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A high resolution (3–8 km grid), 3D numerical ocean model of the West Caribbean Sea (WCS) is used to investigate the variability and the forcing of flows near the Meso-American Barrier Reef System (MBRS) which runs along the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. Mesoscale variations in velocity and temperature along the reef were found in seasonal model simulations and in observations; these variations are associated with meandering of the Caribbean current (CC) and the propagation of Caribbean eddies. Diagnostic calculations and a simple assimilation technique are combined to infer the dynamically adjusted flow associated with particular eddies. The results demonstrate that when a cyclonic eddy (negative sea surface height anomaly (SSHA)) is found near the MBRS the CC shifts offshore, the cyclonic circulation in the Gulf of Honduras (GOH) intensifies, and a strong southward flow results along the reef. However, when an anticyclonic eddy (positive SSHA) is found near the reef, the CC moves onshore and the flow is predominantly westward across the reef. The model results help to explain how drifters are able to propagate in a direction opposite to the mean circulation when eddies cause a reversal of the coastal circulation. The effect of including the Meso-American Lagoon west of the Belize Reef in the model topography was also investigated, to show the importance of having accurate coastal topography in determining the variations of transports across the MBRS. The variations found in transports across the MBRS (on seasonal and mesoscale time scales) may have important consequences for biological activities along the reef such as spawning aggregations; better understanding the nature of these variations will help ongoing efforts in coral reef conservation and maintaining the health of the ecosystem in the region.  相似文献   

A better understanding of solute transport and retention mechanism in rock fractures has been challenging due to difficulty in their direct observations in microscale rough‐walled fractures. Six representative troughs in a rough‐walled fracture were selected for microscale observations of eddy formation with increasing flow velocity and its effect on spatiotemporal changes of solute concentration. This experimental study was enabled by a microscale visualization technique of micro particle image velocimetry. With increasing flow velocity (Re ≤ 2.86), no eddies were generated, and solutes along the main streamlines transported rapidly, whereas those near the wall moved slowly. A larger amount of solutes remained trapped at all troughs at Re = 2.86 than Re < 1. For Re = 8.57, weak eddies started to be developed at the troughs on the lee side, which little contributed to overall solute flushing in the fracture. Accordingly, a large of amount of water was needed for solute flushing. The flow condition of 1 < Re < 10, before a full development of eddies, was least favourable in terms of time and amount of remediation fluid required to reach a target concentration. After large eddies were fully developed at troughs on the lee side for Re = 17.13, solutes were substantially reduced by eddies with less amount of water. Fully developed eddies were found to enhance solute transport and recovery, as opposed to a general consensus that eddies trap and delay solutes. Direct inflow into troughs on the stoss side also made a great contribution to solute flushing out of the troughs. This study indicates that fully developed eddies or strong inflows at troughs are highly possible to form for Re > 10 and this flow range could be favourable for efficient remediation.  相似文献   


It is demonstrated in laboratory experiments with rotating shallow water that large scale Rossby vortices, greater than the Rossby-Obukhov radius in size, have dispersive and non-linear properties that are fundamentally different for the two possible polarities. We call this “cyclonic-anticyclonic asymmetry”. This asymmetry manifests itself in the following way: first, anticylones, unlike cyclones, do not undergo the dispersive spreading inherent in a linear wave packet. and therefore, having a considerably longer natural lifetime, are obvious candidates for Rossby solitons; second, dipolar vortices are, because of the comparatively rapid decay of a cyclone, transformed into anticyclonic solitons; third, anticyclones are much more readily generated by zonal flows of the type existing in planetary atmospheres. The evident dominance of anticyclones amongst the long-lived vortices in the atmospheres of giant planets strongly suggests that the cyclonic-anticyclonic symmetry plays a decisive role in the atmospheric cyclogenesis of large planets.

According to our concept, the Rossby soliton is a “real” vortex; unlike a wave, it retains some fluid particles within it throughout its lifetime. Two similar solitons can merge by mutual collisions. This picture of a “vortical” soliton differs in an essential way from the earlier idea due to Maxworthy and Redekopp (1976) of purely “wave-like” Rossby solitons that can freely pass through one another.

