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We present millimetre photometry and submillimetre imaging of the central core and two hotspots in the radio lobes of the galaxy Cygnus A. For both hotspots and the central core, the synchrotron spectrum continues smoothly from the radio to a frequency of 677 GHz. The spectral index of the hotspots is constant over our frequency range, with a spectral index of α ≈ −1.0 ( S ν ∝ να), which is steeper than at lower frequencies and represents the emission from an aged population of electrons. The core is significantly flatter, with α = −0.6 ± 0.1, suggestive of an injected spectrum with no ageing, but some evidence for steepening exists at our highest observing frequency. Although IRAS data suggest the presence of dust in Cygnus A, our 450-μm data show no evidence of cold dust, therefore the dust component must have a temperature lying between 85 and 37 K, corresponding to dust masses of 1.4 × 106 and 1.0 × 108 M respectively.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of the ionization of helium on the low-degree acoustic oscillation frequencies in model solar-type stars. The signature in the oscillation frequencies characterizing the ionization-induced depression of the first adiabatic exponent γ is a superposition of two decaying periodic functions of frequency ν, with 'frequencies' that are approximately twice the acoustic depths of the centres of the He  i and He  ii ionization regions. That variation is probably best exhibited in the second frequency difference  Δ2ν n ,  l ≡ν n −1,  l − 2ν n ,  l n +1,  l   . We show how an analytic approximation to the variation of γ leads to a simple representation of this oscillatory contribution to Δ2ν which can be used to characterize the γ variation, our intention being to use it as a seismic diagnostic of the helium abundance of the star. We emphasize that the objective is to characterize γ, not merely to find a formula for Δ2ν that reproduces the data.  相似文献   

Foreground subtraction is the biggest challenge for future redshifted 21-cm observations to probe reionization. We use a short Giant Meter Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observation at 153 MHz to characterize the statistical properties of the background radiation across ∼1° to subarcmin angular scales, and across a frequency band of 5 MHz with 62.5 kHz resolution. The statistic we use is the visibility correlation function, or equivalently the angular power spectrum   C l   . We present the results obtained from using relatively unsophisticated, conventional data calibration procedures. We find that even fairly simple-minded calibration allows one to estimate the visibility correlation function at a given frequency   V 2( U , 0)  . From our observations, we find that   V 2( U , 0)  is consistent with foreground model predictions at all angular scales except the largest ones probed by our observations where the model predictions are somewhat in excess. On the other hand, the visibility correlation between different frequencies  κ( U , Δν)  seems to be much more sensitive to calibration errors. We find a rapid decline in  κ( U , Δν)  , in contrast with the prediction of less than 1 per cent variation across 2.5 MHz. In this case, however, it seems likely that a substantial part of the discrepancy may be due to limitations of data reduction procedures.  相似文献   

There is a general consensus that the frequencies of the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries are directly linked to the spin of the neutron star. The root of this idea is the apparent clustering of the ratio of the frequency difference of the kHz QPOs, and the neutron-star spin frequency,  Δν/νs  , at around 0.5 and 1 in 10 systems for which these two quantities have been measured. Here, we re-examine all available data of sources for which there exist measurements of two simultaneous kHz QPOs and spin frequencies, and we advance the possibility that Δν and  νs  are not related to each other. We discuss ways in which this possibility could be tested with current and future observations.  相似文献   

An analysis of the X-ray variability of the low-luminosity Seyfert nucleus NGC 4395, based on a long XMM–Newton observation, is presented. The power spectrum shows a clear break from a flat spectrum  (α≈ 1)  to a steeper spectrum  (α≈ 2)  at a frequency   f br= 0.5–3.0 × 10−3 Hz  , comparable to the highest characteristic frequency found previously in a Seyfert galaxy. This extends the measured   M BH− f br  values to lower M BH than previous studies of Seyfert galaxies, and is consistent with an inverse scaling of variability frequency with black hole mass. The variations observed are among the most violent seen in an active galactic nuclei to date, with the fractional rms amplitude  ( F var)  exceeding 100 per cent in the softest band. The amplitude of the variations seems intrinsically higher in NGC 4395 than most other Seyfert galaxies, even after accounting for the differences in characteristic frequencies. The origin of this difference is not clear, but it is unlikely to be a high accretion rate (   L / L Edd≲ 20  per cent for NGC 4395). The variations clearly follow the linear rms–flux relation, further supporting the idea that this is a ubiquitous characteristics of accreting black holes. The variations are highly coherent between different energy bands with any frequency-dependent time delay limited to ≲1 per cent.  相似文献   

