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采用BERNESE软件"OBS-MAX"和"SHORTEST"两种独立基线生成方式和三种网平差基准定义方法制定出6种GNSS数据后处理方案,分别对中国沿海GNSS业务化观测网2009年与2011年的两批数据处理,并从外符合和内符合精度两个方面进行分析比较。结果表明:采用"OBS-MAX"独立基线生成方式得出的坐标精度更优,尤其是在原始观测数据质量不高的情况下;在网平差基准定义上,采用固定解得出的坐标内符合精度优于最小约束解,但其外符合精度较差。  相似文献   

首先介绍了水下导航算法,采用GPS和水下参量测算相结合的方案,即当运行器在水下运行时,利用电子罗盘测量运行器的相对航向,水流传感器测算运行器的相对速度大小,利用学习阶段计算出海水流速,在水下运行器潜行时进行船位推算导航,用GPS精准的定位信号进行导航误差的校正。此算法精度的高低很大程度上取决于用来进行水下参量测算的传感器和用来方位校准的GPS。文中从各个传感器的误差着手,通过模拟仿真详细分析了电子罗盘、水流传感器和GPS的误差对导航精度的影响,对工程应用具有实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

GPS应用于空间交会的相对导航具有广泛的应用前景,但两航天器相对运动时,航天器本身及地球曲率对GPS信号的遮挡是影响GPS相对导航可靠性的重要因素。研究了航天器单天线信号遮挡模型的双天线信号遮挡模型,通过数字仿真验证了数学模型的可行性,分析比较了两种数学模型在两航天器不同相对导航间距时GPS信号受遮挡情况,指出双天线相对导航系统相对于单天线相对导航系统性能的优越性。  相似文献   

For accurate prediction of the deformation of cable in the towed system, a new finite element model is presented that provides a representation of both the bending and torsional effects. In this paper, the cubic spline interpolation function is applied as the trial solution. By using a weighted residual approach, the discretized motion equations for the new finite element model are developed. The model is calculated with the computation program complier by Matlab. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the numerical schemes. The results of numerical simulation are stable and valid, and consistent with the mechanical properties of the cable. The model can be applied to kinematics analysis and the design of ocean cable, such as mooring lines, towing, and ROV umbilical cables.  相似文献   

采用将拖缆直径参数化,可以由 Workbench 一键化建模并由 ICEM 的脚本语言自动生成结构化网格。 采用计算流体力学方法(CFD)计算少量不同攻角时拖缆微元的阻力性能,并由三次样条插值的方法计算拖缆微元在特殊攻角下的阻力性能。  相似文献   

在普遍利用海洋观测站标准层的温度、盐度数据估算稳定层化海水浮性频率的传统算法中引入自然三次样条插植方法,不仅可使计算结果的精度得以提高,而且还可方便地对观测深度范围内的任一水层进行插值,从而获得总体曲率最小的温度、盐度和浮性频率随深度的分布。本文以南海(13°30’N,118°30’E;9°30’N,lll°30’E)及北太平洋(40°00’N130°00’W)3个测站为例,说明了在浮性频率的传统算法中引入自然三次样条插值法的可行性。  相似文献   

海洋测深中,海底混响信号是测深仪回波信号检测的主要内容。测深仪通常采用信号的相关处理方法对其进行检测,因此在设计测深仪的回波处理单元时,系统地分析海底混响信号的相关特性就显得尤为重要,对混响信号仿真是分析其特性的有效手段。基于单元散射理论,依据海底散射系数的空间相关半径划分散射单元,给出垂直分置海底混响信号的仿真方法。研究结果表明,该模型物理意义明确,计算简单。仿真得到的海底混响信号具有非常好的空间相关性和时间自相关性,与实测的海底混响信号相符,可用于对混响场特性的分析,改善测深仪的设计,从而有效提高测深仪的测量精度。  相似文献   

