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Abstract. The amphipod population of the Fusaro coastal lagoon (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) was studied on a spatial-temporal scale. During a one-year period, samples were collected on hard and soft bottoms along a transect from the inland to the seaward side of the lagoon. Thirteen species were identified. The dominant taxa included species typical of lagoon environments, such as Corophium insidiosum and Microdeutopus gryllotalpa , and species typical of marine environments yet also inhabiting sheltered or semi-closed areas, such as Corophium acutum, Ericthonius brasiliensis , and Elasmopus rapax.
An inner-outer gradient was not evident, while a seasonal pattern was recognizable. At the community level, clear differences between the two substrata were not evident because of high algal growth and organogenic detritus on the soft bottoms. The importance of hydrodynamic forces in a euhaline lagoon in selecting amphipod communities - characterized by a typical trophic behaviour and way of life – is discussed. Information on the ecology of the collected species and a list of Mediterranean lagoons where they are present are also provided.  相似文献   

Abstract. The caprellid (Crustacea: Amphipoda) community associated with the alga Cystoseira usneoides (L.) Roberts 1967 was studied on a spatial scale in relation to the influence of environmental factors on the coast of Ceuta (North Africa) using multivariate analyses. Twenty-two stations were sampled and five environmental factors were tested (hydrodynamics, silting, suspended organic matter, organic matter in silt and suspended solids). The spatial distribution of the caprellid community reflected the physico-chemical conditions of the coast. Phtisica marina Slabber 1769 was the only species present at the stations of the harbour of Ceuta, characterised by the lowest values of hydrodynamics and the highest values of silting, suspended organic matter and suspended solids. The most exposed stations (high hydrodynamics and low values of silting, dissolved organic matter and suspension solids) were mainly dominated by Caprella danilevskii Czerniavskii 1868 and C. penantis Leach 1814. These two species have developed a "parallel" posture that enables them to attach strongly to the substratum and thus inhabit areas subjected to heavy exposure or strong currents. Caprella acanthifera Leach 1814 and Pseudoprotella phasma (Montagu 1804) preferred stations characterised by moderate values of silting and suspended solids, such as those located in the coastal areas in front of the city of Ceuta, but these species were not found at the most stressed harbour stations.  相似文献   

The Distribution of Amphipoda in a Brackish-Water Lagoon in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The distribution of the benthic Amphipoda was studied in the brackish-water lagoon Mazoma of Amvrakikos Bay, Ionian Sea, Greece. Eleven amphipod species typical of the sublittoral zone, some with preference for enclosed bays and lagoons, were identified. Gammarus crinicornis, Microdeutopus bifidus, C. rotundirostris , and Erichthonius difformis are mentioned for the first time for Greek waters. The distribution of amphipods in the lagoon is governed by the vegetation and is probably modified by interspecific relations.  相似文献   

分别于2011年5和10月对乳山湾及邻近海域进行2个航次的调查,共采集到桡足类28种,其中春季22种,秋季20种。主要优势种为小拟哲水蚤、克氏纺锤水蚤、双刺纺锤水蚤、拟长腹剑水蚤和强额拟哲水蚤等。春季桡足类平均丰度为13 967.19ind/m3,秋季为12 044.52ind/m3,春季航次浮游动物丰度平面分布呈现以湾口为低值中心同时向湾内和湾外递增的趋势,秋季则呈现以乳山湾西流区为高值中心向四周逐渐递减的趋势。调查海区春季多样性指数H′平均值为2.156,秋季为2.122,该指数在春季航次与盐度呈现显著的负相关,在秋季,该指数则与温度和盐度呈现显著的正相关。在两个季节中香农威纳指数与浮游植物密度的相关性均不显著。研究表明,调查海域桡足类多为适应低盐环境的生态类群,其平面分布深受水环境条件的影响,整体呈现出季节性和地域性的双重差异。  相似文献   

