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沉积河谷对地震波的高频散射规律尚不明确。采用一种高精度间接边界元法(IBEM)用于沉积河谷对平面P、SV和Rayleigh波的二维散射宽频求解分析。数值结果表明:IBEM可高效精确地模拟地震波的宽频散射;中低频段(无量纲频率η5.0),河谷地形对地震波的放大效应显著;高频波段(η10.0),河谷放大效应减弱甚至出现缩幅效应。随河谷深度增加,位移放大频段的带宽逐渐减小,第一峰值频率降低,且在低频段频谱曲线振荡剧烈。阻尼比对沉积河谷地表位移幅值具有显著影响,尤其是在高频段衰减作用明显。实际沉积河谷场地地震反应分析,需充分考虑波型、入射波频率和角度、河谷深宽比等因素,以更科学地进行震害解释和地震安全性评价。  相似文献   

Following the 17 January 1994 Northridge, California earthquake (M = 6.7), Ventura County, California, experienced a major outbreak ofcoccidioidomycosis (CM), commonly known as valley fever, a respiratory disease contracted byinhaling airborne fungal spores. In the 8 weeks following the earthquake (24 Januarythrough 15 March), 203 outbreak-associated cases were reported, which is about an order of magnitude more than the expected number of cases, and three of these cases were fatal.Simi Valley, in easternmost Ventura County, had the highest attack rate in the county,and the attack rate decreased westward across the county. The temporal and spatial distribution of CM cases indicates that the outbreak resulted from inhalation of spore-contaminated dust generated by earthquake-triggered landslides. Canyons North East of Simi Valleyproduced many highly disrupted, dust-generating landslides during the earthquake andits aftershocks. Winds after the earthquake were from the North East, which transporteddust into Simi Valley and beyond to communities to the West. The three fatalities from the CM epidemic accounted for 4 percent of the total earthquake-related fatalities.  相似文献   

Most of the documented slope failures triggered by the 1980 Irpinia earthquake (Ms 6.9) occurred in the upper Sele valley epicentral area (southern Italy). The early investigations revealed some puzzling characteristics of the slope failure distribution, i.e., (i) the higher landslide concentration on the valley slopes located farther away from the earthquake fault; (ii) the predominance of re-activations over first-time movements. The analyses of factors controlling the landslide concentrations indicates that the differences in hydrological setting and in slope were the two main causal factors whereas the seismic shaking, according to the radiation pattern modelling, could have been characterised by a relatively low rate of decrease across the valley. The aspect of the slopes did not play a significant role. The differences in groundwater conditions between the western and eastern valley sides were probably enhanced by the earthquake. In addition to the probable pore-water pressure rise, the seismic shaking caused large increases in the flow of springs draining the western aquifer, and this made the adjacent flysch slopes more prone to landsliding. Data from the available literature suggest that the effects of earthquake-induced groundwater release on seismic landslide distribution is especially important for normal-fault events. The Sele valley case also indicates that the slope of the pre-existing landslides is an important factor controlling their susceptibility to seismic re-activations.  相似文献   

1D resistivity sounding and 2D resistivity imaging surveys were integrated with geological and hydrochemical data to assess the aquifer vulnerability and saltwater intrusion in the north of Nile Delta, Egypt. In the present study, the El-Gharbyia main drain was considered as a case study to map the sand bodies within the upper silt and clay aquitard. Twenty Schlumberger soundings and six 2D dipole-dipole profiles were executed along one profile close to the western side of the main drain. In addition, 14 groundwater samples and 4 surface water samples from the main drain were chemically analyzed to obtain the major and trace elements concentrations.The results from the resistivity and hydrochemical data were used to assess the protection of the groundwater aquifer and the potential risk of groundwater pollution. The inverted resistivities and thicknesses of the layers above the aquifer layer were used to estimate the integrated electrical conductivity (IEC) that can be used for quantification of aquifer vulnerability. According to the aquifer vulnerability assessment of an underlying sand aquifer, the southern part of the area is characterized by high vulnerability zone with slightly fresh to brackish groundwater and resistivity values of 11-23 Ω.m below the clay cap. The resistivity sections exhibit some sand bodies within the clay cap that lead to increase the recharging of surface waste water (650 mg/l salinity) and flushing the upper part of underlying saltwater aquifer. The region in the north has saltwater with resistivity less than 6 Ω.m and local vulnerable zones within the clay cap. The inverted 2D dipole-dipole profiles in the vulnerable zones, in combination with drilling information have allowed the identification of subsoil structure around the main drain that is highly affected by waste water.  相似文献   