捷联惯导与天文导航组合导航系统仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈坡  孙付平 《海洋测绘》2010,30(6):55-58
介绍了捷联惯导与天文导航(SINS/CNS)组合导航仿真方案,简要设计和实现了SINS/CNS组合导航软件仿真平台;以Kalman滤波为基础,通过将SINS和CNS所测得的飞行器相关姿态和位置信息进行数据融合,估计出组合导航系统的误差状态量,进而修正SINS的位置、速度和姿态,最后在该系统下进行仿真,验证了这种设计方案的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

为了详细了解国外导航卫星反射信号(GNSS-R)新技术在海洋遥感方面的研究进展,在外文文献调研的基础上,详细阐述了GNSS-R的反射率和双基雷达两种方法在海洋监测应用的遥感技术原理,介绍了海面风场遥感、海冰遥感和海面测高等方面的的理论模型和方法。高空间分辨率和高时间分辨率是导航卫星反射信号在海洋中应用的最大优势。虽然GNSS-R的海洋气象要素反演技术只有十几年的发展历史,但是它已经在海洋天气预报和全球气候变化等领域显示出广阔的应用前景和巨大潜力,未来必将成为海洋大气探测的重要技术手段。  相似文献   

利用插值试验分析采样网格对粒度趋势分析的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用地理信息系统软件ArcView3.2的空间分析功能,采用三次样条插值方法,对采自山东半岛月湖的表层沉积物的粒度参数进行插值。应用“粒度趋势分析”方法,选取一系列的特征距离值进行试验,从原始数据和插值后数据中提取净输运方向的信息。结果显示,原始的不规则采样点所得粒度趋势对于特征距离的选择很敏感,而插值后的规则格网在不同的特征距离下均表现出比较统一的粒度趋势信息。研究表明,规则格网较不规则格网采样点有许多优势,应用插值方法可有效地提高原始数据的信息含量及其质量。  相似文献   

Measurements of the sea surface height (SSH) can be carried out with GNSS aboard ships, but data about the static draft and the hydrodynamic squat effect are necessary. This information is often not available or has an insufficient accuracy. In this study, an alternative method based on the GNSS signal-to-noise ratio observations is presented. Using this method, the distance between the water surface and a GNSS antenna can be estimated directly, if corrections of the heave and the ship’s attitude are considered properly. Suitable segments of a 3-month dataset, gathered aboard a ferry ship operating in the German Bight, were analysed. A global optimization approach based on interval analysis was used and all available observations from a segment were analysed in a common adjustment calculation. The resulting SSH was validated with data from a tide gauge station at Heligoland. The mean difference is 4?mm and a standard deviation of the differences of 5.3?cm was found. The SSH for the same GNSS dataset was also derived from a well-established processing based on the comprehensive consideration of ship dynamics. The mean difference with respect to the tide gauge was 2?mm with a slightly smaller standard deviation of 4.0?cm.  相似文献   

本文介绍用于声呐系统中通道信号模拟器的设计方案,采用PC机进行系统管理和模拟信号的解算,单片机80C31作为其协调处理器用于硬件工作流程的时序控制和信息传送,从而实现模拟多通道声呐信号的效果,该模拟器控制灵活,可靠性高,通用性强,并具有实用价值。  相似文献   

高分辨图象声纳在小目标的探测和识别中扮演重要角色,目标模拟器是图象声纳设备调试的主要仪器之一。文章讨论了模拟器信号发生的机理,分析了近场和远场声基阵输出的信号模型。给出了利用该仪器测得的某型图象声纳的波束图。  相似文献   

GNSS/声纳定位精度主要取决于GNSS浮标阵列构型和测距精度。优化水面GNSS浮标阵列对提高定位精度和可靠性有重要意义。本文提出了基于高度角约束条件的GNSS浮标阵列优化搜索算法。基于GNSS浮标位于海平面和高度角约束条件,本文提出了优化PDOP算法。我们以5个浮标为例对该算法进行了验证,并且获得了完整解。最后,为了在PDOP最小的解中搜索到最优构型,我们提出了一个用来获取最小GDOP解的搜索算法。算法表明:在区域范围内,区域中心点处GDOP最小与区域PDOP均值最小是等价的。我们用中国南海实测数据阐明了5枚浮标情况下定位图形与定位精度的关系。  相似文献   

