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本文介绍了便携式人卫光电望远镜的主要性能特点,探讨了将其应用于狮子座流星暴观测的可能性。  相似文献   

流星物理研究的某些进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了流星体与行星大气相互作用的过程及现象研究的某些进展,主要是有关参数,碎裂,光谱和光度以及Shoemaker-Levy9彗星撞击木星的有关问题。  相似文献   

本研究了CGRO卫星上BATSE探测器对硬X天空监测过程中触发和记录到的1000多个γ暴和4000多个太阳硬X射线暴的强度和时间性质,发现它们的强度分布相似,这也许意味着硬X射线天空中两种主要的爆发现象机制相似,同时对将γ暴的强度分布作为其宇宙学起源的证据提出了疑问。  相似文献   

黑沉沉的苍茫夜色之中,倏忽间一线光亮刺破长空。啊,一颗流星!流星身世面面观行星际空间有许多小尘粒和块状小物体。由于太阳系中的各类天体通过各种过程不断地损失着自己的质量,进而成为这类物体永不枯竭的来源。这些尘粒和小物体在行星际空间,都在围绕着太阳运转,小的只有百万分之一克,甚至还有更小的,大的可达100吨甚至更大,被称为流星体。  相似文献   

用陕西天文台流星雷达监测人为空间碎片可能性的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了利用中国科学院陕西天文台的流星雷达进行人为间空碎片监测的可能性。详细计算了到达接收机的回波的信噪比S/N依赖于目标散射截面σ和高度距离R的关系。理论计算表明,利用陕西天文台的流星雷达完全有可能监测在200km至1200km的高度范围内,半径大于0。5m的人为空间碎片。  相似文献   

本文分析了利用中国科学院陕西天文台的流星雷达进行人为空间碎片监测的可能性.详细计算了到达接收机的回波的信噪比S/N依赖于目标散射横截面。和高度距离R的关系。理论计算表明,利用陕西天文台的流星雷达完全有可能监测在200km至1200km的高度范围内,半径大于0.5m的人为空间碎片.  相似文献   

快速射电暴于2007年首次在脉冲星巡天的历史数据中被发现,是一种在射电波段观测到的具有色散量的单个强脉冲,其特征为持续时间仅为若干毫秒,峰值流量密度可达到央斯基量级。类似于射电脉冲星的单个脉冲,但其色散显著超过同一视线方向上银河系内星际介质的预期最大值。对截止2018年6月帕克斯望远镜、绿岸望远镜、阿雷西博射电望远镜、UTMOST望远镜和ASKAP望远镜已探测到的52例快速射电暴进行了观测量统计分析,根据模型扣除银河系星际介质导致的色散量后,快速射电暴平均色散量为584.5 pc·cm-3,暗示着快速射电暴来自河外。通过最佳拟合估算红移幂律分布谱dN/dFobs=4.14±1.30×F■sky-1·day-1。根据分析结果预计,FAST望远镜使用19波束接收机后,其多科学目标同时巡天在经过一年时间内能发现大约10个快速射电暴,将有效地扩大样本数量,为快速射电暴研究提供重要信息。  相似文献   

本文研究了CGRO卫星上BATSE探测器对硬X天空监测过程中触发和记录到的1 0 0 0多个γ暴和 40 0 0多个太阳硬X射线暴的强度和时间性质 ,发现它们的强度分布相似 ,这也许意味着硬X射线天空中两种主要的爆发现象机制相似 ,同时对将γ暴的强度分布作为其宇宙学起源的证据提出了疑问 .对太阳暴的持续时间分析表明 ,其强度和持续时间呈正相关 ,而γ暴是弱负相关 .太阳暴的强度和持续时间在BATSE运行过程中有长时标变化 ,最近对γ暴的研究也发现了这种现象  相似文献   

研究亮暴和暗暴的X射线余辉,发现它们的X射线和γ流量的分布基本上相同。即:从统计学的角度上讲,亮暴和暗暴没有本质不同,它们的中心机制应该是相同的,暗暴的形成应该是由环境原因引起的。  相似文献   

针对目前流星雷达测距误差大的问题,本文提出了提高流星雷达测距精度的新方法,即提高采样速率,用相关分析确定回波脉冲参考点的方法。该方法使流星雷达的测距精度提高一个数量级,测距误差降到±14m,使流星雷达不仅可以用来观测研究流星,还可用于监测飞机、火箭的飞行等,扩大流星雷达的应用。  相似文献   

The Third Peak of the 1998 Leonid Meteor Shower   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 INTRODUCTIONThe Leonid meteor shower is a well-known periodic meteor shower. Its history is tied upwith the development of the theory of meteor stream astronomy itself. It was the very st.rongshowers of 1799 and 1833 that played a sghficant pat in the recoghtion of the ealstence ofmeteoroid streams. These evellts started the obse~ions of Leoaid meteor shower and broughtabout the birth of meteoritiCS. It is known that the Leould parent comet, 55P/Tempel-TUttle,has an orbital period a…  相似文献   

