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Dynamo simulations require sub-grid scale (SGS) models for the momentum and heat flux, the Lorentz force, and the magnetic induction. Previous large eddy simulations (LES) using the scale similarity model have represented many aspects of the SGS motion. However, discrepancies are observed due to interchanging the order of filtering operation and spatial differentiation. In this study, we implement a correction term for this commutation error specifically for the scale-similarity model. Furthermore, we implement a dynamic scheme to evaluate time-dependent coefficients for the SGS models. We perform dynamo simulations in a rotating plane layer with different spatial resolutions, and compare results for the time dependence of the large-scale magnetic field. Simulations are performed at two different Rayleigh numbers, using constant values for the other dimensionless numbers (Ekman, Prandtl, and magnetic Prandtl numbers). Both cases show that the dynamic LES can accurately represent the large-scale magnetic field, whereas the dynamo failed in the direct simulations without the SGS terms at the same spatial resolutions. We conclude that the dynamic versions of the SGS and commutation error correction are essential for successful dynamos on coarser grids.  相似文献   

Mean-field theory describes magnetohydrodynamic processes leading to large-scale magnetic fields in various cosmic objects. In this study magnetoconvection and dynamo processes in a rotating spherical shell are considered. Mean fields are defined by azimuthal averaging. In the framework of mean-field theory, the coefficients which determine the traditional representation of the mean electromotive force, including derivatives of the mean magnetic field up to the first order, are crucial for analyzing and simulating dynamo action. Two methods are developed to extract mean-field coefficients from direct numerical simulations of the mentioned processes. While the first method does not use intrinsic approximations, the second one is based on the second-order correlation approximation. There is satisfying agreement of the results of both methods for sufficiently slow fluid motions. Both methods are applied to simulations of rotating magnetoconvection and a quasi-stationary geodynamo. The mean-field induction effects described by these coefficients, e.g., the α-effect, are highly anisotropic in both examples. An α2-mechanism is suggested along with a strong γ-effect operating outside the inner core tangent cylinder. The turbulent diffusivity exceeds the molecular one by at least one order of magnitude in the geodynamo example. With the aim to compare mean-field simulations with corresponding direct numerical simulations, a two-dimensional mean-field model involving all previously determined mean-field coefficients was constructed. Various tests with different sets of mean-field coefficients reveal their action and significance. In the magnetoconvection and geodynamo examples considered here, the match between direct numerical simulations and mean-field simulations is only satisfying if a large number of mean-field coefficients are involved. In the magnetoconvection example, the azimuthally averaged magnetic field resulting from the numerical simulation is in good agreement with its counterpart in the mean-field model. However, this match is not completely satisfactory in the geodynamo case anymore. Here the traditional representation of the mean electromotive force ignoring higher than first-order spatial derivatives of the mean magnetic field is no longer a good approximation.  相似文献   

The main subject of the paper is to resolve the Ekman layer analytically and to formulate an appropriate set of 3D-geodynamo equations. The equations are formulated in the mean field approximation where the mean values of magnetic field and velocity over azimuthal direction vanish. This approach should allow the numerical calculation to be performed for small Ekman numbers, down to 10–12 , which are usually considered to be realistic in the geodynamo. The solution of the Ekman layer is also newly interpreted and consequently a new term appears in the usual expression for the geostrophic shear. The viscous terms are neglected in the main volume of the core and their leading role is assumed just in the thin Ekman layer. The inner core is not included in these considerations and no concrete calculations of a model are presented.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress—Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of order unity, as is the ratio of thermal to magnetic diffusivity. Attention is focused on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection. The case of main interest is the layer confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, but the analysis is guided by a parallel study based on illustrative boundary conditions that are mathematically simpler.  相似文献   


