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The differential emission measure (DEM) describes the temperature distribution of the emitting plasma. The DEM distribution allows one to study the physical conditions and the energy of flares in detail (including the mean temperature and the total emission measure). In this paper, we analyze the time changes of the DEM distributions for a selected flare, which has been observed with the RESIK instrument. To calculate the differential emission measure, we used the Withbroe-Sylwester (W-S) iterative algorithm corresponding to the maximum likelihood procedure. The required emission functions were calculated with the CHIANTI package. We calculated the DEM for four available estimates of the ionization equilibrium and coronal composition of plasma.  相似文献   

Zheleznyakov  V. V.  Zlotnik  E. Ya. 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):449-456
It was shown by Zheleznyakov and Zlotnik (1980a, b) that in complex configurations of solar magnetic fields (in hot loops above the active centres, in neutral current sheets in the preflare phase, in hot X-ray kernels in the initial flare phase) a system of cyclotron lines in the spectrum of microwave radiation is likely to be formed. Such a line was obtained by Willson (1985) in the VLA observations at harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency. This communication interprets these observations on the basis of an active region model in which thermal cyclotron radiation is produced by hot plasma filling the magnetic tube in the corona above a group of spots. In this model the frequency of the recorded 1658 MHz line corresponds to the third harmonic of electron gyrofrequency, which yields the magnetic field (196 ± 4) G along the magnetic tube axis. The linewidth f/f 0.1 is determined by the 10% inhomogeneity of the magnetic field over the cross-section of the tube; the line profile indicates the kinetic temperature distribution of electrons over the tube cross-section with the maximum value 4 × 106 K. Analysis shows that study of cyclotron lines can serve as an efficient tool for diagnostics of magnetic fields and plasma in the solar active regions and flares.  相似文献   

Thirty active regions were observed on the Sun during the period from October 19 to November 20, 2003. Hard X-ray and gamma-ray radiation was detected from four active regions (10484, 10486, 10488, and 10490): 14 solar flares stronger than M5.0 according to the GOES classification were recorded during this period by detectors onboard the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES), Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), and other satellites. Five of these flares (and also the M2.7 flare of October 27, 2003) were also observed by the AVS-F apparatus onboard the CORONAS-F satellite. This paper discusses the time profiles and energy spectra of the solar flares of October 26, 2003 (M7.6), and October 29, 2003 (X10), and of the initial phase of the flare of November 4, 2003 (X18), obtained by the AVS-F instrument during the passage of the satellite over the regions near the geomagnetic equator. The spectra of the M7.6 flare of October 26, 2003, and of the initial phase of the X18 flare of November 4, 2003, in the energy band from 0.1 to 17 MeV contain no lines, whereas the spectrum of the flare of October 29, 2003, exhibits nuclear lines and the 2.2-MeV line during the entire flare gamma-ray emission registration. We also report the time profiles of the flare of October 29, 2003, in the energy bands corresponding to the continuum in the energy band 0.3–0.6 MeV, the nuclear lines of 56Fe, 24Mg, 20Ne, 28Si, 12C, and 16O, and the 2.2-MeV neutron-capture line. The analysis of these temporal profile periodograms shows the presence of a thin structure with characteristic scales from 34 to 158 s at the 99% confidence level. The AVS-F apparatus analyzes temporal profiles of low-energy gamma-ray emission with a temporal resolution of 1 ms within the first 4.096 seconds of solar flares. The analysis of the data reveals no regularities in the time series on time scales ranging from 2 to 100 ms at a confidence level of 99% for these three solar flares.  相似文献   

The SONG instrument onboard the CORONAS-F satellite recorded gamma-ray emission with energy above 500 keV in 28 solar flares over three years of its in-orbit operation. According to the GOES classification, the X-ray importance of these flares lay within the range M1.4-X28. The gamma-ray energy recorded by SONG exceeded 4 MeV in 16 flares. Gamma-ray emission with energy up to 100 MeV was recorded in three events, more specifically, on August 25, 2001, October 28, 2003, and November 4, 2003. Increases in the count rate in the SONG channels that recorded neutrons with energies above 20 MeV were found during these three events. The energies of the recorded neutrons were estimated for the neutron increases. The time dependence of the neutron increases was compared with data from high-altitude ground-based neutron monitors that could, in principle, record the arrival of high-energy neutrons from the Sun. It should be noted that we detected series of flares with gamma-ray emission generated by the same active region (AR). The series in the last decade of August 2002 (AR NOAA 0069), the end of May 2003 (AR NOAA 0365), and the famous period of extreme solar activity in October–November 2003 associated with AR NOAA 0486 and AR NOAA 0501 are quite revealing. The catalog can be of use for future statistical and correlation analyses of solar flares.  相似文献   