We present a review of the principal methods used for the seismic detection and identification of active underwater volcanism, based on our experience in French Polynesia. In particular, we descrobe the 5-year activity in the Tahiti-Mehetia area, during which more than 32000 earthquakes were detected by the Polynesian network. We discuss the use of the following three types of seismic waves: conventional (mostly body waves), seismic tremor, andT waves propagated in the low-velocity acoustic channel of the ocean. For each of these waves, we discuss the principal characteristics of the signals, their spectral content, the type of information they provide on the activity of the volcano, and the various limitations faced by their use in detection or monitoring of underwater volcanic edifices. We present a review of the principal swarms monitored by the Polynesian network, and discuss their characterization as either volcanic or tectonic.  相似文献   

The dry wadis ‘ephemeral channel’ constituting the main tributaries to the Nile River in Kom Ombo are structurally and tectonically controlled and exhibit complex drainage pattern. This complicated drainage pattern is inherited from the morpho‐tectonic evolution of the ancestral Nile River (‘Protonile’), which drained the Eastern Desert during the Middle Pleistocene. A digital elevation model derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data is used to delineate the contemporary drainage networks and their catchments. Satellite images acquired during a flash flood event were used to validate the delineated watershed divides and flow pathways, particularly where the courses of dry wadis are interlocked. Currently, the westward flow of Wadi Abu‐Suberah is derived from a small area in the Eastern Desert, as the palaeo‐upper reaches of this wadi were captured due to tectonic movements along NW/SE and N/S faults by wadis in the Kharit and Elewa areas. The influence of these tectonic movements on groundwater distribution is also shown where the deep Nubian aquifer discharges its water into the Quaternary aquifer through fault planes. The northward flowing ‘Protonile’ main course has tectonically shifted from the Gallaba plain in the Western Desert, eastward to the current Nile River course. This shift has produced several cut‐off segments of the palaeo‐tributary drainage that was originally flowing westward towards the old ‘Protonile’ main course in the Gallaba plain. However, these segments have reversed their surface run‐off flow directions eastward towards the current Nile course; they could include potential groundwater resources, as their alluvium may be still recharged by the Nile River. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Volcán de Colima, the most active volcano in Mexico, had a climactic episode on 20 November, 1998. On this date, a dome formed on the small summit crater during the previous few days, collapsed generating block-and-ash flows. The event was preceded by almost twelve months of seismic activity, which continued afterwards for several more months. We analyzed the main seismic activity, which occurred from 20 March, 1998 to 31 March, 1999. The seismicity was dominated by volcano-tectonic earthquakes before the climax, and subsequently by hybrid and long-period earthquakes. We determined the frequency of events for the entire period, and located most of the volcano-tectonic events. To assess the possibility that these earthquakes were generated by the same source, they were tested for their similitude through cross correlation in the time domain. Six groups of similar events, or earthquake families, were generated. The members of these families appeared before the 20 November event, apparently ceasing afterwards. We examined the location of the families' events with respect to an existing gravity model in which an anomalous body of negative density contrast suggests the presence of the magma chamber. Most of the family events occur on top of the anomalous body, which suggests they were associated with the passage of magma through the feeding conduits of the volcano.  相似文献   

活动断裂探测的高分辨率地震数据采集技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高分辨率浅层地震勘探技术能够较准确地探测活动断层的位置、性质,并初步研究断裂的活动性。作者在夏垫断裂上采用不同激发震源、不同道间距、不同观测系统参数的探测方法,获得了多条高质量叠加时间剖面图,图中清晰地显示了从几米到几百米深度范围内的地层结构和构造特征。通过对这些叠加时间剖面的分析,获得了不同激发震源、不同道间距、不同观测系统参数时间剖面的分辨率。给出了对于不同的探测目标层埋深和精度要求所适用的探测方法和工作参数,为提高断层探测的分辨率和活动断层最新活动时代的确定精度奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

The high-resolution shallow seismic technique can be used for more accurately prospecting the position and property of faults and for the preliminary study of fault activity.The author obtains many high quality stack time sections through the prospecting methods of different seismic sources,different group intervals and different observation systems on the Xiadian fault.These sections clearly display the stratum structure and the structure characteristics from several meters to several hundred meters of the...  相似文献   

On March 1, 2004, a moderate earthquake occurred in the vicinity of the town of Kalamata, southern Peloponnese, Greece. The Tripoli Seismic Array (TRISAR), located in the centre of Peloponnese, recorded the mainshock as well as the large number of aftershocks that followed. Only a small number of these events were located by regional seismographic networks. Analysis of the Kalamata seismic sequence and evaluation of the results is presented in this article, as an example of the efficiency of TRISAR in seismicity monitoring and location in the area of Peloponnese.  相似文献   