A spherical αω-dynamo is studied for small values of the viscous coupling parameter ε ~ v1/2, paying attention particularly to large dynamo numbers. The present study is a follow-up of the work by Hollerbach et al. (1992) with their choice of α-effect and Archimedean wind including also the constraint of magnetic field symmetry (or antisymmetry) due to equatorial plane. The magnetic field scaled by ε1/2 is independent of ε in the solutions for dynamo numbers smaller than a certain value of D b (the Ekman state) which are represented by dynamo waves running from pole to equator or vice-versa. However, for dynamo numbers larger than D b the solution bifurcates and subsequently becomes dependent on ε. The bifurcation is a consequence of a crucial role of the meridional convection in the mechanism of magnetic field generation. Calculations suggest that the bifurcation appears near dynamo number about 33500 and the solutions for larger dynamo numbers and ε = 0 become unstable and fail, while the solutions for small but non-zero ε are characterized by cylindrical layers of local maximum of magnetic field and sharp changes of geostrophic velocity. Our theoretical analysis allows us to conclude that our solution does not take the form of the usual Taylor state, where the Taylor constraint should be satisfied due to the special structure of magnetic field. We rather obtained the solution in the form of a “weak” Taylor state, where the Taylor constraint is satisfied partly due to the amplitude of the magnetic field and partly due to its structure. Calculations suggest that the roles of amplitude and structure are roughly fifty-fifty in our “weak” Taylor state solution and thus they can be called a Semi-Taylor state. Simple estimates show that also Ekman state solutions can be applicable in the geodynamo context.  相似文献   


It is shown that in the Earth's core, where the geodynamo is at work (and is supplied with energy by the prevailing unstable density stratification), a buoyancy instability of a local character exists which is highly supercritical. This instability results in fully developed turbulence dominated by small scale vortices. The influence of the Earth's rotation and of the magnetic field produced by the geodynamo makes this small scale turbulence highly anisotropic. A qualitative picture of this local anisotropic turbulence is devised and the main parameters characterizing it are estimated. Expressions for the turbulent diffusivity are developed and discussed.  相似文献   


Some new measurements are presented of the axisymmetric heat transport in a differentially heated rotating fluid annulus. Both rigid and free upper surface cases are studied, for Prandtl numbers of 7 and 45, from low to high rotation rates. The rigid lid case is extended to high rotation rates by suppressing the baroclinic waves, that would normally develop at some intermediate rotation rate, with the use of sloping endwalls.

A parameter P is defined as the square of the ratio of the (non-rotating) thermal sidewall layer thickness to the Ekman layer thickness. For small P the heat transport remains unaffected by the rotation, but as P increases to order unity the Ekman layer becomes thin enough to inhibit the radial mass transport, and hence the heat flux. No explicit Prandtl number dependence is observed. Also this scaling allows the identification of the region in which the azimuthal velocity reaches its maximum. Direct comparisons are drawn with previous experimental and numerical results, which show what can be interpreted as an inhibiting effect of increasing curvature on the heat transport.  相似文献   


The physics of the geodynamo is discussed. The main processes relevant for the buoyancy driven geodynamo are isolated. The successive stages of development of geodynamo theory are briefly described. The mechanism of local turbulence in the Earth's core is explained, and an estimate is presented of the turbulent transport of density inhomogeneities in the Earth's core. The significance of this turbulent transport to the geodynamo mechanism is stressed. The general scheme of the complete geodynamo theory of the future is outlined.  相似文献   

