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We present field, petrographic, major and trace element data for komatiites and komatiite basalts from Sargur Group Nagamangala greenstone belt, western Dharwar craton. Field evidences such as crude pillow structure indicate their eruption in a marine environment whilst spinifex texture reveals their komatiite nature. Petrographic data suggest that the primary mineralogy has been completely altered during post-magmatic processes associated with metamorphism corresponding to greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions. The studied komatiites contain serpentine, talc, tremolite, actinolite and chlorite whilst tremolite, actinolite with minor plagioclase in komatiitic basalts. Based on the published Sm-Nd whole rock isochron ages of adjoining Banasandra komatiites (northern extension of Nagamangala belt) and further northwest in Nuggihalli belt and Kalyadi belt we speculate ca. 3.2–3.15 Ga for komatiite eruption in Nagamangala belt. Trace element characteristics particularly HFSE and REE patterns suggest that most of the primary geochemical characteristics are preserved with minor influence of post-magmatic alteration and/or contamination. About 1/3 of studied komatiites show Al-depletion whilst remaining komatiites and komatiite basalts are Al-undepleted. Several samples despite high MgO, (Gd/Yb)N ratios show low CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Such anomalous values could be related to removal of CaO from komatiites during fluid-driven hydrothermal alteration, thus lowering CaO/Al2O3 ratios. The elemental characteristics of Al-depleted komatiites such as higher (Gd/Yb)N (>1.0), CaO/Al2O3 (>1.0), Al2O3/TiO2 (<18) together with lower HREE, Y, Zr and Hf indicate their derivation from deeper upper mantle with minor garnet (majorite?) involvement in residue whereas lower (Gd/Yb)N (<1.0), CaO/Al2O3 (<0.9), higher Al2O3/TiO2 (>18) together with higher HREE, Y, Zr suggest their derivation from shallower upper mantle without garnet involvement in residue. The observed chemical characteristics (CaO/Al2O3, Al2O3/TiO2, MgO, Ni, Cr, Nb, Zr, Y, Hf, and REE) indicate derivation of the komatiite and komatiite basalt magmas from heterogeneous mantle (depleted to primitive mantle) at different depths in hot spot environments possibly with a rising plume. The low content of incompatible elements in studied komatiites suggest existence of depleted mantle during ca. 3.2 Ga which in turn imply an earlier episode of mantle differentiation, greenstone volcanism and continental growth probably during ca. 3.6–3.3 Ga which is substantiated by Nd and Pb isotope data of gneisses and komatiites in western Dharwar craton (WDC).  相似文献   

Regional surface gravity data and global satellite magnetic data have been utilized to generate a preliminary model of the crustal structure along a southwest-northeast profile (Gadra-Fatehpur) through western Rajasthan.The study area represents the western part of the Indian continental landmass which has undergone several major episodes of repeated subduction/collision,plume traces and rifting from Archaean to recent times.The temporal and spatial relationship between the various geotectonic provinces is quite complex,thereby limiting the emergence of a suitable crustal structure model for this region.Exposures of the Malani Igneous Suite (MIS),a product of bimodal volcanism (~780 Ma),and considered to be the third largest felsic magmatic province of the world,is evident along the profile and also to the southwest of the study area.The easternmost part of the profile is close to the DAFB (Delhi Aravalli Fold Belt),a Proterozoic orogenic belt.This study probes the geometry of the different crustal units in terms of density and susceptibility variations in order to decipher the imprints of the major tectonic processes the region has undergone.In order to decipher the crustal geometry of the Gadra-Fatehpur profile,two NW-SE gravity and magnetic profile vertical sections (A-A' in the south and B-B' in the north) are modelled on the basis of the constraints provided from previous seismic models.The crustal model of the Gadra-Fatehpur profile is composed of alluvium,Tertiary sediments,MIS,Marwar Supergroup,low-density layers (LDLs) and the middle-lower crustal layers,with a distinct change in configuration from the southwest to northeast.The Moho dips from SW to NE,the MIS in the SW gives way to the thick pile of the Marwar Supergroup to the NE.The evolution of MIS has been suggested to have occurred as a consequence of delamination of the upper mantle.LDLs are incorporated in Gadra-Fatehpur model.In the SW,LDL (2550 kg/m3) lies below the MIS in the NE,another LDL (2604 kg/m3) is depicted below the mid-crustal layer.  相似文献   

