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Seasonal plant growth dynamics were followed for a year in undisturbed plots of tall and short formSpartina alterniflora Loisel. and in plots of short formS. alterniflora which were enriched with sewage sludge at a rate of 100 g dry sludge m?2wk?1, corresponding to a nitrogen enrichment of 2 g N m?2wk?1. Monthly determinations of aboveground live and dead biomass, density of live stems, the ratio of number of young shoots to total number of shoots, and belowground mass of macro-organic matter to a depth of 30 cm were made for each area. Sludge fertilization increased the live biomass of the short formS. alterniflora by up to 150% of the control live biomass, but had little effect on the dead biomass, stem density, or proportion of young shoots. There was a trend of increased amount of belowground macro-organic matter in fertilized compared to control plots during the last 6 months of the study. In all areas, there was a marked decrease in the proportion of young shoots from winter to early summer, followed by a rapid increase in the percent of young shoots from late summer to fall. Sampling of plots 7 and 20 months after termination of sludge enrichment showed higher plant biomass and % N content in surface soils, but no difference in N content of live plant tissue, in fertilized compared to unfertilized marsh. After 20 months, about half of the sludge nitrogen remaining in the soils of the fertilized plots had disappeared.  相似文献   

The salt marsh cord grass,Spartina alterniflora Loisel., occurs in markedly distinct short and tall growth forms. Both forms have the same number of chromosomes, although polyploidy is well established in the genus. Previous studies have shown that height is primarily affected by nitrate availability and environmental stresses such as increased soluble salt concentrations. These studies have shown that, within a marsh, height differences cannot be attributed to genetic, chromosomal differences or electrophoretic banding. However, more subtle genetic differences may be involved. Other studies suggest that between marshes,S. alterniflora, in response to a latitudinal gradient on the Atlantic coast, has evolved ecotypes differing in height, color and flowering period. This review paper points out that plant height inS. alterniflora may be determined by a combination of environmental and genetic factors.  相似文献   

In the salt marshes of Tomales Bay, California, where grazing by cattle increases the input of nitrogen to the marsh (either directly or indirectly as runoff from within the salt marsh watershed), high salt marsh vegetation is dominated byDistichlis spicata and is less diverse than marshes without excess nutrients. Using a field experiment, I investigated the role of soil fertility on the plant community of the high salt marsh. I hypothesized that when soil fertility is increased by nitrogen addition plant productivity will increase, as indicated by height, biomass, and cover, and competitive exclusion, byD. spicata, will lead to a reduction in species richness and evenness, especially where the initial density ofDistichlis is high (from transplanting). After two growing seasons, biweekly nitrogen addition to the high salt marsh led to increased plant biomass and cover. Diversity was not reduced, and space preemption byDistichlis-transplants did not confer a competitive advantage. Although the dominant species thrived (e.g.,Salicornia virginica, D. spicata, Triglochin concinna) they did not displace subdominant species and decrease diversity. The vegetation response in this high salt marsh system does not support the hypothesis that as biomass and cover (indicators of productivity) increase in response to increased nitrogen, competitive exclusion will occur and diversity will decrease.  相似文献   

Net annual productivity of tall and medium form cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora, was estimated by a new clip sampling method in a sloping foreshore salt marsh at Wallops Island, Virginia. This method measured live standing crops only, to avoid problems of measuring dead biomass inherent in other methods. Losses from live standing crops by shoot mortality and by leaf shedding were estimated from these measurements and added separately to production of live tillers and of live culms. This allowed quantification of various components of production.Spartina tillering in different zones of the marsh produced 62 to 211 g dry weight per m2 per yr. Tiller mortality removed 37 to 106 g per m2 per yr from live standing crops. Culms produced 348 to 1,132 g per m2 before flowering and die-back. Culm mortality removed 28 to 246 g per m2 before flowering. Leaf shedding removed an additional 83 g per m2 in tall formSpartina. Altogether, net annual productivity These estimates are much higher than previous estimates of productivity and standing crops inSpartina marshes nearby.  相似文献   