Convection in the Earth's core is driven much harder at the bottom than the top. This is partly because the adiabatic gradient steepens towards the top, partly because the spherical geometry means the area involved increases towards the top, and partly because compositional convection is driven by light material released at the lower boundary and remixed uniformly throughout the outer core, providing a volumetric sink of buoyancy. We have therefore investigated dynamo action of thermal convection in a Boussinesq fluid contained within a rotating spherical shell driven by a combination of bottom and internal heating or cooling. We first apply a homogeneous temperature on the outer boundary in order to explore the effects of heat sinks on dynamo action; we then impose an inhomogeneous temperature proportional to a single spherical harmonic Y 2² in order to explore core-mantle interactions. With homogeneous boundary conditions and moderate Rayleigh numbers, a heat sink reduces the generated magnetic field appreciably; the magnetic Reynolds number remains high because the dominant toroidal component of flow is not reduced significantly. The dipolar structure of the field becomes more pronounced as found by other authors. Increasing the Rayleigh number yields a regime in which convection inside the tangent cylinder is strongly affected by the magnetic field. With inhomogeneous boundary conditions, a heat sink promotes boundary effects and locking of the magnetic field to boundary anomalies. We show that boundary locking is inhibited by advection of heat in the outer regions. With uniform heating, the boundary effects are only significant at low Rayleigh numbers, when dynamo action is only possible for artificially low magnetic diffusivity. With heat sinks, the boundary effects remain significant at higher Rayleigh numbers provided the convection remains weak or the fluid is stably stratified at the top. Dynamo action is driven by vigorous convection at depth while boundary thermal anomalies dominate in the upper regions. This is a likely regime for the Earth's core.  相似文献   


We describe nonlinear time-dependent numerical simulations of whole mantle convection for a Newtonian, infinite Prandtl number, anelastic fluid in a three-dimensional spherical shell for conditions that approximate the Earth's mantle. Each dependent variable is expanded in a series of 4,096 spherical harmonics to resolve its horizontal structure and in 61 Chebyshev polynomials to resolve its radial structure. A semiimplicit time-integration scheme is used with a spectral transform method. In grid space there are 61 unequally-spaced Chebyshev radial levels, 96 Legendre colatitudinal levels, and 192 Fourier longitudinal levels. For this preliminary study we consider four scenarios, all having the same radially-dependent reference state and no internal heating. They differ by their radially-dependent linear viscous and thermal diffusivities and by the specified temperatures on their isothermal, impermeable, stress-free boundaries. We have found that the structure of convection changes dramatically as the Rayleigh number increases from 105 to 106 to 107. The differences also depend on how the Rayleigh number is increased. That is, increasing the superadiabatic temperature drop, δT, across the mantle produces a greater effect than decreasing the diffusivities. The simulation with a Rayleigh number of 107 is approximately 10,000 times critical, close to estimates of that for the Earth's mantle. However, although the velocity structure for this highest Rayleigh number scenario may be adequately resolved, its thermodynamic structure requires greater horizontal resolution. The velocity and thermodynamic structures of the scenarios at Rayleigh numbers of 105 and 106 appear to be adequately resolved. The 105 Rayleigh number solution has a small number of broad regions of warm upflow embedded in a network of narrow cold downflow regions; whereas, the higher Rayleigh number solutions (with large δT) have a large number of small hot upflow plumes embedded in a broad weak background of downflow. In addition, as would be expected, these higher Rayleigh number solutions have thinner thermal boundary layers and larger convective velocities, temperatures perturbations, and heat fluxes. These differences emphasize the importance of developing even more realistic models at realistic Rayleigh numbers if one wishes to investigate by numerical simulation the type of convection that occurs in the Earth's mantle.  相似文献   


It is shown that flows in precessing cubes develop at certain parameters large axisymmetric components in the velocity field which are large enough to either generate magnetic fields by themselves, or to contribute to the dynamo effect if inertial modes are already excited and acting as a dynamo. This effect disappears at small Ekman numbers. The critical magnetic Reynolds number also increases at low Ekman numbers because of turbulence and small-scale structures.  相似文献   

Investigation of magnetic field generation by convective flows is carried out for three values of kinematic Prandtl number: P = 0.3, 1 and 6.8. We consider Rayleigh–Bénard convection in Boussinesq approximation assuming stress-free boundary conditions on horizontal boundaries and periodicity with the same period in the x and y directions. Convective attractors are modelled for increasing Rayleigh numbers for each value of the kinematic Prandtl number. Linear and non-linear dynamo action of these attractors is studied for magnetic Prandtl numbers P m ≤ 100. Flows, which can act as magnetic dynamos, have been found for all the three considered values of P, if the Rayleigh number R is large enough. The minimal R, for which of magnetic field generation occurs, increases with P. The minimum (over R) of critical Pm for magnetic field generation in the kinematic regime is admitted for P = 0.3. Thus, our study indicates that smaller values of P are beneficial for magnetic field generation.  相似文献   

