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2008年初广东罕见低温雨雪冰冻天气的成因初探   总被引:13,自引:23,他引:13  
利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,以及国家气候中心的海温监测资料等,初步分析2008年初我国南方持续低温雨雪冰冻天气过程的成因的结果表明,此次罕见天气过程是在近年来最严重的一次“拉尼娜”事件背景下发生的,与欧亚地区持续大气环流异常密切相关。在“北脊南槽”和西太平洋副高偏北偏强的形势下,北方冷空气不断从青藏高原东北侧南下,同时孟加拉湾和南海地区源源不断的水汽往北到东北方向输送,冷暖气流在我国南方地区频繁交汇,使对流层中低层形成逆温层和局地经向环流产生异常,造成了持续低温雨雪冰冻过程。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对2008年1月11日-2月1日湖北省低温雨雪冰冻过程进行温度平流空间分布诊断分析。结果表明:低温雨雪冰冻期间,湖北省近地层不断有弱冷空气补充和渗透;中层暖平流、低层冷垫和南方沿冷垫向上爬升的暖空气是湖北省降雪最基本的条件,而湖北省东部出现强降雪的另一个更重要的原因就是低层偏东回流带来的暖平流;当冷空气充斥湖北省上空整层大气时,则预示雨雪将减弱停止。  相似文献   

2008年1月10日—2月2日我国中南部地区发生了严重的低温雨雪冰冻灾害。该文分析此次过程的冷空气活动和水汽输送,比较两者在降水形成中的相对重要性。利用文中定义的两个参量,可以直接比较水汽和温度这两个量在降水中所起的作用,并比较两者作用的相对重要性。结果表明:在低层 (850 hPa及以下),我国中南部地区温度偏低、水汽偏少,但温度偏低对降水偏多的正贡献大于水汽偏少的负贡献,两者的净贡献为正,因此,冷空气活动主导降水。在较高层 (600 hPa及以上),中南部地区水汽偏多、温度偏高,但水汽偏多对降水的正贡献大于温度偏高的负贡献,因此,水汽输送主导降水。在中层 (700 hPa),干冷空气和暖湿空气混合导致,中南部地区水汽偏多、温度偏低,两者均有利于空气饱和,对降水均起正作用;计算结果显示,水汽的贡献略强于温度的贡献。  相似文献   

利用T213资料以及常规观测资料,对2008年初江西省持续性低温雨雪冰冻天气过程进行了分析。结果表明,乌拉尔山高压脊稳定维持,副高持续偏北、偏强,地面冷空气不断南下,850hPa层气温始终维持在0℃以下,是造成江西2008年低温雨雪冰冻天气的直接原因。副高和乌拉尔山高压的强度均在不断增强,控制范围不断扩大,导致江西出现三种性质截然不同的降水。700hPa层气温的变化与江西降水性质关系密切,气温为0℃以上时,水汽呈液相态,主要为雨或雨夹雪天气;气温为0℃以下时,水汽呈固相态,以降雪天气为主。中层和低层的水汽输送均可产生冻雨和大雪天气,江西1月25-26日冻雨天气的水汽主要来源于低层输送,28日晚-29日大雪天气的水汽来源于中层和低层的输送,31日晚-2月2日大雪天气的水汽则来源于中层的输送。  相似文献   

2008年初贵州低温雨雪凝冻灾害天气成因分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用NECP 2.5°×2.5°的日平均再分析资料和常规观测资料,对2008年1月12日-2月13日期间贵州省历史罕见的持续低温雨雪凝冻天气过程的环流特征及物理量进行了分析,并对中东部凝冻严重的前期和西部凝冻严重的后期做了对比.揭示了此次灾害天气的几个主要天气特征:(1)地面静止锋的位置关系着我省低温雨雪凝冻灾害的区域.(2)500 hPa环流前期和后期影响系统明显不同.过程期间欧亚大陆500 hPa高度场距平呈"北高南低"分布,亚洲区极涡南掉,面积偏大.(3)过程前期850 hPa冷舌明显,等温线密集;后期700 hPa 温降低,有冷舌活动,850 hPa冷舌明显减弱,低温维持.中东部和西部地区冷暖平流垂直方向上的配制不同.强盛的700 hPa暖湿气流是此次过程的主要水汽来源.  相似文献   