The city of Catania (Italy) in the South-Eastern Sicily has been affected in past times by several destroying earthquakes with high values of estimated magnitude. The seismogenic area to the south of Volcano Etna, known as Iblean Area, is placed between the African and the Euro-Asiatic plates on the west of the Ibleo-Maltese escarpment, to the south of the Graben of the Sicilian channel and on the east of the overlapping front of Gela. Basing on the seismic history of Catania, the following earthquake scenarios have been considered: the “Val di Noto” earthquake of January 11, 1693 (with intensity X-XI on MCS scale, magnitude MW=7.41 and epicentral distance of about 13 km); the “Etna” earthquake of February 20, 1818 (with intensity IX on MCS scale, magnitude MW=6.23 and epicentral distance of about 10 km). The soil response analysis at the surface, in terms of time history and response spectra, has been obtained by 1-D equivalent linear models for about 1200 borings location available in the data-bank of the central area of Catania of about 50 km2, using deterministic design scenario earthquakes as input at the conventional bedrock.Seismic microzoning maps of the city of Catania have been obtained in terms of different peak ground acceleration at the surface and in terms of amplification ratios for given values of frequency.  相似文献   

On 12 October 1992, an earthquake, magnitude mb = 5.9 and M s = 5.2, hit the City of Cairo, Egypt. It was this century's largest earthquake in northern Egypt with related destruction in the City of Cairo, the Nile Valley and the Nile Delta areas. Our source parameter determinations show that the 1992 earthquake had a normal faulting mechanism, seismic moment M o = 5.2 × 1017 Nm, centroid depth of 23 km and a source time function duration of 3 seconds. The mechanism is compared with those corresponding to two other events that occurred in the northern Red Sea. The similarity between the mechanisms as well as the spatial distribution of the geological faults around Cairo suggest seismic activity along the extension of the stress field of the Red Sea rift system to the area around the City of Cairo. This situation affects the level of seismic hazard in the Cairo area. The 1992 earthquake belongs to an unusual class of relatively small, M w > 6.0, yet destructive earthquakes. The damage caused by these events is usually attributed to their shallow focal depth, 5 km, and to amplification of seismic waves in the local soil beneath the damaged structures. However, the Cairo earthquake deviates from other events of this class since the focal depth was determined to be 23 km. We calculated synthetic accelerograms for the 1992 earthquake with the loose sediments observed in the Nile Valley, and show that this enhanced the amplitude of the acceleration by a factor of two. However, the determined accelerations, about 0.5 m s-2, cannot alone explain the relatively large amount of damaged structures. Hence, a major cause to the destruction is likely the poor state of construction of the Cairo buildings.  相似文献   

Three groups of alluvial terraces together with the modern floodplain mark the Postglacial development of the middle part of the Dane Valley, Cheshire. These are a High terrace group of late Pleistocene age, a Middle terrace group of late Pleistocene to early Holocene age, a Low terrace of mid–late Holocene age, and a modern (post ca. 1840 AD) floodplain. A chronology of erosion, deposition, and landform development since mid-Holocene times is established in this paper on the basis of terrace morphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, soil analysis, magnetic mineral analysis, and four radiocarbon dates. After dissection of the Middle terrace during the early to mid-Holocene, a long period of lateral activity by the river was followed by a major aggradation phase, which formed the Low terrace surface. This was followed by dissection during the last ca. 300 years and the development of the modern floodplain since ca. 1840 AD. Various explanations for the changes during the Holocene are considered; the Low terrace aggradation appears to be related to a major phase of mediaeval soil erosion.  相似文献   

