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Late Cretaceous, granitic pegmatite-aplite dikes in southern California have been known for gem-quality minerals and as a commercial source of lithium. Minerals, whole-rock samples, and inclusion fluids from nine of these dikes and from associated wall rocks have been analyzed for their oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope compositions to ascertain the origins and thermal histories of the dikes. Oxygen isotope geothermometry used in combination with thermometric data from primary fluid inclusions enabled the determination of the pressure regime during crystallization.Two groups of dikes are evident from their oxygen isotope compositions (18Oqtz+10.5 in Group A, and +8.5 in Group B). Prior to the end of crystallization, Group A pegmatites had already extensively exchanged oxygen with their wall rocks, while Group B dikes may represent a closer approximation to the original isotopic composition of the pegmatite melts. Oxygen isotope fractionations between minerals are similar in all dikes and indicate that the pegmatites were emplaced at temperatures of about 730 ° to 700 ° C. Supersolidus crystallization began with the basal aplite zone and ended with formation of quench aplite in the pocket zone, nearly to 565 ° C. Subsolidus formation of gem-bearing pockets took place over a relatively narrow temperature range of about 40 ° C (approximately 565–525 ° C). Nearly closed-system crystallization is indicated.Hornblende in gabbroic and noritic wall rocks (Dw.r. = –90 to –130) in the Mesa Grande district crystallized in the presence of, or exchanged hydrogen with, meteoric water (D –90) prior to the emplacement of the pegmatite dikes. Magmatic water was subsequently added to the wall rocks adjacent to the pegmatites.Groups A and B pegmatites cannot be distinguished on the basis of their hydrogen isotope compositions. A decrease in D of muscovite inward from the walls of the dikes reflects a decrease in temperature. D values of H2O from fluid inclusions are: –50 to –73 (aplite and pegmatite zones); –62 to –75 (pocket quartz: Tourmaline Queen and Stewart dikes); and –50 ± 4 (pocket quartz from many dikes). The average 13C of juvenile CO2 in fluid inclusions in Group B pegmatites is –7.9. In Group A pegmatities, 13C of CO2 is more negative (–10 to –15.6), due to exchange of C with wall rocks and/or loss of 13C-enriched CO2 to an exsolving vapor phase.Pressures during crystallization of the pockets were on the order of 2,100 bars, and may have increased slightly during pocket growth. A depth of formation of at least 6.8 km (sp. gr. of over burden = 3.0, and P fiuid=P load) is indicated, and a rate of uplift of 0.07 cm/yr. follows from available geochronologic data.  相似文献   