利用滤波、EOF和合成分析等统计方法及NCEP和NOAA提供的资料,分析了与2008年初我国南方罕见持续性冰冻雨雪天气有关的水汽输送演变情况,发现持续性与热带大气季节内振荡(MJO)和中低纬地区高低层环流的30 ~ 60天低频振荡关系体现为:当MJO活动以印度洋中东部赤道地区对流加强、印度尼西亚对流受抑制为特征时,印度地区700 hPa出现低频气旋有利于70 ~ 80 ?E的槽加深。与此同时,我国台湾以东洋面出现低频反气旋,有利于西太平洋副高加强。低压槽和副热带高压(副高)之间的偏南风导致孟加拉湾和南海的水汽同时向我国南方地区输送。与低层系统相配,200 hPa低频反气旋位于南压大陆,在该低频反气旋东北侧则为低频气旋,二者之间的低频西北风与低层的低频南风构成了反Hadley型局地经向环流,并导致高层西风急流入口区反气旋侧的高层辐散区向南偏移,使低频经向环流的上升支控制我国南方地区,该上升气流将来自孟加拉湾和南海的水汽抬升至高层,十分有利2008年初我国罕见冻雨的降水异常。通过对比分析相同时段降水异常偏少的1993年中低纬高低层低频环流场,发现1993年的低频环流分布形势与2008年的相反,说明了季节内振荡确实是造成2008年初我国南方地区持续性降水的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

2008年初广西罕见低温雨雪冰冻天气的成因初探   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用广西1971~2000年地面气象资料记录和Micaps提供的常规地面、高空观测资料,对2008年1月12日~2月5日广西低温雨雪冰冻天气成因进行分析,结果表明,欧亚地区出现罕见、持续而稳定的大气环流异常形势,是造成这次低温雨雪冰冻天气的直接原因。这种大气环流异常形势主要表现在:(1)长时间持续的中高纬度欧亚地区的大气环流呈现西高东低分布,有利于强冷空气自西北方向沿河西走廊连续不断入侵中国;(2)青藏高原南缘的南支低压槽活跃,促使西南方向暖湿空气沿云贵高原向中国输送;(3)由于冷暖空气交汇区,暖湿空气在上,在对流层中低层形成稳定的逆温层,是广西北部地区大范围冻雨出现的主要原因。  相似文献   

2008年1月我国南方罕见冰冻雨雪灾害性天气诊断分析   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
从天气、气候及大气物理量场等方面对2008年1月中下旬发生在我国南方大部分地区历史罕见的冰冻雨雪灾害性天气发生发展的成因、主要特征以及造成严重灾害的主要原因进行了诊断分析。结果表明:地面准静止锋是造成这次严重冰冻雨雪灾害的主要天气系统;逆温层是冻雨形成的必要条件;西南暖湿气流及北方强冷空气的不断补充是造成南方连续出现冰冻雨雪天气及造成严重灾害的充分必要条件。同时,Micaps二次开发产品的利用有助于深入分析极端天气事件。研究结果可为此类天气预报提供借鉴。  相似文献   

2008年初柳北罕见低温雨雪冰冻灾害分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
利用柳北地区40个加密自动气象站监测资料及三江、融安、融水三县建站以来的气温资料,对2008年初柳北地区的低温雨雪冰冻灾害进行了综合分析,结果表明:此次低温雨雪冰冻天气过程为柳北地区近50 a来最严重的冰冻灾害天气过程,在这次过程中,海拔越高、纬度越高的地带灾害程度越严重,纬度相同的地带又以海拔高的受害严重。  相似文献   

