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The Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) was conducted in May/June 2006 in southern Morocco. As part of SAMUM, airborne in situ measurements of the particle size distribution in the diameter range 4 nm < D p < 100 μm were conducted. The aerosol mixing state was determined below D p < 2.5 μm. Furthermore, the vertical structure of the dust layers was investigated with a nadir-looking high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL). The desert dust aerosol exhibited two size regimes of different mixing states: below 0.5 μm, the particles had a non-volatile core and a volatile coating; larger particles above 0.5 μm consisted of non-volatile components and contained light absorbing material. In all cases, particles larger than 10 μm were present, and in 80% of the measurements no particles larger than 40 μm were present. The abundance of large particles showed almost no height dependence. The effective diameter D eff in the dust plumes investigated showed two main ranges: the first range of D eff peaked around 5 μm and the second range of D eff around 8 μm. The two ranges of D eff suggest that it may be inadequate to use one average effective diameter or one parametrization for a typical dust size distribution. 相似文献
By A. SCHLADITZ T. MÜLLER N. KAADEN A. MASSLING K. KANDLER M. EBERT S. WEINBRUCH C. DEUTSCHER A. WIEDENSOHLER 《Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology》2009,61(1):64-78
In situ measurements of optical and physical properties of mineral dust were performed at the outskirts of the Saharan Desert in the framework of the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment part 1 (SAMUM-1). Goals of the field study were to achieve information on the extent and composition of the dust particle size distribution and the optical properties of dust at the ground. For the particle number size distribution, measured with a DMPS/APS, a size dependent dynamic shape factor was considered. The mean refractive index of the particles in this field study is 1.53–4.1 × 10−3 i at 537 nm wavelength and 1.53–3.1 × 10−3 i at 637 nm wavelength derived from measurements of scattering and absorption coefficients, as well as the particle size distribution. Whereas the real part of the refractive index is rather constant, the imaginary part varies depending on the mineral dust concentrations. For high dust concentration the single scattering albedo is primarily influenced by iron oxide and is 0.96 ± 0.02 and 0.98 ± 0.01 at 537 nm and 637 nm wavelength, respectively. During low dust concentration the single scattering albedo is more influenced by a soot-type absorber and is 0.89 ± 0.02 and 0.93 ± 0.01 for the same wavelengths. 相似文献
Patterns of propagation of aerosol particles generated in the hygroscopic seeding of convective clouds from antihail rockets is studied. Effects of the salt particle dispersity on condensational growth rate of separate cloud droplets on these particles are studied; analytical formulas are obtained as describing change of radius of the NaCl crystal and of the cloud droplet which grows on the crystal till the moment of full dissolving of the crystal in the droplet. Numerical computations are used for comparative analysis of the salt effect on intensification of condensational growth of the droplets in the cloud. 相似文献
In this work we propose and test a method to calculate cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) spectra based on aerosol number size distributions and hygroscopic growth factors. Sensitivity studies show that this method can be used in a wide variety of conditions except when the aerosol consist mainly of organic compounds. One crucial step in the calculations, estimating soluble ions in an aerosol particle based on hygroscopic growth factors, is tested in an internal hygroscopic consistency study. The results show that during the second Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-2) the number concentration of inorganic ions analyzed in impactor samples could be reproduced from measured growth factors within the measurement uncertainties at the measurement site in Sagres, Portugal.
