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Whale-back-shaped uplifts called "tumuli" are common in the pahoehoe flows of the western Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). Although they usually occur in hummocky flows, they are also associated with thicker sheet lobes. They have been subjected to a detailed morphometric and petrographic study for the first time. The tumuli are characterised by positive relief and "lava-inflation clefts" occupied by squeeze-ups. They display elongate as well as equant forms; some are constituted of a single flow lobe, whereas others display multiple flow lobes. Some tumuli appear to have developed along anastomosing tube systems. The detailed study of one of the tumuli reveals considerable petrographic and textural variations among the constituent flow units. Some of these, such as the enrichment of phenocrysts in squeeze-ups and breakouts, could be related to the emplacement dynamics of the tumulus. All the observed tumuli display much evidence of inflation or endogenous growth. Field observations and measurements reveal that the tumuli and associated pahoehoe features display a close similarity with their Hawaiian counterparts. This is a very significant observation since it points out to a similarity in nature and style of eruptions in Hawaii and at least in the western part of the DVP. This has an important bearing on determining the short, medium and long-term effusion rates in the Deccan; however, any concrete inference will have to await systematic volcanological studies of the lava features in the DVP.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of lava flows is an innovative method which has been proved to be directly related to the shear history of lava. One of the advantages of this method is that it can be used in the absence of other morphological features commonly employed to study the mechanism of emplacement of lava flows. This feature of the AMS method makes it very attractive to gain insight into the mechanism of emplacement of massive, relatively featureless, long lava flows such as those forming flood basalt provinces. In this work, we report the results of the measurement of AMS as a function of vertical position within the Birkett lava flow, one of the Columbia River Basalt Group flows. The observed variation of AMS allows us to identify at least 16 discrete events of lava injection and to estimate the thickness of individual injection events. The AMS-estimated thickness of each injection event (in the range of 0.5-4.0 m) coincides with the range inferred for injected lava pulses in modern Hawaiian lava flows. Thus, the evidence provided by the AMS method supports the notion that at least some flood basalt lava flows were emplaced by the same mechanism as many present-day inflated pahoehoe flows. Regarding the orientation of the principal susceptibilities, in the central part of the flow they define a preferred orientation along an E-W trend, whereas in the outer parts of the flow they have a NNE-SSW trend. This difference in the orientation of the principal susceptibilities is interpreted as the result of a change of flow direction of the lava as emplacement progressed. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00445-002-0203-8.  相似文献   

Lava flows with preserved bases and brecciated upper crusts constitute a morphological type that differs in character from typical pahoehoe and a'a: such flows have been reported from many provinces around the world. Previous studies had referred to these flows informally as ‘pahoehoe flows with rubbly tops’, ‘broken-top pahoehoe’ and ‘rubbly pahoehoe’. Recent studies have formally applied the latter term to describe parts of the well-studied Laki flow in Iceland as well as flows from the Columbia River Basalt province. Rubbly pahoehoe flows are abundant in the upper stratigraphic formations of the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), and are more commonly known as simple flows. This study presents detailed observations of such flows from various parts of the DVP and discusses their implications for understanding flow emplacement. These flows, which appear to be single units at the outcrop-scale, are generally much thicker and significantly more extensive than individual pahoehoe lobes that dominate the lower formations of the Deccan stratigraphy. They are characterised by preserved, gently undulating tachylitic bases but variably disrupted crustal zones that grade into flow-top breccias. The breccias are constituted of highly vesicular and oxidised fragments of varying sizes that appear to have been derived from previously formed pahoehoe crusts. Previous work has indicated that the morphology of these flows might be related to initial inflation, accompanied by rapid volatile exsolution and an increase in effusion rate and/or viscosity with time. This agrees reasonably well with the qualitative and quantitative models of emplacement developed for the Laki flow. The abundance of such flows in the upper formations of the Deccan stratigraphy clearly hints at a significant shift in the nature of the Deccan eruptions; this could be indicative of higher eruption rates during this period. This, in turn, raises the possibility of hazardous impact on the climate during the eruption of these flows, which is also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Newly identified ??a?? lava flows outcrop intermittently over an area of ~110?km2 in the western Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), India. They occur in the upper Thakurvadi Formation in the region south of Sangamner. The flows, one of which is compound, are 15?C25?m thick, and exhibit well-developed basal and flow-top breccias. The lavas have microcrystalline groundmasses and are porphyritic or glomerocrystic and contain phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene or plagioclase feldspar. They are chemically similar to compound p??hoehoe flows at a similar stratigraphic horizon along the Western Ghats. Petrographic and geochemical differences between ??a?? flows at widely spaced outcrops at the same stratigraphic horizon suggest that they are the product of several eruptions, potentially from different sources. Their presence in the DVP could suggest relative proximity to vents. This discovery is significant because ??a?? lavas are generally scarce in large continental flood basalt provinces, which typically consist of numerous inflated compound p??hoehoe lobes and sheet lobes. Their scarcity is intriguing, and may relate to either their occurrence only in poorly preserved or exposed proximal areas or to the flat plateau-like topography of flood basalt provinces that may inhibit channelization and ??a?? formation, or both. In this context, the ??a?? flow fields described here are inferred to be the products of eruptions that produced unusually high-effusion-rate lavas compared to typical flood basalt eruptions. Whether these phases were transitional to lower intensity, sustained eruptions that fed extensive low effusion rate p??hoehoe flow fields remains unclear.  相似文献   

