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Specialized to the Lie series based perturbation method of Kirchgraber and Stiefel (1978) a new computer algebra package called ANALYTOS has been developed for constructing analytical orbital theories either in noncanonical or canonical form. We present results on the (extended) Main Problem of orbital theory of artificial earth satellites and related issues. The order of the solutions achieved is generally one order higher than those known from literature. Moreover, the analytical orbits have been checked succesfully against precise numerical ephemerides. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on tenuous dust clouds of Jupiter's Galilean moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. In a companion paper (Srem?evi? et al., Planet. Space Sci. 51 (2003) 455-471) an analytical model of impact-generated ejecta dust clouds surrounding planetary satellites has been developed. The main aim of the model is to predict the asymmetries in the dust clouds which may arise from the orbital motion of the parent body through a field of impactors. The Galileo dust detector data from flybys at Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are compatible with the model, assuming projectiles to be interplanetary micrometeoroids. The analysis of the data suggests that two interplanetary impactor populations are most likely the source of the measured dust clouds: impactors with isotropically distributed velocities and micrometeoroids in retrograde orbits. Other impactor populations, namely those originating in the Jovian system, or interplanetary projectiles with low orbital eccentricities and inclinations, or interstellar stream particles, can be ruled out by the statistical analysis of the data. The data analysis also suggests that the mean ejecta velocity angle to the normal at the satellite surface is around 30°, which is in agreement with laboratory studies of the hypervelocity impacts.  相似文献   

The in-plane motion of a Geosynchronous satellite under the gravitational effects of the sun, the moon and the oblate earth has been studied. The radial deviation (Δr) and the tangential deviation (r cΔθ) have been determined. Herer c represents the synchronous altitude. It has been seen that the sum of the oscillatory terms in Δr for different inclinations is a small finite quantity whereas the sum of the oscillatory terms inr cΔθ for different inclinations is quite large due to the presence of the low-frequency terms in the denominator  相似文献   

Five planetary nebulae are known to show hydrogen-poor material nearthe central star. In the case of A58, this gas was ejected following alate thermal pulse similar to Sakurai's Object. In this paper I will reviewthese five objects. One of them, IRAS 18333 –2357, may not be a truePN. I will show that there is a strong case for a relation to the [WC]stars and their relatives, the weak emission-line stars. The surfaceabundances of the [WC] stars are explained via diffuse overshoot intothe helium layer. The hydrogen-poor PNe do not support this: theirabundances indicate a change of abundance with depth in the heliumlayer. A short-lived phase of very high mass loss, the r-AGB, isindicated. Sakurai's Object may be at the start of such a phase, and mayevolve to very low stellar temperatures.  相似文献   

The resonance C1 occurs when the longitude of the perigee measured from the equinox becomes a slow angle in the doubly averaged equations of motion. This resonance is one of the critical inclination family with I 46°. For prograde Earth satellite orbits, up to five critical points can be identified. Only simple pitchfork bifurcations occur for the single resonance C1. A two degrees of freedom system is studied to check how a coupling of two lunisolar resonances affects the results furnished by the analysis of an isolated resonance case. In the system with two critical angles (g+h and h,+2 , seven types of critical points have been identified. The critical points arise and change their stability through 11 bifurcations. If the initial conditions are selected close to the critical points, the system becomes chaotic as shown in Poincaré maps.  相似文献   

Ephemerides of planetary satellites are needed to address many problems. These ephemerides are used for subsequent observations. A comparison of the available ephemerides with new observations allows the accuracy of the former to be assessed. However, the precision of the ephemerides must be known a priori when solving the tasks. In this paper we formulate and solve the problem of estimating the precision of the ephemerides of outer planetary satellites derived from observations when applied up to the future moments.The methods of assessing the precision of ephemerides involve producing a set of samples of the same ephemeris inferred from observations with different samples of Monte Carlo generated random errors (RO) superimposed onto it. The statistical parameters of simulated observational errors are based on the results of the reduction of real satellite observations. We compute the deviations of the samples of the ephemeris from the standard ephemeris inferred from real observations and adopt the root-mean-square deviation of the apparent coordinates as the precision of the ephemeris. We also use alternative methods: one based on the matrix of covariances of parameter errors (RP), and another one based on bootstrap samples of observations (BS).We use three methods (RO, RP, and BS) to estimate the precision of the ephemerides of all the 107 outer planetary satellites over the 2010-2020 time interval. The precision of the ephemerides of different satellites varies from 0.05 to 4.0 arcsec. For a number of satellites new observations are of vital importance for maintaining the precision of the ephemerides at a level that would allow identification of satellites during the reduction of observations. For some satellites the precision of their ephemerides is of the order of the sizes of their orbits and such satellites can be considered to have been lost. We show that the method of bootstrap samples (BS) can give doubtful results in the cases where there are few observations, which covered a time interval that is shorter than the orbital period of the satellite.Our results suggest obtaining more precise ephemeris making new observations at the times of maximum estimated errors of the ephemeris.All the inferred estimates of the precision of ephemerides are available from the MULTI-SAT ephemeris server: www.imcce.fr/sat (IMCCE), www.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/index.htm (SAI).  相似文献   