2007年春季在渤海湾天津潮下带采集小型底栖生物样品,分析沉积物中自由生活线虫的垂直分布情况。多元统计分析结果表明,底栖线虫的垂直分布和沉积物深度有关。在较深的5~10cm层,线虫群落与其上层次的差异较大:0~2cm层和5~10cm层差异极显著(P=0.001),2~5cm层和5~10cm层间差异显著(P=0.016)。不同站点间底层的线虫群落差异明显。而沉积物0~2cm层和2~5cm间的线虫群落差异不明显(P=0.541)。列出了SIMPER分析中16种明显影响表层-底层群落的线虫,13种明显影响中层-底层间群落比较的线虫。在研究和比较线虫群落时,应该考虑取样深度的影响。  相似文献   

杭州湾南岸潮滩的~(210)Pb分布及其沉积学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杭州湾南岸潮滩的~(210)Pb垂向分布具有随深度波动的特征。湖滩颗粒物在吸附模拟系统中的~(210)Pb分配系数,主要受颗粒物含量的影响。本文从潮滩沉积~(210)Pb初始比度在低于平衡点一侧波动的机理,以及被沉积间断所分隔的有效封闭段的存在出发,提出选择常态沉积层的高~(210)Pb比度窗口,建立以CIC模式估计潮滩沉积速率的方法。  相似文献   

福建厦门湾和东山湾海域柳珊瑚的物种多样性及其分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年7月,分别对福建厦门湾和东山湾海域柳珊瑚进行了调查,厦门湾共得到柳珊瑚9种,分别属于4科7属,东山湾共得到柳珊瑚8种;其中中国新记录属两个,冷柳珊瑚属(Iciligorgia)和弱柳珊瑚属(Leptogorgia).根据柳珊瑚群体颜色及骨针的形态学特征系统地阐述了福建厦门湾和东山湾海域柳珊瑚的系统分类关系.研究表明厦门湾和东山湾柳珊瑚在物种多样性和个体大小方面较为相似,在较强海流的海域柳珊瑚生长较好,资源量也比较丰富.本研究结合国际上最新的柳珊瑚分类系统。对国内原有的分类系统做了修订.  相似文献   

The stage of benthic re-colonization at a site formed by sand extraction was investigated some 10 years after the cessation of dredging. The examined post-dredging pit is one of five deep (up to 14 m) pits created with a static suction hopper on the sandy, flat and shallow (1–2 m) part of the inner Puck Bay (the southern Baltic Sea). The topography of the dredged area makes a specific trap for different kinds of organic matter. It is created by the small areas of post-dredging pits as compared to their depths. As a result, organic matter accumulation leads to anaerobic conditions and hydrogen sulfide formation. Macrofauna was not found to occur permanently in the deepest part (11 m) of the cup-shaped depression, which was characterized by its small area (0.2 km2) and steep walls. However, permanent occurrence of meiofauna (max. 180 ind. 10 cm−2, mainly Nematoda) was noted. Undoubtedly, re-colonization of benthic fauna assemblages, typical of shallow and sandy seabed of the Puck Bay, will not follow in a natural way in the area of post-dredging pits. Also, it could not be expected that the re-colonization sequence would result in the formation of a structure similar to that of the natural depression (the Kuźnica Hollow).  相似文献   

The present study describes the temporal variability of the water fCO2 as well as the different driving forces controlling this variability, on time scales from daily to seasonal, in the Rio San Pedro, a tidal creek located in a salt marsh area in the Bay of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula). This shallow tidal creek system is affected by effluents of organic matter and nutrients from the surrounding marine fish farms. Continuous pCO2, salinity and temperature were recorded for four periods of approximately one month, between February and September in 2004.Major processes controlling the CO2 variability are related to three different time scales. Daily variations in fCO2 are controlled by tidal advection and mixing of the water from within the creek and the seawater that enters from the Bay of Cadiz. Significant cyclical variations of the fCO2 have been observed with the maximum values occurring at low tide. On a fortnightly time scale, the amplitude of the daily variability of fCO2 is modulated by the variations in the residence time of the water within the creek, which are related to the spring–neap tide sequence.On a third time scale, high seasonal variability is observed for the temperature, salinity and fCO2. Maximum and minimum values for fCO2 were 380 µatm and 3760 µatm for February and July respectively. Data suggest that seasonal variability is related to the seasonal variability in discharges from the fish farm and to the increase with temperature of organic matter respiratory processes in the tidal creek. The fCO2 values observed are in the same range as several highly polluted European estuaries or waters surrounding mangrove forests. From the air–water CO2 flux computed, it can be concluded that the Rio San Pedro acts as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere throughout the year, with the summer accounting for the higher average monthly flux.  相似文献   