We present the disaster-forced biological evolution model as a general framework that includes Darwinian "phylogenic gradualism",Eldredge-Gould's "punctuated equilibrium",mass extinctions,and allopatric.parapatric,and sympatric speciation.It describes how reproductive isolation of organisms is established through global disasters due to supernova encounters and local disasters due to radioactive volcanic ash fall-outs by continental alkaline volcanism.Our new evolution model uniquely highlights three major factors of disaster-forced speciation:enhanced mutation rate by higher natural radiation level,smaller population size,and shrunken habitat size(i.e.,isolation among the individual populations).We developed a mathematical model describing speciation of a half-isolated group from a parental group,taking into account the population size(N_e),immigration rate(m),and mutation rate(μ).The model gives a quantitative estimate of the speciation,which is consistent with the observations of speciation speed.For example,the speciation takes at least 10~5 generations,if mutation rate is less than10~(-3) per generation per individual.This result is consistent with the previous studies,in which μ is assumed to be 10~(-3)-10~(-5).On the other hand,the speciation is much faster(less than 10~5 generations)for the case that μ is as large as 0.1 in parapatric conditions(m μ).Even a sympatric(m ~ 1) speciation can occur within 10~3 generations,if mutation rate is very high(μ~1 mutation per individual per generation),and if N_e 20-30.Such a high mutation rate is possible during global disasters due to supernova encounters and local disasters due to radioactive ash fall-outs.They raise natural radiation level by a factor of 100-1000.Such rapid speciation events can also contribute to macro-evolution during mass extinction events,such as observed during the Cambrian explosion of biodiversity.A similar rapid speciation(though in a much smaller scale) also has been undergoing in cichlid fishes and great African apes in the last several tens of thousand years in the current African rift valley,including the origin of humankind due to the radioactive ash fall-outs by continental alkaline volcanism.  相似文献   

The Abor volcanics outcroping in the core of the Siang window in the Eastern Himalaya comprise voluminous mafic volcanics (47%-56% w(SiO2)),with subordinate felsic volcanics (67%-75% w(SiO2)).The felsi...  相似文献   

