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重塑膨胀土的三向膨胀力试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
谢云  陈正汉  孙树国  李刚  方祥位 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1636-1642
用三向胀缩仪对南阳陶岔重塑膨胀土做了12个三向膨胀力试验,9个湿胀干缩试验和9个控制变形的膨胀力试验。试验结果表明,三向膨胀力不等,水平膨胀力小于竖向膨胀力;湿胀干缩使重塑膨胀土的膨胀力降低,第一次干湿循环后膨胀力减小最多;微小的位移可以使膨胀力大大降低,膨胀力与位移呈对数关系;给出了膨胀力与初始含水率和干密度的关系式。  相似文献   

以合肥重塑膨胀土为研究对象,采用改进的三向胀缩仪开展了16组不同初始含水率与干密度的三向膨胀力试验。研究结果表明,(1)在所研究的含水率、干密度范围内竖向膨胀力总是大于横向膨胀力,快速膨胀阶段大致在0~2 h以内,该阶段竖向膨胀力可达到极限膨胀力的80%以上;(2)同一干密度下竖向膨胀力随初始含水率增大而减小,竖向膨胀力与初始含水率之间具有良好的线性关系,且干密度越大,竖向膨胀力随着初始含水率的变化速率越大;(3)在竖向膨胀力与干密度的关系图中,每条曲线均以干密度1.6 g/cm~3为分界点呈双线性关系;(4)由膨胀力对数与初始干密度的关系,不同初始含水率下的ln(P_z)-ρ_d关系为一系列近似平行的递增直线,直线斜率大致相同,说明膨胀力随初始干密度的变化速度不随含水率的变化而变化。  相似文献   

An analytical solution in the Laplace transform domain is obtained for the transient heat and moisture transport in an unsaturated clay buffer with a geometry simulating repository conditions. A numerical inversion scheme based on Crump's method is used to obtain the time‐domain solution. The coupled effect of thermally driven moisture transport is especially investigated because of its importance to alter the flow field in low‐permeability buffers. The practical background is based on the case of an engineering bentonite barrier placed in a drift excavated in rock in the context of underground disposal of high‐level radioactive waste. Parametric study has been performed to assess the effects of dimensionless geometry and material parameters on flow field. Despite the simplified assumptions required in order to obtain analytical expressions, the results incorporate the main mechanisms involved in the coupled thermo‐hydraulic (T–H) problem, and they may be eventually used for validation purposes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flux equations for liquid and solute migration through clay barriers that behave as semi-permeable membranes used in waste containment and remediation applications, known as clay membrane barriers (CMBs), are discussed. The results of a simplified analysis of flow through a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) using measured values for the chemico-osmotic efficiency coefficient (ω) of the GCL indicate a total liquid flux that counters the outward Darcy (hydraulic) flux due to chemico-osmosis associated with clay membrane behavior of the GCL. Also, the solute (contaminant) flux through the GCL is reduced relative to the solute flux that would occur in the absence of membrane behavior due to chemico-osmotic counter advection and solute restriction. Since diffusion commonly controls solute transport through GCLs and other low-permeability clay barriers, the implicit (empirical) correlation between ω and the effective salt-diffusion coefficient of the migrating contaminant is an important consideration with respect to contaminant restriction in CMBs.  相似文献   

Clay-containing stones such as Portland Brownstone (USA), Villarlod Molasse (Switzerland) and Tarifa Sandstone (Spain), are expected to weather as a result of wetting and drying cycles. During drying events, contraction of the drying surface leads to stresses approaching the tensile strength of the stone. However, we have found that the magnitude of these stresses is reduced by the ability of the stone to undergo stress relaxation. In this paper we describe novel methods to determine the magnitude of the stresses and the rate at which they develop and relax. We also discuss the influence of swelling inhibitors on the magnitude of swelling and the rate of the stress relaxation of these stones. The implications of our findings for the understanding of damage due to swelling of clays are discussed.Special Issue: Stone decay hazards  相似文献   

