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Restoration of palatable grasses on degraded rangelands dominated by unpalatable grasses in central Argentina is limited by low availability of seeds and safe sites for seedling establishment. The objective of our study was to determine how mechanical disturbance of unpalatable grasses (Stipa spp.) in combination with seeding of a palatable grass (Poa ligularis) influenced species composition in a degraded rangeland excluded from livestock grazing. In April 2001 10 blocks were uniformly distributed on a previously burned site dominated by unpalatable grasses, and treatments applied in 8 m×8 m experimental plots. Treatments were ‘disked and seeded’ and control (no disking, no seeding). Perennial plant cover and end-of-season standing crop, at species or species group level, were assessed in December 2002/2003 and in December 2004/2006, respectively. P. ligularis out-competed both tillers of unpalatable grasses that survived mechanical disturbance and seedlings of unpalatable grasses established after mechanical disturbance. The cover and end-of-season standing crop of unpalatable grasses was higher in the control than in the ‘disked and seeded’ treatment, whereas the cover and end-of-season standing crop of P. ligularis was higher in the latter than in the former treatment. Our results suggest that a rapid transition from a state dominated by unpalatable grasses to a state dominated by palatable grasses can be achieved by mechanical disturbance of unpalatable grasses in combination with seeding of palatable grasses in semiarid rangelands of central Argentina.  相似文献   

Throughout the western United States, the invasive annual grass, medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae L. Nevski), is rapidly invading grasslands once dominated by native perennial grasses, such as bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A). It is also invading grasslands dominated by less undesirable invasive annual grasses, especially cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.). Understanding medusahead growth dynamics relative to native perennial grasses and cheatgrass is central to predicting and managing medusahead invasion. We hypothesized that medusahead would have a higher relative growth rate (RGR), a longer period of growth, and as a consequence, more total biomass at the end of the growing season than the native perennial grass and cheatgrass. In 2008 (dry conditions), 250 seeds and in 2009 (wet conditions), 250 and 100 seeds of each species were sown in 1 m2 plots with 5 replicates. Shoots were harvested on 3-25 day intervals throughout the growing season. The native perennial grass had more biomass and higher RGR than medusahead in the dry year, but the relationship was reversed in the wet year. Precipitation in 2008 was well-below average and this level of drought is very infrequent based on historical weather data. Medusahead had a longer period of growth and more total biomass than cheatgrass for both years. We expect that medusahead will continue to invade both native perennial and less undesirable invasive annual grasslands because of its higher RGR and extended period of growth.  相似文献   

The phenology ofMedicago minimavar.minimaandErodium cicutariumwas studied at two different field sites in the Calden District (approx. 10 million ha), a temperate semi-arid phytogeographical region in central Argentina. One site had been protected from wild and domestic herbivores for the 6 previous years. The other adjacent site had been exposed to continuous grazing by cattle for several decades. A phenological key was made for each species in 1988, and this key was improved during the 1989 growing season when phenological observations were made every 1–3 weeks.The growth cycle ofM. minimaandE. cicutariumwas similar at the two studied sites. Initiation of the cycle occurred in autumn and appeared to be associated with soil water availability. Phenological patterns were very dynamic at the reproductive stage in both species. This stage started earlier and was faster inE. cicutariumthan inM. minima. The end of the growing season occurred during late spring, concomitant with high maximum air temperatures. Our results suggest that these species hasten their development when air temperature increases and soil water availability decreases. This could be an important strategy in these species which allows them to persist as seeds, and produce a new generation under favourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

There is widespread recognition of the importance of long-term experimental studies of plant interactions, but such experiments are rarely conducted. Pairwise interactions between three species of perennial grasses were assessed and described over a 5-year period. Experimental treatments in which some or all neighbors were removed were maintained and plant basal area was monitored throughout the experiment. In addition, above-ground biomass was collected over a 3-year period. Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed no evidence of interactions between plants.  相似文献   

