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We apply the stochastic model of iron transport developed by Rebusco et al. to the Centaurus cluster. Using this model, we find that an effective diffusion coefficient D in the range  2 × 1028–4 × 1028 cm2 s−1  can approximately reproduce the observed abundance distribution. Reproducing the flat central profile and sharp drop around  30–70 kpc  , however, requires a diffusion coefficient that drops rapidly with radius so that   D > 4 × 1028 cm2 s−1  only inside about  25 kpc  . Assuming that all transport is due to fully developed turbulence, which is also responsible for offsetting cooling in the cluster core, we calculate the length- and velocity-scales of energy injection. These length-scales are found to be up to a factor of ∼10 larger than expected if the turbulence is due to the inflation and rising of a bubble. We also calculate the turbulent thermal conductivity and find it is unlikely to be significant in preventing cooling.  相似文献   

We study the distribution of projected offsets between the cluster X-ray centroid and the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) for 65 X-ray-selected clusters from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey, with a median redshift of   z = 0.23  . We find a clear correlation between X-ray/BCG projected offset and the logarithmic slope of the cluster gas density profile at  0.04 r 500(α  ), implying that more dynamically disturbed clusters have weaker cool cores. Furthermore, there is a close correspondence between the activity of the BCG, in terms of detected Hα and radio emission, and the X-ray/BCG offset, with the line-emitting galaxies all residing in clusters with X-ray/BCG offsets of ≤15 kpc. Of the BCGs with  α < −0.85  and an offset <0.02 r 500, 96 per cent (23/24) have optical emission and 88 per cent (21/24) are radio active, while none has optical emission outside these criteria. We also study the cluster gas fraction ( f gas) within r 500 and find a significant correlation with X-ray/BCG projected offset. The mean f gas of the 'small offset' clusters (<0.02 r 500) is  0.106 ± 0.005 (σ= 0.03  ) compared to  0.145 ± 0.009 (σ= 0.04  ) for those with an offset >0.02 r 500, indicating that the total mass may be systematically underestimated in clusters with larger X-ray/BCG offsets. Our results imply a link between cool core strength and cluster dynamical state consistent with the view that cluster mergers can significantly perturb cool cores, and set new constraints on models of the evolution of the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

We present results from two high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of protocluster regions at   z ≃ 2.1  . The simulations have been compared to observational results for the so-called Spiderweb galaxy system, the core of a putative protocluster region at   z = 2.16  , found around a radio galaxy. The simulated regions have been chosen so as to form a poor cluster with   M 200≃ 1014  h −1 M  (C1) and a rich cluster with   M 200≃ 2 × 1015  h −1 M  (C2) at   z = 0  . The simulated protoclusters show evidence of ongoing assembly of a dominating central galaxy. The stellar mass of the brightest cluster galaxy of the C2 system is in excess with respect to observational estimates for the Spiderweb galaxy, with a total star formation rate which is also larger than indicated by observations. We find that the projected velocities of galaxies in the C2 cluster are consistent with observations, while those measured for the poorer cluster C1 are too low compared with the observed velocities. We argue that the Spiderweb complex resembles the high-redshift progenitor of a rich galaxy cluster. Our results indicate that the included supernovae feedback is not enough to suppress star formation in these systems, supporting the need of introducing active galactic nuclei feedback. According to our simulations, a diffuse atmosphere of hot gas in hydrostatic equilibrium should already be present at this redshift, and enriched at a level comparable to that of nearby galaxy clusters. The presence of this gas should be detectable with future deep X-ray observations.  相似文献   

The dissipation of energy from sound waves and weak shocks is one of the most promising mechanisms for coupling active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity to the surrounding intracluster medium, and so offsetting cooling in cluster cores. We present a detailed analysis of the weak shock found in deep Chandra observations of the Perseus cluster core. A comparison of the spectra either side of the shock front shows that they are very similar. By performing a deprojection analysis of a sector containing the shock, we produce temperature and density profiles across the shock front. These show no evidence for a temperature jump coincident with the density jump. To understand this result, we model the shock formation using 1D hydrodynamic simulations including models with thermal conduction and  γ < 5/3  gas. These models do not agree well with the data, suggesting that further physics is needed to explain the shock structure. We suggest that an interaction between the shock and the Hα filaments could have a significant effect on cooling the post-shock gas.
We also calculate the thermal energy liberated by the weak shock. The total energy in the shocked region is about 3.5 times the work needed to inflate the bubbles adiabatically, and the power of the shock is around  6 × 1044 erg s−1  per bubble, just over  1045 erg s−1  in total.  相似文献   