Deformed marine terraces and alluvial deposits record Quaternary crustal deformation along segments of a major, seismically active branch of the San Andreas fault which extends 190 km SSE roughly parallel to the California coastline from Bolinas Lagoon to the Point Sur area. Most of this complex fault zone lies offshore (mapped by others using acoustical techniques), but a 4-km segment (Seal Cove fault) near Half Moon Bay and a 26-km segment (San Gregorio fault) between San Gregorio and Point Ano Nuevo lie onshore.At Half Moon Bay, right-lateral slip and N—S horizontal compression are expressed by a broad, synclinal warp in the first (lowest: 125 ka?) and second marine terraces on the NE side of the Seal Cove fault. This structure plunges to the west at an oblique angle into the fault plane. Linear, joint0controlled stream courses draining the coastal uplands are deflected toward the topographic depression along the synclinal axis where they emerge from the hills to cross the lowest terrace. Streams crossing the downwarped part of this terrace adjacent to Half Moon Bay are depositing alluvial fans, whereas streams crossing the uplifted southern limb of the syncline southwest of the bay are deeply incised. Minimum crustal shortening across this syncline parallel to the fault is 0.7% over the past 125 ka, based on deformation of the shoreline angle of the first terrace.Between San Gregorio and Point Ano Nuevo the entire fault zone is 2.5–3.0 km wide and has three primary traces or zones of faulting consisting of numerous en-echelon and anastomozing secondary fault traces. Lateral discontinuities and variable deformation of well-preserved marine terrace sequences help define major structural blocks and document differential motions in this area and south to Santa Cruz. Vertical displacement occurs on all of the fault traces, but is small compared to horizontal displacement. Some blocks within the fault zone are intensely faulted and steeply tilted. One major block 0.8 km wide east of Point Ano Nuevo is downdropped as much as 20 m between two primary traces to form a graben presently filling with Holocene deposits. Where exposed in the sea cliff, these deposits are folded into a vertical attitude adjacent to the fault plane forming the south-west margin of the graben. Near Point Ano Nuevo sedimentary deposits and fault rubble beneath a secondary high-angle reverse fault record three and possibly six distinct offset events in the past 125 ka.The three primary fault traces offset in a right-lateral sense the shoreline angles of the two lowest terraces east of Point Ano Nuevo. The rates of displacement on the three traces are similar. The average rate of horizontal offset across the entire zone is between 0.63 and 1.30 cm/yr, based on an amino-acid age estimate of 125 ka for the first terrace, and a reasonable guess of 200–400 ka for the second terrace. Rates of this magnitude make up a significant part of the deficit between long-term relative plate motions (estimated by others to be about 6 cm/yr) and present displacement rates along other parts of the San Andreas fault system (about 3.2 cm/yr).Northwestward tilt and convergence of six marine terraces northeast of Ano Nuevo (southwest side of the fault zone) indicate continuous gentle warping associated with right-lateral displacement since early or middle Pleistocene time. Minimum local crustal shortening of this block parallel to the fault is 0.2% based on tilt of the highest terrace. Five major, evenly spaced terraces southeast of Ano Nuevo on the southwest flank of Mt. Ben Lomond (northeast side of the fault zone) rise to an elevation of 240 m, indicating relatively constant uplift (about 0.19 m/ka and southwestward tilt since Early or Middle Pleistocene time (Bradley and Griggs, 1976).  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - This paper reports the results of an investigation into past major tsunamis on the Aitape coast of Papua New Guinea. The investigation was mounted to gather information to help...  相似文献   

Copper in estuaries has been an issue of concern for its toxicity to marine organisms. The ability to understand the processes that control copper speciation is a key factor towards achieving an improved assessment of the ecological risk it poses in the marine environment. Field measurements were made in August 2000, January 2001, May 2001, and September 2001 to provide a comprehensive view of circulation and water quality both spatially and temporally for the entire San Diego Bay. Rapid, underway, analysis of copper provided a unique, high-resolution view of total and labile copper species. The data show that total copper concentrations in San Diego Bay have been close to or above water quality criteria, increasing gradually from the lowest values in the mouth region (8 nM) to the innermost region (approximately 55 nM) with elevated concentrations existing in the Shelter Island and Commercial Basins. This work indicates that free copper activity lies between 10−11 and 10−13, and declines from the entrance to the head of San Diego Bay, even though the total copper concentration increases, a likely result of complexation with organic and particulate matter. Free copper measurements also show a seasonal dependence with the highest concentrations occurring 2 wk after a winter rain event in January 2001, reaching close to or above toxic levels in some locations.  相似文献   

For the assessment of tsunami risk and vulnerability, one has to make use of past tsunami observations. The most comprehensive tsunami databases for the world have been prepared by the National Geophysical Data Center of USA which are listed on their website for all the four oceans as well as the following marginal seas: Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea and Gulf of Mexico. The dataset goes back as far as the first century AD and lists the events on a confidence rating scale of 0–4; 0 being an erroneous entry and 4 being a definite tsunami. Based on these various datasets for different geographical areas, a comprehensive global dataset was prepared in this study, which included only tsunami events with confidence rating of 3 and 4, meaning either probable or definite. In this composite and abridged global tsunami database there is no distinction either according to geography or tsunami strength as implied by its impact on the coast. A simple and straightforward statistical analysis suggests an almost complete randomness and no patterns that can be used for future tsunami predictions with a few minor exceptions.  相似文献   