利用2010年秋季在唐山湾潟湖沙坝(石臼坨、月坨和打网岗)周边海域实施的表层沉积物粒级的大面站调查资料,阐述了唐山湾潟湖沙坝附近海域的沉积物粒级及其分布特征,并结合同步实施的水文观测结果,初步分析了调查区的沉积动力条件。研究结果表明,唐山湾潟湖沙坝周边海域的平均粒度为4.18Φ,沙坝体近岸5m等深线以浅海域以单峰分布为主,5m等深线以深海域则为双峰分布,潟湖潮道处以单峰分布为主,潟湖内自潮道由东向西逐渐演变为三峰、双峰和单峰模式。调查海域的破波带以浅海域泥沙运动主要以跳跃搬运和推移搬运为主,以深海域中悬浮搬运逐渐占优。研究还表明打网岗岸线侵蚀程度不均匀,中北部岸段侵蚀较为严重。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of determination of inorganic and organic forms of phosphorus in bottom sediments of Pomeranian Bay. The sediments were collected in March and July of 1996. The following characteristics of the sediments were determined: organic matter content, forms of inorganic phosphorus: loosely adsorbed phosphorus and phosphorus bound to aluminium, calcium and iron, as well as total inorganic phosphorus. Pomeranian Bay is a shallow basin, with depth averaging between 12 and 15 m and sandy sediments prevailing. Smaller silt fractions occur only in the vicinity of the wina River estuary and in deeper northern regions of the Bay. Calcium-bound phosphorus is the dominant form of inorganic phosphorus in the Pomeranian Bay. Iron-bound phosphorus is the second most prevailing form, and aluminium-bound phosphorus the third. Loosely bound phosphorus was present in the lowest amounts. Total inorganic phosphorus in the Bay consisted of the four forms listed above, except in estuarine regions where an additional form of phosphorus occurred, most probably occluded phosphorus. High organic phosphorus concentrations were found at the wina River estuary and in the northern part of the Bay (Saßnitz Deep) corresponding to the higher organic matter content of these sediments. Sediments of Pomeranian Bay contained less phosphorus than those from the Gulf of Gda sk or Puck Bay and other parts of the Baltic Sea, suggesting that the amount of phosphorus in the sediments was determined by a number of inter-related factors, such as sediment type, amount of organic matter, the chemical composition of the sediment and oxygen content of near-bottom water.  相似文献   

Supralittoral and terrestrial talitrid amphipods were collected from a salt marsh in Southern Tasmania by pitfall trapping along transects from the mid-tidal level to above the high-tide mark, and by hand collecting from sites chosen to represent the full range from salt marsh to terrestrial vegetation. At each site, the cover of all major plant species was recorded, and soil samples were collected from which soil moisture, organic content and salinity were measured.Eight talitrid species from four ecological groups were collected; one palustral species, one beachflea, three coastal landhoppers and three eastern forest landhoppers. There was substantial overlap in the distributions of these groups. The undescribed beachflea had the widest distribution, from the wettest, most saline sites to theSchoenus nitenstussock grassland at the extreme high-tide mark. The palustral species,Eorchestia palustris, overlapped substantially with the beachflea, but was found within a narrower band of salinities (though not in the most saline sites) and in more poorly-drained sites than the beachflea. Coastal landhoppers,Austrotroides maritimus,Keratroides rexand an undescribed species ofTasmanorchestia, were found mainly in theS. nitenstussock grassland, where they overlapped with forest landhoppers,Keratroides vulgaris,Mysticotalitrus tasmaniaeandM. cryptus, which were found mainly in non-saltmarsh terrestrial sites, well above the high-tide mark.These distributions are discussed in terms of the likelihood that salt marshes provided the route by which talitrid amphipods colonized land. There is no reason from these data to reject salt marshes as the route to land, and it is suggested that they are a more likely route than via rocky or sandy shores.  相似文献   