Ten Spartina alterniflora plants were sampled monthly in a Louisiana estuary to determine the abundance and species composition of stem-dwelling meiofauna and small macrofauna. Most organisms were associated with epiphytic algae found relatively high on standing stems; one harpacticoid copepod, Leptocaris brevicornis, was associated with vascular tissue. Only 15% of the stem fauna was found within 6 cm of the sediment surface. Highest abundance of total meiofauna (>8,000 individuals per 100 cm2 stem surface) occurred in July. The overall seasonal average was 1,563 individuals per 100 cm2 (about 800 per stem). Nematodes (24% of the total) and harpacticoids (adults and copepodites 19%, and nauplii 15%), were abundant and omnipresent taxa. Rotifers (30%) were limited to the summer months, but were extremely abundant when present, 5,037 individuals per 100 cm2 in July. Mites were common (10%) while several groups, for example, amphipods, isopods, polychaetes, and insect larvae, were rare. The stem harpacticoid assemblage was not diverse; four sediment-dwelling and three species reported only from stems were recorded. Overall, abundance was low from December to May, and high from June through November. Winter and spring minima may have resulted from several factors. Estuarine water levels in the Gulf of Mexico are lowered by as much as 25 cm in the winter, and stems likely were desiccated. Highest rhizomatic growth occurs in the spring, and the resulting reduced epiphyte populations may have influenced meiofauna. The density of stem meiofauna above the sediment surface averaged about 225 individuals per 10 cm2 sediment surface, but frequently exceeded that in the surrounding sediments.  相似文献   

Coastal salt marshes represent an important coastal wetland system. In order to protect coastlines from erosion and rapid increase in accumulation rate, Spartina alterniflora (S. alterniflora) was introduced into the Chinese coast. Two study areas (Wanggang and Quanzhou Bay) were selected that represent the plain type and embayment type of the coastal salt marshes. In situ measurements show that the tidal current velocities are stronger on the intertidal mudflat without S. alterniflora than that with S. alterniflora, and the velocity above the canopy surface is larger than that in the salt marsh canopy. The existence of S. alterniflora also influences the velocity structure above the bare flat during ebb tide. With the decrease in current flow velocity when seawater enters into the S. alterniflora marsh, suspended sediments are largely entrapped on the marsh surface, leading to increase in sedimentation rates and change in physical evolution processes of the coastal salt marshes. The highly developed root systemof S. alterniflora induces sediment mixing and exchange between subsurface sediment strata and affects the vertical sediment distribution remarkably. The sedimentation rate of S. alterniflora marsh at the Wanggang area is much higher than the relative sea level rise rate, where rapid progradation of theWanggang saltmarshes that is protecting the coast from sea erosion is observed.  相似文献   

Burning has been employed as an oil spill remediation technique in coastal marshes, even though the combined and interactive effects of oil and burning on vegetation are poorly understood. Variation among clones of perennial marsh grasses in response to these perturbations is not known. We performed a greenhouse experiment designed to assess the effects of Venezuelan crude oil alone and of oil followed by burning on three clonal genets ofSpartina alterniflora. The fully-crossed 6-mo experiment involved five dosages of oil (0 l m−2, 4 l m−2, 8 l m−2, 16 l m−2, and 24 l m−2) and two burn treatments (burned or unburned) applied to ramets from three clones. All oil-only dosages reduced survival, but burning after oiling (oil + burn treatments) increased survival relative to oil-only groups in all except the highest two oil dosages. Higher oil-only treatments also reduced ramet densities and inhibited density increases over 6 mo. Burning after treatment with the 16 l m−2 oil concentration allowed increased production of new ramets, but burning exacerbated the negative impacts on ramet density at the oil concentration of 24 l m−2. At some intermediate oil dosages, burning remediated the negative effects of oil on aboveground biomass production and growth in height. There was a significant effect of oil-only treatments on numbers of flowering ramets produced, in which two clones responded with decreased flower production and one exhibited increased flowering. There was no main effect of oil + burn on flowering. There were significant among-clones differences in all response variables to one or both treatments. Our experiment demonstrates that burning of oiledS. alterniflora marshes may have little measurable effect at low levels of Venezuelan crude oil, can remediate the effects of oil at intermediate oil concentrations, but can increase the negative impacts at high concentrations of oil. These results indicate that oil spills have the potential to adversely affect genetic diversity inS. alterniflora populations by eliminating some sensitive clonal variants or changing the relative dominance of genets. These results suggest certain clones may be better suited for phytoremediation or restoration planting following oil spills.  相似文献   