Sources of oxygen demand in the lower San Joaquin River,California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dissolved oxygen concentration below 5 mg 1−1 has characterized the lower tidal portion of the San Joaquin River downstream of Stockton, California, during the summer and fall for the past four decades. Intensive field research in 2000 and 2001 indicated low dissolved oxygen concentration was restricted to the first 14 km of the river, which was deepened to 12 m for shipping, downstream of Stockton. The persistent low dissolved oxygen concentration in the shipping channel was not caused by physical stratification that prevented aeration from vertical mixing or respiration associated wigh high phytoplankton biomass. The low dissolved oxygen concentration was primarily caused bynitrification that produced up to 81% of the total oxygen demand. Stepwise multiple regression analysis isolated dissolved ammonia concentration and carbonaceous oxygen demand as the water quality variables most closely associated with the variation in oxygen demand. Between these two sources, dissolved ammonia concentration accounted for 60% of the total variation in oxygen demand compared with a maximum of 30% for carbonceous oxygen demand. The Stockton wastewater treatment plant and nonpoint sources upstream were direct sources of dissolved ammonia in the channel. A large portion of the dissolved ammonia in the channel was also produced by oxidation of the organic nitrogen load from upstream. The phytoplankton biomass load from upstream primarily produced the carbonaceous oxygen demand. Mass balance models suggested the relative contribution of the wastewater and nonpoint upstream load to the ammonia concentration in the shipping channel at various residence times was dependent on the cumulative effect of ammonification, composition of the upstream load, and net downstream transport of the daily load.  相似文献   

Changes in environmental conditions can be accompanied by shifts in the distribution and abundances of organisms. When physical factors become unsuitable for growth ofZostera marina (eelgrass), which is a dominant seagrass species in North America, other more ruderal seagrass species, includingRuppia maritima (widgeongrass), often increase in abundance or replace the dominant species. We report the proliferation of widgeongrass into eelgrass beds in Mission Bay and San Diego Bay in San Diego, California, during the 1997 to 1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Widgeongrass persisted in these eelgrass beds at least one year after a return to non-ENSO conditions and an increase in eelgrass density. We suggest that a warming of the water in two bays in San Diego by 1.5–2.5°C could result, in a permanent shift in the local seagrass vegetation from eelgrass to widgeongrass. This shift, could, have substantial ecosystem-level ramifications.  相似文献   

Trace contaminants enter major estuaries such as San Francisco Bay from a variety of point and nonpoint sources and may then be repartitioned between solid and aqueous phases or altered in chemical speciation. Chemical speciation affects the bioavailability of metals as well as organic ligands to planktonic and benthic organisms, and the partitioning of these solutes between phases. Our previous, work in south San Francisco Bay indicated that sulfide complexation with metals may be of particular importance because of the thermodynamic stability of these complexes. Although the water column of the bay is consistently well-oxygenated and typically unstratified with respect to dissolved oxygen, the kinetics of sulfide oxidation could exert at least transient controls on metal speciation. Our initial data on dissolved sulfides in the main channel of both the northern and southern components of the bay consistently indicate submicromolar concenrations (from <1 nM to 162 nM), as one would expect in an oxidizing environment. However, chemical speciation calculations over the range of observed sulfide concentrations indicate that these trace concentrations in the bay water column can markedly affect chemical speciation of ecologically significant trace metals such as cadmium, copper, and zinc.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use by fish of restored tidal wetlands and identified links between fish species composition and habitat characteristics. We compared the attributes of natural and constructed channel habitats in Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, San Diego Bay, California, by using fish monitoring data to explore the relationships between channel environmental characteristics and fish species composition. Fishes were sampled annually for 8 yr (1989–1996) at eight sampling sites, four in constructed marshes and four in natural marshes, using beach seines and blocking nets. We also measured channel habitat characteristics, including channel hydrology (stream order), width and maximum depth, bank slope, water quality (DO, temperature, salinity), and sediment composition. Fish colonization was rapid in constructed channels, and there was no obvious relationship between channel age and species richness or density. Total richness and total density did not differ significantly between constructed and natural channels, although California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) were found in significantly higher densities in constructed channels. Multivariate analyses showed fish assemblage composition was related to channel habitat characteristics, suggesting a channel’s physical properties were more important in determining fish use than its restoration status. This relationship highlights the importance of designing restoration projects with natural hydrologic features and choosing proper assessment criteria in order to avoid misleading interpretations of constructed channel success. We recommend that future projects be designed to mimic natural marsh hydrogeomorphology and diversity more closely, the assessment process utilize better estimates of fish habitat function (e.g., individual and community-based species trends, residence time, feeding, growth) and reference site choice, and experimental research be further incorporated into the restoration process.  相似文献   