浅层人工地震勘探是城市活断层探测工程中的重要部分。浅层地震勘探数据库记录测点位置、测线分布图、断点位置等详细信息。本文以宁夏石嘴山市活动断层探测为例,重点介绍了针对石嘴山市内四条隐伏断裂所布设的33条浅层地震勘探测线数据库建设的数据库模型、技术方法、操作技巧及注意事项,为城市活断层探测中基于 ArcGIS等平台系统建立浅层地震勘探数据库提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A major thread of theoretical research on the response of shorelines to changing boundary conditions has adapted the moving-boundary approach from heat transfer and solidification/melting. On sufficiently short time scales, shorelines respond to changes in relative sea level in a simple, geometrically predictable way. On longer time scales, their behaviour becomes far more complex and interesting, because the surface over which the shoreline moves is itself continually modified by morphodynamics that depend sensitively on shoreline location. This makes the shoreline the archetype of moving-boundary problems in morphodynamics, and subject to potentially counterintuitive behaviours over time scales on which the sediment surface modifies itself as relative sea level changes. We review existing moving-boundary theories and propose two significant extensions to allow inclusion of first-order effects of waves and tides. First, we show how wave effects can be included via planform diffusion linked to river-mouth location, which results in shoreline smoothing during delta-lobe growth and localized transgression after channel abandonment. Tides produce a low-gradient region in which the sea and land overlap; we show how this can be treated in a moving-boundary framework by replacing the shoreline with a ‘mushy region' so that the handoff from land to water occurs over a zone rather than a line. We also propose that the moving-boundary approach can be readily generalized to other dynamic moving boundaries, such as those separating different regimes of river transport. The shoreline thus serves as a prototype for modelling dynamic facies boundaries along the whole source–sink system. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

徐杰 《华南地震》2011,31(4):23-28
地震构造带是地震地质研究最重要的内容之一.几十年来,许多研究者对我国所有已知的地震构造带进行了大量的调查研究,但这些都是老(先存)断层带新活动而导致地震的构造带.笔者通过多年的研究发现,还存在新构造时期(N-Q)才产生的断层带或地震构造带.揭示出唐山-河间-磁县、庙西北-黄河口和腾冲-耿马-澜沧等几条新生地震构造带.由...  相似文献   

The erosional morphology in the vicinity of the Main Divide of the Southern Alps, and Fiordland, New Zealand, appears to be a product of the interaction between Alpine Fault-induced tectonic processes, rock mass strength of the uplifted and eroded bedrock, and the processes acting to denude the developing mountain landscape. The magnitude of the effects of glacial erosion on the landscape is directly controlled by the size and physical properties of the glaciers, whilst the form of the trough is a direct consequence of the rock mass strength (RMS) properties of the slope rock. Realistic models of development of the cross-profile shape of glacial valleys must take into consideration the RMS properties of the eroded substrate.  相似文献   

We have studied the dependency between incoming plate structure, bending-related faulting, lithospheric hydration, and outer rise seismic activity offshore Maule, Chile. We derived a 2D Poisson's ratio distribution from P- and S-wave seismic wide angle data collected in the trench-outer rise. High values of Poisson's ratio in the uppermost mantle suggest that the oceanic lithosphere is highly hydrated due to the water infiltration through bending-related normal faults outcropping at the seafloor. This process is presumably facilitated by the presence of a seamount in the area. We conclude that water infiltrates deep into the lithosphere, when it approaches the Chile trench, producing a reduction of crustal and upper mantle velocities, supporting serpentinization of the upper mantle. Further, we observed a mantle Vp anisotropy of 8%, with the fast velocity axis running normal to the abyssal hill fabric and hence in spreading direction, indicating that outer rise processes have yet not affected anisotropy.The first weeks following the megatrust Mw = 8.8 Maule earthquake in 2010 were characterized by a sudden increase of the outer rise seismic activity, located between 34° S and 35°30′ S. We concluded that this phenomenon is a result of an intensification of the water infiltration process in the outer rise, presumably triggered by the main shock, whose epicenter was located some 100 km to the south east of the cluster.  相似文献   

Earthquake Researeh in Ch一na461 .METHODLet R be some value measured or estimated as a sequenee ina’‘Past”time interval(一丁,O)(I)万‘月,=(RI,…,R。),R,之R。,R=nlaX l二f匕11(RI,…,R,,) Values(l)eould have an arbitrary Physieal nature.BelowweshalleonsiderEq.(l)asearthquakemagnitudes in a given seismic aetive region or logarithms of seismie Peak ground aeeelerations at习given site.Ro isa而nimum eutoff value;it 15 defined by Possibilities of registration systems or wasehosen as the …  相似文献   

田清波 《应用地球物理》2005,2(3):175-181,F0003
工区位于在大民屯凹陷荣胜堡-前进地区工业繁华地带,地表水系发育,表层岩性复杂,深层各种油气藏圈闭类型众多,勘探难度大,以往采集资料质量差。本文详细介绍了为改进资料质量所采取的一系列措施,其中包括科学的观测系统设计、认真细致的表层调查、高精度的测量,选择最佳岩性组合激发、低噪声接收、大型障碍区特观施工、定量化质量控制等工作。成功地进行了二次三维采集,实现了二次采集资料质量的飞跃,减少浅层资料缺失,保证了深层资料品质,保证了资料解释的准确性。文中展示了了实际效果。  相似文献   

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