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高效液相色谱法测量海洋浮游植物色素浓度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
JGOFS计算和SeaWiFS计划推荐高效液相色谱(HPLC)作为海洋浮游植物色色浓度的测量方法。文章参考SeaWiFS计划制定的HPLC分析规范,叙述采用反相C18ODS色谱柱、996PDA、自动进样器(未配柱温箱)和三元梯度的色谱法测量海洋浮游植物色素浓度的具体实践。  相似文献   

青海湖水表光学特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青海湖是中国遥感卫星辐射校正场之一。论文结合2003年8月对青海湖水光学特性现场调查的工作情况,分析并给出了试验区域水体光学特性的基本分布特点。  相似文献   

适合我国青海湖环境的全自动水文气象浮标系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青海湖水文气象自动观测浮标系统的背景作了简要说明,详细地介绍了该系统的总体性能指标。总结了在青海湖特定环境条件下工作的浮标系统必须解决的两项关键技术问题,给出了2000年和2001年两次青海湖现场运行过程中的部分观测数据。展望了改进后的浮标系统,用于江河湖海水文气象参数的长期连续自动观测、用于遥感卫星海上辐射校正场的广阔前景。  相似文献   

厦门港海水光合色素特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)方法分析测定了冬季厦门鼓浪屿水文观测站两周内不同潮位海水中的光合色素的组成与含量,包括多甲藻素、19‘-已酰基氧化岩藻黄素、硅甲藻黄素、硅藻黄素、玉米黄素、叶绿素a、脱镁叶绿素a、β-胡萝卜素等。同时还实测了小于藻、金藻、盐藻、甲藻、角毛藻、螺旋藻等多个实验室培养藻种的色素组成。数据表明,不同种类的藻类具有不同的色素组成特征,从海水中光合色素的分析数据可推测其浮游植物主要种类组成情况。潮汐的水动力情况在色素组成变化上有所反映,表明港内外的乳游植物组成分布有梯度存在,且在特征上有所不同。  相似文献   

The variety in shape and magnitude of thein vivo chlorophyll-specific absorption spectra of phytoplankton was investigated in relation to differences in pigment composition off Sanriku, northwestern North Pacific. Site-to-site variations of the absorption coefficients,a ph * (λ), and pigment composition were clearly observed. At warm-streamer stations, higher values ofa ph * (440) anda ph * (650) were found with relatively high concentrations of chlorophyllb (a green algae marker). At stations located in the Oyashio water (cold streamer),a ph * (440) values were lower and fucoxanthin (a diatom marker) concentrations were higher, compared to the other stations. The peak in the absorption spectra at the Oyashio stations was shifted toward shorter wavelengths, which was probably due to the presence of phaeopigments. In a Kuroshio warm-core ring, the magnitude ofa ph * (440) was in between those at the warm-streamer and Oyashio stations, and the diagnostic pigment was peridinin (a dinoflagellate marker). These findings indicated that major differences in phytoplankton absorption spectra of each water mass were a result of differences in the phytoplankton pigment composition of each water mass, which was probably related to the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

An optimized method for automated analysis of algal pigments by HPLC   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A recent development in algal pigment analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the application of automation. An optimization of a complete sampling and analysis protocol applied specifically in automation has not yet been performed. In this paper we show that automation can only be successful if the various methodological aspects of the sampling and analysis protocol are considered in coherence. We introduce an optimized protocol that involves freeze-drying of the sample, subsequent extraction in 90% acetone and the application of water-packing during analysis. The method was evaluated on both natural plankton populations and a broad spectrum of microalgal cultures: Thalassiosira weisflogii (Bacillariophyceae), Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae), Phaeocystis globosa and Phaeocystis antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae) and Pyramimonas sp. (Prasinophyceae). Whereas pigment extracts were unstable in methanol, with recorded chlorophyll a losses from 10% to 60% per day, pigment degradation rates in acetone were generally less than 1% over 18 h storage in the autosampler (4 °C). In addition, it was found that the extraction efficiency of acetone significantly increased upon freeze-drying prior to extraction. Increases as high as 50–60% were measured in P. antarctica. The application of water-packing of the sample during injection resulted in improved peak shape and peak separation, without diluting the pigment concentrations. Automation is especially beneficial for application in the field, when mixed algal assemblages and low biomass put a high demand on the sensitivity as well as reproducibility of the method.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱技术(High Performance Liquid Chromatography,HPLC)是一项成熟的分离分析技术。本文综述了基于HPLC的色素分析技术在浮游植物群落结构研究中的应用历程。对这一技术在野外采样、样品预处理、色谱信息获得以及数据处理等环节的要求进行了详细描述,并结合相关研究进行了HPLC方法与其他方法的对比。介绍并讨论了此项技术面临的问题、最新进展及今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