A key non-linear mechanism in a strong-field geodynamo is that a finite amplitude magnetic field drives a flow through the Lorentz force in the momentum equation and this flow feeds back on the field-generation process in the magnetic induction equation, equilibrating the field. We make use of a simpler non-linear?α?2-dynamo to investigate this mechanism in a rapidly rotating fluid spherical shell. Neglecting inertia, we use a pseudo-spectral time-stepping procedure to solve the induction equation and the momentum equation with no-slip velocity boundary conditions for a finitely conducting inner core and an insulating mantle. We present calculations for Ekman numbers (E) in the range 2.5× 10?3 to 5.0× 10?5, for?α?=α 0cos?θ?sin?π?(r?ri ) (which vanishes on both inner and outer boundaries). Solutions are steady except at lower E and higher values of?α?0. Then they are periodic with a reversing field and a characteristic rapid increase then equally rapid decrease in magnetic energy. We have investigated the mechanism for this and shown the influence of Taylor's constraint. We comment on the application of our findings to numerical hydrodynamic dynamos.  相似文献   

As a step towards a physically realistic model of a fast dynamo, we study numerically a kinematic dynamo driven by convection in a rapidly rotating cylindrical annulus. Convection maintains the quasi-geostrophic balance whilst developing more complicated time-dependence as the Rayleigh number is increased. We incorporate the effects of Ekman suction and investigate dynamo action resulting from a chaotic flow obtained in this manner. We examine the growth rate as a function of magnetic Prandtl number Pm, which is proportional to the magnetic Reynolds number. Even for the largest value of Pm considered, a clearly identifiable asymptotic behaviour is not established. Nevertheless the available evidence strongly suggests a fast dynamo process.  相似文献   

Scaling laws are derived for the time-average magnetic dipole moment in rotating convection-driven numerical dynamo models. Results from 145 dynamo models with a variety of boundary conditions and heating modes, covering a wide section of parameter space, show that the time-average dipole moment depends on the convective buoyancy flux F. Two distinct regimes are found above the critical magnetic Reynolds number for onset of dynamo action. In the first regime the external magnetic field is dipole-dominant, whereas for larger buoyancy flux or slower rotation the external field is dominated by higher multipoles and the dipole moment is reduced by a factor of 10 or more relative to the dipolar regime. For dynamos driven by basal heating, the dipole moment M increases like M  F1/3 in the dipolar regime. Reversing dipolar dynamos tend to cluster near the multipolar transition, which is shown to depend on a local Rossby number parameter. The geodynamo lies close to this transition, suggesting an explanation for polarity reversals and the possibility of a weaker dipole earlier in Earth history. Internally heated dynamos generate smaller dipole moments overall and show a gradual transition from dipolar to multipolar states. Our scaling yields order of magnitude agreement with the dipole moments of Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Ganymede, and predicts a multipolar-type dynamo for Mercury.  相似文献   

The onset of Boussinesq convection in a horizontal layer of an electrically conducting incompressible fluid is considered. The layer rotating about a vertical axis is heated from below; a vertical magnetic field is imposed. Rigid electrically insulating boundaries are assumed. The loss of stability of the trivial steady state, which occurs as the Rayleigh numbers increase, can be accompanied by the development of a monotonic or an oscillatory instability, depending on the parameter values of the problem at hand (the Taylor number, the Chandrasekhar number, the kinematic and the magnetic Prandtl numbers). When the instability is monotonic, the emerging convective rolls themselves are also unstable if the Taylor number is sufficiently large (the so-called Küppers-Lortz instability takes place). In the present work it is studied how the critical value of the Rayleigh number, the type of the trivial steady state instability, and the critical value of the Taylor number for the Küppers-Lortz instability depend on the kinematic and the magnetic Prandtl numbers. We consider the values of the Prandtl number not exceeding 1, which is typical for the outer core of the Earth.  相似文献   


