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天山造山带基底结构的有限差分研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
利用横跨天山造山带的库尔勒-吉木萨尔地震宽角反射/折射剖面Pg震相, 通过三维有限差分方法对天山造山带的基底和盖层构造进行反演, 获得了上地壳的速度分布及构造. 根据速度结构可将此剖面划分为塔里木盆地北缘、天山造山带及准噶尔盆地南缘3个部分, 天山造山带内具有三隆四凹的构造格局. 塔里木盆地北缘基底速度横向变化不大, 埋藏深度约10 km. 天山造山带内速度横向变化较大, 其中焉耆盆地的基底深度约为6 km, 往北基底迅速变浅, 到中天山基底几乎出露地表. 库米什南部为一小的山间盆地, 最大基底深度约为3 km, 到库米什附近基底变浅并几乎出露地表. 塔里木盆地与天山之间的北轮台断裂为边界断裂, 断层落差达5 km左右. 吐鲁番盆地具有巨厚的沉积, 其基底深度约7 km. 天山与吐鲁番盆地的边界断裂为博罗科努断裂, 其特点是基底深度迅速变深, 断层落差达7 km左右. 进入准噶尔盆地, 基底深度约为8 km. 虽然库尔勒-吉木萨尔剖面的地形是不对称的(南部平缓, 北部起伏强烈), 但有限差分法所揭示的基底结构具有以中天山为轴南北对称的特点, 并与该剖面所揭示的深部结构协调一致, 预示着天山两侧的塔里木盆地与准噶尔盆地向天山造山带的深部对冲. 但南侧的俯冲可能是更早的事件, 目前已经弱化; 而北侧的俯冲正方兴未艾, 致使博格达山快速隆升与吐鲁番盆地的快速沉降. 这种构造样式与横跨天山的另一条剖面, 即沙雅-布尔津剖面所揭示的岩石圈结构不同, 表明在这两条剖面之间可能存在重要的构造边界. 相似文献
利用横跨塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地的拜城—大柴旦综合地球物理剖面的人工地震宽角反射/折射资料,对拜城—大柴旦剖面研究区上地壳的Q值结构进行了反演. 结果表明,研究区上地壳的Q值结构具有明显的分层性,Q值随深度的加大而增大;横向对应的不同地质构造单元的Q值具有不同的分布特点. 塔里木盆地的上地壳具有稳定的Q值结构,但盆地北缘(特别是库车坳陷)的Q值比南缘的低,表明北缘的介质比较破碎. 这可能与盆地北缘活跃的构造特征与巨大的沉积厚度有关,是引起盆地南北两侧地震活动性差异(北缘强,南缘弱)的重要原因之一. 阿尔金造山带上地壳的平均Q值较高(约500),这可能由于结晶基底埋藏较浅,基岩出露,因此地震波在此处传播能量衰减较慢所致. 柴达木盆地西半部分上地壳的Q值除了表层的(厚1.0~2.0km)较高外,其余各层的Q值与塔里木盆地中部的相当(平均约400),显示了与塔里木盆地相似的稳定构造. 相似文献
北京地区地震动的三维有限差分模拟 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
根据北京地区地壳结构和1679年三河-平谷8级地震的研究结果,对北京地区进行了三维有限差分地震动模拟研究,并研究了北京地区的盆地效应。结果表明,盆地效应非常明显。在北京盆地内的大部分地区,盆地效应的放大系数达到1.3,在某些地区甚至达到2.0。将盆地的放大效应与北京市区地表土层的放大效应进行了对比,发现它们的放大率为同等水平,在部分地区盆地的放大效应更为明显。我国现行的抗震规范中只考虑了地表土层效应的影响,由于许多城市位于盆地内,并且已经修建或正在修建大量的具有较长自振周期的高层建筑。因此,本文的研究结果对城市规划与防震减灾具有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
采用正方形网格对华北地区速度模型进行参数化、网格维数为649×90×16,网格间距为1km. 通过对华北地区30条深地震测深剖面的Pg波三维有限差分速度层析成像反演,获得了该地区上部地壳的三维速度结构. 反演结果显示,低速的"棱形"华北盆地被高速的隆起所包围;而华北盆地又由两个大的断陷带中间夹一个隆起所组成.两个大的断陷带又被分割为多个小的断陷盆地.研究区内的断层多为铲式正断层,结晶基底深度变化较大. 所有这些表明华北地区具有复杂的地质构造和发生强震的深部背景. 相似文献
华北地区上部地壳结构的三维有限差分层析成像 总被引:22,自引:12,他引:22
采用正方形网格对华北地区速度模型进行参数化、网格维数为649×90×16,网格间距为1km. 通过对华北地区30条深地震测深剖面的Pg波三维有限差分速度层析成像反演,获得了该地区上部地壳的三维速度结构. 反演结果显示,低速的"棱形"华北盆地被高速的隆起所包围;而华北盆地又由两个大的断陷带中间夹一个隆起所组成.两个大的断陷带又被分割为多个小的断陷盆地.研究区内的断层多为铲式正断层,结晶基底深度变化较大. 所有这些表明华北地区具有复杂的地质构造和发生强震的深部背景. 相似文献
利用在长白山天池火山区布设的 4条深地震测深剖面和 1个三维地震透射台阵的Pg波资料 ,用有限差分方法反演了该地区的基底速度结构。对该地区的基底速度结构特征及P波速度5 9~ 6 0km/s所对应的结晶基底的界面形态、深度等进行了讨论。反演结果表明 ,长白山天池火山区基底深度变化不大 ,一般为 2 .0~ 3.0km ,最深处位于天池火山口下和二道白河 -池西之间 ;最浅处位于松江附近 ,约为 1.5km。同时发现天池火山口下及二道白河 -池西保护站之间是两处低速区 ,结晶基底深度为 4 .0km ,其中二道白河 -池西保护站之间的低速区对应于地质构造上的地堑构造。提出基底速度横向变化剧烈和基底深度突变的特征可以作为断层存在的一种标志 相似文献
秦岭—大别造山带横贯中国大陆中部,并将我国东部分为南北两部;即华北克拉通和扬子克拉通.在南、北相向运动力系驱动下构成了一个极为复杂的复合、叠加构造带、成矿带和地震活动带.同时导致了该地域异常变化的沉积建造和强烈起伏的结晶基底.然而对它们形成的地球物理边界场响应,岩相和结构的异常变化尚不清晰,特别对盆山之间的耦合响应更缺乏深层动力过程的理解.为此本文通过该区榆林—铜川—涪陵长1000 km剖面的地震探测和研究结果提出:(1)沉积建造厚度变化为4~10 km,结晶基底起伏强烈,幅度可达4~6 km;(2)一系列基底断裂将该区切割为南鄂尔多斯盆地和秦岭北缘前陆盆地、秦岭—大巴造山带和南缘前陆盆地与东北四川盆地,其中前陆盆地为秦岭北渭河盆地和秦岭南通江—万源盆地;(3)秦岭造山带是北部华北克拉通向南推挤、南部扬子克拉通向北推挤下隆升的陆内山体,并构筑了其南、北前陆盆地;(4)秦岭造山带的南、北边界并非是一条边界断层,而应是包括前陆盆地在内的组合界带;(5)秦岭与大巴弧形山系源于同一深部结晶基底,即同根生.这一系列的新认识对深化理解秦岭—大巴造山带形成的深层动力过程和演化机理及厘定扬子克拉通的真实北界具有极为重要的意义. 相似文献