We present gas temperature, density, entropy and cooling time profiles for the cores of a sample of 15 galaxy groups observed with Chandra . We find that the entropy profiles follow a power-law profile down to very small fractions of R 500. Differences between the gas profiles of groups with radio-loud and radio-quiet brightest group galaxies are only marginally significant, and there is only a small difference in the   L X: T X  relations, for the central regions we study with Chandra , between the radio-loud and radio-quiet objects in our sample, in contrast to the much larger difference found on scales of the whole group in earlier work. However, there is evidence, from splitting the sample based on the mass of the central black holes, that repeated outbursts of active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity may have a long-term cumulative effect on the entropy profiles. We argue that, to first order, energy injection from radio sources does not change the global structure of the gas in the cores of groups, although it can displace gas on a local level. In most systems, it appears that AGN energy injection serves primarily to counter the effects of radiative cooling, rather than being responsible for the similarity breaking between groups and clusters.  相似文献   

We present Chandra data from a 31.7-ks observation of the Centaurus cluster, using the ACIS-S detector. Images of the X-ray emission show a plume-like feature at the centre of the cluster, of extent 60 arcsec (20 kpc in projection). The feature has the same metallicity as gas at a similar radius, but is cooler. Using adaptive binning, we generate temperature, abundance and absorption maps of the cluster core. The radial abundance profile shows that the previously known, steep abundance gradient peaks with a metallicity of  1.3–1.8 Z  at a radius of about 45 arcsec (15 kpc), before falling back to 0.4 Z at the centre of the cluster. A radial temperature profile shows that the temperature decreases inwards. We determine the spatial distributions of each of two temperature components, where applicable. The radiative cooling time of the cooler component within the inner 10 arcsec (3 kpc) is less than  2×107 yr  . X-ray holes in the image coincident with the radio lobes are seen, as well as two outer sharp temperature drops, or cold fronts. The origin of the plume is unclear. The existence of the strong abundance gradient is a strong constraint on extensive convection or gas motion driven by a central radio source.  相似文献   

The cluster 3C 129 is classified as a rich cluster. An analysis of the properties of the cluster 3C 129 from ROSAT PSPC and HRI, Einstein IPC, and EXOSAT ME observations is presented. The mean temperature from a joint fit of the ROSAT PSPC and EXOSAT ME data is 5.5(±0.2) keV. The luminosity is 0.6×1044 erg s−1 in 0.2–2.4 keV and 2.7×1044 erg s−1 in 0.2–10 keV. We find a cooling flow with a rate of ∼84 M yr−1. The central gas density is 6×10−3 cm−3, and the ICM mass is 3.6×1013 M. The total cluster mass is ∼5×1014 M. The X-ray morphology shows an east–west elongation, which is evidence for a recent merger event. The radio source 3C 129.1 is located near the X-ray centre. Another cluster member galaxy (the radio galaxy 3C 129) is a prototype of head-tailed radio galaxies, and is located in the west part of the cluster. The tail points along the gradient of intracluster gas pressure. There are no significant point X-ray sources associated with the AGNs of the two radio galaxies.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of 20 galaxy clusters observed with the Chandra X-ray satellite, focusing on the temperature structure of the intracluster medium and the cooling time of the gas. Our sample is drawn from a flux-limited catalogue but excludes the Fornax, Coma and Centaurus clusters, owing to their large angular size compared to the Chandra field of view. We describe a quantitative measure of the impact of central cooling, and find that the sample comprises nine clusters possessing cool cores (CCs) and 11 without. The properties of these two types differ markedly, but there is a high degree of uniformity amongst the CC clusters, which obey a nearly universal radial scaling in temperature of the form   T ∝ r ∼0.4  , within the core. This uniformity persists in the gas cooling time, which varies more strongly with radius in CC clusters  ( t cool∝ r ∼1.3)  , reaching   t cool < 1 Gyr  in all cases, although surprisingly low central cooling times (<5 Gyr) are found in many of the non-CC systems. The scatter between the cooling time profiles of all the clusters is found to be remarkably small, implying a universal form for the cooling time of gas at a given physical radius in virialized systems, in agreement with recent previous work. Our results favour cluster merging as the primary factor in preventing the formation of CCs.  相似文献   