This study focuses on Middle Miocene tholeiitic flood basalt lava flows from the Oregon Plateau, northwestern USA (Steens Basalt), and is the first to comprehensively document and evaluate their morphology. Field observations of flows from several sections within and proximal to the main exposures at Steens Mountain have been supplemented with textural and geochemical data, and are used to offer preliminary insights into their emplacement. Compound pahoehoe flows of variable thickness appear to be common throughout the study area, laterally and vertically. These tend to be plagioclase phyric and the morphology and disposition of constituent flow lobes are quite similar to those from other provinces such as Hawaii and the Snake River Plain. Classic a’a flows with brecciated upper and basal crusts are not abundant, but by no means uncommon. Flows with characters different from typical pahoehoe and a’a are also common. Such flows display a range in morphology; flows with preserved upper crusts but brecciated basal crusts, as well as those displaying well-developed flow-top breccias and preserved basal crusts (rubbly pahoehoe) are observed. The Steens Basalt appears to display greater morphological and textural diversity at the outcrop scale than that described for some other flood basalt provinces. The abundant compound pahoehoe flows (often rich in plagioclase phenocrysts) were likely emplaced during slow but sustained eruptive episodes; their constituent lobes show clear evidence for endogenous growth. The relatively aphyric flows with brecciated surfaces (including a’a) hint at higher strain rates and/or higher viscosity, probably caused by higher effusion rates. A couple of sections are characterized by compositionally similar, but morphologically different flows that were possibly part of the same eruption. While differences in pre-eruptive topography could explain this, it is also possible that certain physical parameters changed substantially and abruptly during eruption and that such changes were accompanied by differentiation processes within the plumbing system. It is possible that such observations indicate temporal fluctuations within complex magmatic and eruptive systems, and deserve closer scrutiny.  相似文献   

Flood basalts, such as the Deccan Traps of India, represent huge, typically fissure-fed volcanic provinces. We discuss the structural attributes and emplacement mechanics of a large, linear, tholeiitic dyke swarm exposed in the Nandurbar–Dhule area of the Deccan province. The swarm contains 210 dykes of dolerite and basalt >1 km in length, exposed over an area of 14,500 km2. The dykes intrude an exclusively basaltic lava pile, largely composed of highly weathered and zeolitized compound pahoehoe flows. The dykes range in length from <1 km to 79 km, and in thickness from 3 to 62 m. Almost all dykes are vertical, with the others nearly so. They show a strong preferred orientation, with a mean strike of N88°. Because they are not emplaced along faults or fractures, they indicate the regional minimum horizontal compressive stress (σ 3) to have been aligned ~N–S during swarm emplacement. The dykes have a negative power law length distribution but an irregular thickness distribution; the latter is uncommon among the other dyke swarms described worldwide. Dyke length is not correlated with dyke width. Using the aspect ratios (length/thickness) of several dykes, we calculate magmatic overpressures required for dyke emplacement, and depths to source magma chambers that are consistent with results of previous petrological and gravity modelling. The anomalously high source depths calculated for a few dykes may be an artifact of underestimated aspect ratios due to incomplete along-strike exposure. However, thermal erosion is a mechanism that can also explain this. Whereas several of the Nandurbar–Dhule dykes may be vertically injected dykes from shallow magma chambers, others, particularly the long ones, must have been formed by lateral injection from such chambers. The larger dykes could well have fed substantial (≥1,000 km3) and quickly emplaced (a few years) flood basalt lava flows. This work highlights some interesting and significant similarities, and contrasts, between the Nandurbar–Dhule dyke swarm and regional tholeiitic dyke swarms in Iceland, Sudan, and elsewhere. Editorial responsibility: J. White  相似文献   

