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杨玲  李婧 《贵州气象》2007,31(2):26-28
2006年年平均气温安龙、贞丰正常,其余地区偏高;年降雨量兴仁、望谟偏多1~2成,其余地区偏少2~3成;年日照时数晴隆、安龙、册亨、望谟偏多,其余地区偏少。虽然局地有较重的灾害,如干旱、暴雨洪涝、冰雹、雷电等,对各行各业及人民的生活造成一定影响,但气象灾害总体较轻。  相似文献   

陕西省2003年气候影响评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2003年度(2002年12月—2003年11月)陕西天气气候的主要特点是降水偏多,气温陕北偏高,其余大部地区正常或略偏低。初冬严寒,隆冬偏暖,春季透雨偏早,夏秋季降水偏多,关中东部、陕南部分地区出现严重的暴雨洪涝灾害。沙尘暴天气异常偏少。本年度气候条件对夏粮生产有利,对秋粮生产弊大于利。  相似文献   

概述2005年黔西南自治州主要气候特点、灾害事件以及对各行业的影响。  相似文献   

1995年度(1994年12月至1995年11月),各地年平均气温16.6 ̄23.1℃。全区大部气温正常;年降水量711.7 ̄3753.4毫米,桂林,柳州两地区和左、右江河谷地区偏少1 ̄2成,其余地区拉近常年或偏多1 ̄3年,年日照时数1119.6 ̄1727.7小时,偏少120 ̄560小时,主要气候事件以2 ̄4月局地性冰包,大风等强对流天气影响较突出,春、夏、秋三季部分县市出现了不同程度的干旱和洪涝  相似文献   

1996年度(1995年12月至1996年11月),各地年平均气温为16.0-22.7℃,全区大部比常年偏低0.4-0.7℃;年降水量为973.0-2277.4毫米,钦州、防城港两市和南宁、玉林两地区南部比常年偏少1-2成,百色地区大部偏我1-2成,其余地区正常;各地年日照时数为1121.5-2266.5小时,大部分份地区偏少80-300小时。1996年度主要气候事件及其影响以夏季洪灾害及春季低温  相似文献   

1995年度(1994年12月至1995年11月),各地年平均气温16.6~23.1℃,全区大部气温正常;年降水量711.7~3753.4毫米,桂林、柳州两地区和左、右江河谷地区偏少1~2成,其余地区接近常年或偏多1~3成;年日照时数1119.6~1727.7小时,偏少120~560小时。主要气候事件以2~4月局地性冰雹、大风等强对流天气影响较突出,春、夏、秋三季部分县市出现了不同程度的干旱和洪涝。全年气候条件对工农业生产的影响利多弊少,属一般偏好年份。  相似文献   

1994年度(199年12月至1994年11月),广西各地年平均气温16.6~23.2℃,与常年相比,桂林、柳州两地区大部、河池地区东部正常稍低,其余地区接近常年值或偏高0.5℃;年降水量1180~3600毫米、大部地区比常年偏多1~5成;年日照时数,桂南大部及右江河谷、梧州地区南部为1500~1960小时,其余为1000~1500小时,各地比常年偏少120~390小时。主要气候事件,以全区性暴雨洪涝灾害最为突出;其次是全区性春播期低温阴雨天气,而干旱、冰雹、雷雨大风等影响较轻。气候条件对工农业生产的影响弊多利少,属一般偏差年份。  相似文献   

广西2003年度气候特点及其影响评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
2003年度(2002年12月至2003年11月),广西各地平均气温大部偏高,各地降水量大部偏少,各地日照时数大部偏多。年度气象灾害主要有:霜(冰)冻与降雪、干旱、冰雹与雷雨大风、暴雨洪涝、热带气旋、高温,其中干旱影响较大。年度内,气候条件对社会经济的影响有利有弊。  相似文献   

