature of the annulus. This article investigates nonlinear thermal convection in a rotating annulus with a finite gap through numerical simulations of the full set of nonlinear convection equations. Three representative cases are investigated in detail: a large-gap annulus with the ratio of the radii ( s i and s o ) of the sidewalls ξ = s i / o s = 0.1, a medium-gap annulus with ξ = 0.35 and a small-gap annulus with ξ = 0.8. Near the onset of convection, the effect of rapid rotation through the sloping ends forces the first (Hopf) bifurcation in the form of small-scale, steadily drifting rolls (thermal Rossby waves). At moderately large Rayleigh numbers, a variety of different convection patterns are found, including mixed-mode steadily drifting, quasi-periodic (vacillating) and temporally chaotic convection in association with various temporal and spatial symmetry-breaking bifurcations. Our extensive simulations suggest that competition between nonlinear and rotational effects with increasing Rayleigh number leads to an unusual sequence of bifurcation characterized by enlarging the spatial scale of convection.  相似文献   


Linear stability of rotating thermal convection in a horizontal layer of Boussinesq fluid under the fixed heat flux boundary condition is examined by the use of a vertically truncated system up to wavenumber one. When the rotation axis is in the vertical direction, the asymptotic behavior of the critical convection for large rotation rates is almost the same as that under the fixed temperature boundary condition. However, when the rotation axis is horizontal and the lateral boundaries are inclined, the mode with zero horizontal wavenumber remains as the critical mode regardless of the rotation rate. The neutral curve has another local minimum at a nonzero horizontal wavenumber, whose asymptotic behavior coincides with the critical mode under the fixed temperature condition. The difference of the critical horizontal wavenumber between those two geometries is qualitatively understood by the difference of wave characteristics; inertial waves and Rossby waves, respectively.  相似文献   

四川盆地西南部西侧为龙门山冲断带,南面紧挨川西南褶皱带,其新生代构造变形特征对于认识青藏高原东南缘的变形机制具有一定的指示意义.磁组构是一种灵敏的应变指示计,在变形微弱的沉积岩地区尤为适用.本文在雅安-乐山剖面选取12个采样点进行磁组构分析,结合已有的天全-雅安飞仙关剖面的27个采样点数据,综合讨论川西南地区的构造变形特征.所有采样点的磁组构测试结果显示出3种弱变形的磁组构类型:沉积磁组构、初始变形磁组构和铅笔状磁组构.雅安-乐山剖面采样点的磁线理绝大部分为北东-南西走向,和龙门山南段的整体延伸方向一致,表明四川盆地西南缘新生代构造变形主要受控于龙门山的构造作用.飞仙关剖面的磁组构测试结果显示44%的采样点表现出磁线理和地层走向斜交的特征,由初始变形磁组构演变而来,并且所有异常磁组构仅局限在断层上盘,本文认为这是雅安地区新生代期间局部逆时针旋转引起变形叠加的结果.  相似文献   

The results of the laboratory and numerical experiments in circular rotating trays with thin layers of a conductive fluid under the MHD generation of small-scale velocity fields are presented. The configurations of constant magnets for MHD generation were determined based on the numerical calculations with shallow water equations. Both the laboratory and numerical experiments with rotating trays demonstrate the emergence of nonaxisymmetric structures and large-scale near-circular vortices caused by the energy transfer from the system of the externally generated small-scale vortices to the large-scale velocity fields under the action of the Coriolis force. The near-circular vortex has areas with differential rotation when the angular velocity of rotation decreases with the radius. The single large-scale vortices and wide jet flows arise in the regimes of subrotation and superrotation relative to the external rotation depending on its angular velocity. The emergence of the flow structures with the azimuthal wave number m = 2 is demonstrated, and their probable relation to the anomalies of the geomagnetic field observed on the Earth’s surface is considered.  相似文献   