We present new mass estimates of the cluster of galaxies MS2137.3–2353, inferred from X-ray and strong lensing analyses. This cluster exhibits an outstanding strong lensing configuration and indicates a well-relaxed dynamical state, being most suitable for a mass reconstruction which combines both techniques. Despite this, several previous studies have claimed a significant discrepancy between the X-ray and the strong lensing mass estimates. The primary aim of this paper is to address and explain this mismatch. For this purpose, we have analysed Chandra observations to recover the profiles of the intracluster medium properties and, assuming a functional form for the matter density, the total mass distribution. The notable strong-lensing features of MS2137.3 allow us to reconstruct its projected mass in the central regions with good accuracy, by taking advantage of the lensing inversion code lenstool . We compare the results obtained for both methods. Our mass estimates for MS2137.3 are in agreement within errors, leading to a mean, extrapolated value of   M 200≃ 4.4 ± 0.3 × 1014 M  , under the assumption of the Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) mass profile. However, the strong lensing mass estimate is affected by the details of the brightest cluster galaxy mass modelling, since the radial arc is a very sensitive probe of the total mass derivative in the central region. In particular, we do not find evidence for a high concentration for the NFW density profile, as reported in some earlier works.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study of X-ray point sources coincident with the high-velocity system (HVS) projected in front of NGC 1275. A very deep X-ray image of the core of the Perseus cluster, made with the Chandra X-ray Observatory , has been used. We find a population of ultraluminous X-ray sources [ULXs; seven sources with   L X(0.5 − 7.0  keV) > 7 × 1039 erg s-1  ]. As with the ULX populations in the Antennae and Cartwheel galaxies, those in the HVS are associated with a region of very active star formation. Several sources have possible optical counterparts found on the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) images, although the X-ray brightest one does not. Absorbed power-law models fit the X-ray spectra, with most having a photon index between 2 and 3.  相似文献   

Observations of turbulent velocity dispersions in the H  i component of galactic discs show a characteristic floor in galaxies with low star formation rates and within individual galaxies the dispersion profiles decline with radius. We carry out several high-resolution adaptive mesh simulations of gaseous discs embedded within dark matter haloes to explore the roles of cooling, star formation, feedback, shearing motions and baryon fraction in driving turbulent motions. In all simulations the disc slowly cools until gravitational and thermal instabilities give rise to a multiphase medium in which a large population of dense self-gravitating cold clouds are embedded within a warm gaseous phase that forms through shock heating. The diffuse gas is highly turbulent and is an outcome of large-scale driving of global non-axisymmetric modes as well as cloud–cloud tidal interactions and merging. At low star formation rates these processes alone can explain the observed H  i velocity dispersion profiles and the characteristic value of  ∼10 km s−1  observed within a wide range of disc galaxies. Supernovae feedback creates a significant hot gaseous phase and is an important driver of turbulence in galaxies with a star formation rate per unit area  ≳10−3 M yr−1 kpc−2  .  相似文献   

We examine the K shell emission lines produced by isothermal and simple multiphase models of the hot gas in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters to determine the most effective means for constraining the width of the differential emission measure, ( T  ), in these systems which we characterize by a dimensionless parameter, . Comparison of line ratios of two-temperature  ( <1)  and cooling flow  ( 1)  models is presented in detail. We find that a two-temperature model can approximate very accurately a cooling flow spectrum over 0.510 keV.
We re-analyse the ASCA spectra of three of the brightest galaxy clusters to assess the evidence for multiphase gas in their cores: M87 (Virgo), the Centaurus cluster and the Perseus cluster. K emission-line blends of Si, S, Ar, Ca and Fe are detected in each system, as is significant Fe K emission. The Fe K /K ratios are consistent with optically thin plasma models and do not suggest resonance scattering in these systems. Consideration of both the ratios of H-like to He-like K lines and the local continuum temperatures clearly rules out isothermal gas in each case. To obtain more detailed constraints, we fitted plasma models over 1.69 keV where the emission is dominated by these K shell lines and by continuum. In each case the ASCA spectra cannot determine whether the gas emits at only two temperatures or over a continuous range of temperatures as expected for a cooling flow. The metal abundances are near-solar for all of the multiphase models. We discuss the implications of these results and examine the prospects for determining the temperature structure in these systems with upcoming X-ray missions.  相似文献   