春季和夏季渤海湾近岸海域大型砂壳纤毛虫的群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解渤海湾砂壳纤毛虫丰度、生物量及种类组成,于2011年春季和夏季在渤海湾天津近岸海域进行砂壳纤毛虫群落的采样调查。两个季节砂壳纤毛虫丰度、生物量、优势种及群落结构均有显著的不同。春季砂壳纤毛虫丰度的范围为0~1608个/L,生物量为0.00~20.03μg/L;夏季砂壳纤毛虫丰度的范围为2~313个/L,生物量为0.03~4.04μg/L。共鉴定出砂壳纤毛虫5属15种,其中拟铃虫属(Tintinnopsis)种类最多。春季的主要优势种为运动类铃虫(Codonellopsis mobilis,优势度为0.79),夏季的主要优势种为斯氏拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis schotti,优势度为0.28)和诺氏薄铃虫(Leprotintinnus nordqvisti,优势度为0.28)。春季砂壳纤毛虫群落的物种丰富度、Shannon指数和Pielou指数均明显低于夏季。  相似文献   

A stable carbon isotope approach was taken to identify potential organic matter sources incorporated into biomass by the heterotrophic bacterial community of Florida Bay, a subtropical estuary with a recent history of seagrass loss and phytoplankton blooms. To gain a more complete understanding of bacterial carbon cycling in seagrass estuaries, this study focused on the importance of seagrass-derived organic matter to pelagic, seagrass epiphytic, and sediment surface bacteria. Particulate organic matter (POM), seagrass epiphytic, seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) leaf, and sediment surface samples were collected from four Florida Bay locations with historically different organic matter inputs, macrophyte densities, and primary productivities. Bulk (observed and those reported previously) and compound-specific bacterial fatty acid δ13C values were used to determine important carbon sources to the estuary and benthic and pelagic heterotrophic bacteria. The δ13C values of T. testudinum green leaves with epiphytes removed ranged from −9.9 to −6.9‰. Thalassia testudinum δ13C values were significant more enriched in 13C than POM, epiphytic, and sediment samples, which ranged from −16.4 to −13.5, −16.2 to −9.6, and −16.7 to −11.0‰, respectively. Bacterial fatty acid δ13C values (measured for br14:0, 15:0, i15:0, a15:0, br17:0, and 17:0) ranged from −25.5 to −8.2‰. Assuming a −3‰ carbon source fractionation from fatty acid to whole bacteria, pelagic, epiphytic, and sediment bacterial δ13C values were generally more depleted in 13C than T. testudinum δ13C values, more enriched in 13C than reported δ13C values for mangroves, and similar to reported δ13C values for algae. IsoSource mixing model results indicated that organic matter derived from T. testudinum was incorporated by both benthic and pelagic bacterial communities, where 13–67% of bacterial δ13C values could arise from consumption of seagrass-derived organic matter. The IsoSource model, however, failed to discriminate clearly the fraction of algal (0–86%) and mangrove (0–42%) organic matter incorporated by bacterial communities. These results indicate that pelagic, epiphytic, and sediment surface bacteria consumed organic matter from a variety of sources. Bacterial communities incorporated consistently seagrass-derived organic matter, the dominant macrophyte in Florida Bay, but seagrass δ13C values alone could not account fully for bacterial δ13C values.  相似文献   

