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通过硅胶柱层析法分离得到多棘海盘车脑苷脂,并采用气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)及电喷雾质谱(ESI-MS)分析鉴定其结构。GC-MS分析表明,多棘海盘车脑苷脂AAC-1、AAC-2的糖基组成相同,均为葡萄糖;长链碱主要由d18∶2、d18∶3以及少量的d22∶1组成;两者结构最主要的差别在脂肪酸部分,AAC-1由C2位不含羟基的脂肪酸组成,而AAC-2则由C2位含1个羟基取代的脂肪酸组成。ESI-MS分析结果表明,AAC-1和AAC-2的分子量范围在740~850amu之间。通过GC-MS和ESI-MS结合使用,可快速推测出多棘海盘车脑苷脂基本结构及单体分子组成,对下一步的构效关系研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

GC-MS测定海龙与海星中甾醇类化合物的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文震  党志  朱志鑫 《海洋通报》2003,22(6):92-95
利用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用,对两种常见海洋中药粗吻海龙(Trachyrhaphus serratus)与多棘海星(Asterias amurensis)中的甾醇化合物进行了分析。经鉴定,海龙的甾醇成分主要为胆甾醇类,海星甾醇主要为△^7-脱氢胆甾醇、麦角甾醇与豆甾醇类化合物。研究结果对于探索海龙与海星的活血补益的物质基础具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

通过常规生物学测定、解剖观察和组织切片方法,对2011年6月~2012年5月采自青岛浮山湾海域的多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)样本进行繁殖生物学研究。结果表明:青岛近海多棘海盘车的繁殖季节为10月至次年1月;雌雄发育同步,性比为1.05∶1;根据卵巢和精巢的外观特征、组织学结构特点和性成熟系数,可将两者的发育分为Ⅰ~Ⅵ期,每个分期具有不同的性腺结构特点和配子特征;海水温度和日照长短会影响性腺发育,温度降低会刺激个体繁殖;性腺生长由消化腺提供能量,性成熟系数和消化腺指数在一周年内呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

以多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)为试验对象,研究了多棘海盘车对3种双壳贝类的摄食选择性、摄食过程中用于搜寻和处理饵料生物的时间分配以及摄食机制等。试验以选择指数、捕食速率、日平均摄食率对多棘海盘车的摄食行为及搜寻和处理时间比进行了描述和统计。结果表明:各处理组多棘海盘车对菲律宾蛤仔的选择指数均为最高,占3种饵料生物的70%以上,显著高于太平洋牡蛎和紫贻贝(P<0.05),而各处理组对太平洋牡蛎的选择性均最低。多棘海盘车对菲律宾蛤仔的捕食速率和日平均摄食率显著高于太平洋牡蛎和紫贻贝。研究发现,在各处理组中多棘海盘车用于搜寻饵料生物的时间无显著差异,但随饵料密度的增加,用于处理饵料的时间逐渐减少。  相似文献   

以细角滨对虾Litopenaeus stylirostris为实验对象,按时间顺序观察了胚胎各期的形态特征。通过解剖从无节幼体到仔虾第1天各期幼体的附肢,对其发育形态及其刚毛着生方式进行了描述和统计。比较研究了细角滨对虾和凡纳滨对虾L.vannamei无节幼体期形态差异以及色素的变化、溞状幼体期眼上棘形态的差异以及大颚齿数目。结果表明,无节幼体期细角滨对虾的色素明显多于凡纳滨对虾;两者溞状幼体期眼上棘的形态存在明显差异;两者在无节幼体至仔虾第1天各期大颚活动齿的数目变化一致。  相似文献   

Doubt has been shed recently on the most popular optimal foraging theory stating that predators should maximize prey profitability, i.e., select that prey item that contains the highest energy content per handling time. We hypothesized that sea stars do not forage on blue mussels according to the classical optimal foraging theory but are actively avoiding damage that may be caused by e.g. capture of foraging on too-strong mussel shells, hence the sea stars will have a stronger preference for mussels that are smaller than the most profitable ones. Here we present experimental evidence of the sea star Asterias rubens as a predator that indeed chooses much smaller blue mussels Mytilus edulis to forage on than the most profitable ones. Hence this study does not support the optimal foraging theory. There may be other constraints involved in foraging than just optimizing energy intake, for example predators may also be concerned with preventing potential loss or damage of their foraging instruments.  相似文献   