The stability of Trojan type orbits around Neptune is studied. As the first part of our investigation, we present in this paper a global view of the stability of Trojans on inclined orbits. Using the frequency analysis method based on the fast Fourier transform technique, we construct high-resolution dynamical maps on the plane of initial semimajor axis a 0 versus inclination i 0. These maps show three most stable regions, with i 0 in the range of  (0°, 12°), (22°, 36°)  and  (51°, 59°),  respectively, where the Trojans are most probably expected to be found. The similarity between the maps for the leading and trailing triangular Lagrange points L 4 and L 5 confirms the dynamical symmetry between these two points. By computing the power spectrum and the proper frequencies of the Trojan motion, we figure out the mechanisms that trigger chaos in the motion. The Kozai resonance found at high inclination varies the eccentricity and inclination of orbits, while the  ν8  secular resonance around   i 0∼ 44°  pumps up the eccentricity. Both mechanisms lead to eccentric orbits and encounters with Uranus that introduce strong perturbation and drive the objects away from the Trojan like orbits. This explains the clearance of Trojan at high inclination  (>60°)  and an unstable gap around  44°  on the dynamical map. An empirical theory is derived from the numerical results, with which the main secular resonances are located on the initial plane of  ( a 0, i 0)  . The fine structures in the dynamical maps can be explained by these secular resonances.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic and multisite time series photometric observations of the star HD 105759 which confirm that this is a new pulsating λ Bootis star. Our spectroscopy indicates an overall metallicity of [Z] = log Z − log Z = −1 and that T eff = 8000 ± 300 K and log  g  = 4.0 ± 0.2. The photometric data reveal that this star pulsates with at least five frequencies: 8.62, 12.69, 20.15, 21.27 and 23.66 d−1. These frequencies do not all match those found in an earlier single-site study, indicating that the pulsation spectrum changes with time.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility that the     relation between the peak energy E p of the  ν F ν  spectrum and energy output     for long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) arises from the external shock produced by the interaction of a relativistic outflow with the ambient medium. To that aim, we take into account the dependence of all parameters which determine E p and     on the radial distribution of the ambient medium density and find that the     relation can be explained if the medium around GRBs has a universal radial stratification. For various combinations of GRB radiative process (synchrotron or inverse-Compton) and dissipation mechanism (reverse or forward shock), we find that the circumburst medium must have a particle density with a radial distribution different than the   R −2  expected for the stellar wind corresponding to a constant mass-loss rate and terminal speed.  相似文献   

The α turbulent viscosity formalism for accretion discs must be interpreted as a mean field theory, modelling a steady state only on spatial or time-scales greater than those of the turbulence. The extent of the scale separation determines the relative precision error (RPE) of the predicted luminosity L ν. Turbulence and the use of α implies that (1) field line stretching gives a magnetic pressure  α2/6 of the total pressure generally, and a one-to-one relation between α and the pressure ratio for thin discs, and (2) large turbulent scales in advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) predict a lower L ν precision than thin discs for a given observation duration and central mass. The allowed variability (or RPE) at frequency ν increases with the size of the contributing region. For X-ray binary ADAFs, the RPE ∼ 5 per cent at R  ≤ 1000 Schwarzchild radii ( R s) for averages over  1000 s. However, current data for galaxies like NGC 4258 and M87 give RPEs in L ν of 50–100 per cent even at R  ≤ 100  R S. More data are required, but systematic deviations from ADAF predictions are more significant than random deviations, and may constrain properties of the turbulence, the accretion mode, the assumption of a steady state or the accretion rate.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the power spectrum of X-ray variability of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 766 as observed by XMM–Newton . Over the 0.2–10 keV energy range the power spectral density (PSD) is well-represented by a power-law with a slope of  αlow≈ 1  at low frequencies, breaking to a slope of  αhi= 2.8+0.2−0.4  at a frequency   f br≈ 5 × 10−4 Hz  . As has been noted before, this broken power-law PSD shape is similar to that observed in the Galactic black hole candidate Cygnus X-1. If it is assumed that Mrk 766 shows a power spectrum similar in form to that of Cyg X-1, and that the break time-scale scales linearly with black hole mass, then the mass of the black hole in Mrk 766 is inferred to be  ≲ 5 × 105 M  . This rather low mass would mean Mrk 766 radiates above the Eddington limit. The coherence between different energy bands is significantly below unity implying that variations in the different energy bands are rather poorly correlated. The low coherence can be explained in the framework of standard Comptonization models if the properties of the Comptonizing medium are rapidly variable or if there are several distinct emission sites.  相似文献   