Grasslands dominated by Stipa tenacissima are important ecosystems in the arid and semiarid climates of western Mediterranean, where they have originated by degradation of open dry forests and shrublands. At present, although the level of exploitation in these ecosystems is very low, succession processes seem to have stopped. In this study, we explore the role of microsite and post-dispersal seed predation on the seedling emergence of two species from advanced successional stages (Rhamnus lycioides, Quercus coccifera), three species from degraded stages (Cistus clusii, Helianthemum violaceum, Anthyllis terniflora), and of the dominant species (Stipa tenacissima). Seeds of these species were sown in plots divided into two microsites: (i) under tussocks of S. tenacissima and (ii) in the bare soil between tussocks. Soil moisture was significantly higher in the tussock microsites. The interaction observed between microsite and time, reflected the slower drying process under tussocks. Seed predation was in general high and differed significantly between species but not between microsites. Q. coccifera was especially affected by predation. The only germination detected in gap areas was that of H. violaceum. The results pointed to a direct facilitative effect of tussock grass on the germination in R. lycioides (20.4±8.0%) and S. tenacissima (41.3±5.7%) while the corresponding figures for bare ground were 0%. These results suggest that the recovery of potential vegetation in this ecosystem is not possible or, at least, is very slow because the residual shrub patches do not generate a sufficient number of seeds able to disperse to favorable germination microsites. S. tenacissima may act as facilitator of seedling recruitment if there is a supply of diaspores.  相似文献   

Salinity-induced growth and some metabolic changes in three Salsola species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three Salsola species, Salsola dendroides Pall., S. richteri (Moq.) Karel ex Litw. and S. orientalis S.C. Gmel., were compared for their salt tolerance, inorganic ionic accumulation and their biomass production in saline conditions. Seeds were grown on sterilized quartz under five salinity levels in a factorial experimental design, with four replications, in greenhouse conditions.With salinity, Na+ accumulation increased while K+ accumulation decreased. All three species showed positive shoot growth for low levels of salinity. Root growth showed almost the same trend as shoot growth, with minor exceptions. At low levels of salinity, proline accumulated more in S. dendroides plant tissues than in the tissues of the other two species. These results suggest that the proline accumulation is a good index for salinity tolerance. Soluble sugars also increased as a result of salinity.  相似文献   

Small mammals usually constitute the main prey for Leopardus geoffroyi throughout its distribution. We studied the patterns of small rodent selection by this felid in a semi-arid scrubland of central Argentina, addressing whether prey choice may be related to the availability, morphology, and distribution of the different rodent species. Cat’s diet was studied during 2005-2006 through the analysis of 182 scats, along with field estimates of rodent abundances from trapping. The cricetine rodents Akodon molinae and Calomys musculinus were predated according to the availability expected by trapping, indicating that their use was opportunistic. Akodon azarae and Graomys griseoflavus, on one hand, and Eligmodontia typus, on the other hand, were consumed in lower and higher proportion than their availabilities, respectively. Our results suggest that some cricetine rodent characteristics such as abundance, escape ability, microhabitat use, and activity period, appear to be potential factors contributing to differential vulnerability to predation by Geoffroy’s cat in central Argentina.  相似文献   

Light may be an important limiting resource that influences community structure of chenopod shrublands. As part of a larger study that aimed to determine the factors that influence chenopod community structure, the focus of this study was the influence of plant canopy on the growth and establishment of smaller plants. We therefore measured the height and cover of three chenopods (Enchylaena tomentosa, Maireana brevifolia and Maireana georgei) when growing within and outside of the canopy of Atriplex bunburyana under field conditions. All three chenopods had lower cover and E. tomentosa was taller when growing within the canopy of A. bunburyana in comparison to those growing outside of the canopy. The chenopods were then grown under three artificial shade regimes. Plant height, cover, biomass, relative leaf area and photosynthetic surface area measurements showed that each species responded differently to shade. E. tomentosa biomass was facilitated by shade. This was inferred by an increase in total plant biomass. M. brevifolia, in contrast, tolerated shade by increasing above-ground biomass allocation. M. georgei was adversely affected by the shade regimes: root biomass decreased in response to shade. Competition for light is, therefore, likely to influence chenopod community structure of semi-arid and arid environments.  相似文献   

