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冰云短波辐射特性参数化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
该文对卷云和高层云分别构造了15种冰晶尺度分布,3种云高和云厚,总共30种冰水含量、90种冰水程长模式。对尺度小于与大于30 μm的冰晶粒子的单次散射特性分别用表面积等效冰球Mie理论和射线光学理论进行计算。采用delta-Eddington法计算了在4种不同地面反射率下冰云的多重散射辐射传输特性,提出了冰云辐射特性的参数化公式,指出参数化公式可以用于气候模式或大气环流模式。  相似文献   

本项目系国家自然科学基金项目主要研究能充当冰核的那部分气溶胶。它们的冰核化性质与气象因素的关系,其气候性变化,及对冰云微结构的可能影响。研究工作始于1994年,至1997年底完成,项目由部大雄‘游来光共同主持。该项目主要成果如下:实验研究部分:研制了一套均匀水滴冻结实验装置以检测浸入冻结核。对1蚊6-1998年北京出现的各类降水物的检测表明:冰雹融化水中高温冰核含量最高雪次之连续性降水最少‘主要合低温核。这一结果与降水形成过程及降水物对大气气溶胶的清洗作用有关。用微孔滤膜对大气取样,再放置在冷台上用蒸馏去离子…  相似文献   

辐射传输模式中地表参数对大气长波辐射的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王可丽  钟强 《大气科学》1995,19(5):606-614
本文利用Liou-Ou一维宽带辐射传输模式,对地表热力参数取值部分作了改进,使用模式大气和青藏高原实测资料对下垫面温度与地表空气温度两者不能合二为一的问题进行了分析,同时还讨论了下垫面温度的日变化对大气长波辐射通量日变化的影响及地表比辐射率的变化对大气长波辐射通量计算结果的修正作用。  相似文献   

不同辐射传输方案对中尺度降水影响的对比分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在MM5非静力稳定中尺度气象模式中引进了建立在δ-4流近似和相关-k分布基础上的对云水、雨水、冰晶和霰的辐射特性进行详细描述的辐射传输方案。新建立的辐射传输方案和MM5中原有的辐射传输方案在华南暴雨中的模拟结果相互比较,并与天气实况的对比表明:辐射在中尺度暴雨中起着重要的作用;辐射传输方案对云辐射特性描述的准确程度对于地面降水影响是明显的;不同的辐射传输方案对地面降水的影响存在较大的差异,并且这些差异在白天比在夜间明显;辐射传输过程对地面降水影响的差异主要表现在降水中心上,而对降水的地理分布改变很小;相对而言,不同的辐射传输方案之间对短波描述的差异对地面降水的影响明显,而对长波描述差异的影响不大;新辐射传输方案能够在一定程度上改进MM5对中尺度降水的模拟能力。  相似文献   

三维辐射传输模式分析非均匀云对天空辐射场影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
霍娟  吕达仁 《大气科学》2009,33(1):168-178
为了解非均匀分立云体分布状况下的天空辐射场与无云晴空辐射场的差异, 本文借助一个三维辐射传输数值模式SHDOM模拟了离散云块分布条件下的天空辐射场分布, 重点分析不同云况分布情况下“非云”大气的辐射分布特征, 并将该区域与无云晴空大气辐射场的相同区域进行了比对。工作主要从辐亮度以及450 nm/650 nm的辐射比两参数入手进行讨论。研究发现, 相对无云晴空大气, 云的存在会对周围“非云”大气散射辐射产生影响, 影响程度与云量、云及气溶胶光学厚度等参数相关。数值模拟结果表明, 在云量不太大的条件下, 无云视场空间的大部分辐射值与无云晴空相比变化很小, 集中在±2%之间。这一结果表明, 已有的一维均匀大气辐射传输模式运算结果所得云与非云相元的判据基本适用于非均匀分布的有云大气。另一方面, 模拟结果表明我们也完全可以利用非均匀有云大气中的无云视场观测结果进行大气气溶胶等晴空大气光学特征的探测研究。  相似文献   

云希俊  张红  张广顺  王松皋 《气象》1989,15(7):42-44
本文简介卫星气象中心大气辐射传输模拟实验装置,并给出CO、CO_2透过率测量的初步结果。  相似文献   