A geophysical interpretative method is proposed to depth, amplitude coefficient (effective magnetization intensity), and index parameter (effective magnetization inclination) determination of a buried structure from magnetic field data anomaly due to a fault, a thin dike or a sphere-like structure. The method is based on the nonlinearly constrained mathematical modelling and also on the stochastic optimization approaches. The proposed interpretative method was first tested on a theoretical synthetic model with different random errors, where a very close agreement was obtained between the assumed and the evaluated parameters. The validity of this method was also tested on practical field data taken from United States, Australia, India and Brazil, where available magnetic data existed and were previously analyzed by different interpretative methods. The agreement between the results obtained by our developed method and those obtained by the other geophysical methods is good.  相似文献   

Investigation of magnetic field generation by convective flows is carried out for three values of kinematic Prandtl number: P = 0.3, 1 and 6.8. We consider Rayleigh–Bénard convection in Boussinesq approximation assuming stress-free boundary conditions on horizontal boundaries and periodicity with the same period in the x and y directions. Convective attractors are modelled for increasing Rayleigh numbers for each value of the kinematic Prandtl number. Linear and non-linear dynamo action of these attractors is studied for magnetic Prandtl numbers P m ≤ 100. Flows, which can act as magnetic dynamos, have been found for all the three considered values of P, if the Rayleigh number R is large enough. The minimal R, for which of magnetic field generation occurs, increases with P. The minimum (over R) of critical Pm for magnetic field generation in the kinematic regime is admitted for P = 0.3. Thus, our study indicates that smaller values of P are beneficial for magnetic field generation.  相似文献   

In this study, a Markov Random Field (MRF) approach is used to locate source boundary positions which are difficult to identify from Bouguer gravity and magnetic maps. As a generalized form of Markov Chains, the MRF approach is an unsupervised statistical model based algorithm and is applied to the analysis of images, particularly in the detection of visual patterns or textures. Here, we present a dynamic programming based on the MRF approach for boundary detection of noisy and super-positioned potential anomalies, which are produced by various geological structures. In the MRF method, gravity and magnetic maps are considered as two-dimensional (2-D) images with a matrix composed of N1 × N2 pixels. Each pixel value of the matrix is optimized in real time with no a priori processing by using two parameter sets; average steering vector (θ) and quantization level (M). They carry information about the correlation of neighboring pixels and the locality of their connections. We have chosen MRF as a processing approach for geophysical data since it is an unsupervised, efficient model for image enhancement, border detection and separation of 2-D potential anomalies. The main benefit of MRF is that an average steering vector and a quantization level are enough in evaluation of the potential anomaly maps. We have compared the MRF method to noise implemented synthetic potential field anomalies. After satisfactory results were found, the method has been applied to gravity and magnetic anomaly maps of Gelibolu Peninsula in Western Turkey. Here, we have observed Anafartalar thrust fault and another parallel fault northwest of Anafartalar thrust fault. We have modeled a geological structure including a lateral fault, which results in a higher susceptibility and anomaly amplitude increment. We have shown that the MRF method is effective to detect the broad-scale geological structures in the Gelibolu Peninsula, and thus to delineate the complex tectonic structure of Gelibolu Peninsula.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical weakly nonlinear analysis of the dynamics of an inviscid flow submitted to both rotation and precession of an unbounded cylindrical container, by considering the coupling of two Kelvin (inertial) waves. The parametric centrifugal instability known for this system is shown to saturate when one expands the Navier–Stokes equation to higher order in the assumed small precession parameter (ratio of precession to rotation frequencies) with the derivation of two coupled Landau equations suitable to describe the dynamics of the modes. It is shown that an azimuthal mean flow with differential rotation is generated by this modes coupling. The time evolution of the associated dynamical system is studied. These theoretical results can be compared with water experiments and also to some numerical simulations where viscosity and finite length effects cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