皱纹盘鲍(Haliotisdiscushannai)为我国原产贝类之一,自然分布于我国辽东和山东半岛等黄渤海海区,自古被誉为海珍之冠。我国皱纹盘鲍的资源调查、增养殖相关研究始于1958年,20世纪70年代突破了人工繁育技术并自20世纪80年代初开始人工种苗的试验性底播及人工养殖。鲍野生资源随着过度采捕而急剧下降,我国开始通过底播增养殖工作以恢复皱纹盘鲍的生物资源,其中底播养殖取得了一定进展,但生物资源恢复与增殖未能取得理想效果。20世纪90年代皱纹盘鲍杂交技术获得突破并产业化应用,推动了我国鲍养殖产业南移,目前福建养殖鲍产量已占到全国总产量的82.7%,而北方海区底播增养殖产业受养殖周期、成本和市场价格的冲击,以及底播越冬期间高死亡率等问题制约,已严重萎缩。自2009年起,在国家贝类产业技术体系支持下,相关研发及产业单位合作建立皱纹盘鲍底播型海洋牧场技术研发的产学研平台,进而于2013年提出并实施了"北鲍北养"产业计划。通过开展技术联合攻关及示范,部分地区的底播皱纹盘鲍已进入商业性收获等显著进展。本文针对我国皱纹盘鲍底播增养殖产业中亟需解决问题、发展目标、可实现途径以及未来发展趋势开展...  相似文献   

Sea surface wind stress variabilities near and off the east coast of Korea, are examined using 7 kinds of wind datasets from measurements at 2 coastal (land) stations and 2 ocean buoys,satellite scatterometer (QuikSCAT), and global reanalyzed products (ECMWF,NOGAPS,and NCEP/NCAR). Temporal variabilities are analyzed at 3 frequency bands; synoptic (2-20 d), intra-seasonal (20-90 d),and seasonal (>90 d).Synoptic and intra-seasonal  相似文献   

Larval specimens ofHalicampus punctatus were collected off Ulsan and Uljin in December 2002 (three specimens) and off Ulsan in December 2003 (one specimen). These specimens are characterized by the following morphological characteristics: rings, 14 + 35 = 49; subdorsal rings, 1 + 3 = 4; dorsal fin rays, 19 – 20; pectoral fin rays, 14 – 15; anal fin rays, 9; head length (HL), 5.8 – 6.7 in the standard length; snout length, 1.9 in HL; snout depth, 3.7 – 5.2 in snout length. The number of caudal fin rays 9 is less than those of the other species in the same genus 10. Wide stripe bands composed of small pigments are shown in the trunk and the tail. Melanophores are not found in the dorsal fin, the pectoral fin, and the anal fin except the caudal fin. The supraoccipital crest is on the head. The frontal ridge is on the dorsal side of front trunk. The blanched ridges on the opercular are fused with a main ridge like a tree branch. A few branched ridges that are small and narrow on the trunk and the tail are fused with the main ridges. We report these specimens as the first record in Korea and name them ‘Byeol-silgo-ki’ in Korean.  相似文献   

陈相堂  赵斌  李成林  韩莎  胡炜 《海洋科学》2019,43(6):95-101
本研究对紫刺参胚胎和幼体发育过程进行了显微观测,比较分析了其幼体早期生长情况与体色形成过程。结果表明:(1)在水温21.0±0.2℃条件下,紫刺参受精卵在受精10~15min后释放第一极体,5h 30min~6h 30min进入囊胚期, 18~20h发育成原肠胚; 30~34h进入耳状幼体阶段, 8~10d变态发育为樽形幼体, 12~14d发育成稚参;紫刺参胚胎和幼体发育时序与普通刺参无显著差异。(2)紫刺参早期发育中的樽形幼体发生率和附着变态率分别为58.4±4.7%和45.1±2.7%,高于普通刺参。(3)紫刺参浮游阶段后期随日龄增长表现出较普通刺参发育更快的优势,在日龄6~7d表现出显著差异(P0.05)。(4)紫刺参稚参在日龄35d前后自背部开始着色,50d~60d腹部开始着色,110d体表紫色转变近乎成参体色,完成变色过程。  相似文献   

The sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, is an important marine aquaculture species in China. After nearly thirty years of development, the production of A. japonicus has become commercially lucrative and successful. In this report, current advances in sea cucumber industry are addressed in terms of the basic biology, culturing methods, and health care bene?ts. Next, the challenges restricting development of the sea cucumber industry are discussed, including weaknesses in the basic biological research, the problem of germplasm degradation, environmental stress caused by global climate change, and food safety problems. Finally, several strategies are presented that might contribute to sustainable development of the sea cucumber industry. These strategies include advances in genome studies, behavioral studies, selective breeding, ecological culture technologies, reforms in food safety management, and the development of health care functions based on contemporary medical practices. Thus, our work provides new insights into how to explore the sustainable development of the sea cucumber industry in the future.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of wind,ocean currents,sea surface temperature(SST) and remote sensing satellite altimeter data,the characteristics and possible causes of sea level anomalies in the Xisha sea area are investigated.The main results are shown as follows:(1) Since 1993,the sea level in the Xisha sea area was obviously higher than normal in 1998,2001,2008,2010 and 2013.Especially,the sea level in 1998 and 2010 was abnormally high,and the sea level in 2010 was 13.2 cm higher than the muti-year mean,which was the highest in the history.In 2010,the sea level in the Xisha sea area had risen 43 cm from June to August,with the strength twice the annual variation range.(2) The sea level in the Xisha sea area was not only affected by the tidal force of the celestial bodies,but also closely related to the quasi 2 a periodic oscillation of tropical western Pacific monsoon and ENSO events.(3)There was a significant negative correlation between sea level in the Xisha sea area and ENSO events.The high sea level anomaly all happened during the developing phase of La Ni?a.They also show significant negative correlations with Ni?o 4 and Ni?o 3.4 indices,and the lag correlation coefficients for 2 months and 3 months are–0.46 and –0.45,respectively.(4) During the early La Ni?a event form June to November in 2010,the anomalous wind field was cyclonic.A strong clockwise vortex was formed for the current in 25 m layer in the Xisha sea area,and the velocity of the current is close to the speed of the Kuroshio near the Luzon Strait.In normal years,there is a "cool eddy".While in 2010,from July to August,the SST in the area was 2–3°C higher than that of the same period in the history.  相似文献   

The deep‐sea bivalve Acesta oophaga lives attached to the anterior end of the vestimentiferan tubeworm, Lamellibrachia luymesi, at cold methane seeps. The bivalve is found almost exclusively on female tubeworms, where it consumes the lipid‐rich eggs of L. luymesi that are spawned year round (Biological Bulletin, 209, 2005, 87). It is apparent that A. oophaga benefits directly from this close association, but the consequences for the tubeworm host may be more complicated than just a simple predator–prey interaction. Since A. oophaga completely surrounds the tube opening and plume of the worm, it is likely that its presence would limit oxygen uptake by L. luymesi, thereby inhibiting worm growth and reproduction. We hypothesized that occupied tubeworms would compensate for this by growing larger plumes for oxygen uptake. To explore the effects of bivalve presence/absence on female tubeworms, several morphological features, including body size, plume length, tube diameter, and tube segment length, as well as instantaneous fecundity, were compared. Results suggest that the mere presence of A. oophaga has a significant impact on the morphology of its host worm, as all measures of worm size, except for tube segment length, were significantly greater with clams present. Additionally, instantaneous fecundity was 3.5 times higher in occupied worms, implying that tubeworms are not oxygen‐deprived or energy limited as a result of bivalve presence. Our findings suggest that the association between these two deep‐sea organisms may be a more complex form of symbiosis than the simple predator–prey relationship, as previously thought.  相似文献   