Solar coronal loops are observed to be remarkably stable structures. A magnetohydrodynamic stability analysis of a model loop by the energy method suggests that the main reason for stability is the fact that the ends of the loop are anchored in the dense photosphere. In addition to such line-tying, the effect of a radial pressure gradient is incorporated in the analysis.Two-ribbon flares follow the eruption of an active region filament, which may lie along a magnetic flux tube. It is suggested that the eruption is caused by the kink instability, which sets in when the amount of magnetic twist in the flux tube exceeds a critical value. This value depends on the aspect ratio of the loop, the ratio of the plasma to magnetic pressure and the detailed transverse magnetic structure. For a force-free field of uniform twist the critical twist is 3.3, and for other fields it is typically between 2 and 6. Occasionally active region loops may become unstable and give rise to small loop flares, which may also be a result of the kink instability.  相似文献   

The main characteristics of the PENGUIN-M instrument are given. The instrument has been operating aboard the CORONAS-PHOTON spacecraft (SC) launched into orbit on January 30, 2009. The instrument includes the PENGUIN-MD detector unit (PMD) and the PENGUIN-ME electronic unit (PMD). The purpose of the experiment is to measure the degree of linear polarization of X-ray radiation from solar flares in the energy range of 20–150 keV and to obtain energy spectra of X-ray radiation from solar flares in the energy range of 2–500 keV. The paper describes the instrument, calibration procedure, and in-flight adjustment, and contains the first results of measurements.  相似文献   

We have studied the evolution of electron energy and angular distributions using Monte Carlo technique for electron beams directed vertically downwards towards chromosphere for incident energies 30 keV, and 300 keV at different incidence angles. Using these distributions we have calculated microwave flux for different frequencies at a fixed column density as well as for a fixed frequency at different column densities. We have also calculated the total microwave flux coming out of solar atmosphere and have compared it with observations. Our results agree well with observational results and produce the observed nature of flux.  相似文献   

A quiescent prominence observed above the north-west limb on November 20, 1980, is analyzed using data obtained with the Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter (UVSP) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). The spectral data include the lines 1215 Å of Hi, 1401 Å of Oiv, 1402 Å of Siiv, 1548 Å of Civ, 1640 Å of Hei, and 1655 Å of Ci. From an analysis of these lines and their emission patterns we deduce physical characteristics of the prominence plasma, and suggest in particular that the prominence consisted of flux tubes at various temperatures. In the hotter parts of the plasma the number density reached values of about 3 × 1011 cm#X2212;3.  相似文献   

Electron impact excitation rates for Fexxi, calculated with theR-matrix code, are used to determine theoretical electron density sensitive emission line ratios involving transitions in the 121–146 wavelength range. The observed ratios for a solar flare, obtained with a grazing spectrometer on board the OSO-5 satellite, imply electron densities which are consistent, with discrepancies that do not exceed 0.3 dex. In addition, the derived values ofN e are similar to those estimated for the high temperature regions of other solar flares. This provides experimental support for the accuracy of the atomic data adopted in the line ratio calculations.  相似文献   

From the UCSD OSO-7 X-ray experiment data, we have identified 54 X-ray bursts with 5.1–6.6 keV flux greater than 103 photon cm?2 keV?1 which were not accompanied by visible Hα flare on the solar disk. By studying OSO-5 X-ray spectroheliograms, Hα activity at the limb and the emergence and disappearance of sunspot groups at the limb, we found 17 active centers as likely seats of the X-ray bursts beyond the limb. We present the analysis of 37 X-ray bursts and their physical parameters. We compare our results with those published by Datlowe et al. (1974a, b) for disk events. The distributions of maximum temperature, maximum emission measure, and characteristic cooling time of the over-the-limb events do not significantly differ from those of disk events. We show that of conduction and radiation, the former is the dominant cooling mechanism for the hot flare plasma. Since the disk and over-the-limb bursts are similar, we conclude that the scale height for X-ray emission in the 5–10 keV range is large and is consistent with that of Catalano and Van Allen (1973), 11000 km, for primarily 1–3 keV emission. Twenty-five or about 2/3 of the over-the-limb events had a non-thermal component. The distribution of peak 20 keV flux is not significantly different from that of disk events. However, the spectral index at the time of maximum flux is significantly different for events over the limb and for events near the center of the disk; the spectral index for over-the-limb events is larger by about δγ = 3/4. If hard X-ray emission came only from localized sources low in the chromosphere we would expect that hard X-ray emission, would be occulted over the limb; on the contrary, the observation show that the fraction of soft X-ray bursts which have a nonthermal component is the same on and off of the disk. Thus hard X-ray emission over extended regions is indicated.  相似文献   