Laboratory experiments were performed by us to simulate the new Rossby solition, with special reference to naturally-occurring vortices of the same general type as Jupiter's great red spot. The experimental data presented contradict the idea of “pure wave solitons” but confirm our concept of “vortical solutions”.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional (2D) finite‐difference shallow water model based on a second‐order hybrid type of total variation diminishing (TVD) approximate solver with a MUSCL limiter function was developed to model flooding and inundation problems where the evolution of the drying and wetting interface is numerically challenging. Both a minimum positive depth (MPD) scheme and a non‐MPD scheme were employed to handle the advancement of drying and wetting fronts. We used several model problems to verify the model, including a dam break in a slope channel, a dam break flooding over a triangular obstacle, an idealized circular dam‐break, and a tide flow over a mound. Computed results agreed well with the experiment data and other numerical results available. The model was then applied to simulate the dam breaking and flooding of Hsindien Creek, Taiwan, with the detailed river basin topography. Computed flooding scenarios show reasonable flow characteristics. Though the average speed of flooding is 6–7 m s?1, which corresponds to the subcritical flow condition (Fr < 1), the local maximum speed of flooding is 14·12 m s?1, which corresponds to the supercritical flow condition (Fr ≈ 1·31). It is necessary to conduct some kind of comparison of the numerical results with measurements/experiments in further studies. Nevertheless, the model exhibits its capability to capture the essential features of dam‐break flows with drying and wetting fronts. It also exhibits the potential to provide the basis for computationally efficient flood routing and warning information. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) seismic intensity scale has been used in Japan as a measure of earthquake ground shaking effects since 1949. It has traditionally been assessed after an earthquake based on the judgment of JMA officials. In 1996 the scale was revised as an instrumental seismic intensity measure (IJMA) that could be used to rapidly assess the expected damage after an earthquake without having to conduct a survey. Since its revision, Japanese researchers have developed several ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for IJMA using Japanese ground motion data. In this paper, we develop a new empirical GMPE for IJMA based on the strong motion database and functional forms used to develop similar GMPEs for peak response parameters as part of the PEER (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center) Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) project. We consider this relationship to be valid for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regimes for moment magnitudes ( M ) ranging from 5.0 up to 7.5–8.5 (depending on fault mechanism) and rupture distances ranging from 0 to 200 km. A comparison of this GMPE with relationships developed by Japanese researchers for crustal and shallow subduction earthquakes shows relatively good agreement among all of the relationships at M 7.0 but relatively poor agreement at small magnitudes. Our GMPE predicts the highest intensities at small magnitudes, which together with research on other ground motion parameters, indicates that it provides conservative or upwardly biased estimates of IJMA for M <5.5. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Water temperature dynamics in a reservoir are affected by its bathymetry, climatic conditions and hydrological processes. Miyun Reservoir in China is a large and deep reservoir that experienced a large water level decline in 1999–2004 due to low rainfall and relatively high water supply to Beijing. To study changes of stratification characteristics in Miyun Reservoir from 1998 to 2011, the one-dimensional year-round lake model MINLAKE2010 was modified by adding a new selective withdraw module and a reservoir hydrological model. Simulation results under three scenarios demonstrated that the new MINLAKE2012 model accurately predicted daily water levels and temperature dynamics during the water level fluctuation period. The water level decline led to 7.6 and 3.8°C increases in the maximum and mean bottom temperatures and about 29 days reduction in the stratification days. These simulation results provide an insight into the thermal evolution of Miyun Reservoir during the planned future water filling process.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis Associate editor M. Acreman  相似文献   

Trapping of long water waves that are induced by submarine earthquakes and that attack circular islands is studied by applying a theoretical model (Tinti andVannini, 1994) that is based on the linear shallow water approximation. The solution is computed as the superposition of the eigenmodes of the water basin. The tsunami trapping is seen in terms of the capability of the source to excite the trapped eigenmodes of the basin. The bottom depth dependence around the island is shown to be quite important in determining the trapping capability of the island: a depth profile that is downwardly concave as the distance from the island coasts increases is substantially more efficient in amplifying the incoming waves and in trapping their energy than a profile exhibiting an upward concavity.  相似文献   