本文将伴随同化方法应用于海洋生态系统动力学模型。将一年平均分为72个过程,通过同化每一个过程研究区域(17°N-~45°N,173°E~142°W)内的SeaWiFS表层叶绿素数据,优化影响生态机制的5个关键参数Vm、Dz、e、Gm、Dp(简称KP),得到他们在研究区域内的时空分布。对于KP中的每一个参数,首先,分别将其在时间和空间上求平均,得到参数的空间分布场(KPS)和时间分布序列(KPT);其次,将KPS在空间上求平均,得到一个常数(KPC),并利用KPS、KPT和KPC表示出KP的另一种时空变化形式KPST,它减少了模拟过程中变量个数。结果表明,无论是空间分布还是时间分布,Vm、Dz和e具有相同的分布特征和变化趋势,相关系数可达0.99,Dp和Gm亦然,;而Vm、Dz和e的变化趋势与Dp和Gm的变化趋势呈负相关,相关系数可达-0.99。5个参数的变化趋势符合物理意义和生态机制。将模型中的参数分别按上述5种形式赋值,正向运行模式1年,结果表明,考虑参数时空分布的实验误差最小。说明在海洋生态系统动力学数值模拟中,与只考虑参数的空间分布或者只考虑参数的时间分布相比,考虑参数时空分布更合理,更具有物理意义且符合生态机制;伴随同化技术在优化时空变化的参数方面,是一种有效的,普遍适用的方法。  相似文献   

Wismar Bay is a shallow coastal embayment in the Western Baltic Sea which is polluted by various industries. Macrobenthos data collected between 1986–91 are examined for qualitative and quantitative changes attributable to oxygen depletion and the subsequent time needed for recovery. Regular oceanographic surveys since 1976 indicate one episode of oxygen deficiency, caused by deep-water intrusion into the study area. However, principal component analyses show that the benthic community alternated between periods of relative stability and sudden change at both of the deeper sites examined. Deep-water intrusions from outside the bay are documented twice followed by sudden changes in the benthic community, but similar events may also have occurred in other years. The benthos showed little resilience when impacted, and the changes in the benthic community during July–August are proposed to monitor the future influence of the deep-water intrusions.  相似文献   

The level ice thickness and compressive strength at the four measuring stations in the Liaodong Bay are inferred according to the hydrologic and meteorologic data there, then the yearly extreme ice forces on a solitary pile are calculated by the use of appropriate formula of ice forces and its probabilistic distribution is determined. Generally, the yearly extreme ice force follows Weibull distribution best as compared with Normal, Lognormal, and Extreme Value I distribution. On the other hand, the short-term distribution of ice forces on a solitary pile is obtained from the model experiment data analysis: It does not refuse Extreme Value I distribution.  相似文献   

张志忠  曹珂  吕胜华  周宇渤  印萍  李昂  高飞 《海洋学报》2022,44(12):109-115
利用三门湾海岸带最近施工完成的水文地质孔、工程地质孔和地下水碳(14C)测年以及前人的分析研究资料,对三门湾海岸带第四系分布、第四系承压含水层富水性和咸淡水资源分布、承压水年龄和可更新能力进行了深入研究。三门湾海岸带蛇盘滩涂围垦区第一承压含水层(组)富水性较好,绝大部分地区为淡水;宁海县长街镇区域承压水淡水资源总体呈“人”字型分布,北部的大湖−车岙港区域淡水主要分布在第一承压含水层(组)中,在大湖−下洋涂区域淡水主要分布在第二承压含水层(组)中。三门湾海岸带第四系承压水年龄普遍较老。蛇盘滩涂围垦区第一承压含水层地下水年龄为21 642~22 012 cal a BP,未受到后期海侵作用影响;长街下洋涂滩涂围垦区第二承压含水层地下水的年龄为35 052~45 439 cal a BP,部分地段受到后期海侵影响。在目前未开采利用条件下,承压水补给条件差、水资源更新性差。对于拟作为应急供水水源地靶区,应加强地下水资源管理。  相似文献   