Disaster risk assessment of ports based on the perspective of vulnerability   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Global environmental changes have led to frequent occurrences of climatic extremes. The increasingly frequent and high-magnitude natural disasters in Taiwan have caused significant mortality, injury, and property damage. In response, there have been requests to improve the capacity to cope with extreme climatic conditions through increased awareness and identification of vulnerability. Disruptions to transportation systems affect the resilience for sustaining daily operations. Among the various types of transportation systems, ports provide substantial employment and industrial activity, contributing to national and regional development. In addition, ports integrate the functions of supply chains such as services in logistics, information, and business, becoming the location of industrial clusters. Therefore, this study examines the risk of port failures from the perspective of vulnerability. Specifically, seven vulnerable factors derived from the extant literature and lessons learned from the previous disaster cases are evaluated using geographic information systems. The results reveal that port capacity and efficiency have a significant effect on port vulnerability in which the efficiency of gantry cranes, labor productivity, free trade zone business volume, and ground access networks play crucial roles in port failure. Moreover, the risks associated with port operation are evaluated by overlapping a hazard map of areas prone to debris flows and tsunami inundation. The risk maps can assist decision makers in understanding the vulnerability and adopting appropriate strategies to minimize disaster risks.  相似文献   

Occurrence of small (3 ML < 4) earthquakes on two 10-km segments of the Calaveras fault between Calaveras and Anderson reservoirs follows a simple linear pattern of elastic strain accumulation and release. The centers of these independent patches of earthquake activity are 20 km apart. Each region is characterized by a constant rate of seismic slip as computed from earthquake magnitudes, and is assumed to be an isolated locked patch on a creeping fault surface. By calculating seismic slip rates and the amount of seismic slip since the time of the last significant (M 3) earthquake, it is possible to estimate the most likely date of the next (M - 3) event on each patch. The larger the last significant event, the longer the time until the next one. The recurrence time also appears to be increased according to the moment of smaller (2 < ML < 3) events in the interim. The anticipated times of future larger events on each patch, on the basis of preliminary location data through May 1977 and estimates of interim activity, are tabulated below with standard errors. The occurrence time for the southern zone is based on eight recurrent events since 1969, the northern zone on only three. The 95% confidence limits can be estimated as twice the standard error of the projected least-squares line. Events of M 3 should not occur in the specified zones at times outside these limits. The central region between the two zones was the locus of two events (M = 3.6, 3.3) on July 3, 1977. These events occurred prior to a window based on the three point, post-1969 slip-time line for the central region.
LatitudeLongitudeDepthMag.Target dateStandard error (days)
37°17′± 2′N121°39′±2′W5.0 ±2 km3.0–4.07-22-7722.3
37°26′± 2′N121°47′±2′W6.0 ± 2 km3.0–4.09-02-778.0

Hydrogeology Journal - Climate change has a pronounced effect on water resources in many semiarid climates, causing populated areas such as San Diego County (USA), to become more vulnerable to...  相似文献   