Inundation disasters, caused by sudden water level rise or rapid flow, occur frequently in various parts of the world. Such catastrophes strike not only in thinly populated flood plains or farmland but also in highly populated villages or urban areas. Inundation of the populated areas causes severe damage to the economy, injury, and loss of life; therefore, a proper management scheme for the disaster has to be developed. To predict and manage such adversity, an understanding of the dynamic processes of inundation flow is necessary because risk estimation is performed based on inundation flow information. In this study, we developed a comprehensive method to conduct detailed inundation flow simulations for a populated area with quite complex topographical features using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. Detailed geospatial information including the location and shape of each building was extracted from the LiDAR data and used for the grid generation. The developed approach can distinguish buildings from vegetation and treat them differently in the flow model. With this method, a fine unstructured grid can be generated representing the complicated urban land features precisely without exhausting labour for data preparation. The accuracy of the generated grid with different grid spacing and grid type is discussed and the optimal range of grid spacing for direct representation of urban topography is investigated. The developed method is applied to the estimation of inundation flows, which occurred in the basin of the Shin‐minato River. A detailed inundation flow structure is represented by the flow model, and the flow characteristics with respect to topographic features are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is threefold: (1) to identify the main characteristics of water‐table variations from observations in the Kervidy‐Naizin catchment, a small catchment located in western France; (2) to confront these characteristics with the assumptions of the Topmodel concepts; and (3) to analyse how relaxation of the assumptions could improve the simulation of distributed water‐table depth. A network of piezometers was installed in the Kervidy‐Naizin catchment and the water‐table depth was recorded every 15 min in each piezometer from 1997 to 2000. From these observations, the Kervidy‐Naizin groundwater appears to be characteristic of shallow groundwaters of catchments underlain by crystalline bedrock, in view of the strong relation between water distribution and topography in the bottom land of the hillslopes. However, from midslope to summit, the water table can attain a depth of many metres, it does not parallel the topographic surface and it remains very responsive to rainfall. In particular, hydraulic gradients vary with time and are not equivalent to the soil surface slope. These characteristics call into question some assumptions that are used to model shallow lateral subsurface flow in saturated conditions. We investigate the performance of three models (Topmodel, a kinematic model and a diffusive model) in simulating the hourly distributed water‐table depths along one of the hillslope transects, as well as the hourly stream discharge. For each model, two sets of parameters are identified following a Monte Carlo procedure applied to a simulation period of 2649 h. The performance of each model with each of the two parameter sets is evaluated over a test period of 2158 h. All three models, and hence their underlying assumptions, appear to reproduce adequately the stream discharge variations and water‐table depths in bottom lands at the foot of the hillslope. To simulate the groundwater depth distribution over the whole hillslope, the steady‐state assumption (Topmodel) is quite constraining and leads to unacceptable water‐table depths in midslope and summit areas. Once this assumption is relaxed (kinematic model), the water‐table simulation is improved. A subsequent relaxation of the hydraulic gradient (diffusive model) further improves water‐table simulations in the summit area, while still yielding realistic water‐table depths in the bottom land. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a finite-volume explicit method to solve 2D two-layer shallow water equations. This numerical model is intended to describe two-layer shallow flows in which the superposed layers differ in velocity, density and rheology in a two-dimensional domain. The rheological behavior of mudflow or debris flow is called the Bingham fluid. Thus, the shear stress on rigid bed can be derived from the constitutive equation. The computational approach adopts the HLL scheme, a novel approach for the purpose of computing a Godunov flux and solving the Riemann problem approximately proposed by Harten, Lax and van Leer, as a basic building block, treats the bottom slope by lateralizing the momentum flux, and refines the scheme using the Strang splitting to manage the frictional source term. This study successfully performed 2D two-layer shallow water computations on a rigid bed. The proposed numerical model can describe the variety of depths and velocities of substances including water and mud, when the hyperconcentrated tributary flows into the main river. The analytical results in this study will be valuable for further advanced research and for designing or planning hydraulic engineering structures.  相似文献   

The survival of waterbirds depends heavily on habitat, particularly aquatic plants. For each kind of aquatic plant, there are specific water level regime requirements to meet its germination and growth. Previous studies usually focused on the use of water level management to achieve protection and restoration of aquatic plants. However, the water level regimes in many wetlands have been greatly changed and their ecological objectives usually cannot be achieved by water level management alone. Accordingly, this study combined water level management and artificial planting for waterbird habitat provision in wetlands. The Hongze Lake National Wetland Nature Reserve was taken as the research area. In this study, we considered the needs of waterbirds for nesting and foraging, and determined the aquatic plant species to be planted. According to the seasonal water level requirements of these plants, we simulated the plantable areas of different aquatic plants under different water level regimes. We then further optimized the water level regimes according to the needs of waterbirds, and determined the optimal water level management scheme. In addition, we formulated planting principles, explored the planting structure under each water level regime, so that the plant structure can better serve the waterbirds. The results showed that the current water level regime of Hongze Lake is not consistent with the growth rhythm of aquatic plants. Because of the human regulation, the water level of the wetland is high in winter and low in summer, which is contrary to the requirements of aquatic plant growth. A combination of water level regimes and plant structure management, however, could effectively expand the area for waterbird habitat. The results of this study will help wetland managers to make informed decisions about how to restore the waterbird habitat in other similar regulated wetlands.  相似文献   