The Arzular mineralization is one of the best examples of epithermal gold deposits in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt.The mineralization is hosted by the subduction-related basaltic andesites and is mainly controlled by E-W and NE-SW trending fracture zones.The main ore minerals are galena, sphalerite,pyrite.chalcopyrite.tetrahedrite and gold.Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are between 130 and 295℃ for quartz and between 90 and 133℃ for sphalerite.Sulphur isotope values obtained from pyrite,galena and sphalerite vary between 1.2‰ and 3‰.indicating that sulphur belongs to magmatic origin and was derived from the Lutetian non-adakitic granitic intrusions in the region.Oxygen isotope values are between 15.0‰ and 16.7‰ and hydrogen isotope values are between -87‰ and -91‰ The sulphur isotope thermometer yielded temperatures in the range of 244-291℃ for the ore formation.Our results support the hypothesis that the Arzular mineralization is a low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit associated with non-adakitic subduction- related granitic magmas that were generated by slab window-related processes in a south-dipping subduction zone during the Lutetian.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000881   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Granitod batholiths of I-type features(mostly granodiorites and tonalites),and particularly those forming the large plutonic associations of active continental margins and intracontinental collisional belts,represent the most outstanding magmatic episodes occurred in the continental crust.The origin of magmas,however,remains controversial.The application of principles from phase equilibria is crucial to understand the problem of granitoid magma generation.An adequate comparison between rock compositions and experimental liquids has been addressed by using a projected compositional space in the plane F(Fe t Mg)eAnorthiteeOrthoclase.Many calc-alkaline granitoid trends can be considered cotectic liquids.Assimilation of country rocks and other not-cotectic processes are identifed in the projected diagram.The identifcation of cotectic patterns in batholith implies high temperatures of magma segregation and fractionation(or partial melting)from an intermediate(andesitic)source.The comparison of batholiths with lower crust granulites,in terms of major-element geochemistry,yields that both represent liquids and solid residues respectively from a common andesitic system.This is compatible with magmas being formed by melting,and eventual reaction with the peridotite mantle,of subducted mélanges that are fnally relaminated as magmas to the lower crust.Thus,the off-crust generation of granitoids batholiths constitutes a new paradigm in which important geological implications can be satisfactorily explained.Geochemical features of Cordilleran-type batholiths are totally compatible with this new conception.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114001583   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Detrital zircons from modern sediments display an episodic temporal distribution of U-Pb crystallization ages forming a series of 'peaks' and 'troughs'.The peaks are interpreted to represent either periods of enhanced generation of granitic magma perhaps associated with mantle overturn and superplume events,or preferential preservation of continental crust during global collisional orogenesis.The close association of those peaks with the assembly of supercontinents implies a causal relationship between collisional orogenesis and the presence of zircon age peaks.Here these two end-member models(episodic periodicity of increased magmatism versus selective preservation during collisional orogenesis) are assessed using U-Pb,Hf,and O analysis of detrital zircons from sedimentary successions deposited during the ~ 1.3-1.1Ca accretionary.~1.1-0.9 Ga collisional,and 0.9 Ga extensional collapse phases of the Grenville orogenic cycle in Labrador and Scotland.The pre-collisional,accretionary stage provides a baseline of continental crust present prior to orogenesis and is dominated by Archean and Paleoproterozoic age peaks associated with pre-1300 Ma Laurentian geology.Strata deposited during the Grenville Orogeny display similar Archean and Paleoproterozoic detrital populations along with a series of broad muted peaks from~ 1500 to 1100 Ma.However,post-collisional sedimentary successions display a dominant age peak between 1085 and 985 Ma,similar to that observed in modern North American river sediments.Zircons within the post-orogenic sedimentary successions have progressively lower εHf and higherδ~(18)O values from ~ 1800 to ~ 1200 Ma whereupon they have higher εHf and δ~(18) within the dominant1085-985 Ma age peak.Furthermore,the Lu-Hf isotopic profile of the Grenville-related age peak is consistent with significant assimilation and contamination by older crustal material.The timing of this dominant age peak coincides with the peak of metamorphism and magmatism associated with the Crenville Orogeny,which is a typical collisional orogenic belt.The change from broad muted age peaks in the syn-orogenic strata to a single peak in the post-orogenic sedimentary successions and in the modern river sediments implies a significant shift in provenance following continental collision.This temporal change in provenance highlights that the source(s),from which detrital zircons within syn-orogenic strata were derived,was no longer available during the later stages of the accretionary and collisional stages of the orogenic cycle.This may reflect some combination of tectonic burial,erosion,or possibly recycling into the mantle by tectonic erosion of the source(s).During continental collision,the incorporated continental crust is isolated from crustal recycling processes operative at subduction margins.This tectonic isolation combined with sedimentaiy recycling likely controls the presence of the isotopic signature associated with the Grenville Orogeny in the modern Mississippi and Appalachian river sediments.These results imply that zircon age peaks,which developed in conjunction with supercontinents,are the product of selective crustal preservation resulting from collisional orogenesis.  相似文献   

We show the presence of fractal ordering of copper grade in bore core data at short range in the Cadia Ridgeway porphyry deposit and measure its persistence after mining by monitoring the output of the...  相似文献   

Bulk rock geochemistry of 169 fine-grained sediment samples of the upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Gosau Group(Northern Calcareous Alps,Austria and Slovakia) from borehole and outcrop localities was performed to separate non-marine and marine deposits.Geochemical characteristics of different Gosau depositional systems,basins and sediment provenance using major-,trace-,and rare earth elements were also investigated.Geochemical proxies such as boron concentrations were tested for seeking the possibilities of paleosalinity indicators.Due to the fact that several pelagic sections are represented by extremely low boron contents.B/Al* ratios are recognized as more robust and differentiate reliably between marine(mean:160±34) and non-marine(mean:133±33) samples.Using statistical factor analysis,hemipelagic to pelagic samples from the Gieβhbl Syncline and Slovakian equivalents can be differentiated from marginal-marine to non-marine samples from the Grnbach and Glinzendorf Syncline related to terrigenous(SiCh.Al2O3,K2O,Th,Rb,Zr and others) and pelagic indicative elements (CaO,Sr,TOT/C and B/Al*).A clear indication for ophiolitic provenance is traced by high amounts of chromium and nickel.Only non-marine successions of the Glinzendorf Syncline show higher Cr and Ni concentrations(up to 250 and 400 ppm,respectively) and enriched Cr/V and Y/Ni ratios trending to an ultramafic source.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000292   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aeromagnetic anomaly zonation of the Ordos Basin and adjacent areas was obtained by processing highprecision and large-scale aeromagnetic anomalies with an approach of reduction to the pole upward continuation.Comparative study on aeromagnetic and seismic tomography suggests that aeromagnetic anomalies in this area are influenced by both the magnetic property of the rock and the burial depth of the Precambrian crystalline basement.Basement depth might be the fundamental control factor for aeromagnetic anomalies because the positive and negative anomalies on the reduction to the poleupward-continuation anomaly maps roughly coincide with the uplifts and depressions of the crystalline basement in the basin.The results,together with the latest understanding of basement faults,SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of metamorphic rock and granite,drilling data,detrital zircon ages,and gravity data interpretation,suggest that the Ordos block is not an entirety of Archean.  相似文献   

