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Vertical profiles of sound speed in the sea can be measured by using laser excited Brillouin scattering. In this paper the dependence of the accuracy of sound speed measurement on the accuracy of the Brillouin shift measurement is analyzed. We calculated the maximum detecting depths of sound speed to an accuracy of 1 m/s by lidar with different laser pulse energy, platform altitude, telescope aperture and lidar effective attenuation coefficient. The estimation of sounding ability in the East China Sea is made in some stations. These data can be used in the design of Brillouin Lidar for the China Sea.  相似文献   

A Multi-channel Oceanographic Fluorescence Lidar (MOFL), with a UV excitation at 355 nm and multiple receiving channels at typical wavelengths of fluorescence from oil spills and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), has been developed using the Laser-induced Fluorescence (LIF) technique. The sketch of the MOFL system equipped with a compact multi-channel photomultiplier tube (MPMT) is introduced in the paper. The methods of differentiating the oil fluorescence from the background water fluorescence and evaluating the Chl-a concentration are described. Two field experiments were carried out to investigate the field performance of the system, i.e., an experiment in coastal areas for oil pollution detection and an experiment over the Yellow Sea for Chl-a monitoring. In the coastal experiment, several oil samples and other fluorescence substances were used to analyze the fluorescence spectral characteristics for oil identification, and to estimate the thickness of oil films at the water surface. The experiment shows that both the spectral shape of fluorescence induced from surface water and the intensity ratio of two channels (I 495/I 405) are essential to determine oil-spill occurrence. In the airborne experiment, MOFL was applied to measure relative Chl-a concentrations in the upper layer of the ocean. A comparison of relative Chl-a concentration measurements by MOFL and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) indicates that the two datasets are in good agreement. The results show that the MOFL system is capable of monitoring oil spills and Chl-a in the upper layer of ocean water.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Globalwindprofiledataprovidepartofthemostimportantparametersinatmosphericdynamics ,involv ingtheglobalatmosphericcyclingofenergy ,transportofwater ,aerosols ,andotherairborneelements .Un derstandingofwindisalsoimportantinoceanicre search .Thatiswhygreatattentionhasbeenpaidtothewinddetection . Asaprovedfeasiblewinddetectionmethod ,windlidarhasbeendevelopedforabout 30 years .Windve locitycanberetrievedfromtheDopplerfrequencyshiftinthesignalbackscatteredbytheatmosphericelements…  相似文献   

As a powerful tool to scan the atmosphere, the I idar can derive visibility values by directly collecting the backscattering laser light from the atmosphere. Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric visibility by Micro-pulsed lidar (MPL) and a commercial visibility meter (VM) NQ-1 have been performed to evaluate the feasibility of the MPL system designed by the Ocean Remote Sensing Laboratory (ORSL) of the Ocean University of China (OUC) from October 21 2005 to November 21 2005 in the Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden on the Qingdao coast. All the 880 data samples obtained by the two instruments have high correlation coefficients (up to 0.86), which indicates it is feasible to utilize MPL to measure atmospheric visibility.  相似文献   

An airborne oceanographic lidar, with a frequency-tripled Q-switched Nd: YAG laser of 355 nm, has been designed to measure chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in the sea surface layer by the Ocean Remote Sensing Institute, OUC. The field experiment was carried out in the bay which is located south of the Liaodong Peninsula on the 10th of September 2005. After the flight, the raw data were processed and analyzed by the fluorescence-to-Raman ratio method with seawater attenuation coefficients calculated from signal profiles. The results of Chl-a concentration sea water were also compared with those of Chl-a concentration by measurements by lidar are shown. The measurements in clear a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS).  相似文献   

In this article we describe a range of simulations (lattice dynamics and molecular dynamics) of the inelastic incoherent neutron scattering spectra of ices (normal ice, ice II and ice VIII). These simulations use a variety of different intermolecular potentials from simple classic pair-wise (rigid and non-rigid molecule) potentials to sophisticated polarisable potentials. It was found that MCY makes stretching and bending interactions too weak while others do them well. We demonstrate that in order to reproduce the measured neutron spectrum, greater anisotropy (or orientational variation) is required than these potentials presently provide.  相似文献   

A total of 78 Yarrowia lipolytica yeast strains from seawater, sediments, mud of salterns, the guts of marine fish, and marine algae were obtained. After the crude protein of the yeasts was estimated by the method of Kjehldahl, we found that seven strains of the marine yeasts grown in soy bean cake hydrolysate with 20 g L-1 of glucose for 48 h at 28℃ contained more than 41.0 g protein per 100 g of cell dry weight and the cell dry weight was more than 4.4 g per L of the culture. Among them, strain SWJ-1b contained the highest crude protein. The results of Biolog identification and molecular methods further confirmed that they indeed belonged to Y. lipolytica.  相似文献   