We have carried out multi-station TV observations since 1994 in order to determine the orbit of the Arietid daytime meteor stream. In 1999, one possible Arietid meteor was recorded by our simultaneous observations and its orbit was determined. In 2003, two Arietid meteors were observed from two stations of our observing site, those orbits were determined precisely, the orbital elements were in good agreement with each other. This is the first time that determination of the precise orbit of the Arietids has been made from optical observations. The orbit of these Arietid meteors, and comparison with the orbit obtained from radar observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Arietid meteor shower is one of the strongest of the year. The origin of this daytime shower is unknown; the orbit is therefore of great interest, since an accurate orbit distribution is needed to integrate the shower backward in time to test associations with comets or asteroids. The orbital parameters of the Arietid shower as a function of time, with errors, have been generated using 415 radar orbits gathered at the CMOR facility in Tavistock, Canada.  相似文献   

Recent progress on the interrelation between meteor streams and comets is reviewed both on dynamical and physical aspects. The topics include the recent concept of the structure of meteor streams, resulted success of the prediction of the meteor storms, and the recent observational situation on the cometary dust grains and meteoroids. Two possible explanations for the origin of the meteoroids together with the implication for the relation between the birthplace of the parent comets and the meteoroids are discussed.  相似文献   

We present our experience and initial results of single-station observation using the new fish-eye TV system, as well as double station TV observation of the Geminids 2006 shower. The fixed fish-eye TV system was developed for monitoring meteor activity throughout the year. We discuss the astrometric precision of our observations using the UFOAnalyser software.  相似文献   

The discrete quasitomographic method of the analysis of the interferometric data of meteor radar gives us the possibility of measuring coordinates and velocities of very weak meteor showers with a 2 × 2 square degree resolution on the celestial sphere. The minimal rate of the meteors in each microstream is five meteors per day. At such sensitivity, basic distinctions between irregularities of the sporadic background and meteor streams vanish. More than 1000 of the detected microshowers per month are associated with a combination of (a) the large known meteor showers, (b) the weaker known meteor showers and (c) till now unknown associations of microshowers. All microshowers regardless of association have the identical velocities, limited areas of radiation and near simultaneity of their acting dates. The results are compiled as maps of radiant distribution and average velocities of microstreams for different months. From these it is possible to see how the microshower activity for various discrete sites on the celestial sphere correlate with the behavior of the well-known meteor streams and thus to infer the orbital properties of the different microstream configurations.  相似文献   

The recent development and data collection results of the Astrobiology Instrumentation for Meteor Imaging and Tracking (AIM-IT) system, has demonstrated an ability to point narrow field-of-view instruments at transient events such as meteors. AIM-IT uses the principle of tracking moving objects via a paired set of relay mirrors along with an integrated hardware/software solution, to acquire and track meteors in real-time. Development of the instrument has progressed from a prototype rocker-box system through more recent use of a fast response mirror system during several meteor shower campaigns. Several narrow field of view instruments have been deployed using AIM-IT including high spatial resolution video, high frame rate video, and meteor spectrographic equipment. Analysis of the imagery shows evidence for meteor fragmentation in as many as 20% of the meteors tracked thus far. The success of the AIM-IT technology in tracking meteors during their luminous flight provides a new tool in enhancing the capabilities and data volume that can be obtained with existing narrow field of view instruments.  相似文献   

The presence of a diurnal variation in meteor activity is well established. The sporadic meteor count rates are higher on the local dawn side and lower on the local dusk side. This phenomenon is caused by the Earth’s orbital motion and rotation. Meteor radar measurements have been compared from Esrange, Kiruna, Sweden, at 68° N, from Juliusruh, Germany, at 55° N, and from Ascension Island, at 8° S, to investigate how the diurnal variation depends on season at different latitudes. Data have been used from vernal and autumnal equinoxes and summer and winter solstices to locate the largest seasonal differences.  相似文献   

The Lyrid Meteor Stream: Orbit and Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A filamentary structure in the Lyrid meteor stream based on photographic orbits available in the IAU Meteor database is identified and studied. About 17 Lyrids are found in the database and the stream mean orbit is derived. The shower radiant is compact, of a size 2° × 1.5°. Applying a stricter limiting value for the Southworth-Hawkins D-criterion, two distinct filaments in the stream, on a short and a long period orbit, are separated. To confirm their consistency as filaments, their orbital evolution over 5,000 years is investigated.  相似文献   

We compare the results from the application of four different methods to determine the speed of meteoroids from single station radar data. The methods used are the pre-t 0 amplitude, post-t 0 amplitude, pre-t 0 phase and the Fresnel transform (FT) methods. Speeds from the first three methods are compared to the FT method since, requiring the use of the entire records of both the amplitude and phase data, this method is the most accurate of the four.  相似文献   

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