We use the Pg seismic phase along the Korla-Jimsar profile across the Tianshan orogen and the 3D finite difference method to inverse the velocity structure of the upper crust beneath the basement of this mountain. Based on the velocity structure, the Korla-Jimsar profile can be divided into three parts, i.e. the north edge of the Tarim basin, the Tianshan orogen, and the south margin of the Junggar basin. Within the Tianshan there is a pattern of four convexities and three concavities, which correspond to the southern Tianshan, the Yanqi basin, the middle Tianshan, the Turpan basin, and the Bogda Mountains. In the north edge of the Tarim basin, the basement is about 10km deep with small lateral variations of velocity. In the Tianshan the velocity varies greatly laterally. The basement depth of the Yanqi basin is 6 km, which becomes shallow rapidly northward, and almost to the surface at the middle Tianshan. South to Kumux there is a small intermountain basin, where the maximum basement depth is 3 km, and also turns very shallow near Kumux. The Luntai fault, which bounds the Tarim basin and Tianshan, has vertical dislocation of about 5 km. The Turpan basin is covered with so thick a sediment that its basement is 7 km deep. The boundary fault between the Tianshan and Turpan is the Bolohoro fault which is characterized by quick deepening basement and 7 km vertical dislocation. In the Junggar basin the basement is 8 km deep. On the Korla-Jimsar profile, the velocity distribution of the upper crust and the structure are featured by NS symmetry on both sides of the axis of the Middle Tianshan, consistent with the deep structure revealed by this profile. It means that the Tarim basin and the Junggar basin underthrust toward the Tianshan from south and north, respectively. Such a structural style is different from that of another profile, i.e. the Xayar-Burjing profile, suggesting that there may be an important tectonic boundary between these two profiles. 相似文献
Tectonics of Precambrian basement of the Tarim craton 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The Altyn Tagh Mountain is the main area where the Precambrian basements of Tarim craton are exposed. There are two ophiolitic
belts in Altyn Tagh: one belt is exposed in the northern margin of Altyn Tagh whose formation age is about (829±60) Ma, the
other is situated along the southern margin of Altyn Tagh and has a formation age of about (1449±270) Ma. This paper proposes
a simple tectonic model for the Precambrian basement of Tarim craton established from ophiolites in Altyn Tagh area. The south
