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During the total eclipse of ε Aur, 18 spectra in the region were taken in rapid succession on 1983 March 9, and 6 spectra on March 10, with the Reticon at the Coudé focus of the McDonald Observatory 2-metre telescope. The data were processed and plotted by computer. Variations on short time-scales were observed in the radial velocities of the metallic lines and . The radial velocities of individual metallic lines are between 3 and 16 km/s more negative than calculated from the orbital elements. The has 3 emission features with equivalent widths 300 mÅ, 54 mÅ and 1 mÅ and 1 absorption feature with an equivalent width of 1800 mÅ. The profile and the equivalent widths changed only slightly while substantial variations occurred on the blue side of the two stronger emission features. The radial velocities of the emission features are about ?60, +12 and +57 km/s; that of the absorption component is +20 km/s. The radial velocity of the strongest emission feature also varies, but by much smaller amounts than the metallic lines and the variation appears to be periodic. A model in which the secondary is a B-star surrounded by hot, active clouds is proposed.  相似文献   

Epsilon Aurigae was observed in Mar., Aug., 1983 and Jan., Mar., 1984 with Reticon at coudé focus of the McDonald 2.7m and 2.1m telescopes. Fifty-six observations were taken over eight nights during 2nd to 4th contact.

The H shows noticeable variations in profile, radial velocity, and equivalent width of both absorption and emission components. A similar phenomenon was detected during the corresponding phase of the 1955 – 1957 eclipse.

A model is proposed, in which the primary is a FO supergiant surrounded by a thin ring (or disk) of radius R = 450R and rotating at velocity Vsini = 60 – 70 kms−1. This is the major source of the H emission component. The secondary is a type B star surrounded by a very extended envelope (R = 1000 R) and its rotational speed is similar to that of the ring of the primary. The B star heats a portion of the envelope comparable in size with the primary with enough hydrogen atoms in the lowest excited states, which cause the absorption of the emission from the primary.  相似文献   

A new investigation of the variations in the light curves and in the period of the eclipsing binary V471 Tau is presented. The collected observational data have been re-examined and, in addition to old information, it was found that (i) the decrease in the period of the system slows down and (ii) that the mean brightness of the system has been increasing and this is greater at the longer wavelength. For the last seven years the increase in the brightness is estimated to be 0.15 mag inB and 0.18 mag inV bands respectively. Therefore, we conclude that the colour of the system is about 0.03 mag redder in 1980 than in 1973.  相似文献   

From a discussion of narrow-band observations of Zeta Aurigae in the 1963–64 eclipse, the duration of totality has been precisely found to be 36.901 days, which is appreciably smaller than the value 37.48 days currently used. The present result reveals that a hypothesis of gradual expansion of the K-type supergiant component could not be tenable.  相似文献   

Esin Sipahi 《New Astronomy》2012,17(3):377-381
We present CCD photometric observations of the slow irregular type variable KU Her. We have also used observations from the ASAS Database and the AAVSO International Database. The V-band observations span eight years from August of 2002 to September of 2010. The length and density of the data enable us to look for variations on time scales ranging from days to years. The V-band observations of KU Her are analysed to derive periodicity. This analysis was an approach to find the fundamental periods of the variability of KU Her. Analysis of the KU Her light variation indicates a complex combination of different periods. Five main and three harmonic periods are identified. In addition to the period analysis, we present the colour variations of the star.  相似文献   

Two-colour photoelectric observations of the short-period RS CVn-type eclipsing binary UV Psc have been made between 1981–1986 at the Ege University Observatory. The present work deals with the light curve variations of the binary obtained in the observing seasons of 1981, 1982, and 1984. The shape of the light curve, the depths of the minima, and the total brightness of the system seemed to change in the course of time that covers three years of observing time. The value of the migration period of the wave-like distortion was roughly estimated to be between 1.5 and 2.0 years.  相似文献   

The eclípsing binary AR Lac has been observed in two colours,B andV, in 1980 and 1981. The new times of minimal obtained during the observatons indicate that the period of the system is still continuing its decrease. The wave-like distortions outside eclipses have two maxima and are very similar in shape in successive two years.  相似文献   

After briefly recalling basic facts about the metallicity gradients inspiral galaxies, we summarize two recent N-body gas-dynamical modelsthat implement a non-instantaneous gas recycling and point our their potential for an improved treatment of the chemical evolution ingalactic disks.  相似文献   