CCN spectra were calculated based on data from the ACE-2 field experiment at the Sagres site. The calculations overestimate measured CCN spectra on average by approximately 30%, which is comparable to the uncertainties in measurements and calculations at supersaturations below 0.5%. The calculated CCN spectra were averaged over time periods when Sagres received clean air masses and air masses influenced by aged and recent pollution. Pollution outbreaks enhance the CCN concentrations at supersaturations near 0.2% by a factor of 3 (aged pollution) to 5 (recent pollution) compared to the clean marine background concentrations. In polluted air masses, the shape of the CCN spectra changes. The clean spectra can be approximated by a power function, whereas the polluted spectra are better approximated by an error function. 相似文献
CCN spectra were calculated based on data from the ACE-2 field experiment at the Sagres site. The calculations overestimate measured CCN spectra on average by approximately 30%, which is comparable to the uncertainties in measurements and calculations at supersaturations below 0.5%. The calculated CCN spectra were averaged over time periods when Sagres received clean air masses and air masses influenced by aged and recent pollution. Pollution outbreaks enhance the CCN concentrations at supersaturations near 0.2% by a factor of 3 (aged pollution) to 5 (recent pollution) compared to the clean marine background concentrations. In polluted air masses, the shape of the CCN spectra changes. The clean spectra can be approximated by a power function, whereas the polluted spectra are better approximated by an error function. 相似文献
Summary Atmospheric CCN-humidity spectra (describing the CCN-number concentration as function of supersaturation) are derived as the integral over given particle size distributions. In that concept the finite boundary, representing the limiting activated particle size, results from the critical values of the Köhler-curve. As utilization of this general outcome different representative aerosol size distributions of the power law type as well as the log-normal type are chosen for case studies which are compared to empirical results. The dependency on temperature of the limiting activated particle size is shown to provide a non-negligible influence on the number of activated particles.With 3 Figures 相似文献
Size-separated aerosol number concentrations and water-soluble constituents were measured in Toyama, the Hokuriku district, near the coast of the Japan Sea, during the spring and summer in 2003. The number concentrations of coarse particles were significantly high in April, which was due to Asian dust events called Kosa in Japanese. Particulate nssCa2+, which is mostly present in the coarse-mode particles, was significantly high in April. On the other hand, the concentrations of NH4+ and nssSO42−, which mainly exist as the accumulation-mode particles were not high in April. The mass-size distributions of water-soluble constituents were compared with the size-separated number concentrations of particles. Backward trajectory analysis was also employed to examine the transport process of the air mass in Toyama. 相似文献
Summary This study investigated the impact of atmospheric aerosols on surface ultraviolet (UV) irradiance at Gwangju, Korea (35°13′N,
126°50′E). Data analyzed included surface UV irradiance measured by UV radiometers from June 1998 to April 2001 and the aerosol
optical depth (AOD) in the visible range determined from a rotating shadow-band radiometer (RSR). The radiation amplification
factor (RAF) of ozone for UV-B (280–315 nm) at Gwangju was 1.32–1.62. Values of the RAF of aerosols (RAFAOD) for UV-A and UV-B were 0.18–0.20 and 0.22–0.26, respectively.
Authors’ addresses: Jeong Eun Kim, Advanced Environmental Monitoring Research Center (ADEMRC), Gwangju Institute of Science
and Technology (GIST) and Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA); Seong Yoon Ryu, Advanced Environmental Monitoring Research
Center (ADEMRC), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) and Division of Metrology, Korea Research Institute of
Standards and Science (KRISS); Young Joon Kim, Advanced Environmental Monitoring Research Center (ADEMRC) Gwangju Institute
of Science and Technology (GIST), 1 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-712, Republic of Korea. 相似文献
C. Neusüß D. Weise W. Birmili H. Wex A. Wiedensohler D. S. Covert 《Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology》2000,52(2):169-184
During the ACE‐2 field campaign in the summer of 1997 an intensive, ground‐based physical and chemical characterisation of the clean marine and continentally polluted aerosol was performed at Sagres, Portugal. Number size distributions of the dry aerosol in the size range 3–10 000 nm were continuously measured using DMPS and APS systems. Impactor samples were regularly taken at 60% relative humidity (RH) to obtain mass size distributions by weighing the impactor foils, and to derive a chemical mass balance by ion and carbon analysis. Hygroscopic growth factors of the metastable aerosol at 60% RH were determined to estimate the number size distribution at a relative humidity of 60%. A size segregated 3‐way mass closure study was performed in this investigation for the first time. Mass size distributions at 60% RH derived from number size distribution measurements and impactors samples (weighing and chemical analysis) are compared. A good agreement was found for the comparison of total gravimetrically‐determined mass with both number distribution‐derived (slope=1.23/1.09; R2 >0.97; depending on the parameters humidity growth and density) and chemical mass concentration (slope=1.02; R2 = 0.79) for particles smaller than 3 μm in diameter. Except for the smallest impactor size range relatively good correlations (slope=0.86–1.42) with small deviations (R2 =0.76–0.98) for the different size fractions were found. Since uncertainties in each of the 3 methods are about 20% the observed differences in the size‐segregated mass fractions can be explained by the measurement uncertainties. However, the number distribution‐derived mass is mostly higher than the chemically and gravimetrically determined mass, which can be explained by sampling losses of the impactor, but as well with measurement uncertainties as, e.g., the sizing of the DMPS/APS. 相似文献