Tagging studies ofSpartina alterniflora Loisel showed no significant differences in stem longevity of short, medium, and tall height forms. Mean stem longevity was 7.9 months, and the experimental turnover rate was 1.5 crops per yr. Five methods to measure productivity (peak standing crop, Milner and Hughes, Smalley, Wiegert and Evans, and Lomnicki, et al.) yielded annual net aerial primary production (NAPP) estimates ranging from 214 to 1,038 g dry wt per m2 per yr in a stand of shortSpartina. Turnover rates were computed for each of the methods by dividing the respective production value by the peak standing crop (242 g dry wt per m2 per yr). Each computed turnover rate was compared with the experimental value of 1.5 crops per yr to ultimately determine that the methods of peak standing crop, Milner and Hughes, and Smalley were underestimates and that the Wiegert and Evans method was an overestimate of NAPP in tidal marsh systems. Based on its calculated turnover rate of 1.9 crops per yr, a modified Lomnicki, et al. method provided the best NAPP estimate (454 g dry wt per m2 per yr).  相似文献   

The release of mercury (Hg) from leaf tissue was compared between two dominant salt marsh macrophytes,Spartina alterniflora andPhragmites australis. Rates of Hg release were measured for individual leaves from late May to late July, along with concentrations of Hg in leaf tissue, rates of sodium (Na) release, and rates of transpiration. Leaves ofS. alterniflora consistently releasd 2–3 times more Hg than leaves ofP. australis. Leaves ofS. alterniflora also contained greater concentrations of Hg during these months. In contrast toP. australis leaves, rates of Na release were high forS. alterniflora and were correlated with rate of Hg release. Transpiration rates averaged 2.2 times greater forPhragmites as compared toS. alterniflora, and were not correlated with the other variables at the leaf level for either species. Leaf Hg concentration was highly correlated with Hg release for both species, but the slope was significantly greater forS. alterniflora. Monthly differences were profound for all climate and physiological variables measured, with high measurements in May, and lower measurements in June and July. For both species, the highest Hg content was found in lower leaves in May, followed by upper leaves in May. Hg accumulation in leaf tissue and release from both species appear to be greatest in the spring, although differences between the species persist throughout these peak months of the growing season.  相似文献   

In deltaic marshes, mineral sediment promotes positive elevation change and counters subsidence and sea level rise. In many such marshes sediment deficits result in wetland loss. One new way to address sediment deficiency is to supply marshes with sediments in a slurry that deposits the sediment in a thin layer over a large area. The long-term effects of this strategy are poorly understood. In a rapidly submerging,Spartina alterniflora salt marsh, we tested how different amounts of sediment ameliorated the effects of sea level rise and subsidence over 7 yr (1992–1998). Sediment slurry enrichment likely affected plants and soils by two mechanisms. It increased elevation and soil bulk density, leading to increased plant vigor and soil condition. These effects were long lasting, such that by 1998 areas receiving moderate amounts of sediment (5–12 cm relative elevation) had better plant vigor and soil condition compared to areas not receiving sediment (55% cover versus 20%; bulk densities of 0.4–1.0 g cm−3 versus 0.2 g cm−3; 0 mM hydrogen sulfide versus > 1.0 mM). The sediment slurry also had high nutrient content, which resulted in a pulse of growth, especially in areas receiving the most sediment (areas > 12 cm relative elevation initially had >90% cover and canopy heights >1.6 m). This nutrient-induced growth spurt was short lived and faded after 3 yr, at which point the long lasting effects of increased elevation probably became the dominant factor promoting plant vigor and soil condition. Moderate levels of sediment generated the most beneficial and long lasting effects to the vegetation and soils. This degree of sediment slurry addition countered the effects of subsidence and sea level rise, but not so much as to surpass the intertidal position to whichS. alterniflora is best adapted.  相似文献   