大气短波辐射传输研究中的辐射函数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹球  张肇先 《大气科学》1993,17(4):469-476
研究大气短波辐射传输问题时,必需考虑多次散射,在计算各次散射光的递推方程中存在一个对光学厚度的特殊积分.为此,本文定义了“辐射函数”,并研究了它的数学性质,从而使得平面平行大气中散射光的逐次计算既准确又简便.  相似文献   

将NCAR CCM3辐射传输方案CRM(Column Radiation Model)引入到P-σRCM9区域气候模式中,并对两组辐射传输方案下P-σRCM9区域气候模式模拟的东亚冬、夏季气候特征差异进行对比分析,发现采用CRM辐射传输方案能够改善P-σRCM9区域气候模式对中国区域冬、夏季地面温度的模拟,且在夏季的改善比冬季更明显,还改善了P-σ RCM9区域气候模式对对流层高层(200~100 hPa)短波辐射加热率和长波辐射加热率的计算,然后改进了模式对200~300 hPa垂直平均经向温度梯度的模拟,进而使得模拟的冬、夏季东亚高空西风急流比采用KQ辐射传输方案的模拟结果更加接近NCEP/NCAR再分析资料.同时还发现,采用CRM辐射传输方案后,P-σRCM9气候模式模拟的中国地区冬、夏季的降水率在强度和分布形势上均比采用KQ辐射传输方案的模拟结果更接近观测,CRM辐射传输方案能够较明显地提高P-σRCM9气候模式对中国地区冬、夏季降水的模拟能力.  相似文献   

阿尔卑斯山杉林冠层影响辐射传输的个例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用瑞士Alptal观测站杉树林冠层上方、下方的辐射观测资料,分析了冠层对短波辐射的减弱及对长波辐射的增幅作用及其季节变化。结果表明,对比较密集的常绿针叶林,冠层对入射短波辐射的透过率随着太阳高度的降低而减小,春季以后趋于稳定;冠层对长波辐射的增幅作用随天气状况而变化,这种增幅作用在晴空条件下最显著,可达1.5倍。在冬季,因为太阳辐射较弱,冠层对长波辐射的增幅作用超过对短波辐射的减弱从而增加地面净辐射。在其它季节,太阳辐射比较强,冠层对短波辐射的减弱超过对长波辐射的增幅作用而减少地面净辐射。地面净辐射与冠层上方气温的变化趋势虽然在有些时段一致,但在伴随降雪过程的降温时段,地面净辐射与气温的变化趋势近乎反相,在积雪融化时段,地面净辐射的增加比气温升高更显著,尤其是在白天。  相似文献   

辐射传输方程的一个改进算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
邱金桓 《大气科学》1986,10(3):250-257
本文研究了散射相函数的有限项的勒让德展开对于求解辐射传输方程的误差效应,提出了一个改进算法.理论分析和数值试验的结果都表明,多次散射分量和辐射通量远比一次散射分量对相函数的展开误差不敏感.只要用正确的相函数修正一次散射分量、就能在较少项的相函数勒让德展开下得到精确的辐射强度解,从而大大提高了计算速度,对于小于1的光学厚度,计算时间可减少五分之四.  相似文献   

Transfer of radiation through cirrus consisting of non-sphericalice crystals randomly oriented in a plane (2D model) is solved by using the discrete-ordinates method. The model is employed to determine the radiative flux properties and the intensity distribution of cirrus for both solar and thermal infrared ra-diation. Comparison of the 2D cloud model with the conventional 3D cloud model, i.e., randomly oriented in a three- dimensional space, shows that the preferential orientation of ice crystals has a substantial effect on the cloud solar albedo. The difference in the cloud albedo computed from the two models can be as large as 8% for a cirrus of 2 km thickness. On the thermal infrared side, although the flux emission for cirrus is less affected by the orientation of ice crystals, the difference in the upward radiance using 2D and 3D models is also significant.  相似文献   