2003年度(2002年12月至2003年11月),广西各地平均气温大部偏高,各地降水量大部偏少,各地日照时数大部偏多。年度气象灾害主要有:霜(冰)冻与降雪、干旱、冰雹与雷雨大风、暴雨洪涝、热带气旋、高温,其中干旱影响较大。年度内,气候条件对社会经济的影响有利有弊。  相似文献   

1997年度(1996年12月至1997年11月),广西各地年平均气温16.6 ̄23.3℃,属正常;年降水量1259.5 ̄2825.3mm,正常到偏多2 ̄5成;年日照时数852.8 ̄2139.3h,大部地区比常年偏少200 ̄500h。1997年度,广西主要气候事件及其影响以洪涝和寒露风最为突出,其次是大风和冬旱;日照不足,降水偏多,洪涝及寒露风灾害严重,全年气候条件对工农业生产的影响弊多利少,属偏  相似文献   

摘要:根据西太平洋副热带高压、亚洲环流指数、亚洲区极涡面积指数和青藏高原指数等资料,分析造成2003年我区严重冬春连旱、2月下旬平均温度比历年同期偏高7~9℃、8月上旬平均温度超过了历年同期最高值等异常天气的大气环流特征,为今后在短期预测方面提供一定的预测依据,更好地为当地的政府部门服务。  相似文献   

The Pirin Mountains in southwest Bulgaria spatially mark a transition between the Mediterranean and temperate climate zones. Therefore they are also particularly relevant for research on high mountain climate and the effect of landscape transformation. Historical climate records gathered in the area have been researched, checked and statistically examined. The mountainous climate has been characterised and trends in the evolution of temperature and precipitation since 1931 have been outlined. There are objective evidences for an increasing annual mean temperature, longer vegetative periods and local droughts in spring and autumn. Significant changes also appear in climatic threshold values such as the number of frost change days. This last parameter is very important for the sustainability of mountainous ecosystems.  相似文献   

Summary The climatology and variability of summer convection and circulation over the tropical southwest Indian Ocean is investigated using satellite imagery, routine synoptic observations, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data, sea surface temperatures (SST) and areal averaged rainfall departures. OLR has a –0.90 correlation with rainfall departures and the OLR minimum (ITCZ) in January and February lies across the 10°S latitude, extending further south near Madagascar. The intensity of ITCZ convection is greatest in the longitudes 20–35°E over northern Zambia and is considerably reduced over the SW Indian Ocean. Spatial correlations are analyzed for standardized departures of OLR, rainfall and SST. The correlations change sign in a coherent fashion, creating a climatic dipole between southern Africa and the SW Indian Ocean. Interannual trends are examined through analysis of January–February zonal and meridional wind indices constructed from significantly correlated variables at Zimbabwe, Madagascar and Mauritius. Circulation variability is dominated by quasi-decadal cycles and a trend of inereasing westerly winds. Zonal wind shear alternates from easterly (barotropic) to westerly and together with SST appears to regulate the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclogenesis. Areally averaged rainfall departures exhibit 6.25 year cycles in NE Madagascar and 12.5 and 18.75 year cycles in SW Madagascar and Zimbabwe, respectively. Summer rainfall and meridional winds in NE Madagascar and Zimbabwe are out of phase and negatively correlated in most summers. The presence of synoptic weather systems is assessed using daily Hovmoller-type satellite imagery composites. Convective structure is dominated by transient waves in the 10°–20°S latitude band, with periods of 15–20 days common. The waves are more prominent in summers with increased easterly shear and contribute to fluctuations in rainfall over SE Africa.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

2003年春夏季绥化市出现历史上少见的异常气候;气温阶段性变化明显,降水时空分布不均。春季至夏初高温少雨显著。春夏连旱,风雹成灾;夏季低温多水严重,暴雨洪涝,阴雨寡照。气候异常的原因是副热带高压、极涡及中高纬度环流异常造成的。  相似文献   

广东气候变异年的评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李真光  谢萍清 《气象》1991,17(1):15-18

