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The Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys ( HST /ACS) Coma Cluster Treasury Survey is a deep two-passband imaging survey of the nearest very rich cluster of galaxies, covering a range of galaxy density environments. The imaging is complemented by a recent wide field redshift survey of the cluster conducted with Hectospec on the 6.5-m Monolithic Mirror Telescope (MMT). Among the many scientific applications for these data is the search for compact galaxies. In this paper, we present the discovery of seven compact (but quite luminous) stellar systems, ranging from M32-like galaxies down to ultra-compact dwarfs (UCDs)/dwarf to globular transition objects (DGTOs).
We find that all seven compact galaxies require a two-component fit to their light profile and have measured velocity dispersions that exceed those expected for typical early-type galaxies at their luminosity. From our structural parameter analysis, we conclude that three of the samples should be classified as compact ellipticals or M32-like galaxies, and the remaining four being less extreme systems. The three compact ellipticals are all found to have old luminosity weighted ages (≳12 Gyr), intermediate metallicities  (−0.6 < [Fe/H] < −0.1)  and high [Mg/Fe] (≳0.25).
Our findings support a tidal stripping scenario as the formation mode of compact galaxies covering the luminosity range studied here. We speculate that at least two early-type morphologies may serve as the progenitor of compact galaxies in clusters.  相似文献   

We present a new photometric catalogue of the Coma galaxy cluster in the Johnson U and V bands. We cover an area of 3360 arcmin2 of sky, to a depth of     in a 13-arcsec diameter aperture, and produce magnitudes for ∼1400 extended objects in metric apertures from 8.8- to 26-arcsec diameters. The mean internal rms scatter in the photometry is 0.014 mag in V , and 0.026 mag in U , for     .
We place new limits on the levels of scatter in the colour–magnitude relation (CMR) in the Coma cluster, and investigate how the slope and scatter of the CMR depend on galaxy morphology, luminosity and position within the cluster. As expected, the lowest levels of scatter are found in the elliptical galaxies, while the late-type galaxies have the highest numbers of galaxies bluewards of the CMR. We investigate whether the slope of the CMR is an artefact of colour gradients within galaxies, and show that it persists when the colours are measured within a diameter that scales with galaxy size. Looking at the environmental dependence of the CMR, we find a trend of systematically bluer galaxy colours with increasing projected radius from the centre of the cluster. Surprisingly, this is accompanied by a decreased scatter of the CMR. We investigate whether this gradient could be caused by dust in the cluster potential, however the reddening required would produce too large a scatter in the colours of the central galaxies. The gradient appears to be better reproduced by a gradient in the mean galactic ages with projected radius.  相似文献   

We present evidence for a new morphologically defined form of small-scale substructure in the Coma cluster, which we call galaxy aggregates. Aggregates are dominated by a central galaxy, which is on average 5 mag brighter than the smaller aggregate members, nearly all of which lie to one side of the central galaxy. We have found three such galaxy aggregates: two dominated by the S0 galaxies RB 55 and RB 60, and one by the starbursting SBb NGC 4858.   RB 55 and 60 are both equidistant between the two dominant D galaxies NGC 4874 and 4889, while NGC 4858 is located near the large E0 galaxy NGC 4860. All three central galaxies have redshifts consistent with Coma cluster membership. We describe the spatial structures of these unique objects, and suggest several possible mechanisms to explain their origin. These include: chance superpositions from background galaxies, interactions between other galaxies and with the cluster gravitational potential, and ram pressure. We conclude that the most probable scenario of creation is an interaction with the cluster through its gravitational potential.  相似文献   

We report and discuss the results of a 22-cm radio survey carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) covering the A3528 complex, a chain formed by the merging ACO clusters A3528–A3530–A3532 , located in the central region of the Shapley Concentration. Simultaneous 13-cm observations are also presented. Our final catalogue includes a total of 106 radio sources above the flux density limit of 0.8 mJy. By cross-correlation with optical and spectroscopic catalogues we found 32 optical counterparts, nine of them belonging to the A3528 complex.
We explored the effects of cluster mergers on the radio emission properties of radio galaxies by means of the radio luminosity function (RLF) and radio source counts. We found that the radio source counts are consistent with the background counts, as already found for the A3558 complex. The RLF for this complex is consistent, in both shape and normalization, with the general cluster luminosity function for early-type galaxies derived by Ledlow & Owen. This result is different from the one we obtained for the A3558 merging complex, the RLF of which is significantly lower than that derived by Ledlow & Owen.
We propose that the different stage of the merger is responsible for the different RLFs in the two cluster complexes in the core of the Shapley Concentration. The early stage of merger for the A3528 complex, proposed by many authors, may not yet have affected the radio properties of cluster galaxies, while in the more much advanced merger in the A3558 region we actually see the effects of this process on the radio emission.  相似文献   

