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The magnetic field over the central Levant continental margin, off northern Israel and southern Lebanon, and the adjacent Levant Basin has two distinct trends. Mount Carmel and its offshore continuation (Carmel Nose), which are the surface expression of a large subbottom structure that extends from the land area across the continental shelf to the continental slope, form a dividing zone between the two magnetic trends. South of the Carmel structure the magnetic field trends east-west, while north of the Carmel structure it trends northeast and north-northeast.Several pronounced magnetic anomalies exist mainly north of the Carmel structure, the majority of which trend north-northeast and northeast, parallel and sub-parallel to the trend of the magnetic field in this area. Some also trend northwest, perpendicular to the trend of the magnetic field. In several cases the magnetic anomalies indicate large lithological elements which continue from land to sea.Gravity and seismic refraction data show that the two magnetic domains north and south of the Carmel structure are associated with areas of different crustal structure. South of the Carmel structure the continetal-oceanic crustal transition zone is located beyond the continental margin at the base of the continental slope, while north of the Carmel structure it is located under the continental shelf, near the shore. On land, there are also differences in the structure of the crust north and south of the Carmel structure, the crust being much thinner north of the structure than south of it.We suggest that some of the large magnetic anomalies off the Central Levant were formed during the rifting phase of the eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

G.F. Birch 《Marine Geology》1977,23(4):305-337
A combination of climatic and oceanic factors has resulted in slow sedimentation rates on the continental shelf off the west coast of South Africa since Tertiary times. This has enabled a study to be made of the residual Late Tertiary, relict Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.Sediments on the continental shelf form rough belts parallel to the coast. Most of the coarse sediment is confined to the littoral zone and Holocene mud is concentrated at the base of a rocky nearshore platform. A veneer of Quaternary quartzitic sand seawards of the Recent mud belt wedges out onto a Tertiary erosion surface on the mid shelf. Residual glauconite and phosphorite sands derived by erosion during Tertiary sea-level fluctuations cover large parts of the mid shelf in the south. Most of the slope and parts of the outer shelf in the north are draped by Recent foraminiferal and coccolithophorid debris.  相似文献   

A sediment slide complex has been mapped on the West African continental margin north of Dakar, Senegal. Four major slides covering approximately 44,300 km2 were delineated by seismic reflection profiles, 3.5 and 12 kHz echograms and piston cores. Although the slide areas have been altered by later erosion and deposition by turbidity flows, the major components of the slides — slide scar, zones of hummocky and blocky slide material and zones of debris flow — are recognizable. Cores containing flow folds with horizontal axial surfaces substantiate the echogram interpretations of debris flow. Morphology and depositional areas of the slides indicate that several major slide movements have occurred in each of the various slide areas. The triggering mechanism for these slides is perhaps earthquakes associated with the Cape Verde Islands, Cape Verde Plateau, and adjacent fracture zones.  相似文献   

Gravity, magnetic and bathymetric data were collected over the continental margin of south-western Africa by H.M.S. Hecla in 1966. A study of the gravity measurements shows that the positive free-air anomalies of the continental edge effect are unusually large, and in excess of those calculated for an isostatic model of the Earth's crust. Taking into account the available seismic and magnetic evidence, a two-dimensional crustal model has been designed incorporating a body of relatively high density in the upper crust to account for the unusually large values.  相似文献   

The South China Sea formed by magma-poor, or intermediate volcanic rifting in the Paleogene. We investigate the structure of the continent-ocean transition (COT) at its southern margin, off NW Palawan between the continental blocks of Reed Bank and the islands of Palawan and Calamian. Several surveys, recorded by the BGR from 1979 to 2008, established a comprehensive database of regional seismic lines, accompanied with magnetic and gravity profiles.We interpret two major rifted basins, extending in the NE direction across the shelf and slope, separated by a structural high of non volcanic origin.The continent-ocean transition is interpreted at the seaward limit of the continental crust, when magnetic spreading anomalies terminate some 80-100 km farther north. The area in between displays extensive volcanism - as manifest by extrusions that occasionally reach and cut the seafloor, by dykes, and by presumed basaltic lava flows - occurring after break-up.The COT is highly variable along the NW Palawan slope: One type shows a distinct outer ridge at the COT with a steep modern seafloor relief. The other type is characterised by rotated fault blocks, bounded by listric normal faults ramping down to a common detachment surface. Half-grabens developed above a strongly eroded pre-rift basement. The seafloor relief is smooth across this other type of COT.We suggest the pre-rift lithospheric configuration had major influence on the formation of the COT, besides transfer zones. Volcanic domains, confined to the north of competent crustal blocks correlate with the style of the COT.Gravity modelling revealed an extremely thinned crust across the shelf. We propose a depth-dependent extension model with crust being decoupled from mantle lithosphere, explaining the discrepancy of subsidence observed across the South China Sea region.  相似文献   

