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One explanation of the sudden changes in the brightness of comets is proposed based on the author's earlier suggestions involving the fragmentation of cometary grains. Within the inner coma, a core‐mantle model of the structure of grains is assumed. The proposed mechanism is a combination of electrostatic stress and thermodynamical fragmentation of the cometary grains water‐ice mantle. It has been shown that the vapour pressure of volatile inclusions placed in the waterice mantle of grains can increase sufficiently to cause their fragmentation. It takes place before grains can completely sublime into the vacuum away. Numerical calculations have been carried out for a large range of values of probable physical characteristics of cometary material. The proposed approach yields increases in cometary brightness consistent with observations of typical cometary outbursts. It is concluded that this approach can provide an explanation of the sudden change in activity of comets for a wide range of heliocentric distances (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Destruction mechanisms connected with thermodynamical behaviour of cometary material are reviewed with a special consideration of their effects on activity of comets. Consequences of thermal stresses which occur in the interior of a comet are discussed with reference to changes in the cometary brightness. Moreover, thermal destruction of grains placed in the head of the comet as well as on the surface of the nucleus is considered. It has been shown that the destruction of the cometary material can lead to an essential increase in the activity of the comet. Calculations have been carried out for a large assumed range of cometary parameters. The obtained simulated changes in the brightness of comets are consistent with the ones observed during the real variations and outbursts of brightness. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present follow‐up observations of comet 17/P Holmes after its extreme outburst in brightness, which occurred end of October 2007. We obtained 58 V‐band images of the comet between October 2007 and February 2008, using the Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera (CTK) at the University Observatory Jena. We present precise astrometry of the comet, which yields its most recent Keplerian orbital elements. Furthermore, we show that the comet's coma expands quite linearly with a velocity of about 1650 km/s between October and December 2007. The photometric monitoring of comet 17/P Holmes shows that its photometric activity level decreased by about 5.9 mag within 105 days after its outburst (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We investigate the first stage of the dynamical evolution of Oort cloud comets entering the planetary region for the first time. To this purpose, we integrate numerically the motions of a large number of fictitious comets pertaining to two samples, both with perihelion distances up to 5.7 au and random inclinations; the first sample is composed of comets whose orbits have at least one node close to 5.2 au, while the second is not subject to this constraint. We examine the orbits when the comets come to aphelion after their first perihelion passage within the planetary region, and find that there is a clear statistical dependence of the energy perturbations on the Tisserand parameter. There appear to be two main processes, of comparable importance, governing the shortening of semimajor axes to values of less than 1000 au, i.e. planetary close encounters, especially with Jupiter, and indirect perturbations due to the shifting of the motion from barycentric to heliocentric and back; the former process mostly affects comets crossing the ecliptic at about 5.2 au, or on low-inclination orbits, while the latter mostly affects comets of small perihelion distance. This last result may help to understand the relative paucity of Halley-type comets with perihelion distances larger than about 1.5 au.  相似文献   

We present a new method to study the long-term evolution of cometary nuclei in order to estimate their original size, and we consider the case of comets 46P/Wirtanen (hereafter 46P) and 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (hereafter 67P). We calculate the past evolution of the orbital elements of both comets over 100 000 yr using a Bulirsch–Stoer integrator and over 450 000 yr using a Radau integrator, and we incorporate a realistic model of the erosion of their nucleus. Their long-term orbital evolution is prominently chaotic, resulting from several close encounters with planets, and this result is independent of the choice of the integrator and of the presence or not of non-gravitational forces. The dynamical lifetime of comet 46P is estimated at ∼133 000 yr and that of comet 67P at ∼105 000 yr. Our erosion model assumes a spherical nucleus composed of a macroscopic mixture of two thermally decoupled components, dust and pure water ice. Erosion strongly depends upon the active fraction and the density of the nucleus. It mainly takes place at heliocentric distances <4 au and lasts for only ∼7 per cent of the lifetime. Assuming a density of 300 kg m−3 and an average active fraction over time of 10 per cent, we find an initial radius of ∼1.3 km for 46P and ∼2.8 km for 67P. Upper limit are obtained assuming a density of 100 kg m−3 and an active fraction of 100 per cent, and amounts to 21 km for 46P and 25 km for 67P. Erosion acts as a rejuvenating process of the surface so that exposed materials on the surface may only contain very little quantities of primordial materials. However, materials located just under it (a few centimetres to metres) may still be much less evolved. We will apply this method to several other comets in the future.  相似文献   