A finite element method formulation for solving the harmonic shallow water equations in their primitive or unmodified form is developed and analysed. The scheme, referred to as the Primitive Pseudo Wave Equation Formulation (PPWE), involves developing a weak weighted residual form of the continuity equation and furthermore forming a pseudo wave equation by substituting the discretized form of the momentum equation into the discretized form of the continuity equation. The final set of equations to be solved, the pseudo wave equation and the primitive momentum equations, deceptively resemble the discretized equations of the wave equation formulation of Lynch and Gray. Despite this resemblance, Fourier analysis indicates that the PPWE scheme is still fundamentally primitive.However, application of the PPWE scheme to a set of stringent test problems results in very good solutions with well controlled nodal oscillations. It is shown that this low degree of spurious oscillations is due to the treatment of the boundary conditions such that elevation is taken as an essential condition and normal flux is taken as a natural condition. This particular boundary condition treatment is suggested by the formation of the pseudo wave equation. Furthermore, even though the equation re-arrangement does not in itself effect the solutions, it does make the scheme much more efficient.  相似文献   


Salinization of lakes in arid areas is a common phenomenon with harmful consequences and must be controlled for the better use of lake freshwater and for the conservation of the environment around lakes. Bosten Lake, located in Xinjiang (western China) and the largest inland freshwater lake in China, now experiences salinization. The salinization of Bosten Lake is studied herein by using a physically-based model. After qualitative analysis of lake salinization, the quantitative model is presented that describes the systems of water quantity—water quality—ecology (WQQE) in an integrated way and that simulates the changing processes of lake salinization in the past. On the basis of the WQQE model, an optimal model was also developed to investigate the best strategy for controlling salinization of the lake in the future. The results demonstrated that the developed models can be used to depict the physical process of salinization of Bosten Lake and to provide meaningful information on how to control this salinization.  相似文献   

Street and garden trees in urban areas are often exposed to advection of strong vapour pressure deficit (VPD) air that can raise the whole‐tree transpiration rate (ET), known as the oasis effect. However, urban trees tend to have small soil volume compared with natural conditions, and so they are believed to strongly regulate stomata. ET characteristics of such urban trees have not been well understood because of a lack of reliable measurement methods. Therefore, we propose a novel weighing lysimeter method and investigate the whole‐tree water balance of an isolated container‐grown Zelkova serrata to examine (a) which biotic and abiotic factors determine ET and (b) which spatial and temporal information is needed to predict ET under urban conditions. Whole‐tree water balance and environmental conditions were measured from 2010 to 2012. Although leaf area substantially increased in the study period, daily ET did not vary much. ET increased with VPD almost linearly in 2010 but showed saturation in 2011 and 2012. Root water uptake lagged ET by 40 min in 2012. These results suggest that the small planter box interfered with root growth and that hydraulic supply capacities did not increase sufficiently to support leaf area increase. From analysis of water balance, we believe that neglecting soil drought effects on street trees without irrigation in Japan will overestimate ET over 4–5 sunny days at the longest. This is unlike previous studies of forest.  相似文献   

A model for calculating CO2 flux in the wheat field and an algorithm for estimating CO2 flux in the mejonal scale were presented using the remote sensing data and supplementary micpo-met~orological data. First of all a-longertenn measurement wae carried out during winter wheat growing period in Yucheng Experimental Station udng the spectmradiometer system, the thermal infrared radiometer system, the Bowen-ratio device as well as the eddy-correlation device. Two kinds of issues concerning remote sensing and CO2 flux can be obtained. Based on the obeervations a remote sensing model was estabilished. Then when the NOAA-AVHRR passed over the experimental area simultaneous measurements were carried out with the satellites. A regional distribution image for CO2 flux over wheat canopy in North China (500×500 km2) was made using the supplementary ground data and NOAA-AVHRR remote sensing data which was calibrated by the synchronous observation. The sources and sinks for CO2 fluxes in the region can be seen obviously. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49671058, 49890330)  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work concerns the development and testing of an overland flow model based on the two‐dimensional fully dynamic shallow water equations. Three key aspects, fundamental to get accurate, efficient and robust computation of surface runoff at basin scale, are discussed by transferring the main findings obtained by the recent research on the topic of dam‐break wave and flood propagation in the context of rainfall–runoff modelling. In particular, attention is focused on the numerical flux and bottom slope source terms computation, on a numerical treatment of friction slope terms and on an algorithm for dealing with wetting/drying fronts. The performances of the numerical model have been preliminarily evaluated using experimental or ideal tests characterized by very critical conditions for the stability of a numerical model. Then, attention was focused on a real event occurred in a sub‐basin of Reno river in Italy to analyse the suitability of the model in simulating real flood situations. The numerical results highlight the good performances of the model in all the simulations discussed in the paper. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the simulation of free surface flows over mobile bed have shown that accurate and stable results in realistic problems can be provided if an appropriate coupling between the shallow water equations (SWE) and the Exner equation is performed. This coupling can be done if using a suitable Jacobian matrix. As a result, faithful numerical predictions are available for a wide range of flow conditions and empirical bed load discharge formulations, allowing to investigate the best option in each case study, which is mandatory in these type of environmental problems. When coupling the equations, the SWE are considered but including an extra conservation law for the sediment dynamics. In this way the computational cost may become unrealistic in situations where the application of the SWE over rigid bed can be used involving large time and space scales without giving up to the adequate level of mesh refinement. Therefore, for restoring the numerical efficiency, the coupling technique is simplified, not decreasing the number of waves involved in the Riemann problem but simplifying their definitions. The effects of the approximations made are tested against experimental data which include transient problems over erodible bed. The simplified model is formulated under a general framework able to insert any desirable discharge solid load formula.  相似文献   