Inflated and compound pahoehoe flows have been identified within the central Paraná Continental Flood Basalts based upon their morphology, surface features, and internal zonation. Pahoehoe flow features have been studied at five localities in the western portion of Paraná State, Brazil: Ponte Queimada, Toledo, Rio Quitéria, Matelandia and Cascavel. We have interpreted the newly recognized flow features using concepts of Hawaiian pahoehoe formation and emplacement that have been previously applied to the Columbia River Basalt and Deccan Plateau. Surface features and/or internal structure typical from pahoehoe lavas are observed in all studied areas and features like inflation clefts, squeeze-ups, breakouts, and P-type lobes with two levels of pipe vesicles are indicative of inflation in these flows. The thinner, compound pahoehoe flows are predominantly composed of P-type lobes and probably emerged at the end of large inflated flows on shallow slopes. The presence of vesicular cores in the majority of compound lobes and the common occurrence of segregation structures suggests high water content in the pahoehoe lavas from the central PCFB. More volcanological studies are necessary to determinate the rheology of lavas and refine emplacement models.Editorial responsibility: C. Kilburn  相似文献   

The pahoehoe–aa transition for a flow exposed near Bodshil village from the western part of the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) is reported for the first time. The 1-km-long Bodshil flow issued as a small sheet from a pre-existing lobe. Near the source, the crust is characterised by numerous squeeze-ups. A number of gaping fractures, parallel to sub-parallel to the flow direction, are exposed on the surface in the medial portion of the flow. About 800 m away, the flow completely transforms to slabby pahoehoe. The terminal portion of the flow is characterised by concentrations of slabs, blocks and lava balls. The size and concentrations of the slabs and lava balls appear to increase along the length of the flow. Petrographic studies reveal a dominant hypohyaline texture. The flow core is coarse and is characterised by plagioclase set in a glassy matrix. The presence of clinopyroxene in addition to plagioclase and glass distinguishes the crust and interslab crust from the core. On the basis of mineralogy, a temperature range of 1146±15°C to 1169±15°C is inferred for the Bodshil flow. Increased vesicle deformation across the transition is discernible and an average D-value of <0.4 indicates moderate strain rates during emplacement. In light of the morphology and petrography, the cooling history and the mode of emplacement of the Bodshil flow is discussed. The flow originated as a small toe at the leading edge of a pahoehoe flow, and grew into a sheet by the mechanism of inflation. Continuous inflation caused the brittle crust to uplift and produce a network of inflation clefts that were subsequently occupied by squeeze-ups. Temporary stagnation of the flow due to cessation of lava supply or storage allowed the crust to grow and thicken. Renewed movement of the stored and cooled lava to the flow front at a fairly high volumetric rate was responsible for the initial disruption of the crust. High rates of crustal disruption induced higher rates of degassing and cooling, which resulted in rapid crystallisation of the fluid core. Increase in crystallinity lead to the onset of yield strength, and it is envisaged that at least the terminal parts of the flow behaved as a Bingham fluid. The Bodshil flow is unique to the DVP because it is the first to record slabby pahoehoe and provide evidence for the incipient transformation of basaltic lava from pahoehoe to aa.  相似文献   