A development of an analytical solution for the motion of an artificial Earth satellite subject to the combined effects of Earth gravity and air drag is presented. The atmospheric model takes into account a linear variation of the density scale height with altitude, the rotation and the oblateness of the atmosphere. The perturbation theory is based upon Lie transforms. The secular and long-periodic terms as well as the short-periodic effects are included in the theory which is valid for small to moderate eccentricities and for all values of the inclination.Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research  相似文献   

Ja-Ren Lin  Taras V. Gerya 《Icarus》2009,204(2):732-748
We developed and tested an efficient 2D numerical methodology for modeling gravitational redistribution processes in a quasi spherical planetary body based on a simple Cartesian grid. This methodology allows one to implement large viscosity contrasts and to handle properly a free surface and self-gravitation. With this novel method we investigated in a simplified way the evolution of gravitationally unstable global three-layer structures in the interiors of large metal-silicate planetary bodies like those suggested by previous models of cold accretion [Sasaki, S., Nakazawa, K., 1986. J. Geophys. Res. 91, 9231-9238; Karato, S., Murthy, V.R., 1997. Phys. Earth Planet Interios 100, 61-79; Senshu, H., Kuramoto, K., Matsui, T., 2002. J. Geophys. Res. 107 (E12), 5118. 10.1029/2001JE001819]: an innermost solid protocore (either undifferentiated or partly differentiated), an intermediate metal-rich layer (either continuous or disrupted), and an outermost silicate-rich layer. Long-wavelength (degree-one) instability of this three-layer structure may strongly contribute to core formation dynamics by triggering planetary-scale gravitational redistribution processes. We studied possible geometrical modes of the resulting planetary reshaping using scaled 2D numerical experiments for self-gravitating planetary bodies with Mercury-, Mars- and Earth-size. In our simplified model the viscosity of each material remains constant during the experiment and rheological effects of gravitational energy dissipation are not taken into account. However, in contrast to a previously conducted numerical study [Honda, R., Mizutani, H., Yamamoto, T., 1993. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 2075-2089] we explored a freely deformable planetary surface and a broad range of viscosity ratios between the metallic layer and the protocore (0.001-1000) as well as between the silicate layer and the protocore (0.001-1000). An important new prediction from our study is that realistic modes of planetary reshaping characterized by a high viscosity protocore and low viscosity molten silicate and metal [Senshu, H., Kuramoto, K., Matsui, T., 2002. J. Geophys. Res. 107 (E12), 5118. 10.1029/2001JE001819] may result in the transient exposure of the protocore to the planetary surface and a strongly (up to 8% of the planetary diameter) aspherical deviation of the planetary shape during the early stages of core formation. Exposure of the protocore might happen in the early stages of iron core formation. This process may conceivably convert a large amount of potential energy into temperature increase and a transient strongly non-uniform depth of the magma ocean around the protoplanet. Our simplified model also predicts that the time for metallic core formation out of the metal-rich layer depends mainly on the dynamics of the deformation of the solid strong protocore. In nature this dynamics will be strongly dependent on the effective viscosity of the protocore, which should generally have non-Newtonian pressure-, temperature-, and stress-dependent rheology with strong thermomechanical feedbacks from gravitational energy dissipation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the onset of the viscous overstability in dense particulate rings. First, we formulate a dense gas kinetic theory that is applicable to the saturnian system. Our model is essentially that of Araki and Tremaine [Araki, S., Tremaine, S., 1986. Icarus 65, 83-109], which we show can be both simplified and generalised. Second, we put this model to work computing the equilibrium properties of dense planetary rings, which we subsequently compare with the results of N-body simulations, namely those of Salo [Salo, H., 1991. Icarus 90, 254-270]. Finally, we present the linear stability analyses of these equilibrium states, and derive criteria for the onset of viscous overstability in the self-gravitating and non-self-gravitating cases. These are framed in terms of particle size, orbital frequency, optical depth, and the parameters of the collision law. Our results compare favourably with the simulations of Salo et al. [Salo, H., Schmidt, J., Spahn, F., 2001. Icarus 153, 295-315]. The accuracy and practicality of the continuum model we develop encourages its general use in future investigations of nonlinear phenomena.  相似文献   

The dynamics of clumps observed in planetary nebulae are considered. The possibility that SiO maser spots in evolved stars and the planetary nebula clumps are formed by the Parker instability behind shocks in pulsating stars' atmospheres is raised. Molecular observations of the clumps are suggested. The effects of the ablation of clumps on the global flow structure of a more tenuous plasma in which they are embedded are reviewed.  相似文献   