Presented is a review of the radiative properties of ice clouds from three perspectives: light scattering simulations, remote sensing applications, and broadband radiation parameterizations appropriate for numerical models. On the subject of light scattering simulations, several classical computational approaches are reviewed, including the conventional geometric-optics method and its improved forms, the finite-difference time domain technique, the pseudo-spectral time domain technique, the discrete dipole approximation method, and the T-matrix method, with specific applications to the computation of the singlescattering properties of individual ice crystals. The strengths and weaknesses associated with each approach are discussed.With reference to remote sensing, operational retrieval algorithms are reviewed for retrieving cloud optical depth and effective particle size based on solar or thermal infrared(IR) bands. To illustrate the performance of the current solar- and IR-based retrievals, two case studies are presented based on spaceborne observations. The need for a more realistic ice cloud optical model to obtain spectrally consistent retrievals is demonstrated. Furthermore, to complement ice cloud property studies based on passive radiometric measurements, the advantage of incorporating lidar and/or polarimetric measurements is discussed.The performance of ice cloud models based on the use of different ice habits to represent ice particles is illustrated by comparing model results with satellite observations. A summary is provided of a number of parameterization schemes for ice cloud radiative properties that were developed for application to broadband radiative transfer submodels within general circulation models(GCMs). The availability of the single-scattering properties of complex ice habits has led to more accurate radiation parameterizations. In conclusion, the importance of using nonspherical ice particle models in GCM simulations for climate studies is proven.  相似文献   

Possible causes behind the unusual cooling by summer monsoon clouds over India are investigated. Results suggest that the causes behind the cooling over the Bay of Bengal, India (BBI) and Arabian Sea (AS) within the Indian monsoon region are different. Over the BBI, clouds are tall. A unique upper tropospheric easterly jet stream exists over India during the summer monsoon season, which horizontally spreads the vertically growing deep convective clouds and thereby increases the cloud cover. Hence, more incoming solar radiation is reflected back to space, which leads to cooling. A radiative transfer study employing the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer model supports this view. Over the Arabian Sea, clouds are shallow, and hence the upper tropospheric jet cannot affect them. Due to their proximity to the ground, Arabian Sea clouds exert less warming effect, but they exert a considerable cooling effect, which arises because of the high reflectivity of the clouds. Over the Equatorial Indian Ocean (EIO), where the monsoon clouds originate and propagate towards the monsoon trough region, both cooling and warming effects are nearly canceled out. The upper tropospheric jet is located hundreds of kilometers north of the EIO, and hence it does not disturb the deep convective clouds of the EIO. Therefore, they behave similarly to other deep convective clouds in the tropical belt.  相似文献   

Microphysical and radiative effects of ice clouds on diurnal variations of tropical convective and stratiform rainfall are examined with the equilibrium simulation data from three experiments conducted with a two-dimensional cloud resolving model with imposed temporally and zonally invariant winds and sea surface temperature and zero mean vertical velocity. The experiment without ice radiative effects is compared with the control experiment with ice microphysics (both the ice radiative and microphysical effects) to study effects of ice radiative effects on diurnal rainfall variations whereas it is compared with the experiment without ice microphysics to examine ice microphysical effects on the diurnal rainfall variations. The ice radiative processes mainly affect diurnal cycle of convective rainfall whereas the ice microphysical processes have important impacts on the diurnal cycles of both convective and stratiform rainfall. Turning off the ice radiative effects generally enhances convective rainfall during the morning and evening and suppresses convective rainfall in the afternoon whereas turning off the ice microphysical effects generally suppresses convective and stratiform rainfall during the morning and enhances convective and stratiform rainfall in the afternoon and evening. The ice radiative and microphysical effects on the diurnal cycle of surface rainfall are mainly associated with that of vapor condensation and deposition, which is controlled by air temperature through saturation specific humidity. The ice effects on the diurnal cycle of local temperature tendency are largely explained by that of latent heating since the diurnal cycle of radiation is insensitive to the ice effects.  相似文献   