Magmatism in Kachchh, in the northwestern Deccan continental flood basalt province, is represented not only by typical tholeiitic flows and dikes, but also plug-like bodies, in Mesozoic sandstone, of alkali basalt, basanite, melanephelinite and nephelinite, containing mantle nodules. They form the base of the local Deccan stratigraphy and their volcanological context was poorly understood. Based on new and published field, petrographic and geochemical data, we identify this suite as an eroded monogenetic volcanic field. The plugs are shallow-level intrusions (necks, sills, dikes, sheets, laccoliths); one of them is known to have fed a lava flow. We have found local peperites reflecting mingling between magmas and soft sediment, and the remains of a pyroclastic vent composed of non-bedded lapilli tuff breccia, injected by mafic alkalic dikes. The lapilli tuff matrix contains basaltic fragments, glass shards, and detrital quartz and microcline, with secondary zeolites, and there are abundant lithic blocks of mafic alkalic rocks. We interpret this deposit as a maar-diatreme, formed due to phreatomagmatic explosions and associated wall rock fragmentation and collapse. This is one of few known hydrovolcanic vents in the Deccan Traps. The central Kachchh monogenetic volcanic field has >30 individual structures exposed over an area of ∼1,800 km2 and possibly many more if compositionally identical igneous intrusions in northern Kachchh are proven by future dating work to be contemporaneous. The central Kachchh monogenetic volcanic field implies low-degree mantle melting and limited, periodic magma supply. Regional directed extension was absent or at best insignificant during its formation, in contrast to the contemporaneous significant directed extension and vigorous mantle melting under the main area of the Deccan flood basalts. The central Kachchh field demonstrates regional-scale volcanological, compositional, and tectonic variability within flood basalt provinces, and adds the Deccan Traps to the list of such provinces containing monogenetic- and/or hydrovolcanism, namely the Karoo-Ferrar and Emeishan flood basalts, and plateau basalts in Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Patagonia.  相似文献   

The Etendeka Igneous Province in NW Namibia forms the eastern most extent of the Paraná–Etendeka Flood Basalt Province and, despite only covering about 5% of the Paraná–Etendeka, has been the focus of much interest, due to its extremely well exposed nature. The Huab Basin in NW Namibia forms the focus of this study, and formed a connected basin with the Paraná throughout Karoo times (late Palaeozoic) into the Lower Cretaceous. It contains a condensed section of the Karoo deposits, which indicate early periods of extension, and Lower Cretaceous aeolian and volcanic Etendeka deposits, which have their correlatives in the Paraná. In the Huab Basin, the volcanic rocks of the Etendeka Group consists of the Awahab and Tafelberg Formations, which are separated by a disconformity. Detailed examination of the Awahab Formation reveals an additional disconformity, which separates olivine-phyric basalts (Tafelkop-type) from basalt/basaltic andesites (Tafelberg-type) marking out a shield volcanic feature which is concentrated in an area to the SE of the Huab River near to the Doros igneous centre. Early volcanism consisted of pahoehoe style flows of limited lateral extent, which spilled out onto aeolian sands of an active aeolian sand sea 133 million years ago. This sand sea is equivalent to the sands making up the Botucatu Formation in the Paraná basin. The early expression of flood volcanism was that of laterally discontinuous, limited volume, pahoehoe flows of Tafelkop-type geochemistry, which interleaved with the aeolian sands forming the Tafelkop–Interdune Member basalts. These basalts are on-lapped by more voluminous, laterally extensive, basalt/basaltic andesite flows indicating a step-up in the volume and rate of flood volcanism, leading to the preservation of the shield volcanic feature. These geochemically distinct basalts/basaltic andesites form the Tsuhasis Member, which are interbeded with the Goboboseb and Sprinkbok quartz latite flows higher in the section. The Tsuhasis Member basalts, which form the upper parts of the Awahab Formation, are of Tafelberg-type geochemistry, but are stratigraphically distinct from the Tafelberg lavas, which are found in the Tafelberg Formation above. Thus, the internal stratigraphy of the flood basalt province contains palaeo-volcanic features, such as shield volcanoes, and other disconformities and is not that of a simple layer-cake model. This complex internal architecture indicates that flood volcanism started sporadically, with low volume pahoehoe flows of limited lateral extent, before establishing the more common large volume flows typical of the main lava pile.  相似文献   