One of the predictions of the standard cold dark matter model is that dark haloes have centrally divergent density profiles. An extensive body of rotation curve observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies shows the dark haloes of those systems to be characterized by soft constant-density central cores. Several physical processes have been proposed to produce soft cores in dark haloes, each one with different scaling properties. With the aim of discriminating among them we have examined the rotation curves of dark-matter-dominated dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies and the inner mass profiles of two clusters of galaxies lacking a central cD galaxy and with evidence of soft cores in the centre. The core radii and central densities of these haloes scale in a well-defined manner with the depth of their potential wells, as measured through the maximum circular velocity. As a result of our analysis we identify self-interacting cold dark matter as a viable solution to the core problem, where a non-singular isothermal core is formed in the halo centre surrounded by a Navarro, Frenk & White profile in the outer parts. We show that this particular physical situation predicts core radii in agreement with observations. Furthermore, using the observed scalings, we derive an expression for the minimum cross-section ( σ ) which has an explicit dependence with the halo dispersion velocity ( v ). If m x is the mass of the dark matter particle: σ m x ≈4×10−25 (100 km s−1  v −1) cm2 GeV−1.  相似文献   

This is the first part of a study of the detailed X-ray properties of the cores of nearby clusters. We have used the flux-limited sample of 55 clusters listed by Edge et al., and archival and proprietary data from the ROSAT observatory. In this paper an X-ray spatial analysis based on the surface-brightness-deprojection technique is applied to the clusters in the sample with the aim of studying their cooling flow properties. We determine the fraction of cooling flows in this sample to be 70–90 per cent, and estimate the contribution of the flow region to the cluster X-ray luminosity. We show that the luminosity within a strong cooling flow can account for up to 70 per cent of a cluster X-ray bolometric luminosity. Our analysis indicates that about 40 per cent of the clusters in the sample have flows depositing more than 100 M⊙ yr−1 throughout the cooling region, and that these possibly have been undisturbed for many Gyr, confirming that cooling flows are the natural state of cluster cores. New cooling flows in the sample are presented, and previously ambiguous ones are clarified. We have constructed a catalogue of some intracluster medium properties for the clusters in this sample. The profiles of the mass deposited from cooling flows are analysed, and evidence is presented for the existence of breaks in some of the profiles. Comparison is made to recent optical and radio data. We cross-correlate our sample with the Green Bank, NVSS and FIRST surveys, and with the volume-limited sample of brightest cluster galaxies presented by Lauer &38; Postman. Although weak trends exist, no strong correlation between optical magnitude or radio power of the brightest cluster galaxy and the strength of the flow is found.  相似文献   

We search for ongoing major dry mergers in a well-selected sample of local brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from the C4 cluster catalogue. 18 out of 515 early-type BCGs with redshift between 0.03 and 0.12 are found to be in major dry mergers, which are selected as pairs (or triples) with r -band magnitude difference  δ m r < 1.5  and projected separation   r p < 30 kpc  , and showing signatures of interaction in the form of significant asymmetry in residual images. We find that the fraction of BCGs in major dry mergers increases with the richness of the clusters, consistent with the fact that richer clusters usually have more massive (or luminous) BCGs. We estimate that present-day early-type BCGs may have experienced on average  ∼0.6 ( t merge/0.3 Gyr)−1  major dry mergers and through this process increases their luminosity (mass) by 15 per cent  ( t merge/0.3 Gyr)−1 ( f mass/0.5)  on average since   z = 0.7  , where t merge is the merging time-scale and f mass is the mean mass fraction of companion galaxies added to the central ones. We also find that major dry mergers do not seem to elevate radio activities in BCGs. Our study shows that major dry mergers involving BCGs in clusters of galaxies are not rare in the local Universe, and they are an important channel for the formation and evolution of BCGs.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of four off-axis ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies (Abell 426). We detect the surface brightness profile to a radius of 80 arcmin (∼2.4 h−150 Mpc) from the X-ray peak. The profile is measured in various sectors and in three different energy bands. First, a colour analysis highlights a slight variation of N H over the region, and cool components in the core and in the eastern sector. We apply the β-model to the profiles from different sectors and present a solution to the, so-called, β-problem. The residuals from an azimuthally-averaged profile highlight extended emission both in the east and in the west, with estimated luminosities of about 8 and 1 ×1043 erg s−1, respectively. We fit several models to the surface brightness profile, including the one obtained from the Navarro, Frenk &38; White potential. We obtain the best fit with the gas distribution described by a power law in the inner, cooling region and a β-model for the extended emission. Through the best-fitting results and the constraints from the deprojection of the surface brightness profiles, we define the radius where the overdensity inside the cluster is 200 times the critical value, r 200, at 2.7 h−150 Mpc. Within 2.3  h−150 Mpc (0.85 r 200), the total mass in the Perseus cluster is 1.2 × 1015 M and its gas fraction is about 30 per cent.  相似文献   