The intrusions of the Panzhihua-Xichang(Panxi) region in southwest China have become well known in the past decade because they host large and rich magmatic oxide deposits that are mined for Fe,Ti and V.These intrusions form part of the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP),which is commonly believed to be the product of melting in a mantle plume.The ELIP was emplaced about 260 Ma ago,at the same time as the end-Guadalupian mass extinction.The investigation of the Panxi intrusions therefore provides information relevant to three broad areas of the earth sciences:(1)the petrogenesis of mafic magmas, (2) the impact of major magmatic events and global climate and  相似文献   

GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS(GSF) has instituted an Award(GSF Best Paper Award) to the author(s) of the paper judged to be the best published each year from 2012 onwards.The objective of this recognition is to encourage high quality studies on the frontier fields of Earth Sciences.Only articles that contain original research data and/or models are eligible for the Award,and can include articles published under the categories of"FOCUS"and"RESEARCH PAPERS".The Award Committee comprising of members nominated from the Editorial Board/Council of GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS,  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114001352   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
Ultrahigh temperature(UHT) metamorphism is the most thermally extreme form of regional crustal metamorphism,with temperatures exceeding 900℃.UHT crustal metamorphism is recognised in more than 50 localities globally in the metaniorphic rock record and is accepted as 'normal' in the spectrum of regional crustal processes.UHT metamorphism is typically identified on the basis of diagnostic mineral assemblages such as sapphirine+ quartz,orthopyroxene + sillimanite ± quartz and osumilite in Mg-AIrich rock compositions,now usually coupled with pseudosection-based thermobarometry using internally-consistent thermodynamic data sets and/or Al-in-Orthopyroxene and ternary feldspar thermobarometry.Significant progress in the understanding of regional UHT metamorphism in recent years includes:(1) development of a ferric iron activity-composition thermodynamic model for sapphirine,allowing phase diagram calculations for oxidised rock compositions:(2) quantification of UHT conditions via trace element thermometry,with Zr-in-rutile more commonly recording higher temperatures than Ti-in-zircon.Rutile is likely to be stable at peak UHT conditions whereas zircon may only grow as UHT rocks are cooling.In addition,the extent to which Zr diffuses out of rutile is controlled by chemical communication with zircon;(3) more fully recognising and utilising temperature-dependent thermal properties of the crust,and the possible range of heat sources causing metamorphism in geodynamic modelling studies:(4) recognising that crust partially melted either in a previous event or earlier in a long-duration event has greater capacity than fertile,unmelted crust to achieve UHT conditions due to the heat energy consumed by partial melting reactions:(5) more strongly linking U-Pb geochronological data from zircon and monazite to P-T points or path segments through using Y + REE partitioning between accessory and major phases,as well as phase diagrams incorporating Zr and REE;and(6)improved insight into the settings and factors responsible for UHT metamorphism via geodynamic forward models.These models suggest that regional UHT metamorphism is,principally,geodynamically related to subduction,coupled with elevated crustal radiogenic heat generation rates.  相似文献   