Fire is an important driver of ecological pattern and process in grasslands worldwide, although its role in semi-arid systems is less well known. We used published studies and new experimental research to 1) provide a synthesis of existing knowledge of fire in the semi-arid grasslands of the North American Great Plains, and 2) assess the degree of similarity in semi-arid and mesic grassland responses to fire in this region. Based on published studies, burning has neutral to negative effects on aboveground productivity in semi-arid grasslands and variable effects on plant communities. To more rigorously assess fire effects, replicated experimental plots were established in ungrazed shortgrass steppe in northern Colorado and prescribed spring fire was applied in 2006 and 2007, 2006 only, or not at all. Aboveground net primary productivity decreased or remained unchanged with burning. Plant community changes included increases in perennial forbs, decreases in annual grasses and a positive response in annual forbs to the combination of fire and a wet spring in 2007. Combined, these results indicate that post-fire changes in productivity in semi-arid grasslands are neutral to negative, in contrast to positive responses in mesic grasslands, and not strongly negative as previously assumed.  相似文献   

Soil was sampled from cropping fields in radial patterns from beneathAcacia albida, Parkia bigloboza(Jacq.) Benth. andEucalyptus camaldulensisDehnh. near Zaria, Nigeria. Results of analysis show a significant coarsening of soil texture and a decrease in organic matter and cation exchange capacity with increasing distance from all three tree species at a depth of 0–15 cm. Concentrations of nitrogen and some exchangeable cations decreased significantly with increasing distance from beneath acacia and parkia, and soil pH decreased with increasing distance from eucalyptus. The implication of the results for land management are discussed in relation to increasing productivity and soil use sustainability.  相似文献   

We investigate the risk that supplemental feeding of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to improve trophy quality may degrade rangeland through overutilization of forage plants near the feeders. We divided a South Texas ranch into 6 areas (each 1100 ha). Supplemental feed was provided year-round in a centrally placed feeder in 3 areas, no supplement was provided in the 3 control areas. Radio-telemetry collars were fitted on 2 bucks and 2 does in each area. Spatial distribution of these deer was assessed using the CALHOME program. Feed supplementation did not alter home range size of does but did reduce their 50% core area. Bucks without supplemental feed showed 2 spatial strategies; sedentary bucks had home range distributions similar to supplemented bucks, while commuter bucks moved to supplemented areas during the breeding season. Browsing pressure near feeders and control sites was assessed by measuring consumption of seedlings set in arrays radiating from feeders and control points. Deer browsing was heavier near feeders than at the control sites, and the probability of a seedling being browsed increased with proximity to the feeder. We caution against long-term supplemental feeding in fixed locations because of the potential for localized range degradation around the feeders.  相似文献   

Cover and survivorship of perennial chenopods, Atriplex vesicaria and Maireana astrotricha, declined markedly during a prolonged dry period at Roxby Downs in arid South Australia. Despite their resilience to browsing in favourable seasons, only 2% of the A. vesicaria shrubs browsed heavily by cattle survived the drought. M. astrotricha exhibited greater drought survivorship, although the post-drought cover retention in browsed shrubs was only half that of unbrowsed controls. Survivorship was highest for unbrowsed chenopods growing in moisture-enhanced run-on or dune-base environments. Maintenance of these patchy areas with reduced water-stress is hence important for the persistence of browsed chenopod shrublands. Light browsing by either European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) or Greater Stick-nest Rats (Leporillus conditor) had no measurable impact upon chenopod survivorship.  相似文献   