The unsaturated zone (UZ) retains aqueous solutions against gravity by capillary forces. This suction state corresponds to a decreasing internal pressure of the water, which modifies its thermodynamic properties. Accordingly, the speciation of solutes and the solubility of solids and gases in such capillary solutions change. The volumetric capillary water content of the soil at high suction can be calculated extrapolating the water retention curves (WRC) with the Rossi–Nimmo model. Interestingly, several tens of liters per cubic meter of soil can be thus suctioned, a sufficiently large volume to support that: (1) capillary water is not restricted to nanosized pores, which means it disobeys the Young–Laplace law and is metastable with respect to vapor (superheating); and (2) the geochemistry of capillary solutions might significantly influence the subsurface mass transfer. Two field situations are here interpreted using the capillary thermodynamic properties: (1) the trapping of sand grains during the growth of desert roses (gypsum), and (2) the development of abnormal paragenetic sequences in some saprolites.The capillary approach is extended to the soil solids, so that the micro-mineralogy can be explicitly (though sketchily) integrated in the calculations. The key conclusion is that capillarity changes the saturation indexes (and so the reaction rates) at given solution composition, in a way consistent with the field observations. This perspective amounts to geochemically distinguishing the capillary and percolating solutions, which is interestingly analogous to the immobile and mobile water distinction already often integrated in UZ flow models.  相似文献   

何平  王卫东  徐中华 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3773-3782
压缩指数Cc和回弹指数Cs是土力学中表征土体变形特性的两个重要参数指标,可通过室内一维固结试验获得。但是试验过程耗时长,因此,很多学者提出了压缩指数Cc与物理指标(尤其是液限wL、天然含水率wn、初始孔隙比e0和塑性指数Ip)的经验关系。通过对比国内外压缩指数经验关系,发现压缩指数与天然含水率和孔隙比关系离散性较小,分别给出了一个统一的经验关系。采用薄壁取土器从上海某一场地取得第②~⑥层土的原状土样进行固结试验,并搜集整理分析已有文献中的试验数据和上海69个场地的岩土勘察数据,给出了上海典型土层压缩指数Cc与wL、wn、e0、Ip的经验关系。同时发现,Cc/n0与Cc以及Cs/n0与Cs(n0为初始孔隙率)之间具有高度的线性关系,从而给出了基于初始孔隙率n0预测上海黏土压缩指数Cc和回弹指数Cs的经验关系。分析了压缩指数和回弹指数的关系,结果表明,上海正常固结黏土Cc/Cs分布在4.8~6.9之间,平均值约为5.8;超固结黏土Cc/Cs分布在3.3~5.2之间,平均值约为4.3。  相似文献   

The swelling phenomenon in tunneling is numerically modelled as a coupled hydraulic-mechanical process. The present communication focuses on the significance of the constitutive seepage flow equations, as well as on the importance of the hydraulic boundary conditions. The observed absence of swelling deformations at the tunnel walls and the crown can be explained as a consequence of varying hydraulic boundary conditions along the excavation boundary. According to the presented numerical results, the non-linearity of the unsaturated flow equations has a decisive qualitative influence on the predicted deformation field.  相似文献   

The issues associated with coupled transient heat and mass transfer in unsaturated clay barriers surrounding a buried heat source are considered, and the effects of driving forces in both the liquid and vapour phases are discussed. The reasons for the inability of the model of Philip and de Vries (1957) to accurately predict the redistribution of moisture in unsaturated clay barriers are explained. The model of Yong and Xu (1988) is used to predict the moisture redistribution of non-swelling unsaturated clay barriers. The large variations of the moisture values predicted by the two models are also discussed.  相似文献   

Performance assessment of deep repositories for heat-generating radioactive waste requires the capability of predicting reliably the evolution of the system during a time period commensurate with the hazardous life of the waste. In many repository designs clay barriers represent important elements of the waste isolation system.