We observed active pahoehoe lobes erupted on Kilauea during May-June 1996, and found a range of emplacement styles associated with variations in local effusion rate, flow velocity, and strain rate. These emplacement styles were documented and quantified for comparison with earlier laboratory experiments.At the lowest effusion rates, velocities, and strain rates, smooth-surfaced lobes were emplaced via swelling, where new crust formed along an incandescent lip at the front of the lobe and the rest of the lobe was covered with a dark crust. At higher effusion rates, strain rates and velocities, lobes were emplaced through tearing or cracking. Tearing was characterized by ripping of the ductile crust near the initial breakout point, and most of the lobe surface was incandescent during its emplacement. This mechanism was observed to generate both smooth-surfaced lobes, and, when the lava encountered an obstacle, folded lobes. Cracking lobes were similar to those emplaced via tearing, but involved breaking of a thicker, brittle crust at the initial breakout of the lobe and therefore required somewhat higher flow rates than did tearing. Cracking lobes typically formed ropy folds in the center of the lobe, and smooth margins. At the highest effusion rates, strain rates, and flow velocities, the lava formed open channels with distinct levees.The final lobe morphologies were compared to results from laboratory simulations, which were designed to infer effusion rate from final flow morphology, to quantitatively test the laboratory results on the scale of individual natural pahoehoe lobes. There is general agreement between results from laboratory simulations and natural lavas on the scale of individual pahoehoe lobes, but there are disparities between laboratory flows and lava flows on the scale of an entire pahoehoe lava flow field.Editorial responsibility: A. Woods  相似文献   

The initial cooling of pahoehoe flow lobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In this paper we describe a new thermal model for the initial cooling of pahoehoe lava flows. The accurate modeling of this initial cooling is important for understanding the formation of the distinctive surface textures on pahoehoe lava flows as well as being the first step in modeling such key pahoehoe emplacement processes as lava flow inflation and lava tube formation. This model is constructed from the physical phenomena observed to control the initial cooling of pahoehoe flows and is not an empirical fit to field data. We find that the only significant processes are (a) heat loss by thermal radiation, (b) heat loss by atmospheric convection, (c) heat transport within the flow by conduction with temperature and porosity-dependent thermal properties, and (d) the release of latent heat during crystallization. The numerical model is better able to reproduce field measurements made in Hawai'i between 1989 and 1993 than other published thermal models. By adjusting one parameter at a time, the effect of each of the input parameters on the cooling rate was determined. We show that: (a) the surfaces of porous flows cool more quickly than the surfaces of dense flows, (b) the surface cooling is very sensitive to the efficiency of atmospheric convective cooling, and (c) changes in the glass forming tendency of the lava may have observable petrographic and thermal signatures. These model results provide a quantitative explanation for the recently observed relationship between the surface cooling rate of pahoehoe lobes and the porosity of those lobes (Jones 1992, 1993). The predicted sensitivity of cooling to atmospheric convection suggests a simple field experiment for verification, and the model provides a tool to begin studies of the dynamic crystallization of real lavas. Future versions of the model can also be made applicable to extraterrestrial, submarine, silicic, and pyroclastic flows. Received: 26 November 1994 / Accepted: 1 December 1995  相似文献   

The 1614–1624 lava flow of Mt. Etna was formed during a long-duration flank eruption involving predominantly pahoehoe flows which produced unusual surface features including mega-tumuli (here defined) and terraces. Detailed mapping of the flow units, surface features, and associated tubes reveals a complex sequence of emplacement for the field. The stair-stepped terraces appear to have been formed as a consequence of self-damming of tube-fed flows which developed «perched» ponds of lava. Surges of lava through tubes elevated sections of crusted lava at the distal ends of the flow to generate tumuli, some as high as 130 m, as a consequence of pressure via «hydrostatic head» conditions within the tube. Although pahoehoe lavas and the related features described here are atypical of Mt. Etna, they may reflect styles of eruption and lava emplacement found on volcanoes elsewhere.  相似文献   