2008年初河南低温雨雪冰冻天气的气候特征及环流特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用全省116个气象站的逐日气温、降水量和天气现象等资料,对2008年1月中下旬河南低温雨雪冰冻天气的空间分布、持续时间、历史强度和灾害影响等进行了综合分析,结果表明:2008年1月中下旬,河南全省平均气温和平均最高气温均为1951年以来同期最低值,降水量为1951年以来同期最多值,冬季最长连续低温日数为1978年以来的最多值,最长连续降雪日数和最长连续冰冻日数均为1958年以来的并列最多值,特别是豫南的信阳连降3次暴雪,平均最大积雪深度为1956年以来的最大值.这次灾害影响范围广、持续时间长,给河南省交通运输、电力、农业生产和群众生活造成了不利影响.  相似文献   

A quantitative diagnosis is carried out for the upward branch of a local meridional circulation over southern China(SC) during the abnormal snowstorms with severe freezing rain from 10 January to 3 February 2008.The diagnostic study shows that the upward branch is mainly associated with the zonal advection of westerly momentum and meridional temperature advection instead of the latent heating(which is commonly the dominant factor in many other storm cases).The corresponding weather analyses indicate that(1) the zonal advection of westerly momentum represents the effect of the upper-level divergence on the anticyclone-shear side in the entrance of a 200 hPa westerly jet with a westward deviation from its climatological location over southwestern Japan;(2) the meridional temperature advection represents the interaction between the mid-lower layer(850 to 400 hPa) warm advection over SC(ahead of temperature and pressure troughs with the latter trough deeper than the former in the Bay of Bengal) and cold advection over north China(steered by an underlying flow at 500 hPa);(3) the relatively weak vapor transport(compared to that of spring,summer and autumn) from the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea to SC and the existence of a temperature inversion layer in the lower troposphere over SC diminish the effect of latent heating.With the significant increase of vapor transport after 24 January,the role of latent heating is upgraded to become the third positive contributor to the upward branch over SC.  相似文献   

1992年江南异常春雨的诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据全球各等压面层的月平均高度场、温度场、风场的格点资料和热带环流、SST、OLR资料,研究了1992年3月我国南方异常多雨的主要原因,发现过量降水主要是与稳定的大气环流型和江南上空对流层低层的冷空气垫、强盛的西南气流和强烈的辐合上升有关,同时也与 ENSO 盛期有联系.  相似文献   

Based on the daily mean temperature and 24-h accumulated total precipitation over central and southern China, the features and the possible causes of the extreme weather events with low temperature and icing conditions,which occurred in the southern part of China during early 2008, are investigated in this study. In addition, multimodel consensus forecasting experiments are conducted by using the ensemble forecasts of ECMWF, JMA, NCEP and CMA taken from the TIGGE archives. Results show that more than a third of the stations in the southern part of China were covered by the extremely abundant precipitation with a 50-a return period, and extremely low temperature with a 50-a return period occurred in the Guizhou and western Hunan province as well. For the 24- to 216-h surface temperature forecasts, the bias-removed multimodel ensemble mean with running training period(R-BREM) has the highest forecast skill of all individual models and multimodel consensus techniques. Taking the RMSEs of the ECMWF 96-h forecasts as the criterion, the forecast time of the surface temperature may be prolonged to 192 h over the southeastern coast of China by using the R-BREM technique. For the sprinkle forecasts over central and southern China, the R-BREM technique has the best performance in terms of threat scores(TS) for the 24- to 192-h forecasts except for the 72-h forecasts among all individual models and multimodel consensus techniques. For the moderate rain, the forecast skill of the R-BREM technique is superior to those of individual models and multimodel ensemble mean.  相似文献   