Our blue planet Earth has long been regarded to carry full of nutrients for hosting life since the birth of the planet.Here we speculate the processes that led to the birth of early life on Earth and its aftermath, finally leading to the evolution of metazoans.We evaluate:(1) the source of nutrients,(2) the chemistry of primordial ocean,(3) the initial mass of ocean,and(4) the size of planet.Among the life-building nutrients,phosphorus and potassium play a key role.Only three types of rocks can serve as an adequate source of nutrients:(a) continent-forming TTG(granite),enabling the evolution of primitive life to metazoans;(b) primordial continents carrying anorthosite with KREEP(Potassium,Rare Earth Elements, and Phosphorus) basalts,which is a key to bear life;(c) carbonatite magma,enriched in radiogenic elements such as U and Th,which can cause mutation to speed up evolution and promote the birth of new species in continental rift settings.The second important factor is ocean chemistry.The primordial ocean was extremely acidic(pH = 1-2) and enriched in halogens(CI,F and others),S,N and metallic elements(Cd,Cu,Zn,and others),inhibiting the birth of life.Plate tectonics cleaned up these elements which interfered with RNA.Blue ocean finally appeared in the Phanerozoic with pH = 7 through extensive interaction with surface continental crust by weathering,erosion and transportation into ocean.The initial ocean mass was also important.The birth of life and aftermath of evolution was possible in the habitable zone with 3-5 km deep ocean which was able to supply sufficient nutrients. Without a huge landmass,nutrients cannot be supplied into the ocean only by ridge-hydrothermal circulation in the Hadean.Finally,the size of the planet plays a crucial role.Cooling of massive planets is less efficient than smaller ones,so that return-flow of seawater into mantle does not occur until central stars finish their main sequence.Due to the suitable size of Earth,the dawn of Phanerozoic witnessed the initiation of return-flow of seawater into the mantle,leading to the emergence of huge landmass above sea-level,and the distribution of nutrients on a global scale.Oxygen pump also played a critical role to keep high-PO2 in atmosphere since then,leading to the emergence of ozone layer and enabling animals and plants to invade the land. To satisfy the tight conditions to make the Earth habitable,the formation mechanism of primordial Earth is an important factor.At first,a ’dry Earth’ must be made through giant impact,followed by magma ocean to float nutrient-enriched primordial continents(anorthosite + KREEP).Late bombardment from asteroid belt supplied water to make 3-5 km thick ocean,and not from icy meteorites from Kuiper belt beyond cool Jupiter.It was essential to meet the above conditions that enabled the Earth as a habitable planet with evolved life forms.The tight constraints that we evaluate for birth and evolution of life on Earth would provide important guidelines for planetary scientists hunting for life in the exosolar planets.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000776   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Donalda gold deposit in the southern part of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt consists mainly of a subhorizontal gold-quartz vein perpendicular to subvertical shear zones. The 0.3e0.5 m thick vein is characterized by vein-parallel banding structures indicating multiple episodes of fracture opening and mineral precipitation. Measurement of the c-axis of primary growth quartz indicates that quartz preferentially grew perpendicular to the fracture, suggesting open space filling and/or extensional nature of the fracture. Measurement of the orientations of microfractures, veinlets and fluideinclusion planes (FIPs) crosscutting primary growth quartz indicates that the vein minerals were subject to a vertical maximum principal stress (s1), which is inconsistent with the subhorizontal s1 inferred from the regional stress field with NeS shortening. This apparent discrepancy is explained by invoking episodic fluid pressure fluctuation between supralithostatic and hydrostatic regimes accompanied by episodic opening and closing of the subhorizontal fracture. When fluid pressure was higher than the lithostatic value, the fracture was opened and primary growth minerals were precipitated, whereas when fluid pressure decreased toward the hydrostatic value, the hanging wall of the fracture collapsed, causing collision of protruding primary growth minerals from both sides of the fracture and resulting in formation of vein-parallel deformation bands. The columns where the two facing sides of the fracture collided were subject to higher-than-lithostatic stress due to the bridging effect and reduced support surface area, explaining the development of vertical s1. This hypothesis is consistent the fault-valve model, and explains the flipping of s1 without having to change the regional stress field.  相似文献   

Ice melt water from a 22.27 m ice core which was drilled from the East Rongbuk Glacier, Mt.Everest was incubation in two incubation ways:plate melt water directly and enrichment melt water prior plate,respectively.The abundance of cultivable bacteria ranged from 0-295 CFU mL-1 to 0-1720 CFU mL-1 in two incubations with a total of 1385 isolates obtained.Comparing to direct cultivation, enrichment cultivation recovered more bacteria.Pigment-producing bacteria accounted for an average of 84.9%of total isolates.Such high percentage suggested that pigment production may be an adaptive physiological feature for the bacteria in ice core to cope with strong ultraviolet radiation on the glacier.The abundances of cultivable bacteria and pigment-producing isolates varied synchronously along deplh:higher abundance in the middle and lower at the top and bottom.It indicated that the middle part of the ice core was hospitable for the microbial survival.Based on the physiological properties of the colonies,eighty-nine isolates were selected for phylogenetic analysis.Obtained 16S rRNA gene sequences fell into four groups:Firmicutes,Alpha-Proteobacteria,Gamma-Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria,with the Firmicutes being dominant.Microbial compositions derived from direct and enrichment cultivations were not overlapped.We suggest that it is a better way to explore the cultiiiable microbial diversity in ice core by combining the approaches of both direct and enrichment cultivation.  相似文献   

