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We analyse spectra of slightly reddened, early-type stars in which the major diffuse interstellar bands at 5870 and 5797 Å are either strong or weak in relation to E(B – V) . It is demonstrated that among the low E(B – V) objects one can find stars obscured by 'sigma' as well as 'zeta' type clouds. The profiles of the diffuse bands seem not to be dependent on the total opacities of the interstellar clouds. We also discuss the physical conditions leading to the formation of the diffuse band carriers in low-opacity interstellar clouds; the carriers are apparently formed in media in which one can observe complex velocity fields.  相似文献   

We present observations of CH B‐X (1, 0) band toward 13 translucent sightlines. The given precise positions (at 3627.403, 3633.289, 3636.222 Å) are derived by means of shifting our spectra to the rest velocity frame using B‐X (0, 0) features (at 3878, 3886 and 3890 Å). The proposed oscillator strengths (equal to 0.00035, 0.00104, 0.00069, respectively) are based on f ‐values of the CH B‐X (0, 0) system, i.e. 0.00110, 0.00320, 0.00210 (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Molecular line emission is a useful tool for probing the highly obscured inner kpc of starburst galaxies and buried AGNs. Molecular line ratios serve as diagnostic tools of the physical conditions of the gas—but also of its chemical properties. Both provide important clues to the type and evolutionary stage of the nuclear activity. While CO emission remains the main tracer for molecular distribution and dynamics, molecules such as HCN, HNC, HCO+, CN and HC3N are useful for probing the properties of the denser (n≳104 cm−3), star-forming gas. Here I discuss current views on how line emission from these species can be interpreted in luminous galaxies. HNC, HCO+ and CN are all species that can be associated both with photon dominated regions (PDRs) in starbursts—as well as X-ray dominated regions (XDRs) associated with AGN activity. HC3N line emission may identify galaxies where the starburst is in the early stage of its evolution.  相似文献   

High-resolution CO maps are an essential tool to search for observational evidence of AGN fueling in galaxy nuclei. While their capabilities will be surpassed by ALMA, current mm-interferometers can already provide relevant information on scales which are critical for the process of angular momentum transfer in fueling the AGN. In this context we present the latest results issued from the NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) project, a high-resolution (0.5′′–1′′) CO survey of low luminosity AGNs conducted with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI). The use of more specific molecular tracers of dense gas can probe the feedback influence of activity on the chemistry and energy balance in the interstellar medium of nearby galaxies, a prerequisite to understanding how feedback operate at higher redshift galaxies. We discuss the results obtained in an ongoing study devoted to probe the feedback of activity from nearby Seyferts to high-redshift QSO.  相似文献   

The sample of nearby LIRGs and ULIRGs for which dense molecular gas tracers have been measured is building up, allowing for the study of the physical and chemical properties of the gas in the variety of objects in which the most intense star formation and/or AGN activity in the local universe is taking place. This characterisation is essential to understand the processes involved, discard others and help to interpret the powerful starbursts and AGNs at high redshift that are currently being discovered and that will routinely be mapped by ALMA. We have studied the properties of the dense molecular gas in a sample of 17 nearby LIRGs and ULIRGs through millimeter observations of several molecules (HCO+, HCN, CN, HNC and CS) that trace different physical and chemical conditions of the dense gas in these extreme objects. In this paper we present the results of our HCO+ and HCN observations. We conclude that the very large range of measured line luminosity ratios for these two molecules severely questions the use of a unique molecular tracer to derive the dense gas mass in these galaxies.  相似文献   

Dense cores are the simplest star-forming sites that we know, but despite their simplicity, they still hold a number of mysteries that limit our understanding of how solar-type stars form. ALMA promises to revolutionize our knowledge of every stage in the life of a core, from the pre-stellar phase to the final disruption by the newly born star. This contribution presents a brief review of the evolution of dense cores and illustrates particular questions that will greatly benefit from the increase in resolution and sensitivity expected from ALMA.  相似文献   

The effects of the hyperfine structure (HFS) that is present in some interstellar absorption lines are investigated in the case of a single absorbing cloud. If the respective total equivalent widths of two or more unresolved HFS multiplets measured in relatively low-resolution spectra are analysed specifically by means of a curve of growth, the column density N (X) and the linewidth parameter b (X) inferred for absorbing species X in the cloud will generally be in error if the HFS is ignored. The fundamental physical effect is the reduced line saturation that arises because the total column density is divided among the HFS levels of the ground atomic level, each of which generally gives rise to an HFS line at a different wavelength. For nuclear spins   I = 3/2  and   I = 5/2  , theoretical curves of growth are calculated for some of the resonance lines of some alkali atoms, for each of four illustrative choices of the parameter  α=Δ/ b   , the ratio of the HFS splitting in the ground atomic level to the linewidth. Applications of the results to interstellar absorption by Na  i , K  i and Al  iii are emphasized. HFS is, fortunately, unimportant for most interstellar lines, however. Among the 35 elements that have been detected in diffuse clouds via interstellar absorption in the ultraviolet/optical spectral region, the most abundant isotope of each of 25 of these shows no HFS, because   I = 0  or, in the relevant ground atomic level,   J = 0  .  相似文献   