The paper considers results of collisions between comets and meteoroids. We re‐discuss the five different approaches to estimate the sizes of holes created during such collisions. The results of the Deep Impact and the Stardust‐NExT missions to comet 9P/Temple 1 are applied to the estimation of these methods. We use the observed amount of ejected mass, the jump of brightness of the comet 9P/Tempel 1 as well as the diameter of the excavated crater. In the paper the simple way of estimation of impact consequences by use of the conception of the fragmentation energy of comet is also discussed. The numerical calculations were carried out for reasonable assumed values of a large range of cometary characteristics. The main conclusion of this paper confirms a general presumption that the main factor which determines the size of the impact crater on the comet 9P/Tempel 1 is the kinetic energy of impactor and strength or fragmentation energy of cometary material. In the considered case the gravitation of a comet has a minor meaning (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A new scheme for simulating meteor showers is introduced, based on a hybridization of current numerical modelling techniques. It involves an iterative method that generates particles which hit a real-scale Earth, removing the spatial and temporal blurring common to other modelling techniques. The scheme is applied to the activity profile of the Leonids 2001 using three different models of meteoroid ejection velocity and then applied to the Leonids 1998–2000 using the most favourable models. It is shown that to reproduce the observed meteor activity profiles there must be a strong concentration of ejection around perihelion. The modelling also implies that meteoroid density must be towards the higher end of the currently acceptable range, although the derived limits are not independent of the ejection velocity model. We also find that the extreme narrowness of Leonid activity peaks is not easily reproduced with outgassing over the entire day side of the comet but it is fitted well by outgassing in a restricted direction as one would expect from an outgassing jet. In addition, we show that double-peaked features, corresponding to a semihollow meteoroid streamlet, can arise in a meteor shower activity profile from outgassing during a single perihelion passage of the parent comet. It is suggested that this process caused the double-peaked feature in the first maxima of the 2001 Leonids.  相似文献   

Numerical integrations are used to show that the main contribution to the outburst observed in the June Bootid meteor shower in 1998 was a subset of meteoroids released from the parent comet, 7P/Pons–Winnecke, at its 1825 return. A substantial part of the June Bootid stream is in 2:1 resonance with Jupiter. This inhibits chaotic motion, allowing structures in the stream to remain compact enough over centuries that meteor outbursts can still be produced. Circumstances of ejection in 1825 are calculated that exactly result in orbits capable of producing meteors at the observed time in 1998. Required ejection velocities are  10–20 m s-1  .  相似文献   

The possibility of impacts between comets belonging to the Jupiter Family and other small bodies orbiting in the main asteroid belt, and the consequences in relation to cometary activity are discussed. The probability of such events and the jumps in cometary brightness caused by impacts are examined. The results are compared with the results of the Deep Impact mission to Comet 9P/Tempel 1. The main conclusion of this paper is in agreement with previous findings, namely that an impact mechanism cannot be the main cause of the outburst activity of comets.  相似文献   

The sky‐projected orientation (position angle) of the axis (line of maximum density or maximum brightness) of the long time‐known, linear structure (LS) in the sunward hemisphere of the coma of Comet 19P/Borrelly is measured on 45 photographs taken by different observers under different projection conditions and covering three consecutive apparitions (1994, 2001, and 2008) for a total time interval of 5174 days. The analysis of the results by a tomographic approach yields an LS axis constantly oriented towards a fixed point in the space, at Right Ascension 214°.4 ± 0°.5 and Declination –7°.0 ± 0°.5 (J2000), corresponding to an obliquity of 103°.5 ± 1° and an orbital longitude of 147°.2 ± 1°, throughout the relevant interval. Such coordinates are close to the ones found by other authors for the spatial orientation of the nucleus spin axis during the apparitions of 1994 and 2001. In the hypothesis of an LS orientation aligned with the nucleus spin axis, the new results confirm the previous ones and show that this orientation remained unchanged during the subsequent 2008 apparition (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The ejection velocities of meteoroids belonging to the Leonid and Perseid meteoroid streams are deduced from the observed differences between the longitude of the ascending node of the outburst meteoroids and that of the parent comet. The difference is very sensitive to the true anomaly of the ejection point, as well as the ejection velocity, and probable values for both are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on the relationship between the rate of gas emission from the nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1, the fraction f of the nucleus that is active, and the crater damage inflicted by the recent 2005 July 4 Deep Impact space mission. The cometary nucleus has a surface area of about  1.7 × 108 m2  and a mean radius of about 3700 m. Before the impact it is estimated that only a fraction f = 0.0056 of the nucleus surface was actively producing gas and dust. The active area was about  9.4 × 105 m2  . Absolute magnitudes obtained at recent perihelion passages of this comet indicate that variations in the 0.0074 > f > 0.0039 range can occur from apparition to apparition. Because of the low size of the original active area, the production of a new impact crater in the diameter range 40 to 300 m would lead to a long-term change in the cometary visual magnitude in the range 0.0018 to 0.098 respectively. This is below the limit of detectability. It has been suggested that the cometary dust is in the form of 'talcum powder' not 'beach sand'. We suggest that the dust ejected from the impact site has been broken up by the energetic impact process and thus has a different size distribution from dust locked in the snowy matrix of the nucleus and normally lifted off the nucleus by gentle sublimation processes.  相似文献   

The comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 is an exceptional comet as far as cometary outbursts are concerned. Despite its large distance from the Sun (about 6 au), it shows quasi-regular outburst activity, usually once or twice a year. Up to now there has not been a generally accepted model that explains this phenomenon. In the first part of this paper, the most well-known hypotheses that attempt to explain the outburst activity of this comet are presented and critically analysed. The main aim of this paper is to present a model for the outburst activity of this comet. The model is based on the global analysis of the internal structure and physical and chemical processes that take place in the cometary nucleus. Numerical calculations were carried out for reasonable assumed values of a large range of cometary characteristics. The obtained results are consistent with observational data.  相似文献   

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