In this paper,main characteristics of the long-lasting freezing rain and snowstorm event in southern China at the beginning of 2008,features of the related atmospheric circulation and the causes thereof are analyzed.During the event,patterns of the atmospheric circulation stayed stable; the polar vortex located in the northern part of the Eastern Hemisphere was strong with little movement; the cold front from the polar region and the active warm air mass from the tropical ocean confronted each other for a long time; the blocking high to the west of Baikal remained strong and steady; the trough over central nd western Asia maintained its position for quite long with a group of little troughs splitting from it frequently; the dominant wind at 700 hPa was southwesterly while shears and vortexes at 850 hPa developed continually,providing the necessary low-level convergence for subsequent precipitation.Meanwhile,in the mid troposphere,eddies were generated over the Tibetan Plateau and positive vorticity disturbances in the Sichuan Basin propagated eastward to the coastal regions of eastern China.The western Pacific subtropical high was intensive with westward and northward migrations.The subtropical frontal zone was puissant and the north-south temperature gradient was large.Quasi-stationary fronts over South China and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau remained stable.Warm air masses over the tropical ocean were active,so was the trough in the southern branch of the westerlies over the Bay of Bengal.There were four episodes associated with this event.The first one was featured with the interaction of strong cold and warm air,while the other three with the quasi-stationary fronts over South China and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau as well as vigorous penetration of cold air from the north.The existence of the inversion layer and the thick melting layer were one of the main reasons for the long-lasting freezing rains.The main reason for the snowstorms was that the positive vorticity over the Sichuan Basin propagated eastward to the coastal regions of eastern China.Abundant water vapor and intense updraft also favored the heavy snows.  相似文献   

陕西早春一次罕见暴雨过程的环流演变及水汽输送分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用天气学、卫星云图和物理诊断方法,对2004年2月20日发生在陕西省的一次暴雨过程进行分析。结果发现:其环流演变是一次纬向型朝径向型环流快速调整的过程;暴雨区的主要水汽输送分别由700 hPa孟加拉湾的西南暖湿急流和低纬度热带低气压西侧的850 hPa的偏南气流提供,热带低压西侧的偏南急流直伸到陕西的位置决定了强降水的落区;云图分析显示暴雨期间在菲律宾附近有一个热带低气压云系存在并维持,与夏季出现大范围暴雨时的云图特征较为相似。结论表明对陕西春季的暴雨预报除考虑环流演变外,还应关注低纬地区的水汽和能量输送及热带低压云系活动状况。  相似文献   

The interdecadal characteristics of rainfall and temperature in China before and after the abrupt change of the general circulation in 1976 are analyzed using the global 2.5°×2.5° monthly mean reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction of US and the precipitation and temperature data at the 743 stations of China from the National Climate Center of China. The results show that after 1976, springtime precipitation and temperature were anomalously enhanced and reduced respectively in South China, while the reverse was true in the western Yangtze River basin. In summer, precipitation was anomalously less in South China, more in the Yangtze River basin, less again in North China and more again in Northeast China, showing a distribution pattern alternating with negative and positive anomalies (" , +, -, +"). Meanwhile, temperature shows a distribution of warming in South China, cooling in the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins, and warming again in northern China. In autumn, precipitation tended to decrease and temperature tended to increase in in South China and warming was most parts of the country. In winter, the trend across all parts of China. precipitation increased moderately The interdecadal decline of mean temperature in spring and summer in China was mainly due to the daily maximum temperature variation, while the interdecadal increase was mainly the result of the minimum temperature change. The overall warming in autumn (winter) was mostly influenced by the minimum (maximum) temperature variation. These changes were closely related to the north-south shifts of the ascending and descending branches of the Hadley cell, the strengthening and north-south progression of the westerly jet stream, and the atmospheric stratification and water vapor transport conditions.  相似文献   

1994年中国华南大范围暴雨过程的形成与夏季风活动的研究   总被引:49,自引:6,他引:43  
史学丽  丁一汇 《气象学报》2000,58(6):666-678
利用 1 994年夏季 ECMWF逐日两次的格点资料和日本的 TBB资料 ,结合这一年华南地区 6,7月的站点降水资料 ,诊断分析了 1 994年夏季风 (主要为南海季风 )活动、华南地区的两次特大暴雨过程以及两者之间的关系。结果发现 :这一年的夏季风十分活跃 ,南海夏季风与表征对流活动的 TBB低值带以低频振荡的形式 (周期约为 30~ 60 d)传播到暴雨区 ,与暴雨的发生有着密切的联系 ,强暴雨过程对应着季风的脉动或加强期 ;强劲的季风气流向暴雨区输送水汽 ,其中以南海地区的水汽输送为主 ;两次暴雨过程发生在不同的环流形势下 ,但是都位于较大的水汽辐合和对流不稳定区。  相似文献   

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