Responses ofSpartina alterniflora marsh to combinations of feral horse grazing, clipping, simulated trampling, and a late winter burn were studied on Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia. Replicated 200-m2 plots were established and sampled bimonthly from July 1983 to November 1984. Clipping and trampling each reduced peak aboveground biomass by 20% in 1983 and 50% (clipping) and 55% (trampling) in 1984. A March burn reduced peak aboveground biomass by 35% in 1984. Trampling and burning earch reduced net aboveground primary production (NAPP) by 35%, but clipping did not reduce NAPP. Standing stocks of live rhizomes were correlated with aboveground biomass and were reduced with experimental treatments. Abundance of the periwinkle snail (Littorina irrorata) was also reduced. Horse grazing had a substantial impact on standing stocks and NAPP ofSpartina, but grazing was not uniform throughout the marsh. Moderately grazed plots had NAPP reduced by 25% compared to ungrazed plots. Heavily grazed plots had extremely low NAPP, and abovegroundSpartina never exceeded 40 g m?2 dry mass compared to 360 g m?2 within exclosures.  相似文献   

The supply of nutrients from surface and subsurface water flow into the root zone was measured in a developing barrier island marsh in Virginia. We hypothesize that high production of tall-formSpartina alterniflora in the lower intertidal zone is due to a greater nitrogen input supplied by a larger subsurface flux. Individual nitrogen inputs to the tall-form and short-formS. alterniflora root zones were calculated from water flow rates into the root zone and the nutrient concentration corresponding to the source of the flow. Total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) input (as ammonium and nitrate) was then calculated using a summation of the hourly nutrient inputs to the root zone over the entire tidal cycle based on hydrologic and nutrient data collected throughout the growing season (April–August) of 1993 and 1994. Additionally, horizontal water flow into the lower intertidal marsh was reduced experimentally to determine its effects on nutrient input and plant growth. Total ammonium (NH4 +) input to the tall-formS. alterniflora root zone (168 μmoles 6 h?1) was significantly greater relative to the short-form (45 μmoles 6 h?1) during flood tide. Total NH4 + input was not significantly different between growth forms during ebb tide, and total nitrate (NO3 ?) and total DIN input were not significantly different between growth forms during either tidal stage. During tidal flooding, vertical flow from below the root zone accounted for 71% and horizontal flow from the adjacent mudflat accounted for 19% of the total NH4 + input to the tall-formS. alterniflora root zone. Infiltration of flooding water accounted for 15% more of the total NO3 ? input relative to the total NH4 + input at both zones on flood tide. During ebb tide, vertical flow from below the root zone still accounted for the majority of NH4 + and NO3 ? input to both growth forms. After vertical flow, horizontal subsurface flow from upgradient accounted for the next largest percentages of NH4 + and NO3 ? input to both growth forms during ebb tide. After 2 yr of interrupted subsurface horizontal flow to the tall-formS. alterniflora root zone, height and nitrogen content of leaf tissue of treatment plants were only slightly, but significantly, lower than control plants. The results suggest that a dynamic supply of DIN (as influenced by subsurface water flows) is a more accurate depiction of nutrient supply to macrophytes in this developing marsh, relative to standing stock nutrient concentrations. The dynamic subsurface supply of DIN may play a role in spatial patterns of abovegroundS. alterniflora production, but determination of additional nitrogen inputs and the role of belowground production on nitrogen demand need to also be considered.  相似文献   