应用ROMS数值模式配置基本实验模拟了2004年到2006年中国东部海域海平面的季节变化。模拟结果与TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P)卫星高度计观测结果基本一致,海平面年较差从中国沿岸到黑潮路径逐渐变小。将数值模式的风应力项去掉,配置对比实验。与基本实验结果对比发现,对比实验海平面仍然具有季节变化,但是闽浙沿岸和苏北沿岸海平面春夏季异常偏低、秋冬季异常偏高现象消失,中国沿岸向太平洋的海平面变化减弱。春季和秋季,渤、黄海和黑潮附近海平面异于东海的现象减弱。对比实验海平面的年较差的数值明显减小,从近岸向黑潮海平面年较差渐变的过程消失。整个渤黄海的海平面年较差近似。对比实验海平面年较差占基本实验海平面年较差比率从近岸向黑潮路径逐渐增大。  相似文献   

Anomalous change of the Antarctic sea ice and global sea level change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AnomalouschangeoftheAntarcticseaiceandglobalsealevelchange¥XieSimei;ZouBing;WangYiandBaoChenglan(1.NationalMarineEnvironmentF...  相似文献   

气候变化背景下海平面上升、强台风和风暴潮对我国东南沿海地区的洪涝灾害影响日益严重,为应对气候变化的影响,本文以位于我国东南沿海的厦门地区为例,应用多种海洋大气观测资料和数理统计及模拟方法,分析了历史上9914号和1614号两次台风对厦门海域极端海面高度(极值水位)的影响,预估了未来海平面上升情景下厦门海域极值水位的变化及其危险性。结果表明:(1) 9914号台风期间,天文大潮、风暴增水和强降水的同时出现造成了厦门沿海地区超警戒极值水位(732 cm)的出现;(2) 风(向岸强风)、雨(强降水)、浪(巨浪)、潮(高潮位)、流(急流)等多致灾因子的共同作用是厦门沿海地区发生严重灾情的重要原因;(3) 在温室气体中等和高排放(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)情景下,到2050年(2100年),当前百年一遇的极值水位将分别变为30年(2年)一遇(RCP4.5)和25年(低于1年)一遇(RCP8.5)的频繁极端事件。这表明未来厦门沿海极值水位的危险性将显著上升,应采取充分的适应措施降低洪涝灾害风险。  相似文献   

辽东湾JZ20—2海域海冰参数的概率分布   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
季顺迎  岳前进等 《海洋工程》2002,20(3):39-43,48
基于辽东湾JZ2 0 2海域 1996 2 0 0 0年 4个冬季的海冰定点观测资料和海冰数值模拟结果 ,对该海域的平整冰厚、冰速、冰向和压缩强度等海冰参数进行了概率分析 ,确定了各自的分布参数 ,并对冰速和冰向进行了联合概率分析。结果表明 :冰厚和冰速分别服从对数正态分布和瑞利分布 ,海冰压缩强度服从正态分布。计算结果可用于JZ2 0 2海域海洋结构可靠性设计和疲劳累积损伤分析的海冰参数 ,也可作为其邻近海域的参考资料  相似文献   

连续台风对海表温度和海表高度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多卫星观测资料,分析了2008年9月3个连续台风前后的海表温度(SST)和海表高度距平(SSHA)的时空变化特征,并探讨了影响其变化的主要因子。结果表明:(1)3个台风引起了强烈的上升流(1×10-5~150×10-5 m/s),海表显著降温(1~6 ℃),海表高度也有不同程度降低(10~50 cm);(2)台风引起的SST最大降温中心与SSHA负值或中尺度冷涡的区域中心十分吻合,同时台风使得先前存在的海洋中尺度冷涡得到加强;(3)同一区域台风对SST影响程度大小受台风的强度、移动速度以及台风对海面强迫时间等因素控制;(4)在原先SSHA为正值的海域,3个台风连续强迫下使得局地洋面形成一个SSHA为负值的中尺度涡,这与单一"打转"台风强迫海洋生成中尺度涡的现象不同。因此,对于西北太平洋海域而言,频发的台风在中尺度涡生消演变过程中的影响应不容忽视。  相似文献   

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