一直以来,海啸波特征作为表征海啸潜在破坏性的参数指标得到了广泛应用,特别是针对近场极端海啸事件造成的灾害来说,这种表征具有较好的适用性.然而总结分析历史海啸事件造成的损失发现:在远场近岸及港湾系统中,海啸诱导的强流却是造成损失的主要原因.陆架或港湾振荡导致海啸波幅快速升降诱发强流,可能促使港工设施受到威胁及损害,进而对海啸预警服务及海事应急管理提出了新的挑战.因此,全面理解与评估海啸在港湾中诱发的灾害特征,探索港湾中海啸流的数值模拟方法,发展针对港湾尺度的海啸预警服务指导产品尤为迫切.受限于海啸流验证数据的缺乏及准确模拟海啸流技术方法的诸多不确定性,大部分海啸数值模拟研究工作主要是针对水位特征的研究及验证,可能导致对港湾中海啸灾害危险性认识的曲解与低估.本研究基于非线性浅水方程,针对夏威夷群岛三个典型港湾建立了精细化海啸数值模型(空间分辨率达到10 m),并联合有限断层破裂模型计算分析了日本东北地震海啸在三个港湾及其邻近区域的海啸特征,波、流计算结果与实测结果吻合较好,精细化的海啸港湾模型模拟结果可信.模拟发现港湾中较小的波幅,同样可以产生强流.综合分析日本东北地震海啸波、流特征对输入条件不确定性的响应结果发现:港湾中海啸波-流能量的空间分布特征差异较大,这与港湾系统中海啸波的驻波特性相关;相比海啸波幅空间特征,海啸流特征具有更强的空间敏感性;海啸流时空分布特征对输入条件的不确定性响应比海啸波幅对这些不确定性的响应更强,海啸流的模拟与预报更有挑战性;不确定性对海啸流计算精度的影响会进一步传导放大港湾海啸流危险性的评估及对港工设施产生的应力作用的误差,合理的输入条件对海啸流的精确模拟至关重要.最后,希望通过本文的研究可以从海啸波-流特征角度更加全面认识近岸海啸灾害特征,拓展海啸预警服务的广度与深度,从而为灾害应急管理部门提供更加科学合理的辅助决策产品.


The infinite slope method is widely used as the geotechnical component of geomorphic and landscape evolution models. Its assumption that shallow landslides are infinitely long (in a downslope direction) is usually considered valid for natural landslides on the basis that they are generally long relative to their depth. However, this is rarely justified, because the critical length/depth (L/H) ratio below which edge effects become important is unknown. We establish this critical L/H ratio by benchmarking infinite slope stability predictions against finite element predictions for a set of synthetic two‐dimensional slopes, assuming that the difference between the predictions is due to error in the infinite slope method. We test the infinite slope method for six different L/H ratios to find the critical ratio at which its predictions fall within 5% of those from the finite element method. We repeat these tests for 5000 synthetic slopes with a range of failure plane depths, pore water pressures, friction angles, soil cohesions, soil unit weights and slope angles characteristic of natural slopes. We find that: (1) infinite slope stability predictions are consistently too conservative for small L/H ratios; (2) the predictions always converge to within 5% of the finite element benchmarks by a L/H ratio of 25 (i.e. the infinite slope assumption is reasonable for landslides 25 times longer than they are deep); but (3) they can converge at much lower ratios depending on slope properties, particularly for low cohesion soils. The implication for catchment scale stability models is that the infinite length assumption is reasonable if their grid resolution is coarse (e.g. >25 m). However, it may also be valid even at much finer grid resolutions (e.g. 1 m), because spatial organization in the predicted pore water pressure field reduces the probability of short landslides and minimizes the risk that predicted landslides will have L/H ratios less than 25. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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