Packets of freshly harvested liveSpartina alterniflora were placed on the marsh surface, in a tidal ditch, in a pool contacting sides and bottom, and in the center-bottom of the same pool in September 1972. Rates of loss were the same for all four sites through day 242. After that packets on the marsh surface decomposed slower. A second experiment was begun in July only at the marsh surface and pool side sites. These lost dry weight much more rapidly than packets started in September. Populations of bacteria, fungi, diatoms, flagellates, ciliates and nematodes within the packets peaked within 60 days then decreased proportionately with the loss of dry weight in packets through day 242. After this, bacterial numbers decreased more rapidly presumably in response to a qualitative change in the packet material. Populations of flagellates and ciliates also declined rapidly after day 300. This decline occurred in new packets at around this date as well. In a limited set of samples 12 taxa were analyzed for date or detritus-age dependent occurrence. Of these, eight were data dependent, two were dependent on packet age, and two could not be determined from the data.  相似文献   

A one-year field study was conducted of the growth, mortality, and loss dynamics of aSpartina alterniflora low marsh in the Minas Basin, a macrotidal estuary at the head of the Bay of Fundy. Data were used to examine the suitability of four methods for estimating annual net aerial primary production (NAPP) of a marsh subject to energetic tidal flooding. Shoots start to grow in April and reach maximum height (about 0.5 m) and weight in October. Maximum shoot density (900–1,600 m?2) occurs around June and drops thereafter due to the export of entire shoots. The average shoot produces about seven leaves and at least 2–3 are lost during the growing season. All remaining vegetation dies before the end of November. Methods based on harvesting vegetation underestimated NAPP, especially at lower elevations where export is greater due to more frequent and prolonged tidal flooding. The highest NAPP values, on the order of 500–600 g m?2 y?1, were obtained using methods based on the population dynamics of individual shoots. These methods are recommended for energetic tidal environments because they include the production of vegetation exported during the growing season.  相似文献   

N2 fixation associated with the epiphytic community on standing dead Spartina alterniflora shoots was examined in both a natural and transplanted salt marsh in North Carolina. Acetylene reduction (AR) assays were conducted over a 24-mo period to estimate N2 fixation rates on standing dead stems and leaves. In the natural salt marsh, mean AR rates ranged from 0.5 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 14 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1, while in the transplanted marsh mean AR rates ranged from 1 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 33 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1. Diel AR activity of epiphytic communities in both marshes varied seasonally. Midday incubations yielded higher AR rates than nighttime incubations in the spring, while midday incubations in late summer and fall generally yielded AR rates equal to or lower than nighttime incubations. Desiccation during low tides occasionally repressed AR activity, although AR rates quickly rebounded with wetting. AR activity was localized in the epiphytic community, rather than in the underlying Spartina stem material. Based on the measured AR rates and the density of standing dead stems, the annual input of new N to the natural salt marsh via epiphytic N2 fixation is estimated to be 2.6 g N m?2 yr?1. The estimate of annual input of new N to the transplanted marsh is 3.8 g N m?2 yr?1. These estimates should be added to previous estimates of N2 fixation in marsh sediments to estimate the total contribution of new nitrogen to salt marsh nitrogen budgets.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the effects of salinity, nitrogen, and aeration on the growth of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. The experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement of treatments with salt marsh substrate at three salinity levels (15, 30, 45‰), at two nitrogen levels (0 and 168 kg/ha) and at two aeration levels (zero and oxygen saturation). The maximum biomass was found in the low salinity, nitrogen enhanced, aerated treatment which had 11 times more biomass than the highest (45‰) salinity, nitrogen poor, unaerated treatment. the average effect of nitrogen over the three salinity levels was a 2.01, 1.47, 1.25, and 1.52 times increase in aerial biomass, density, height, and belowground biomass of the plants, respectively. The main effect of aeration was a 2.49, 2.01, 1.57, and 1.85 times increase in the same variables. The combination effect of aeration and nitrogen additions enhanced biomass by 453%. An increase in salinity from 15‰ to 45‰ decreased biomass, density, height and belowground biomass of S. alterniflora by 66, 53, 38, and 61%, respectively. The effect of salinity was more pronounced between 30 and 45‰ than it was between 15 and 30‰. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and S concentrations in the aerial living biomass were also examined. There was no evidence to suggest that elemental concentrations (on a per gram basis) were consistently correlated with increased or decreased growth. In relation to salinity, correlations between growth and elemental concentrations were negative while for nitrogen enhanced and/or aerated systems, the correlations were positive.  相似文献   