The paper deals with the analysis of tsunami risks for Western Canada and the numerical modelling of a potential tsunami which could affect the region and generate significant damage to the western Canadian coastline. Following a review of the seismic risk and historical tsunamis which occurred along the western Canadian coastline, the authors concluded that this region is highly vulnerable should a major tsunami occur. Consequently, the authors conducted a study on the numerical modelling of a possible tsunami generated by movement along the Cascadia fault, which is located offshore British Columbia. The results of the model outline the significance and extent of the coastal flooding risk associated with such a rare, but destructive phenomenon. The potential for inundation of the low-lying areas around the coastline of Vancouver Island and in and around the City of Vancouver was found to be high. A number of recommendations and conclusions focusing on the results of the numerical simulation are included.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene or Recent lavas from San Quintin, Baja California are basanitoids and alkali basalts. The surface quench temperatures of the lavas average 1 005° C with log =–11.4, as deduced from the groundmass Fe-Ti oxides. Spinel lherzolite xenoliths and megacrysts of augite and andesine have been found in lava flows and cinder deposits. Using analytical data on the rocks and minerals and simple thermodynamic expressions, the pressures and temperatures of equilibration of lavas and xenoliths, megacrysts and phenocrysts have been calculated. The lavas could have been in equilibrium with lherzolite at 1 330–1 410° C and 27.5–31.6 kb, the more silica-poor liquid having the higher values. The basanitoid could have equilibrated with the megacrysts at about 10.5 kb and with phenocrysts at about 1.4 kb and 1130° C. The variation in composition of the lavas may be explained by a rising zone of melting within the mantle, the most silica-poor liquid having the deepest source. The source of the San Quintin basalts is probably related to spreading of the ocean floor in the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

Derek Rust   《Tectonophysics》2005,408(1-4):193
Transpressional tectonics are typically associated with restraining bends on major active strike-slip faults, resulting in uplift and steep terrain. This produces dynamic erosional and depositional conditions and difficulties for established lines of palaeoseismological investigation. Consequently, in these areas data are lacking to determine tectonic behaviour and future hazard potential along these important fault segments. The Big Bend of the San Andreas fault in the Transverse Ranges of southern California exemplifies these problems. However, landslides, probably seismically triggered, are widespread in the rugged terrain of the Big Bend. Fluvial reworking of these deposits rapidly produces geomorphic planes and lines that are markers for subsequent fault slip. The most useful are offset and abandoned stream channels, for these are relatively high precision markers for identifying individual faulting events. Palaeoseismological studies from the central Big Bend, involving 14C ages of charcoal fragments from trench exposures, illustrate these points and indicate that the past three faulting events, including the great 1857 earthquake, were relatively similar in scale, each producing offsets of about 7–7.5 m. The mean recurrence interval is 140–220 years. The pre-1857 event here may be the 1812 event documented south of the Big Bend or an event which took place probably between 1630 and 1690. Ground breakage in both events extended south of the Big Bend, unlike the 1857 event where rupture was skewed to the north. The preceding faulting event ruptured both to the north and south of the Big Bend and probably occurred between 1465 and 1495. All these events centred on the Big Bend and may be typical for this fault segment, suggesting that models of uniform long-term slip rates may not be applicable to the south-central San Andreas. A slip-rate estimate of 34–51 mm a− 1 for the central Big Bend, although uncertain, may also imply higher slip in the Big Bend and highlights difficulties in correlating slip-rates between sites with different tectonic settings. Slip rates on the San Andreas may increase within the broad compressional tectonics zone of the Big Bend, compared to the north and south where the plate boundary is a relatively linear and sub-parallel series of dominantly strike-slip faults. Partitioning slip within the Big Bend is inherently uncertain and insufficient suitably comparable data are available to sustain a uniform slip model, although such models are a common working assumption.  相似文献   

Wang  Zhenqiang  Jia  Gaofeng 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):2073-2074
Natural Hazards - In the Abstract, the sentence “Usually, only single traffic mode (e.g., on foot or by car) is considered, while pedestrian speed adjustment and multi-modal evacuation (e.g.,...  相似文献   

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