Dissolution of fluorite(CaF_2) and/or fluorapatite(FAP)[Ca_5(PO_4)_3F],pulled by calcite precipitation,is thought to be the dominant mechanism responsible for groundwater fluoride(F~-) contamination.Here,one dimensional reactive—transport models are developed to test this mechanism using the published dissolution and precipitation rate kinetics for the mineral pair FAP and calcite.Simulation results correctly show positive correlation between the aqueous concentrations of F and CO_3~(2-) and negative correlation between F~- and Ca~(2+).Results also show that precipitation of calcite,contrary to the present understanding,slows down the FAP dissolution by 10~6 orders of magnitude compared to the FAP dissolution by hydrolysis.For appreciable amount of fluoride contamination rock-water interaction time must be long and of order 10~6 years.  相似文献   

The 3-D P- and S-wave velocity models of the upper crust beneath Southwest Iberia are determined by inverting arrival time data from local earthquakes using a seismic tomo~raphy method. We used a total of 3085 P- and 2780 S-wave high quality arrival times from 886 local earthquakes recorded by a per- manent seismic network, which is operated by the Institute of Meteorology (IM), Lisbon, Portugal. The computed P- and S-wave velocities are used to determine the 3-D distributions of Vp/Vs ratio. The 3-D velocity and Vp/Vs ratio images display clear lateral heterogeneities in the study area. Significant veloc- ity variations up to ~6% are revealed in the upper crust beneath Southwest lberia, At 4 km depth, both P- and S-wave velocity take average to high values relative to the initial velocity model, while at 12 km, low P-wave velocities are clearly visible along the coast and in the southern parts. High S-wave velocities at 12 km depth are imaged in the central parts, and average values along the coast; although some scattered patches of low and high S-wave velocities are also revealed. The Vp/Vs rztio is generally high at depths of 4 and 12 km along the coastal parts with some regions of high Vp/Vs ratio in the north at 4 km depth, and low Vp/Vs ratio in the central southern parts at a depth of 12 km, The imaged low velocity and high Vp/Vs ratios are related to the thick saturated and unconsolidated sediments covering the region; whereas the high velocity regions are generally associated with the Mesozoic basement rocks.  相似文献   

The Mottled Zone(MZ) or Hatrurim Formation,which occurs near the Levantine Transform in the South Levant,has been studied during the last 150 years but its origin remains debatable.Mottled Zone Complex/Complexes(MZC/MZCs) consist of brecciated carbonate and low-temperature calcium-hydro-silicate rocks,which include unusual high- and ultra-high-temperature low-pressure(HT-LP) meta-morphic mineral assemblages.The MZ has been regarded as a product of combustion of bituminous chalks of the Ghareb Fm.of Cretaceous(Maastrichtian) age.In this paper we present detailed geographic, geomorphologic,structural and geological data from the MZCs of the South Levant,which show that the MZCs cannot be stratigraphically correlated with the Ghareb Fm.,because MZC late Oligocene-late Pleistocene deposits occur within or unconformable i.e.,with stratigraphic hiatus,overlap both the late Cretaceous and,in places,Neogene stratigraphic units.We propose an alternative model for the formation of MZCs by tectonically induced mud volcanism during late Oligocene-late Pleistocene time. This model explains(i) the presence of dikes and tube-like bodies,which consist of brecciated exotic clastic material derived from stratigraphically and hypsometrically lower horizons;(ii) mineral assemblages of sanidinite facies metamorphism;(iii) multi-stage character of HT-LP pyrometamorphism;and (iv) multi-stage low-temperature hydrothermal alteration.High temperatures(up to 1500℃) mineral assemblages resulted from combustion of hydrocarbon gases of mud volcanoes.Mud volcanism was spatially and structurally related to neotectonic folds and deformation zones formed in response to opening of the Red Sea rift and propagation of the Levantine Transform Fault.Our model may significantly change the prospects for oil-and-gas deposits in the region.  相似文献   

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