The fractional convective flux πF c (x c /πF) is computed for the effective level x c = logτ c = 0.125, using bi-dimensional co-spectra for relative continuum-brightness fluctuations ΔI and radial velocity fluctuations ΔV measured for the C i 5052.16 spectral line. A more uncertain flux for x Fe ≈ - 0.9 is obtained for the Fe i 5049.83 line. Since the results (Figure 1) incorporate current uncertainties in RMS ΔI , RMS ΔV and RMS ΔT (x), where ΔT are photospheric temperature fluctuations, they must be considered qualitative until these uncertainties are appreciably reduced. The requirement that the fractional convective flux < 1, places restrictions on these uncertainties which suggest that current RMS ΔT (x)'s are too large. The results confirm the importance of overshoot at the top of the solar hydrogen convection zone and suggest a non-negligible fractional convective flux throughout the lower photosphere. Qualitatively, they do not agree with the predictions of the generally-used, local, mixing-length theory or those of Parsons' (1969) modified mixing-length theory. However, qualitative agreement with the predictions of the non-local, generalized mixing-length theory of Spiegel (1963) and with the non-local theory of Ulrich (1970) cannot be considered as observational confirmation of these theories.  相似文献   

The polarization of hard solar X-radiation (> 10 keV) is calculated on the assumption that electrons get a non-isotropic velocity distribution in the initial phase of a flare. The brems-strahlung generated by nonthermal electrons spiralling around magnetic field lines with discrete pitch angles is considerably polarized if observed at approximately right angles to the magnetic field. In the energy range from 10 to 50 keV the degree of polarization is not strongly dependent on the photon energy. For pitch-angle distributions of the form sin2 and cos2, the polarization has opposite signs; it decreases appreciably at high photon energies. The observation of X-ray polarization will be useful in deducing the physical conditions in flares.  相似文献   

We study the effect of chromospheric bombardment by an electron beam during solar flares. Using a semi-empirical flare model, we investigate energy balance at temperature minimum level and in the upper photosphere. We show that non-thermal hydrogen ionization (i.e., due to the electrons of the beam) leads to an increase of chromospheric hydrogen continuum emission, H population, and absorption of photospheric and chromospheric continuum radiation. So, the upper photosphere is radiatively heated by chromospheric continuum radiation produced by the beam. The effect of hydrogen ionization is an enhanced white-light emission both at chromospheric and photospheric level, due to Paschen and H continua emission, respectively. We then obtain white-light contrasts compatible with observations, obviously showing the link between white-light flares and atmospheric bombardment by electron beams.  相似文献   

In this study we perform a statistical study on, 8319 X-Ray solar flares observed with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) on the Solar Maximum Mission satellite (SMM). The events are examined in terms of the durations, maximum intensities, and intensity profiles. It is concluded that there is no evidence for a correlation between flare intensity, flare duration, and flare asymmetry. However, we do find evidence for a rapid fall-of in the number of short-duration events.  相似文献   

A model of essentially transient ionization of plasma is suggested to explain some features in observed spectra of solar flares, which cannot be understood if stationary conditions are assumed.  相似文献   

Radiospectroheliograms obtained at millimeter wavelengths were used to determine the rotation of the solar atmosphere. Regions observed in both emission as well as absorption (associated with H dark filaments) were followed across the disk. The average sidereal rotation rate deduced from emissive regions is given by (deg day-1)=14.152(±0.270)-4.194(±3.017)sin2 B, where B is the heliographic latitude and the quoted errors are the standard deviations of a least squares fit to the data. The rate deduced from absorption regions is given by =14.729(±0.286)-1.050(±1.611)sin2 B. This rate is larger than that of emissive regions at all latitudes and shows smaller differential rotation. This apparent difference in the rotation rates is probably due to the difference in the height of formation of the emissive and absorption regions. This difference could be used to estimate the difference in height between an emissive region and an absorption feature in millimeter radiation.  相似文献   

We describe a method of solar bidimensional spectroscopy exploiting the performances of a Universal Birefringent Filter (UBF) like that of the Sacramento Peak Observatory, which enable an estimate of the profile of some chromospheric lines with moderate spectral resolution ( \((\lambda /\Delta \lambda = 2.5 x 10^4 )\) ). The numerical inversion technique of Backus and Gilbert has been used to retrieve the estimated line profiles; the capabilities of the proposed method is fully analyzed with some numerical tests and examples. Correction procedures for errors in the positions of the UBF passband, random fluctuations of the exposure times and non-uniform brightness distribution on the filtergrams are also presented. The whole method has been tested on the recovery of quiet atmosphere line profiles and the results derived for the Na D2 line show that the proposed method is completely suitable for many investigations in solar physics.  相似文献   

Type IV radio bursts with wide band from microwave to metric-wave frequency are generally associated with solar proton flares. Recently, Castelli et al. (1967, 1968) have shown that the type IV radio bursts associated with solar proton flares show the U-shaped peak flux spectra with the minimum flux at decimetric frequencies. In this paper, the center-to-limb variation of such peak flux spectra is investigated in order to examine the effect of decrease of the peak flux at metric frequencies with increase of the angular distance from the central meridian of the Sun. It is shown that the U-shaped spectra are obtained independent of the position of proton flares, although the spectral form changes significantly in the case of the flares near the limb. It is further suggested that the U-shaped spectra consist of the two essentially independent components for microwave and metric-wave frequencies, respectively.  相似文献   

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