The 13C signature of forty-five macroalgal species from intertidal zones at Cádiz Bay was analysed in order to research the extension of diffusive vs. non-diffusive utilisation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and to perform a comparison with data published for other bio-geographic regions. The ∂13C values ranged from −6.8‰ to −33‰, although the span of variation was different depending on the taxa. Thus, ∂13C for Chlorophyta varied from −7‰ (Codium adhaerens) to −29.6‰ (Flabellia petiolata), while all the Phaeophyceae (excepting Padina pavonica with ∂13C higher than −10‰) had values between −10‰, and −20‰. The widest variation range was recorded in Rhodophyta, from values above −10‰ (Liagora viscida) to values lower than −30‰ obtained in three species belonging to the subclass Rhodymeniophycidae. Accordingly, the mean ∂13C value calculated for red algae (−20.2‰) was significantly lower than that for brown (−15.9‰) and green algae (−15.6‰). Most of the analysed red algae were species inhabiting crevices and the low intertidal fringe which explains that, on average, the shaded-habitat species had a ∂13C value lower than those growing fully exposed to sun (i.e. in rockpools or at the upper intertidal zone). The comparison between the capacity for non-diffusive use of DIC (i.e. active or facilitated transport of HCO3 and/or CO2) and the ∂13C values reveals that values more negative than −30‰ indicate that photosynthesis is dependent on CO2 diffusive entry, whereas values above this threshold would not indicate necessary the operation of a non-diffusive DIC transport mechanism. Furthermore, external carbonic anhydrase activity (extCA) and ∂13C values were negatively correlated indicating that the higher the dependence of the photosynthesis on the CO2 supplied from HCO3 via extCA, the lower the ∂13C in the algal material. The comparison between the ∂13C values obtained for the analysed species and those published for species inhabiting other bio-geographic areas (warm-temperate, cold and polar) suggests that globally (at least for the red and brown algae) the non-diffusive entry of DIC is more widely spread among the species from Cádiz Bay than among those of polar regions. If it is assumed that non-diffusive use of DIC implies saturation of photosynthesis at the present-day CO2 concentration in seawater, our data indicate that the potential impact of the acidification on photosynthesis in the seaweed communities will be different depending on the latitude.  相似文献   

Physical and biological processes controlling spatial and temporal variations in material concentration and exchange between the Southern Everglades wetlands and Florida Bay were studied for 2.5 years in three of the five major creek systems draining the watershed. Daily total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) fluxes were measured for 2 years in Taylor River, and ten 10-day intensive studies were conducted in this creek to estimate the seasonal flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), total organic carbon (TOC), and suspended matter. Four 10-day studies were conducted simultaneously in Taylor, McCormick, and Trout Creeks to study the spatial variation in concentration and flux. The annual fluxes of TOC, TN, and TP from the Southern Everglades were estimated from regression equations. The Southern Everglades watershed, a 460-km2 area that includes Taylor Slough and the area south of the C-111 canal, exported 7.1 g C m−2, 0.46 g N m−2, and 0.007 g P m−2, annually. Everglades P flux is three to four orders of magnitude lower than published flux estimates from wetlands influenced by terrigenous sedimentary inputs. These low P flux values reflect both the inherently low P content of Everglades surface water and the efficiency of Everglades carbonate sediments and biota in conserving and recycling this limiting nutrient. The seasonal variation of freshwater input to the watershed was responsible for major temporal variations in N, P, and C export to Florida Bay; approximately 99% of the export occurred during the rainy season. Wind-driven forcing was most important during the later stages of the dry season when low freshwater head coincided with southerly winds, resulting in a net import of water and materials into the wetlands. We also observed an east to west decrease in TN:TP ratio from 212:1 to 127:1. Major spatial gradients in N:P ratios and nutrient concentration and flux among the creek were consistent with the westward decrease in surface water runoff from the P-limited Everglades and increased advection of relatively P-rich Gulf of Mexico (GOM) waters into Florida Bay. Comparison of measured nutrient flux from Everglades surface water inputs from this study with published estimates of other sources of nutrients to Florida Bay (i.e. atmospheric deposition, anthropogenic inputs from the Florida Keys, advection from the GOM) show that Everglades runoff represents only 2% of N inputs and 0.5% of P input to Florida Bay.  相似文献   

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