We present the results of a search for the ground-state hyperfine transition of the OH radical near 53 MHz using the National Mesosphere–Stratosphere–Troposphere (MST) Radar Facility at Gadanki, India. The observed position was G48.4−1.4 near the Galactic plane. The OH line is not detected. We place a 3σ upper limit for the line flux density at 39 Jy from our observations. We also did not detect recombination lines (RLs) of carbon, which were within the frequency range of our observations. The 3σ upper limit of 20 Jy obtained for the flux density of carbon RLs, along with observations at 34.5 and 327 MHz, are used to constrain the physical properties of the line-forming region. Our upper limit is consistent with the line emission expected from a partially ionized region with electron temperature, density and path lengths in the range 20–300 K, 0.03–0.3 cm−3 and 0.1–170 pc, respectively.  相似文献   

钱磊 《天文学报》2021,62(1):7-87
通过结构函数可以测量湍流的能量级联速率.在实际观测中,无法测量分子云中气体的3维速度,这使得其湍流结构函数难以测量.对垂直于视线方向的薄分子云的情形,结构函数Stt2可以通过云核速度弥散(core velocity dispersion,CVD)进行测量,CVD2=1/2Stt2.对此进行推广,对于不垂直于视线方向的薄分子云,CVD2=1/2Stt2(1-1/8cos2θ)R2/3,其中,θ是视线方向与投影方向的夹角,平均投影距离与3维距离之比R可以用第2类椭圆积分E(k,φ)表示为R=2/πE(cosθ,π/2).  相似文献   

The results of a survey searching for outflows using near-infrared imaging are presented. Targets were chosen from a compiled list of massive young stellar objects associated with methanol masers in linear distributions. Presently, it is a widely held belief that these methanol masers are found in (and delineate) circumstellar accretion discs around massive stars. If this scenario is correct, one way to test the disc hypothesis is to search for outflows perpendicular to the methanol maser distributions. The main objective of the survey was to obtain wide-field near-infrared images of the sites of linearly distributed methanol masers using a narrow-band 2.12-μm filter. This filter is centred on the  H2 v = 1–0 S(1)  line; a shock diagnostic that has been shown to successfully trace CO outflows from young stellar objects. 28 sources in total were imaged of which 18 sources display H2 emission. Of these, only two sources showed emission found to be dominantly perpendicular to the methanol maser distribution. Surprisingly, the H2 emission in these fields is not distributed randomly, but instead the majority of sources are found to have H2 emission dominantly parallel to their distribution of methanol masers. These results seriously question the hypothesis that methanol masers exist in circumstellar discs. The possibility that linearly distributed methanol masers are instead directly associated with outflows is discussed.  相似文献   

We present an in-depth analysis of molecular excitation in 11 H2-bright planetary and protoplanetary nebulae (PN and PPN). From newly acquired K -band observations, we extract a number of spectra at positions across each source. H2 line intensities are plotted on 'column density ratio' diagrams so that we may examine the excitation in and across each region. To achieve this, we combine the shock models of Smith, Khanzadyan & Davis with the photodissociation region (PDR) models of Black & van Dishoeck to yield a shock-plus-fluorescence fit to each data set.
Although the combined shock + fluorescence model is needed to explain the low- and high-energy H2 lines in most of the sources observed (fluorescence accounts for much of the emission from the higher-energy H2 lines), the relative importance of shocks over fluorescence does seem to change with evolutionary status. We find that shock excitation may well be the dominant excitation mechanism in the least evolved PPN (CRL 2688 – in both the bipolar lobes and in the equatorial plane) and in the most evolved PN considered (NGC 7048). Fluorescence, on the other hand, becomes more important at intermediate evolutionary stages (i.e. in 'young' PN), particularly in the inner core regions and along the inner edges of the expanding post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) envelope. Since H2 line emission seems to be produced in almost all stages of post-AGB evolution, H2 excitation may prove to be a useful probe of the evolutionary status of PPN and PN alike. Moreover, shocks may play an important role in the molecular gas excitation in (P)PN, in addition to the low- and/or high-density fluorescence usually attributed to the excitation in these sources.  相似文献   

We used the 13.7 m millimeter-wave telescope of the Qinghai Station of Purple Mountain Observatory at Delingha to carry out simultaneous mapping observations in the 12CO(J = 1 − 0), 13CO(J = 1 − 0) and CO18 (J = 1 − 0) lines towards 11 isolated star-forming molecular cores selected from the sample of Spitzer's c2d program. For all three lines, these sources were all observed to the positions of half the peak intensity of the 13CO(J = 1 − 0) line. The volume density, local thermodynamic equilibrium mass MLTE and virial mass MVIR were derived for each of the molecular cores. The obtained ratio of MVIR to MLTE is 0.85 ± 0.40 for the 13CO(J = 1 − 0) cores and 0.77 ± 0.35 for the CO18 (J = 1 − 0) cores. The density profiles of the cloud cores were also calculated.  相似文献   

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