Low-temperature oxidation under atmospheric conditions affects the magnetic properties of magnetite in natural rocks: the coercivities of magnetite grains increase and other parameters change accordingly. It was recently shown that heating to 150°C largely removes the effects of low-temperature oxidation (van Velzen and Zijderveld, 1995). Heating may therefore serve as a detection tool for the presence of the effect of low-temperature oxidation. In the present study, a collection of loess and paleosol samples from various loess regions of the world is examined for the influence of low-temperature oxidation. In all samples of the collection a decrease of coercivities was found after heating to 150°C. Generally loess samples were affected to a larger extent than paleosol samples. The original range of remanent coercivities(B cr)of 21-58 mT changed to 20-42 mT after heating. The IRM capacity of the samples decreased from 0 up to 25%. ARM showed changes between a decrease of 10% and an increase of 15%. The grain-size indicative parameter IRM/ARM is considerably influenced by the heating and therefore by low-temperature oxidation. The changes in susceptibility are limited and will not influence the interpretation of large-scale features of the susceptibility record as a paleoclimate proxy. Small variations, however, may be obscured by the varying influence of oxidation in the outcrop, which can significantly modify the rock-magnetic record. Rock-magnetic parameters used to determine magnetic mineral content and grain sizes should be corrected for the effect of low-temperature oxidation. To this end heating to 150°C is recommended. The occurrence of the changes is in itself already an indication for the presence of magnetite. Low-temperature oxidation will not only be due to recent weathering in the outcrop, but also to earlier oxidation processes in the source area, during transport and deposition of the loess and during pedogenesis. Truly fresh sediment samples are only influenced by this earlier oxidation. In that case heating will reveal the degree of ancient low-temperature oxidation, which may be related to climate at the time of deposition and pedogenesis.  相似文献   

In this paper, a series of field experiments were carried out to investigate the active vibration isolation for a surface foundation using horizontal wave impedance block (WIB) in a multilayered ground under vertical excitations. The velocity amplitude of ground vibration was measured and the root-mean-square (RMS) velocity is used to evaluate the vibration mitigation effect of the WIB. The influences of the size, the embedded depth and the shear modulus of the WIB on the vibration mitigation were also systematically examined under different loading conditions. The experimental results convincingly indicate that WIB is effective to reduce the ground vibration, especially at high excitation frequencies. The vibration mitigation effect of the WIB would be improved when its size and shear modulus increase or the embedded depth decreases. The results also showed that the WIB may amplify rather than reduce the ground vibration when its shear modulus is smaller or the embedded depth is larger than a threshold value. Meanwhile, an improved 3D semi-analytical boundary element method (BEM) combined with a thin layer method (TLM) was proposed to account for the rectangular shape of the used WIB and the laminated characteristics of the actual ground condition in analyzing the vibration mitigation of machine foundations. Comparisons between the field experiments and the numerical analyses were also made to validate the proposed BEM.  相似文献   

Bottom sediments near shipyards are often susceptible to receiving accidental spills of TBT and metals or their degradation products from hull scraping of antifouling system paints applied prior to 2008, when the AFS Convention 2001 was not in force. We investigated TBT and metal contamination of sediments near the shipyards of a small marina located in Busan, Korea and found that they were highly contaminated with TBT, Cu, and Zn. To better understand the environmental impacts and to make an optimal remediation plan, we characterized individual antifouling fragments in terms of metal and TBT contents, magnetic properties, and grain-size. Coarse-sized individual antifouling fragments exhibited simultaneously high levels of TBT, metals and high magnetic susceptibility, and appeared to be a major source of pollution in the sediment. Therefore, magnetic separation in combination with size-separation appears to be a cost-effective remediation method to remove the TBT and metals from contaminated shipyard sediments.  相似文献   

反射波场分离是井孔地震资料处理中极其重要的一个环节,波场分离的质量直接影响成像结果的精度.不管是VSP还是井间地震资料,其反射波时距曲线都近似直线型,根据这一特征,本文提出一种改进的线性Radon变换方法来进行井孔资料的反射波上下行波场分离.该方法基于频率域线性Radon变换,通过引入一个新的变量λ来消除变换算子对频率的依赖性,避免了求取每一频率分量对应的不同变换算子,显著降低了计算成本;文中在求解该方法对应的最小二乘问题时,引入了发展较为成熟的高分辨率Radon变换技术来进一步提高波场分离的精度.采用本文方法进行井孔地震资料的上下行波场分离可以在保证分离精度的前提下有效地提高计算效率.根据上下行波在λ-f域内分布的特殊性,设计简单的滤波算子就可实现上下行波场的分离.最后通过合成数据试算以及实际资料处理(VSP数据和井间地震数据)验证了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   