Tarim block had amalgamated with Qaidam block during about 1400-1500 Ma along the present Altyn fault, while the south Tarim-Qaidam
united block was still separated from the north Tarim block by an ocean. The united block of south Tarim and Qaidam collided
with north Tarim block along the zone of high positive anomaly of central Tarim, Hongliugou and Lapeiquan in about 800 Ma.
So since the Sinian (beginning at 800 Ma) there has been an integrated basement for Tarim craton. 相似文献
本文对位于青藏高原东缘川滇构造区的贡山一绥江大地电磁测深(MT)剖面数据进行反演,获得沿剖面的深部电性结构,为研究喜马拉雅东构造结、川滇菱形地块与华南地块的构造变形特征、壳幔耦合关系、地块间接触关系以及相互作用等问题,提供电性结构的依据.研究发现:(1)电性结构揭示澜沧江断裂带和小金河断裂带为深大断裂带,控制着研究区的深部结构特征和形变机制;(2)澜沧江断裂带和金沙江断裂带之间的高阻体,可能是扬子古地块的残留部分;小金河断裂带和安宁河断裂带之间的高阻体,则是峨眉山大火山省喷发形成的冕宁一越西杂岩带;(3)在滇西地块、川滇地块和大凉山地块均存在低阻层,它们的介质属性有所不同,滇西地块下的低阻层"疑似"高热状态的岩浆囊,主要由缅甸弧向东俯冲运动引起的,中上地壳的高热状态使地块的活动性增强;川滇地块内部的壳内低阻层的成因为:理塘断裂带和小金河断裂带之间的地表低阻层由破碎带充水所致,而金沙江断裂带和理塘断裂带之间的中地壳低阻层可能是由局部熔融物质或含盐流体导致的,其为壳内物质运移的通道.从而在地下物质发生大规模走滑运动的过程中起到引导作用;川滇地块东部和大凉山地块西部的壳内低阻层可能与地慢物质的上涌有关;马边断裂带附近的低阻体可能与破碎带变宽和破碎带内的流体有关. 相似文献
Abstract We present chemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of three Triassic (226–241 Ma) calc‐alkaline granitoids (the Yeongdeok granite, Yeonghae diorite and Cheongsong granodiorite) and basement rocks in the northern Gyeongsang basin, south‐eastern Korea. These plutons exhibit typical geochemical characteristics of I‐type granitoids generated in a continental magmatic arc. The Yeongdeok and Yeonghae plutons have similar initial Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios (87Sr/86Srinitial = 0.7041 ~ 0.7050, ?Nd(t) = 2.3 ~ 4.0, 206Pb/204Pbfeldspar = 18.22 ~ 18.34), but distinct rare earth element patterns, suggesting that the two plutons formed from partial melting of a similar source material at different depths. The Cheongsong pluton has slightly more enriched Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Srinitial = 0.7047 ~ 0.7065, ?Nd(t) = 3.9 ~ 2.8, 206Pb/204Pbfeldspar = 18.24 ~ 18.37) than the other two plutons. The Nd model ages of the basement rocks (1.1 ~ 1.4 Ga) are slightly older than those of the plutons (0.6 ~ 1.0 Ga). The initial Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of the plutons can be modeled by the mixing between the mid‐oceanic ridge basalt‐like depleted mantle component and the crustal component represented by basement rocks, which is also supported by Pb isotope data. The Sr and Nd isotope data from granitoids and basement rocks suggest that the Gyeongsang basin, the Hida belt and the inner zone of south‐western Japan share relatively young basement histories (middle Proterozoic), compared with those (early Proterozoic to Archean) of the Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs and the Okcheon belt. The Nd isotope data of basement rocks suggest that the Hida belt might be better correlated with the basement of the Gyeongsang basin than the Gyeonggi massif, the Okcheon belt or the Yeongnam massif, although it may represent an older continental margin of East Asia than the Gyeongsang basin considering its slightly older Nd model ages. 相似文献