We compute the continuous part of the ideal-magnetohydrodynamic (ideal-MHD) frequency spectrum of a polar mountain produced by magnetic burial on an accreting neutron star. Applying the formalism developed by Hellsten & Spies, extended to include gravity, we solve the singular eigenvalue problem subject to line-tying boundary conditions. This spectrum divides into an Alfvén part and a cusp part. The eigenfunctions are chirped and anharmonic with an exponential envelope, and the eigenfrequencies cover the whole spectrum above a minimum ωlow. For equilibria with accreted mass  1.2 × 10−6≲ M a/M≲ 1.7 × 10−4  and surface magnetic fields  1011≲ B */G ≲ 1013, ωlow  is approximately independent of   B *  , and increases with M a. The results are consistent with the Alfvén spectrum excited in numerical simulations with the zeus-mp solver. The spectrum is modified substantially by the Coriolis force in neutron stars spinning faster than ∼100 Hz. The implications for gravitational-wave searches for low-mass X-ray binaries are considered briefly.  相似文献   

The cooling history of a quark star in the colour superconductive phase is investigated. Here we specifically focus on the two-flavour colour (2SC) phase where the novel process of photon generation via glueball (GLB) decay has already been investigated. The picture we present here can, in principle, be generalized to quark stars entering a superconductive phase where similar photon generation mechanisms are at play. As much as 1045–1047 erg of energy is provided by the GLB decay in the 2SC phase. The generated photons slowly diffuse out of the quark star, keeping it hot and radiating as a blackbody (with possibly a Wien spectrum in gamma-rays) for millions of years. We discuss hot radio-quiet isolated neutron stars in our picture (such as RX J185635–3754 and RX J0720.4–3125) and argue that their nearly blackbody spectra (with a few broad features) and their remarkably tiny hydrogen atmosphere are indications that these might be quark stars in the colour superconductive phase where some sort of photon generation mechanism (reminiscent of the GLB decay) has taken place. Fits to observed data of cooling compact stars favour models with superconductive gaps of  Δ2SC∼ 15–35 MeV  and densities  ρ2SC= (2.5–3.0) ×ρN  (ρN being the nuclear matter saturation density) for quark matter in the 2SC phase. If correct, our model combined with more observations of isolated compact stars could provide vital information to studies of quark matter and its exotic phases.  相似文献   

We present the results of a spectroscopic multisite campaign for the β Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae. Our study is based on more than thousand high-resolution high S/N spectra gathered with eight different telescopes in a time span of 11 months. In addition, we make use of numerous archival spectroscopic measurements. We confirm 10 independent frequencies recently discovered from photometry, as well as harmonics and combination frequencies. In particular, the slowly pulsating B-stars (SPB)-like g -mode with frequency 0.3428 d−1 reported before is detected in our spectroscopy. We identify the four main modes as  (ℓ1, m 1) = (1, 1), (ℓ2, m 2) = (0, 0), (ℓ3, m 3) = (1, 0)  and  (ℓ4, m 4) = (2, 1)  for   f 1= 5.178 964 d−1, f 2= 5.334 224 d−1, f 3= 5.066 316 d−1  and   f 4= 5.490 133 d−1  , respectively. Our seismic modelling shows that f 2 is likely the radial first overtone and that the core overshooting parameter  αov  is lower than 0.4 local pressure scale heights.  相似文献   

The concept of the nanoflare, used in interpreting the solar X-ray corona, is extended to RS CVn stars which, unlike the Sun, exhibit non-thermal quiescent radio spectra. The theoretical synchrotron-radiation radio spectrum emitted by a regular series of nanoflare-electron pulses, injected into the coronal magnetic field, is derived: for an electron energy spectrum N ( γ )∝ γ − s , the spectral power density is given by P ( ν )∝ ν − s /2. This result is valid for the observation of a series of nanoflares with total time duration ≳ the characteristic electron radiation lifetime, which is the case for electrons trapped in extensive coronal regions such as exist in RS CVn stars on the magnetic-dipole magnetospheric model. The tenuous coronal plasma allows the electrons to give a radio spectrum unaffected at high frequencies (≳5 GHz) by electron collision loss, while the emission of bremsstrahlung X-rays by the electrons also occurs with a spectrum that is related to their radio emission. The observation of individual X-ray bursts, which would provide direct evidence for microflares, is not, however, attainable with current instrumentation.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the secondary component of the bright composite-binary system α Equ, whose visual orbit is already known accurately, is isolated by the method of spectrum subtraction and classified accurately for the first time. The primary is a normal giant of type ∼G7, while the secondary is an Am star of type ∼kA3hA4mA9. The system's mass ratio, q , is determined to be  1.15±0.03  from measurements of the relative radial-velocity displacements between the components. Random and systematic errors in q are evaluated on the basis of the scatter of results derived from sets of spectra obtained from three different sources, and from tests conducted on independent versions of the secondary's spectrum. A spectroscopic analysis of a composite system such as α Equ is strongly challenged by the blending of a great many lines that are common to both spectra. Even when the primary spectrum is thought to have been subtracted adequately, a seemingly unavoidable ghost spectrum of faint residuals can bias wavelength measurements of the secondary's lines. That blending was the principal cause of a history of puzzling and discrepant measurements of q in α Equ. The derived masses of  M1=2.3 M  ,  M2=2.0 M  for the giant and dwarf, respectively, constrain the choice of models for fitting evolutionary tracks in the (log  T eff, log  L ) plane; the stellar points fit a single isochrone (for 0.74 Gyr). Both components are found to be slightly over-luminous compared to normal for their supposed luminosity classes. The giant appears to be commencing its first ascent of the red-giant branch. The dwarf has started to evolve away from the main sequence; its M V is similar to that of a sub-giant.  相似文献   