Results from a new series of experiments on the geophysically important issue of spontaneous emission of internal gravity waves during unsteady interactions of vortical structures are presented. Vortex dipoles are a common element of a quasi-two-dimensional turbulent flow. Vortex dipoles perform translational motion and can collide with other vortices. During collision events the flow is unsteady and unbalanced and a further adjustment process associated with these events can therefore result in the spontaneous emission of gravity waves. Our laboratory experiments demonstrate that gravity waves are emitted when two translating vortex dipoles interact (collide) in a layered fluid, in accord with the current theoretical results. The emission was evident both in a two-layer system and in a fluid with a linear distribution of density with depth. The waves were generated during the period of deceleration of the secondary dipoles which constitute a vortex quadrupole emerging immediately after the collision of the primary dipoles.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,87(1-2):575-581
Plastic resin pellets collected at 11 beaches covering the whole Ghanaian coastline were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). PCB concentrations (∑13 congeners) were higher in Accra, capital city, and Tema (39–69 ng/g-pellets) than those in rural coastal towns (1–15 ng/g-pellets) which are close to global background, indicating local inputs of PCBs. River sediments were also analyzed for PCBs together with molecular markers. Sedimentary PCBs concentrations were highest at a site (AR02) downstream of an electronic waste (e-waste) scrapyard. At the site (AR02), concentration of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs), a marker of municipal wastewater, was lower than another site (AR03) which is located at the downstream of downtown Accra. This result suggests that PCBs are introduced more to the river from the e-waste site than from activities in downtown Accra. PAHs concentrations were relatively higher in urban areas with strong petrogenic signature. Abundance of triphenylbenzenes suggested plastic combustion near e-waste scrapyard.  相似文献   

The problem involving scattering of oblique waves by small undulation on the porous ocean bed in a two-layer fluid is investigated within the framework of linearised theory of water waves where the upper layer is free to the atmosphere. In such a two-layer fluid, there exist waves with two different wave numbers (modes): wave with lower wave number propagates along the free surface whilst that with higher wave number propagates along the interface. When an oblique incident wave of a particular mode encounters the undulating bottom, it gets reflected and transmitted into waves of both modes so that some of the wave energy transferred from one mode to another mode. Perturbation analysis in conjunction with Fourier transform technique is used to derive the first-order corrections of velocity potentials, reflection and transmission coefficients at both modes due to oblique incident waves of both modes. One special type of undulating bottom topography is considered as an example to evaluate the related coefficients in detail. These coefficients are shown in graphical forms to demonstrate the transformation of water wave energy between the two modes. Comparisons between the present results with those in the literature are made for particular cases and the agreements are found to be satisfactory. In addition, energy identity, an important relation in the study of water wave theory, is derived with the help of the Green’s integral theorem.  相似文献   

The vibration characteristics and attenuation of the subgrade caused by passing trains in a seasonally frozen region of Daqing, China are investigated. Three field experiments were conducted during different times through the year, in normal, freezing and thawing periods, respectively, and the influence of the season, train speed and train type, is described in this paper. The results show that: (l) the vertical component is the greatest among the three components of the measured vibration near the rail track, and as the distance to the railway track increases, the dominant vibration depends on the season. (2) Compared with the vibration in the normal period, the vertical and longitudinal vibrations increase while the lateral vibration decreases in the freezing period. However, in the thawing period, the vertical and longitudinal vibrations decrease, and the lateral vibration increases. (3) As train speeds increase, the subgrade vibration increases. (4) The vibration induced by a freight train is greater than by a passenger train. These observations provide a better understanding of the vibration and dynamic stability of the subgrade and may be useful in developing criteria for railway and building construction in cold regions.  相似文献   

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