Patagonia grasslands are subjected to two main disturbances, fire and grazing, but little information is available about its effects on vegetation. We studied post-fire survival and resprouting ability of two dominant grass species, Stipa speciosa and Festuca pallescens, for four years; evaluated the effect of early post-fire defoliation on both species; and tested whether competition is important in post-fire recovery in San Ramón Ranch, NW Patagonia (Argentina). To simulate grazing, a clipping treatment was applied at the beginning and end of growing seasons. Survival rates were high (>60%) and, after three years, biomass of both species in the burned area was similar to the unburned area. Competition seems to play an important role in the early post-fire recovery of both species, particularly in the case of F. pallescens that increased 87% the biomass production without competition. Fire may improve forage quality by eliminating the standing dead material, but early post-fire grazing might endanger the persistence of F. pallescens. We suggest requiring a resting period before livestock introduction and controlling grazing intensity.  相似文献   

The growth and biomass production of six acacia species were studied in the field for 4 years. The species used were Acacia asak, A. negrii, A. seyal, A. karroo, A. ampliceps, and A. stenophylla. The first three species are indigenous while the others are exotic. The results showed both A. ampliceps and A. asak with 100% survival while all A. negrii died. Acacia ampliceps attained the greatest height, diameter, relative growth rate and above-ground biomass while A. asak had the least. Height and diameter growth of acacia species decreased between warm and cold periods of the year.  相似文献   

Invasion of the historically perennial-dominated landscapes in the Great Basin by exotic winter annual grasses is one of the most serious plant invasions in North America. Evidence suggests invasive annuals outperform native perennials under N-poor and N-rich conditions. The objective of this study was to identify key traits contributing to the success of invasive annual grasses in these environments. Three invasive annual grasses, two native perennial grasses and one introduced perennial grass were exposed to three levels of N supply. Root biomass, root length, root N uptake rate, root and leaf morphology, leaf nitrogen productivity (leaf NP) as well as biomass and N allocation were quantified over four harvests. Path analysis indicated that leaf NP was the key trait contributing to variation in N capture among the species. Species with a higher leaf NP produced more root length and consequently captured more N under a range of soil N availability. This suggests variation in leaf NP may be one critical trait determining the ability of the resident plant community to resist establishment of these invaders. Restoration programs may be able to increase weed resistance by specifically selecting for this trait in revegetation efforts.  相似文献   

We studied a soil seed bank in the Stipa breviflora desert steppe under three grassland management systems, namely continuous grazing, rotational grazing, and no grazing, from 1999 until 2007. The germinable seed bank species in rotational, continuous and no grazing were 11, 9 and 8 species, respectively. Rotational grazing increased the number of seed bank plant species and perennial grasses. The density of germinal soil seed bank was significantly higher in the enclosed area (19,533.33 seeds/m2) than those in rotational (3,233.33 seeds/m2) and continuous grazing areas (2,553.60 seeds/m2). The vertical distribution of the soil seed bank had a similar trend: 75.06%–83.19% of the seeds are distributed in the top 0–5 cm soil layer, 14.16%–21.68% in the 5–10 cm layer, and 2.65%–4.95% in the 10–15 cm layer, which varied between the grazing treatments. Density of the soil seed bank was significantly higher in the enclosed area, and there was no significant difference between rotational and continuous grazing. The Margalef and Shannon-Wiener indices for the soil seed bank were higher for rotational grazing treatment than for continuous grazing. The Sorensen’s similarity index for the soil seed bank between the enclosed and rotational grazing areas reached 0.857.  相似文献   

The alien grass Bromus tectorum dominates stable annual-plant communities that have replaced native shrub-perennial grass communities over much of the semi-arid western United States. We conducted field competition experiments between B. tectorum and a native grass, Elymus elymoides, on two sites to determine the effects of B. tectorum competition on perennial grasses, and the role of B. tectorum competition in the stability of B. tectorum-dominated communities. B. tectorum competition acting on seedling-stage E. elymoides plants greatly reduced first-year relative growth rates and biomass which, in turn, reduced second-year survival, biomass, and flowering. However, B. tectorum competition acting on older E. elymoides plants had much less effect, which may help to explain why intact perennial-plant communities are resistant to B. tectorum invasion. At the drier site, direct effects of B. tectorum competition were less, but competition and drier habitat combined to produce greater E. elymoides mortality.  相似文献   