准噶尔盆地的基底结构与属性一直是地学界关注的焦点问题之一.横跨准噶尔盆地北部,走向近东西的克拉玛依—喀姆斯特地震剖面提供了该盆地北部详细的地壳与上地幔顶部的速度结构与构造,特别是基底顶界面的速度.沿剖面发现了数条走向近南北的“H”型超壳断裂,它们没有明显的断差,断裂处反射系数明显降低,介质的Q值减小,推测具“开裂”性质;利用盆地内1:20万重磁数据完成了重磁联合反演,获得了沿剖面的地壳与上地幔顶部的二维密度结构与二维磁性结构.根据在一定深度范围内介质的速度-密度-岩性之间的关系,确定了盆地北部基底岩性分布.结果表明,准噶尔盆地北部的基底多处为基性和超基性物质,推测为深部(上地幔)物质沿超壳断裂进入地壳内部并对地壳物质进行改造的结果.这一推断得到盆地内部高磁性、高重力异常的支持,也与盆地具有较高的地壳平均速度相一致.综合其他地球物理与地质资料综合分析,给出了综合地质解释剖面,建立了准噶尔盆地北部基底结构与属性的动力学模型. 相似文献
大型克拉通内部沉积盆地基底组构与盆地起源和油气聚集有密切关系.除了钻井岩心及周缘露头研究可提供盆地结晶基底类型证据外,反射地震信号记录了沉积盆地起源时期的有关大地构造作用信息,盆地基底组构可通过记录长度大的反射地震剖面研究.2007年中石化在塔里木盆地将1400 km的地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底的组构和类型提供了难得的第一手资料.这篇文章主要介绍这次调查的反射地震剖面,讨论深反射地震数据处理的关键技术,展示塔里木盆地巴楚—塔中地区的四条12 s反射地震剖面,并对反射剖面的散射模式作初步分析.本次调查表明,将地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,采集处理的成本只增加了3%左右,但是可为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底和上地壳不均匀性提供很有价值的第一手资料. 相似文献
大型克拉通内部沉积盆地基底组构与盆地起源和油气聚集有密切关系.除了钻井岩心及周缘露头研究可提供盆地结晶基底类型证据外,反射地震信号记录了沉积盆地起源时期的有关大地构造作用信息,盆地基底组构可通过记录长度大的反射地震剖面研究.2007年中石化在塔里木盆地将1400 km的地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底的组构和类型提供了难得的第一手资料.这篇文章主要介绍这次调查的反射地震剖面,讨论深反射地震数据处理的关键技术,展示塔里木盆地巴楚—塔中地区的四条12 s反射地震剖面,并对反射剖面的散射模式作初步分析.本次调查表明,将地震剖面接收记录从6 s加长到12 s,采集处理的成本只增加了3%左右,但是可为研究克拉通盆地结晶基底和上地壳不均匀性提供很有价值的第一手资料. 相似文献
利用综合地球物理方法研究前新生代残留盆地结构是当前深层油气勘探亟待解决的问题之一.本文基于高精度重力、航磁、地震等综合地球物理资料,通过位场正演剥离和正则化滤波技术对黄骅坳陷前新生代残留盆地结构展开研究,构建黄骅坳陷宏观的盆地立体格架,分析前新生代残留地层的展布及残留厚度特征,探讨盆地基底的三分性问题.研究表明,黄骅坳陷宏观上呈现垂向分层、东西分带、南北分区的盆地结构特征;前新生代残留盆地总体为NNE-NE向展布,但沉积中心与残留地层厚度明显不同于新生代沉积特点,在歧口新生界巨厚区残留厚度较小;盆地基底表现出三分性特征,区内T型交叉的两组隐伏深断裂可能为燕辽基底、鲁西基底和太行基底的拼接线;前新生代盆地结构、残留厚度与基底三分性特征均表现出受深部断裂构造的影响和控制. 相似文献
在横跨鄂尔多斯盆地西缘构造带北段的查甘池—银川—五湖洞约200 km长的东西向剖面上,进行了67个测点的大地电磁探测.使用“远参考道”和Robust技术处理数据.分析了各测点视电阻率、阻抗相位、二维偏离度、电性主轴方位角、磁实感应矢量等参数,采用NLCG二维反演方法对TE和TM两种模式的数据进行了二维反演.得到的二维电性结构表明,沿剖面查汗断裂带、贺兰山东缘断裂带和黄河断裂带是明显较大型电性边界,为超壳断裂带,而三关口断裂带深部延深不大.沿剖面阿拉善地块、贺兰山褶皱带、银川断陷盆地和鄂尔多斯地块具有明显不同的深部电性结构特征.阿拉善地块内部除浅表电阻率较低外,以下到深度约50 km都表现为高电阻特性.贺兰山褶皱带电性结构复杂,电阻率高低相间.银川盆地具有上宽下窄最深达约8 km低阻层,具有断陷盆地特征.鄂尔多斯地块具有低-高-低的深部电性结构特征,成层性较明显. 相似文献
Texture and tectonic attribute of Cenozoic basin basement in the northern South China Sea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
SUN XiaoMeng ZHANG XuQing ZHANG GongCheng LU BaoLiang YUE JunPei ZHANG Bin 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2014,57(6):1199-1211