利用黑龙江省气候评价业务使用的71个气象台站的气温、降水和日照时数资料,对1981-2010年气候平均值和1971-2000年气候平均值进行比较。结果表明:黑龙江省大部地区年平均气温升高,冬季偏暖突出;年降水量大部地区增多,春季、夏季、冬季降水量增多,秋季减少,7月降水量增幅最大;年日照时数大部地区减少。  相似文献   

Mid-latitude winter atmospheric variability in the South Indian Ocean and southwest Pacific Ocean regions of the circum-Antarctic are reconstructed using sea-salt aerosol concentrations measured in the high resolution Law Dome (DSS) ice core from East Antarctica. The sea-salt aerosol concentration data, as sodium (Na), were measured at approximately monthly resolution spanning the past 700 years. Analyses of covariations between Na concentrations in Law Dome ice, and mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) and wind field data were conducted to define the mid-latitude and sub-Antarctic atmospheric circulation patterns associated with variations in Na delivery. High Na concentrations in Law Dome snow are associated with increased meridional aerosol transport from mid-latitude sources. The seasonal average Na concentration for early winter (May, June, July (MJJ)) is strongly correlated to the mid-latitude MSLP field in the South Indian and southwest Pacific Oceans, and southern Australian regions. In addition, the average MJJ Na concentrations display a strong association with the stationary Rossby wave number 3 circulation, and are anti-correlated to the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index of climate variability: high (low) Na concentrations occurring during negative (positive) SAM phases. This observed relationship is used to derive a proxy record for early-winter MSLP anomalies and the SAM in the South Indian and southwest Pacific Ocean regions over the period 1300–1995 AD. The proxy SAM index from 1300 to 1995 AD shows pronounced decadal-scale variability throughout. The period after 1500 AD is marked by a tendency toward slower variations and a weakly-positive mean SAM (enhanced westerlies in the 50° to 65°S zone) compared to the early part of the record.  相似文献   

Summary Knowledge of the variability in tropical cyclone (TC) frequency and distribution is essential in determining the possible impact of natural or human-induced climate change. This variability can be investigated using the available TC data bases and by carrying out long-term climate model simulations for both past and future climates. A coupled ocean-atmosphere climate model (referred to here as the OU-CGCM) is described and applied with a higher resolution (50 km) nested domain in the southwest Pacific region. Six-member ensembles of simulations with the OU-CGCM have been run for 80 years, from 1970 to 2050. During the period 1970–2000, the OU-CGCM runs were compared with the observed TC data base. For the period 2000–2050, two ensembles of simulations were performed, one with constant greenhouse gas concentrations and the second with increasing greenhouse gases. The OU-CGCM simulated well the observed TC frequency and distribution in the southwest Pacific during the period 1970–2000. It also produced clear interannual and interdecadal TC variability in both the fixed and enhanced greenhouse gas simulations during the period 2000–2050. The variability in TC frequencies was associated with the typical atmospheric and SST anomaly patterns that occur in periods of quiet and active TC frequencies. The main findings from the enhanced greenhouse gas scenario for the period 2000–2050 are: no change in the mean decadal number of TCs relative to the control run, but a marked increase of about 15% in the mean decadal number of TCs in the most severe WMO categories 4 and 5; the likelihood of TCs during the next 50-year period that are more intense than ever previously experienced in the Australian region; a poleward extension of TC tracks; and a poleward shift of over 2 degrees of latitude in the TC genesis region.  相似文献   

贵州2003年的异常气候事件介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古田会 《贵州气象》2004,28(1):21-24
通过对贵州2003年全年的气候事件进行分析,得出2003年的气候异常主要表现在温度和降水两方面,其中温度异常主要表现在暖冬、夏季高温和全年温度持续偏高等方面;降水异常主要表现在降水的分布不均和夏秋季的持续偏少上。2003年依然存在低温冷害事件,突出表现为冬季的降雪和春季的“倒春寒”事件;2003年春季西部的春旱严重,全省大部地区出现夏秋连旱。  相似文献   

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