The first spectroscopic census of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) associated with late-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster was carried out by observing 213 out of a complete set of 237 galaxies more massive than   M dyn > 108.5 M  . Among them, 77 are classified as AGNs [including 21 transition objects, 47 low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs) and nine Seyferts] and comprise 32 per cent of the late-type galaxies in Virgo. Due to spectroscopic incompleteness, at most 21 AGNs are missed in the survey, so that the fraction would increase up to 41 per cent. Using corollary near-infrared observations that enable us to estimate galaxy dynamical masses, it is found that AGNs are hosted exclusively in massive galaxies, i.e.   M dyn≳ 1010 M  . Their frequency increases steeply with the dynamical mass from zero at   M dyn≈ 109.5 M  to virtually 1 at   M dyn > 1011.5 M  . These frequencies are consistent with those of low-luminosity AGNs found in the general field by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Massive galaxies that harbour AGNs commonly show conspicuous r -band star-like nuclear enhancements. Conversely, they often, but not necessarily, contain massive bulges. A few well-known AGNs (e.g. M61, M100, NGC 4535) are found in massive Sc galaxies with little or no bulge. The AGN fraction seems to be only marginally sensitive to galaxy environment. We infer the black hole masses using the known scaling relations of quiescent black holes. No black holes lighter than  ∼106 M  are found active in our sample.  相似文献   

We present spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the luminous lensing cluster Abell 2390, using observations made with the Chandra observatory. The temperature of the X-ray gas rises with increasing radius within the central ∼ 200 kpc of the cluster, and then remains approximately isothermal, with kT =11.5−1.6+1.5 keV , out to the limits of the observations at r ∼1.0 Mpc . The total mass profile determined from the Chandra data has a form in good agreement with the predictions from numerical simulations. Using the parametrization of Navarro, Frenk and White, we measure a scale radius r s∼0.8 Mpc and a concentration parameter c ∼3 . The best-fitting X-ray mass model is in good agreement with independent gravitational lensing results and optical measurements of the galaxy velocity dispersion in the cluster. The X-ray gas to total mass ratio rises with increasing radius with f gas∼21 per cent at r =0.9 Mpc . The azimuthally averaged 0.3–7.0 keV surface brightness profile exhibits a small core radius and a clear 'break' at r ∼500 kpc , where the slope changes from S X   r −1.5 to S X   r −3.6 . The data for the central region of the cluster indicate the presence of a cooling flow with a mass deposition rate of 200–300 M yr−1 and an effective age of 2–3 Gyr .  相似文献   

We have observed the   z =0.78  cluster MS 1137.5+6625 with the Ryle Telescope (RT) at 15 GHz. After subtraction of contaminating radio sources in the field, we find a Sunyaev–Zel'dovich flux decrement of  -421±60 μJy  on the ≈0.65 k λ baseline of the RT, spatially coincident with the optical and X-ray positions for the cluster core.
For a spherical King-profile cluster model, the best fit to our flux measurement has a core radius   θ C=20 arcsec  , consistent with previous X-ray observations, and a central temperature decrement  Δ T =650±92 μK  .
Using this model, we calculate that the cluster has a gas mass inside a     radius of  2.9×1013 M  for an  Ω M =1  universe and  1.6×1013 M  for  Ω M =0.3  ,  ΩΛ=0.7  . We compare this model with existing measurements of the total mass of the cluster, based on gravitational lensing, and estimate a gas fraction for MS 1137.5+6625 of ≈8 per cent.  相似文献   

Deep inside the core of Abell 1795: the Chandra view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present X-ray spatial and spectral analysis of the Chandra data from the central     of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1795. The plasma temperature rises outwards by a factor of 3, whereas the iron abundance decreases by a factor of 4. The spatial distribution of oxygen, neon, sulphur, silicon and iron shows that supernovae Type Ia dominate the metal enrichment process of the cluster plasma within the inner 150 kpc. Resolving both the gas density and temperature in nine radial bins, we recover the gravitational mass density profile and show that it flattens within 100 kpc as   ρ DM∝ r -0.6  with a power-law index flatter than −1 at >3 σ level. The observed motion of the central galaxy and the presence of excesses and deficits along the north–south direction in the brightness distribution indicate that the central cluster region is not relaxed. In the absence of any non-gravitational heating source, the data from the inner ∼200 kpc indicate the presence of a cooling flow with an integrated mass deposition rate of about 100 M yr−1. Over the same cluster region, the observed rate of 74 M yr−1 is consistent with the recent XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer limit of 150 M yr−1.  相似文献   

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