Based on the drilling data,the geological characteristics of the coast in South China,and the interpretation of the long seismic profiles covering the Pearl River Mouth Basin and southeastern Hainan Basin,the basin basement in the northern South China Sea is divided into four structural layers,namely,Pre-Sinian crystalline basement,Sinian-lower Paleozoic,upper Paleozoic,and Mesozoic structural layers.This paper discusses the distribution range and law and reveals the tectonic attribute of each structural layer.The Pre-Sinian crystalline basement is distributed in the northern South China Sea,which is linked to the Pre-Sinian crystalline basement of the Cathaysian Block and together they constitute a larger-scale continental block—the Cathaysian-northern South China Sea continental block.The Sinian-lower Paleozoic structural layer is distributed in the northern South China Sea,which is the natural extension of the Caledonian fold belt in South China to the sea area.The sediments are derived from southern East China Sea-Taiwan,Zhongsha-Xisha islands and Yunkai ancient uplifts,and some small basement uplifts.The Caledonian fold belt in the northern South China Sea is linked with that in South China and they constitute the wider fold belt.The upper Paleozoic structural layer is unevenly distributed in the northern South China.In the basement of Beibu Gulf Basin and southwestern Taiwan Basin,the structural layer is composed of the stable epicontinental sea deposit.The distribution areas in the Pearl River Mouth Basin and the southeastern Hainan Basin belong to ancient uplifts in the late Paleozoic,lacking the upper Paleozoic structural layers.The stratigraphic distribution and sedimentary environment in Middle-Late Jurassic to Cretaceous are characteristic of differentiation in the east and the west.The marine,paralic deposit is well developed in the basin basement of southwestern Taiwan but the volcanic activity is not obvious.The marine and paralic facies deposit is distributed in the eastern Pearl River Mouth Basin basement and the volcanic activity is stronger.The continental facies volcano-sediment in the Early Cretaceous is distributed in the basement of the western Pearl River Mouth Basin and Southeastern Hainan Basin.The Upper Cretaceous red continental facies clastic rocks are distributed in the Beibu Gulf Basin and Yinggehai Basin.The NE direction granitic volcanic-intrusive complex,volcano-sedimentary basin,fold and fault in Mesozoic basement have the similar temporal and spatial distribution,geological feature,and tectonic attribute with the coastal land in South China,and they belong to the same magma-deposition-tectonic system,which demonstrates that the late Mesozoic structural layer was formed in the background of active continental margin.Based on the analysis of basement structure and the study on tectonic attribute,the paleogeographic map of the basin basement in different periods in the northern South China Sea is compiled. 相似文献