An investigation of pigments, phytoplankton types and absorption characteristics was conducted in the Delagoa and Natal Bights during late winter and spring in the southwest Indian Ocean. The study demonstrated that small flagellates dominated the phytoplankton communities in both bights and were ubiquitous across a temperature range of 18–24 °C. Diatoms were dominant in patches of cool water (<22 °C) related to upwelling processes and were associated with elevated levels of phytoplankton biomass, while prokaryotes were observed to increase in warm waters >22 °C. Absorption coefficients varied closely with variations in chlorophyll a and specific coefficients were lower for diatoms compared to flagellates. Chlorophyll-specific coefficients also provided useful information on the level of pigment packaging and were related to the proportion of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the pigment pool.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton composition and biomass across the southern Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phytoplankton composition and biomass was investigated across the southern Indian Ocean. Phytoplankton composition was determined from pigment analysis with subsequent calculations of group contributions to total chlorophyll a (Chl a) using CHEMTAX and, in addition, by examination in the microscope. The different plankton communities detected reflected the different water masses along a transect from Cape Town, South Africa, to Broome, Australia. The first station was influenced by the Agulhas Current with a very deep mixed surface layer. Based on pigment analysis this station was dominated by haptophytes, pelagophytes, cyanobacteria, and prasinophytes. Sub-Antarctic waters of the Southern Ocean were encountered at the next station, where new nutrients were intruded to the surface layer and the total Chl a concentration reached high concentrations of 1.7 ??g Chl a L−1 with increased proportions of diatoms and dinoflagellates. The third station was also influenced by Southern Ocean waters, but located in a transition area on the boundary to subtropical water. Prochlorophytes appeared in the samples and Chl a was low, i.e., 0.3 ??g L−1 in the surface with prevalence of haptophytes, pelagophytes, and cyanobacteria. The next two stations were located in the subtropical gyre with little mixing and general oligotrophic conditions where prochlorophytes, haptophytes and pelagophytes dominated. The last two stations were located in tropical waters influenced by down-welling of the Leeuwin Current and particularly prochlorophytes dominated at these two stations, but also pelagophytes, haptophytes and cyanobacteria were abundant. Haptophytes Type 6 (sensuZapata et al., 2004), most likely Emiliania huxleyi, and pelagophytes were the dominating eucaryotes in the southern Indian Ocean. Prochlorophytes dominated in the subtrophic and oligotrophic eastern Indian Ocean where Chl a was low, i.e., 0.043-0.086 ??g total Chl a L−1 in the surface, and up to 0.4 ??g Chl a L−1 at deep Chl a maximum. From the pigment analyses it was found that the dinoflagellates of unknown trophy enumerated in the microscope at the oligotrophic stations were possibly heterotrophic or mixotrophic. Presence of zeaxanthin containing heterotrophic bacteria may have increased the abundance of cyanobacteria determined by CHEMTAX.  相似文献   

A set of phytoplankton pigment measurements collected on eight quarterly transects from France to New Caledonia is analyzed in order to identify the main assemblages of phytoplankton and to relate their occurrence to oceanic conditions. Pigment concentrations are first divided by the sum [monovinyl chlorophyll a plus divinyl chlorophyll a] to remove the effect of biomass, and second are normalized to give an equal weight to all pigments. The resulting 17 pigments × 799 observations matrix is then classified into 10 clusters using neural methodology. Eight out of these 10 clusters have a well marked regional or seasonal character, thus evidencing adapted responses of the phytoplankton communities. The main gradient opposes two clusters with high fucoxanthin and chlorophyll c1+2 in the North Atlantic in January, April and July, to three clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre with high divinyl chlorophyll a, zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin. One of the clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre has relatively high zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin contents and dominates in November and February (austral summer), while another with relatively high divinyl chlorophylls a and b dominates in May and August (austral winter). The third one in the South Pacific is characterized by high carotene concentration and its occurrence peaks in February and May. In the equatorial current system, one cluster, rich in chlorophylls b and c1+2, is strictly located in a narrow zone centred at the equator, while another with relatively high violaxanthin concentration is restricted to the high nutrient - low chlorophyll waters in only the southern part of the South Equatorial Current. One cluster with relatively high prasinoxanthin content has a spatial distribution spanning the entire South Equatorial Current. Two clusters have a ubiquitous distribution: one in the equatorial Pacific, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during summer has pigment concentrations close to the average of the entire dataset, and the other in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during autumn clearly has an oligotrophic character. Many of the differences between clusters are caused by diagnostic pigments of nano- or picoflagellates. While the space and time characteristics of the clusters are well marked and might correspond to differences in physical and chemical forcing, knowledge of the ecological requirements of these flagellates is generally lacking to explain how the variability of the environment triggers these clusters.  相似文献   

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