J. Köppen 《Solar physics》1975,42(2):325-332
Observations of a sunspot during and after a partial solar eclipse are described. The amount of scattered light confirms the existence of a spread function component with a half width of 10″. The observations also indicate the possibility of severely underestimating this component by aureole measurements. Umbral continuum intensities of 0.10 I in the red spectral region were directly measured, the correction for scattered light amounts to 0.02 I . Intensities calculated with four umbral models are larger than the observed values, indicating this sunspot to be cooler by some 100 K. The wings of two strong Ca i lines are equally explained by the models of Henoux, Kneer, and Stellmacher/Wiehr. Yun's model can be ruled out because of too high a temperature.  相似文献   

The colour indices and the spectrum-luminosity classification of the eclipsing binary system IZ Persei have been presented for the first time. The colour indices of the system appear reddened. Applying the interstellar reddening corrections, the spectral-luminosity classes of the primary and the secondary components of IZ Per come out to be B2.5III-V and B5III-V, respectively. The averageB-V andU-B colour excesses come out to be 0 m .4 and 0 m .2, respectively. The colour indices show continuous variation throughout the cycle, and indicate the presence of intrinsic variability. Tentative analysis suggests that the primary component of IZ Per is a Beta Canis Majoris-type variable. The possibility of a shell has also been discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the photographic observations of the corona in white light and in four monochromatic lights (4700 A, 5303 A, 6000 A, 6374 A) at the 1980 February 16 eclipse in Yunnan with particular emphasis on the quiet parts of the corona. The following results are presented: the white light isophotes and ellipticities, the positions of coronal holes and coronal condensations, the variations of the monochromatic intensities with the radial distance along several chosen directions, the derived coefficients in the empirical corona formula in these directions and the variation of the electron density with the radial distance and the electron temperature.  相似文献   

Some geophysical parameters, such as those related to gravitation and the geomagnetic field, could change during solar eclipses. In order to observe geomagnetic fluctuations, geomagnetic measurements were carried out in a limited time frame during the partial solar eclipse that occurred on 2011 January 4 and was observed in Canakkale and Ankara, Turkey. Additionally, records of the geomagnetic field spanning 24 hours, obtained from another observatory(in Iznik, Turkey), were also analyzed to check for any peculiar variations. In the data processing stage, a polynomial fit, following the application of a running average routine, was applied to the geomagnetic field data sets. Geomagnetic field data sets indicated there was a characteristic decrease at the beginning of the solar eclipse and this decrease can be well-correlated with previous geomagnetic field measurements that were taken during the total solar eclipse that was observed in Turkey on 2006 March 29. The behavior of the geomagnetic field is also consistent with previous observations in the literature. As a result of these analyses, it can be suggested that eclipses can cause a shielding effect on the geomagnetic field of the Earth.  相似文献   

Intrinsic light variations inB andV filters have been found on the three observed light curves of RW Ceti.  相似文献   

Solutions of the new standard V‐light curves for the EA type binary UV Leo are obtained using the PHOEBE code (0.31a version). Absolute parameters of the stellar components were then determined, enabling them to be positioned on the absolute magnitude‐color (l.e. MV vs. BV) isochrones diagram, based on which the age of the system is estimated to be >4×109 yr. Also times of minima data (“OC curve”) have been analyzed. Apart from an almost sinusoidal variation with a period of 29.63 yr, which modulates the orbital period, and was attributed to a third body orbiting around the system, other cyclic variation in the orbital period and also brightness, with time scales of 24.25 and 22.77 yr were found, respectively. We associate this with a magnetic activity cycle newly reported here for UV Leo (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The results of broadband photoelectric observations of V 2291 Oph between 1990 and 1992 have been considered and unified to produce composite UBV light curves. The spectral types of the binary companions and their luminosities are estimated using the absolute spectrophotometry of V 2291 Oph.  相似文献   

Photographic observations of the corona were made by a Belgian expedition to Kenya during the eclipse of 1980, February 16, using a polaroïd filter oriented in three directions 60 ° apart. The preliminary results of the reduced data are presented here; these results consist in the analysis of the three following parameters: total intensity, degree of polarization, direction of the electric vector. The local variation of these parameters reveals, among other features, a deep coronal hole at the south pole and peculiar streamer (P.A. 280 °) associated to a transient, (the so-called tennis racket) also observed by other teams, and a density enhancement at P.A. 200 °, possibly associated with a transient observed with the K-coronameter of the High Altitude Observatory 12 hr before the eclipse.  相似文献   

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