The Agulhas Bank, which forms the continental margin on the southern tip of Africa, consists of a thick Meso-Cainozoic sedimentary sequence (up to 6.2 km) resting on and behind pre-Mesozoic continental acoustic basement. The stratigraphy of this sequence is outlined and its history and facies variations mentioned where they are known. Refraction seismic velocity and bottom sample data indicate a basic three-fold subdivision of the Mesozoic sequence, which can be correlated with the onshore succession in the Algoa Basin. It is separated by a major hiatus from the Cainozoic sediments, which consist of a Palaeogene and Neogene sequence subdivided by another well-defined level of erosion. Various formations within the Cainozoic are defined and named. An outline of the bathymetry of the eastern Agulhas Bank is also given.  相似文献   

本文根据拖网取样和多道反射地震资料,结合前人工作,分析南海新生代裂离地体──中-西沙地体与南沙地体的特征、亲缘性及成因。  相似文献   

The textural and compositional characteristics of the surficial shelf sediments north and south of the Orange River Delta are reviewed and compared. Sediments are fractionated and dispersed both north- and southwards of the Orange River mouth by wave action, longshore drift and subsurface currents. The mean grain size decreases both offshore and southwards in response to decreased wave influence at the seabed and the competence of the weak poleward undercurrent respectively. The increasing dominance of marine biogenic components in sediments south of the prodelta indicates a greater marine influence, modifying previous inferences that the Namaqualand mudbelt is primarily derived from the southward transport of Orange River sediments. A sharp distinction can be drawn between sediments of the Orange Shelf to the south and the Walvis Shelf to the north. Foraminiferarich deposits that dominate the Orange middle shelf and slope indicate that upwelling is an inner-shelf phenomenon. On the Walvis Shelf, foraminiferal sediments are confined to the slope and outer shelf. Fish debris is more common in Walvis Shelf sediments. Although phosphorite and glauconite sands often occur together in the same deposits on the Orange Shelf, the two minerals are concentrated in separate deposits on the Walvis Shelf.  相似文献   

Two distinct series of slumps deform the upper part of the sedimentary sequence along the continental margin of the Levant. One series is found along the base of the continental slope, where it overlies the disrupted eastern edge of the Messinian evaporites. The second series of slumps transects the continental margin from the shelf break to the Levant Basin. It seemed that the two series were triggered by two unrelated, though contemporaneous, processes. The shore-parallel slumps were initiated by basinwards flow of the Messinian salt, that carried along the overlying Plio-Quaternary sediments. Seawater that percolated along the detachment faults dissolved the underlying salt to form distinctly disrupted structures. The slope-normal slumps are located on top of large canyons that cut into the pre-Messinian sedimentary rocks. A layer of salt is found in the canyons, and the Plio-Quaternary sediments were deposited on that layer. The slumps are bounded by large, NW-trending faults where post-Messinian faulted offset was measured. We presume that the flow of the salt in the canyons also drives the slope-normal slumps. Thus thin-skinned halokynetic processes generated the composite post-Tortonian structural patterns of the Levant margin. The Phoenician Structures are a prime example of the collapse of a distal continental margin due to the dissolution of a massive salt layer.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘地震带的活动性与发震机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海北部陆缘地震带是一条板内地震活跃带,对其进行研究对于华南沿海的防震减灾和南海北部的新构造活动研究具有重要意义。通过地震活动性分析发现,该地震带可以划分为闽南―粤东、阳江、雷琼3个地震活跃区和珠江口地震弱活动区。结合区域构造背景分析发现,印藏碰撞导致的华南地块往E―SEE向运动并且该区东侧菲律宾海板块高速向NW向运动是该地震带的主要构造背景;二者的高速碰撞以及华南地块与西南、南侧块体的挤压剪切产生了巨大的应变能,这些应变能通过区内的滨海断裂带与壳内低速层进行传递、调整。在受挤压、剪切影响强烈的东、西部区域,除了在NW向与NE向的小规模断裂交会部位形成小震密集区之外,还在NW向断裂与滨海断裂带的交汇区域产生应力、应变积累,引发大震、强震。而在中部受影响较弱的珠江口区域,局部断裂稀疏,因而未出现小震密集区,并且大震、强震空缺。  相似文献   