扼要地介绍了非球形粒子光散射的散射矩阵元素按广义球函数展开的基本理论,以及球形粒子散射矩阵元素间的关系。在此基础上较详细地阐述了计算展开系数的方法以及在程序研制中所遇到的一些问题。最后,对非球形的Chebyshev粒子光散射的散射矩阵元素的展开系数进行了计算,结果表明数值技术和计算的正确性。  相似文献   

浅层地下水探测是物探工作重点关注领域之一,本文从地球物理特征出发,结合工作实例,分析电阻率层析成像技术、电测深、大地电磁法、甚低频及浅层地震等方法在地下水探测中的效果,分析各方法探测中优缺点。本文从成本、效率、探测深度、地形条件等不同因素考虑,给出了不同条件下物探方法的选择。文中对不同勘探深度给出了不同的综合勘探手段组合,100m以浅优选层析成像技术、电测深、瞬变电磁法、浅层地震等方法组合,500m以深选择CSAMT法、EH法等组合。  相似文献   

1 Introduction InChina ,coastalcitiesaremostlyregionaleconomicdevelopmentcenters.Becauseoftheirspecialgeogra phiclocations ,typhoonsandassociatedstormsurgescauseheavylossesoflivesandproperties.In 1 992 Qing daowasfloodedduetothecoincidenceoftheastrono m…  相似文献   

This study applied a multivariate model based on three simulated sensors to estimating water quality variables in Shitoukoumen Reservoir, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China, including concentration of total suspended matter, concentration of chlorophyll-a and non-pigment matter absorption. Two field campaigns for spectra measurements with a total of 40 samples were carried out on June 13 and September 23, 2008. The in-situ spectra were recalculated to the spectral bands and sensitivities of the instruments applied in this paper, i.e. Landsat TM, Alos and P6, by using the average method. And the recalculated spectra were used for estimating water quality variables by the single model and multivariate model. The results show that the multivariate model is superior to the single model as the multivariate model takes the combined effects of water components into consideration and can estimate water quality variables simultaneously. According to R 2 and RMSE, Alos is superior to other sensors for water quality variables estimation although the precision of non-pigment matter absorption inversion performed the second.  相似文献   

自动子空间划分在高光谱影像波段选择中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高光谱遥感影像数据量大、维数高的特点,结合联合熵波段选择算法,提出了一种自动子空间划分的改进方案。该方法充分利用了影像各波段数据之间的局部相关性,根据波段间相关系数矩阵图像的"分块"特点,将整个波段空间自动划分为若干个子空间,然后再进行波段选择。实现了在删减冗余信息的同时选择出含有主要信息的特征波段组合的目的。将此方法得到的结果与用联合熵得到的结果进行了比较分析,结果表明自动子空间划分的联合熵波段选择方法具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

近年来随着能源短缺和环境污染问题日益严重,低排放、低噪声、节能环保的电动汽车受到了越来越多的关注.特别在电动出租车领域,我国公共充电设施的规划和建设已迫在眉睫.针对目前电动出租车专用充电站选址研究方面存在的缺少丰富详实的车辆运行数据支撑、未能充分结合出租车的换班特性开展分析和在选址模型构建方面未能充分考虑已建成充电站的...  相似文献   

针对城市创伤中心空间选址问题,建立包含四大类、八小类影响因素的层次分析模型,邀请不同领域的专家对构造出的判断矩阵综合打分,得出各因素的相应权重后运用到深圳市创伤中心空间选址的实例研究上。模型中所涉及的空间数据均基于网络分析,更贴合实际情况。同时,考虑到深圳市创伤中心的依托医院相对集中这一特殊情况,通过聚类分析划分区域后再使用层次分析模型选址。优化后的结果将改善深圳市创伤医疗救治资源配置、提高创伤救治效率,为创伤救治机构规划部门提供参考意见。  相似文献   