In order to provide reasonable assurance that clay barriers will ensure long-term waste isolation, it is essential to understand their behaviour under a variety of conditions. Due to the variability of argillaceous materials, to the complexity of the phenomena that might take place in a waste repository and to the longevity of the required isolation, an adequate understanding of the behaviour and the capability to model the evolution of the clay barriers are not easy tasks. The factors that need to be understood and modelled include stress evolution, long-term strain or creep, thermal effects on solid skeleton, on interstitial fluids and on mineralogy. The difficulty of the task is increased by the facts that many effects are coupled, that their rates must be extremely low, in order to be realistic, and that the time period to be modelled defies the possibility of direct experimental observation. Several critical issues are identified and discussed briefly, such as: constitutive law to describe the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the clay skeleton, modelling of the fluid phase in clays and its response to heating, thermal fracturing and healing. Strategies are suggested for a rational approach to the experimental investigation of some relevant processes. The study of suitable natural analogues, for example the thermo-metamorphic halo occurring at Orciatico in Tuscany, could provide valuable insights in the thermal effects of heating clay barriers. It is conceivable that models describing a variety of relevant phenomena, such as dehydration, fracturing and permeability changes could be tested through the study of the Orciatico analogue.

In the end performance assessments of clay barriers would benefit through improvements in modelling: this would involve progress in understanding the basic phenomena and their coupled nature, improved conceptual and mathematical models and increased reliability for their calibration/validation. The improved understanding of phenomena requires additional experimental activities on various levels: molecular, microscopic, macroscopic, medium scale and in situ.  相似文献   

李志斌  徐超 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):581-585
近年来土工织物膨润土垫(GCL)被越来越多地应用到各种防渗工程中,它的膨胀性和渗透性也成为了设计人员和研究人员所关注的焦点。通过水化膨胀试验、自由膨胀试验和渗透试验,研究了液体对GCL膨胀性能和渗透性能的影响以及膨胀性和渗透性之间存在的相关关系。试验结果表明, 水化液和渗透液的种类对GCL的膨胀性和渗透性有很大影响,其影响分别为:(1) 水化液相同时,渗透液的种类对GCL的渗透系数有影响,而渗透液相同时,水化液的种类对GCL的渗透系数也有影响;(2) GCL的水化膨胀量和渗透系数之间存在相关关系,水化膨胀量越大,渗透系数就越低;(3) GCL中膨润土的自由膨胀量和GCL的渗透系数之间也存在相关关系,自由膨胀量越大,GCL的渗透系数就越低。  相似文献   

In this paper, an extensive parametric sensitivity analysis of coupled consolidation and solute transport in composite landfill liner systems has been undertaken. The analysis incorporates results of more than 3000 simulations for various combinations of barrier thickness, waste loading rate, initial void ratio, compression index, hydraulic conductivity and dispersion coefficient. However, it is noted that to limit the extent of the study a constant coefficient of consolidation is assumed in the analysis presented here, though this assumption is easily relaxed. Results of the parametric sensitivity analysis are succinctly presented using dimensionless plots, which allow the comparison of results for a large number of parameter values, and so the clear identification of the most important determinants on contaminant transport through the liner system. The dimensionless plots demonstrate a pessimum (for which the ‘breakthrough time’ is minimised). Numerical results reveal that in cases of extreme liner compressibility an order of magnitude reduction in contaminant transit time may arise due to coupling between solute transport and consolidation, while for barriers of low compressibility and porosity (such as well-engineered composite compacted clay landfill liners), it is found that the contaminant transit time may still be reduced by more than 30%. The numerical results suggest that the use of coupled consolidation–contaminant transport models are sometimes required for informed and conservative landfill liner design.  相似文献   

曾志雄  孔令伟  黄珏皓  臧濛 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):469-475
膨胀力是膨胀岩土地区工程设计和施工中的重要参数,目前常用的膨胀力试验方法主要有膨胀反压法、平衡加压法和加压膨胀法3种。膨胀力大小容易受试验方法的影响。为了研究试验方法对膨胀力的影响,以延吉膨胀岩为研究对象,采用上述3种方法开展了不同初始含水率试样的膨胀力试验,分析比较了3种试验方法的特点和适用范围。结果表明,膨胀力具有强烈的水-力路径效应,3种方法确定的膨胀力存在较大差异,膨胀反压法测得的膨胀力最大,加压膨胀法最小;3种方法确定的膨胀力与初始含水率之间存在明显的线性负相关关系,随着试样初始含水率的增加,不同方法得到的膨胀力与初始含水率的关系曲线逐渐靠拢,水-力路径对膨胀力试验结果的影响逐渐减弱,每一种方法有其自身的特点和特定的适用范围,膨胀力测试应该根据实际工况选择合适的试验方法。  相似文献   