The area reviewed covers the Mid-Norway continental margin between latitudes 62°N and 68°N. Main structural elements, as defined at the base Cretaceous level, are the Tröndelag Platform, underlying the inner shelf, the Möre and Vöring Basins, located beneath the outer shelf and slope, and the Möre Platform and the Outer Vöring Plateau, forming a base of slope trend of highs. Sediments contained in the Mid-Norway Basin range in age from Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic. The basement was consolidated during the Caledonian orogenic cycle. Devonian and Early Carboniferous wrench movements along the axis of the Arctic-North Atlantic Caledonides are thought to have preceded the Namurian onset of crustal extension. Rifting processes were intermittently active for some 270 My until crustal separation between Greenland and Fennoscandia was achieved during the Early Eocene. During the evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea rift system a stepwise concentration of tectonic activities to its axial zone (the area of subsequent continental separation) is observed. During the Late Palaeozoic to Mid-Jurassic a broad zone was affected by tensional faulting. During the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous the Tröndelag Platform was little affected by faulting whilst major rift systems in the Möre and Vöring Basins subsided rapidly and their shoulders became concomitantly upwarped. During the latest Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene terminal rifting phase only the western Möre and Vöring Basins were affected by intrusive and extrusive igneous activity. Following the Early Eocene crustal separation and the onset of sea floor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, the Vöring segment of the Mid-Norway marginal basin subsided less rapidly than the Möre segment. During the Early and Mid Tertiary, minor compressional deformations affected the Vöring Basin and to a lesser degree the Möre Basin. Tensional forces dominated the Late Palaeozoic to Early Cenozoic evolution of the Mid-Norway Basin and effected strain mainly in the area where the crust was weakened by the previous lateral displacements. The lithosphere thinned progressively and the effects of the passively upwelling hot asthenospheric material became more pronounced. Massive dyke invasion of the thinned crust preceded its rupture.  相似文献   

A long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) survey of the entire West Iberian slope and rise has provided the first overview of the interrelationship between structure and sedimentation patterns on a continental margin. The results emphasize the importance of slope-following contour currents as a depositional mechanism in fashioning this continental rise. Terrigenous sediments transported down-canyon by-pass the rise which does not consist of a series of coalescing fans. The sedimentation patterns identified on the sonographs can be interpreted in terms of facies models and caution must be exercised against over-emphasis of downslope processes in models for the construction of lower slopes and rises.  相似文献   

During the Antarctic summer of 2003–2004, new geophysical data were acquired from aboard the R/V OGS Explora in the BSR-rich area discovered in 1996–1997 along the South Shetland continental margin off the Antarctic Peninsula. The objective of the research program, supported by the Italian National Antarctic Program (PNRA), was to verify the existence of a potential gas hydrate reservoir and to reconstruct the tectonic setting of the margin, which probably controls the extent and character of the diffused and discontinuous bottom simulating reflections. The new dataset, i.e. multibeam bathymetry, seismic profiles (airgun and chirp), and two gravity cores analysed by computer-aided tomography as well as for gas composition and content, clearly shows active mud volcanism sustained by hydrocarbon venting in the region: several vents, located mainly close to mud volcanoes, were imaged during the cruise and their occurrence identified in the sediment samples. Mud volcanoes, vents and recent slides border the gas hydrate reservoir discovered in 1996–1997. The cores are composed of stiff silty mud. In core GC01, collected in the proximity of a mud volcano ridge, the following gases were identified (maximum contents in brackets): methane (46 μg/kg), pentane (45), ethane (35), propane (34), hexane (29) and butane (28). In core GC02, collected on the flank of the Vualt mud volcano, the corresponding data are methane (0 μg/kg), pentane (45), ethane (22), propane (0), hexane (27) and butane (25).  相似文献   

Results are presented from particle flux studies using sediment trap and current meter moorings along a transect at the European continental margin at 49°N within the EU-funded Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) project. Two moorings were placed, at the mid- and outer slope in water depths of 1500 and 3660 m, with traps at 600 and 1050 m and at 580, 1440 and 3220 m, respectively. Residual currents at the mid-slope follow the slope contour, whereas seasonal off-slope flow was registered at the outer slope. At 600 m on the slope fluxes are similar to those in the abyssal North Atlantic. The flux of all components (bulk dry weight, particulate organic and inorganic carbon, lithogenic matter and opal) increased with water depth. Highest fluxes were recorded at 1440 m at the outer slope, where off-slope residual currents mediate particle export. The injection of biogenic and lithogenic particles below the depth of winter mixing results in the export of particles from shallower waters. Calculated lateral fluxes of particulate organic carbon exceed the primary flux by over a factor of 2 at 1440 m on the outer slope. Estimated lateral fluxes of suspended particulate matter in the water column and intermediate nepheloid layers at the outer slope are potentially large compared to sinking fluxes measured by sediment traps. A comparison is made of particle flux at three continental margin sites and two sites in the adjacent open North Atlantic, from which it is seen that bulk and organic matter flux increases exponentially with proximity to the shelf break. The percentage contribution of particulate organic carbon to biogenic fluxes increases from a mean of 5.7% in the abyssal N. Atlantic to 13.9% at the continental margins.  相似文献   