Dynamic interaction between magnetic field and fluid motion is studied through a numerical experiment of nonlinear three-dimensional magnetoconvection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell to which a uniform magnetic field parallel to its spin axis is applied. The fluid shell is heated by internal heat sources to maintain thermal convection. The mean value of the magnetic Reynolds number in the fluid shell is 22.4 and 10 pairs of axially aligned vortex rolls are stably developed. We found that confinement of magnetic flux into anti-cyclonic vortex rolls was crucial on an abrupt change of the mode of magnetoconvection which occurred at Δ = 1 ~ 2, where A is the Elsasser number. After the mode change, the fluid shell can store a large amount of magnetic flux in itself by changing its convection style, and the magnetostrophic balance among the Coriolis, Lorentz and pressure forces is established. Furthermore, the toroidal/poloidal ratio of the induced magnetic energy becomes less than unity, and the magnetized anti-cyclones are enlarged due to the effect of the magnetic force. Using these key ideas, we investigated the causes of the mode change of magnetoconvection. Considering relatively large magnetic Reynolds number and a rapid rotation rate of this model, we believe that these basic ideas used to interpret the present numerical experiment can be applied to the dynamics in the Earth's and other planetary cores.  相似文献   

Estimates of the molecular values of magnetic, viscous and thermal diffusion suggest that the state of the Earth’s core is turbulent and that complete numerical simulation of the geodynamo is not realizable at present. Large eddy simulation of the geodynamo with modelling of the sub-grid scale turbulence must be used. Current geodynamo models effectively model the sub-grid scale turbulence with isotropic diffusivities larger than the molecular values appropriate for the core. In the Braginsky and Meytlis (1990) picture of core turbulence the thermal and viscous diffusivities are enhanced up to the molecular magnetic diffusivity in the directions of the rotation axis and mean magnetic field. We neglect the mean magnetic field herein to isolate the effects of anisotropic thermal diffusion, enhanced or diminished along the rotation axis, and explore the instability of a steady conductive basic state with zero mean flow in the Boussinesq approximation. This state is found to be more stable (less stable) as the thermal diffusion parallel to the rotation axis is increased (decreased), if the transverse thermal diffusion is fixed. To examine the effect of simultaneously varying the diffusion along and transverse to the rotation axis, the Frobenius norm is used to control for the total thermal diffusion. When the Frobenius norm of the thermal diffusion tensor is fixed, it is found that increasing the thermal diffusion parallel to the rotation axis is destabilising. This result suggests that, for a fixed total thermal diffusion, geodynamo codes with anisotropic thermal diffusion may operate at lower modified Rayleigh numbers.  相似文献   

The validity of the anelastic approximation has recently been questioned in the regime of rapidly-rotating compressible convection in low Prandtl number fluids (Calkins, Julien and Marti, Proc. R. Soc. A, 2015, vol. 471, 20140689). Given the broad usage and the high computational efficiency of sound-proof approaches in this astrophysically relevant regime, this paper clarifies the conditions for a safe application. The potential of the alternative pseudo-incompressible approximation is investigated, which in contrast to the anelastic approximation is shown to never break down for predicting the point of marginal stability. Its accuracy, however, decreases close to the parameters corresponding to the failure of the anelastic approach, which is shown to occur when the sound-crossing time of the domain exceeds a rotation time scale, i.e. for rotational Mach numbers greater than one. Concerning the supercritical case, which is naturally characterised by smaller rotational Mach numbers, we find that the anelastic approximation does not show unphysical behaviour. Growth rates computed with the linearised anelastic equations converge toward the corresponding fully compressible values as the Rayleigh number increases. Likewise, our fully nonlinear turbulent simulations, produced with our fully compressible and anelastic models and carried out in a highly supercritical, rotating, compressible, low Prandtl number regime show good agreement. However, this nonlinear test example is for only a moderately low convective Rossby number of 0.14.  相似文献   

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