Governing equations often used in soil mechanics and hydrology include the classical Darcy's law, Terzaghi's effective stress principle, and the classical Fick's first law. It is known that the classical forms of these relations apply only to non-swelling, granular materials. In this paper, we summarize recent generalizations of these results for swelling porous media obtained using hybrid mixture theory (HMT) by the authors. HMT is a methodical procedure for obtaining macroscopic constitutive restrictions which are thermodynamically admissible by exploiting the entropy inequality for spatially-averaged properties. HMT applied to the modeling of swelling clay particles, viewed as clusters of adsorbed water and clay minerals, produces additional terms necessary to account for the physico-chemical forces between the adsorbed water and clay minerals or, more generally, for swelling colloids. New directions for modeling consolidation of swelling clays are proposed based on our view of clay particles as a two-phase system.  相似文献   

The soil–water retention (SWR) characteristics of the clays play an important role in controlling their engineering behaviour, particularly, in the unsaturated state. Although, researchers have attempted to understand the water retention characteristics of the clays in their reconstituted or remoulded state, such studies are rare for the clays in their intact state. In this context, it becomes important to understand the influence of initial state of compaction, which would create different pore and fabric structure (viz., microstructure), on the water retention characteristics of the clays. With this in view, SWR behaviour was experimentally determined for the swelling clays (dried from different compaction states, viz., intact, reconstituted and remoulded) by employing Dewpoint PotentiaMeter (WP4C®). The changes in the pore size distribution of the clays at different stages of drying cycle were also studied by employing the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry. The study reveals that the SWR curves for the intact and reconstituted specimens of the clays converge beyond a certain stage of drying. Also, a critical analysis of changes in the pore structure of the swelling clay specimens, during drying, indicates that the progressively deforming pore structure plays an important role in controlling its water retention characteristics to a great extent.  相似文献   

一个考虑土的各向异性的孔压公式及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高彦斌  徐超  汤竞 《岩土力学》2005,26(9):1349-1355
为了研究粘土的各向异性对孔压生成的影响,在修正剑桥模型的基础上,采用关口-太田应力比概念、结合邢义川-郑颖人方程,构造了一个各向异性旋转屈服面,建立了一个各向异性弹塑性本构模型;据此推导出一个各向异性孔压表达式,该式可以考虑Lode角以及主应力轴的平面旋转对孔压的影响;并采用新的孔压表达式着重分析了三轴应力状态下Lode角旋转以及主应力轴旋转所造成的孔压发展,并对条形荷载下的平面应变各向异性粘土地基中的孔压发展进行了计算。计算结果表明,地基中由于Lode角旋转造成的孔压不明显,但在荷载边角位置主应力轴旋转造成的孔压不容忽视,尤其是在埋深相对较浅的位置。  相似文献   

饱气带区的渗流特性及地表模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饱气带区的厚度和渗流特性随季节逐年发生变化,并伴随着吸力和含水量的变化,而这种变化紧密相关于地表影响因素和土体结构,如:阳光照射,降雨、温度、风速和风向等。笔者建立了一个表征地表和大气相互作用的力学模型,介绍了三种可能出现的地表和大气相互作用的情况,并对一些自然现象进行了分析和说明。在饱气带区的非饱和渗流特性的数值模拟过程中,提出了水的潜热系数和温度呈线性的关系,以及地表土体贮存能量和敏感热流成正比的假设,数值模拟结果和现场实测是较吻合的。同时,对饱气带区的变化规律进行了力学机理分析和解释。  相似文献   

Zhang  Runhong  Goh  Anthony Teck Chee  Li  Yongqin  Hong  Li  Zhang  Wengang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(5):1615-1626
Acta Geotechnica - The evaluation of strut forces is critical to ensure the system stability of braced excavation in urban areas. The most common empirical approach to determine the forces in the...  相似文献   

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