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The problem of stability of the Lagrangian pointL 4 in the circular restricted problem of three bodies is investigated close to the 1 : 2 commensurability of the long and short period libration. By stability we define boundedness of the solution for a given initial finite displacement from the equilibrium point as function of the mass parameter close to the commensurability. A rigorous treatment close to the resonance condition is possible using a transformation that diagonalizes the matrix related to the linear part of the equations of motion. The so obtained equations are further transformed to action angle type variables. Then using an isolated resonance approach, only the slowly varying terms are kept in the equations and two independent isolating first integrals can be found. These integrals finally enable us to solve the stability problem in an exact way. The so obtained results are compared to numeric integration of the equations of motion and are found to be in perfect agreement.  相似文献   

In this paper we show the existence of three new families of planar central configurations for the 5-body problem with the following properties: three bodies are on the vertices of an equilateral triangle and the other two bodies are on a perpendicular bisector.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of motion of an infinitesimal point mass in the gravity field of an uniformly rotating dumb-bell. The aim of our study is to investigate Liapunov stability of Lagrangian libration points of this problem. We analyze the stability of libration points in the whole range of parameters ω, μ of the problem. In particular, we consider all resonance cases when the order of resonance is not greater than five. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the relative equilibria and their stability for a system of three point particles moving under the action of a Lennard-Jones potential. A central configuration is a special position of the particles where the position and acceleration vectors of each particle are proportional, and the constant of proportionality is the same for all particles. Since the Lennard-Jones potential depends only on the mutual distances among the particles, it is invariant under rotations. In a rotating frame the orbits coming from central configurations become equilibrium points, the relative equilibria. Due to the form of the potential, the relative equilibria depend on the size of the system, that is, depend strongly of the momentum of inertia I. In this work we characterize the relative equilibria, we find the bifurcation values of I for which the number of relative equilibria is changing, we also analyze the stability of the relative equilibria. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

给出了受摄限制性三体问题平动点线性稳定性的一些判断条件,条件只与相应的平动点切映像的特征方程系数有关,使用方便,用这些判断条件,讨论了一些阻力对经典限制性三体问题三角平动点线性稳定性的影响,改进了Murray等的一些结果。  相似文献   

给出了受摄限制性三体问题平动点线性稳定性的一个判断条件.条件只与平动点切映像的特征方程系数有关,使用方便.用判断条件,讨论了Robe问题平动点在阻力摄动下的线性稳定性,得到了Hallan等给出的Robe问题平动点在阻力摄动下的线性稳定范围.并改进了Giordanoc等的结果.  相似文献   

We derive general results on the existence of stationary configurations for N co-orbital satellites with small but otherwise arbitrary masses m i , revolving on circular and planar orbits around a massive primary. The existence of stationary configurations depends on the parity of N. If N is odd, then for any arbitrary angular separation between the satellites, there always exists a set of masses (positive or negative) which achieves stationarity. However, physically acceptable solutions (m i > 0 for all i) restrict this existence to sub-domains of angular separations. If N is even, then for given angular separations of the satellites, there is in general no set of masses which achieves stationarity. The case N=3 is treated completely for small arbitrary satellite masses, giving all the possible solutions and their stability, to within our approximations.  相似文献   

Nonlinear stability of the triangular libration point in the photogravitational restricted three body problem was investigated in the whole range of the parameters. Some results obtained earlier are corrected. The method for proper determination of cases when stability cannot be determined by four order terms of the hamiltonian was proposed.  相似文献   

The nonlinear stability zones of the triangular Lagrangian points are determined numerically and the effect of radiation of primaries is considered, in addition to the known effect of mass distribution, using the photogravitational restricted threebody problem model. It is found that radiation also has a considerable effect reducing the stability zones. In cases of resonances, these zones are reduced to negligible size for some parameter values within the linear stability regions.  相似文献   

We investigate symmetric periodic orbits in the framework of the planar, circular, restricted, three-body problem. Having fixed the mass of the primary equal to that of Jupiter, we determine the linear stability of a number of periodic orbits for different values of the eccentricity. A systematic study of internal resonances, with frequency p/q with 2p 9, 1 q 5 and 4/3 p/q 5, offers an overall picture of the stability character of inner orbits. For each resonance we compute the stability of the two possible periodic orbits. A similar analysis is performed for some external periodic orbits.Furthermore, we let the mass of the primary vary and we study the linear stability of the main resonances as a function of the eccentricity and of the mass of the primary. These results lead to interesting conclusions about the stability of exosolar planetary systems. In particular, we study the stability of Earth-like planets in the planetary systems HD168746, GI86, 47UMa,b and HD10697.  相似文献   

A theorem of Palmore's concerning coplanar central configurations of equal mass bodies was shown to be false for all even N 6 by Slaminka and Woerner. Using a variation of that argument I prove that Palmore's Theorem is false for all N 6.Northwestern University  相似文献   