The most voluminous eruption of natrocarbonatite lava hitherto recorded on Earth occurred at Oldoinyo Lengai in March–April 2006. The lava flows produced in this eruption range from blocky 'a'a type to smooth-surfaced inflated pahoehoe. We measured lava inflation features (i.e. one tumulus and three pressure ridges) that formed in the various pahoehoe flows emplaced in this event. The inflation features within the main crater of Oldoinyo Lengai are relatively small-scale, measuring 1-5 m in width, 2.5–24.4 m in length and with inflation clefts less than 0.4 m deep. Their small sizes are in contrast to a tumulus that formed on the northwestern slope of the volcano (situated ~1140 m below the crater floor). The tumulus is roughly circular, measures 17.5 × 16.0 m, and is cut by a 4.4 m deep axial inflation cleft exposing two separate flow units. We measured the elastic properties (i.e. shear- and bulk moduli) of natrocarbonatitic crust and find that these are similar to those reported for basaltic crust, and that there is no direct correlation between magmastatic head and pressure required to form tumuli. All inflated flows in the 2006 event were confined by lateral barriers (main crater, erosional channel or erosional gully) suggesting that the two most important factors for endogenous growth in natrocarbonatitic lava flows are (1) lateral barriers that prevent widening of the flow, and (2) influx of new material beneath the viscoelastic and brittle crust.  相似文献   

We studied the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of 22 basaltic flow units, including S-type pahoehoe, P-type pahoehoe, toothpaste lava and 'a' emplaced over different slopes in two Hawaiian islands. Systematic differences occur in several aspects of AMS (mean susceptibility, degree of anisotropy, magnetic fabric and orientation of the principal susceptibilities) among the morphological types that can be related to different modes of lava emplacement. AMS also detects systematic changes in the rate of shear with position in a unit, allowing us to infer local flow direction and some other aspects of the velocity field of each unit. 'A' flows are subject to stronger deformation than pahoehoe, and also their internal parts behave more like a unit. According to AMS, the central part of pahoehoe commonly reveals a different deformation history than the upper and lower extremes, probably resulting from endogenous growth.  相似文献   

The historical records of Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes reveal that the rough-surfaced variety of basalt lava called aa forms when lava flows at a high volumetric rate (>5–10 m3/s), and the smooth-surfaced variety called pahoehoe forms at a low volumetric rate (<5–10 m3/s). This relationship is well illustrated by the 1983–1990 and 1969–1974 eruptions of Kilauea and the recent eruptions of Mauna Loa. It is also illustrated by the eruptions that produced the remarkable paired flows of Mauna Loa, in which aa formed during an initial short period of high discharge rate (associated with high fountaining) and was followed by the eruption of pahoehoe over a sustained period at a low discharge rate (with little or no fountaining). The finest examples of paired lava flows are those of 1859 and 1880–1881. We attribute aa formation to rapid and concentrated flow in open channels. There, rapid heat loss causes an increase in viscosity to a threshold value (that varies depending on the actual flow velocity) at which, when surface crust is torn by differential flow, the underlying lava is unable to move sufficiently fast to heal the tear. We attribute pahoehoe formation to the flowage of lava at a low volumetric rate, commonly in tubes that minimize heat loss. Flow units of pahoehoe are small (usually <1 m thick), move slowly, develop a chilled skin, and become virtually static before the viscosity has risen, to the threshold value. We infer that the high-discharge-rate eruptions that generate aa flows result from the rapid emptying of major or subsidiary magma chambers. Rapid near-surface vesiculation of gas-rich magma leads to eruptions with high discharge rates, high lava fountains, and fast-moving channelized flows. We also infer that long periods of sustained flow at a low discharge rate, which favor pahoehoe, result from the development of a free and unimpeded pathway from the deep plumbing system of the volcano and the separation of gases from the magma before eruption. Achievement of this condition requires one or more episodes of rapid magma excursion through the rift zone to establish a stable magma pathway.  相似文献   