In this chapter, we will give a brief overview on our current theoretical understanding how planets form from the solid material in circumstellar disks in the core accretion-gas capture model. This chapter will not be as concise and complete as a review on this matter, yet will serve as an introductory text to generate interest in the subject. Students are referred to comprehensive text books and some important reviews.This chapter will discuss “dusty storms”, e.g. the dust transport in turbulent protoplanetary disks, followed by the latest model of planetesimal formation, e.g. gravoturbulent planetesimal formation, which deals with particle concentration in turbulence and N-body simulations thereof. We also briefly describe the core accretion-gas capture process and talk about nascent planets, e.g. the observability of planet–disk interaction concluding with the migration of young planets and the final arrangement of planetary systems.  相似文献   

The spectra of geopotential, Earth and ocean tidal perturbations on a satellite can be obtained using Kaula's linear theory, or an extension thereof, as summations of terms depending on four indices l, m, p, q. In this work algorithms are presented that generate the equivalence classes induced by the composition rule of frequency on the set of all (l, m, p, q) combinations up to a maximum degree L and maximum value Q of the last index. These algorithms eliminate the need to search the set of frequencies when the linear theory is programmed on a computer.  相似文献   

The last few decades have seen an avalanche of observations of planetary ring systems, both from spacecraft and from Earth. Meanwhile, we have seen steady progress in our understanding of these systems as our intuition (and our computers) catch up with the myriad ways in which gravity, fluid and statistical mechanics, and electromagnetism can combine to shape the distribution of the submicron-to-several-meter size particles which comprise ring systems [1–5]. The now-complete reconnaissance of the gas giant planets by spacecraft has revealed that ring systems are invariably found in association with families of regular satellites, and there is an emerging perspective that they are not only physically but causally linked. There is also mounting evidence that many features or aspects of all planetary ring systems, if not the ring systems themselves, are considerably younger than the solar system.  相似文献   

J. Salmon  S. Charnoz 《Icarus》2010,209(2):771-785
Planetary rings are common in the outer Solar System but their origin and long-term evolution is still a matter of debate. It is well known that viscous spreading is a major evolutionary process for rings, as it globally redistributes the disk’s mass and angular momentum, and can lead to the disk’s loosing mass by infall onto the planet or through the Roche limit. However, describing this process is highly dependent on the model used for the viscosity. In this paper we investigate the global and long-term viscous evolution of a circumplanetary disk. We have developed a simple 1D numerical code, but we use a physically realistic viscosity model derived from N-body simulations (Daisaka et al., 2001), and dependent on the disk’s local properties (surface mass density, particle size, distance to the planet). Particularly, we include the effects of gravitational instabilities (wakes) that importantly enhance the disk’s viscosity. This method allows to study the global evolution of the disk over the age of the Solar System.Common estimates of the disk’s spreading time-scales with constant viscosity significantly underestimate the rings’ lifetime. We show that, with a realistic viscosity model, an initially narrow ring undergoes two successive evolutionary stages: (1) a transient rapid spreading when the disk is self-gravitating, with the formation of a density peak inward and an outer region marginally gravitationally stable, and with an emptying time-scale proportional to (where M0 is the disk’s initial mass), (2) an asymptotic regime where the spreading rate continuously slows down as larger parts of the disk become non-self-gravitating due to the decrease of the surface density, until the disk becomes completely non-self-gravitating. At this point its evolution dramatically slows down, with an emptying time-scale proportional to 1/M0, which significantly increases the disk’s lifetime compared to the case with constant viscosity. We show also that the disk’s width scales like t1/4 with the realistic viscosity model, while it scales like t1/2 in the case of constant viscosity, resulting in much larger evolutionary time-scales in our model. We find however that the present shape of Saturn’s rings looks like a 100 million-years old disk in our simulations. Concerning Jupiter’s, Uranus’ and Neptune’s rings that are faint today, it is not likely that they were much more massive in the past and lost most of their mass due to viscous spreading alone.  相似文献   

In this paper the two-degree of freedom problem of a geosynchronous artificial satellite orbiting near the critical inclination is studied. First a local approach of this problem is considered. A semi-numerical method, well suited to describe the perturbations of a non-trivial separable system, is then applied such that surfaces of section illustrating the global secular dynamics are obtained. The results are confirmed by numerical integrations of the full Hamiltonian.Research Assistant for the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research  相似文献   

A solar nebula-type theory recently published by the author can explain much more about our planetary system and the satellite systems than all other theories known to date. Here only a few additional and relatively simple aspects are pointed out, especially the formation of the Moon and of the Martian satellites.  相似文献   

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