几类辛方法的数值稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘福窑  伍歆  陆本魁 《天文学报》2006,47(4):418-431
主要对一阶隐式Euler辛方法M1、二阶隐式Euler中点辛方法M2、一阶显辛Euler方法M3和二阶leapfrog显辛积分器M4共4种辛方法及一些组合算法进行了通常意义下的线性稳定性分析.针对线性哈密顿系统,理论上找到每个数值方法的稳定区,然后用数值方法检验其正确性.对于哈密顿函数为实对称二次型的情况,为了理论推导便利,特推荐采用相似变换将二次型的矩阵对角化来研究辛方法的线性稳定性.当哈密顿分解为一个主要部分和一个小摄动次要部分且二者皆可积时,无论是线性系统还是非线性系统,这种主次分解与哈密顿具有动势能分解相比,明显扩大了辛方法的稳定步长范围.  相似文献   

We describe global bifurcations from the libration points of non-stationary periodic solutions of the restricted three body problem. We show that the only admissible continua of non-stationary periodic solutions of the planar restricted three body problem, bifurcating from the libration points, can be the short-period families bifurcating from the Lagrange equilibria L 4, L 5. We classify admissible continua and show that there are possible exactly six admissible continua of non-stationary periodic solutions of the planar restricted three body problem. We also characterize admissible continua of non-stationary periodic solutions of the spatial restricted three body problem. Moreover, we combine our results with the Déprit and Henrard conjectures (see [8]), concerning families of periodic solutions of the planar restricted three body problem, and show that they can be formulated in a stronger way. As the main tool we use degree theory for SO(2)-equivariant gradient maps defined by the second author in [25].This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The restricted three-body problem is reconsidered by replacing the point-like primaries of the classical problem by a pair of axisymmetric rigid bodies which have a plane of symmetry perpendicular to their axes, and the infinitesimal mass by a gyrostat. The conditions for the circular motion of the primaries around their center of mass are stated and they yield the classification of all possible orientations of these bodies into four groups according to the value of their angular velocity. Then the equations of motion of the gyrostat are derived and solved for the equilibrium configurations of the system.  相似文献   

The non-linear stability of the triangular libration point L4 of the restricted three-body problem is studied under the presence of third- and fourth-order resonances, when the more massive primary is a triaxial rigid body and source of radiation. In this study, Markeev's theorems are applied with the help of Moser's theorem. It is found that the stability of the triangular libration point is unstable in the third-order resonance case and in the fourth-order resonance case, this is stable or unstable depending on A1 and A2, and a source of radiation parameter α, where A1, A2 depend upon the lengths of the semi-axes of the triaxial rigid body.  相似文献   

The stability of triangular libration points, when the bigger primary is a source of radiation and the smaller primary is an oblate spheroid. has been investigated in the resonance cases 1 = 22 and 1 = 32. The motion is unstable for all the values of parameters q and A when 1 = 22 and the motion is unstable and stable depending upon the values of the parameters q and A when 1 = 32. Here q is the radiation parameter and A is the oblateness parameter.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional sections of the region of initial conditions in the vicinity of a periodic Ducati orbit have been studied in detail in the plane equal-mass three-body problem. A continuous stability region generated by the periodic Ducati orbit has been revealed. In addition, a number of other stability regions that are probably related to stable hierarchical triple systems have been found. Several specific trajectories from the stability regions and in the boundary zones are analyzed.  相似文献   

The vertical stability character of the families of short and long period solutions around the triangular equilibrium points of the restricted three-body problem is examined. For three values of the mass parameter less than equal to the critical value of Routh (μ R ) i.e. for μ = 0.000953875 (Sun-Jupiter), μ = 0.01215 (Earth-Moon) and μ = μ R = 0.038521, it is found that all such solutions are vertically stable. For μ > (μ R ) vertical stability is studied for a number of ‘limiting’ orbits extended to μ = 0.45. The last limiting orbit computed by Deprit for μ = 0.044 is continued to a family of periodic orbits into which the well known families of long and short period solutions merge. The stability characteristics of this family are also studied.  相似文献   

The problem of stability of the Lagrangian equilibrium point of the circular restricted problem of three bodies is investigated in the light of Nekhoroshev-like theory. Looking for stability over a time interval of the order of the estimated age of the universe, we find a physically relevant stability region. An application of the method to the Sun-Jupiter and the Earth-Moon systems is made. Moreover, we try to compare the size of our stability region with that of the region where the Trojan asteroids are actually found; the result in such case is negative, thus leaving open the problem of the stability of these asteroids.  相似文献   

The equilibrium points of the relativistic restricted three-body problem are considered. The stability of the triangular points is determined and contrary to recent results of other authors a region of linear stability in the parameter space is obtained. The positions of the collinear points are approximated by series by expansions and their stability is similarly determined. It is found that these are always unstable.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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