Selection of diet for culture of juvenile silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Juvenile silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus, was grown in culture tanks for 9 weeks on four different diets, and their effects on fish growth, digestive enzyme activity, and body composition were assessed. The feeding regime was as follows: Diet 1: fish meat; Diet 2: fish meat+artificial feed; Diet 3: fish meat+artificial feed+Agamaki clam meat; Diet 4: fish meat+artificial feed+Agamaki clam+copepods. The greatest weight gain was associated with Diet 4, while the lowest weight gain was associated with Diet 1. No significant difference was observed in weight gain between fish receiving Diet 2 and Diet 3. Specific growth rate followed similar trends as weight gain. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of fish fed Diet 1 was significantly higher than the other fish groups, but no significant differences were observed in FCRs of fish fed Diet 2, Diet 3 or Diet 4. There was also no significant difference in the hepatosomatic index (HSI) between the four diets. For fish that received Diets 2-4, containing artificial feed, higher protease activities were detected. A higher lipid content of the experimental diets also significantly increased lipase activities and body lipid content. No significant differences in amylase activity or body protein content were found between Diets 1-4. In conclusion, a variety of food components, including copepods and artificial feed, in the diet of silver pomfret significantly increased digestive enzyme activity and could improve growth performance.  相似文献   

Seven growth-related traits were measured to assess the selection response and genetic parameters of the growth of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, which had been domesticated in tanks for more than four generations. Phenotypic and genetic parameters were evaluated and fitted to an animal model. Realized response was measured from the difference between the mean growth rates of selected and control families. Realized heritability was determined from the ratio of the selection responses and selection differentials. The animal model heritability estimate over generations was 0.44±0.09 for body weight (BW), and ranged from 0.21±0.08 to 0.37±0.06 for size traits. Genetic correlations of phenotypic traits were more variable (0.51–0.97), although correlations among various traits were high (>0.83). Across generations, BW and size traits increased, while selection response and heritability gradually decreased. Selection responses were 12.28%-23.35% for harvest weight and 3.58%–13.53% for size traits. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.34±0.09 to 0.48±0.15 for harvest weight and 0.17±0.01–0.38±0.11 for size traits. All phenotypic and genetic parameters differed between various treatments. To conclude, the results demonstrated a potential for mass selection of growth traits in L. vannamei. A breeding scheme could use this information to integrate the effectiveness constituent traits into an index to achieve genetic progress.  相似文献   

基于GIS的泸水县易地扶贫搬迁安置地选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
易地扶贫搬迁是对生活在恶劣环境中的贫困人口采取的扶贫举措.泸水县尚有大量人口需要易地搬迁解决贫困问题,泸水县特殊的峡谷地理环境,使安置地的选择成为棘手的问题.将GIS技术应用于扶贫易地搬迁地选择中,可以方便地找出适宜的搬迁居住地,为当地政府易地安置提供决策参考依据.安置区的选择,主要考虑以下因子:交通便利、土地资源丰富、水源丰富、坡度较为平缓、海拔较低,避开地质灾害隐患点和自然保护区等.通过GIS技术,将上述因子图层叠加后找到适合的安置地.结果表明:泸水县难以找到成片的面积较大的安置区,安置区呈零星状分布在各个乡镇.  相似文献   

提出一种综合的多面函数参数自适应选取方法。该方法利用核函数阶数和平滑因子存在最优值以及核函数结点分布应符合高程异常变化趋势的特点,综合利用正交化算法选取核函数结点以及二维粒子群算法确定最佳阶数和平滑因子,实现多面函数参数的完全自适应选取。将该方法应用于地形起伏差异不同的2个测区,结果表明,相比传统经验性方法和部分参数自适应方法,该方法用于GPS高程拟合的精度和可靠性更高。  相似文献   

关于非球形粒子光散射的T-矩阵数值计算方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先介绍了无规取向轴对称非球形粒子光散射的T-矩阵数值方法。然后,进一步研究了T-矩阵计算的收敛问题,提出了一种新的关于无规取向无吸收非线形散射物体的物理收敛方法,我们研究了椭球粒子的收敛问题,结果表明我们的数值方法和T-矩阵计算程序是有效的, 收敛精度与粒子的尺度和形状有很强的依赖性,在一定的条件下,我们的物理收敛速度优于NASA Mishchenko的数学收敛速序。  相似文献   

采用群体选择和家系选择相结合的方法,收集有代表性的优良群体103个,经过2代的群体选育,保留5个基础群体进行家系选育,育出全同胞家系180个,半同胞家系60个,选留其中的35个家系作为下一代的亲本,选育的D2家系生长速度与进口F1代相接近,养殖有效积温2 000℃时体重分别为26.17 g和26.47 g,抗WSSV能力较进口F1代强,感染WSSV 5 d死亡率分别为53.57%和72.73%。提出用等同的有效积温的体重来比较不同家系的生长,用生长速度、存活率和个体均匀度作为家系选育的指标。  相似文献   

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