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ABSTRACT. Soon after Deng Xiaoping became China's premier in 1978, a program of reform and openness was initiated. Its goals were to introduce free-market mechanisms into the command economy, to eliminate Mao-era inefficiencies, and to bring China to parity with developed countries of the West and to a leadership role among Asia's newly industrialized countries. Drastic changes quickly transformed China's planned economy into one of mixed-market socialism. Although the economic achievements have been impressive and commendable at the national and provincial levels, questions have been raised as to the role of economic reform and openness in the growth and development of Chinese cities. To answer them, we examine Lijin Zhen, the seat of Lijin County, Shandong Province.  相似文献   

I.TheTerracesoftheUpperYellowRiverTheterracesoftheupperYellowRiveraremostlydispersedalongthewidercoursesinseveralMesozoicCenozoicbasins(Figure1).1.TerracesbetweenNgoringLakeandGyaringLakeThesurfacelayersofthesedimentinthewideandshallowbasinswheretheYell…  相似文献   

I.IntroductionTlleYangtzeXiveroriginates0nthenorthernsideoftheTananlaMoulltail1ns0lltheQinghai-TibetPlateauinsouthwesternpartofQinghaiProvince,traversingacrosseightprovincesandanautonomousregionandfinallyPOuringintotheEastChinaSea.The638O-kilollleter-l0ngYallgtzeXivercoversadrainagearea0fl.8mi1lionkin'.0fthe53firstclasstributaries,26haveadrai1lageareaexceedinglO,OO0km2each.lnthevastdrainageareaoftheYangtzemver,tl1eeco-envir0nmentalconditi0nsdiffergreatlyfr0m0neregiontoan0ther.Topograp…  相似文献   

Situated at an elevation of 905 m above sea level in the Province of North Sumatra, Lake Toba and its surrounding landscapes are regarded as a natural heritage in a certain extent, as a quoted national treasure. Unfortunately degradation of the land and water resources in the watershed along Lake Toba is taking place at an alarming and totally unacceptable rate. The quality of the lake is partly depended on input the quality of the rivers. When compared to the control area the water quality that influenced by the piggeries are highly polluted. It can be concluded that the Salbe River at the downstream of the piggeries has been polluted and apparently it is a serious problem to the catchment area management. It should be noted that the polluted river would influence the water quality of the Lake Toba. Based on calculation, the permissible BOD5 according to B- river standard is 238 mg/L, it means the river still in B standard but the condition and quality are decreasing continuously. Following the Indonesian health standard the permissible BOD is - 461 mg/L. It means BOD in the river should be reduced 461 mg/L or clean program is needed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS For the sake of flood and sedimentation control down-stream of the reservoirs, a study has been carried out on the ways of operation of several reservoirs in the Lower Yellow River. A program on the regulation of flow and sediment is suggested with the following purposes:  相似文献   

Mountain research is a comprehensive work. Its main contents are:1. the theory and the method of mountain rescarch;2. the comprehensive development. utilization and protection ofmountain resources:3. mountain calamities and their prevention and control:  相似文献   

An improved algorithm for the generalized rank annihilation method(GRAM)is presented.GRAM isa method for multicomponent calibration using two-dimensional instruments,such as GC-MS.In thispaper an orthonormal base is first computed and used to project the calibration and unknown sampleresponse matrices into a lower-dimensional subspace.The resulting generalized eigenproblem is thensolved using the QZ algorithm.The result of these improvements is that GRAM is computationally morestable,particularly in the case where the calibration sample contains chemical constituents not present inthe unknown sample and the unknown contains constituents not present in the calibration(the mostgeneral case).  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):211-231
The globalization of economic relations in advanced capitalism has generated interest in local economic systems which can afford communities some protection against the vagaries of the formal money-based economy. This paper examines the role of local exchange trading systems (LETS) in promoting a community economy. The research is informed by empirical analysis of two functioning LETS in the city of Glasgow.  相似文献   