The evolution of the abundance of galaxy clusters depends sensitively on the value of the cosmological density parameter, Ω0. Recent ASCA data are used to quantify this evolution as measured by the cluster X-ray temperature function. A χ2 minimization fit to the cumulative temperature function, as well as a maximum-likelihood estimate (which requires additional assumptions about cluster luminosities), leads to the estimate Ω0 ≈ 0.45 ± 0.25 (1σ statistical error). Various systematic uncertainties are considered, none of which significantly enhances the probability that Ω0 = 1. These conclusions hold for models with or without a cosmological constant, i.e., with Λ0 = 0 or Λ0 = 1 − Ω0. The statistical uncertainties are at least as large as any of the individual systematic errors that have been considered here, suggesting that additional temperature measurements of distant clusters will allow an improvement in this estimate. An alternative method that uses the highest redshift clusters to place an upper limit on Ω0 is also presented and tentatively applied, with the result that Ω0  1 can be ruled out at the 98 per cent confidence level. Whilst this method does not require a well-defined statistical sample of distant clusters, there are still modelling uncertainties that preclude a firmer conclusion at this time.  相似文献   

We report the identification, from a photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic study, of a massive white dwarf member of the nearby, approximately solar metallicity, Coma Berenices open star cluster (Melotte 111). We find the optical to near-infrared energy distribution of WD 1216+260 to be entirely consistent with that of an isolated DA and determine the effective temperature and surface gravity of this object to be   T eff= 15 739+197−196 K  and  log  g = 8.46+0.03−0.02  . We set tight limits on the mass of a putative cool companion,   M ≳ 0.036 M  (spatially unresolved) and   M ≳ 0.034 M  (spatially resolved and   a ≲ 2500 au  ). Based on the predictions of CO core, thick H layer evolutionary models we determine the mass and cooling time of WD 1216+260 to be   M WD= 0.90 ± 0.04 M  and  τcool= 363+46−41 Myr  , respectively. For an adopted cluster age of  τ= 500 ± 100 Myr  we infer the mass of its progenitor star to be   M init= 4.77+5.37−0.97 M  . We briefly discuss this result in the context of the form of the stellar initial mass–final mass relation.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGN) are scaled-up versions of Galactic black holes. We show that the amplitude of high-frequency X-ray variability in the hard spectral state is inversely proportional to the black hole mass over eight orders of magnitude. We have analysed all available hard-state data from RXTE of seven Galactic black holes. Their power density spectra change dramatically from observation to observation, except for the high-frequency (≳10 Hz) tail, which seems to have a universal shape, roughly represented by a power law of index −2. The amplitude of the tail,   C M   (extrapolated to 1 Hz), remains approximately constant for a given source, regardless of the luminosity, unlike the break or quasi-periodic oscillation frequencies, which are usually strongly correlated with luminosity. Comparison with a moderate-luminosity sample of AGN shows that the amplitude of the tail is a simple function of black hole mass,   C M = C / M   , where   C ≈ 1.25 M Hz−1  . This makes   C M   a robust estimator of the black hole mass which is easy to apply to low- to moderate-luminosity supermassive black holes. The high-frequency tail with its universal shape is an invariant feature of a black hole and, possibly, an imprint of the last stable orbit.  相似文献   

Cold collapse of a cluster composed of small identical clumps, each of which is in virial equilibrium, is considered. Since the clumps have no relative motion with respect to each other initially, the cluster collapses under its own gravity. At the first collapse of the cluster, most of the clumps are destroyed, but some survive. In order to find the condition for the clumps to survive, we made a systematic study in two-parameter space: the number of the clumps N c and the size of the clump r v . We obtained the condition N c ≫ 1 and n k  ≥ 1, where n k is related to r v and the initial radius of the cluster R ini through the relation R ini/ r v  = 2 N ( n k +5)/6c. A simple analytical argument supports the numerical result. This n k corresponds to the index of the power spectrum of the density fluctuation in the cosmological hierarchical clustering, and thus our result may suggest that in the systems smaller than 2/Ω h 2)Mpc, the first violent collapse is strong enough to sweep away all the substructures that exist before the collapse.  相似文献   

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