We present the discovery of a giant low-surface-brightness arc, of length ∼80 kpc, in the Coma cluster. The arc consists of a diffuse luminous matrix with surface brightness μB<26.5 mag arcsec−2 and a number of embedded condensations. It is not associated with any giant galaxy in Coma in particular; neither does it have the properties of a gravitational arc. We argue that a fast interaction between the nearby barred S0 galaxy IC 4026 and either IC 4041 or RB 110 is the most natural explanation for the origin of the arc.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of 20 galaxy clusters observed with the Chandra X-ray satellite, focusing on the temperature structure of the intracluster medium and the cooling time of the gas. Our sample is drawn from a flux-limited catalogue but excludes the Fornax, Coma and Centaurus clusters, owing to their large angular size compared to the Chandra field of view. We describe a quantitative measure of the impact of central cooling, and find that the sample comprises nine clusters possessing cool cores (CCs) and 11 without. The properties of these two types differ markedly, but there is a high degree of uniformity amongst the CC clusters, which obey a nearly universal radial scaling in temperature of the form   T ∝ r ∼0.4  , within the core. This uniformity persists in the gas cooling time, which varies more strongly with radius in CC clusters  ( t cool∝ r ∼1.3)  , reaching   t cool < 1 Gyr  in all cases, although surprisingly low central cooling times (<5 Gyr) are found in many of the non-CC systems. The scatter between the cooling time profiles of all the clusters is found to be remarkably small, implying a universal form for the cooling time of gas at a given physical radius in virialized systems, in agreement with recent previous work. Our results favour cluster merging as the primary factor in preventing the formation of CCs.  相似文献   

We present velocity dispersion measurements for 69 faint early-type galaxies in the core of the Coma cluster, spanning  −22.0 ≲ MR ≲−17.5 mag  . We examine the   L –σ  relation for our sample and compare it to that of bright elliptical galaxies (Es) from the literature. The distribution of the the faint early-type galaxies in the   L –σ  plane follows the relation   L ∝σ2.01±0.36  , which is significantly shallower from   L ∝σ4  as defined for the bright Es. While increased rotational support for fainter early-type galaxies could account for some of the difference in slope, we show that it cannot explain it. We also investigate the colour–σ relation for our Coma galaxies. Using the scatter in this relation, we constrain the range of galaxy ages as a function of their formation epoch for different formation scenarios. Assuming a strong coordination in the formation epoch of faint early-type systems in Coma, we find that most had to be formed at least 6 Gyr ago and over a short 1-Gyr period.  相似文献   

We use the C24668, Fe4383, H γ A and H δ A spectral absorption line indices, together with U - and V -band photometry of 101 galaxies in the Coma cluster, to investigate how mean age and metal abundance correlate with galaxy luminosity. In particular, we use the line index measurements to address the origin of the colour–magnitude relation (CMR). We find that the CMR in Coma is driven primarily by a luminosity–metallicity correlation. We additionally show evidence for a relation between age and luminosity, in the direction predicted by the semi-analytic hierarchical clustering models of Kauffmann & Charlot, but this is only present in the C24668 index models, and could be an effect of the lack of non-solar abundance ratios in the Worthey models used.
By comparing deviations from the CMR with deviations in absorption index from analogous 'index–magnitude' relations, we find that colour deviations bluewards of the mean relation are strongly correlated with the hydrogen Balmer line series absorption. We show that the properties of these blue galaxies are consistent with the presence of a young stellar population in the galaxies, rather than with a reduced metallicity.  相似文献   

We present the luminosity function and measurements of the scalelengths, colours and radial distribution of dwarf galaxies in the Coma cluster down to R =24. Our survey area is 674 arcmin2; this is the deepest and most detailed survey covering such a large area.
Our measurements agree with those of most previous authors at bright and intermediate magnitudes. The new results are as follows.
(1) Galaxies in the Coma cluster have a luminosity function φ( L )∝ L α that is steep (α∼−1.7) for −15< MR <−11, and is shallower brighter than this. The curvature in the luminosity function at MR ∼−15 is statistically significant.
(2) The galaxies that contribute most strongly to the luminosity function at −14< MR <−12 have colours and scalelengths that are consistent with those of local dwarf spheroidal galaxies placed at the distance of Coma.
(3) These galaxies with −14< MR <−12 have a colour distribution that is very strongly peaked at B − R =1.3. This is suggestive of a substantial degree of homogeneity in their star formation histories and metallicities.
(4) These galaxies with −14< MR <−12 also appear to be more confined to the cluster core ( r ∼200 kpc) than the brighter galaxies. Alternatively, this observation may be explained in part or whole by the presence of an anomalously high number of background galaxies behind the cluster core. Velocity measurements of these galaxies would distinguish between these two possibilities.  相似文献   

We present K -band observations of the low-luminosity galaxies in the Coma cluster, which are responsible for the steep upturn in the optical luminosity function at M R∼−16, discovered recently. The main results of this study are as follows.
(i) The optical–near-infrared colours of these galaxies imply that they are dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The median B − K colour for galaxies with −19.3< MK <−16.3 is 3.6 mag.
(ii) The K -band luminosity function in the Coma cluster is not well constrained, because of the uncertainties due to the field-to-field variance of the background. However, within the estimated large errors, this is consistent with the R -band luminosity function, shifted by ∼3 mag.
(iii) Many of the cluster dwarfs lie in a region of the B − K versus B − R colour–colour diagram where background galaxies are rare ( B − K <5; 1.2< B − R <1.6). Local dwarf spheroidal galaxies lie in this region too. This suggests that a better measurement of the K -band cluster luminosity can be made if the field-to-field variance of the background can be measured as a function of colour, even if it is large.
(iv) If we assume that none of the galaxies in the region of the B − K versus B − R plane given in (iii) in our cluster fields are background, and that all the cluster galaxies with 15.5< K <18.5 lie in this region of the plane, then we measure α=−1.41+0.34−0.37 for −19.3< MK −16.3, where α is the logarithmic slope of the luminosity function. The uncertainties in this number come from counting statistics.  相似文献   

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