Responses of herbaceous and suffrutescent species to fire, grazing, and presence of Prosopis glandulosa were examined in a Chihuahuan desert grassland in south-central New Mexico. Treatments were assigned randomly to eight 12×8 m plots within each of two blocks. Following fires in June 1995, unfenced plots were exposed to livestock grazing over 4 years. Plots were established that either included or excluded P. glandulosa. Perennial grass cover, primarilyBouteloua eriopoda , decreased by 13% in burned plots but increased 5% in unburned areas. Conversely, perennial forb cover was 4% greater after fire. Perennial grass frequency decreased 30% more and perennial forb frequency increased 10% more following burning. Further, increases in evenness after fire resulted in a 225% increase in species diversity. Grazing also resulted in a decrease in perennial grass cover while frequency decreased 22% more in grazed than ungrazed plots. Only frequency and not cover of perennial forbs and annual grasses increased more following grazing. Presence of P. glandulosa had no differential effect on responses of non-shrub species. Fires were conducted during near drought conditions while grazing occurred during years of precipitation equivalent to the long-term average. Precipitation immediately following fire may be critical for recovery of B. eriopoda -dominated desert grasslands; relationships between fire and post-fire precipitation patterns require future investigation.  相似文献   

Increment cores were sampled from oak (Quercus robur) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) growing at Elton, an area of the Cheshire Saltfield that has experienced significant subsidence and damage to the natural and built environments in the latter part of the twentieth century. Ring-width measurements for Elton trees permitted the construction of one main site chronology (Elton) and four sub chronologies (Elton A, Elton B, Elton C, Elton ASH). Ring-width difference between these and a control chronology identified periods of sustained growth reduction in oak trees commencing in AD 1859/1861, 1886 and 1934. Growth reductions after 1934 are related to watertable draw down caused by brine pumping from a concentration of nine boreholes at Elton, up to 2 km from tree sampling locations. Growth reductions in 1859/1861 and 1886 are likely to be the result of earlier phases of brine pumping in the Wheelock Valley, up to 5 km to the east of Elton, and these reductions correlate well with historic records of subsidence and pumping activity. Cessation of pumping in 1977 led to a lagged growth recovery in oak trees between 1981 and 1986, indicating that an artificial drought had been imposed on the Elton area for a period in excess off 100-y. This research demonstrates a hydrological separation of surface water and groundwater in an area where salt beds are overlain by till and that ring-width records of Q. robur can be used to reconstruct watertable variability and also the spatial impact of solution mining.  相似文献   

Analysis of raudhas vegetation in central Saudi Arabia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study analyses the vegetation of three raudhas in central Saudi Arabia (Kharj, Khuraim and Binban). Seventy-five stands were examined and the martrix of 68 species × 75 stands, based on species cover data, was classified using TWINSPAN and ordinated using DECORANA. Eleven vegetation groups were generated: one dominated byHammada elegansand five dominated byAcaciaspp. (A. iraquensis, A. elatior, A. seyal, A. tortilis-Ziziphus spina-christi-Rhazya strictaandA. abyssinica). TheAcaciaspp. communities represent the climax stage of the xerophytic vegetation in Saudi Arabia and have, in most cases, high species cover and low species diversity. Another five groups are dominated, fully or partly, by species that often inhabit disturbed areas (Prosopis juliflora, Heliotropium bacciferum-Tamarix arabica-Prosopis juliflora-Pulicaria crispa, Ziziphus spinsa-christi-Lagonychium farctum-Alhagi maurorum-Cynodon dactylon, Salsola imbricataandBassia eriophoria-Chloris virgata-Zygophyllum coccineum-Seidlitzia rosmarinus). Many of these groups have low species cover and relatively high species diversity. The effects of environmental factors and human impact on species diversity and abundance of these communities were assessed.  相似文献   

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