Geochemical data and mapping from a Karoo flood basalt crater complex reveals new information about the ascent and eruption of magma batches during the earliest phases of flood basalt volcanism. Flood basalt eruptions at Sterkspruit, South Africa began with emplacement of thin lava flows before abruptly switching to explosive phreatomagmatic and magmatic activity that formed a nest of craters, spatter and tuff rings and cones that collectively comprise a crater complex >40 km2 filled by 9–18 km3 of volcaniclastic debris. Rising magma flux rates combined with reduced access of magma to external water led to effusion of thick Karoo flood basalts, burying the crater-complex beneath the >1.5 km-thick Lesotho lava pile. Geochemical data is consistent with flood basalt effusion from local dikes, and some lava flows likely shared or re-occupied vent sites active during explosive eruptions at Sterkspruit. Flood basalt magmas involved in Sterkspruit eruptions were chemically heterogenous. This study documents the rapid (perhaps simultaneous) eruption of three chemically distinct basaltic magmas which cannot be simply related to one another from one vent site within the Sterkspruit crater complex. Stratigraphic and map relationships indicate that eruption of the same three magma types took place from closely spaced vents over a short time during formation of the bulk of the crater-complex. Two magma types recognized there have not been recognized in the Karoo province before. The variable composition of flood basalts at Sterkspruit argues that magma batches in flood basalt fields may be small (0.5–1 km3) and not simply related to one another. This implies in turn that heterogeneities in the magma source region may be close to each other in time and space, and that eruptions of chemically distinct magmas may take place over short intervals of space and time without significant hybridisation in flood basalt fields.  相似文献   

The 1990 Kalapana flow field is a complex patchwork of tube-fed pahoehoe flows erupted from the Kupaianaha vent at a low effusion rate (approximately 3.5 m3/s). These flows accumulated over an 11-month period on the coastal plain of Kilauea Volcano, where the pre-eruption slope angle was less than 2°. the composite field thickened by the addition of new flows to its surface, as well as by inflation of these flows and flows emplaced earlier. Two major flow types were identified during the development of the flow field: large primary flows and smaller breakouts that extruded from inflated primary flows. Primary flows advanced more quickly and covered new land at a much higher rate than breakouts. The cumulative area covered by breakouts exceeded that of primary flows, although breakouts frequently covered areas already buried by recent flows. Lava tubes established within primary flows were longer-lived than those formed within breakouts and were often reoccupied by lava after a brief hiatus in supply; tubes within breakouts were never reoccupied once the supply was interrupted. During intervals of steady supply from the vent, the daily areal coverage by lava in Kalapana was constant, whereas the forward advance of the flows was sporadic. This implies that planimetric area, rather than flow length, provides the best indicator of effusion rate for pahoehoe flow fields that form on lowangle slopes.  相似文献   

Age of Seychelles–India break-up   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many continental flood basalt provinces are spatially and temporally linked with continental break-up. Establishing the relative timing of the two events is a key step in determining their causal relationship. Here we investigate the example of the Deccan Traps and the separation of India and the Seychelles. Whilst there has been a growing consensus as to the age of the main phase of the Deccan emplacement (65.5 ± 1 Ma, chron 29r), the age of the rifting has remained unclear. We resolve this issue through detailed seafloor magnetic anomaly modeling (supported by wide-angle and reflection seismic results) of the north Seychelles and conjugate Laxmi Ridge/Gop Rift margins, and geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of rocks from the north Seychelles margin. We show that syn-rift volcanics offshore the Seychelles Islands in the form of seaward-dipping reflectors were most likely erupted during chron 28n, and the first organized seafloor spreading at the Carlsberg Ridge also initiated during this chron at 63.4 Ma. The severing of the Seychelles occurred by a south-eastward ridge propagation that was completed by the start of chron 27n (~ 62 Ma). A brief, pre-28r phase of seafloor spreading occurred in the Gop Rift, possibly as early as 31r–32n (~ 71 Ma). Initial extension at the margin therefore preceded or was contemporaneous with the Deccan emplacement, and separation of the Seychelles was achieved less than 3.5 Ma afterwards. This is the shortest time interval between flood basalt emplacement and break-up yet reported for any continental flood basalt-rifted margin pair. A contributing factor to the apparently short interval in the Deccan case may be that rifting occurred by a ridge jump into already thinned continental lithosphere. However, we conclude that external plate-boundary forces, rather than the impact of a mantle plume, were largely responsible for the rifting of the Seychelles from India.  相似文献   

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