Igneous rocks in the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS) have been identified via high resolution multi-channel seismic data in addition to other geophysical and drilling well data. This study identified intrusive and extrusive structures including seamounts and buried volcanoes, and their seismic characteristics. Intrusive features consist of piercement and implicit-piercement type structures, indicating different energy input associated with diapir formation. Extrusive structures are divided into flat-topped and conical-topped seamounts. Three main criteria (the overlying strata, the contact relationship and sills) were used to distinguish between intrusive rocks and buried volcanos. Three criteria are also used to estimate the timing of igneous rock formation: the contact relationship, the overlying sedimentary thickness and seismic reflection characteristics. These criteria are applied to recognize and distinguish between three periods of Cenozoic magmatism in the northern margin of the SCS: before seafloor spreading (Paleocene and Eocene), during seafloor spreading (Early Oligocene–Mid Miocene) and after cessation of seafloor spreading (Mid Miocene–Recent). Among them, greater attention is given to the extensive magmatism since 5.5 Ma, which is present throughout nearly all of the study area, making it a significant event in the SCS. Almost all of the Cenozoic igneous rocks were located below the 1500 m bathymetric contour. In contrast with the wide distribution of igneous rocks in the volcanic rifted margin, igneous rocks in the syn-rift stage of the northern margin of the SCS are extremely sporadic, and they could only be found in the southern Pearl River Mouth basin and NW sub-sea basin. The ocean–continent transition of the northern SCS exhibits high-angle listric faults, concentrated on the seaward side of the magmatic zone, and a sharply decreased crust, with little influence from a mantle plume. These observations provide further evidence to suggest that the northern margin of the SCS is a magma-poor rifted margin.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic faunal composition, abundance, biomass and diversity together with a suite of sedimentary environmental parameters were investigated on a seasonal basis in order to determine factors regulating faunal distribution over the oligotrophic continental margin of the island of Crete (South Aegean Sea, North Eastern Mediterranean). Macrofaunal species composition was similar to that of the western Mediterranean and the neighboring Atlantic having several common dominant species. Mean benthic biomass, abundance and diversity decreased with depth, with a major transition zone occurring at 540 m, beyond which values declined sharply. At comparable depths biomass and abundance values were considerably lower to those found in the Atlantic, high-lighting the extreme oligotrophy of the area. The continental margin of Crete was characterised by a high diversity upper continental shelf environment (dominated by surface deposit feeding polychaetes) and a very low diversity slope and deep-basin environment (dominated by carnivorous and filter feeding polychaetes). Classification and ordination analyses revealed the existence of four principle clusters divided by a faunal boundary between 200 and 540 m, as well as beyond 940 m depth. Significant correlations between macrofauna and sediment parameters led to the conclusion that besides depth, food availability (as manifested by the concentration of chloroplastic pigments) is the principle regulating factor in the system. Such being the case, the prevailing hydrographic features that structure the pelagic food web and are directly responsible for the propagation of organic matter to the benthos also affect its community structure.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the structures of the populations of benthic foraminifers at 639 stations located on the Atlantic continental margin of Europe, 33 communities were distinguished and mapped with respect to the abundance of the dominating species. The habitats of the communities are formed under the influence of environmental factors, which depend on the latitudinal and bathymetric zonations of the basin, the currents, the near-bottom upwellings, coastal water runoff, and topography of the boundaries between water masses. The communities recognized are confined to certain water masses, which helps one to trace the boundaries between the water masses and the regions of near-bottom upwellings.  相似文献   

In OMEX-II-II, 9 cruises gathered optical data, principally by transmissometer. The distribution of optical turbidity caused by concentration of particulate matter (PMC) in the water column over the northern Iberian margin shows several features related to hydrography. It is concluded that a signal of PMC seen in Mediterranean Water (MW) found north of 42°N is not carried from its source at the Gibraltar Sill and Gulf of Cadiz because it is shown, using intermediate stations, that this turbid plume decays, mainly by fall out but also partly by mixing, to very low levels around southern Portugal. PMC maxima sometimes seen in MW on the northern Iberian margin are thus most likely to result from intermittent local resuspension by MW interacting with slope sediments. The highest turbidity is found over the upper slope and is the result of (i) shelf edge resuspension and off-shelf flow of turbid plumes, mainly between 100 and 300 m depth, and (ii) resuspension under the slope current aided by internal waves, in the depth range 500–800 m where the density gradient between ENACW and MW is maximal. Below the MW, flows are generally slow, and turbidity is low. The bottom nepheloid layer in deep water is also weak with PMC values <100 mg m-3. The focus of resuspension activity on the upper slope means that the region is an efficient exporter to the ocean of sediment that either escapes from the shelf or sinks to the bed from surface production. This accounts for upper slope sediments recorded in other studies as sandy or in places as rocky bottom.  相似文献   

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