.Introducti0nTheNandujianghiver,withalengthOf3llkIn,adrainageareaof684lkm2andanaverageannunldischargOf60xl09m',isthelargstriveronHainanIsland.IttransportsanaveragannualsedimentloadOfO.68xlO6tonsnorthwdintoQangrhouStrait,wherethetidalrangnisca1.Om,andwavesandlongrhorecurrentsarerelativelystrong.TheNandujiangdeltacoves20OkIn2.ThedePOsitionalSystemOfthedeltaconsistsofrivermouthbars,distribotarymouthbars,marshdepositsfOrmedinbaysandlagoons,sandridges,sandsPitsanddunes.ThedistributionPatt…  相似文献   

Strategic planning is a technique from the commercial world which could assist geography departments in adapting to today's more demanding administrative environments and thereby further the development of the discipline. This paper sets out the fundamentals of planning as a prelude to a generic departmental plan. Key inclusions are explained and certain problems of application are discussed, should departments adopt such an approach.  相似文献   

GPR and aerial surveys were conducted to study changes of channel pattern in the lower course of the Obra River (western Poland). The river is an example of an intensive anthropogenic transformation, however, the origin of the river pattern changes in its lower course is not obvious. The GPR measurements were done using a georadar MALÅ ProEx equipped with a shielded 250 MHz antenna. A 3D analysis of the GPR data supported with lithologic information indicated traces of a multi‐channel pattern. A variable orientation of sediment layering within channel bars and differences in channels depth and width pointed to changes of direction of the river bed migration. Analysis of aerial photographs and a satellite image indicated that only a few of the channels inferred from GPR could be discerned. The reason could be the more than 1 m thick fine sands layer covering all the alluvial structures. Analysis of historical maps from the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries showed that 250 years ago the Obra was a meandering river. The maps illustrate also several meander cutoffs and decreased wetlands surface. The following transformations of the river bed pattern were discerned: 1. From braided to meandering channel pattern which could be a natural process caused by climatic and sediment transport rate changes that was also observed in case of other lowland rivers. 2. From meandering to sinuous pattern with channel islands and then to sinuous with oxbow lakes. However, further research is needed to study reasons and timing of the observed changes.  相似文献   

WestCl1ina,includingSl1aallxi,Gansu,Qingl1ai,Sicl1uan,GuizhoualldYunnanprovinces,alol1gwitl1Xil1jial1g,NingXia,WesternlnnerMongolia,Tibetand'Gual1gxiautonon1ousregi0l1s,isintl1ei11teri0roftheEurasiancontinentandfarfromtllesea.ltcoversanareaof6.8lnilli0nsquarekl11,constitutillg69PercentofCl1ina'stotallal1darea.ltl1asapopulati0nofab0ut3OOl11illiol1,acco[lntingfor27Percent0ftllecountry'stotal,about5llllin0ritiesbesidesHansliveincompactc0l11l1lul1itieshereandthePOpulatiol1ofl11inoritiesis7…  相似文献   

This paper will consider the use of an iterative ratio technique called Gold's ratio method as an alternativeto iterative constrained deconvolution methods for the restoration of overlapped and noisychromatograpic peaks.The study will consist of first describing the technique and then evaluating itsperformance with respect to Jansson's deconvolution procedure.A Hewlett-Packard 5890A gaschromatograph will be used to generate most of the test data.The evaluation criteria will includeconvergence rates,peak area errors and variances,retention time variances and noise performance.  相似文献   


The United States Department of Energy is required by law to plan, acquire, store, and maintain a Strategic Petroleum Reserve of crude oil and petroleum products. This is to be used if there is an interruption in crude oil supply. The plan is described and then analyzed with a linear programming model. The results show that the plan is generally well formulated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines the parallels between the developing Pacific Basin and the historical Mediterranean Basin. Humankind's expanding reach in transportation and communication technologies now makes it possible to integrate a basin the size of the Pacific. The Mediterranean provides some insight into the processes involved. Topics include questions of hegemony, “mirror cities” that interact with each other across the basins, and the dynamic tension between cosmopolitanism and localism.  相似文献   

Grandidierite, kornerupine, and tourmaline occur in high-grade pelitic gneisses from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. The three minerals contact to each other and show a special order: Trn_1→Gdd→Trn_2→Krn→Trn_3, suggesting the occurrence of the assemblage is controlled by the temporal changes of the chemical potentials of B_2O_3 and H_2O. The discovery of the assemblage is a good constraint on the seting and composition feature of metamorphism in the area.  相似文献   

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