Characteristics of biomass burning aerosol and its impact on regional air quality in the summer of 2003 at Gwangju, Korea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The main objective of this study is to investigate the chemical characteristics of biomass burning aerosol and its impact on regional air quality during an agricultural waste burning period in early summer in the rural areas of Korea. A 12-h integrated intensive sampling of biomass burning aerosol in the fine and coarse modes was conducted on 2–20 June 2003 in Gwangju, Korea. The collected samples were analyzed for concentrations of mass, ionic, elemental, and carbonaceous species. Average concentrations of fine and coarse mass were measured to be 67.9 and 18.7 μg m− 3 during the biomass burning period, 41.9 and 18.8 μg m− 3 during the haze period, and 35.6 and 13.3 μg m− 3 during the normal period, respectively. An exceptionally high PM2.5 concentration of 110.3 μg m− 3 with a PM2.5/PM10 ratio of 0.79 was observed on 6 June 2003 during the biomass burning period. The potassium ratio method was used to identify biomass burning samples. The average ratio of potassium in the fine mode to the coarse mode (FK/CK) was 23.8 during the biomass burning period, 6.0 during the haze period, and 4.7 during the normal period, respectively. A FK/CK ratio above 9.2 was considered a criterion for biomass burning event in this study. Particulate matter from the open field burning of agricultural waste has an adverse impact on visibility, human health, and regional air quality. 相似文献
Effects of global warming on radial growth were examined for the subalpine tree species Abies veitchii (1600–2200 m?a.s.l.), A. mariesii (2000–2500 m?a.s.l.) and Betula ermanii (1600–2500 m?a.s.l.) in central Japan, by using dendrochronological techniques. Chronologies of tree-ring widths were examined for the three species and of maximum latewood densities for the two Abies species at their upper and lower distribution limits (total 10 chronologies). We developed multiple regression models to reproduce these chronologies from the monthly mean temperature and sum of precipitation. Of the 10 chronologies, growth-climate relations could not be modeled for tree-ring width chronologies of the three species at their lower distribution limits because of low correlation. Annual mean temperature and annual sum of precipitation will increase about 3 °C and 100 mm, respectively, by 2100 in central Japan, according to 18 climatic change scenarios (6 general circulation models ×3 greenhouse gasses emission scenarios). We predicted tree-ring widths and maximum latewood densities by substituting 18 climatic change scenarios into the growth-climate models. Maximum latewood densities and tree-ring widths of A. mariesii at the upper and lower distribution limits increased by 2100. The rates of the increase tended to be greater for scenarios with more greenhouse gas emission. By contrast, maximum latewood densities of A. veitchii and tree-ring widths of B. ermanii were unchanged by 2100, irrespective of the three greenhouse gas emission scenarios. This study showed that radial growth of the three species responds differently to global warming and their responses are predictable by dendrochronological models. 相似文献
Zhengguo Shi Xiaodong Liu Zhisheng An Bingqi Yi Ping Yang Natalie Mahowald 《Climate Dynamics》2011,37(11-12):2289-2301
Northern Tibetan Plateau uplift and global climate change are regarded as two important factors responsible for a remarkable increase in dust concentration originating from inner Asian deserts during the Pliocene?CPleistocene period. Dust cycles during the mid-Pliocene, last glacial maximum (LGM), and present day are simulated with a global climate model, based on reconstructed dust source scenarios, to evaluate the relative contributions of the two factors to the increment of dust sedimentation fluxes. In the focused downwind regions of the Chinese Loess Plateau/North Pacific, the model generally produces a light eolian dust mass accumulation rate (MAR) of 7.1/0.28?g/cm2/kyr during the mid-Pliocene, a heavier MAR of 11.6/0.87?g/cm2/kyr at present, and the heaviest MAR of 24.5/1.15?g/cm2/kyr during the LGM. Our results are in good agreement with marine and terrestrial observations. These MAR increases can be attributed to both regional tectonic uplift and global climate change. Comparatively, the climatic factors, including the ice sheet and sea surface temperature changes, have modulated the regional surface wind field and controlled the intensity of sedimentation flux over the Loess Plateau. The impact of the Tibetan Plateau uplift, which increased the areas of inland deserts, is more important over the North Pacific. The dust MAR has been widely used in previous studies as an indicator of inland Asian aridity; however, based on the present results, the interpretation needs to be considered with greater caution that the MAR is actually not only controlled by the source areas but the surface wind velocity. 相似文献