Salt marshes, which provide a transition between the marine and terrestrial environments around much of the temperature world, will be the first ecosystem to feel the effects of an increased rate of sea level rise. This study examined the metabolic responses of a high salt marsh to increased inundation and wrack deposition associated with sea level rise. We measured changes in ecosystem and soil photosynthesis and respiration by analyzing carbon dioxide fluxes in the light and dark. Data from seasonal flux measurements were combined with continuously measured light and temperature data to develop a model that estimated annual production and respiration. Results suggested that increased inundation will reduce respiration rates to a greater extent than production, yielding a moderate net loss of organic carbon from the high marsh. The model also predicted a substantial loss of organic carbon from wrack-affected areas. This decreased organic carbon input may play an important role in the ability of the marsh to maintain elevation relative to sea level rise.  相似文献   

Fish numbers and biomass in a mitigation salt marsh, Humboldt Bay, California, were examined from July 1981 to October 1982 and were compared with a nearby established marsh to determine whether the restored marsh provided adequate mitigation for habitat lost due to construction of a nearby marina. The use by fish of channels adjacent to the two marshes and the channel at the Woodley Island Marina construction site, for which mitigation was required, were also compared. The mitigation marsh, adjacent to Freshwater Slough channel, was 5.2 km from the marina site. Fishes were sampled by otter trawl, ichthyoplankton net, fixed channel nets, drop traps, and beach seines. Thirty-one fish species and two crab species were collected. Wide ranges in seasonal salinities and water temperatures, and differences in marsh elevation influenced fish use of the mitigation marsh area. The intertidal area of the mitigation marsh, dominated by euryhaline sticklebacks and topsmelts, did not replace intertidal and subtidal habitat lost by marina construction, which had more stable salinities and water temperatures and was used extensively by juvenile English sole.  相似文献   

Because tall cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) is needed for nesting by the endangered light-footed, clapper rail, managers of constructed salt marshes in southern California are proposing large-scale nitrogen fertilization to improve cordgrass growth. How this might affect an existing infestation of scale insects (Haliaspis spartina) and the degree of damage these insects cause to their cordgrass hosts was unknown. We explored the effects of timing and duration of fertilization onHaliaspis damage to cordgrass, as well as the timing ofHaliaspis dispersal, in a constructed marsh at Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in San Diego Bay, California. Fertilization did not result in increasedHaliaspis abundance. After a large dispersal pulse in late May,Haliaspis establishment in the long-term fertilized plots was greater than in the controls; however, this trend reversed in August, when many more stems in the control plots were infested with large numbers ofHaliaspis. Since adultHaliaspis cannot leave a feeding site, losses of individuals in the fertilized plots were apparently due to mortality, perhaps resulting from mechanical or chemical changes in the fertilized plants or increased predation. Late in the growing season, plots fertilized with 10 applications of urea over 20 wk had the lowest meanHaliaspis abundance. Plots fertilized only in March, April, June, or August did not differ from controls in meanHaliaspis abundance.Haliaspis was never abundant in the fertilized or control plots in the adjacent natural marsh. This study suggests that fertilization, of constructed salt marshes in San Diego Bay may proceed without concern that furtherHaliaspis outbreaks will be facilitated.  相似文献   

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