针对多波束测深条带边缘波束易受到姿态和声速等多种误差影响、相对中央波束数据质量较低的问题,本文提出一种利用相邻测线重叠区域对多波束测深数据边缘波束进行横摇运动残差改正的模型,提高边缘波束测深数据的质量。使用沿航向的测深点匹配插值模型,完成中央波束测深点与边缘波束测深点的匹配,得到边缘波束测深误差值;使用横摇运动残差改正模型,实现顾及姿态角的条件下补偿波束入射角。计算实例表明:本文模型能够较为准确地提取边缘波束测深误差值,改正后的海底地形削弱了误差导致的上下起伏,有效地减少了影响边缘波束的多种误差,具有实际的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

提出一种基于TDA5005高精度全站仪对GNSS定位设备进行自动跟踪测量,通过自动控制、时间同步、姿态改正、空间基准统一等步骤,实现对动态环境下GNSS设备单历元定位精度进行检测。设备检测既可在海上也可在陆地上进行,自动化程度高,操作简便,以期对GNSS的应用有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

研究非完整移动机器人的轨迹跟踪控制问题。首先根据移动机器人侧向误差和角度误差的几何关系,提出了一种基于引导角的轨迹跟踪控制方法。然后利用Lyapunov直接法和积分Backstepping方法设计了基于引导角的轨迹跟踪控制器,并证明了移动机器人轨迹跟踪误差收敛性。最后通过仿真结果验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This study presents a piecewise model for determining the vertical distance and velocity evolution with time for a sphere impacting a water surface and submerging to depths beyond deep-seal cavity pinch-off. Experimental data taken with a high-speed camera are presented for varying sphere mass ratios and impact velocities. The semi-empirical model incorporates results from previously published research and is shown to be in good agreement with experiments for heavier spheres but deviates when the sphere is only slightly denser than water. Two causes for the deviation are presented which relate to the dynamics of the cavity pinch-off event and the inception of a trailing vortex ring after the trailing cavity sloughs from the sphere. A model for predicting cavity pinch-off time and sphere position and velocity at the moment of cavity pinch-off is shown to agree well with experimental results for varying sphere mass ratios and impact velocities. The key experimental values are provided for comparison with current and future modeling efforts.  相似文献   

A global trajectory tracking controller is presented for underactuated AUVs with only surge force and yaw moment in the horizontal plane. A transformation is introduced to represent the tracking error system into a cascade form. The global and uniform asymptotic stabilization problem of the resulting cascade system is reduced to the stabilization problem of two subsystems by use of the cascade approach. For the stabilization of the subsystem involving the yaw moment, a control law is proposed based on the feedback linearization method. Another subsystem is stabilized by designing a fuzzy sliding mode controller which can offer a systematical means of constructing a set of shrinking-span and dilating-span membership functions. In order to demonstrate the practicability of the proposed controller, control constraints, parameter uncertainties, and external disturbances are considered according to practical situation of AUVs. Simulation results show very good tracking performance and robustness of the proposed control schemes.  相似文献   

A robust neural network controller (NNC) is presented for tracking control of underwater vehicles with uncertainties. The controller is obtained by using backstepping technique and Lyapunov function design in combination with neural network identification. Modeling errors and environmental disturbances are considered in the mathematical model. A two-layer neural network is introduced to compensate the modeling errors, while H∞ control strategy is used to achieve the L2-gain performance. The uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) stabilities of tracking errors and NN weights are guaranteed through the proposed controller. An on-line NN weights tuning algorithm is also proposed. Good performances of the tracking control system are illustrated by the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

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