Regional dependence of microphysical and radiative effects of ice clouds on vertical structure of tropical tropospheric temperature is examined by analyzing thermodynamic budgets over clear sky, raining stratiform, convective, and non-raining stratiform regions with three two-dimensional sensitivity equilibrium cloud-resolving model simulation data. The decrease in the mean tropospheric cooling caused by radiative effects of ice clouds results from the decreases in local atmospheric cooling over clear sky regions around 12?C16?km through the decrease in heat divergence and below 7.5?km through the decrease in radiative cooling and over non-raining stratiform regions around 6?C13?km through the increase in latent heat. The increase in the mean tropospheric cooling caused by microphysical effects of ice clouds results from the increases in local atmospheric cooling over clear sky regions through the decrease in heat convergence below 4?km the increase in radiative cooling around 4?C8?km and over non-raining stratiform regions through the increase in radiative cooling around 7?C10?km. The raining regions do not show any significant thermal changes due to the cancellation between heat convergence and latent heat.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of the micro- and macrophysics of water clouds on the scattering and radiative properties of clouds is investigated using versatile cloud drop size distributions (DSDs) and Mie theory for single scattering and the delta-Eddington approximation for multiple scattering. A new parameterization scheme for the shortwave radiative properties of water clouds is presented. As for single- scattering properties, a new parameterization for cloud optical thickness () is proposed. This is based upon the seperation of the dependence of on the total number of DSDs, the cloud thickness, and the liquid water content, combined with equivalent radius. The cloud bulk radiative properties, i.e., the flux reflectance, transmittance, and absorptance, are uniquely fitted by a dimensionless parameter (X) or the optical thickness. The parameterization is compared with other schemes. Finally, the features and potential use of the scheme are discussed.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

The bulk single-scattering properties of cirrus clouds required for driving the radiation scheme in large-scale climate models are computed with respect to various size distributions and ice crystal shapes. It is shown that the average ice crystal size, defined as the ratio of total volume to the total projected area, can well-characterize the effect of various size distributions in determining the bulk radiative properties of cirrus clouds. Details of the size distributions are not significant in specifying the radiative properties of these clouds if the effective average size is thus defined. Therefore, the ratio of the total volume to the total projected area is an ideal parameter for describing the bulk single-scattering properties. The effect of ice crystal shape is not critical in the parameterization of the extinction coefficient and single-scattering albedo. However, the various crystal habits must be accounted for in the parameterization of the asymmetry parameter. The resulting parameterization is intended for radiative transfer calculations involving cirrus clouds in large-scale models.  相似文献   

In this paper, characterization of cirrus clouds are made by using data from ground based polarization lidar and radiosonde measurements over Chung-Li (24.58°N, 121.10°E), Taiwan for a period of 1999–2006. During this period, the occurrence of cirrus clouds is about 37% of the total measurement nights over the lidar site. Analysis of the measurement gives the statistical characteristics about the macrophysical properties such as occurrence height, ambient temperature, and its geometrical thickness while the microphysical properties are interpreted in terms of extinction coefficient, optical depth, effective lidar ratio and depolarization ratio. The effective lidar ratio has been retrieved by using the simulation technique of backscattered lidar signals. The effect of multiple scattering has been taken into the account by a model calculation. Summer (Jun–Aug) shows the maximum appearances of cirrus due to its formation mechanism. It is shown that tropopause cirrus clouds may occur with a probability of about 24%. These clouds are usually optically thin and having laminar in structure with some cases resembling the characteristics similar to that of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). The radiative properties of the cirrus clouds are also discussed in detail by the empirical equations with results show a positive feedback on any climate change.  相似文献   

The precipitation responses to the radiative effects of ice clouds are investigated through analysis of five-day and horizontally averaged data from 2D cumulus ensemble model experiments of a pre-summer torrential precipitation event. The exclusion of the radiative effects of ice clouds lowered the precipitation rate through a substantial reduction in the decrease of hydrometeors when the radiative effects of water clouds were switched on, whereas it increased the precipitation rate through hydrometeor change from an increase to a decrease when the radiative effects of ice clouds were turned off. The weakened hydrometeor decrease was associated with the enhanced longwave radiative cooling mainly through the decreases in the melting of non-precipitating ice to non-precipitating water. The hydrometeor change from an increase to a decrease corresponded to the strengthened longwave radiative cooling in the upper troposphere through the weakened collection of non-precipitating water by precipitation water.  相似文献   

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